One Response to Gemini 2011: Buddha’s Last Sermon. Pentecost. Great Invocation.

  1. Rajesh Barya says:

    Jesus and Resurrection ________According to Sri Aurobindo, a time will come in Goddess Earth’s (Gaia) spiritual evolution where she would be able to support the existence of the higher vibration Bio-Photon Quanta Rainbow Light Body in the Earth’s Auric atmosphere and the field.  That means after the Maha Samadhi / Nirvana the enlightened beings with their totally transformed physical gross material body which is now has transmuted into a glorious luminous resurrected body can/ may live on in the subtle physical field and the environment of the Mother Gaia and keep on guiding the humans on their spiritual journey,  as Jesus gave the example of it by appearing to his disciples in his resurrected GLORIOUS luminous photon quanta light body and instructed his disciples on spiritual matters. Such kinds of incidents we also read about in the stories of resurrected great yogis and Tibetan lamas, who after passing on to the other higher planes/dimensions in their Rainbow light body kept on reappearing to their disciples and the followers to bring further instructions for their spiritual awakening. The most well-known, such yogi is Mahavatar Babaji, from the book  Autobiography of a Yogi. This GLORIOUS luminous body is mostly made up of, a greater amount of fire, air and the Akasha  – space  – ether elements with a small portion of the water and the earth elements, because it is earth and the water elements help the subtle/astral energy photon quanta light body to have a proper shape and because of the extra portion fire element this body attains luminosity and the brightness. And all Gods/Angels / Goddesses has also this type of Fiery heat body, so when a meditation practitioner gets their vision either in a lucid dream or in meditation, at that time this heat and fire from the Goddesses helps in burning away the dross and heaviness of the material gross physical self. ————— Mother Earth’s Ascension into fifth-dimensional vibrations beyond the fourth. Theosophists call it the seventh root race, where fifth-dimensional beings of quanta light vibrations can exist in the four-dimensional world of the earth realm. Sri Aurobindo calls it the supramental body made of fire, air, and space elements  ( and with small amounts of water and earth elements, these two elements give proper shape to the vibrational photon quanta light body  )would be visible to ordinary humans at a time when earth energy enters into the fifth-dimensional vibrations or earth’s consciousness/ vibrations are sufficiently raised or earth gives birth to higher vibrations, for this, a probability has to become a possibility. That means all siddas who exist in/on astral  – subtle dimensions would have greater interaction with humans, as because of vibrational ascension the earth can support their survival on earth, without descending into fourth-dimensional vibrations. That also means all enlightened beings even after attaining liberation- Mukti would be able to exist on earth in their Photon Quanta light bodies, instead of moving on to other luminous realms and would be able to guide humans and Mother Earth in their future spiritual evolution.—-The Golden body of the Gods and Goddesses is made from three elements – Fire, Air, and the Akasha – space or ether. And it is the fire element which makes it visible, to those sadhakas – meditation practitioner, who develops the power to able to see the subtle dimension, They can have the darshan of such beings of the fiery bodies, which in our new awakening, we can say made up of photon quanta particles -which has dual nature of behaving both as a particle and the wave. and this dual nature also makes it possible that this light body can shapeshift and take on the form of any object and can even pass through the solid walls. And the supramental body would have such capacities.  ——Both The Mother AND Sri Aurobindo talked about the glorious and the luminous body that would be elastic enough to withstand the onslaughts from hostile beings and not get damaged as the gross body, which is made of five elements (god’s bodies also don’t get distorted  /destroyed/damaged in such battles). The luminous body would maintain plasticity and elasticity because it would be made up of three subtle elements ie. Firelight, Air – prana, and the Akasha- Vyoma, like the bodies of the gods and the Goddess and with a small amount of water and the earth elements. Since even in the supramental world the battle will keep on happening, as it happens in the heavens of lord Indra, that means the qualities, behaviour, and functions of the supramental body would be similar to the bodies of the gods/angels. So the question is what would be that mind-consciousness by which a supramental being will live by, as Sri Aurobindo says knowing the truth by identifying with the object and that is how the body made of subtle elements can become one with the object, as subject and the object duality will be obliterated, so in that sense, they can attain the state of Adwaitic Nondual  –  Unitary consciousness at will. But since the war between light and the dark powers will continue, so the duality in the consciousness will also exist to differentiate between I- a being of luminosity and the other, the beings of darkness, ( the bodies of the Asuras  –  hostile beings are also made up of three elements but because of the heaviness of the Tamas  –  darkness,  their fire element has more of smoke in it, which deprives them of brightness,  but makes them capable of battling with the gods. ) In the supramental world the liberated beings will have a possibility to keep on existing and living on earth as the raised consciousness of the earth will allow that to happen and because of the earth’s ascension into the fifth-dimensional vibrations ( as TM says earth consciousness should be prepared enough to sustain supramental manifestations) will allow such bright beings made of photon quanta light bodies to manifest, that means these photon quanta light beings would be able to function both as the particle and the wave and because of this they can even pass through the walls, can even create as many body copies as gods/angels can do and also can shapeshift this energy body. And in similar ways, they can Will and bring forth or give birth to their own children or the replicas as all gods do in the astral – subtle planes, as in these dimensions, the thought field can easily become the creation field, as gathered energy can instantaneously take shape of thought out thinking patterns. This way it will be heaven upon the earth. All enlightened beings attain a bright and sacred luminous body but like TheM AND Sri Aurobindo and other liberated ascended masters/ yogis, they exist only on nonphysical astral planes but in supramental manifestations, they can visit, exist, or even remain in the ascended earth’s immediate aura field. The important part of the Supramental world would be that these luminous fiery glowing ascended master’s bodies will also be visible to ordinary  non- initiate humans.————–About our planetary future,  Sri Aurobindo already predicted the arrival and the establishment of the Supramental world upon the earth. This all is part of the Divine plan and the attainment of Supramental manifestation is part of Earth’s and Human’s collective spiritual destiny. SA writes that it’s the collective spiritual aspirations and the efforts of the humans, which will help the establishment of the Superman race and Supramental force upon the earth. 

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