The fifth book in this ongoing series explores primarily the world crisis of 2019 to 2022 – covering two separate themes: The Coronavirus Pandemic and the role of the New Group of World Servers. The Coronavirus Pandemic analyses are the result of extensive research by the author into the nature of the “plannedemic”, examining entities like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation, powerful personalities such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, coronavirus, Covid-19, pharmaceutical companies, vaccines, medical studies, statistics and various health authorities. The astral causes of influenza and disease are also investigated, the nature of propaganda creating deception, mass psychosis or hypnosis, the glamours of the rays, the loss of liberties, social and big media censorship, technocracy, capitalism and the erosion of democracy.
2022. (6″ x 9″. 536 pages) ISBN: 978-1-876849-12-2.
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Destiny of the Races and Nations V is a collection of writings from 2018-2021, culled from newsletters and occasional writings, following a few years after Destiny of the Races and Nations III – and released at the same time as Destiny of the Races and Nations IV (2022).
Destiny of the Races and Nations IV & V are companion volumes to Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays V – all of them written from 2018-2021. Destiny of the Races and Nations V was created to cater for all the extra material written in those years (plus some from late 2021 and early 2022) – due to the global health crisis; it covers two main themes: Coronavirus pandemic and the New Group of World Servers.
Destiny of the Races and Nations IV deals with the rootraces and nations as whole entities; politics, general social trends and issues, the astrology of larger entities such as Hollywood, the CIA or a corporation. Readers will find more illustrations to some of the articles if they go to the author’s website. Yet the main tables and explanatory diagrams are in this volume.
As in other volumes, the author strives to make the science of occultism and esoteric astrology practical by applying it to the unfolding evolution of races and nations.
Phillip Lindsay
Section I – Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-2022
Part I: Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-2022
Part II: World Health Organisation 2020
Part III: Global Events, Nations and Statistics
Part IV: WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset
Part V: Capitalism has “Wrecked the World”
Section II – The New Group of World Servers
Part I: The New Group of World Servers
Part II: Capricorn Servers Week, 2025 & Externalisation
Section I
Part I: Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-2022
Astral Consciousness of Humanity
The Esoteric Cause of Influenza Diseases
Coronavirus in China (Dec.31, 2019 to Feb. 29, 2022)
An astrological, Esoteric Analysis (March 18, 2020)
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses and Deception
Coronavirus Statistics Can be Misleading
Coincidences, Claims and Facts
Covid-19 Horoscope November 17, 2019
The New Year Horoscope for Jan. 1, 2020
Coronavirus: Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn (Jan12, 2020)
Death: Part of the Great Illusion
Will Coronavirus Halt Climate Change?
New Year Horoscope: March 20, 2020
The Current Global Crisis, April 2020 (Aries)
Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking
Socrates: the Father of Critical Thinking
Documentaries for Reflection
Plandemic 2 In-Doctor-Nation
Opinion from a Spanish Citizen
Lockdown Was a “Monumental Mistake on a Global Scale”
Part II: World Health Organisation 2020
WHO: World Health Organisation Crisis
WHO Horoscope: Pisces Moon
Trump’s Historic Rejection of WHO
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
The Master’s View on Vaccinations
The Popular Rudolf Steiner Quotation on Vaccines
Vaccinations: Past and Present
The Argument for Herd Immunity Versus Containment
Sweden’s Approach to Coronavirus
Boris Johnson’s Encounter with Coronavirus
The Busiris Virus of 2020
The Clamour and Glamour of Coronavirus
Part III: Global Events, Nations and Statistics
WEF Book: “Virus Itself is of Little Concern”
The Great Global Deception
World Winter Lockdown
Winter is Coming: The Zombie Apocalypse
Meditation Medication!
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: CEO & Medical Director
China’s Ubiquitous Global Influence and Covid-19
Saturn Retrograde: The Lord of Lockdown
Sweden – Versus Britain, France, Italy, Germany
The Role of Tech Giants
Gemini’s Twin Approaches to Covid-19
Mental Gemini: Operation Mind Control
Fear of Death Will Soon Cease
Saturn-Pluto: Karmic Reapers
Bill Gates and Eugenics
Some More Statistics
Brazil and Media Propaganda
Hiroshima’s 75th Anniversary
Australia: Virgo Soul
Mars, Pluto and the Burning Ground (August 10-16, 2020)
The Melbourne Masque-rade
Past Australian Flu Statistics 2017, 2019
New Zealand: Virgo Personality
South-East Asia and Japan
Covid-19 Politics in Germany
The 2009 Swine Flu – Hoax?
Reported Covid-19 Cases Versus Deaths
More Madness in South Australia
Aries Corona-tion-Initiation
Atlas Comet (C2019)
The Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus
China, WEF and Schwab
Wuhan Virus Bioweapon?
China Social Credit System
China and Germany
Atlantean Black Magic
SE Asia and Myanmar
The Great Reset’s Next Phase in 2021: Cyber Polygon
Sheep and Goats Decisions – Libra
Regarding Complacency or Taking Action
The Cowardice of Silence and the Phenomenon of Fear
The Spanish Flu of 1918
The New Medical-Media Inquisition
McCarthyism of the “Disinformation Dozen”
The Virgo in Australia and New Zealand
The Four Freedoms Revisited
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Statement
Prof. Peter McCullough
Countering the Masking-Up Argument
Vaccinated People Must Now Quarantine
Geert Vanden Bossche
Breaking the Global Cabals
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – NOT!
Pandemic Event 201 Revisited
Scorpions – Gates, Fauci & Zuckerberg
Facebook’s Meta Media Maya
The Matrix
Switzerland’s Referendum Nov. 28, 2021
Australia’s Disturbing Situation
An Impassionate Plea
What are You Going to Do?
The Shadow of Aquarius
British Democracy Teeters on the Brink
Moronic Omicron
Part IV: WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset
WEF, Klaus Schwab & The Great Reset (Part I)
WEF, Schwab & The Great Reset: Cyber pandemic? (Part II)
Bilderberg Group
The True New World Order
2021: Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius
WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset (Part III)
WEF Forum: The Great Reset
Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus
Germany’s Influence from WWII to Today
Hitler’s Occult Influences
Technocracy’s Inception 1913-1932
The Trilateral Commission
WEF, Klaus Schwab & The Great Reset (Part IV)
Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Retro, Britain Drops Rules
World Economic Forum: A Double Aquarian
The Shadow of the Aquarian Age
Klaus Schwab Revisited
WEF’s Young Global Leaders
Jacinda Ardern’s Folly
Next Stages on the WEF Agenda
The Merger of 1984 with Brave New World
WEF’s 2022 Conference
WEF Transits 2022
Telepathy and Technology
The Etheric Body
Mind-Reading Tech
Mercury Retro in Aquarius: Airlines 5G Concerns
Part V: Capitalism has “Wrecked the World”
Introduction: Capricorn and Initiation
The Global Capitalists Who Have “Wrecked the World”
Gates, Fauci, WEF, WHO
Labour and Capital: Earth and Moon Chain Souls
The Plan of Sanat Kumara
A Station of Light
Non-Recognition of the War: Don’t Mention the War
Tyranny, Totalitarianism and the Four Freedoms
Capricorn Rising: Emmanuel Macron
Macron, WEF and Other World Leaders
Macron Transits
Mercury Retro: Canada and the Great Global Convoy
Capital and Labour
Canada Taurus Soul, Libra Personality
Canada’s Horoscope Transits
Section II
Part I: The New Group of World Servers
The Aquarian Age Has Begun!
Big Sleep, Great Awakening
Shamballa and The New Group of World Servers
Signs of Shamballa: Mount Belukha
Betelgeuse and the NGWS
2025 and the New Group of World Servers
The New Group of World Servers is Ruled by Taurus
NGWS is the Planetary Ajna Centre
Aquarius, a Sign of Service: new Group of World Servers
An Astro-Historical View of the NGWS Seven-Year Festivals
Capricorn and the Forces of Materialism
Part II: Capricorn Servers Week, 2025 & Externalisation
NGWS: World Servers, the Week That Was
2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Success of the NGWS Festival Dec. 2019
The Silent Minute
Astrological Analysis of Capricorn 2019: World Servers Week
New Moon in Capricorn 2019 – Boxing Day: Solar EclipseAnnual Solar Eclipse
The NGWS and Aquarius
Annual Eclipses and Cycles for World Servers
The Crisis Causing 7-Year Cycles of 2015 and 2022
Capricorn NGWS Week 2019 in Review: Prophecy