Capricorn 2005: New Group of World Servers Festival Week.
“Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
Roots of the NGWS and Its Historical Emergence
Roots of the NGWS and Its Historical Emergence
What is the “New Group of World Servers” (NGWS), a term often heard bandied about? It is composed of individuals around the globe who belong to both inner and outer groups focused upon world service:
“These new groups are appearing everywhere all over the world. The groups upon the outer plane, with their diversity of names and stated aims, are not connected with this inner group which is sponsoring or “projecting” the new groups, except in so far as they have a definite, even if nebulous, connection. This becomes always possible where there are three members of the New Group of World Servers found in any one exoteric group; it then becomes “linked by a triple thread of golden light” to the New Group of World Servers, and can in some measure be used.
This great and spiritual grouping of servers is, on the physical plane, only very loosely linked. On the astral plane the linking is stronger and is based upon love of humanity; on the mental plane the major linking takes place, from the angle of the three worlds as a whole. It will be apparent, therefore, that certain developments must have taken place in the individual before he can consciously become a functioning member of the New Group of World Servers, which is the principal group at this time definitely working under the Law of Group Progress.
1. He must have the heart centre awakened, and be so outgoing in his “behaviour” that the heart is rapidly linked up with the heart centres of at least eight other people. Groups of nine awakened aspirants can then be occultly absorbed in the heart centre of the planetary Logos. Through it, His life can flow and the group members can contribute their quota of energy to the life influences circulating throughout His body. The above piece of information is only of interest to those who are spiritually awakened, and will mean little or nothing to those who are asleep.
2. The head centre must also be in process of awakening, and the ability to “hold the mind steady in the light” must be somewhat developed.
3. Some forms of creative activity must likewise be found and the server must be active along some humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.
All this involves personality integration and alignment and that magnetic, attractive appeal which is distinctive of all disciples in some form or another. In this way from the standpoint of esotericism, certain great triangles of energy will be found in the individual and consequently increasingly in humanity. Then too the “forces of creative life” will circulate from the “point within the head” (the head centre) along the “line to the heart” and then, with the throat centre, form a “triangle of fiery light”. Such is the Way of Group Progress, and when this is being consummated, then the Law of Group Progress begins definitely to function and to control.”1 (Author’s italics)
For the NGWS, 1925 was an extraordinary date and opportunity on the world’s spiritual calendar, being a lull in the “one war” of WWI & II, seen esoterically as a recapitulation of the Atlantean conflict. 1925 was also the date that the Masters had their centennial conclave and it is also proposed that this was the year that the Master R (or Count St Germain) took on the mantle of the Mahachohan (or Lord of Civilisation) – in preparation for the emerging Sixth Rootrace. The NGWS are a bridge between the Watchers of the Race (Hierarchy) and Humanity:
“… the emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”, under the name of the New Group of World Servers, has been possible since 1925. They can now come in because of the work already done by the group of souls who hastened their entrance into incarnation, under the impulse of the Hierarchy. The words “condition” or “conditioning” are here used quite frequently because of the aptness of the phrase to indicate function. These souls, because of their point in evolution, because of their stage in unfoldment and because of their impressibility to the group idea and to the Plan, can come into incarnation and begin, more or less, to work out that Plan and evoke a response to it in the human consciousness. They are thus in a position to “prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.”2 (Author’s italics.)
This passage refers of course to the re-emergence of the Masters of Wisdom or the “Externalisation of the Hierarchy”, after aeons of withdrawal from human contact since the time of the Atlantean War – called the “Mahabharata” in the ancient Hindu scriptures. The Masters have been aware of this planned re-emergence since their hiearchical conclave of 1425 and were well aware of the disturbance that it would cause to the rhythm of literally millions of years previous.
In terms of understanding where we are currently, this figure is well worth pondering, for many of us are still conditioned by the exoteric history version from our culture, finding the time scale almost incomprehensible. According to esoteric history3, the Atlantean “kurukshetra” took place almost four million years ago, just as the first faint trace of the Fifth Rootrace was emerging. It was a time when the Hierarchy were forced to “withdraw”:
“… the amazing enterprise upon which the Hierarchy is embarked within this cycle: Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focussed itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face, as The Secret Doctrine calls it. For millions of years, as a result of the triumph of evil in those days, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events, occupied with the following work – a work which will eventually be carried on exoterically instead of esoterically…”4 (Author’s italics.)
That period was during the tentative emergence of the Fifth Rootrace, whilst now poised at a similar emergence of the Sixth Rootrace, the major karmic crisis related to Atlantean times has barely passed. Only 60 years (a “Saturn return” cycle) has emerged since the end of WWII – a drop in the bucket compared to four million years! The world is still very much in the period of the “Atlantean recapitulation” with all its attendant testings – on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral; much of which relates to Humanity’s deep immersion in materialism.
In Atlantis it was the deepest incarnation into matter for the race whereas now the race is on the upward swing of the pendulum toward spirit. As we consider these short term cycles it is worth bearing in mind the stupendous long-term cycles that are their major conditioning agents.
In Atlantean times the Hierarchy took a stand, “drew a line in the sand”, to delineate the way of light versus the blind selfishness, rampant desire and materialism that predominated at that time. (Sounds a lot like today!) Likewise, the Hierarchy at the 1901 “Decision Initiation”5 must have delineated similar principles after the materialism created by the Industrial Revolution. Humanity’s choice was war and of course there was a karmic cycle unfolding that related to the completion of the first 5000 years of the Kali Yuga cycle for the Fifth Rootrace. (Kali Yuga: The Age of Death and Destruction.)
The world is still in this period and Humanity is struggling to make important choices. Likewise the precipitation of energies associated with the gradual approach of the Hierarchy is creating a forcing process amongst world disciples. Schisms have (always) emerged between aspirants and disciples, between “pledged” disciples and “accepted” disciples, between the “believers” and “knowers” of the Plan, between mystics and occultists. The basis of much of this dissension lies in that peculiarly Fifth Rootrace “hydra” of pride and the dying forces of the lesser Piscean cycle related to astral sentience; the combination of both creates kama-manas or “desire-mind” and it is the rock upon which Humanity and the NGWS breaks itself.
It is the task of the NGWS to be sensitive to impression of the “Plan” as transmitted from Hierarchy and to be able to implement it within Humanity:
“This Plan can only be sensed visioned and known in truth by the Hierarchy, and then only in group formation and by those Masters Who can function in full monadic consciousness. They alone are beginning to comprehend what it is. Suffice it for the rest of those in the Hierarchy – the initiates and disciples in their ordered ranks and various gradings – to cooperate with that immediate aspect of the Plan which they can grasp and which comes down to them through the inspired minds of their Directors at certain stated times, and in certain specific years. Such a year was 1933. Such another will be the year 1942.
At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle. They then, in perfect freedom and with full mutual cooperation lay Their plans to bring about the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy, as They in Their turn cooperate with still higher Forces and Knowers.”6 (Author’s italics.)
Note that 9 is the number of initiation and these meetings initiate some new aspect of the precipitating Plan, especially revealed through the NGWS. 1933 was of course a critical year with the gathering fascist forces in Europe who would precipitate the second phase of the world war. 1942 was the turning point of World War II and the fate of Humanity hung precariously in the balance; so much so that the Master DK “begged” his disciples to “avail” themselves of the opportunities of a seven-year cycle occurring in December 1942. This seven-year cycle was potent enough in itself but also coincided with the aforementioned nine-year cycle:
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is – to our zodiac – what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. It must be remembered that, from certain angles, the circle of twelve signs or constellations constitutes a special unity which revolves within our universe of heavens as our planet revolves in the centre of our circle of influences. By means of this augmentation – during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle – groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years.
The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation.
This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”7
It so happened that there was a full moon in this period (Dec. 22) in the first degree of Capricorn-Cancer. Of course the number 7 relates to the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order which pours potently through both Capricorn and Cancer. As quoted often in other newsletters, 1942 was “do or die” for Hierarchy and Humanity:
“The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time; … we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will. We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly.
… When the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won. Their preparations were halted and the Masters then organised for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about those conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with loving divine purpose could freely move forward. The war was not won by the surrender of Germany. That was only the outer result of inner happenings. The war was won by the Forces of Light when the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the “energy of the future” was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind.”8 (Author’s italics.)
The “sun moving northward” (1942) is the period of the northern hemisphere winter solstice in December, indicating the success of focused intent by the NGWS at that time – aided by the so-called “Lords of Liberation”.
The year and week of December 2005 is the ninth seven-year cycle since that momentous period 63 years ago. It is coincidentally also the seventh nine-year cycle, the first time that these seven and nine year cycles have coincided since 1942; their merging represent a time of immense opportunity and also the perils of inaction. The “war” is mainly upon the subjective realms and we all have our part to play in the battle.
7 Year Cycles |
9 Year Cycles |
1928 | 1924 |
1935 | 1933 |
1942 | 1942 |
1949 | 1951 |
1956 | 1960 |
1963 | 1969 |
1970 | 1978 |
1977 | 1987 |
1984 | 1996 |
1991 | 2005 |
1998 | |
2005 | |
2012 |
Capricorn is the sign of initiation as 9 is its number. Capricorn is the 9th sign from Aries – who initiates the new cycle. It is also the sign of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere9 and represents, like the aforementioned period of Atlantis, the deepest penetration into matter and yet the increasing light that draws the true seeker out of matter:
“I am the densest point of all the concrete world (Capricorn. A.A.B.). I am a tomb; I also am the womb. I am the rock which sinks itself into the deep of matter. I am the mountain-top on which the Son is born on which the Sun is seen and that which catches the first rays of light.”10
Saturn is both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn:
“Saturn. This energy is primarily concerned with presenting opportunity to the Hierarchy and its affiliated disciples. The phrase that “Saturn is the planet of discipleship” is basically true because ordinary average man, except in group formation, does not come so potently under its influence. For the Hierarchy – as a group – is facing a great crisis of approach to Shamballa, analogous to that confronting Humanity today, as it seeks approach and contact with the Hierarchy.
Thus there are two inter-related crises affecting both Humanity and the Hierarchy, and these should produce – if correctly effected – that which is called alignment or integration, resulting in a far freer inflow of divine energy. Both these “approaches” (which are in the nature of magnetic attractive “pulls”) are conditioned by Saturn”.11
This passage reaffirms the earlier themes of alignment that must take place within the individual, his group and the NGWS as a whole, in order to create the right alignment and mediation between Hierarchy and Humanity. It is this crisis which is being wrought out NOW and Saturn’s current position in Leo relates much to the specific testings. We are told that Saturn represents the shadow or “dweller” from certain angles:
“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”12
“The generating of good karma necessitates the “living through” of conditions where everything (for the man responsible or for any other form within its limitations) is good, happy, beneficent and useful. The evil karma generated in any kingdom in relation to the “realm where dwelleth the planetary Dweller on the Threshold” stands between the cosmic Door of Initiation and our planetary Logos. This Dweller represents all the mistakes and errors due to wrong reactions, unrecognised contacts, deliberate choices made in defiance of known good, and mass movements and mass activities which are temporarily not progressive in time and space.”13 (Author’s italics.)
Ah, recalcitrant Humanity – including all of us so-called “on the Path”!
“The individual disciple will, therefore, respond to this Capricornian influence most easily. It will constitute a line of least resistance, offering opportunity, as well as the chance of possible disaster if wrongly handled. Right response will lead the disciple nearer to the door of initiation; wrong response will take him back into the depths of crystallisation and of concretion.”14
Besides the Moon, Saturn’s position in the horoscope can tell us a little about the dweller. As related in an earlier newsletter15 , Leo is pre-eminent in the pride stakes and it is no coincidence that this fifth sign has a numerical resonance with this Fifth Rootrace and the development of the fifth principle – manas or mind; it is the Lion’s strength and its pride. Saturn of course is the ruler of the third ray of Active-Intelligence, that which births the Fifth Ray of mind, one of the major rays that pours through Leo.
Both Saturn and Leo in their shadow expressions can be the tyrant, hence their combination can indicate great pre-disposition to the tyrannical mind that separates, dictates, controls, over-rules and sits pridefully self-assured, unassailable in an illusory tower of power.
Hence as the world moves into the age of group co-operation in the opposite sign Aquarius, the Leonine shadow stalks Humanity and the NGWS – leaving the Leo heart expression negated or simply as an abstract mental theory.
Yet Leo also represents the many independent thinkers emerging from mass consciousness, individual identities who are “making their mark”. On the one hand there are those of Humanity “developing their pride” in a positive evolutionary sense, whilst there is a large group who are in major need of swallowing theirs, representing the outworn husks of past harvests; it is a dry and lifeless pursuit that will inevitably end up choking those who continue to indulge that appetite; and their names are legion – in Humanity and the NGWS – who are part of Humanity.
Hence Saturn in Leo’s position at this NGWS festival can assist the earnest striver to solemnly reign in and discipline their “beast of the jungle”; to have sovereignty over their “realm” but to “bend the knee” to their fellow travelers (Aquarius) recognised upon the way; to stand as a magnetic and radiant healing light that “calls attention” to itself with serenity; that does not need to make insecure claims about itself or to attack others.
Esoterically, Saturn and Leo are direct conduits for the forces of Shamballa and the first ray – as they express the originating impulse of the Great Bear constellation.16 Those who have the first ray in their make-up (soul, personality or mental ray) will feel these forces especially:
“First ray disciples will, for instance, respond to the Shamballa influence, transmitted from Leo and Saturn, more easily than will second ray disciples. These will in their turn react more rapidly and consistently to the Hierarchy, transmitting energies from Pisces and Uranus.”17
This is a fascinating passage (written early last century) because not only is transiting Saturn in Leo currently, but transiting Uranus is in Pisces, bringing through the forces of Sirius. Hence both first and second ray disciples may well be “having their day”.
The following tabulation clarifies these relationships and also brings Capricorn into the picture as the third or matter aspect:
I. Will. Purpose. Spirit |
II. Love-Wisdom. Consciousness |
III. Active Intelligence. Form |
1. Great Bear Cosmic |
Sirius Cosmic |
Pleiades Cosmic |
2. Leo Zodiacal |
Pisces Zodiacal |
Capricorn Zodiacal |
3. Saturn Systemic |
Uranus Systemic |
Mercury Systemic |
4. SHAMBALLA Earth Planetary head |
HIERARCHY Earth Planetary heart |
HUMANITY Earth Planetary ajna |
5. Head centre Initiate Egoic purpose |
Heart centre Disciple Egoic love |
Ajna centre Aspirant Spiritual mind (abstract) |
6. Base of spine Initiate Personal Will |
Solar plexus Disciple Personal desire |
Throat centre Aspirant Personal creativity |
Hence during the December 2005 “festival week” of the NGWS, all three centres of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity are activated astrologically, at least specific to this tabulation. Currently Mercury, as an expression of the third aspect from Capricorn, is in Sagittarius; it represents one-pointed and directed thought and the resultant intuitive precipitation of thoughtforms into the impressionable minds of those “who serve with love, the Plan”. Note that those who compose the NGWS (lines 5 & 6) all work through various rays and chakras, one being a higher correspondence and the other a lower reflection.
Some closing thoughts from the “original” Great Invocation:
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to all mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be and help us to do our part.
Phillip Lindsay © 2005.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.197-8. [
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.261. [
- See The Hidden History of Humanity, Phillip Lindsay. [
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.519. [
- See “The Decision Initiation 2001.” in Soul Cycle of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. [
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.242. [
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.495. [
- See Capricorn 2004: The Goat. Charles Dickens. Christmas. Scrooge. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.433. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.440. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.164. [
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.80. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.450. [
- Scorpio 2005: Scorpio and the Seventh Hydra of Pride. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.428. [
- Ibid. p.450. [