This essay was created by Uta Gabay, Phillip Lindsay and Maria Cristina Amaral – and presented as a plenary talk at the University of the Seven Rays conference in 2010.
The separativeness which seems to be inbuilt in the Jewish people and a corresponding rejection by the rest of the world has compounded an ancient and deep-seated glamour. The Master Djwhal Khul (D.K.) has called this a major world problem, and has stated that because of its great significance, it is definitely part of his Ashram’s work. In order to heal this world problem, we need to make the effort to look beyond and beneath the outer appearance, penetrating deep into the roots.
For some esoteric students, it is easy to focus upon points made by the Master D.K. about causes of the problem created by Jewish people, thereby driving the problem deeper into matter, perpetuating the cycle of blame instead of devitalizing the already crystallized maya. Esoteric technique teaches to focus upon the solution to the diagnosed problem. In this case specifically, it is called the “Technique of Light”. Even DK told his disciple Roberto Assagioli (in an unpublished letter), to pretend that Zionism did not exist and to get on with his work. We must build for the future and “let the dead bury their dead”. We must generate more light to dispel the darkness.
We are all Jewish. DK has said that the Jews are Humanity in microcosm, expressing the lowest and highest of human nature: “When the Jewish problem is solved, the human problem will be solved.” Love will be the solution, but how do we invoke that love? And what does it mean to be Jewish? Is it any of the following attributes, selfishly or unselfishly interpreted?
– to be a brilliant intellectual?
– to be a wise-guy comedian?
– to be a leading scientist?
– to be good with money?
– to be a leader in the world of dramatic arts and film?
– to “punch above your weight” in any field of human endeavour?
It is all of the above, but how different is that from the rest of humanity? It is not. Hence the Jews as a microcosm of humanity.
Being Jewish is not necessarily living in Israel, where one third of the 15 million world Jewish population live. Being Jewish is not necessarily being Zionist. Being Jewish is not necessarily being a follower of Judaism. Because of their unique evolution, the Jewish people embody the development of the mental principle, hence all intellectually advanced of Humanity are Jewish in quality. If we consider the mental unit, it is on the fourth subplane of the mental plane, giving a hint of the goal of our final evolution and liberation in buddhic consciousness. (See diagram below.) The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict is most likely the ruler of the Jewish Race mental body.

The mental unit upon the fourth subplane of the mental plane.
Hence, the Jewish dilemma is the mind of Humanity that has rejected the soul of Humanity. Yet, although the Jewish people are at the vanguard of intellectual development, their special role as the ‘chosen people’, though they may not know it, is related to the transformation of human emotion:
“The fourth type of force, which is responsible for the state of world affairs at this time [WWII], is that of the Jews; they, as a whole, constitute the solar plexus of the planetary Logos; their problem is being used today to focus, qualify and condition the world feeling-nature and the emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity and of the planetary Logos …”.[1]
Elsewhere, in relation to the planetary solar plexus centre, DK states the following:
“… what is truly taking place in the world today is the transference of the energy of the planetary solar plexus to the planetary heart centre … I am not speaking idealistically or mystically. I am pointing out the immediate goal; I am indicating a problem of our planetary Deity; I am giving you the clue to a scientific process which is going on under our eyes and which is today at a point of crisis.”[2]
The situation has not changed since this was written in World War II. It is still a problem of great urgency for the Hierarchy, particularly in this cycle up to 2024 whilst Pluto is transiting through the sign of Capricorn, the personality sign of the Jewish people.
Energy | Chakra |
1. Shamballa energy | Head |
2. Hierarchical energy | Heart |
3. N.G.W.S. | Ajna |
4. The Jewish force | Solar plexus[3] |
The Planetary Centres |
The solar plexus in any entity is the ‘clearing house’ for energies from all the lower chakras, to be raised above the diaphragm to the heart. The Jewish people embody the planetary solar plexus and are hence the clearing house that collectively absorbs and transmutes the sensorial nature of all kingdoms. The following diagram illustrates this function:

The Solar Plexus as a Golden Chalice
The New Group of World Servers is the ajna centre and its purpose is to link to other centres. Here it links the head, heart and solar plexus centres. The following diagram shows this relationship:
(Adapted from DK’s teaching – raising solar plexus energies to the heart.)
Here the hypothesis is that the Jewish people also embody Humanity’s throat centre, because of their powerful intellectual polarization. This makes them capable of transmuting human emotion because they have run the gamut of human experience – this is their service and sacrifice; it enables them to bring about an emotional transmutation through control from the mental plane.

The Jewish Scapegoat
The Jewish People’s long history is a karmic thread that winds its way back into very ancient times, to the first solar system where the principle of mind was developed – just as the principle of love-wisdom is the goal of this second solar system in which we live. The Jew has been the Capricornian scapegoat who takes the blame for the sins of the humanity. The Jewish Race, as a Capricorn personality, has been that scapegoat.
The concept of the Scapegoat has been distorted somewhat. We can see the word scape-goat reading as ‘escape goat’ – in other words, to escape or evade responsibility. The illumination that streams from the constellation of Capricorn into the dark corners of the Earth, hints at a spiritual function that can invoke the highest potential from the Jewish personality.
The Christ was born into a Jewish body and was the ultimate scapegoat born in Capricorn. This is what is meant by the Christ, ‘dying for the sins’ of Humanity.
“And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.”—John 12:32. The Jewish Racial dharma is to emulate what the Christ demonstrated. To demonstrate the best qualities of the redeeming nature of the DIVINE SCAPEGOAT.
Blame and Responsibility
The Jew has been scape-goated for thousands of years for many reasons, several of which originate with the Jews themselves. They have been persecuted unfairly yet they also know how to blame, scapegoat or persecute others, which is at once a part of their defence mechanism and and also their racial shadow. When the blame game is played, no party wants to take responsibility. Individual or racial group shortcomings are projected upon another individual or racial group. Saturn as ruler of Capricorn teaches us the lessons of personal and group responsibility.
Like the personalities of most races and nations, the Capricorn personality of the Jewish people is not yet fully responsive to its Virgo soul. Saturn rules the third ray of active-intelligence, the ray of the Jewish personality – enhancing the brilliance and diversity of the Jewish genius, yet also catering to the evasiveness and manipulation of its not yet fully integrated personality. Saturn rules the throat centre and Humanity are the planetary throat centre. The Jewish people are the throat centre of Humanity.
This brings us back to the mental principle again because the throat is the major expression of the mental body. Hence Jewish people and intellectually polarised Humanity have the task of leadership of the rest of Humanity. Especially now in this quintessential development of the fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.5.5).
The Jewish People: Virgo Soul, First Ray Soul
Yet what is the factor missing with all this aforesaid emphasis? Earlier it was said ‘love will be the solution’. The Jewish people are a first ray soul and a third ray personality – power expresses through creative intelligence and this can be a potent combination often selfishly appropriated; the second ray of love-wisdom is the bridging ray between these two.
1 SOUL – will, power
2 mediating potential – love-wisdom
3 PERSONALITY – active intelligence
Fortunately, the Jewish people are a Virgo soul, the sign said to embody the intelligence of the last solar system, from where the Jews have wandered into this solar system. Yet in this solar system we are told that in this cycle that the second ray of love-wisdom pours stronger through Virgo than any other zodiac sign. So how do the Jewish people invoke this Virgo soul in a way that is not simply the distorted expression of a religious adherence to a kosher diet and hygiene, or the expression of the lower critical mind?
How to invoke the nurturing, caring qualities of Virgo the Mother who serves sacrificially the child? For the Jewish people, the leadership potential of their first ray soul represents the father aspect. It is complemented by the Virgo soul, representing the mother aspect, who can nurture younger Humanity, the child. Virgo is also a sign of service, and one of the main ways love can be invoked is through service – bringing about a balanced expression of intellect and love wisdom, of the head and heart. Yet the majority of thinking Humanity do not serve these younger souls within the rest of the planet. Some in this mentally polarised group exploit and look down upon them with disdain and condescension. These individuals constitute the advanced of Humanity but are at the same time Humanity’s shadow or dweller.
The Pisces Polarity of the Jewish Virgo Soul
We reconcile the pairs of opposites individually or collectively through the zodiacal pairs of opposites. Hence one of the answers for the invoking of the love principle lies within Virgo’s polar opposite sign Pisces. The Christ Avatar who was born of a Virgin into a Jewish body 2,000 years ago, inaugurated the Age of Pisces. The Christ’s main message was one of love and forgiveness. DK has told us that the Jews have not yet passed through the Age of Pisces, still grasping the Age of Aries and all the traditions of those times.
The Age of Aries was from approximately 4,000 to 2,000 years ago, marked a high point for the Jewish people in their mental development and the taking of the first racial initiation. The Age of Pisces relates symbolically to the conquering of the waters and the second racial initiation. The goal of this age is related to the unfoldment of the heart. It is fortunate that the Age of Pisces has not finished yet, as it still gives some time for the Jewish people and thinking Humanity to catch up and learn this lesson. It is also fortunate that the second ray of love-wisdom is still in incarnation.
Zodiac Age | Initiation | Level | Achievement |
Aries (Mind ruling) | First | Physical | Integration-Transmutation. Mental unit is reached. Throat centre. Concrete mind. |
Pisces (Heart ruling) | Second | Emotional | Awakening of the heart = Fusion, transformation. Causal body is reached. Heart centre. Soul. |
Aquarius (Abstract mind) | Third | Mental | Awakening of the heart in the head, transfiguration. Higher mind is reached. Manasic atom. Higher triad. |
Symbolic Racial Initiations in the Zodiacal Ages |
As the table above shows, it could be very tempting to leap from the Age of Aries, tapping into the mental forces of Aquarius, without having integrated correctly the experiences of the Age of Pisces. No one can be a true Aquarian Water-Bearer unless they have learnt the lessons of the waters of Pisces first.
Pisces and Forgiveness
Pisces is most amenable to the expression of love wisdom, as Virgo in its lower expression tends to bring in the factor of the separative critical mind. Soul energy will always distort through an unreceptive or unintegrated personality. The forgiveness message of the Christ Piscean Avatar is for many not an easy one to receive, as forgiveness is primarily a function of the soul, and most people are not soul conscious. It is a process that must be learned and forged by the personality, invoking the soul, in order to truly effect a lasting forgiveness.
We must look at the dynamic quality of forgiveness, stripped of all its new-agey connotations. It is primarily a process of the spiritual Will. It is synonymous with the words absorption, redemption, and sacrifice, all words relate to the raising of matter into light. Forgiveness, Absorption, Redemption and Sacrifice are a deeply occult techniques along the first ray line of will or power. Pluto as the soul ruler of Pisces has much to do with this process. On the theme of absorption, Humanity must exoterically integrate the Jewish people and the Jewish people must esoterically absorb Humanity.
We can glimpse the ultimate symbolism of the soul and personality of the Jewish people, the Earth signs Virgo and Capricorn. Virgo purifies matter; the Capricorn Scapegoat in the wilderness scavenges all matter and redeems it. Let us return to the term, ‘forging forgiveness’; it describes the process to which an individual or group submits itself. This forging activity relates to Vulcan the Divine Smithy, ruler of the Jewish first ray soul and also the veiled ruler of its Virgo soul. Hence the Jewish soul must, like Vulcan, ‘forge in the depths’, to ‘find the material upon which to expend its innate art – and to fashion that which is beautiful and useful.
So what can Vulcan hammer-out for us that is practical, beautiful and useful? Glamour is a kama-manasic substance. The glamour related to the Jews has been created by humanity, Jews and non-Jews, down the ages. It is the New Group of World Servers who can and must deconstruct and dissipate it. This involves several things (as outlined by DK in his book Glamour: A World Problem):
1. As a preliminary step, to become aware, own and transform one’s own contribution to the glamour.
2. To cultivate an attitude of non-judgment and harmlessness.
3. To look at the phenomenon with an impartial-scientific (or neutral and mental) approach, aimed at a complete and balanced point of view.
4. To build a lighted thought-form of solution, based upon a planetary vision.
5. To pierce the glamour subjectively through group meditation.
6. To give subjective support to all individuals and groups who are actively working to solve this world problem.
“I am one with my Jewish brothers, and all that I have is theirs. May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them. May the strength which is in me lift and aid them. May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.”
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
[1] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87.
[2] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.520.
[3] Adapted from the diagram, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87.
Very good article!!
If you allow me, I will reflect about an analogy that came to mind when reading the article:
The Jews, (solar plexus of humanity), must identify with the Hierarchy, (heart chakra of humanity). Something that they did not know how to do at the time when they made the mistake of rejecting Christ from among their own; an error that, as it should be in a system governed by love, they still have the possibility of mending.
On the other hand are the people of the United States, a nation governed by a 2nd Ray soul (energy that governs the heart chakra), and a 6th Ray personality (energy that governs the solar plexus), an energy pattern that according to DK makes it the destiny of this great nation to show the world, (the nations), the transmutation of the forces of the solar plexus to the higher qualities of the heart chakra.
In other words, the United States will show humanity how to transmute patriotic, possessive or preferential feelings into others that are more refined and empathetic, more fraternal and universal.
And it is because of the similarity (the analogy) of both processes that I have thought that the friendship between these two peoples goes far beyond the already known relationship promoted by the powerful pro-Israel lobby based in the United States and the need of this country to have an ally in the Middle East.
Thanks again for the article