Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis


This essay explores the rise of Nazism in Germany from the period of the Industrial Revolution in Europe through the time of Bismarck, until World War II. Horoscopes of the various protagonists are examined and compared so that a picture emerges of the forces that helped to shape one of the most significant events of the Twentieth century.

To paraphrase the great philosopher George Santayana, those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes. Hence, the importance of understanding history so Humanity does not stay bound to the wheel of samsara; just as individual souls learn their repeated lessons over many lifetimes, eventually liberating themselves, contributing to the greater pool of collective consciousness. Nevertheless, exoteric history has been:

“…a history … of aggression, of the rise of a material and selfish civilisation and one which had the nationalistic and, therefore, separative spirit, which has fostered racial hatred and stimulated national prides …Is it not possible to build our theory of history upon the great and good ideas which have conditioned the nations and made them what they are, and emphasize the creativity which has distinguished all of them?”1

berlin_1945The World Wars of the last century were certainly a battle between the ‘great and good ideas’ of light and love, triumphant over the forces of darkness and materialism. Those two wars were regarded occultly as one battle, a major recapitulation of the ancient crisis in Atlantean times where the same protagonists were generally polarized between the Allied and Axis powers.

The Humanity of later Atlantis were forced to make a decision between the deeply selfish and materialistic culture that was dominant, or tread the higher way. The story is epitomized in the Hindu epic The Mahabharata; in that story Arjuna has to make a choice on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

Likewise, with the last century, the ‘World Arjuna’ was asked to choose; it was a time of great purging and through the many dire events that transpired – many took initiation or passed onto the path of discipleship.

Aufnahmedatum: 1925Aufnahmeort: BerlinSystematik: Geschichte / Deutschland / 20. Jh. / Weimarer Republik / Öffentliche Dienste / Polizei / Einsatz / Berlin / Allgemeines

These events all occurred toward the end of the Age of Pisces, prior to the Aquarian Age, pregnant with its great promise of liberation for great numbers of Humanity; hence the resistance of the materialistic forces seeing as imminent, their long-held power base being undermined.

The German personality is ruled by Pisces and it was the vehicle that expressed the illusions of the age. Therefore, we are moving from a history of aggression … of a material and selfish civilization’ to one of great ideas and eventually to the history of initiation:

History will some day be based and written upon the record of the initiatory growth of humanity; prior to that, we must have a history which is constructed around the development of humanity under the influences of great and fundamental ideas. That is the next historical presentation.2

Formative Influences
“The earthly influence of Capricorn  made their activity [Nazis] possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind …”3

Germany is ruled by Aries at a soul level and has a Pisces personality. Its rays are:  Soul 4, Personality 14 A more recent unfolding of the destiny of modern Germany started last century with Bismarck:

“At the same time, the Shamballa force is active in all of them, for it produces federation and synthesis. Its first great expression or demonstration of the spirit of fusion took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, and led to the formation of such countries as Italy and Germany which were created out of many smaller states, duchies and kingdoms …

… They [nations] have, however, reacted to that force through the medium of certain great and outstanding personalities who were peculiarly sensitive to the will-to-power and the will-to-change and who (during the past 150 years [early 1800s]) have altered the character of their national life, and emphasised increasingly the wider human values. The men who inspired the initiating French revolution; the great conqueror, Napoleon; Bismarck, the creator of a nation …”5

“Racial Avatars . These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham  Lincoln , coming forth from the very soul  of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds. Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil , and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck.

bismarckpiclincolnBoth men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites. They are both types of the most powerful Avatars which humanity itself has as yet produced. They emerge along the lines of government, of the first ray and in the department of the Manu, and are very sensitive to Shamballa force. Such Avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation. This is true of both Bismarck and Lincoln.”6

This last statement is quite extraordinary, particularly the reference to “the realm of cosmic evil”, and may come as a surprise to some, but makes sense when viewed in the greater scheme of the nation’s unfoldment.

It is this focus of materialism working through the German nation that is going to be explored in this essay, bearing in mind that most of the West was going down a similar track at the time during the Industrial Revolution.

Let us start with Metternich, a German leader of the early 1800s who preceded Bismarck. A great concentration of planets in Taurus, reflects a strong material focus on the physical plane. Ray One, ruled by Vulcan, is the soul ruler of Taurus:

“The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger of metals, the one who works in the densest, most concrete expression of the natural world …”7

metternich chart

Metternich (Time unknown, midday chart)

MetternichpicThis is a most potent symbol of the Industrial Revolution, starting in Europe at the time of the founding of Germany:

“Vulcan also rules nations at a certain stage of embryonic soul expression, such as the present [WW2], and governs their activities, fashioning the instruments of war when war and conflict are the only means whereby liberation can come, though woe betide those through whom wars come.

Vulcan then takes hold and—since the Middle Ages — has brought the mineral kingdom, “the depths from which supply must come,” under human control. In the present war, Vulcan is concerned along with Venus in the relation of man to man, and of man to the mineral kingdom. Venus, the mental energy of humanity, establishes relation between man and man, between nation and nation whilst Vulcan establishes relation between the fourth kingdom in nature and the first.

Vulcan, as we shall see later, is governed by the first ray, and the first ray and the first kingdom are definitely bound together. This, therefore, brings in the Shamballa  force and you consequently have an esoteric triangle of energy—will, humanity and the mineral kingdom. They have a very close rapport with each other, both from the angle of the Plan and from the expression of material selfishness. Hence the great use of minerals (iron, copper, etc.) in the World War II. It is literally a war in which the mineral kingdom is used against the human. Humanity had gone down into the caves and the depths of concretion and is ready now for an upward shift or move, this time consciously taken and taken all together.”8

German National Assembly

German National Assembly

hephaestusAfter the revolution that led up to the German National Assembly (May 18, 1848), this Taurean influence was to continue via its new horoscope, connecting Germany to the energy of Shamballa and the forces pouring through the planet at the Taurus Full Moon, or Wesak. Ray One was expressing therefore, very powerfully through Germany:

“The static stabilising tendency of Germany showing, for instance, in her futile effort to preserve a purity of race now impossible, is due to her first ray personality, whilst her fourth ray egoic force is responsible for her effort to standardise and harmonise all the elements within her borders, to the exclusion, however, of the Hebrew race. With the problem of the Jew I will deal later. Germany cannot help herself, for though the first ray is not in manifestation as we understand the term, yet the bulk of the egos now in power inGermany are on the first subray of the seven different rays, and hence they are from one dominant angle the transmitters of first ray force.”9

Taurus is the polar opposite of Scorpio, the soul ruler of Berlin, the nation’s capital:

“The focus of the immediate response of the peoples of the nations is frequently to be distinguished in the quality (if I may so call it) of their capital city and by the decisions there made.”10

Berlin-City2Berlin is ruled by Scorpio at a soul level, and has a Leo personality, connecting it to Hitler who had Saturn in Leo:11

“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising … What part Leo may play In the personal horoscope of Hitler I do not know, for I have not investigated it, but it plays a very prominent part in the horoscope of his soul.”12

Hitler had Saturn in Leo in his natal horoscope, making a difficult square to Mars and Venus in Taurus. Saturn was also the ruler of his Capricorn Moon, which is mentioned further in this essay.


Adolf Hitler

hitler3In Hitler’s concep- tion chart (which could very well be the ‘soul’ chart to which DK refers), he has Sun, Vulcan and Venus all in Leo. Hitler also has Mars in Scorpio squaring his Leo placements in this conception chart. Conception Mars also opposes his natal Sun, which brings to mind the title of his infamous book Mein Kampf – ‘my struggle’.

Adolf Hitler Conception Chart

Adolf Hitler Conception Chart

The entire fixed cross is most prominent in this study: Leo  in relation to the above, Taurus Scorpio by far the most prominent in individuals and collective entities, and Aquarius in the chart of the Third Reich. (See later)

Whilst on the subject of Berlin, it is given as the throat centre of Germany13 whilst Munich is the heart and Nuremburg the head (will). It is most appropriate therefore that the war crime trials were held in Nuremburg, where Nazis were tried for their mis-use of the will. The throat is related to the expression of the mental body and in terms of the glamour perpetrated by the Nazis upon their people, there is a connection between Berlin and the large stellium of planets in the chart of Goebbels, the person in charge of propaganda. (See later chart)

bismarckpic2The mid 1800’s, combined with the Ray Seven subcycle (1860s), was an ideal time for Bismarck to come forth. Bismarck’s horoscope has Sun in Aries, the soul ruler of Germany. Pluto is in the sign of its soul rulership, Pisces, which is the personality ruler of Germany. The Pluto quality certainly suits his role as a ‘dark Avatar’, controlling and manipulating the populace. Pluto is the ‘Power’ part of the ‘Will-Power’ equation, whereas Vulcan embodies the Will. Vulcan forges, Pluto destroys. However, as Pluto is a non-sacred planet, its energies can be turned to the selfish and manipulative use of power. It is also the co-ruler of Scorpio, ruler of Berlin.

“… during the last two thousand years mankind has advanced to a point where it can also be responsive to certain aspects of this first ray force. Hitler, therefore, found associates and cooperators who added their receptivity to his so that an entire group became the responsive agents of the destructive energy, expressing itself in its lowest aspect. This is what enabled them to work ruthlessly, powerfully, selfishly, cruelly and successfully at the destruction of all that attempted to impede their projects and desires.”14.

The mid 1800’s, combined with the Ray 7 subcycle (1860s), was an ideal time for Bismarck to come forth.



This power quality was even more enhanced by Bismarck’s Moon in Capricorn, also to feature later with the Taurus/Scorpio axis in the Nazi era:

“What Bismarck sought in essence was an alteration in the form of government that would create a facade of parliamentary institutions disguising the continuation of authoritarian policies … The empire was forged not as the result of an outpouring of nationalist feeling from the masses but from traditional cabinet diplomacy and agreement by the leaders of the states in the North German Confederation with the hereditary rulers … Although he had united Germany in one sense, he had failed to create an internally unified people.”15

The above quote illustrates the authoritarian and traditional qualities of Capricorn in their negative expression; control, maintaining the status quo and crystallisation.

Not long after this period, Germany went through an enormous expansion of its industrial power, again exemplifying the Taureean qualities of Vulcan at the forge helping build this new nation, conditioned at the personality level by Ray One. In addition, from the age of twenty, Bismarck had his progressed Sun in Taurus for the most formative thirty years of his life.

German Empire Proclamation
Consider the 1871 German Empire Proclamation (The Second Reich) so heavily influenced by Bismarck. A continuation of the powerful Capricornian influence. Sun, Mercury, South Node and Saturn are all in Capricorn, with Saturn at the apex of a T-Square. The chart for the outbreak of WWI also has many planets on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. Note Venus in Aquarius at the same degree as Saturn in The Third Reich chart later.


German Empire Proclamation

German Empire Proclamation (Second Reich)

Weimar Republic

Weimar Republic


In 1919 at the end of World War 1, which Germany started and lost, the Weimar Republic was formed. This chart too has a prominent Capricorn Moon , as does Bismarck’s chart. Weimar forming at the end of World War 1 was bound to have karmic reverberations later in World War 2. The Scorpio Sun and Venus placements have much synastry with some of the leading Nazis to emerge later. (See Scorpio charts later in text.)

Nazi Party
Just after WW1 and Weimar, the Nazi Party was formed. The Nazi Party also has the Taurus /Scorpio axis highlighted. Note the Moon opposition Mars, T-Square to Venus , and Grand Cross (allowing slightly wide orbs) to Jupiter /Neptune .

The Piscean Sun certainly reflects the Nazis’ role at the end of the Age of Pisces, and the astral glamours that they shared with Pisces -ruled Germany. The Sun/Uranus conjunction points to their unique if not bizarre character, and Saturn in Virgo opposite, to their cold and clinical efficiency. Pluto is also very potent, being most elevated in the tenth house, sextiling Moon exactly, square to Chiron, and in a grand trine to the Sun and Mars.

Nazi Party

Nazi Party

naziparty picLater in 1933, The Third Reich was formed as an affirmation of the Nazi Party’s resolve. Again, placements in Capricorn and Taurus are present. A Sun/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in the ninth house reflects their ‘new age’ philosophy and regimented idealism. The Moon in Aries has resonance with Germany ’s Aries soul. The heavy placements in Virgo may reflect attitudes toward the ‘purity’ of their race and the practice of eugenics.

If the horoscopes of the Nazi Party and The Third Reich are compared, some interesting synastry can be seen. Note The Third Reich Sun/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius opposite the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in the Nazi Party chart, reflecting the misplaced idealism so characteristic of an englamoured nation:

“Germany has focussed in herself world glamour—the most potent and expressive of the three aspects of glamour. Japan is manifesting the force of maya—the crudest form of material force. Italy, individualistic and mentally polarised, is the expression of world illusion.”16

“It is not possible for us as yet to reach the soul of the German people within that unhappy land, so complete is the glamour under which they are labouring.”17



The Third Reich

Nazi Party & The Third Reich

Nazi Party & The Third Reich
















The ‘First Reich’ chart (see next), for Charlemagne’s coronation in 800 AD, has Sun conjunct Node in Capricorn. The Sun is very close to the Moons of Hitler, Goebbels and Bismarck. (Charlemagne also had Moon in Capricorn.) Pluto is within a degree of Saturn in The Third Reich chart. The organisation of the materialistic forces on the physical plane through the Nazi Party, and declaration of the Third Reich is reflected in the following:

“It is interesting that, again in their case, there appears inevitably an initiatory seven—the base and dark parallel of the initiating Seven who lead human beings into light and who are symbolised in the seven Masons who constitute a Lodge of Masons.) They are the custodians of forces which control them and over which they themselves have no slightest control. You ask who these seven are: Hitler, von Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and Streicher—names well-known to you all. These men embody and personify the forces of aggression and rule by fear not only the enslaved nations but also their few allies who are not by any means in the same category of power—fortunately for them.”18

“The First Reich ”

“The First Reich ”

This “initiatory seven” could quite easily be compared to the seven rays, simply by observing their characters. Hitler obviously corresponds to Ray of Will or Power. Himmler corresponds to the obverse of Ray Two of Love-Wisdom – hate. As a Ray Six personality, he would also qualify for Ray Six, in which case anglophobe Ribbentrop may fit Ray Two, by way of association with the Ray Two soul of Britain. Goebbels as propagandist is easily the manipulative Ray Three.

the initiatory seven

The “Initiatory Seven”

These first three seem to have been a major power triad. Goering with his dramatic flare and psychological vicissitudes, is Ray Four of Harmony through Conflict. Rudolf Hess’s loyalty to Hitler and pacific idealism reflect Ray Six of Abstract Idealism or Devotion. Streicher’s sexual and sadistic excesses could be argued for Ray Seven of Ceremonial Order or Magic. Which leaves Von Ribbentrop for Ray Five of Concrete Science (?).

Furthermore, these seven men, when put together in a composite chart (see next page) set for Berlin, have Taurus rising opposed by Uranus in Scorpio. Moon is in Capricorn, as would be expected, as three of them have that position natally. Sun is in Aquarius, resonating with the Third Reich chart, and of course T-squaring anything in Taurus/Scorpio.


The composite Taurus – Scorpio axis has close synastry with all seven, if the reader will note Table I below.

Composite Chart for “Initiatory Seven”

Composite Chart for “Initiatory Seven” (Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering, Ribbentrop, Hess, Streicher)

“The Forces of Evil sought for those leaders and groups who are the materialistic correspondence to the spiritual leaders and those who seek to guide humanity along right lines. They took possession (and I use this word with deliberation) of the evil men who led the Axis Powers —Hitler, Tojo, Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Himmler and—to a much lesser degree—Mussolini, Hess, Goering and others. They completely overpowered the minds of these men, already distorted with ambition and sadistic inclinations.”19

image024The combination of these five individuals could be expressed in a downward-pointing five-pointed star, indicating the inverse of spiritual force, or black magic. Mental develop- ment and emotional starvation were used to manifest destructive power:

“… the man who, from purely selfish motives and through an intense concentration, focuses his mind and brings about the gratification of his desires and the achievement of his goals. He kills out all emotional reactions and goes a long way towards dissipating glamour. He develops the ability to draw on the light of matter itself (physical matter and mental substance) and thus he generates a false light from which soul light is rigorously excluded. It is this power which eventually produces a black magician. He has developed the capacity to draw upon the light energy of matter itself and to focus it so powerfully and effectively that it becomes a great destructive force. It is this which has given Hitler and the six evil men associated with him their power to destroy upon the material plane.”20

In relation to “matter” and the symbols that were adopted from esoteric traditions:

“It is in the lower aspect of this Cross [swastika] that the Nazis chose this symbol as theirs; they were expressing, at the close of the material cycle of human existence, the false and evil use of matter, of which separativeness, cruelty and selfishness is the key. The misuse of substance and the prostitution of matter and form to evil ends is the sin against the Holy Spirit. It might be said that the swastika “drives into danger dire and into evil ways, those whose greed is great and who see no beauty in the dawning light and who know no love of human lives.”21


Hindu Swastika


Nazi Swastika

This material activity is symbolised astrologically in part by Capricorn; which has been so prominent in the Moons of previous charts:

“Port Said, ruled by this sign [Capricorn], is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world—a meeting place for the evil of three continents.”22

“But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon [in Capricorn], which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”23

The Moon is in ‘detriment’ in Capricorn, which is the planet of Matter in the sign of Matter. Here is what DK has to say about the Moon per se:

“… the effect of the various moons … Every moon is occultly a “point of corruption,” or that which is passing off in noxious gases. The transmutation of the form has been proceeded with in their case to a point where all that represents vital energy has left, all solar life has passed off, no remnants of pranic energy remain, and that which is to be seen is simply the decay of the physical body,—a decay which is proceeding on etheric levels as well as on physical. The decay of a moon has as great an evil effect upon all that contacts it as a decaying body on earth has upon its surroundings. It is occultly “offensive.” This will be more truly apprehended when the etheric double of our moon is studied. As the moon becomes small through the process of disintegration, its effect upon the Earth will be correspondingly lessened, and this stage will be paralleled by a consequent greater freedom from evil impulse of the sons of men.”24

fullmoonBear in mind that in Esoteric Astrology the Moon ‘veils’ the energies of either Vulcan or Uranus, and sometimes Neptune. It all depends upon the stage of soul unfoldment and motive, as to how energies are utilised.

“Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; it is also the sign of the coming world Saviour and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose. If this does not take place, the present situation [WWII] will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be “re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.”

A dark period of civilisation will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate’s own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the “lighted Way.” The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light, the manifestation of the soul nature and the recognition of the “light which is found in the eye of the Bull … The latter [Axis leaders] are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda.

They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity [Nazis] possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind …”25

Capricorn Moon Charts
Included first are the most ‘formative’ charts: Bismarck, Weimar, Hitler, Goebbels; then Hess and Eichmann, along with List and Wiligut. The latter two belonged to a group of thinkers with whom the Nazis consulted closely in relation to ‘Ariosophy’, a mixture of pagan mythology and modern occultism. (See later in text.)

Group 1 Capricorn Moons Bismark, Weimar, Hitler, Goebbels.

Group 1 Capricorn Moons: Bismark, Weimar, Hitler, Goebbels.

Group 2 Capricorn Moons Hess, Eichmann, List, Wiligut

Group 2 Capricorn Moons: Hess, Eichmann, List, Wiligut.
















Josef Stalin and Tojo Hideki
Although technically an ally at the time, Stalin is another good example of the negative first ray aspect of Capricorn – He had Sun in Capricorn square ruler Saturn in Aries. Japan is also ruled by Capricorn at a personality level, and their leader Tojo’s chart has Sun, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn squaring the nodes.

Scorpio-Taurus Axis
“The Moon is here [in Scorpio] regarded as functioning in its true nature and, therefore, as expressing symbolically that which is dead. The Moon here stands for the personality and, in the final victory in Scorpio, the personality is entirely vanquished and defeated. Desire is killed, for it is through expressed desire of some kind that personality demonstrates life, quality, appearance. Ponder upon this, for in Scorpio the Moon falls and its influence fades out.”26

Note the similar interpretation of Moon (fall) in Scorpio to the Moon (detriment) in Capricorn, shown again here:

“But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon [in Capricorn], which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”27

This comparison is most pertinent because both Scorpio and Capricorn are signs of initiation whereby the control of the lunar form nature is demonstrated. (See following pages for Taurus-Scorpio axis charts.)

Group 1 Taurus-Scorpio Axis

Group 1: Taurus-Scorpio Axis Hitler, Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Hess.

Group 2 Taurus-Scorpio Axis

Group 2: Taurus-Scorpio Axis Goering, Eichmann, Heydrich, Speer.

Taurus-Scorpio Axis: Group 1
The main concentration of power combining the Scorpio/Taurus axis seems to lie with Hitler, Ribbentrop, Goebbels and Hess.

Hitler/Ribbentrop are opposite Goebbels/Hess. Taurus can be deep attachment to form, and Scorpio be deeply immersed in maya and deception. Note also the presence of the three Capricorn Moons, further empowering this massive concentration of forces.

Bear in mind DK’s specific reference “to a much lesser degree” for Hess28 and the exclusion of Himmler, a major player, not astrologically represented here, but dealt with soon in relation to Gemini/Sagittarius.

Taurus-Scorpio Axis: Group 2

The next grouping of Goering, Eichmann, Heydrich and Speer still has a strong Scorpio/Taurus and Capricorn influence, though they qualify “to a much lesser degree” than those leaders who were literally “possessed” by the “Forces of Evil”29 Speer was Hitler’s personal ‘architect’.

Note Eichmann’s Capricorn Moon on Goering ’s Sun. Note also the three Pisces Suns, resonating with the Nazi Party and German personality, embodying the Plutonic forces which rule Pisces esoterically – and Scorpio exoterically.

Entity Scorpio Planet Taurus Planet
First Reich 800 AD 1 Taurus 32 Chiron
Metternich 1773 24 Taurus 50

24 Taurus 03

19 Taurus 21

5 Taurus 02




National Assembly 1848 29 Scorpio 46
6 Scorpio 34
27 Taurus 35

26 Taurus 22

9 Taurus 53




Bismarck 1815 4 Taurus 02 Venus
Second Reich 1871 17 Taurus 00 Pluto
Weimar 1918 16 Scorpio 18

12 Scorpio 42



Nazi Party 1920 7 Scorpio 00
18 Scorpio 26
5 Taurus 52 Moon
Beer Hall Putsch


10 Scorpio 45

11 Scorpio 12

15 Scorpio 12

15 Scorpio 12

26 Scorpio 26

9 Taurus 12 Ascendant
SS April 1925

New Moon Taurus?

5 Taurus 41
6 Taurus 19


Gestapo 1933

(Note major align-ments between Gestapo, SS and the   Nazi Party)

5 Taurus 45

7 Taurus 00

8 Taurus 51

24 Taurus 23

26 Taurus 29






Third Reich 1933 25 Taurus 46

23 Taurus 34



Hitler 0 Taurus 48

5 Taurus 03
16 Taurus 23

16 Taurus 42





Himmler 0 Scorpio 23 Mercury
Goebbels 0 Scorpio 56

7 Scorpio 45

6 Scorpio 47

13 Scorpio 55

17 Scorpio 14

27 Scorpio 57












Goering 28 Scorpio 02

15 Scorpio 51

10 Scorpio 15




4 Taurus 45 Node
Ribbentrop 3 Scorpio 56

8 Scorpio 38



10 Taurus 14

9 Taurus 42

8 Taurus 42

8 Taurus 29





Hess 13 Scorpio 39 Uranus 6 Taurus 03

4 Taurus 37



Streicher 20 Taurus 41 Neptune
“Initiatory Seven” 8 Scorpio 47 Uranus 5 Taurus 17 Ascendant
Roehm 17 Scorpio 39

20 Scorpio 32



6 Taurus 12

28 Taurus 29



Speer 23 Scorpio 55 Mars 2 Taurus 29

9 Taurus 15



Bormann 23 Taurus 15 Mars
Heydrich 29 Scorpio 17 Moon
Eichmann 1 Taurus 20 Mars
Liebenfels 0 Taurus 56

5 Taurus 53

11 Taurus 21

15 Taurus 20

19 Taurus 09






List 2 Scorpio 19

4 Scorpio 03

11 Scorpio 42




Wiligut 18 Scorpio 52 Saturn 13 Taurus 35 Pluto
Total 32   45  

Table I
Taurus -Scorpio Scorpio and Taurus Placements

As evidenced by the totals in the above table (and some of those counted were events not human entities), the Taurus polarity of Scorpio is heavily accented in all the major players, as seen in those charts of the early period, Metternich, the German National Assembly; to Bismarck and eventually the Nazi Party, Gestapo and SS.

On closer examination, it is revealed that most of those closest to Hitler, had significant planets around the early degrees of Taurus/Scorpio, near Hitler’s Sun in Taurus, whilst many had Taurus Suns. The major occult links with Liebenfels, Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels all focus in the first degree of Scorpio (Mercury in Scorpio: Himmler and Goebbels) and Taurus (Sun/Mercury in Taurus: Hitler and Liebenfels.) The truth is reflected in DK’s warning before the war had started, as stated earlier:

“The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light …”30

Note also formative events such as the Beer Hall Putsch and the inauguration of the SS and Gestapo, all have uncannily close synastry with Hitler’s chart, and other entities, nations or individuals who had gone before.

Gemini -Sagittarius
Another prominent axis is Sagittarius/Gemini: Of the Nazis, Himmler, Streicher  and Bormann  share the most planets on this axis, with Himmler as one of the original ‘seven’, and the second most powerful man in Germany. Himmler’s penchant for philosophical mysticism can be seen with a stellium in Sagittarius and Mercury  in Scorpio. Most of his life progressed Sun was in Scorpio, as well as the progressed Moon for the last sixteen months of his life.

Streicher’s sexual and sadistic excesses can be seen in his Sun/Mars in Pisces square to his Moon in Gemini. Bormann’s Sun/Neptune conjunction in Gemini reflects a high idealis, heavily influenced by Himmler’s opposing Saturn.

However, Borman will be left out of  the following quadri-wheel chart to allow room for the other two axis leaders: Japan’s Tojo Hideki and Italy’s Benito Mussolini. The synastry between these latter two and Himmler is extraordinarily close, perhaps hinting at a deep subjective relationship that united the three axis powers.

Gemini-Sagittarius Axis

Gemini-Sagittarius Axis Himmler, Streicher, Mussolini, & Hideki. Himmler, Streicher & Bormann.

Gemini-Sagittarius Axis2

Himmler, Streicher, Bormann – Gemini-Sagittarius synastry.

The three Gemini Moons of Hideki, Mussolini and Streicher are all ranged opposite Himmler’s Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius. These two planets are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of his Aquarian ascendant, so are most powerful. The Mutable Cross signs are interesting to consider as they deal with ‘matter’ per se. The swastika is a version of the Mutable Cross:

“The Mutable Cross of material change and constant movement can be depicted by the swastika. The man is unconscious of the nature of the four entering energies and interprets little in terms of the soul. The energies make their impact upon him and drive him into material activity.

This Cross of the personality dedicates the man who is crucified thereon to material ends in order that he may learn eventually their divine use. It is in the lower aspect of this Cross that the Nazis chose this symbol as theirs; they were expressing, at the close of the material cycle of human existence, the false and evil use of matter, of which separativeness, cruelty and selfishness is the key. The misuse of substance and the prostitution of matter and form to evil ends is the sin against the Holy Spirit. It might be said that the swastika “drives into danger dire and into evil ways, those whose greed is great and who see no beauty in the dawning light and who know no love of human lives.””31

The mutable cross also rules the masses who are learning to use matter before spiritually mounting the Fixed Cross. Streicher’s Gemini stellium reflects his skills in producing anti-Semitic literature and influencing the masses. Mussolini and Hideki charts also had contain a Gemini stelliums and they ruled the masses. Both these Gemini stelliums compliment the Sagittarian stelliums of Himmler and Bormann.

Note earlier also the three mutable Pisces Suns of Eichmann, Heydrich and Speer, with Pluto the Destroyer, as esoteric ruler of Pisces. The former two were responsible for carrying out many of the massacresn (masses) in the Concentration Camps. Note Pluto the Destroyer, as esoteric ruler of Pisces. Himmler in particular was adept at manipulating the masses. His ideals embodied in his Sagittarius stellium resonate with one of the Nazis’ mentors, Karl Wiligut, and his Gemini placements.

Influences of Occultism on Hitler and Himmler

Wiligut, List and Liebenfels

Wiligut, List and Liebenfels

Wiligut, List and Liebenfels all influenced Hitler’s formative thinking in his early days in Vienna. In his book The Occult Roots of Nazism, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke32 details the distorted pagan and distorted theosophical idealisms underlying that were borrowed by the Nazism.

Liebenfels, one of the main developers of the ideal of the Aryan  superman, has very close synastry with Hitler, in terms of mental influence. (See Table 1) His Mercury is exactly conjunct Hitler’s Sun and his Neptune is exactly conjunct Hitler’s Mercury. Liebenfels’ Mars/Pluto is lso conjunct Hitler’s Mars and Venus. Liebenfels’ Mercury is exactly conjunct Hitler’s Sun and his Neptune is exactly conjunct Hitler’s Mercury. Liebenfels’ Mars/Pluto is also conjunct Hitler’s Mars and Venus.

himmler3“Himmler was a seventh ray occultist. He had a great interest in astrology, reincarnation, herbalism, and in magic, ceremonial rites, rituals and mystical orders. He was profoundly influenced (as was Hitler ) by the periodical, Astara (Hitler was an avid collector), published by the Austrian mystic, occultist, racist, Jorg Lunz—a former monk with a vision of a glorious Aryan future, ruled by occultist priest/kings To this end he formed the Order of New Templars, attempting to revive the ancient tradition of the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages. From Lunz, Himmler eagerly absorbed a burning faith in Aryanism, and began, earnestly and methodically, to create, through the SS, a mystical order of “knights” (reflecting, in their highest echelons, the Knights of the Round Table) which would form the elite vanguard of a new Aryan Civilization composed only of those of “pure” Aryan blood. Eventually he created an SS Army (the Waffen SS) of a million men, and an corps of exterminators known as the Death’s-Head SS.

The doctrines of the East propounded by Madame Blavatsky were woefully, distorted materialized, and ss insignialiteralized. “God” was seen as embodied in blood and race, and the most ‘spiritual’ of all quests was considered to be the elimination of all racial “impurities” from the German racial stock which, according to this theory, was the genetic pool containing the greatest concentration of ancient Aryan blood.

Eventually, within 120 years (so Himmler confidently estimated) the German people (and especially the SS) would become an entirely regenerated Aryan race, purged of all racial contaminants.… his Aquarianism. This sign, when combined with the seventh and sixth rays, [proposed soul and personality respectively] gave Himmler his passion for mystical “orders”. He purchased an old, romantic yet formidable German castle, renovated it at tremendous expense, and made it the magical heart of the SS “Order”, conducting occult rituals in its specially re-designed ceremonial chambers and crypts.”33

A good example of the Nazi’s misuse of occult information lies in the following passage from H.P. Blavatsky’s writings:

“If, in its material aspect, the “old serpent” is matter, and represents Ophiomorphos, in its spiritual meaning it becomes Ophis-Christos. In the magic of the old Syro-Chaldeans both are conjoint in the zodiacal sign of the androgyne of Virgo-Scorpio, and may be divided or separated whenever needed. Thus as the origin of “good and evil,” the meaning of the S.S. and Z.Z. has always been interchangeable; and if upon some occasions the S.S. on sigils and talismans are suggestive of serpentine evil influence and denote a design of black magic upon others, the double S.S. are found on the sacramental cups of the Church and mean the presence of the Holy Ghost, or pure wisdom.” (Isis Unveiled II, p.449.)

Allied Leaders Churchill and Roosevelt
churchill-rooseveltIt is worth having a brief look at these leaders as they not only led the major allied powers, but also produced the Atlantic Charter, making known fundamental beliefs in their national policies upon which a better world could be based.

Ironically, Churchill and Roosevelt both had horoscopes that covered the two main energetic streams studied thus far in the Axis leaders: Taurus-Scorpio – had a stellium of planets in Taurus. And Sagittarius – Churchill had Sun, Vulcan, Venus there – his Sun right on Himmler’s Jupiter.

Britain is ruled at a personality level by Taurus34 another irony, recalling also the character John Bull and his bulldog, as representative of the British personality in Europe:

“… the jovial and honest farmer figure, solid and foursquare, sometimes in Union Jack waistcoat and with bulldog at heel.”35

Of course, Churchill was also well known for his pet bulldog. He was endowed with a Taurean tenacity churchill-british-bulldogvia Pluto in Taurus opposite Mercury in Scorpio, giving him a very powerful and penetrating mind. Both these planets are in synastry with Hitler, Goebbels and others, so there was a degree of strategy in Churchill to beat the Nazis at their game. Some astrologers give him a Ray One soul and Ray Four personality.

Roosevelt’s chart has Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron and Pluto all in Taurus, again with much synastry to German leaders, if Table I is consulted.

His Saturn sitting on the Sun/Moon of the Nazi Party, SS and Gestapo – must have had some effect! Also, his Aquarian Sun was only one degree from that of the Third Reich’s Sun. DK also describes Roosevelt as “that great first ray disciple”36, and seems to be hinting that he was a Ray One soul.

The forces at work during World War II transformed the world and were meant to sound the death knell to materialism, but how far has the world progressed since that period? Materialism seems to have reached new heights (or is that depths?) – of refinement, sixty-odd years later and fascism is present in many governments and populations of the world. In the overall scheme and from the perspective of the greater cycles, Humanity is still emerging from this period of World War II, a recapitulation of the Atlantean conflict. Have we truly ‘closed the door where evil dwells’ or are we still struggling to shut it?

Phillip Lindsay © 2006.

See this article in “The Destiny of the Nations and Races I”

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Appendix: Brief Biographies

Metternich: Austrian diplomat, politician. Studied Napoleon very closely. Congress of Vienna was the climax of his work. Reputation for licentiousness. Became a hated symbol of repression and reaction. Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (also in the chart of Saddam Hussein and other dictators),Venus and Mercury in Taurus.

Bismarck: The ‘creator of a nation’ and ‘dark avatar’. Prussian. Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn. Pluto in Pisces. Saturn in Aquarius.

The ‘gang of seven’:

1) Hitler: Sun in Taurus. Moon in Capricorn quincunx Pluto. Saturn in Leo. Mars/Venus square Saturn in Leo.

2) Himmler: Second most powerful man in the Third Reich. Studied agriculture. Established the first concentration camp. Built SS into the most powerful armed body in Germany. Organised death camps in Eastern Europe. Forced labour and medical experiments. Gained control of intelligence network. Attempted to set up an autonomous SS industrial empire. Tried to kill Speer. Suffered increasingly from psychosomatic illnesses. Highly effective administrator. Penchant for philosophical mysticism. Cold-blooded and fanatical adherence to Nazi racist ideology. Was prime architect of the Holocaust. Was most philosophically aligned with the occult roots of Nazism. Moon in Aries square Saturn. Mars in Leo trine Jupiter/Uranus in Sagittarius. Mercury in Scorpio square Mars.

3) Goebbels: Doctorate in philology. Literary, dramatic and journalistic efforts. Anti-bourgeois. Was initially not anti-Semitic. He valued high school teachers who were Jews. Was engaged to a half Jewish girl. Gifted speaker. Successful orator, well versed propagandist and brilliant journalist. Had a clubfoot. Created myth around Hitler. Personal courage. (Scorpio/Mars) Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron, Uranus in Scorpio. Moon in Capricorn. Mars square Leo rising.

4) Goering: Responsible for setting up of concentration camps. Economic dictator of Germany. Badly wounded in the groin. Addicted to opiates. Sole concern in the Reichstag was to stultify the democratic system. Hitler’s most loyal supporter. Blackmailed the surrender of Austria in 1938. Led the economic despoliation of the Jews in Germany. Devoted to his wife. Sincere in his desire to avert or postpone the war. Self-indulgent nature was too weak. Retired through ill-health. Colossal girth from glandular defect, not gluttony.

Codeine addiction made him alternately elated or depressed. (Ray Four.) Egocentric and bombastic. Delighted in flamboyant clothes and uniforms (Ray Four), decorations and exhibitionist jewellery. (Ray Seven.) Hitler had declared him his successor in 1939. Saw himself as the star defendant, an historical figure. Claimed that Himmler was the architect of all the atrocities. Moon conjunct Uranus in Scorpio. Mars opposite Saturn.

5) Ribbentrop: Anglophobe. Adviser to Hitler. Importance declined with outbreak of war. Sun conjunct Venus and Jupiter in Taurus opposite Moon in Scorpio. Leo rising.

6) Hess: Very loyal to Hitler. Little intelligence or personality of his own. Parachuted into Scotland. Sun in Taurus opposite Uranus in Scorpio. Moon in Capricorn square Saturn.

7) Streicher: Editor of anti-Semitic weekly. Sexual and sadistic excesses. Scandalous irregularities of his business and personal transactions. Close friend of Hitler. Sun conjunct Mars in Pisces square Moon in Gemini.

Eichmann: Chief executioner to implement the ‘final solution’ of the Jewish problem. Evaded capture until caught in Argentina in 1958. Moon in Capricorn square Sun. Mars in Taurus square MC. Sun in Pisces square soul ruler Pluto.

Heydrich: ‘The Hangman’. Himmler’s closest collaborator. Organised the first deportations of Jews from Germany and Austria to Poland. Organised mobile killing squads. Goering commissioned Heydrich to carry out a final solution of the Jewish question. Repressive measures and mass executions. Sun in Pisces square soul ruler Pluto. Saturn conjunct Venus in Aquarius opposite Leo Ascendant. Mars in Aries trine Moon in Scorpio.

Bormann: Wanted to reorganise the army. Was a real power behind Hitler and a gifted schemer. Even Himmler and Goebbels were scared of his power. Murdered by Hitler. Sun conjunct Neptune in late Gemini opposite Saturn in early Capricorn. Mars in Taurus square Moon and Ascendant in Aquarius.

Speer: Hitler’s personal architect. Efficient and talented. Minister of armaments and munitions. Expanded the system of conscription and slave labour, supplied primarily from concentration camps, that maintained production of war material for Nazi Germany. Sun in Pisces trine Mars in Scorpio.

Tojo Hidecki: Prime Minister of Japan. Sun, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn squaring Nodes. Moon conjunct Pluto.

Mussolini: Dictator of Italy. Sun in Leo square Taurus/Scorpio nodes. Moon conjunct Mars. Pluto in the 7th house.

List: Philosophical influence on Nazis. Sun conjunct Mars square Moon in Capricorn. Venus, Mercury, Chiron in Capricorn.

Wiligut: Philosophical influence on Nazis. Saturn in Scorpio opposite Pluto. Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer.

Liebenfels: Philosophical influence on Nazis. Sun conjunct Mars, Pluto and Mercury in Taurus. Saturn in Capricorn opposite Jupiter/Uranus in Cancer.

  1. The Destiny of Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.76-77. []
  2. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 44. []
  3. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. []
  4. The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. Pp.76-77 []
  5. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey, pp.132-3. []
  6. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. pp.297-8. []
  7. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. []
  8. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.386-7. []
  9. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.386. []
  10. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.68. []
  11. ibid. p.69. []
  12. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.285-6 []
  13. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. []
  14. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.585-6. []
  15. Encyclopaedia Britannica. []
  16. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.356. []
  17. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. []
  18. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.258. []
  19. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.425. []
  20. Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. pp.209-10. []
  21. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.560. []
  22. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. []
  23. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.170-1. []
  24. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. pp.794-5. []
  25. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. []
  26. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225 []
  27. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. []
  28. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy , Alice A. Bailey. p.425. []
  29. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.425. []
  30. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.543-4. []
  31. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bbiley. p.560. []
  32. The Occult Roots of Nazism, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. []
  33. Tapestry of the Gods, Vol. III (unpublished 2002), Michael D. Robbins. For a more complete diagnosis of this chart, visit: []
  34. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.80. []
  35. Encyclopedia Britannica. []
  36. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.578. []

One Response to Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis

  1. David says:

    Excellent essay Lindsay, thanks.

    How we enjoy working or making analogies about the multiple possibilities of expansion suggested by the writings of the Tibetan Master! 🙂

    Good and evil, German Karma …, World Karma, suffering, sacrifice …, opportunity for growth.

    It is clear that in the Great War, Germany, or rather the majority of the German people, through Pisces, fell into a deep mirage of power/1R ruler of his personality and, by logical contrast, the Ray of the Soul of USA and England expressed, through the fraternal bond, (Gemini-Aquarius), love for the truth (2R).

    For my part, I will give you three ideas that I had during the reading.


    First idea: About the natal chart of Hitler:

    “Hitler had Saturn in Leo in his natal horoscope, making a difficult square to Mars and Venus in Taurus. Saturn was also the ruler of his Capricorn Moon, which is mentioned further in this essay”.

    If you allow me in this analysis, I would also attach the hierarchical ruler of Libra, Saturn, because the power of the creative hierarchies, even if unconsciously, is very present through the consciousness that invokes them. I, if it is a socially very influential personality, regardless of his level of consciousness, I always use them as a final analysis.

    DK, in The Creative Hierarchies. – AE, says:

    “They (the creative hierarchies) only evoke conscious response where the vehicle of expression and of response is adequate to the impact, and this statement is true of the solar Logos, the planetary Logoi, and of all forms in all the kingdoms upon our planet. Unconscious reaction will of course exist, but it will be on a general or mass scale …”

    So in Hitler, as a massive influence who was, we can consider the hierarchical ruler of Libra, Saturn, which returns us to Leo, sign, in the words of DK, key in the Soul of Hitler. The characteristics or results of their massive influence were leonine. Lines of self-awareness were created in the German people

    On the other hand, and without underestimating the “blind and rough” role (material) of Taurus, the Tibetan Master also tells us:

    “It is the Aries-Leo influences which produced the dictator.” (The Destiny of the Nations – An Analysis of Certain Countries – Germany)

    And Aries through Mercury, because it is angular and in its own esoteric rule, it is very powerful.

    We also know that Vulcan moves between the Sun and Mercury, couldn’t it be that Vulcan was in Aries?


    Second idea: when I read this text I thought of Abraham Lincoln and his Moon

    “But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon [in Capricorn], which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”

    This is Lincoln’s Moon in Capricorn, already at house 12, the final death.


    Third idea:

    And finally, given the sad possibility of this text:

    “the swastika endangers the atrocious and wicked, those whose greed is great and who do not see beauty in the light of dawn and who do not know love for human lives.”

    I will answer with a text by Hellena Blavatky that she wrote when, Alexander II, the Tsar of the Russian Empire was killed:

    “ «Good God of mercy! What a bloody horror! Are the last days of Russia come? Or is Satan himself incarnate in her children, in the miserable abortion of my poor country?

    After this unprecedented crime, what next?

    Where are the Russians of days gone by?  Whither is my beloved Russia drifting?

    Yes, I am a renegade. Yes, I am a Buddhist, an atheist – according to you, a republican – but I am miserable, profoundly miserable, over this atrocious monstrosity!

    Oh! how I pity them all – our martyred Tsar, his unhappy family, and all Russia!

    Cursed be these monsters, these Nihilists, these reckless fools!

    How you will laugh at me – the republican citizen, the esprit fort, who has freed herself from the prejudices of her country; but in this moment of profound stupor I feel a shame so intense of my countrymen, a pity so deep for the victim of their cruel follies, a despair so true, that I defy the most faithful of the subjects of our Tsars, who have never left their native land, to suffer more than I do. »

    And she proved it by falling ill. (In the spring of 1881, H.P. Blavatsky fell seriously ill after receiving the fatal news of what had occurred in Russia on the 13th March in that year)”.


    Have we really “closed the door where evil dwells” or are we still struggling to close it?

    And, although the sacrifices of the twentieth century were a great purification, we are still struggling …, from Love, like Helena’s words.

    Thanks Lindsay


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