The American Revolution 2.0: Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus.
My readers have frequently asked where I stand with regard to the new US administration. The recent Aquarius newsletter covered a lot of ground of what is going on – and aired various concerns. I have stated regularly that I strive for an apolitical view though do not always achieve that ideal – one must take a position at times – as I did in many 2016 writings supporting Corbyn and Sanders in the UK and US.
I have sought to stay engaged with my readers that are alienated by “boring” politics, or who still cling to the Democrat ideology – which in its original essence, I fully resonate. But as stated many times, there is no longer any true left or right – no real Democrats or Republicans.
Praising actions of any political party, in any part of the world, should not be construed as subscribing to that party’s ideology. One can give praise where due for beneficial policies, or constructive critique for policies contrary to personal views. Having said that, many good things appear to be happening in the new US govt, giving cause for great optimism.
We have now arrived at the next big cleavage – following on from divisive events that unfolded from 2020 around Covid and Ukraine. On the eve of Wesak 2025, the current cleavage within the “spiritual community” – and the world at large, hinges on two viewpoints:
One is that Trump and his admin are turning the USA around, back onto its true soul purpose. The other is that it is the beginning of a dark takeover by a billionaire technocracy who will create a totalitarian state.
There are many threads of grey on both sides of the equation – that will be teased out in the ensuing years – as the new changes come more sharply into focus. And as the forces of the status quo fight tooth and nail to preserve their various ideologies. For now, believers are polarised (some vehemently) on both viewpoints – yet uncertainties abound for both.
At this point, one can choose to give the benefit of the doubt, despite several troubling issues that have been discussed in newsletters for the past few years. In the coming months and years, everyone will be tested on how well their intuition is honed – the “common sense” – with its capacity to transcend the lower mind, that only registers the “outer seeming” of things – which is essentially maya.
The American Revolution 2.0
Love or loathe it – there is an extraordinary revolution taking place within the USA, 248 years after the first American Revolution that began in 1776, with The Declaration of Independence. Pluto’s cycle is 248 years and the USA has just gone through its first Pluto return.
The changes are coming so thick and fast, everyone is scrambling to keep up with what is going on – and being challenged to adjust their previously held perspectives. Never before in US history, have so many deep-reaching changes been effected so quickly – in a few short weeks.
This is what revolution looks like – for better or worse: “A rapid, fundamental transformation of a society’s class, state, ethnic or religious structures.” If these changes are not successful and create too much resistance from opposing forces – or the population at large, then there is the potential for violent revolution on USA’s third (84-year cycle) Uranus return in two years time.
The recent Aquarius-Leo full moon, T-squared by revolutionary Uranus in Taurus – is the point of tension that has facilitated massive reforms and some laudable objectives: Initially financial – identifying waste and corruption in USAID, social security, the military, education, immigration, border protection etc.
Similarly, the stage is set for negotiating a peace deal for Russia-Ukraine, nuclear arms reduction with China and Russia (!), cutting the Pentagon’s budget in half (!) and continuing the ceasefire in Israel. What can be wrong about any of these initiatives?
Europe and NATO have been brusquely put on notice that there will be a different way of doing business now – its leaders are rattled and running like scared rabbits.
The USA intends to bypass all the European nations – who, under the directive of the previous US administration and NATO, supported the proxy war in Ukraine with money, weapons and troops. The US administration has in recent days indicated exactly where it stands in helping resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict – it will work directly with Moscow.
It has been argued that European leaders have no right to protest because most of them in the past few years were stooges for NATO and the World Economic Forum, pushing the 2030 agenda – that was NEVER in the best interests of Humanity.
Those same European nations were co-conspirators of the scamdemic, which conveniently changed course in Feb. 2022 – when it looked like the vast web of lies were unravelling: Look over here – good Ukraine the underdog, evil Russia!
And due to the lower deceptive vibration of Neptune in Pisces, about 80% of the global population in 2022 did not blink for a minute, obediently following their new directive – seguing seamlessly from Covid vax conformity, onto the Ukraine bandwagon.
Swept-up in this great global glamour, most of those European nations supported Ukraine – pushed hard by the military madness of NATO and the previous US administration.
The US wasted untold $billions of US taxpayers money, for what? To use Ukraine a proxy to attack Russia. The tragedy that unfolded resulted in the deaths of well over half a million, mainly Ukrainians – the most shocking slaughter since WWII. (Official figures are grossly inaccurate, favouring far more casualties for Russia.)
History will show those choices as the success of a mass indoctrination campaign – and the suppression of critical thinking – for which many in the world “spiritual community” (as distinct from religions) – fell foul. Many of these people have not yet admitted or realised the fact that they were conned (and I include several friends) – even those who became ill or witnessed others dying, have still failed to connect the dots.
Ego-driven rationalisation. Denial and cognitive dissonance in the face of massive evidence now available. It takes courage to admit redundant choices because it turns one’s world upside down.
Covid vaccines could now be suspended for all age groups in America – under radical new plans. RFK Jr. and Stanford professor – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, will shortly bring home the bacon on that issue – massive truth bombs are on the way.
Similar to the plannedemic, a majority of the world’s population was brainwashed by NATO and the Neocons about Putin and Russia – for at least a decade previous. So the die was cast for siding with Ukraine – and the hero-worship of its TV soap star turned propaganda puppet, the soon-doomed Zelensky. (Anyone who has the view that this “leader” is a hero, is a very poor judge of character and historically uninformed.)
Pluto in Aquarius, the soul of the USA (and Russia), has been working in a tag team with Aquarius ruler Uranus – taking a wrecking ball to outworn institutions and systems. For many, it has been truly breath-taking to witness what has been going on – most of it quite positive, in terms of stated aims of the new administration.
However, the old media propaganda machine is still in action, trying to prop up the mass delusion that Big Media and its leading pundits still insist upon – by ignoring history and the real facts about the Russia-Ukraine situation. This is a subject upon which the author has researched and copiously written – hence briefly summarising:
In 2014, the US state department blatantly meddled in Ukraine, overthrowing a democratically elected government that was sympathetic to Moscow. This was followed by USA, NATO and Western nations keeping up aggressive pressure – ignoring one red line after another. The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2014-2022 in Donbas, led to the needless loss of 10,000 lives – roughly half each for both sides.
Then in Feb. 2022 – to preserve its right to territorial sovereignty and with its back against the wall, Russia was forced to begin its “mililtary operation” in Ukraine. These are all well-documented facts.
Yet, commentators, politicians and lying propaganda still glibly squeal that Russia made an “unprovoked attack”. Further lies piled upon lies have driven this mass delusion deeper into matter. Now it appears, that this manufactured fog is being pierced by the blazing light of the first ray of will or power – a shock from Shamballa.
First ray ruler – Pluto, brings to the surface all that is hidden in the underworld, creating a transparency toward which the new administration regularly states it is striving. Trump may well be on the first ray of will-power, working through his Leo ascendant:
“The true first ray personality who works in response to this Shamballa influence will have the ultimate good of the group deeply enshrined in his consciousness and heart; he will think in terms of the whole and not in terms of the part.
That is the thing which he will endeavour to impress upon the racial consciousness. This may lead at times to ruthlessness and cruelty if the personality of the individual is not yet controlled by soul impulse.
…. such first ray exponents of force are often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan.” (Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.16-17.)
Policy-wise, in some areas all is not what it seems, which many are hoping may be the case with Israel – the toughest nut to crack and arguably the most deeply entrenched problem on the planet – and probably the last to solve. There are also many hardline and fanatical Zionists in the new administration.
Outrageous statements about Gaza and its rebuilding, may yet be a leveraging ploy to see what other actors will emerge to address the problem. And already some moves are emerging from Arab states. Trump may be playing the long game on this intransigent question.
In the flurry of all these changes and subsequent confusion, it has been educational to observe those who parrot the narrow propagandised views of mainstream media; who have deeply entrenched hatreds, suspicions, judgements and political prejudices.
Of course, we all carry this kind of baggage to one degree or another, so no one will be spared from making some demanding adjustments in thinking! Many are now trying to deal with these “shocking” changes through the lens of their own hubris and crystallised thought which has been trashed by radical change. As mentioned in a recent post,
“One of the great needs of all disciples and aspirants is the detached relinquishing of pet theories as to life, discipleship and the Plan; the preserving of that open mind which is ever ready for the unexpected presentation and able … to achieve a quick reversal of all preconceived ideals.
… Such attitudes are peculiarly difficult for those disciples who have the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism dominant in their energy equipment, for the ideals of a sixth ray aspirant crystallise most rapidly and are quickly distorted thereby.” (Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey.)
Because the sixth ray tends to see everything as either black or white, thought processes are prone to rigidly reject anything that the new administration is doing, without giving credit where due, by rationalising that there are hidden motives – and confidently exclaiming the well-worn criticism of narcissistic leaders.
No political party ever satisfies all its voters, more often than not, they blatantly and routinely break election promises. It *appears* that reverse is true for the current US Admin.
But for many, its still too early to call yet, and fears of a billionaire AI totalitarianism are not unfounded. The late Jimmy Carter stated decades ago that the USA is already an oligarchy which has trumped democracy – excuse the pun!
Critics forget that by projecting blame onto one leader, that it is an entire party of Republicans (aided by a few true Democrats who changed sides RFK Jr. and Gabbard) – voted-in by over half the US population. Indeed, Trump was originally a Democrat and it is said that many Republicans only tolerated him because of their need to retain power.
Hence the current rash of criticisms and knee-jerk responses are superficial and biased, reflecting how many are emotionally trapped in an ideological cul-de-sac – devoid of discriminating thought. These critics are reactionary and quick to judge appearances – well before the dust has settled on many initiatives.
“By their fruits shall ye know them” is the old adage. The patient farmer diligently cultivates before the full harvest appears. And that might take four years, indeed a decade or more. Other adages come to mind, “Rome was not built in a day” and, “The Queen Mary cannot be turned around on a dime”.
But for now at least, the earth has been freshly turned, in an hitherto fallow field – and some fast growth will evolve from that. Uranus in fertile, earthy Taurus has facilitated the turning of the soil, allowing the sun’s rays to pour vitality upon all organisms therein.
As the plough turns the furrow, long-buried secrets are steadily moving toward the surface – bringing the promise of answers to lingering questions of history: JFK, RFK, MLK, 9/11, Epstein et al. Again we witness the province of Lord of the Underworld, Pluto – at once the Destroyer and Revealer.
Phillip Lindsay © 2025.
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