The third book in this ongoing series explores many events – as they have unfolded within nations or upon the world stage. The nations are considered in the context of the greater rootraces of which they are part. The book is divided into various headings dealing with different themes such as: Global Issues, World Media and Propaganda, The Destiny of Individual Nations, with considerable focus upon the USA – as one of the world’s leading nations.
Other themes include, the Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025, conflict between the forces of light versus materialism, inquisitions, the age of Aquarius, economic cycles, Hollywood etc. The nations that are explored are Brazil, Britain (Brexit), London, France, Paris, Germany, Austria, Greece, Australia, Ireland, Israel, Portugal, Russia, Syria. The USA section is divided into various sections such as politics, elections, guns and mass shootings and media.
2019. (6″ x 9″. 361 pages) ISBN: 978-1-876849-17-7.
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Destiny of the Races and Nations III emerges a few years after volume II. These essays are a collection of writings from 2015 to 2018, culled from newsletters and occasional writings. This book is a companion volume to Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays IV, but confined to the discussion of the rootraces and nations as whole entities; politics, general social trends and issues, the astrology of larger entities such as Hollywood, the CIA or a corporation.
Readers will find more illustrations to some of the articles if they go to the author’s website. Yet the main tables and explanatory diagrams are in this volume.
The ancient history of the human races has been given more emphasis in this volume, as it is important to highlight causes from ancient civilisations that are still having effects now. The history of Lemuria, Atlantis and this current Fifth Rootrace are inextricably linked to the destiny of the nations today.
One or two articles in this volume can also be found in the Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays series or in Destiny of the Races and Nations I & II – simply convenience, to preserve some continuity between articles connected with one another.
Also there are some essays in this volume that have slight overlaps – in that similar or the same information is in them. This is because the author has written about these subjects at various dates, coming from a different angle each time.
The books that are dedicated to the evolution of the earth and the esoteric history of the races are, The Hidden History of Humanity I – now re-written and extensively updated to the new 2017 title, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. This book is the companion to the recently released video The Hidden History of Humanity (2 hours 37’).
As in my other volumes, I strive to make the science of occultism and esoteric astrology as practical as possible, by applying it to the unfolding evolution of races and nations.
Phillip Lindsay
(February 2019)
Rootraces: Foundations of the Nations
Leo the Fifth Sign and the Fifth Rootrace
Leo and the Hubris-Humility Equation
Integration of the Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
Global Issues
Planetary Conflict Between Spiritual and Material Forces
Intellectual Terrorism and the Third Phase of the World War
Insistence upon Imperialism Will Ruin this Planet
Scorpio-Sagittarius Inquisitions in History
Salem Witch Trials
Age of Aquarius: A New Renaissance
Steps for World Unification
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025
World Media and Propaganda
Piscean Absorbency and Mass Media
Propaganda: The Crisis of World Glamour
Propaganda: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule.”
The Communication Revolution’s Shadow
Edward Bernays: Scorpio Father of Propaganda. The CIA
The Maya of World Media and the CIA
Scorpio: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule”
Scorpio Hollywood
Hollywood Inquisitions
Facebook Problem
The Destiny of the Nations
Leo Soul Brazil and the Olympic Games
Brazil, Virgo Personality
Khalid Masood, Westminster and the Crisis of Western Democracy
The Event Horoscope: London as Leo Soul, Libra Personality
Teresa May Horoscope
Britain’s Gemini Soul and the Brexit Crisis
The European Union Horoscope
Manchester Mass Murder
The Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East
London’s Burning: Crisis in Democracy
London: Planetary Throat Centre
Astrology of France: The Leo-Aquarius Polarity
Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo
Slaughter in Paris and Escalating Geopolitics
Bastille Day Attack in Nice
Austria and Germany
European Refugee Crisis: Pisces Germany and Austria’s Libran Soul
Austria, Germany and the Imminent Reappearance of the Fourth Ray
Invoking the Soul of Greece: Goddess Pallas Athena
Greek Financial Crisis and the Global Economy 2015
Greece is a Capricorn: The Cancer-Capricorn Axis
Greek Banking Crisis: Capricorn Banks
Two Sides of the Greek Tragedy
Union Movement a Spiritual Enterprise
Yanis Varoufakis
The Future Monetary and Resource Systems
Saturn in Sagittarius: Cycles of Economic Depression
Israel (Zionism)
Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel
Trump, Netanyahu and Israel
Jared Kushner: Capricorn Sun
Capricorn Jared Kushner: Trump’s Siren Songster
USA’s Nationalism, Israel and the United Nations
Capricorn Nikki Haley and the United Nations Debacle
Mars in Scorpio: Danger in Israel and the Middle East
Miscellaneous Nations
Greece, Ireland and Australia: Virgo Souls
Portugal: Virgo Soul?
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun: Adversaries & Allies
Ukraine, NATO and USA
Russia: A Seventh Ray Aquarian Soul
Understanding the Agony of Syria
The Cause of Syria’s War: Entirely Through US Interference
Venus in Scorpio and Syria
Israel’s Influence
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace
United States of America
USA Aquarius Soul
Apologist for the USA
The Aquarian Revolution Has Begun
USA’s Role in the 1960’s Consciousness Revolution
The Aquarius-Leo Polarity: Trump, USA and the Fourth Ray
USA Gemini Personality
USA’s Gemini Personality Maturation
USA’S Mars in Gemini Personality
Mars, US Politics and Donald Trump
Cancer in the USA: Washington and New York City
USA as World Dweller
Cancer USA: Pluto ‘s Dark Days Leading Toward Light
USA’s Pisces Problems
Callous Corporations and Big Pharma
USA and Other Nations
The Demise of US Global Power
The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA
Russia and USA: Right Libran Relations
Nuke Fear-Mongering: USA and North Korea
“No Nuclear War Allowed”
USA Miscellaneous Events
The Magnetic Storm of 1859 and the USA
The August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes
USA Politics
USA 2015: Capricorn Full Moon Grand Cross
Democrats and Republicans: The Waning Piscean Era
The Electoral College Meeting Dec. 19, 2016
Cyclic Factors Leading to the US Election 2016
Hillary Clinton: US Elections November 8, 2016
Hillary Clinton: Gemini Rising
Hillary Clinton and Julian Assange: Black Moon Lilith and Medusa
US Elections 2016: Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
USA Election 2016: Trump Triumph
Revolution in the USA? Full Moon Cardinal Grand Cross
Inauguration Day Horoscope: USA’s Aquarian Destiny
Trump’s Sagittarian Cabinet Proposals (2016)
USA Guns and Mass Shootings
Charlston, Carolina: Again, the Gun Control Debate
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 2017: Gun Massacre
USA’s Firearm Addiction and Obsession
Mars in Sagittarius Spurs Student Activism
NRA Revisited: Its Imminent Transformation?
USA Media
Movies and Neptune
Scorpio Hollywood
Hollywood Inquisitions