The fourth book in this ongoing series explores many events – as they have unfolded within nations or upon the world stage. The nations are considered in the context of the greater rootraces of which they are part. It has been decided in this volume to include astrological profiles of personalities associated with nations or world crises, instead of the usual assignment to the Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays series.
The book is divided into various headings dealing with different themes such as: Global Issues, World Media and Propaganda, The Destiny of Individual Nations, with focus upon the USA – as one of the world’s leading nations. Other themes include, the Five Planetary Centres, the Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025, conflict between the forces of light versus materialism, the age of Aquarius, totalitarianism and fascism, economic cycles, Hollywood etc.
Many nations are explored, such as Brazil, Britain – London, France, Paris, Germany, Austria, Greece, Australia, Ireland, Israel, Portugal, Russia, Syria. The USA section is divided into various sections such as politics, elections, guns and mass shootings and media.
2022. (6″ x 9″. 622 pages) ISBN: 978-1-876849-13-9.
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Destiny of the Races and Nations IV is a collection of writings from 2018-2021, culled from newsletters and occasional writings, following a few years after Destiny of the Races and Nations III.
Volume IV is a companion volume to Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays V (2018-2021), which will be released at the same time.
Likewise, Destiny of the Races and Nations V (2018-2021), was created to cater for all the extra material written in those years – due to the global health crisis. Hence, in 2022 these three books will be released.
Destiny of the Races and Nations V – covers two main themes: Coronavirus pandemic and the New Group of World Servers. (See that volume for more details.)
Like previous volumes, Destiny of the Races and Nations IV deals with the rootraces and nations as whole entities; politics, general social trends and issues, the astrology of larger entities such as Hollywood, the CIA or a corporation.
Readers will find more illustrations to some of the articles if they go to the author’s website. Yet the main tables and explanatory diagrams are in this volume.
As in other volumes, the author strives to make the science of occultism and esoteric astrology practical by applying it to the unfolding evolution of races and nations.
Phillip Lindsay
This book is divided into several sections:
Part I: The Big Picture Overview
Part II: Global Issues
Part III: World Media and Propaganda. Money
Part IV: The Nations
Part V: United States of America
Part VI: Ray Tabulations, Bibliography, Glossary, Index
Part I: The Big Picture Overview
The Five Planetary City Centres
What Drastic Measures Might be Taken
Global Transformation by Triangles
How Can Knowledge of the Five Cities be of Practical Use?
The Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter
The New Year Horoscope for Jan.1, 2020
Mars in Sagittarius: USA and the World 2020
Cultivating the Apolitical
Uranus in Taurus Square Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius: 2021
Earthquakes: World, California
The Role of Cataclysms in World History
The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse
Cardinal George Pell’s Conviction
Libra and Child Sex Legislation
The Global Problem of Homelessness
USA Splitting Children from Families
Sagittarius Black Friday Must be Abolished!
Part III: World Media and Propaganda. Money
Media and Technology
Aquarius: Corporations and Technology
Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose
Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO
Gates and Science
Gates and Eugenics Revisited
The Rays of Gates
Ceres in Capricorn
Critics of Bill Gates
Cancer Rulers: Aries Moon, Neptune in Libra
Microsoft and Bill Gates’ Scorpio Planets
Bill Gates’ Transits and Progressions
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus
Sexual Misconduct
Mark Zuckerberg: Allowing Maya to Flourish?
Ritesh Agarwal: 25 y.o. Billionaire
Pisces Rising Facebook and Censorship
Facebook Jan.11, 2004 Horoscope
Mark Zuckerberg’s Domination Problem
The Astrology of Aquarian Facebook
Facebook Feb.4, 2004 (Official launch.)
Mercury Retro: Water Signs 2020, Air Signs 2021
Facebook Hypocrisy
The Black Magicians of Our Age
Jeff Bezos and Amazon
5G, Gemini, the Etheric Body and Telepathy
Gemini Rules Mass Media Propaganda
2020 Hindsight: The Great Global Disturbance and “Conspirituality”
9/11 Parallels to 2020
Media is a Major Problem in the 2020’s
Media Global Take-Over
Politics of the Esoteric Community
Saturn and Money
Global Economic Crisis
Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System 2018
Astrological Indications of a Worldwide Recession
The Shadow of Capricorn: Nazism, Fascism
A recession/Depression for 2021?
Part IV: The Nations
Australian Fires, Sagittarius and Radioactivity
Capricorn Australia on Fire in 2020
Astrology of Australia’s Fires
Animal Deaths
Australia’s PM Scott Morrison
The Labours of Hercules in Australia
Sydney-London: Solar Plexus-Heart
Brazil Struggle for Soul: Mars in Scorpio
Brazil’s New President Bolsonaro
Virgo Brazil, Bolsonaro and the Amazon Fires
Jair Bolsonaro: Cancer Rising, Aries Sun
Brazil, Shamballa, Atlantis and Lemuria
Belgium: Sagittarian Soul – Holding the European Vision?
Capricorn Britain: Extraordinary Transits. Brexit 2018
Libra: Judicial, Judiciary
London & Britain: Uranus in Taurus (2018-2025)
Britain: Gemini Soul, Taurus Personality
Libra, Money and London
Gemini Britain and Gemini USA: Double Trouble 2019
Britain’s Progressed Sun in Leo: A New Prime Minister
Boris Johnson
Dominic Cummings
Trump-Johnson: Destroyers, Deluders, Manipulators of Souls?
Leo Soul London
Britain Leading Nation of the Fifth Rootrace
Gemini Trump, Johnson and Corbyn
Britain Brexit Continued (Oct. 2019)
Britain’s Election 12:12 Sagittarius Full Moon (12-12-2019)
Boris Johnson: “So many lies…”
Election Day 12-12-2019: Full Moon. A Battle Royale
The Battle of Britain: Election 12-12-19
The Importance of D-Dy and Gemini
Johnson & Corbyn Election Day Full Moon 12-12-2019
Britain’s Transit of Mars in Scorpio: Nov. 2019
London Bridge is Falling Down (Now. 2019)
Usman Khan
Links Between Westminster Bridge 2017 & London Bridge 2019
Boris Johnson Election Transits 2019
UK Conservative Party
Astrological Reasons Why Britain Voted Conservative
Britain’s Election Post Mortem
The Aquarian British Labour Party
The Labour Party Horoscope
Jeremy Corbyn Election Transits 2019
Arnold Toynbee: Disciple of Workers Right
China and Xi Jinping
Hong Kong: Fighting for Democracy
The Umbrella Revolution
Transits Affecting Hong Kong’s Horoscope
Transits in China’s Horoscope
Fire at Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris
The Bees of Notre Dame Survived!
Capricorn Nations, France
France, Pisces Soul
France and the Nuclear Fusion Project
Aries Nations: Germany and India
Berlin Protests: Reclaiming Sovereignty 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins 2018
Happy Birthday Not: Israel Apartheid State
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius
Iran: Declarations of War – Qassem Soleimani
Beirut Blast: Mars-Jupiter Devastation
North Korea
North Korean Détente and Kim Yong Un
Aquarius Russia, Putin and the West
Chernobyl Explosion: Sagittarius Rising
Sweden: An Accommodating Cancer Personality
Volvo Cars
Sweden’s Refugees and Immigrants
Sweden and the English Language
Part V: The United States of America
USA’s Aquarian Soul Purpose
Aquarius Rising: The United States of America
Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions and US Presidents
Aquarius is the Soul of USA and Russia
The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA
Trump the Mercurial Mad Hatter: Jupiter Transit 2019
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Jan. 2019)
USA, Sagittarius and Trump
USA’s Mars in Gemini and Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s Year of Reckoning 2020?
Michael Cohen Bombshell for Trump
Bernie Sanders: democrat Frontrunner 2020
Hillary Clinton 2019, Facebook and the US Election
Liar Liar: USA’s Gemini Truth Crisis
Trump, Biden and Covid-19
Joe Biden, Scorpio Candidate for President 2020
USA, Sagittarius and Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s Lies and Plagiarism
Kamala Harris: VP Nominee
USA, Aries New Moon and Asteroid Hygiea 2020
USA and the Approaching Recession of 2020?
Trump Crucified on a Grand Cross 2020
USA’s Solar Return Full Moon 2020
Invoking the Aquarian Second Ray Soul of the USA
Approaching US Elections 2020: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
The Scorpio Battle for Democracy
US Elections are Always During Scorpio (2020)
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Antares, Aldebaran and USA (2020)
The Star of Bethlehem
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on USA’s Mars
USA & Washington Capitol Events Jan.6, 2021
USA’s New Moon in Capricorn Jan. 2021
Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Day Poem
Joe Biden’s Imminent Fiery Mars Ordeal 2021
Biden and China
Miscellaneous Personalities Associated with the USA
Julian Assange
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose (2018)
Julian Assange Arrest April 2019
Julian Assange: A Minor Victory? (2021)
Marianne Williamson: US President Candidate 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Breath of Fresh Air?
Make America Grate Again – and Ilhan Omar
Marie Yovanovitch, Scorpio Warrior and Diplomat
Fiona Hill: Trump Impeachment Hearings
Mass Shootings in the USA
The Mind of Mass Shooter and the USA
Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack: Scorpio and Hatred
Thousand Oaks: Last Sting in the Tail of the Scorpion 2018
NRA Lawsuit
Natural Disasters USA
Los Angeles July 4, 2018 Earthquake Update
Imminent Earthquake in Los Angeles 2020?
USA’s Fiery Ordeal: Retrograde Mars in Aries 2020
California Fires: USA’s Heart Centre Purified by Fire
San Francisco: Ajna Centre of USA?
USA, the Wounded Gemini African Americans
George Floyd’s Death: Mercury-Venus in Gemini
The Transit of Venus in Gemini 2020: Hope Springs Eternal
USA’s Extraordinary Gemini Full Moon Transits