Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays II

Esoteric Astrology and Initiation

These essays range over a variety of zodiac sign perspectives from Aries to Pisces, esoterically considered. Topics covered include:

The Japanese Tsunami. Chilean Earthquake. World Kalachakra. Occupy Wall Street. Wikileaks.

There are profiles of William Blake, George Washington, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, Julian Assange, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Netanyahu, Sir David Attenborough, J.R.R. Tolkien, Nikos Kazantzakis, Edgar Cayce, Rudolph Steiner, Geoffrey Hodson, Da Free John, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson.

The bonus essay is The Lives of Francis Bacon, delving into the previous incarnations of the One known as the Master R, or Count St Germain.

2012.  (6″ x 9″. 370 pages.) Trade paper. ISBN 978-1-876849-11-5. Temporarily out of stock, reprinting by April 2021.

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Aries the Ram: ¡Viva la (Nueva) Revolución! 
Aries: Ruled by Uranus, Mercury and Mars
Uranus and Money
Revolution and Change
Hamlet’s Dilemma

Aries: Hercules, USA and Dennis Kucinich 
Extraordinary New Moon: Six Planets in Aries
Hercules and the Wild Horses
The USA and Aries-Libra
Congressman Dennis Kucinich: America’s Next President?
Dennis Kucinich: Aries Rising-Libra Sun
Gandhi and Kucinich
November 6, 2012 US Elections Transits for Kucinich

Taurus the Bull: A Buddha or a Hitler 
Mercury, Ruler of the Fourth Ray
Taurus: Buddha, Hitler
Beauty and Ugliness
The United Nations: Wesak 1945

Taurus: The Way to Shamballa 
Taurus, Buddha and the Wesak Festival
Taurus and the New Group of World Servers (NGWS)
Taurus The Bull: Sex, Sound and Shamballa
Wagner, Helfgott, Brahms

Taurus: Volcanoes, Vulcan and Mercury Retrograde 
Mercury Retrograde
Pause for Reflection
The Manu

Gemini the Twins: Relationships, Masonry and Avatars 

Gemini the Twins: The Festival of Humanity 
The Festival of Humanity or of Goodwill
The Last Sermon of the Buddha
Gemini and The Pentecost
The Importance of Utilising The Great Invocation
Gemini, Busyness into Stillness: Meditation

Cancer: The Avatar of Love and the Great Mother 
Jupiter Neptune Chiron Conjunction in Aquarius

Cancer the Crab: Mother Earth. Glastonbury 
Cancer and Neptune
Glastonbury’s Chalice Well
Mother Earth Under Duress: Oil Spill
The Grand Cross of the Cancer Full Moon 2010

Cancer: Washington, Kalachakra, Dalai Lama, Orphans, Money 
Washington, USA and Cancer
Washington Kalachakra for World Peace 2011
What is the Opportunity Now and How Can it be Taken?
Cancer Soul Ruler Neptune.
Cancer-Capricorn: Mother-Father and Orphans
The Dalai Lama and Cancer
Cancer and the World Money Crisis.
New Group of World Servers (Diagram)
Lighted House: Lighthouse

Leo the Lion: Barack Obama. 
Sun square Neptune
Sun conjunct Uranus
Moon in Gemini.
Mercury T-Square Jupiter and Neptune
Aquarius Rising: Soul Purpose
Transits, Progressions for Barack Obama (Nov. 4, 2008)
Presidential Inauguration: January 20, 2009

Leo: Obama’s Drama – 2009 U.S. Presidential Inauguration 
Great Potentials, Enormous Difficulties, Disturbing Facts
Esoteric Perspective
The 2009 U.S. Presidential Inauguration Chart
Jumping Jupiter in Aquarius!
Jupiter Return Chart
More Jupiter and Aquarius
Aquarius, Saturn and Capricorn
Mercury Retrograde
Disturbing Issues: The Thorny Problem of Zionism, Israel
Moon in Scorpio (void of course)
Inauguration Scorpio Moon, Israel and Clinton
Obama Scorpio Midheaven and the Legacy of the Kennedys
USA’s Sixth Ray Personality
The Cross that Obama Bears
Chicago: Solar Plexus Centre of USA
44th President

Leo: Sovereignty, Pride and Initiation 
A Cosmic Perspective
From the Earthly Perspective
Leo, Pride and Humility
Leo, Initiation and the Aquarian Age

Leo the Magnificent! 
Leo and the Fixed Cross.
Leo’s Connection to Revolution: World Civil Unrest
Louis XIV, The Sun King and France
France and the Leo-Aquarius Axis
Leo and the Ongoing World Economic Crisis

Leo-Virgo: The Sphinx 
The Sphinx is an Astrological Sign
The Sphinx: Individualisation in Lemuria
Hermaphrodite: Hermes-Aphrodite
Leo-Virgo and the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom
Cancer-Virgo: Mother, Goddess
Isis is Sirius: The Sphinx is Aligned to Leo

Virgo the Virgin: Mystery Schools, Purification & Healing 

Virgo: Kwan Yin, Virginity, Sex. Steve Jobs. 
Virgo, Kwan Yin and this Solar System
Virgo-Intelligence: Virgo-Love-Wisdom
Virgo the Virgin: Abstinence and Purification
Virgo-Scorpio and Sex: The Sons of Will and Yoga
Virgo Rising Steve Jobs: Will he Stick Around?
Steve Jobs Makes His Transition Decision

Libra the Balance: Libra and No Man’s Land 
Libra and No Man’s Land
Saturn in Libra
Israel and Netanyahu
Netanyahu’s Transits
USA Saturn Return
9/11 Horoscope – Transiting Saturn

Libra: Chile Miners, Shamballa, Europe 
The Chile Miners and Pluto’s Resurrection
Libra the Peacemaker: The Nobel Prize
Scandinavia, China and the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
European Racial Integration & Multi-Culturalism
The Triangle of the Western Races
Shamballa. Master R, Lord of Civilisation
Israel and Netanyahu. The New Group of World Servers

Libra: $ Money $ Money $ Money $ 
Libra, Money and the Old Paradigm Imploding
Corporate Entities in the Pisces-Aquarius Transition
An Esoteric Historical Overview of the Current Situation
Potential Corporate Transformation: Resource Sharing
Uranus & Revolution: People Are Not Going to Take It
The Externalisation of the Third Ray Ashram
Venus and the Re-Examination of Values

Scorpio the Eagle: The Path of Discipleship 
The Path of Discipleship
Saint Paul, Scorpio
The Nine Heads of the Hydra
The Dragons of Spirit and Matter (Table)
Scorpio and Occupy the Planet
Occupy the Planet: The Soul of Humanity Takes Charge
The Horoscope of Occupy Wall St: Scorpio Rising
Scorpio and the Triumphant Battle
Scorpio and the Star Sirius
The Scorpio Entity, Qantas
Equilibration of the Moon and Earth Chain Souls
Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return
Final Word from Scorpio, Theodore Roosevelt

Sagittarius the Archer: Consciousness. David Attenborough 
Sagittarius and Consciousness.
Sir David Attenborough
Two Events: Total Lunar Eclipse and the Capricorn Solstice
The Solstices and Equinoxes
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers (Table)

Sagittarius: Julian Assange and Wikileaks (Part I) 
Wikileaks and the Information Revolution
Wikileaks Horoscope
Wikileaks’ Association with Corporate Media
Wikileaks and Assange

Sagittarius: Julian Assange – His Horoscope and Rays (Part II) 
The Problem of Julian Assange’s Birthtime
Reasons for Aquarius Rising
The Rays of Julian Assange
Other Indications of the Third Ray
Scorpio Moon and Cancer Sun
Scorpio Moon, Sex and Sweden
Sweden and Libra
Enemies of Julian Assange
Julian Assange and the USA
Bradley E. Manning
Julian Assange Update: Karmically Guilty?

Sagittarius and William Blake 
Sagittarius the Centaur

Capricorn the Goat: Saturn, Karma, Responsibility 
Capricorn, Saturn and Karma
Cause and Consequence: Blame and Responsibility
Capricorn, Redemption and the Scapegoat
The Lion and the Unicorn
USA: Another Day, Another Massacre

Capricorn the Unicorn & Sea-Goat. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings 
Capricorn the Unicorn
Capricorn the Sea-Goat: Varuna and Neptune, the Sea Gods
Saturn, Structure and Destruction
Venus and Intelligent Love
Capricorn: Magic and Mystery
J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: A Movie for the Masses
Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh

Aquarius the Water-Bearer 
The Age of Aquarius and the Fifth Rootrace
The Science of Invocation and Evocation
Meditation and Magic

Aquarius and Selfish Service. Nikos Kazantzakis. Egypt 
Aquarius and Selfish Service
Da Free John
Nikos Kazantzakis: Aquarian, Writer and Mystic
Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator

Aquarian Soul: The United States of America 
USA: Aquarian Soul
The USA, Revolution and Four Aquarian Presidents
Barack Obama and the Current Situation in the USA
USA’s Outlook for 2012
USA’s Amazing Transits 2012-2014

Pisces the Fishes: The Transformation of Addiction into Love 

Pisces and Sacrifice. Little Dorrit, Cayce, Steiner, Washington 
Sacrifice and Service
Little Dorrit: Little Buddha
Pisces-Virgo and the Fifth Rootrace
Pisces and Psychic Sensitivity: Cayce, Steiner & Hodson
George Washington: Pisces, President and Prophet

Pisces and the Forge of Forgiveness 
Forgiveness is the Keynote of the Age of Pisces
The Cusp of the Pisces and Aquarius Cycles.

Pisces: The New Cycle of Neptune in Pisces 2012-2025 
Neptune in Pisces: A New 160-year Cycle Commences
American Civil War and the Abolition of Slavery
Neptune and Spiritualism
Neptune, Drugs, Alcohol
Neptune and Music
Germany: Pisces Personality. France: Pisces Soul
Neptune and Varuna
Pisces-Neptune: Forgiveness, Sacrifice, Absorption
Neptune in Pisces 2012-2025

The Lives of Francis Bacon: An Esoteric Perspective 
Francis Bacon, the Enlightenment and Esoteric Astrology
Ray Cycles Prominent During the Life of Francis Bacon
The Lives of Francis Bacon and the Path of Initiation
Roger & Francis Bacon, Counts Rákóczi & St. Germain
The Mahachohan: Lord of Civilisation
Benjamin Franklin’s Great Similarity to Francis Bacon
The Role of Masonry

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