This is the fourth volume of the series, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays, whose essays range over a variety of zodiac sign perspectives from Aries through to Pisces, esoterically considered. Esoteric Astrology is the Science of the Seven Rays, hence the rays, signs and planets are mentioned frequently as the conditioning influences upon Earth and all the entities contained therein, whether they are individuals, groups, cities, nations or kingdoms.
The Science of Cycles is also another factor that is incorporated, along with the Science of Initiation, a sub-science of Esoteric Astrology. The author always endeavours to make practical this sometimes very abstruse science, hence there are many references to current world events such as the Germanwings tragedy, the twelve spiritual festivals corresponding to the zodiac signs, the themes of glamour, maya and illusion, music and art, natural disasters; Shamballa, global transformation, the nuclear age, initiation, extreme sports, famous personalities, right human relationships, the digital revolution, environmental issues, human crises, healing, the role of fixed stars, sexuality, the solstices and equinoxes.
(6″ x 9″. 574 pages.) ISBN: 978-1-876849-16-0. March 2019.
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Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays IV emerges three years after Vol. III – derived from the past three years of monthly newsletters and miscellaneous unpublished articles from 2015-2018. The reader will bear in mind when the author is commenting in the present tense, it concerns specific dates when those newsletters were written.
Nevertheless, the material is certainly not ‘dated’, as the Ageless Wisdom is always just that, ageless or timeless. Also, given the author’s esoteric historical perspectives, when glancing back over the past few years, these dates provide a useful retrospective. The order of the newsletters and articles through the zodiac signs, as listed in the index and throughout the book, is from 2015-2018. In some cases such as the subject of Donald Trump, everything written about him is contained within the Leo section of the book.
The exceptions are when individuals are discussed in the context of a nation – such as Putin or Netanyahu, are relegated or duplicated in the author’s companion volume, The Destiny of the Races and Nations III. Other purely political themes of any nation as a whole, or the examination of a social trend or greater entity are also consigned to that book. Some articles are very hard to split and one or two are in both books.
Most quoted passages, unless otherwise stated are derived from the works of Alice A. Bailey, the author of twenty-four books transmitted to her by the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. Esoteric Astrology is one of these titles and is the basis for the new astrology that will lead us into the Aquarian Age.
I hope you enjoy reading these essays as a practical application of Esoteric Astrology. I feel fortunate to be able to serve in this creative capacity of making the work of The Tibetan more accessible.
Phillip Lindsay (March 2019)
Aries the Ram
Aries, Impulse of Electric Fire
Thor: God of Thunder and Lightning
The Sword, Symbol of the First Ray of Will-Power
Thor’s Hammer
The Germanwings Tragedy and Andreas Lubitz
Aries and the First Ray
The Case for Sagittarius Rising
Lubitz’s Main Problems, Astrologically Considered
Sun-Neptune, Identity and Drugs
Germanwings Crash Horoscope
What is the Lesson for Humanity?
Aries the Ram
The Festival of Easter and the Resurrection
Aries, Mars, Mercury and Science
The Aries-Libra Axis
Aries and the Mind
Aries and the World of Maya, Glamour and Illusion
Taurus the Bull
Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Inner Group Work at Wesak
Building upon the Seed Planted in Aries
Taurus, Sound and The Great Invocation
Taurus, Music and Art
Shamballa, Taurus and Destruction
Earthquake in Nepal and Mt. Everest Avalanche
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Shamballa: Darjeeling, Kathmandu and Shigatse
Taurus the Bull
The Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
Taurus, Mother of Illumination
Global Transformation by Triangles
Taurus the Bull
Desire and the Buddha
Taurus the Bull: Nandi, Vulcan and Shiva
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull
J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Nuclear Age
The Manhattan Project
The Ashram of Scientists
Release of Nuclear Energy: “A Great Spiritual Event”
Gemini the Twins
The Gemini Festival of Humanity, of Goodwill
Gemini, Third of Three Festivals – Dissemination
Dean Potter: Free Climber, Alpinist, Base Jumper, Wingsuit Pioneer
The Asteroid Icarus
Extreme Sports and Initiation
Glamour’s Clamour: Humanity’s Illusions in the World of Thought
Michael Leunig: Cartoonist, Writer, Painter, Philosopher and Poet
Gemini the Twins
Gemini Blue Moons of 2016
Annual Festival of Maitreya: World Invocation Day
Hillary Clinton: Gemini Rising
Gemini New Moon Grand Cross & Mars in Scorpio
Outcome of the Gemini New Moon-Mars: Cruel Violence
The Second Gemini “Blue Moon” of 2016
Himalayan Everest Conquered During Gemini
Gemini and the Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Gemini the Twins
The Communication Revolution’s Shadow
The Zombie Apocalypse
Gemini Jeremy Corbyn: British Election
Vesica Piscis: Symbol for Gemini
The Return of the Christ
Manchester and the Crisis of the West
Cancer the Crab
Esoteric Quaternary: Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer
Cancer and the Evolution of the Human Soul
Countdown to 2025: Humanity’s Great Crisis
Cancer, Pope Francis and the Restoration of Mother Earth
Cancer the Crab
Refuge and Refugee
Creating the Inner Refuge
The Buddhist “Refugee”
Cancer and the Role of Sirius: Sirius & Seven Zodiac Signs
Cancer the Crab
Cancer: The Home and the Human Family
Cancer: The Cry of Mother Earth
Cancer Rising William Blake: Mystic, Artist and Poet
The Broader Context of Romanticism
Blake’s Cancer Rising Soul Purpose
Mars in Cancer Reveals the Uses of Conflict
Leo the Lion
Leo the Sovereign: Self Rule
The Kingly Science of Raja Yoga
Philippe Petit: Leonine Concentration and Courage
Christ as King. The Ultimate Leo: Sanat Kumara
Leo the Lion
Esoteric Astrology and the Big Picture
The Science of the Seven Rays
I Am That and That am I
Leo Fuses, Blends and Amalgamates
Leo Illumines and Rules
Leo and the Creation of Beauty
Leo is a Sign of Sensitivity
Leo and Initiation
Leo is a Sign of Sirian Invocation
Leo and the Hubris-Humility Equation
Leo the Lion
Donald Trump: Leo Rising, Gemini Sun
Trump’s Mediumistic Tendencies
Trump’s Power to Mesmerise
Donald Trump’s Solar Return 2015
Trump’s Election Day Horoscope November 8, 2016
Trump and the Sagittarius Full Moon 2016
Trump Triumph: USA Election 2016
Donald Trump: President Elect 2016
Prophecy of the Aries 2016 Equinox Fulfilled
Trump’s Sagittarian Cabinet Proposals 2016
Donald Trump’s Mars Return 2017
Trump’s Imminent Demise? Saturn & Solar Eclipse 2017
Leo, Sirius, Shamballa and Trump
The Aquarius-Leo Polarity: Trump, USA and the Fourth Ray
Virgo the Virgin
Virgo and Healing
Virgo and Hygeia
Hildegarde de Bingen: Initiate, Mystic and Healer
The Gift of Cancer
Presidential Hopeful – Bernie Sanders
Jupiter Moves into Virgo
Virgo the Virgin
Virgo, the Womb of Time
Hygeia, Ruler of Virgo
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Virgo and Vulcan
J.K. Rowling’s Virgoan Writing Skills
Bob Dylan the Welder
Philippe Petit: High-Wire Walker
Virgo the Virgin
Virgo and the Mystery of the Sphinx
Hercules and Hippolyte
Virgo-Pisces and Sirius
Greek Mysteries of Virgo
Virgo, Healing, Herbs and Essential Oils
Nicholas Culpeper Herbalist
Libra the Balance
The Libra Equinox
The Sun “Falls” in Libra
Libra’s Battle for Peace
No Man’s Land Revisited
The New Mystics
Libra the Interlude and Point of Balance
Desmond Tutu: Libran Peacemaker
Stevie Ray Vaughan: Guitar Prodigy
The Spirit of Peace
Libra the Balance (Sex and Relationships Part 1.)
Libra, Leo and the Law for Children
USA’s Role in the 1960’s Consciousness Revolution
The Second Ray of Love-Wisdom
1969: Jupiter and Uranus Enter Libra
Pluto Ingress Libra
Venus and Uranus Rule Libra
Uranus, Sex and the Seventh Ray
Spiritual Leaders
Libra and Sex Education
Homosexuality and its Origin
Sex and the Moon Chain Failure
Scorpio the Eagle
Scorpio: “Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule”
The Maya of World Media and the CIA
Edward Bernays: Scorpio Father of Propaganda
Vladimir Putin: Scorpio Rising, Libran Sun: Adversaries & Allies
Vladimir Putin Horoscope
Vladimir Putin’s Transits
Hillary Clinton and Assange. Black Moon Lilith and Medusa
Signs of Christ: Leonardo Da Vinci’s Christ Painting
Scorpio the Eagle (Sex and Relationships Part 2.)
The Scorpio “Human Hierarchy”
Scorpio Hollywood
The Fall of Harvey Weinstein: Jupiter Enters Scorpio
Weinstein’s Sexual Predator Signature
Reincarnation and Sex
The Seventh Ray and the Sacral Centre Revisited
Sagittarius the Archer
Sagittarius: Visioning a New World
Sagittarius, Mars and Glamour. The Sniper
The Sequence of Zodiac Signs and the Unfolding of Consciousness
Sagittarius the Archer
Leonardo da Vinci: Sagittarius Rising
Capricorn the Goat
The Christmas Solstice
Transcending Time Through Meditation
The Solstice and Initiation
Mithras as Christ in Ancient Times
Analysis of the Mithras Figure
Capricorn the Goat
Capricorn: Mental Strength and Organisation
Mystics, the Throat Centre and Sex
2001: A Space Odyssey – HAL is a Capricorn!
Capricorn the Goat
Saturn’s Passage through Capricorn 2017 – 2020
Capricorn-Cancer: Saturn and Sirius
“Santa” Kumara and the Symbolism of the Solstice-Christmas
Capricorn Nikki Haley and the United Nations Debacle
Capricorn Jared Kushner: Trump’s Siren Songster
Aquarius the Water-Bearer
Aquarius KeynoteThe Aquarian Group Process
David Bowie: Elegant and Enigmatic Aquarius Rising
Aquarius the Water-Bearer
Waters of Aquarius: The Vital Fluid, or Universal Electricity
The Manifesting Forces of Aquarius, Uranus and the Seventh Ray
Aquarius is the Present Determiner of the Future
The Aquarian Science of Invocation and Evocation
Pisces the Fishes
Seven Opportunities When the Sun is in Pisces
The Three Keynotes of Pisces
Pisces the Medium or Mediator
Jonah and the Whale
Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 9, 2016
Pisces the Fishes
Pisces and Preparation for the New Year
The Lure of the Path and the 777 Incarnations
Planetary Rulers of the Mutable Cross
We are the “Lords of Will and Sacrifice”
The Revelation of the Real: Final Stages of the Path
Albert Einstein: Scientist, Musician and Initiate
Pisces the Fishes
Nikolas Cruz: Victim and Perpetrator
Mars in Sagittarius Spurs Student Activism
Pisces Solar Festival, not Virgo
Miscellaneous Essays
The Constellation Draco in World History