The Aquarian Wisdom Retreat Centre (AWCR) is planning to host a conference on the Aries full moon festival, April 1-4, 2023. We are inviting co-workers from Europe and around the world to attend this digital zoom conference event. The original plan was to host a physical conference in Portugal, but due to unknown numbers attending, future travel uncertainties – and hence venue preparations, our first conference will be online.
(See the videos and resources of this 4 day zoom conference here.)
The goal of the AWCR (see also Appendix), is to establish an esoteric education centre based upon a recognised need, as stated by The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul:
“Workers increasingly will be drawn to Great Britain and to the continent of Europe. From the United States of America the teaching must go out. But Europe is the field for the education of the world in the ideas of a true world unity and for the wise presentation of the Plan, from that continent can the inspiration go forth to the East and the West”.1
Indeed, during this time of upheaval and fragmentation in Europe, it is urgent to strike a note of unity – working esoterically and subjectively. Building a new paradigm for the Aquarian Age requires the inner subjective work of meditation and outer work of group gatherings and conferences.
What is Europe? It is not simply the 27 member states that are part of the European Union. Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous. Reviewing the map below, the land mass of Europe includes the British Isles, Scandinavia and Russia in the far north, extending east to the Caspian Sea, then across eastern and central Europe to Spain and Portugal in the far West.
In short, Europe is the sum total of the leading nations, branchraces and subraces of the Fifth Rootrace – the synthesis and seeds of which have been transplanted into the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and elsewhere.
Besides the common denominator of English, it is the “language” of the Ageless Wisdom for which Europe is potentially the “field for the education of the world”. Let us unpack the above quotation by DK:
1. Workers increasingly will be drawn to Great Britain and to the continent of Europe.
Indeed, since this passage was written in 1935, when war was brewing in Europe, and due to constant migrations – all European nations have been infused by cultures as far away as India, the Middle East, South America etc.
2. From the United States of America the teaching must go out”.
This has certainly occurred – there are probably more ageless wisdom students per head of population in the USA than anywhere else. As an Aquarian soul and Gemini personality, and through its ancient Atlantean heritage, USA’s planned beginners and advanced esoteric schools (Mid-West and California) – are well placed to promote and disseminate new spiritual teachings.
Additionally, New York City is the throat centre (mind) of the USA – and the proposed planetary ajna centre. NYC is the base from where Helena P. Blavatsky wrote much of The Secret Doctrine – and started The Theosophical Society in the late 1800’s.
3. But Europe is the field for the education of the world in the ideas of a true world unity and for the wise presentation of the Plan,
Why Europe instead of the USA? Two of the five major planetary centres – London (throat centre) and Geneva (heart centre) are part of Europe, which contains several spiritually advanced nations. Through the influence of these planetary centres that embody the mind (London) and heart (Geneva) respectively. Europe’s potential for achieving unity will contribute significantly to planetary unity.
Geneva lies at the heart of Europe. Note in the mini-map below, Geneva’s extensive sphere of influence over all of Europe and Russia (called USSR when DK wrote this passage). Note also Geneva’s close proximity to London.
4. … from that continent can the inspiration go forth to the East and the West”. (Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.161.)
Europe is upon the Western peninsula of Eurasia – the world’s largest land mass that encompasses Central Asia, India, China, South-East Asia and Eastern Russia. Russia is an important component in the global equation – as it links East and West.
From Russia, two extraordinary women came forth on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood – H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich. Other Russian esoteric teachers were G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky. Why Russia – as host of these spiritual teachers? The reason is most likely because of the soul ray of Russia – the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic – most conducive to the esoteric Teachings! The seventh ray is ruled by Uranus which also rules Aquarius, the soul sign of Russia.
Russia is an Aquarian soul with a sixth ray personality – the same combination as the USA; its destiny is to co-operate with the USA and Britain as an esoteric triangle that will usher in the Age of Aquarius. Two Aquarian souls, USA and Russia.
Yet, USA and Britain – one of the critical points in the triangle, have combined together in their foreign policy toward Russia. The conference for a European Reunification will have a closer look at the dynamics within the triangle below.

Note, the three positions of nations in this triangle are temporary and currently in a stage of flux, or movement from one point to another. Other essays on this subject.
There are also big shifts occurring politically in some nations which are contributing to a disintegration of Europe; this is most likely needed before a reorganisation and reconstruction of right relations between nations can take place. Hence, due to this current impasse through the protracted war in Ukraine – the Hierarchical Plan is being thwarted by the Materialistic Forces that are trying to prevent the co-operation of nations.
As we are aware, all these events are occurring on the eve of Hierarchy’s imminent centennial conclave in 2025 – when the date for Their Externalisation amongst Humanity will be determined. History repeats itself – a similar situation to this era of 2025 occurred at the last centennial conclave in 1925, when the forces that started WWI, were reorganising and regrouping for the next showdown in WWII.
A similar expansion of totalitarian attitudes is now being emulated in the 2020’s by various entities such as The European Commission (EC) and some so-called democratic nations; they are seeking to impose their will upon their own populations, or one country or another.
All these actions have been incredibly damaging and separative for Europe and the world – and may take decades to heal. Yet what is unfolding now is a prime opportunity for the New Group of World Servers to act and subjectively support the intelligentsia of nations.
On this eve of 2025, as Pluto in Capricorn destroys the old structures of the status quo, now is the time to link more closely with like-minded esoteric groups in Europe – that can contribute to a subjective reunifying of the nations: Peace, goodwill, co-operation and the sharing of resources.
There are many progressive thinkers in esoteric groups that work within their own nations, bound by their respective languages – but they have little or no contact with other groups in Europe.
It is the goal of AWCR to bring together co-workers from the nations of Europe and beyond, to attend and make presentations at our first digital conference, to meditate and explore how we can bring diverse views together, examining causes of current events and working with subtle energies – to achieve subjective healing and unification.
What is it that you can bring to our proposed conference during Aries 2023 – the zodiac sign of new initiatives and ideas? What unique gift from the soul of your nation can you share with us at this Festival of Unification? How can we blend creative ideas and vision the future together? How can we contribute to the ongoing construction of the emerging new paradigm of the Aquarian Age?
If you wish to attend and/or present at this digital conference, please notify AWCR at this email link, telling us what you would like to present.
Phillip Lindsay
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat, Portugal.
(A non-profit education organisation.)
(See the videos and resources of this 4 day zoom conference here.)
The AWCR envisages the purchase of a physical property for the purposes of esoteric education – meetings, retreats, seminars etc. Portugal is an ideal place for a project of this nature, for several reasons:
- Portugal has a deep history of the Knights Templar, keepers of the Mystery Tradition – this mystical group helped bring about the formation of modern Portugal in 1143 A.D.
_ - Portugal is sometimes referred to as Port-u-gral, or Port of the Grail – as in the Holy Grail associated with the Christ, head of all the ashrams, The Masters of Wisdom, Archangels and Humanity.
_ - Portugal occupies the far western portion of Europe – the distilled essence of the Fifth Rootrace. Portugal is the “mother” of Brazil, home to the emerging Sixth Rootrace.
_ - Many expatriates from around Europe and the rest of the world have relocated to Portugal to establish sustainable and intentional communities, retreats.
_ - Portugal is a country blessed by abundant sunshine, beaches and natural beauty – a good place to visit and regenerate in retreat!
(See the videos and resources of this 4 day zoom conference here.)
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.161. Written in 1935. [↩]