Scorpio 2013: Trials & Tests. Narcissism. Scorpion, Snake and Eagle.

The Phoenix Firebird Arises.
“Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: Sunday, November 17, 2013. 3.52 pm. London, UK.)
The Trials and Tests of Scorpio
Scorpio, the Human Hierarchy
Scorpio, Narcissism and the Ahamkara
Scorpio: Scorpion, Snake and Eagle
We gather again to reflect and meditate upon the qualities of the sign through which the Sun travels on its yearly course, culminating at each full moon. In the exploration of Esoteric Astrology, one is always reminded that the signs and planets have many mysteries yet to be revealed.
Astrology is not a finite science and to use a Scorpionic allegory, the deeper one penetrates into the arcana, more profound truths await revelation; richer seams await the persistent miner for the heart of gold.
Scorpio ruler Pluto, has jurisdiction over all that is hidden – the treasures hidden beneath the earth or what resides in human consciousness; Pluto works in the darkest depths, invisible and concealed from the light, surreptitiously.
There are deeper layers to all the signs, and humanity responds to them in three generic ways – unawakened, awakening or awakened – corresponding to the three rulerships of each sign: personality, soul, hierarchical. Hence, what is true for one individual will not be the same for another; an horoscope reading for an unawakened being would not suffice for an advanced soul.

Therefore, these newsletters represent a few nuggets in the prospector’s pan – applying principles and hints given in “Esoteric Astrology” by The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. Each newsletter attempts to deal with previously undiscussed facets of the signs, although some recurring themes are written from various angles. (To explore other newsletter themes, click here.) This newsletter is a little longer than usual (even by my standards!), as it was difficult to break into two parts without losing continuity and sequence.
The Trials and Testings of Scorpio
The sign Scorpio follows Libra in the annual cycle. Venus-ruled Libra represents a balance, equilibrium, beauty and relative peace that may have been achieved, whilst Mars/Pluto-ruled Scorpio applies the blowtorch to make sure they are real. Decisions made in Libra are taken to task and tested in Scorpio.

Initiation in various traditions.
The zodiac signs condition human evolution and its development of consciousness – until all entities, individual or group, can find release and free themselves from the earth plane. But Scorpio, via its rulers Mars and Pluto, is the pre-eminent sign of trial and tests:
“Pluto, therefore, comes into full force and expression in order to stage the testings of the world disciple and to this end brings in the potency of Scorpio, the sign of discipleship. Under these influences, the death of forms must eventuate leaving the disciple free; the dissolution of old group structures of thought, embodying worn-out ideas and ideals must necessarily supervene; crystallised old forms must dissolve and disappear, but in their place the undying spirit – impressed by revelation and sensitive to the emerging new concepts of truth – will create the needed new forms of appropriate expression.”1
Note the references to “ideas and ideals”. Hence Pluto’s association with the solar plexus centre (ideals – emotional body); and with the throat centre (ideas – mental body) – “[Pluto’s] … effects are felt first in the mental body.”((A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.439.))
The success of the Planetary Plan is ever dependent upon Humanity’s degree of receptivity to astro-rayological forces, what it is ready to understand, assimilate and integrate. Pluto rules the base chakra, is connected to the solar plexus chakra and to the mind, as stated earlier:
“Pluto … governs however, the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”2
This is true in our current Fifth Rootrace,3 as the fifth principle of manas or mind is reaching its apotheosis in preparation for the next phase of intuitive development. The mental body works through the throat centre, which when counted from below up, is the fifth of the seven chakras.

The Three Crosses.
It is also worthy to recall that in Esoteric Astrology, the entire cross for any single sign is considered, hence Scorpio shares the fixed cross with Taurus, Leo and Aquarius, all having an influence upon the Scorpio subject, but especially in Scorpio’s case because,
“Scorpio is … the dominant arm [fixed cross], through which the most effective potency flows upon the reversed wheel, where advanced humanity is concerned, because it is the testing sign for humanity and the one in which the human being reaches the depths or attains the heights.”4
In other words, Scorpio creates a confluence of fiery forces through which the candidate for initiation must pass. Pluto is said to rule over this “lesser burning ground”,5 which refers in this instance to the astral body, also ruled by Mars. Pluto activates in the life of a person who is “becoming alive in the higher sense”, in order to “live in truth in the higher land of light”.6
Lest the reader gets confused, the three lower centres – base, sacral and solar plexus – are all ruled over by Mars and Pluto, along with some other planets. The following table and diagram clarify, bearing in mind that some planets given are “by association”, not necessarily chakra “rulers”.
Chakra | Body | Planet |
base or root | physical | Pluto, Mercury. |
sacral or sexual | etheric-physical | Mars, Uranus, Moon. |
solar plexus | astral | Mars, Pluto, Neptune. |
The subject is quite intricate as it is concerned with various stages of soul unfoldment for an individual in question. Can the stage of soul evolution be divined from the birth chart? No, it must be ascertained intuitively; it might be a wonderful horoscope with all sorts of powerful positions and configurations, but might just as well be the chart of a badger, or a flea that lives on its back!
Scorpio, the “Human Hierarchy”
In the deepest sense of their occult meaning, the zodiac signs are groups of living beings connected to the higher angelic realms. The most profound mysteries of the zodiac and its influence upon human evolution lie here.
These groups are called “creative hierarchies” – and they have their own path of evolution to tread, parallel with human evolution; as they influence humanity, humanity in response, influences them. This is one of the mysteries connected to duality, with the interaction and eventual synthesis of the deva and human evolutions.
Currently this relationship between the two streams is mostly unconscious, but in the ancient past it was much closer; it will be much closer again in the not too distant future – as the Aquarian cycle gains momentum and the Mystery Schools are re-established.
Scorpio rules the “human hierarchy”, also known as “The Initiates” and the “Lords of Sacrifice”. Of the twelve hierarchies, it is the fourth, the “Human Hierarchy”, comprised of the “solar angels” – our souls.
“We shall then find that Scorpio rules and governs the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human from the angle of the soul and not from the angle of the lower nature. The final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra – and it is in Scorpio that the preponderance of the spiritual energy is imposed upon the lower personal forces.

L: The Grave: Reunion of Soul and Body at the Resurrection, by William Blake.
R: The Flight of the Soul by Louis Janmot – from Poem of the Soul.
Scorpio governs “the initiates,” which is the true esoteric name of man, and through its hierarchical planetary ruler [Mercury], the Sons of Mind, the Messengers of Deity are revealed, but it is through Mars and the Martian activity that the revelation comes about.”7
Note the reference to Libra and the sequence of signs upon the reversed wheel. Both Libra and Scorpio govern the “reversal of the wheel”, when, after thousands of lifetimes, the individual finally leaves the “cross of matter” and mounts the “cross of love”.
Currently Libra is said to be powerful in its global influence; the end of the twentieth century, “… will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”8
The connotation here is that Humanity is “reversing the wheel” en masse, as it approaches the Age of Aquarius. However, there is a lot of grinding and squeaking accompanying this reversal, the rust of ages needs a little lubrication of human compassion!
It is also notable, that those born with planets in Libra, will experience planetary progressions through Scorpio thoughout their lives, creating situations and opportunities that can be as powerful as being born in the sign of Scorpio; all is dependent upon the individual’s receptivity to energies.
Scorpio, Memory and the Dweller on the Threshold
“From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past … from individual past lives and experience, that which is the sum total of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes … we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold.
This Dweller is the sum total of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken.”9

L: Dweller on the Threshold, Arthur B. Davies. R: Pain, Kahlil Gibran.
Most of humanity incarnate has not reached enlightenment, therefore has a dweller – or shadow, as it is termed in Jungian psychology. From life to life we chip away at these ancient residues and liabilities. Within astrological cycles during an incarnation, an individual will be faced with various facets of the dweller as it “rears its ugly head”. The type of issue depends upon the pattern activated in the personal horoscope by the progressed or transiting planet.
One is reminded of the nine ugly heads of the dragon that Hercules faces in the swamp of Lernea, in his eighth or Scorpio labour. The dragon is the dweller and Hercules is the soul facing the nine-fold dweller: sex, comfort, money; fear, hatred, love of power; pride, separativeness and cruelty.
The first three heads are not necessarily “bad” – one is simply tested upon right expression of these themes. Scorpio is a fixed water sign and a swamp is a place of stagnant water, with very little oxygen, harmful gases, floating algae and a breeding ground for disease.
Paradoxically, swamps teem with the building blocks of life and are a very rich resource, a vital part of global eco-systems. Yet, they are also a great symbol for the lower astral plane, the “hell” or “foetid stench” of unredeemed and unresolved problems; a breeding ground for lower entities – that humanity has created for itself over aeons of cycles. When one is starved of oxygen, asphyxiation or suffocation is the result.
Scorpio is one of the three signs of death, specifically “death by suffocation”,10 an enigmatic and mysterious description. Scorpions and snakes both possesses a neuro-toxic venom that can cause death by asphyxiation – what is the psychological or spiritual symbolism here? Certainly that some Scorpios can be ‘deadly’ customers to deal with. Suffocation may also symbolise starving-out the grasping astral nature – so that the candidate can demonstrate readiness for initiation.
To grasp and acquire is the nature of polar opposite Taurus, whilst purging and death of those traits is the province of Scorpio. It is said that the Scorpio death by suffocation releases a person into the planetary centre that is the expression of the second ray of love-wisdom – Hierarchy.11
There also comes a life when the clever and powerful personality becomes itself the Dweller, drawing in its opposite, the Soul, to face off against it; then the Scorpio battle is really on, and over this war Mars presides. That is why Mars is a benefic factor in esoteric astrology, not a “malefic” as assigned in the old medieval astrology. It is easy to see how malefics like Saturn and Mars are so-called because challenge our resistance or recalcitrance.
In either of these scenarios, triumph for the seeker upon the upward way is brought about by the personality submitting itself to the process; going willingly into battle rather than being dragged kicking and screaming by a tough Pluto or Saturn transit!
The latter however, is quite often the case, so entrenched, ancient and distorted is the dweller geometry, like Professor Emoto’s polluted water picture; it represents how far we have strayed from the rules given to sustain the Divine Blueprint. These tests are self-initiated and we place ourselves into an environment where,
“…the trials and discipline are unavoidable and inevitable. When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then – the fight is on.”12

Memory is essentially a creative power because of its association with the mind, and “thoughts are things”, part of the material world. Scorpio is a water sign and is somewhat absorptive and acquisitive, like its polar opposite Taurus.
The Moon’s exaltation in Taurus and its “fall” in Scorpio are connected to memory, to the retention of the past; Mercury, Scorpio’s highest or “hierarchical” ruler, is connected to ideas, thoughts and their transmission via the spoken and written word, or at a more advanced stage, telepathy. Mercury is also the quicksilver that creates the mirror, an important symbol of illusion in the story of Narcissus. So let us reflect upon illusory reflections…
Scorpio, Narcissism and the Ahamkara
Narcissism is generally defined as an “inordinate fascination with oneself, an excessive self-love or vanity”; it is endemic to Humanity, as mysterious and ancient as the myth of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods – who were themselves quite narcissistic!
To use an homoeopathic term, narcissism is a miasm within the body of humanity, a “general weakness or predisposition to chronic disease that is transmitted down the generational chain”. Interesting to note, the original non-homoeopathic meaning for miasm is connected to the swamp theme discussed earlier: “… unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources; the miasma of the marshes.”
Some Scorpios exhibit a chronic narcissism, more so than the usual zodiacal culprits such as Leo, Libra, Aries or Capricorn. Of course, the entire zodiac could be analysed and it would be found present in all the signs to some degree.
There are many interpretations of narcissism, or “narcissistic personality disorder” (NPD). It is a very complex area and one must discriminate between other behaviour such as borderline personality syndrome (BPD), “control freak”, sociopathy and so forth. Hence, this perspective on narcissism is by no means definitive; it touches upon the psychological and the esoteric; the theme overlaps or is connected to pride, ambition, vanity, ego-centrism, self-absorption, infatuation, obsession etc, but is none of those things.
The narcissist is often in deep denial about their plight, disassociating, projecting or blaming onto partners and associates. And, like anything else, it can also be a clever and convenient label to pin on others for not accepting one’s own failings. The American Psychiatric Association lists the following diagnostic criteria for “narcissistic personality disorder”:
“A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five or more of the following:
1. Grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
2. Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other specific or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration.
5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favourable treatment, or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
7. Lacks empathy.
8. Often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.”13
It is plain to see that modern Western civilisation has many narcissistic traits. Hollywood, media and tabloid magazines all foster narcissism; it is deeply embedded in the Western culture of selfishness; it constitutes part of the Dweller of the Fifth Rootrace because it is a by-product of emerging individuation, individualisation if you will, from mass consciousness or mob mentality. This is why narcissism is a stage on the evolutionary journey and in one life or another, an individual may exhibit gross traits of this condition – Narcissus incarnate!
Scorpio is a sign of “maya and deception” on the ordinary wheel, but it also applies to aspirants upon the reversed wheel – they can be their own worst enemies:
“Even in the spiritual and religious paths the concept of a spiritual narcissism applies to any view of reality that is self-serving and obsessed with a particular (and biased) point of view to the exclusion of others. We often find charismatic spiritual teachers struggling with a narcissistic personality which they often do not understand. Sadly, many people struggle with the severe symptoms of pathological narcissism, while the rest of us experience Manipura [solar plexus chakra] problems of less intensity.”14
Another interpretation of narcissism is as follows,
“Self aggrandizement and vanity are not Narcissism. To understand the reality of Narcissism you must understand its root, the rejection of the true self. When Narcissus looked in the pool and fell in thrall with his reflection this was not self-love. To understand this archetypal myth one must understand the nature of mirrored reflection. The reflection is not the thing.
Narcissus is not a tale of self-love; it is a tale of self-rejection. Narcissus “fell in love” with his false-self reflection. The reason he rejected real-life suitors is that he rejected his real self in favor of a non-real self. A reflection is shallow. It has no substance and therefore cannot love. True Narcissism is the early rejection of the true self in favor of a made-up self.”15
This interpretation has a close connection to what is known in occultism as the “Ahamkara” or self-consciousness principle; it is the mind serving the selfish interests of the personality, particularly the lower concrete mind which has reached its high point of development in this Fifth Rootrace:
“Forget not that selfishness is a stage of unfoldment, and that it is a necessary stage whereby humanity learns the price of self-interest.”16
Another sign of the fixed cross which Scorpio shares, is Leo – one of the most obvious signs with regard to vanity, narcissism, pride, ego – in short, the ahamkara:
“… self-consciousness … is the major effect … of the force of Leo. The influence of this constellation aids in the manifestation of individual will, individual love, and individual intelligence; it fosters the “ahamkara” or egoistic principle; it produces the emphasis upon the “I am” attitude which is so necessary a stage before the individual can merge himself as a conscious Self-respecting unit in the Whole.”17

Leo, at an earlier stage, represents the “positive dweller”18, resistant to the soul. Hence, the journey from the Leo arm of the fixed cross, culminates at the Scorpio arm, where this resistance is destroyed – through Pluto’s burning ground fire-walk.
As mentioned earlier, Mercury is the mirror and hierarchical ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign of fixed water that receives the fixed gaze of Narcissus. Entrancement and enchantment. Water carries impressions and Narcissus was “impressed” – with himself! In the Narcissus depictions by Caravaggio et al, we see the perennial problem of duality, the yearning of the soul to be at-oned with its reflection, the personality, yet deluded by the not-self.
Mercury is also symbolised by the caduceus, the great healing symbol with two inter-twined serpents or nadis, surmounted by the wings of the soul. Here are animals of Scorpio – snake and eagle. (See later section.) It also connects the Mercury-ruled healing sign of Virgo, with the Mercury-ruled healing sign of Scorpio. Scorpio heals through destroying and purging.
The paradox of evolution is finding identity and individuality, only later down the path, it is a major impediment and must be destroyed. What once served for aeons, now must go – but that can take a while – one “cannot turn the Queen Mary around on a dime”. In The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,
“… the “feeling of personality” … the “I am I” consciousness, the ahamkara principle … which produces the sense of personal reality and of one’s being a separated unit of consciousness. It is the basis of the great “heresy of separateness” and the cause of the real or spiritual man being lured into the great illusion. It is this which forces man for long aeons to identify himself with the things of the senses and it is this too which eventually brings him to the position where he seeks liberation.”19
Note that “separateness” is one of the heads of the nine-headed Hydra as it expresses upon the mental plane. Scorpio lets “maya flourish and deception rule”, bringing it to a point of ultimate crisis where the dweller and soul confront one another. The most ancient and powerful parts of the three-fold personality is the astral or desire body, whose eventual conquering constitutes the Scorpio crown:
“It might be pointed out that two of the hindrances, avidya [ignorance] and sense of personality, relate to man, the synthesis upon the physical plane, that desire has relation to his astral body or vehicle of feeling, and that hate and a sense of attachment are products of the sense of egoism (the ahamkara principle) which animate the mental body.
Thus the threefold personality is the field for the seeds, and in the soil of the personal life in the three worlds, do these seeds propagate and flourish and grow up to obstruct and hinder the real man. These seeds must be destroyed, and in their destruction three things eventuate: 1. Karma is worked off, 2. Liberation is achieved, 3. The vision of the soul is perfected.”20

L: Metamorphosis of Narcissus, Dali. R: Unknown, K. Gibran.
Note that “hate” is one of the heads of the nine-headed Hydra as it expresses upon the astral plane, yet it ‘animates the mental body’; much to ponder upon here!
Herein are some of the factors that contribute to Scorpio’s “fraudulent” or “imposter” behaviour and why they can be intensely distrusted by some; because there is an instinctive-intuitive understanding of how the Scorpio individual has deliberately rejected their real self in favour of a constructed image, the unreal self.
Without this perception, others will fall completely into the Scorpio trap of domination of some kind or other. This kind of scenario becomes more and more subtle and insidious, the further along the path that the Scorpio subject has advanced, particularly in the area of corporate power and business, politics or spiritual leadership. To re-state, when the fixed cross is considered – that which began in Leo finds its nemesis in Scorpio.
“There is no self-love in Narcissism; there is only aggrandizement and vanity of the false-self, the image they have chosen to embrace over who they really are. Over time when the connection to the false self is solidified the connection to the real self is lost. The reason Narcissism is so impossible to treat is that over time so much of a person’s energy has been spent in creating and upholding the false self that the real self has fallen so far behind in development that it is no longer a viable option.”21
The problem of narcissism is part of the world glamour that Humanity finds itself enmeshed in; it is a problem of the lower mind coupled with the emotional nature. Once awareness has been reached by identifying these glamours in oneself, it takes some perseverance and concentration to overcome them, a task well-suited to the iron discipline of Scorpio:
“The stage wherein the Dweller consciously seeks the cooperation of the soul and, though still in itself essentially constituting a barrier to spiritual progress, is more and more influenced by the soul than by its lower nature.
When the final stage is reached (and many are now reaching it today), the disciple strives with more or less success to steady the Dweller (by learning to “hold the mind steady in the light” and thus controlling the lower nature).
In this way the constant fluid changefulness of the Dweller is gradually overcome; its orientation towards reality and away from the Great Illusion is made effective, and the Angel and the Dweller are slowly brought into a close rapport.”22
Scorpio: Scorpion, Snake and Eagle
The scorpion is the tough survivor of the desert with a ruthless sting in its tail:

Scorpio. (Johfra.)
“… the Scorpion is rapid in movement, deadly in its effect upon men around it and is a creature of the land; it is also the symbol of the transformed Crab [Cancer] and the result of the evolutionary process, and indicates the dangerous nature of the man who is not transformed and is therefore harmful and hurtful to others.”23
Yet, as stated earlier, Scorpio “admits a person to Hierarchy”; the eventual triumph and initiation of the world Hercules, confirmed in the following enigmatic passage,
“It is stated in some of the most ancient books that “the heat of the earth, the mother, and the sting of the scorpion are the beneficent gifts which the turning of the wheel gives to the man at the beginning and the end.”24
The snake is the serpent of materialism and cunning, or wisdom and understanding – that eventually becomes a “dragon of living light.” The symbol of the snake shedding its skin concerns the regenerative power of Scorpio, the spiral-cyclic attraction of solar fire and the infinity symbol of the serpent with its tail in its mouth.

R: Theosophical Society seal.
Like the scorpion, the snake also has venom, which can paralyse or kill. The magnificent cobra has the Scorpionic ability to mesmerise and hypnotise with a loud hiss and swaying body; it can spit venom with perfect accuracy at the eyes; this is symbolic of Scorpio’s controlling and sometimes venomous nature, that is able to “kidnap” or “hold hostage” upon the astral plane.
Again, it’s all about levels of unfoldment as to how these factors influence. The Dweller is by its very nature unconscious, so how is one to identify it? Usually through relationships with others who reflect it back.

L: Vishnu (Love). R: Buddha (Wisdom).
Yet the serpent is many other cosmic themes besides. The Buddha and other religious deities are often depicted with cobras around their heads, symbolising Serpents of Wisdom – those who have united with the consciousness of a “dragon of living light”; those who have attained and liberated through the final and complete awakening of the sleeping serpent coiled at the base of the spine centre – over which Pluto presides.
This centre goes through its final activation at the fourth initiation, through the pouring down of the Will force through the head centre – contributing to the destruction of the soul’s causal body.
Hence, the power inherent in Scorpio that can be used selfishly or unselfishly and, which can lead ambitious aspirants to think that they are poised for the fourth initiation, when in fact they many lives away from it. Scorpio rules over the second degree initiation, a very high attainment in itself – but a reflection upon the astral plane of the buddhic or “fourth degree” consciousness. Maya and deception follow the Scorpio aspirant all the way to this final stage.

Two fires meet – the Will and Kundalini.
“Discover the serpent of illusion by the help of the serpent of wisdom
and then will the sleeping serpent mount upwards to the place of meeting.”25
The eagle is a great symbol of power – having dominion over its domain, hence its use as insignia in many national flags and in the Mars-ruled military. It is the Phoenix fire-bird arising from its own ashes, symbolic of the regeneration of Scorpio, of Pluto’s burning ground; the control of matter by the immortal soul soaring on high, with a far-reaching view; with an “eagle eye”, gliding effortlessly through the “upper realms”, symbolic of buddhic consciousness. The eagle can prey upon earth-bound scorpions and snakes; as the “soul” it is superior to them. May we all learn to fly – and soar like eagles – toward the Sun, on our long pilgrimage home.
Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.547. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- See [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.382. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.211. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.206. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.98. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.98. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.208. [↩]
- The Power of Narcissism & Mind Forg’d Manacles. [↩]
- Malignant Self-Love, by Dr. Sam Vaknin, 2003. [↩]
- Astrology and Narcissism, by Satori. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.470. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.156. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.115. [↩]
- Astrology and Narcissism, by Satori. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.156. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.317. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.96. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.209. [↩]