Virgo 2014: Revelation. Cosmic Virgo. Six-Pointed Star. Celibacy-Sex.

The Virgin of the Lilies. (William Bouguereau.)
Virgo Keynote:
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: 9 Sept. 2014. 2:38 am GMT.)
“… the genius and uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form
as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore,
nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously.”
(Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.470.)
The Virgo Mind: Illumination and Revelation
The Cosmic Virgo: Most Ancient Zodiac Sign
Virgo the Sixth Sign and the Six-Pointed Star
Virgo: 9th Month, Gestation, 9 Signs
Virgo, Celibacy and Sex
The Virgo Mind: Illumination and Revelation
In exoteric astrology, Virgo is known as precise, meticulous, perfectionist, a nurturer and healer, discriminating and analytical but also critical and fault-finding. These are all traits of the developing mind of humanity. Yet later,
“The mind, under the influence of Virgo, which has been analytical and critical, changes to that quality of mind … illumination and revelation. The Christ [or soul] to whom the Virgin must eventually give birth, is recognised as present in the womb, though not yet born. Life is recognised. The process of the revelation of the Christ consciousness is carried intelligently forward and the selfish aspirations and experiments of the undeveloped man give place to the selflessness of the illumined and intuitive disciple.”1
The second ray of Love-Wisdom ray is a most influential agent toward this outcome of “illumination and revelation”; it is said that the second ray influence pouring through Virgo is the strongest of any zodiac sign in this current cycle; this is a great mystery, as Virgo is also associated with the third ray of active intelligence, as detailed in the following.
The Cosmic Virgo: Most Ancient Zodiac Sign
Virgo is one of the oldest signs of the zodiac, both from the perspective of our immediate evolution in ancient Atlantis, but also reaching back into a previous solar system.
Esotericism and the ancient Hindu Vedas, posit an enormous cycle of evolution for the age of this solar system – only 311 trillion years!2 Broadly and simply speaking, the Great Being who inhabits this solar system (The Solar Logos or “God”), has three major incarnations spanning three solar systems.
In the first solar system, the third ray qualities of Active-Intelligence are developed, in our current second solar system, the second ray of Love-Wisdom, whilst in the next solar system, the quality of Will (first ray) will be developed – based upon the developed love and intelligence of the first two systems. (For further explanation see, “A Cosmic Perspective of Virgo” here.)

“Virgo is … the cosmic mother because she represents … the negative pole to positive spirit; she is the receptive agent where the Father aspect is concerned. In a previous solar system, this matter aspect was the supreme controlling factor, just as in this solar system, it is the soul or the Christ principle which is of paramount importance.
Virgo is … the oldest of all the signs … In that first system, the faint symptoms of duality … are to be found, and this truth is preserved for us in the words that “the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary.”
The life of the third divine aspect [intelligence] played then upon the ocean of quiescent matter and prepared that substance (over untold aeons) for its work in this solar system. It is in this system that the Christ Child [the soul], the expression of the divine consciousness and the result of the relationship of Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter, must he brought to the birth.”3

“… the ocean of quiescent matter…”
The Moon, Cancer and Virgo have always been associated with the “feminine” and the word Virgo is a corruption of an Atlantean word concerning the mother principle. Atlantis at that time was a matriarchy, just as in this current cycle, the world is emerging from thousands of years of patriarchy.
As this Aquarian Age waxes in strength, the swing of the pendulum will see the re-emergence of the feminine, bringing balance and harmony to this ravaged planet. Virgo, as the polar opposite of this late Piscean cycle, is paving the way for awareness of the Divine Feminine.
“Urusvati treasures thought about the Mother of the World. Women’s movements have a special significance for the immediate future. These movements should be understood not as an assertion of supremacy, but as the establishment of justice. Much has been said about co-measurement and equilibrium; precisely for the realization of this principle must the full rights of women be strengthened. One should not think that this will benefit only women; it will promote world equilibrium, and thus is necessary for harmonious evolution.” (Agni Yoga Series: Supermundane I, 38.) |
It is noteworthy that the word “ravage” is related to “ravish”, used to describe, “carrying off a woman by force”. The patriarchal male-dominated corporate culture continues to greedily ravish Mother Earth’s resources, with no regard for the consequences – which the planet is already reaping; it is teetering upon the precipice of environmental destruction – yet the required changes in behaviour are not coming quickly enough.
Perhaps the world is seeing the re-emergence of the Amazonian women warriors of Atlantean times to combat this menace – in the form of the many environmental groups on the planet.
“… the ancient Amazons, whose queen Hercules defeated, wresting from her what he sought. This is an allegory, teaching the emergence of spiritual man from the control of matter.”4 Lilith was also one of the last of the virgin goddesses from that time.

L: Isis. M: Balinese dancers from doco, “Samsara”. R: The ancient Assyrian Lilith.
Virgo the Sixth Sign and the Six-Pointed Star
As its’ triple glyph indicates, Virgo represents the integration of the three-fold personality – represented by the three goddesses, Eve, Isis and Mary, symbolising the mental, astral and physical bodies respectively. And as the sixth sign of the zodiac (3×2), Virgo is a,
“… six-pointed star … portraying … the process of involution, and also that of evolution, carried to the point of balance, expressed for us in the relationship of Virgo to Libra.”5
Libra is the sign that follows Virgo, hence the many relationships that exist between the signs. Virgo represents the triangle of the personality linked to the higher triad (atma-buddhi-manas) – via the soul. The two triangles merge and personality is infused with soul; Mother Mary gives birth to the Christ child.

“… the genius and uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore, nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously. It is a powerful dual energy, a potent expression of … the soul of the world.”6

L: Higher-Lower Triads. R: Triads merged with soul at centre. Note the inverted triangle of personality – physical, emotional, mental that eventually merges with the upright triangle, the spiritual triad. “Spiritual Will” is Atma, “Universal Love” is Buddhi, whilst “Higher Mind” is Manas, completing the triangle of Atma, Buddhi, Manas. The central seventh point is the unifying principle of the soul, the causal body. The “rainbow bridge” is the antahkarana built through lifetimes of service to humanity, meditation and study of the Mysteries.
Virgo: 9th Month, Gestation, 9 Signs
The Sun travels through Virgo during September, the ninth month after Capricorn, the latter also deeply connected with the birth of the individual Christ or soul. The number 9 is the number of initiation and its glyph represents the spiral descent of spirit into matter. The nine months of gestation, whether from Capricorn to Virgo or Aries to Capricorn, are highly symbolic of the maturation process of the soul,
“Virgo symbolises depths, darkness, quiet and warmth; it is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered and eventually “brought to light”; it is the place of slow, gentle and yet powerful crises and periodic developments which take place in the dark and yet which lead to light. It is the “blinded stage” which is found in Masonic rituals and which ever precedes the gift of light.

“Virgo is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered…”
Virgo stands for the “womb of time” wherein God’s plan (the mystery and the secret of the ages) is slowly matured and – with pain and discomfort and through struggle and conflict – brought into manifestation at the end of the appointed time.

“… depths, darkness, quiet and warmth …”
Today it would seem … that we are entering into the eighth month of the gestation period; this is almost literally the case where humanity is concerned for – counting from Virgo to Aquarius, the sign into which we are now entering – we find that there are just eight signs: Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius, and this is surely the guarantee that the birth of the new age, of the new consciousness and the new civilisation and culture is inevitable and sure.”7
Again, further light about the emerging Aquarian cycle and Virgo’s role. Virgo has potent synthesising qualities, due to the second ray of Love-Wisdom that pours through it, but also through the first ray ruler, Vulcan – “veiled” by the Moon. Just as Mercury is the personality ruler of Virgo, conferring high intelligence, the Moon is the soul ruler.
However, in esoteric astrology, the Moon is regarded as devoid of spiritual life – it is a “blind” for Vulcan, the divine smithy who imparts great skill to Virgo, the artisan. This artistic talent upon the physical plane is driven by the innovative intelligence that emanates from the higher mental plane, the abode of the soul.
“The Moon (Vulcan) … is the esoteric ruler [of Virgo] … The Moon (or fourth ray energy) is here seen as an expression of first ray energy, manifesting through Vulcan. The Moon rules the form and it is the will of God to manifest through the medium of form.”8
In Taurus, Vulcan works in the depths, forging that which is “beautiful and useful”. Virgo has jurisdiction over those deep underground caves – or wombs, giving Virgo the capacity to venture deeply into its own form nature and discover the soul hidden in the depths; in every atom, hinting at Jupiter’s hierarchical rulership over Virgo and the second ray of Love-Wisdom that is inherent in all substance.
The following diagram puts the foregoing into a visual perspective; it is a key component for learning the Science of Occultism, whilst even long-term advanced students study it very carefully, to map the relationships and flows of energy between planes, sub-planes and centres.

Note the higher triad of Atma, Buddhi, Manas, with the Ego or soul upon the higher mental plane above the three planes of lower mind, emotional and physical.
Therefore, the first and second rays contribute to Virgo’s ability to synthesise. Virgo is part of the mutable cross, that, through its planetary rulers – both exoteric and esoteric, bring about a relationship with eight other signs, creating a synthesis with Virgo as the ninth sign.
The mutable cross signs are Gemini-Sagittarius, Virgo-Pisces. The lower and higher rulers of these signs are respectively: Mercury-Venus, Jupiter-Earth, Mercury-Moon, Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto. All these planets are connected by rulership with the following signs:
2. Gemini
3. Taurus
4. Cancer
5. Scorpio
6. Sagittarius
7. Aquarius
8. Pisces
Mutable Cross.
Fixed Cross.
Cardinal Cross.
Fixed Cross.
Mutable Cross.
Fixed Cross.
Mutable Cross.

Madonna Protectoris Nicholas Roerich, 1933.
“All the four arms of the Mutable Cross are represented in this interrelation, indicating the completed activity of the Mutable Cross – the personality is prepared to be the mother of the Christ.”9
Many zodiacal forces pour into Virgo, indicating, “the fundamental importance of this “sign of reception” and, “In this inter-related numerical synthesis and fruitful inter-relation lies hid the entire history of human progress and the secret of the process of divine manifestation.”10
Virgo, Celibacy and Sex
Virgo stands at the beginning of several signs that are specifically concerned with sex: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.11 In most students’ minds, even with its womb symbolism, Virgo has the least obvious sexual connotation, the opposite in fact, the celibate nun or monk is the usual stereotype and not without good reason, as will be explored later. Of course, one can make sexual associations with all the zodiac signs. Two other noteworthy signs are Aries – ruled by masculine and phallic Mars, and Taurus – ruled by Venus, goddess of “love”.
Aries is the polar opposite of Libra, a sign esoterically associated with sex, whilst the desire nature of Taurus finds itself satiated in the most obvious sign of sex (to the public mind) – Scorpio. Before discussing Virgo’s relation to sex, a brief explanation of that other earth sign Taurus and its connection with sex.
As the personality ruler of Taurus, Venus is connected to beauty, art, music, harmony and sensuality. Esoterically, Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray of mind and hence connected to the fifth plane (counting from above down), the seat of the causal body or soul. Venus therefore, represents the perfection and beauty of the human soul, whose interpretation becomes somewhat distorted the further it reaches down into matter, through the astral plane particularly.

“Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane. These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and Taurus are considered in unison.”12
The entire theme has its origin in ancient Lemurian times at human Individualisation, culminating in the separation of the sexes – in that hitherto androgynous race. (See a previous newsletter on Virgo, the Sphinx and androgyny.) Hence, sex and mind are indissolubly linked – both related to our separation from the Divine and the long journey in consciousness back to that source:
“Men have sought through physical expression to produce the inner fusion and harmony which they crave and this cannot be done. Sex is but the symbol of an inner duality which must be itself transcended and wrought into a unity. It is not transcended by physical means or rituals. It is a transcendence in consciousness.”13
Therefore, the earth sign trinity of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are connected to the theme of sex, its right use and control, and ultimately initiation in Capricorn.. The Moon and Venus are common to all three signs. The Moon represents the form nature, exalted in Taurus; it is the esoteric ruler of Virgo, the soul immanent in all atoms; it “falls” in Capricorn where the disciple is “freeing himself from the attractive lure of that which is material.”
Venus rules Taurus, falls in Virgo, standing for the “gift of mind and divinity” – and is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, concealing the mysteries of the solar and lunar angels. Hence, the stage of purification starts in Virgo, associated in the mainstream with physical purification, diet and health. Yet increasingly for those upon the Path, it is the purification of the astral and mental bodies. Virgo comes before the two major signs of sex – Libra and Scorpio – where the Virgoan purification process is tested – perhaps even resulting in initiation in Scorpio.
Of course, this entire theme is not about being celibate to achieve spiritually, although that may be a requirement for some aspirants and disciples for a series of lives, or even for some cycles within a lifetime; it’s all about right use and circulation of this universal life force, not being enslaved by it, using and directing it rightly.

Temptation of Christ. (Nicholas Roerich, 1933.) (Note the rocky mountain of Capricorn, symbolic of initiation. Jesus is almost at the top of the mountain. He would soon reach the top after this event and take the third initiation, the Transfiguration.)
From Virgo’s womb, the cave, we all emerge through the “final sublimation”, at the end of the soul’s evolutionary journey:
“… the Christ emerged and walked again upon the plains of Earth and from that time “the woman knew Him not.” Form had no further hold upon him for He had overcome it in the depths. Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in the form to the death of the form – deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple – the human being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light.”14
“Why are women often awakened to the Subtle World? Because the work of the heart is most subtle, and thus transcendentalism appears easier for them. Verily, the Era of the Mother of the World is based upon realization of the heart. It is precisely woman alone who can solve the problem of the two worlds. Thus, one can summon woman to understanding through the heart. That will also be useful, primarily because the quality of the heart is eternal. Already there are many heroic deeds among women, but now instead of the stake, woman has been accorded the flame of the heart. Let us not forget that for each important achievement the Feminine Principle is essential as a foundation and essence. The heart cannot open to the Subtle World if it is not understood through a special achievement.” (Agni Yoga Series: Heart, 106.)
This newsletter is dedicated to WOMB-AN, harbinger of the Aquarian cycle.
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.pp.120-1. [↩]
- The Hidden History of Humanity I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.256. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.pp.252-3. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.256. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.470-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.260-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.263. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.278-9. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.264. [↩]
- “Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life.” Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.191. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]