Aquarius 2014: Uranus & Occultism. 7th Ray. Sex. USA, Dark Night Soul.
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon: February 14, 2014. 11.53 pm. London, Britain.)
The Eleventh Sign, the Eleventh House & Group Relations
The Aquarian Shadow: Selfish Groups and Corporations
Why is Uranus the Planet of Occultism?
Uranus, Aquarius and Sex
The Incoming Seventh Ray
Aquarian USA: America’s Dark Night of the Soul
Release of the Djwhal Khul Picture in Colour
The Eleventh Sign, the Eleventh House & Group Relations
The zodiac signs are regarded as the quality of life experience, whilst the houses are the areas of life experience,
“The horoscope, built around the Sun sign, is adequate for ordinary [unawakened] humanity. The exoteric planets rule and the [wo]man lives within the limitations of the twelve houses … the houses concern the prison of the soul and its limitations …”1
Yet, the houses stand for material realities and the eleventh house rules organisations and groups. In Esoteric Astrology there are esoteric and hierarchical rulerships of the signs — higher octave expressions of the planets, bringing in more varied house associations with the signs.
Hence Leo is ruled by the Sun veiling Uranus at the hierarchical level, and its opposite Aquarius is ruled by Uranus at the personality level. Libra is ruled esoterically by Uranus, hence Leo, Libra and Aquarius express themselves through the seventh and eleventh houses. (Generally, Leo rules the fifth house, the “mansion of the soul”, but not in this instance.)
Sign | Planetary Ruler | House |
Leo | Uranus (hierarchical) | 11th — group relations |
Libra | Uranus (esoteric) | 7th — personal relations |
Aquarius | Uranus (personality) | 11th — group relations |
“Leo Ruler: The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations,
organisations and the eleventh House. It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius.”
The Leo-Aquarius pair-of-opposites is prominent here — the self-conscious or individualising person learns about group co-operation; of being an isolated and powerful ego, yet submitting to a greater group process.
Through its personality ruler Venus, Libra is the sign of relationships; the seventh house in any horoscope represents intimate relations and marriage. Yet, a development of impersonality starts in Libra (esoterically ruled by Uranus), leading toward a personal detachment for which Aquarians are well known. The fact that both Libra and Aquarius are air signs, more mentally oriented than most, accounts for this trait.

“The self-consciousness aspect of the human being is being steadily expanded under this major interplay and through the forces transmitted by Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work.
Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation, spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly human intercourse. The group spirit and the forms through which it will express itself are being increasingly demonstrated and this constitutes a veritable initiation for the race.
It is the emergence of the glory of the human spirit in a more definite and arresting way and involves an orientation towards freedom which will later stand in the historical records as the outstanding characteristic of this age of major conflict.
Humanity is today participating in the preparatory tests for initiation, the initiation of the world disciple … eleven is the number of the Initiate … today it is the eleventh house which is so dominant; … Aquarius, the eleventh sign, is the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness.”2
The Aquarian Shadow: Selfish Groups and Corporations
These “almagamations”, “federations” and “spheres of action” particularly apply to the modern day phenomena of corporations, which have on the one hand, enabled humanity to take the most amazing quantum leaps in diverse areas of human development, yet on the other, have created severe abuses to the environment and interference in governing bodies around the world.
This is the Aquarian shadow, the lower frequency of Aquarius, selfish groups and organisations prone to this point of least resistance, embodied by the Leo polarity in its basic expression — at the outset of this new Aquarian Age. Many of these organisations have incredibly sophisticated and integrated corporate personalities; in the past several centuries they were the organised cartels that worked behind the scenes, manipulating world events.
Today the situation has not improved much, many of these corporations and their ‘inter-locking directorates’ are monstrous and impenetrable, with gargantuan wealth and influence to match. They constitute a threat to the survival of humanity because their motive is essentially selfish and predatory; they have ignored the fact that they exist to serve their fellow humanity, not enslave them.

Abraham Lincoln, a “double Aquarian”, warned about corporate
power back in 1864: ” … corporations have been enthroned and
an era of corruption in high places will follow …”
Of course there are fine examples to the contrary, where a healthy culture of wealth sharing is cultivated, but their numbers are too few. The selfish groups are composed of millions of humanity, who are at once the problem — and the solution. (See also Libra, Money and Corporations.) Aquarian ruler Uranus, is also the ruler of the seventh ray, a ray associated with finance amongst other things:
“The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation is felt in the house of relationships, of organisations and of mutual effort and aspiration (either towards good or evil). The forces of this ray work out on the seventh or physical plane — the plane whereon major changes in all forms are made and on which the disciple must firmly stand as he takes initiation. This seventh ray sweeps into organised and directed activity the world of forces upon the outer sphere of manifestation, and produces the precipitation of Karma …”3
Why is Uranus the Planet of Occultism?
Occultism is usually defined as the divinatory arts — magic, alchemy, astrology, witchcraft, the “supernatural” etc, often depicted in mainstream media with superstition or a dark spin. Occultism is literally the science of the hidden or the unseen and can be used selfishly or altruistically. An occultation of the moon is defined as the passage of one celestial body in front of another, thus hiding from view. Therefore, Esoteric Astrology is a term easily interchangeable with Occult Astrology; it deals with the “unseen” subtle forces that constitute the matrix of the planet, the inter-connections between all living entities that are plugged into the etheric web.
Uranus rules the sacral or sexual centre, working with the spleen centre and the circulation of prana within the etheric body. The etheric body is the medium of transmission between the soul and personality, it is the blueprint for the physical.
Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order, concerned with the “magical” appearance of spirit in matter; hence its association with the seventh physical plane, the world of appearances; its violet colour corresponds to the colour of the etheric body. As the incoming seventh ray increases in strength, so it will potently stimulate the planetary etheric, enabling a greater chance of communication between the human and daeva kingdoms.
The seventh ray is on the line of the rays of Will, 1,3,5,7 — expressing through the mind. Uranus-ruled Aquarius has the fifth ray of Science pouring through it, whilst the Uranus-ruled seventh ray is a mentally organising and reforming principle.
Therefore Uranus-Aquarius’s association with the sciences, computers and technology, but also the esoteric sciences, the emerging Science of Relationships, the science of anything and everything actually! The key here is understanding how the planetary etheric web links all life.
An Aquarian’s gift is in blending their mental faculties with the way of the heart. Here the force of Jupiter comes into play – as esoteric ruler of Aquarius and the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Jupiter is the Water-Bearer of Aquarius who ‘pours forth for those who thirst’, and lies behind the philanthropic and humanitarian inclinations of the developed Aquarian.
The reforming seventh ray principle of Uranus and Aquarius, comprehends the universal laws, breeding the revolutionary and social reformer — whose motivations are based upon the compassionate expression of second ray Jupiter.

L: The Uranus-ruled, six-petal sacral chakra — 6 the number of matter.
The Moon’s symbol here stands for “matter”, but it “veils” Uranus.
R: Uranus, ruler of the violet or purple ray.
Uranus, Aquarius and Sex
Uranus rules the sacral or sexual centre. The world is still immersed in an ongoing sexual revolution that was accelerated when Uranus entered its own esoteric rulership of Libra (1968-1975), the sign of marriage and relationships. Since then the realm of sex and relationships has radically changed, from the repressive Victorian values that over-lapped from the previous century, up into the 1950’s.
Now that Uranus has travelled to its polar opposite sign in Aries, the world is witnessing the midpoint of its 84 year cycle and the karmic fruits of that revolution, some sweet, some sour, depending upon one’s perspective.
As Libra is deeply connected to the law and justice, successful legislation has emerged to prosecute sexual discrimination and abuse — in their many forms. Aquarius is a sign of a departure from the ordinary, of experimentation and subsequent experience, exploring the taboo:
“The interest being shown today in the so-called cosmic rays indicates a scientific recognition of the new incoming seventh ray energies. These rays, pouring through the sacral centre of the planetary etheric body, have necessarily an effect upon the sacral centres of humanity, and hence the sex life of mankind is temporarily over-stimulated … also the present over-emphasis upon sex. But also, the keen impetus now being mentally expressed which will eventually result in man’s thinking through to a solution of this problem of sex.

L: Aqua-Woman, Waters of Life. R: Androgynous Wo/man.
The coming in of the Aquarian age also stimulates in man a spirit of universality and a tendency towards fusion. This can be seen working out in the present trend towards synthesis in business, in religion and in politics. It produces an urge towards union, and among other unions, towards religious understanding and tolerance.
But these influences, playing upon the sensitive bodies of the undeveloped and the over-psychic, lead to a morbid tendency towards unions, legitimate and illegitimate; they produce an extreme aptitude to sexual intercourse in many directions, and to relations and fusions which are not along the intended or the evolutionary line, and which outrage oft the very laws of nature itself. Energy is an impersonal thing, and is dual in its effect, — the effect varying according to the type of substance upon which it plays.”4
Written over seventy years ago, this powerful commentary has lost none of its relevance today. The Masters who watch over and guide humanity, must witness some of the grossest human activities imaginable, “not along the evolutionary line and which outrage the very laws of nature itself.” Indeed, if he is referring to “ordinary humanity”, neither does He spare the rod for the aspirant upon the path:
“Each sees and knows the villainy of each … the unrevealed stupidity, vileness, crass ignorance and the self-interest which are distinguishing characteristics of the average aspirant.”5
LOL! But I digress. As commented upon in other articles, the Aquarian cycle that the world is entering for the next 2,160 years, coincides with a greater 25,000 year cycle of Aquarius, and we are told that immense opportunity lies in this synchronisation.
This 25,000 year cycle precedes the beginning of the Sixth Rootrace proper, where eventually after several million years, Humanity will develop into hermaphrodite beings again — similar to the pre-Individualisation state in the Lemurian era.
In this vastly distant and extraordinary future, it will be a physical hermaphoditism that has attained a much expanded consciousness since Lemuria, reflecting a successful blending in evolution. It will also mean that the human race will be virtually gods, having developed the power of human reproduction through kriyashakti, “The mysterious power of thought which enables it to produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results by its own inherent energy.”6

This diagram is a useful visual aid for comprehending the vast cycle of precession through the zodiac signs. There are several long cycles related to one another.
Note the half-way point that precedes our immediate 2,160-year Aquarian cycle; it marks the beginning of another 25,000 year cycle, generated from the previous half-cycle. This new 25,000 year cycle is the ‘greater Aquarian cycle’.
Humanity is sensing this evolutionary trend at the very beginning of the Aquarian cycle, and hence the many experiences in sexuality: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, polysexual, pansexual, transsexual, asexual, inter-sexual, lady-boy, gender-ambiguity etc.
Libra rules over this interim period that began at the turn of last century, during this cusp of the ages, bringing balance to sex and relationships. Aquarius is well known for its androgynous theme and Wikipedia defines “Uranian” as,
“… a nineteenth century term that referred to a person of a third sex — originally, someone with “a female psyche in a male body” who is sexually attracted to men, and later extended to cover homosexual gender variant females, and a number of other sexual types.”
An astrological commentator says,
“Delving a little deeper, I find that the origin of this association with the word Uranian — with the “third sex”, originated with a German scholar named Karl Heinrich Ulrich who was what we could today call transgender, meaning he identified as a woman in a man’s body.
The term Uranian was picked up by Victorian writers such as Oscar Wilde, who wrote: “To have altered my life would have been to have admitted that Uranian love is ignoble. I hold it to be noble — more noble than other forms.” (Ulrich’s chart shows Venus opposite Uranus, and Uranus squares the Moon in Wilde’s chart.)”7
(The androgyny theme is also discussed in another recent essay on Leo-Virgo.)
Whilst the influence of cycle of the Sixth Ray of Devotion declines, the Seventh Ray of Magic and Order increases; the glamours of both these rays are still very prominent in planetary expression, particularly as some nations have these rays governing them: 6th ray: USA, Italy, Spain, Russia. 7th ray: Russia, Spain.
Glamours of RAY VI Devotion and Idealism Devotion. The narrow vision. Adherence to forms and persons. Idealism. Fanaticism. Loyalties, of creeds. Exclusiveness. Emotional response. Sentimentality. Interference. The lower pairs of opposites. World Saviours and Teachers. |
Glamours of RAY VII Ceremonial Magic Order Magical work. The relation of the opposites. The subterranean powers. That which brings together. The physical body. The mysterious and the secret. Sex magic. The emerging manifested forces. |
The Incoming Seventh Ray
Bear in mind that Uranus rules the seventh ray, Aquarius and the sacral centre, representing “matter”. For the more advanced, Uranus is said to rule the crown chakra, representing “spirit”. Hence Uranus’s role in bringing spirit into matter, or the Divine Plan into manifestation during the double-cycle of Aquarius. The world is moving from Pisces, the age of the mystic believer, to Aquarius, the age of the knower-occultist — acquainted with the universal laws and principles that are utilised by a white magician.
“The seventh Ray of Law and Order is coming into manifestation; we are transiting into a new sign of the zodiac, and the “coming of Christ” is imminent. These three great happenings are the cause of much of the present upheaval and chaos; at the same time they are responsible for the universal turning to spiritual realities which all true workers at this time recognise, and for the growth of understanding, of welfare movements and of the tendency to cooperation, of religious unity and of internationalism.
Types of energy which have hitherto been latent are now becoming potent. The consequent world reaction is, in the initial stages, material in its manifestation; in its final stages, divine qualities will manifest and change history and civilisation.”8
Uranus and Saturn are similar in terms of the manifesting principle. Esoterically, Saturn is involved with the organisation of ideas into thoughtforms upon the mental plane. Thoughtforms are living geometrical entities, hence Uranus is also involved here because the seventh ray rules geometry.
As an organising principle, we witness the seventh ray in action through the science of cymatics, where sound arranges sand into divine patterns. “God geometrises” and spirit falls into matter.

L: Cymatic-created pattern. R: “Demiurge” by William Blake.
Aquarian USA: America’s Dark Night of the Soul
There have been extensive commentaries on the United States of America in these newsletters, because her dharma and destiny are so important in this current world cycle.
The USA is a synthesis of old Europe and many other races and nations, representing a new branch-race of consciousness, a developing seed for the coming Sixth Rootrace. (See here for a broader explanation.) Furthermore, the USA is an Aquarian soul, hence its destiny to lead the world into the Aquarian Age. Only two other nations are given as an Aquarian soul – Russia and Holland.9 Hence, these two nations will also play an important role, yet they are also part of old Europe — the USA is unique in its recent history.
As the Western races face their collective shadow in this cycle and at the culmination of the Fifth Rootrace, it appears that the choice for the battleground between the Dweller and the Angel is in the USA. All the current problems and global issues seem to be amplified and focussed there — indeed, it is where many current Western problems have their origin. USA is also the home for the confluence of nations at the United Nations in New York, the planetary ajna centre. There are many issues, to name a few,
— Control of US Congress by corporate and special interest groups.
— The uncertainty of ongoing financial crises and the US debt.
— Huge wealth that resides in the hands of the 1%.
— Ongoing “business as usual” by banks, not in the public interest.
— Radical weather patterns and other environmental issues.
— More disclosures about the NSA, global surveillance programs.
— Further revelations on 9/11 and the possibility of a new enquiry.
— Nuclear power and weaponry. The threat of global conflict.
— Concentrated media power by a few. Propaganda TV.
— Gun control — a re-education of the arms culture.
— The saturation ofaggression and violence in all forms of media.
— Crumbling infrastructure — highways, bridges, dams etc.
— Privatisation of the prison system as a money-making venture.
— The widespread culture of narcissism and entitlement.
As discussed in the Capricorn 2014 newsletter, the Grand Cross of 2014 will be making an impact on many nations and individuals with planets near the middle of cardinal signs. No less so in the exoteric horoscope of the USA, which is a useful chart to track the US psyche, even if it does not dovetail neatly with USA’s esoteric Aquarian soul and Gemini personality.
Nevertheless, we can look to the personality and soul rulers of Aquarius, Uranus and Jupiter, to see what impact they are making in the 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope. Four planets line up at 14 degrees of cardinal signs, as a fitting finale to the long-running Uranus-Pluto square dance that finishes in 2015. In the quad-wheel for USA’s 1776 chart, the following can be found:
1. Jupiter conjunct USA Sun.
2. Pluto opposite USA Sun.
3. Uranus square USA Sun.
4. Mars square USA Sun.
This grand cross holds its formation from April 22-29, 2014 — the date of a solar annular eclipse, creating an incredible tension in the body of the nation, that will most likely hold an unrelenting pressure for all of 2014.
The delineation of the 2014 Grand Cross was explored in the Capricorn 2014 newsletter, so much of what was said there, might apply to the USA horoscope.

2014 Grand Cross in the USA Horoscope.
As the Sun is aspected so powerfully by four planets in this grand cross formation, the results will be long lasting and far-reaching; especially as the two rulers of the USA’s Aquarian soul are involved: Uranus and Jupiter.
Jupiter’s conjunction to the USA Cancer Sun will certainly create a lot of confidence, perhaps over-confidence, the printing of more money and the unbridled use of resources. Pluto’s opposition to the Sun might also create the illusion of invincibility, and perhaps paranoia about who or what is trying to undermine it; there has always been a hidden enemy for the USA.
Pluto opposite the Sun can also encourage utterly ruthless behaviour. Combine this with Jupiter, Mars and Uranus, and the USA could over-reach itself in dangerous and unpredictable ways.
Esoterically, Pluto opposite the Sun has the potential to bring about a massive transformation and regeneration in the USA psyche. The Sun represents the three-fold personality, the physical, emotional and mental levels.
When individuals have Pluto transits to the Sun, serious illness can emerge; the regenerating Plutonic forces are set in motion to bring about destruction to that which obstructs healing. The USA is already very ill, the next two years will hasten the patient’s purge.
The USA Cancer Sun is impacted by four planets, and as the Sun rules the ninth house, the main areas of life experience affected will be in the realm of religion, ethics, principles, law and foreign policy. The latter of course is very telling, in terms of the USA’s influence in the world.
USA’s Sun square Saturn
The Sun makes one very difficult aspect in the 1776 horoscope, a square to Saturn in Libra; this is about integrating exalted Saturn in Libra’s sense of justice and law into the somewhat “crabby”, territorial nature of the USA Cancer Sun. Notice here the theme of the law reiterated by Saturn, complementing the ninth house theme of the law.
Laws in all quarters of the country have been blatantly flouted, twisted, manipulated and violated by so many, it’s a wonder that there is any integrity left in the nation.
It is no wonder that respect for the USA has declined in other nations markedly in the past few years. Observers have asked, is the Republic doomed to fall or has it fallen already?
As the Sun rules the ninth house, the grand cross pressure on the Sun will create some major dilemmas about the rule of law and the level of involvement in foreign matters, versus dealing with domestic issues.
USA has a history of meddling in foreign affairs, the latest NSA revelations being one example. It’s a fine line for the USA to tread, as it does have a responsibility as a young world leader, to initiate global dialogues for the betterment of the world, but often it is through self-interest and imperialistic attitudes.
In one sense, it is “damned if it does damned if it doesn’t”. Even though this nation possesses a grand generosity, it still has an inherent selfishness reflected by the corporations that run the nation.

Uranus, a bolt from the blue.
Traditionally, the Sun square Saturn in Libra aspect concerns limitations to the sense of self or blocks to the expression of personal will, that can result in lack of self esteem. This can create many types of over-compensating behaviour, particularly excessive attempts to control one’s environment, resulting as a “control freak”.
Is the USA a global control freak? Most definitely! Its interference (a sixth ray glamour) in many political affairs, from South America, the Middle East, South East Asia, to Australia and New Zealand, are well documented.
The resolution of this square will come with maturity and the USA is still an adolescent when compared to the more mature nations of Europe. Amongst other things, Saturn here represents the ‘father’ or Britain, the authority figure from whom the USA departed, and which played a major role for the Western nations with regard to democracy and the law. (London is a Libra personality.)
Enter Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra, falling upon USA’s Saturn in Libra axis. This will create a lot of tension on the Sun square Saturn and has the potential to create a big breakthrough. Uranus is the soul ruler of Libra and Saturn is in the Aquarian eleventh house.
Uranus the revolutionary and reformer will have a powerful influence in overhauling laws that have become crystallised and outdated; it will stimulate the nation to further try and integrate this Saturn square Sun factor into the personality of the nation. To date, it has not been satisfactorily integrated and tends to work out in a heavy-handed and draconian approach to law, especially since 9/11.
Mars in Libra has been having a strong influence since its movement into this sign, helping to resolve some differences, most notably between the USA and Iran, but of course there are many other global tensions such as Syria and Palestine that urgently need resolution.
This grand cross represents a tipping point for the USA, to use a Libran scales allegory. The next two years could well be one of the most momentous periods in USA’s history and, because of the tension generated in the grand cross, there may well be some explosive public revelations, startling events and natural cataclysms. As noted in other missives, it may well be the latter theme that brings USA to restoration, a sense of community and co-operation.
The grand cross is a potent agent for change and represents a forcing process, a crucifixion of sorts, a burning ground of initiation. The progressed USA Sun in Pisces for the past ten years may also represent a duping of the American public, not unlike mediumistic Piscean Germany in WWII, where the nation was led astray. (See Pisces 2013 newsletter.)
Pluto rules over the “lesser burning ground”, whilst Uranus, “leads the soul to the burning ground … when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground.”10
This passage describes the “burning grounds” over which Pluto and Uranus preside respectively. Their ongoing square to one another in this era has created a global burning ground which humanity must tread, in fact, has already entered.
For the next three years, transiting Neptune will be tracking USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces, creating further potential for mass glamour, enshrouding the truth. It will also increase the idealism and vision of the American people (for better or worse), whose personality is already conditioned by the sixth ray of idealism.
The parallels in the USA today, with Nazi Germany pre WWII, are quite striking, if not alarming. It was under the influence of another Pluto-Uranus square last century (in Cancer-Aries), that saw the Nazi Party emerge into power in the early 1930’s. This was also the period when Pluto was discovered, expressing his themes of power, death, destruction, the awakening of subterranean forces etc.
All of these factors can play into the hands of an already controlling nature. The culture of nazism or selfishness is unfortunately still alive and well, though disguised, beiged and blandified through large corporate activities, various governments and a culture of prevailing, ill-informed attitudes.
Yet conversely, the growing awareness of all these trends is being intelligently comprehended by millions around the globe, gradually breaking out of the slavery of consensus media and informing themselves via the internet. This world wide web technology that supports sharing and networking is most Aquarian, as are the community and public resistance groups already working actively to birth the new emerging paradigm.
Off course, it is not just the USA going through this process, it will be the entire planet; it will be an initiation for Humanity and it has already started. Initiation is a long process, but there are certain windows of time where the opportunity is greatest: 2014-2015 will be that window, the pivotal point that will determine many future outcomes.
Since the mid 1920’s, Uranus (seventh ray ruler, Aquarius), has come full circle on its 84 year cycle. As alluded to earlier, “the seventh ray (with Uranus as its transmitter), produces the precipitation of karma”.
There are four “Lords of Karma” and Saturn is the most well known. Yet Saturn’s father Uranus, comes to test humanity again — through the harvest of the previous cycle of experience, lessons learned from history and their application today. Will Humanity display a collective amnesia to those past events, rationalise them to make a comfortable fit for today’s world, or learn from the past?
One of the other roles of Uranus is as a transmitter of Sirian forces into the planet,11 and it is notable that USA’s Sun is precisely conjunct Sirius, her guiding star par excellence!
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.513. p.510. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.542. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.540. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey.p.280. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey.p.280. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.293. [↩]
- Lynn Hayes. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.279. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. [↩]