Aquarius 2015: Renaissance. Charlie Hebdo. Spiritual & Material.

Aquarius from the ceiling of Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Italy.
(Phillip Lindsay © 2014.)
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon: February 3, 2015. 11.09 pm. GMT.)
Age of Aquarius: A New Renaissance
Astrology of France and Paris: The Leo-Aquarius Polarity
Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo
Planetary Conflict Between Spiritual and Material Forces
Age of Aquarius: A New Renaissance
The transit of the Sun into Aquarius every year is a reminder of the painful rebirth of Humanity into a new solar precession cycle of 2,160 years. During our annual cycle within the microcosm, there are opportunities to precipitate new ideas that will build the foundation of the greater macrocosmic cycle.
It must be borne in mind that this coming age sees the coincidence of TWO Aquarian cycles, one on the lesser wheel of 2,160 years and one on the Greater Wheel of 25,000 years. A coincidence we are told, that is occurring for the seventh time in the history of the Fifth Rootrace, an incredible opportunity for a vast leap in planetary evolution.1
Yet in this lesser cycle, the wrenching asunder from one age to the other sounds an agonising cry, like a mother who has had her child abducted. Humanity is in the thick of the cuspal period straddling Pisces and Aquarius, where old ideas militate against the new – increasingly with the most cruel and brutal forms of terrorism; where the rigidities and accumulations of the past Piscean Age are reaching a point of tension that could explode with ever more dire consequences. One recalls W.B. Yeats and his mystically prophetic poem, The Second Coming:

William Butler Yeats (Ascendant and Moon in Aquarius. Member of The Golden Dawn, a British kabbalistic group.)
“Turning and turning in the widening gyre Surely some revelation is at hand; The darkness drops again; but now I know |

Nebuchadnezzar (William Blake).
Yeats eloquently illustrates the horrors of the Kali Yuga and some parts of the poem could quite easily apply to the state of affairs in the world today:
“The ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”
And yet there is a Second Coming imminent, as cyclic law determines and dictates at the start of every precessional wheel – an Avatar comes forth to enunciate the principles of the future cycle. Re-enunciating the principles of the last Piscean cycle might not be a bad idea either! “Love one another”, forgiveness, charity etc. – all pre-requisite attributes that fill the Aquarian Water-Bearer’s urn to the brim – in order to pour forth again in World Service. In many ways, Humanity, through its militancy and arrogance, has still not learned the true lesson of Pisces.
The approach of the Hierarchy – those exalted Guides of the human race, headed by the Avatar who holds the Office of the Christ, inevitably stirs great conflict in the world. The resistance of the lunar-polarised status-quo to the frequencies embodied within The Solar Law, is deeply entrenched, reinforced by centuries of wrong thinking and misplaced idealism.
Yeats’ “gyre”2 is the precessional cycle of roughly 2,000 years and his vision of “anarchy loosed upon the world” was 2,000 years after the birth of Christ – now. According to some interpretations, “the beast” refers to the ruling classes of Europe who are unable to protect its culture from materialistic mass movements – perhaps apt in light of current events. But the “beast” is of course more widespread than just Europe, it is Humanity’s “Dweller on the Threshold”.

L: “Gyre” C: Falcon’s descent. R: Precession Cycle.
Hence, just as the world experienced a great renaissance in culture, arts and thought in Europe five hundred years ago, so a greater cycle of renewal approaches, a new Renaissance for a new age. Amidst the smoke and turmoil of existential emergencies, it is sometimes hard to perceive this new Emergence – but it is certainly occurring, like the gradual opening of a flower …
As the flowers of our Aquarian spring open, so the autumnal withering of the past age takes place. The impenetrable darkness of the past is the obscuring fog of the approaching Light. In those oft-quoted words of the Kalki Avatar: “Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself.”3
The promise of the Aquarian cycle is almost beyond imagination. There will emerge new forms of music, art and science undreamt of – already percolating into human consciousness. The new Aquarian cycle will reclaim the great gifts that were given to humanity in ancient Atlantean times, this time as a result of its own evolution, as maturing “young adults” and not as the naïve children of yester-year:
“All that the modern processes of civilisation have made possible … and that which today comes under the name of scientific discovery were known in old Atlantis … not developed by men themselves but given to them as a free gift … people today give a child beautiful and wonderful things – which the child uses and enjoys but which he does not understand in any way.”4
The Aquarian cycle will see syntheses and unifications in several areas:
1. One global currency and financial system; an universal management of Earth’s resources, sorely abused in this day by selfish corptocracies who are the shadow of the Aquarian principle of sharing, community and co-operation
2. One World Religion will recognise the diversity of religious thought all has a common origin. Universal spiritual laws will be incontrovertibly recognised, not regarded as “religion” in its current sense – as a source of human separation that regards “my god” as the “only” god. Many advances are being made already in this area through interfaith dialogue – even in the face of our current separative religious crises and hatred. There will be a greater reunification with the Source.
3. One world political system – an inevitable evolution, as nations mature, co-operation will supersede competition, altruism will trump selfishness and cruelty will be relinquished for kindness. These pairs of opposites are already in process of resolution, it’s only a matter of when, not if.

New possibilities.
4. Advances in science, music and art, great syntheses and revolutions in technologies, already occurring now in this cuspal period. Many of these possibilities are being/will be abused until the majority of Humanity reaches a tipping point – of unanimously co-operating with the Planetary Plan.
Astrology of France: The Leo-Aquarius Polarity
“The combination of Piscean power in the Piscean Age, plus a potent Leo nature, enabled France at one time to express quite phenomenally its innate subjective tendency to save the world (for France is essentially on the Path of a world Saviour); this was aided by the brilliant clear vision of the fifth and third rays with their intellectual bias, plus the opportunity offered by Saturn, ruling Paris. This enabled France to stage the great French Revolution and strike one of the major blows for the release of humanity from bondage.”5
As a Pisces soul with its highest theme of liberation, France made a spectacular contribution during the Piscean Age by founding the French Republic – with its emphasis upon human liberty: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity! “The soul of France, subjectively ruled Europe for the most important and influential part of the Piscean Age … she mediated the Piscean quality to the civilisation of the then known world…”6
France’s main problem, as with any entity – individual or national, is its unintegrated personality, which happens to be Leo. Any personality’s lack of integration is related to creeping crystallisation that holds back or distorts complete integration. This is why individual and national entities “reincarnate”, bringing through a different zodiacal personality expression in each incarnation, rarely the same personality ray or sign in successive incarnations – because of the danger of crystallisation. According to H.P. Blavatsky7, nations can have an incarnation of 3-4,000 years, hence France still has plenty of time for personality perfection:

“… her definitely Leo personality – self-conscious, self-centred, brilliantly intelligent and individual – conditioned Europe. It is this Leo personality which is responsible for the intensely nationalistic spirit of the modern French and which negates in them the more Aquarian tendency to universal consciousness – or to the expression of the advanced Piscean soul to save the world; France comes before the world. The lesson France has to learn today [written mid 20th century] is that the salvation of others is the goal of her Piscean soul and in this, the self-interest of Leo precipitates conflict – one to which France is slowly awakening.”8
“Salvation of others is the goal” – a sober statement in light of the fact that France is the fourth largest arms manufacturer in the world. France has a lot to contribute in the future as an “elder brother” of the nations – because the Leo dynamic is intimately related to Aquarius, the greater cycle that the world is passing into.
Louis XIV (The Sun King. 5-9-1638 – 1715), had Moon and Venus conjunct in Leo, with a Virgo Sun, the soul ruler of Paris. During his long reign in the seventeenth century,
“…he was able to utilize the widespread public yearning for law and order resulting from prolonged foreign war and domestic civil strife to further consolidate central political authority and reform at the expense of the feudal aristocracy.”9
Louis was also an adherent to the theory of the “divine right of kings”.

L: Louis XIV: With Leo mane – the Sun King. R: Sun king seal.
Later, during the reign of Louis XVI, and in the horoscope of the first French Republic, Uranus was in opposition to Pluto (similar to Uranus square Pluto now), reflecting the underlying causes behind the French Revolution. Pluto was transiting through Aquarius and the aristocracy was submerged in lifestyles of luxury, alienated from their fellow citizens.
It is also noteworthy that France’s current president Francoise Hollande, has Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Leo, enjoying his time as France’s current “sun king”. Once France moves past her Leonine pride and self-interest, it will align with its Pisces soul again, working for the salvation of Humanity.
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, was discovered in 1781, between the American and French Revolutions, both of which struck major blows for human liberty, but which today has been eroded away to an alarming degree.
As the Sun precesses into Aquarius on its long-haul cycle, Leo is being stimulated potently. Not only because Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, but because at this time so many humans are “individualising”, i.e. emerging from the mass herd consciousness (symbolised by Cancer) and learning to think independently.
Esoterically, the masses of humanity have reached the same stage as the time of “Individualisation” 21 million years ago10, only on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral. Leo (“individual”) was prominent in that ancient time and both Leo-Aquarius transmit the fifth ray of mind. (See here for more essays on our true planetary history.)
Today, this new found Leonine independence and power creates a need to seek the Leo limelight (Think, “American Idol”), to express one’s creativity and receive “fifteen minutes of fame”, to paraphrase Andy Warhol. (A Leo sun and rising sign with three other planets in Leo.) This mental development is accelerating through the very Aquarian development of world-wide communications and the internet – bringing more rapid expansion of consciousness.
Jean Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract, was the main textbook of the French Revolution, espousing that all men are born free and equal. Rousseau had Saturn in Leo dominating his midheaven opposite Jupiter and Chiron in Aquarius. Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius and is the true Water-Bearer of this sign. Yet Rousseau as architect was also ruthless, with Saturn in Leo squaring his Moon in Taurus.

L: Rousseau. R: Voltaire.
Voltaire was another important player, regarded as the embodiment of the eighteenth century enlightenment, with Moon in Aquarius and a Scorpio Sun square to Jupiter in Leo. Whilst Voltaire insisted upon the supremacy of the intellect, Rousseau emphasized the emotions (Cancer Sun), becoming a contributor to both the Enlightenment and its successor, Romanticism. Both characters were quite likely initiates.(As a brief aside, through Voltaire’s works of fiction and theatre, he communicated many truths of the Ageless Wisdom, in such works as his trilogy, Zadig, Candide and L’Ingenu. One character in this work is from a planet that orbits Sirius!
He also knew of Count St. Germain (Master R), saying to King Frederick that The Count will “probably have the honour of seeing your Majesty in the course of fifty years. He is a man who never dies, and who knows everything.” The breadth and scope of Voltaire’s accomplishments were not unlike Francis Bacon’s, said to be a previous incarnation of Master R.)
The Charlie Hebdo atrocities occurred during Capricorn, probably the sign most prone to crystallisation and, ruling Paris: “The forces of crystallisation pour through Paris which is ruled by Capricorn in its personality and yet the soul of the French nation is nurtured in that great capital through the soul of the city, energised by Virgo and, forget not, that Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces and the infant Christ in Virgo comes to full flower in Pisces. Here lies the hope of France.”11

If the soul of Paris is Virgo, then Notre Dame (Our Lady) is its personification. Its sublime grandeur celebrates the beauty of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, transmitted the most powerfully through Virgo in this cycle. The second ray also passes through polar opposite Pisces, the soul of the French nation. Hence the resolution of the pairs of opposites of Pisces-Virgo, for the planet a whole, is an important dharma for France.

Notre Dame cathedral is one of a group that were all dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Notre Dame. The physical locations of these cathedrals form a pattern that venerates the constellation of Virgo. The tradition of the Knights Templar and the sacred geometry of these buildings are well known to students of The Mysteries.
“The cathedrals were all built at much the same time, even though some took more than a century to complete in their various stages. Notre Dame in Paris was begun in 1163, Chartres in 1194, Reims in 1211, and Amiens in 1221. Others of the same era were at Bayeux, Abbeville, Rouen, Laon, Evreux, and Etampes. In accordance with the Hermetic principle “As above, so below”, the combined ground-plan of the Notre Dame cathedrals replicates the Virgo constellation.” Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, Element Books, 1996.12

Cathedrals in France form a pattern in the shape of the constellation of Virgo. There can be found many such constellation overlays all around the world, from the pyramids at Giza (Orion), the US Southwest to South America.
Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo
The appalling slaughter of French cartoonists was very disturbing and may set a trend that others may emulate around the world; it brought up the issues of free speech and religion, as well as opportunistic politics and media manipulation. Or should the slogan be, Je suis hypocrite”? Was any critical thinking at work when millions of people adopted the “Je suis Charlie” mantra? Especially in light of France’s poor track record with regard to free speech. (This article outlines some extraordinary examples.)
“Free speech” is one tenet, yet continuous bigoted mockery of Islam and Muslims (and other religions), by satirical cartoonists over many years13, (despite prosecutions and other attacks), goes beyond harmless irreverence. Whilst satire is a very healthy component in any society that reflects upon itself, some of Charlie Hebdo’s “free speech” has been consistently unkind, hateful and cruel; it has reinforced the malaise of separativeness, pride and mental cruelty that constitute the three “mental” heads of the Scorpio hydra. Mockery, criticism and sarcasm are all the “children” of these heads – and can be used to varying degrees of harmfulness or playfulness.

Arrows of thought…
Of course these individuals may not have “deserved” their horrific demise – as those sympathetic to the attackers suggest, yet Charlie Hebdo was not entirely innocent either. The impartial law of cause and effect (karma), determines that all action attracts a corresponding reaction – and this law applies equally to fundamentalist extremists. Here in microcosm lies the problem of the Western nations’ shadow or “Dweller”, encapsulated in the French people.

Charlie Hebdo Massacre – Event Chart.
There are several notable components of the Charlie Hebdo massacre horoscope:
1. The horoscope has Pisces rising – the soul of France. This outrage has evoked much soul-searching in the French people. Pluto is the soul ruler of Pisces and is placed by transit in Capricorn, the personality ruler of Paris.
2. Comprehending the influence of Capricorn and Paris goes a long way to understanding how this event took place. Not only were the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, but Saturn (as ruler of Capricorn), had just entered Sagittarius, known for its religious fundamentalism and extremism.
3. In the horoscope for the attack, Saturn (the ruler of Paris via Capricorn) is in the eighth house of death, square to militant Mars in Aquarius, the sign of revolution. Saturn is also moving into a square with Neptune, planet of idealism, misplaced or otherwise. This Saturn-Neptune square also represents the possibility of another “false flag” operation created for some political purpose. Neptune in its lower expression is about deception.
There were many unexplained aspects to this event, one of which was the immediacy of the millions of printed posters for the “Je suis Charlie” advertising campaign. Still on the Capricorn-Saturn theme, in France’s First Republic horoscope (21 September, 1792. 3:30 pm. Paris.), the progressed Moon was in Capricorn conjunct the Ascendant – on the date of the massacre. The Moon by progression represents where an entity’s blind spot is at any time, but especially in this case, the Capricorn personality of Paris.
4. This event occurred when Pluto the destroyer was approaching its seventh of seven squares with Uranus, over these past couple of years.
5. Of major importance esoterically, is the strong emphasis of the aforesaid Leo-Aquarius polarity. Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius opposite Moon and Jupiter in Leo. The Moon and Jupiter emphasise France’s Leo personality, both in its brilliance and its shadow, especially the Moon symbolising the unconscious. Jupiter is the co-ruler of Pisces rising and the Sagittarian midheaven.

A gigantic show of solidarity from Parisians. Was it a knee-jerk emotional
response, or does France really care about free speech and social justice?
6. Chérif Kouachi (Nov. 29, 1982), one of the two gunmen brothers, had a host of planets in fundamentalist Sagittarius: A Sun-Uranus conjunction (Uranus the revolutionary or extremist) – and a Mercury-Venus conjunction. Kouachi also had Neptune in Sagittarius, conjunct the Sagittarian midheaven of the attack horoscope. This latter synastry is pertinent because Neptune is the planet of idealism, ruling Pisces and the sixth ray of devotion – which includes fanaticism in all its forms.
The world is moving from the age of Pisces and the sixth ray cycle is dying out, but its influence is still very strong.7. Jupiter is a key planet in this zodiacal scenario because of its position in Leo and as ruler of the attack chart ascendant and midheaven. Jupiter is also opposed by militant Mars in Aquarius. Mars is in the twelfth house of hidden enemies and rules the eighth house of death. And, Jupiter – planet of Love-Wisdom, is in the middle of a long term transit where it goes retrograde and direct over the two “pointer stars”, Dubhe and Merak. This was covered in a recent newsletter where it was stated,

Ancient Serpent of Wisdom
(Nicholas Roerich).
“The alternation of transiting Jupiter over both these points from September 2014 to June 2015, may see a corresponding global alternation between “self will” and “carrying out God’s purpose”. In summary, it appears that the two pointer stars, through Vulcan and Pluto, are starting to, “affect human response … guiding humanity upon the involutionary path”, to the point where, “… guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path” then, “… recovering and refacing that which is lost” to, “… eventually bringing a wo/man back to their originating source.”14
Responses to the Charlie Hebdo massacre have been full spectrum – reactionary, superficial, opportunistic, broad and deep. The event has further polarised growing resentment toward Muslims in Europe and some commentators assert that the attack was a deliberate political ploy by some agencies, for various motives of greater control, winning sympathy for some minor but powerful groups etc. But the histories and horoscopes of the killers indicate that they were up for it, whether self-initiated or in concert with some nefarious groups.
Because Jews were involved in the area of the attacks, it was claimed an “anti-Semite” attack. Lest we forget, the Arab Muslims are the majority of the Semitic racial equation, and if any anti-Semitism exists in Europe, it is primarily through the Arab Muslim “invasion” over the past thirty years. All European nations are dealing with this problem to some degree or other, and the far right reactionaries to this phenomenon are increasing in their numbers. Hence, paradox is piled upon paradox in a situation that is hard to sift the truth from the propaganda.

According to the Mirror, female world leaders were airbrushed out of the Paris march picture for a Jewish newspaper (Israel’s The Announcer), so as not to offend its highly orthodox readers!
The Jewish people share the same third ray personality as France – and, the same personality sign of Paris, Capricorn – hence their strong affiliations and contributions to French culture. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, came to Paris uninvited, and worked his way to the head of the world leaders procession for photo opportunities, all the while proclaiming anti-Semitism – and for French Jews to emigrate to Israel! Other national leaders in the march has been widely noted by observers around the world.
Was the procession really about “free speech” and “liberty”, or was it a reaction by the status quo to preserve that status quo at all costs? From one perspective, Leo represents the ruling elite, whilst Aquarius is the people. Humanity is only just emerging from an era where Leonine monarchies dominated, but where the seed of democracy took root. Britain, France and the USA have championed freedom and liberty since the milestone of the Magna Carta and still do.
But an ominous cloud has been gathering, darkening the sun of those hard fought freedoms. Rampant opportunism is the shadow of the Aquarian cycle emerging before its true expression has time to develop.
The group co-operation theme of Aquarius is finding its selfish expression through dictatorial Leonine corporations, the new kings presiding over their new monarchies, dictating to the political apparatus within each nation. Some more than others of course, with USA being the most extreme example – its congress and presidential elections severely compromised by commercial interests.15 How can real democracy flourish with this state of affairs dominating American life?

“… an ominous cloud has been gathering, darkening the sun … “ (Photo by Taljanna Miller 2013).
France is uniquely a fifth (mental) ray soul and is an advanced representative of the Fifth Rootrace, where this fifth principle has been developed to a refined degree. France is certainly a “disciple” on the Path, along with several other European nations. This fifth ray quality compliments its Leo (fifth sign) personality, in both selfish (pride of intellect) and unselfish (generosity) ways.
As France also has a third ray personality (Active-Intelligence, a ray also on the mind-line), this nation runs the risk of falling subservient to the Materialistic Forces, “illumined by the light of the intellect” – but unalloyed by love or compassion. (See next section on this topic.) The same could be said for other Western nations, yet USA and Britain both have second ray Love-Wisdom souls, off-setting these tendencies somewhat. “What is needed in the national life of France is the more spiritual expression of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, which has in the past led to material success but which can flood the world, via France, once she dies to self. Capricorn, ruling Paris, signifies both death and initiation into the spiritual life, and here lies the choice for France.”16 Perhaps this opportunity may arrive when Saturn enters its own sign Capricorn in December 2017, remaining there until December 2020.

Rocks of Lahul (Nicholas Roerich).
Planetary Conflict Between Spiritual and Material Forces
Whatever the causes of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, many thoughtful responses have emerged as humanity reflects upon this bleak event. Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges nails some core issues: “The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam.
It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations. It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of the earth, deprived of resources to survive, devoid of hope, brutally controlled, belittled and mocked by the privileged who live in the splendour and indolence of the industrial West, lash out in nihilistic fury.
We have engineered the rage of the dispossessed. The evil of predatory global capitalism and empire has spawned the evil of terrorism. And rather than understand the roots of that rage and attempt to ameliorate it, we have built sophisticated mechanisms of security and surveillance, passed laws that permit the targeted assassinations and torture of the weak, and amassed modern armies and the machines of industrial warfare to dominate the world by force.
This is not about justice. It is not about the war on terror. It is not about liberty or democracy. It is not about the freedom of expression. It is about the mad scramble by the privileged to survive at the expense of the poor. And the poor know it.

Rage of the poor and dispossessed: Muslim or otherwise …
“Muslim prayer, held five times a day, gives you your only sense of structure and meaning, and, most importantly, self-worth. And when the privileged of the world ridicule the one thing that provides you with dignity, you react with inchoate fury. This fury is exacerbated when you and nearly everyone around you feel powerless to respond.”17 Of course, these are not the only reasons. Islam (and religion in general), is a major tool whereby hatred and separativeness is fostered.
The economic situation only reinforces these trends. Indian author Pankaj Mishra writes, “Globalisation, while promoting economic integration among elites, has exacerbated sectarianism everywhere else. In a typically contradictory move, The sense of besiegement by “foreigners” with hostile values has also intensified in Europe as globalised financial markets restrict nation-states’ autonomy of action; globalised labour challenges dominant ideas of citizenship, national culture and tradition, and globalised terrorism provokes the curtailment of civil liberties and a draconian regime of surveillance.

Globalisation is inevitable and here already … how can it be developed for the good of all?
Economic stagnation not only stokes anti-EU sentiment; it also boosts far-right parties in Europe, some of which, such as the Front National, have repackaged their foundational anti-Semitism, and now feed on fears of a continent overrun by Muslims… Heavily armed nation-states, powerful corporations, and what seems to be ineradicable structural inequality characterise our age, along with rampant depoliticisation caused by a widely felt loss of individual and collective sovereignty. Enlightenment values of individual freedom are manifested best in individual acts of criticism and defiance.”18

Hence, humanity is being ground in the mill of global integration, beset by individual and “organised selfishness” at every turn. Maintaining the long term view of evolution is paramount, lest we lose sight of the Aquarian goal of co-operation and global community. The transition into the Age of Aquarius will most likely take a couple more centuries. The majority of humanity are acquiescing to this blending process, yet a powerful minority are resisting it: One perspective might be this duality: The political and financial elites, versus the rage of the dispossessed and fanatical idealists.
These small but extremely potent minorities are fed by greater Materialistic Forces who embody the planetary sacral chakra19, unknown to the majority of humanity. Their vested interest in keeping this planet a prison, is a key theme of the struggle epitomised by the current series of Pluto-Uranus squares. Pluto in Capricorn represents these subterranean forces that work with the past, whilst Uranus in Aries is the precipitation of progressive ideas that will create a foundation for the future. (Uranus is the highest or hierarchical ruler of Aries.

Jedi High Council: Fiction based upon fact…
“… the Great White Brotherhood and the Lodge of Materialistic Forces – are both seeking to divert … energies into channels which will further the ends for which they work … Two groups of advanced Minds, both equally illumined by the light of the intellect, and both of them formulating clearly their objectives, but differing in their direction and their emphasis. One group, under the divine plan, works with the form aspect entirely, and in this group the light of love and of selflessness is absent.
The other group is working entirely with the soul … and in this group the doctrine of the heart and the law of love control … the two groups are working in opposition upon the mental plane … and upon the plane of desire [astral] … The materialising of the plans of these two groups of illumined minds proceeds steadily under … the laws of form life and the laws of spiritual living. In this initial stage and whilst the battle is being fought out in the realm of desire, the forces of these two groups, working with the energies of the sixth and seventh rays, have brought about in the field of physical living, a state of complete cataclysm. [written WWII]
The economic situation and the religious hatreds are the two major instruments. [And they still are as much today, if not more.] … The result of all this conflict is, I would tell you, definitely good, and it demonstrates the steady achievement of the Great White Lodge. The consciousness of humanity has been definitely expanded and the whole world of men at this time is thinking. This is a totally new phenomenon [As noted earlier] and a fresh experience in the life of the human soul. The first result of all the turmoil has been to shift the focus of human attention on to the mental plane and thereby nearer to the sources of light and love.”20
Note the reference to the sixth and seventh rays. The long, outgoing cycle of the sixth ray of Devotion-Idealism has accompanied the age of Pisces, whilst the incoming seventh ray cycle (since 1945) will parallel the age of Aquarius. Yet Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius and the seventh ray, also rules the human sacral centre, hence strengthening the hand of the sacral centre-oriented Materialistic Forces to extend their influence.

Darth Vader trod a fine line, before relenting to the promise of power and “going to the dark side”.
These forces (and their agents) are able to tap into the lower expression of Aquarius and manipulate it for their own ends. The seventh ray of Magic expresses the glamour of the form nature, particularly in relation to sex, and can like any other ray, planet or zodiac sign, be utilised according to selfish or unselfish motive. Thus, it is incumbent upon the majority of humanity caught between two extremes, to absorb and transform these imbalances.
Especially the spiritual workers of the planet, many of whom work quietly behind the scenes and who are not necessarily in the public eye. The passage above was written in World War II, viewed over the expanse of long term cycles, as the second phase of what is regarded occultly as one war; the war that was meant to break the back of materialism – now receded back to the worship of the golden calf. That same war is now raging in a third (and final) phase but mainly upon the mental plane – the realm of the two camps, the Forces of Light and Materialism.
This “war in heaven” still threatens to reach the physical plane as a world war again. Especially in this cusp of the ages, during the highly critical after-effects of Pluto-Uranus, that will probably reverberate for another year or two after the last hit in March 2015.
Many expressions of the Materialistic Forces (M.F.) are breaking out sporadically around the world in the utterly cruel and depraved acts that humans perpetrate upon one another. How far it precipitates is up to Humanity to decide. These are the most obvious and visible expressions, yet MF influence has broad penetration into the minds and hearts of humanity, especially in the field of spiritual workers who are often their targets.
Yet with some rare exceptions, these forces only work with what is still unredeemed within each light-worker, hence they serve for the wavering aspirant particularly, the function of keeping everyone “honest”! Keeping alignment, staying steadfast and above all – vigilant, in this dark Kali Cycle is of paramount importance. In the Agni Yoga teachings, The Master Morya asserts,
“It must not be thought that vigilance can make a man cold and aloof. A warrior on guard is filled with the light of possibilities. True, he is astonished at nothing, for he foresees the birth of new possibilities. When you proclaim, “Always ready!” you are, as it were, following Our Call.
For him who is always ready, it is possible to test the whole furnace of tension. Day and night Our co-workers are prepared for all the scintillation of the Cosmos. In their readiness they will pass invisibly by day and will find at night the radiant path. Nothing will alarm you when you are constantly alert. The character of the seeker does not permit the ship to be ice-bound. We condemn delay.”21
And to finish, an apt commentary from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,
“The right tendencies and rhythm having been set up, it becomes simply a question of steady perseverance, common sense and endurance. Unless the utmost vigilance is exerted, the old habits of mind will very easily reassert themselves, and even until the final initiation the aspirant must “watch and pray.” The rules which govern victory, the practices which bring success are the same for the advanced expert warrior and initiate as they are for the humblest neophyte.”22

Warrior of Light (Nicholas Roerich 1933).
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. P.567. [↩]
- “A circular or spiral motion or form, especially a circular ocean current.” In this case the falcon is spiralling back down in flight to the falconer, but they cannot hear each other because of the obscuration of chaos. [↩]
- Bhagavad Gita, Book IV, Sutra 5, 7, 8. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.122. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.75. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.72. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.434. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.73. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Hidden History of Humanity, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.73. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Here. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.73. [↩]
- Chris Hedges. [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 108-9. [↩]
- Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, Illumination, 1925. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.422. [↩]