Aries 2013: Death & Shamballa. The First Ray. Uranus. Cymatics.

The Initiate Akhenaten, communing with the Solar Logos.
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon March 27, 2013 7.27 pm AEST)
The New Cycle of Aries and the Role of Uranus
The Equinox and Full Moon Horoscopes for 2013
Aries, Death, Shamballa and the First Ray of Will-Power
The New Cycle of Aries and the Role of Uranus
The Sun is exalted in Aries and its yearly passage into this sign marks not only the spiritual new year, but reminds us of a broader consciousness that exists within the greater solar system, beyond the realm of Earth. If evolution is to proceed as it should, then each new cycle brings a greater frequency on a higher turn of the spiral. No less so with the beginning of the spiritual new year in Aries, where the harvest of sattvas from the previous year are built into the foundation of this new year.
The world turns and human consciousness moves forward in leaps and bounds. There are involutionary cycles of races and nations that are on a downward spiral, whilst others are upon the “upward arc”, gradually organising themselves into the invisible blueprint for a dawning civilisation.
These “builders of the dawn” are necessarily those that understand the subtle constitution of matter, who may work quietly behind the scenes or in the public eye, who are attending to the emerging lighted paradigm, an wholistic model of human living possibilities – driven by love, understanding and a sense of shared community.
The new note of the cosmic ram’s horn is sounded and there is the emergence of the new light, radiant yet penetrating and incandescent; thrilling to the prospect of limitless possibilities, by humanity’s conscious co-operation with The Plan. The symbolism of Aries and light emerging is repeated at the dawn of each day when the Sun pushes over the horizon and emerges as a fiery orb in the morning sky. The potential of living each day more creatively than the last, has its higher correspondence with the annual and other greater cycles.
The sound that emanates from the ram’s horn is the new note, the mantram that organises substance into a pattern, built upon that which has been achieved in previous cycles. The horn itself is a replica of the universe, a spiral that is used to imitate the sound of the Ineffable (“too sacred to be uttered”). The science of cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, is a good example of how sound organises matter.
This organisation of matter into geometrical blueprints for the purposes of evolution, is ruled over by Uranus, ruler of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Magic. Uranus is perfectly placed as the “hierarchical” ruler of Aries because it represents those ideas that are available to humanity in the “raincloud of knowable things”, upon the higher planes of perception.
As perfecting humanity reach toward these ideas, they are eventually “wrestled” by the few and made available for broader human consumption. Uranus rules over these geometrical thoughtforms – as they precipitate from the “Mind of God”. Uranus’ function is to bring spirit into matter and as the Age of Aquarius approaches (over which Uranus rules exoterically), human co-operation with the forces of Uranus will be far more widespread and conscious:

Cymatic pattern.
“I seek only in these Instructions to deal with that aspect of truth which will make the aspirant a practical worker, and so enable him/her to work with intelligence. His main work (and increasingly he will find this to be so) is to create thought-forms to carry revelation to thinking human beings.
To do this s/he must work occultly, and through the sound of his breathed forth work, through the truth revealed in form, will s/he carry light and illumination into the dark places of the earth.”1
“These three developments will usher in the new age, will produce in this transition period the needed changes, and will inaugurate a new era wherein brotherhood will be the keynote, for it will be a demonstrated fact in nature.
It will be an age wherein humanity will walk in the light, for it will be a world of recognized inner radiance, wherein the work of the world will be carried forward through the medium of sound, and eventually through the use of words of power and the work of the trained magician.
These trained workers in substance, understanding the nature of matter, seeing always in terms of light and comprehending the purpose of sound, will bring about those structural changes and those material transformations which will establish a civilization adequate for the work of the coming race.
This work will be that of the conscious unification of the soul and its vehicle of manifestation. Those cultural methods also which will take the undeveloped of the race and carry them forward to a better manifestation, and a truer expression of themselves will be established and this it is the privilege of the coming generation of scientific investigators to bring about.”2
“Aries – The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the “searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used” for divine expression.”3

The Equinox and Full Moon Horoscopes for 2013
When the Sun moves into Aries, that precise moment yields a horoscope that determines general trends for the year. Obviously the ascendant will vary depending upon the latitude and longitude. Hence the Aries equinox and Aries full moon horoscopes represent the birth of ideas in the new cycle.
The main configuration in the equinox ingress chart is the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in a T-square to Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. At a basic level this seems to point to money and personal security issues that could become very explosive. Recent events in Cyprus, where the people have had their free will negated regarding their own savings, may be one example of how this could escalate throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

Aries Equinox 2013.
Uranus, the highest octave ruler of Aries, has been in its own sign for the first time in 84 years. It is therefore playing a critical role in the birth of new ideas between the departing age of Pisces and the approaching cycle of Aquarius. Its dynamic square dance with transiting Pluto, is resulting in a destruction of the past and a building-in for the future.
Mars, the lowest octave ruler of Aries, is closely conjunct Uranus, indicating that 2013 will most definitely be a year of radical change. The combination of these planets find their least point of resistance as volatility and violence.
Mars is the masculine principle that seeks to go forth and multiply, the upright phallus driven by desire. The strongest of the species in the previous cycle, propagates the future and thus evolution proceeds. The semen also contains the seed ideas that lay within the greater matrix.
This configuration contains the potential of sexual reform in all areas of human endeavour. Uranus rules the sacral or sexual centre, hence the combination of these two rulers of Aries have great potential to address the abuse and misuse of sex worldwide, whether it be in the church, politics, education, the slave trade, pedophilia rings, India, the Middle East the Far East, The West and so forth.

Full Moon Festival of Aries.
There is a very powerful watery element in this horoscope that could offset some of the more violent tendencies – a grand trine from Mercury-Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio and Moon in Cancer. Venus in Pisces is also very powerful, adding its quotient of unconditional love and compassion.
What is initiated in Aries finds its expression in Libra, a sign associated with sex and which Uranus rules esoterically. The Moon is in Libra in the full moon chart, accentuating these pairs of opposites and the importance of cultivating right relationships when it comes to sex.
Some examples are, the widespread crimes of rape in India where many males have a grossly immature and disrespectful attitude to women; celibacy does not work for many within the church. Instead of a “natural celibacy”, it has become a repression, resulting in all its distorted expressions of wrong relationships.
In the full moon horoscope, Mars is still conjunct Uranus, but Venus has entered the picture, closely conjunct the Sun in Aries, bringing in her theme of initiating right relationship. Esoterically, Venus in Aries is where “mind gives place to intuition and reason to pure perception”.
Aries, Death, Shamballa and the First Ray of Will-Power
The 1st ray is the major ray that pours through this first sign of the zodiac. Aries is a sign of new life yet also a sign of death, the fire of Aries burns and destroys all that hinders the path. Pluto, co-ruler of the 1st ray, is the Lord of Death and is activated in this sign. Hence the Sun nourishes, yet burns and destroys, and combined with 1st ray Pluto and Uranus, “produces the flame and heat of the final burning ground.” Fire is an agent of purification and,
“Through the lesser fire of mind, the “jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames – and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.””4
Somewhat paradoxically, it is also through this fiery purification that the mind is released and the soul ruler of Aries-Mercury, becomes the intuitive illuminating principle throughout the life experience. In light of the three rulers of Aries, Mercury is the mediating principle between Uranian spirit and Martial matter.
It is these combination of factors that allows Aries to “take a stand”, to set an example, to be that idea in manifestation. It is said that death by fire or burning in Aries releases the initiate into the first ray planetary centre, Shamballa. Jesus most certainly made his “last stand” after running the gamut of purification and rigorous testings of persecution; of being betrayed or let down by those closest to him in Gethsemane; and being completely misunderstood, leading him to say, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.”

Issa and the Skull of the Giant. [Ed: Shades of Golgotha] (Nicholas Roerich, 1932.)

Signs of Christ. (Nicholas Roerich, 1924.)
“… the recognition of this death and its effects is only symbolically enacted and recognised at the time of the fourth initiation, the Crucifixion. All lesser dissolutions, deaths, renunciations and disappearances of that to which the lower nature holds and is held, are enacted in relation to the accustomed aspects of form-life, and of conscious sensitivity and awareness; they are simply preparatory to and symbolic of the final great dissolution of the causal body, consummated at the Crucifixion.
This leads to the resurrection or uprising of the personality-soul consciousness (duly fused and blended) into that of the monad. This is finally carried to the point of solar perfection at the Ascension initiation.”5
Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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