Aries 2015: Electric Fire. Thor. Russia UK USA. Andreas Lubitz.

Mighty Thor, God of Thunder with his Celestial Rams.
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon Festival: April 4, 2015. 1.05 pm GMT)
“The fire blazed forth and through that fire I died to life
and so was born to death. And then again I died to form (Aries).”
Aries, Impulse of Electric Fire
Thor: God of Thunder and Lightning
The Sword, Symbol of the First Ray of Will-Power
Thor’s Hammer
The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA
The Germanwings Tragedy and Andreas Lubitz
Aries and the First Ray
The Case for Sagittarius Rising
Lubitz’s Main Problems, Astrologically Considered
Sun-Neptune, Identity and Drugs
Germanwings Crash Horoscope
What is the Lesson for Humanity?
Uranus square Pluto: Not Finished with Us Yet!
Aries, Impulse of Electric Fire
And so the cycle of the year renews itself in Aries, the first of the special three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – that establish an aspect of the Planetary Plan, the Divine Blueprint, precipitating into human consciousness. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the noumenon1, patterned and programmed in the ethers, about to precipitate eventually as phenomenon.
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form – subjective and objective.”2
In this first zodiacal sign Aries, the power of the first ray of Will-Power brings its electrical pulse. This impulse of “electric fire” destroys the past, clearing the way for the future, establishing a new pattern for the following twelve “moonths”, the lunar cycles in which these solar festivals are celebrated. Vulcan and Pluto rule the first ray – that aptly finds its most powerful expression in Aries, within the greater cycle:
“… the energy which streams from Vulcan is fundamentally the strength and potency which sets the world evolutionary process in motion; it embodies also the energy of the first ray, that force which initiates or begins and that which also destroys, bringing about the death of the form in order that the soul may be set free.”3
When the Sun moves into Aries at the spring equinox, it is in the sign of its exaltation. It is in its “blaze of glory”, irradiating and transmitting the Plan of the Solar Logos to Earth via Aries.
Aries rules the head and is profoundly connected to the mind that utilises the brain as its instrument. Therefore, Aries is headstrong and impulsive, carrying an urgency for action via its exoteric ruler Mars. Vulcan rules the head centre (or crown chakra, the 1,000 petalled lotus) and the first ray. Hence, the close association between the first ray, the head centre (the first centre occultly counted) and the physical head.

The head centre (crown, 1,000 petalled lotus, Sahasrara chakra.)
“The Sun is exalted in Aries. Here the Sun stands for the life of the spirit which comes to full expression as the result of the great evolutionary process, initiated in Aries. The life of God which in this sign is “swung into activity” eventually achieves consummation. Latency becomes potency and midnight merges into midday. God, the Father, rules.”4
The electric fire that pours through Aries via the first ray of will-power, holds within its subtle ether, its electrical plasma – the modifications of the Planetary Plan for the annual cycle. This “divine tweaking” has its source from without the solar system, most likely in Sirius, based upon no doubt, the “signals” that are regularly transmitted from Earth to Sirius via the Sun. These signals can be summarised and ‘read’ as a snapshot of where the “Earth is at”. Similarly then, signals representing the “adjusted plan” are relayed back, transmitted to the solar system and planets, reaching the Planetary Logos of Earth, via Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Shamballa.
Shamballa is regarded as the planetary crown chakra, “where the will of God is known” – acting upon this greater directive, transmitting to all kingdoms of nature, especially the human kingdom. Humanity embodies Earth’s throat centre, seat of the mental body. Humanity receives the divine impulse (or not!) and through its own free will and accord, acts upon it.

Tibetan Buddhist and “new agey” depictions of Shamballa. City of the Gods.
“Shamballa, a centre in the Gobi desert, called in the ancient books the “White Island.”
It exists in etheric matter, and when the race of men on earth have developed etheric vision
its location will be recognised and its reality admitted. The location of Shamballa will be
one of the latest etheric sacred spots to be revealed as it exists in the matter of the second ether.” 5
Humanity’s unfolding awareness of The Plan will allow it to co-operate more consciously and this will increasingly be the case as the Age of Aquarius unfolds. The Science of Invocation and Evocation will come into its own during Aquarius and through group ritual and meditation, The Plan will be incrementally contacted and implemented.

Vulcan hammering into shape the implements of war for Mars. Vulcan was the “ugliest and lame god”, married to Venus the goddess of Beauty.
The Sun is exalted in Aries and acts as a transmitter for some planets with which it has a special relationship – Vulcan and Mercury particularly because of their close physical proximity and triangular relationship. Vulcan is an intra-Mercurial planet and also very close to the Sun, hence the reason that it is hard to see and has not been “officially” discovered yet.
Both Vulcan and Mercury’s obscurity renders them very esoteric. Mercury is described as, “…still more occult and mysterious than Venus.”6 Mercury is also the esoteric ruler of Aries, expressing the intuition and embodying the keynote of Aries, “I come forth, and from the plane of mind, I rule”:
“The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three – Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun – stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury … and only the Sun remains. We have consequently a vision of the Sun, the experience of the personality and effort, which is the mode of attainment governed by Mars.”7
What does the latter part of this previous passage mean? In Esoteric Astrology, the Sun in the horoscope is regarded as the personality expression (the rising sign is the soul’s expression) – the three-fold lower self – mental, astral and physical.
The Sun represents “personal identity”, Vulcan the-divine-smithy hammers out a fit vehicle for the soul. Mars as personality ruler of Aries is a driving force in this process. In ancient times, Mars was called “Vul-cain”, probably an euphemism or “veil” for this “undiscovered” planet, but that which has been known by initiates for millennia.8 It is also said that Vulcan,
“… reveals that which is deeply hidden and brings it up into the light. Esoterically – the heart of the Sun.”9
A statement for deep pondering because Neptune is connected to “the heart of the Sun”,10 closely associated with transmitting Love-Wisdom in this solar system. With regard to another fire-sign Leo, the “heart of the Sun” employs Neptune as its agent”.11 Hence the energies of the first and second rays are blended in their expression.
Vulcan is active in the first two signs of the spiritual new year, Aries and Taurus. Vulcan is connected to the initial emanation through Aries but really gets to work in earthy Taurus “hammering out the divine plan”, “knocking it into shape” the initial impulse that finds its way to the physical plane. (More on this when the Sun enters Taurus.)
In Esoteric Astrology there are three major constellations that form a triangle of conditioning energy; from this triangle flows the forces of the seven rays as they transmit into this solar system via their vehicles the planets, that in turn transmit these collective forces through the zodiacal signs.
Broadly speaking, The Great Bear is the source of the energy of the first ray, Sirius the second ray of Love-Wisdom and the Pleiades the third ray of Active-Intelligence.
“In connection with Aries, which expresses or is the agent primarily of the first Ray of Will or Power, the ray of the destroyer, it should be stated that first ray energy comes from the divine Prototype in the Great Bear, that it becomes transmuted into the force and activity of the planetary Logos of the first ray, and works out as His triple activity under the guidance of the three [Aries] ruling planets – Mars, Mercury and Uranus.”12
In other words, the three rulers of Aries distribute the force of the first ray, all according to their ray line affiliations (“odd” or “even”), softening-up somewhat the “hammer” aspect of the first ray’s power. There are seven stars in the Great Bear constellation and Merak is a likely candidate as a first ray source:

The “sailboat” of first ray forces impacting Earth.13
“Aries, the initiator of impulses … is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name “Pointer” [Merak] in common parlance. This Pointer is a “major star of direction” because through it … flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration of the personality, the at-one-ment of personality and soul, the unification of humanity or the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity.”14
Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries, presiding over the “raincloud of knowable things”, the thoughtforms that exist in the higher realms, available to all seekers of light and truth. Uranus is also the ruler of the seventh ray, that brings together spirit and matter – or, electric fire (spirit) and “fire by friction” (matter):
“Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation.”15

Vulcan, via French astronomer U. J. J. Le Verrier.
Aries and Uranus are both associated with the divine Will, whose point of least resistance is upon the mental plane. Aries and Uranus have a close relationship in the realm of the intellect, mind and brain – which Aries rules and with which Uranus is associated. The first step towards incarnation is taken upon the mental plane, often regarded as the “conception chart” nine months before birth. “Aries “awakens the will to reach the lowest and there control, to know the uttermost and thus to face all experience” – thus runs an ancient statement.”16 As a fire sign, Aries is ruled exoterically by Mars,
“Through the fiery processes of war and strife, brought to the individual through the influence of the planetary ruler, Mars, the God of War, a needed purification takes place. Aries … forces the soul on to the burning ground and subjects it to a purifying process during incarnation. Through the lesser fire of mind, the “jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.
… The same purification, but this time through vision, comes to the developed man through the activity of the subjective ruler of the planet, Mercury, who is the illuminating principle which releases the mind, directs the way of man through life and enables him to become aware of the divine Plan which underlies all his fiery experience.”17
It is interesting to note that two consecutive signs have the strong theme of purification – Pisces and Aries. Both have the first ray associated with them, Pisces through the soul ruler of Pluto the Purge. There is a hint here pointing to the fact that in the future, these two signs will merge and become one – alpha will marry the omega, “the end is as the beginning”. Then Pisces-Aries will be called, “the sign of the Fish with the head of the Ram.”18 Virgo-Libra will also merge after the requisite evolution of Humanity, and a ten-sign zodiac will prevail, but this will be a long way in the future.
Thor, Norse God of Thunder and Lightning
“Thor is the personification of electricity and handles his peculiar element only when protected by gloves of iron, which is its natural conductor. His belt of strength is a closed circuit, around which the isolated current is compelled to run, instead of diffusing itself through space. When he rushes with his chariot through the clouds, he is electricity in its active condition, as the sparks scattering from his wheels and the rumbling thunder of the clouds testify.
The pointed iron pole of the chariot is suggestive of the lightning-rod; the two rams [Aries] which serve as his ‘horses’ are the ancient symbols of male power; their silver bridles typify the female principle, for silver is the metal of Luna or Diana. In the ram and his bridle are the active and passive principles of nature in opposition, one rushing forward, and the other restraining, while both are in subordination to the world-permeating, electrical principle, which gives them their impulse.
Thor is frequently depicted with goats pulling his chariot, as well as rams. Rams are Aries, goats are Capricorn, both signs are powerful conduits of the First Ray. Note Thor’s magical hammer, a conductor of power.
With the electricity supplying the impulse, and the male and female principles combining and recombining in endless correlation, the result is evolution of visible nature, the crown-glory of which is the planetary system, which in the mythic Thor, is allegorized by the circlet of glittering orbs which bedeck his brow.
The meaning of the Urdar-fountain, that Thor is afraid to make boil, and the cause of his reluctance, will only be comprehended by our physicists when the reciprocal electro-magnetic relations of the innumerable members of the planetary system, now just suspected, shall be thoroughly determined.
The ancient philosophers believed that not only volcanoes, but boiling springs were caused by concentrations of underground electric currents, and that this same cause produced mineral deposits of various natures, which form curative springs.”19
Much of the Ageless Wisdom is encoded in universal mythology, the most important celestial motions were allegorised and every phenomenon personified. Thor is the personification of the first ray of Will-Power and electric fire. He embodies Vulcan, Zeus, Uranus and Jupiter, depending upon what tradition one subscribes to. His presence in myth and modern movies is indicative of the increasing presence of this force that Humanity is learning to use.
The Sword, Symbol of the First Ray of Will-Power
![Forging the Sword Nibelung [From Norse Mythology. Nicholas Roerich, 1941.]](
Forging the Sword Nibelung (From Norse Mythology. Nicholas Roerich, 1941.)
The sword is ever the symbol of the first ray and Vulcan is the divine smithy who forges it. There are three different kinds of swords,
1. The Sword of Discrimination Reaches to the roots of being and separates the real and true from the false and impermanent. It is wielded by the soul from the mental plane and is spoken of as the “Sword of cold blue steel.”
2. The Sword of Renunciation That double-bladed axe willingly applied to anything likely to hold back the seeker from his goal. It is applied primarily to the things of the physical plane.
3. The Sword of Spirit That weapon which cuts down before the eyes of the group he is serving, the obstacles which stand in the way of group progress.21

“The steel is needed for the transmission of the fire. When the force of the inner man is coupled with the energy transmitted through the chakras of the palms, it passeth down the shining blade and blendeth with the force of the One Who is the ALL. Thus is the Plan consummated.”22
Thor’s Hammer
“The Scandinavians had Thor’s Hammer, bearing a mysterious magneto-electric relation to Thor, the god of thunder, who, like Jupiter armed with his thunderbolts, holds in his hand this ensign of power, over not only mortals but also the mischievous spirits of the elements … the hammer represents the might of Thor, who, in Norse legends splits a rock with it, and kills the Midgard snake.”23
Thor’s hammer is the “pulverising force” that destroys as well as creates,
“It is the electric circuit which always returns to the hand that sent it forth. Symbolized by the svastika, either three- or four-armed, it represents whirling motion, the ever moving power which never ceases while anything lives in time and space. Whenever this Hercules of the North would grasp the handle of his terrible weapon, the thunderbolt or electric hammer, he is obliged to put on his iron gauntlets. He also wears a magical belt known as the “girdle of strength,” which, whenever girded about his person, greatly augments his celestial power.”24

Jaina Cross or Swastika, Thor’s hammer or Hermetic cross.
Thor’s Hammer is the magical weapon forged by the dwarves against the Frost Giants; it is the “Hammer of Creation” that points to the rotation in the cycles of Time of the world’s axes and their equatorial belts; the two lines forming the Svastica meaning Spirit and Matter, the four hooks suggesting the motion in revolving cycles.25
Vulcan is the divine Smithy and Alchemist who fashions his art in the depths of matter; he is also Thor, wielding his mighty hammer at the forge, utilising the more subtle and ‘non-metallic’ aspects of Mercury-Aries to create amalgams with other substances; a metaphor for the divine elixir created by the transformation of base substance into gold’, the radiant augoeides or causal body of the soul.
The Combined Destiny of Russia, Britain and USA
It is timely to look at the relation of these three nations in light of a new cold war between USA and Russia. USA seems to be working through their proxy NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), which is dominated by many US generals. There is much propaganda from both the Russian and American camps, with Ukraine stuck in the middle.
As the world moves into an era of greater Aquarian co-operation, some major world governments are scrambling for power, it seems almost at any cost; a sad reflection of the effects of the transit of Pluto through Capricorn. The Tibetan reminds us,
“… there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
a. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
b. The United States(and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
c. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet.”26
Out of these three groups, two are ruled by Aquarius at the soul level – Russian and the USA.27 It is appropriate that two of these three groups have this Aquarian “guidance” at the beginning of the Aquarian Age. Only one other nation has an Aquarian soul and that is Holland.
Moscow also has an Aquarian personality, contributing further to the unconventionality, rebelliousness and individualism of Russia. The following was written in the 1940’s but is still true today:
“Russia is a giant, getting into his stride – a young giant, aware of great possibility, animated by a deeply religious, though unorthodox spirit, handicapped by a combination of oriental traits and occidental purposes, and distrusted by the world, owing to earlier moves falsely taken. These moves were an attempt to infiltrate into other nations, in order to upset their stability and so weaken them that they could be easily swept into the house of humanity which Russia is attempting to build. Russia is inwardly (but as yet unconsciously) motivated by a desire to bring brotherhood into being.”28
This distrust has carried through the various cold wars since WWII and is present today to an alarming and peace-threatening degree. The maya of media is further being used through global corporatised networks, to the degree that most of the world’s population is not clear about what is going on in Ukraine and Russia, and what the issues are.
Nevertheless, two points of this triangle, Britain and the USA, are actively pitted against Russia for various reasons, imperialistic control, resources etc. Hence, the selfish interests that compound these problems are contrary to the Planetary Plan. USA and Russia in particular are dealing with the fact that they both have sixth ray personalities, a ray that can create much fanaticism:

Russia, UK, USA: Putin, Cameron and Obama.
“The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people.”29
As an Aquarian soul working through its Aquarian personality capital, Russia is uniquely positioned to illuminate the Aquarian tenets of brotherhood and co-operation in the world:
“The true secret of brotherhood (one hitherto unknown and unrealized) is hers to give the world, but as yet she knows not what it is. This fact, that Russia is the spiritual custodian of a revelation, is sensed by the other nations in the world; and the first reaction has been fear, based on certain initial mistakes and her premature activity upon the physical plane. Nevertheless, all peoples view Russia with expectation; they dimly realize that from her will come some new thing, for Russia is rapidly maturing and integrating and will demonstrate that she has much to give.”30
It is noteworthy that several great teachers of the ageless wisdom came from Russia: Helena P. Blavatsky, Nicholas and Helena Roerich, George Gurdjieff etc.
The Germanwings Tragedy and Andreas Lubitz
In this analysis of the alleged perpetrator of the Germanwings crash, it is relevant to acknowledge calls around the world to not jump to conclusions. Indeed, when reviewing the Malaysian Airlines MH370 disappearance, this author conducted an in-depth examination (unpublished) of the horoscopes of both pilots.
Both had pre-disposing influences which could have easily been interpreted that they had committed a deliberate act of sabotage. Yet at the end of my analysis, using intuition and taking into account a host of other factors, the pilots were ruled out as the perpetrators of the MH370 disappearance.
Similarly, the Germanwings co-pilot, given his “predisposing influences”, could easily be found “astrologically guilty” for bringing down the plane, even if another perpetrator or mechanical malfunction was responsible. Yet, this plane did not disappear – the critical evidence on the flight recorder, in Lubitz’s personal life and in his horoscope, indicate otherwise. And so, with great respect to the families and friends of the Germanwings disaster and to the memory of the crash’s victims, let us proceed with this astrological aviation investigation.
Bear in mind also, that the majority of astrological assessments extent on the internet, base the date of birth as 18-12-87, not 28-12-87, the date this author is working with, and which was obtained from a German news media website by a German colleague. (Wikipedia is now using this date in their profile of Lubitz.) The 18-12-87 data is from the New York Times and many astrologers seem to accept it outright. Both charts bear similarities with Scorpio and Sagittarian themes and hence we can see how astrologers can easily make any chart “fit” circumstances. From this author’s researches, the 28-12-87 chart “works” infinitely better than the 18-12-87 chart.

French, German and Spanish leaders at crash site.
Aries and the First Ray
The Germanwings tragedy occurred whilst the Sun, Mars and Uranus were transiting Aries. All three are associated with Aries – Sun exalted in Aries, Mars the exoteric ruler and Uranus the hierarchical ruler. Uranus rules aviation and its associated sign Aquarius was on the midheaven of the crash horoscope, more on this later.
The alleged perpetrator of the crash is Andrea Lubitz, a German. Germany is an Aries soul31 and the incident has sparked a lot of soul-searching, not just for Germany, but globally, as the passengers were from many nations.
Also because the world has been traumatised by the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370 in 2014 (see author’s account), followed by the unexplained crash of another Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 four months later in the Ukraine. It is ironic that the Aries newsletter for 2014 featured the MH370 article, following again in Aries 2015 with another aviation mystery.
Germany is also a first ray personality, ruled by Vulcan and Pluto. The crash bore the hallmarks of fanaticism and first ray ruthlessness, whilst the image of the plane ploughing into a hard rocky mountain at 500 m.p.h., smashing into smithereens and virtually “vapourising” its passengers, carries the imprint of the awesome power of Thor’s hammer.
Lubitz may well have carried some of his nation’s old baggage that was so evident with the ruthless Nazism of WWII, even allowing for the fact that as a nation, Germany has moved on from that era. Neither is the Teutonic symbolism to which the Nazis subscribed in that era, lost in the image of Thor’s hammer.
The Case for Sagittarius Rising

Andrea Lubitz.
(Birth chart data source here. Speculative rectification by
author, based upon Moon position and some transits.)
At the time of this writing, Lubitz’s birth time is unknown but has been rectified by the author to 4˚ Sagittarius 50’ rising, based upon a Moon position in the 16th degree of Aries, aligning closely with transiting Uranus by conjunction – whilst transiting Pluto was square to this position. The last hit of the Uranus-Pluto series of squares is still closely in orb and will continue to influence the world for at least 2015. (See later section.) Factors considered for the choice of Sagittarius rising were,
a. Lubitz was a keen runner and Sagittarius rules the thighs and sports in general. He has been described as a “fitness fanatic”.
b. He had a high idealism and one-pointed aspiration to be a pilot from an early age. (Not unusual but significant.)
c. He manually steered the plane like a Sagittarian arrow from 38,000 feet altitude – for a full ten minutes, without deviation, in complete silence, directly to its target. The crash site was just thirty miles from a glider training school that Lubitz attended. He had flown in the area around the crash site many times and some have speculated that he deliberately aimed the plane toward this area.
d. When Sagittarius is considered with its rulership of Mars at the hierarchical level, it can be a fundamentalist fanatic and a “loose canon”. (See past article “Mars and the Emotions” in relation to Sagittarius.)
e. Transiting Saturn on its thirty year cycle was conjunct his speculated rising sign Sagittarius.
f. There is an urgency to achieve a vision of purpose in Sagittarius and this translates to physical vision. It has been reported that Lubitz had sought treatment for vision problems as recently as March 10, 2015. Reports claim he was losing eyesight “due to a detached retina” and that his vision was already at just 30%.
Issues with his vision may have jeopardised his ability to continue working as a pilot and being promoted to captain, enraging his already fragile psyche. It is possible that his ascendant degree could be tweaked to near 9° Sagittarius 46’ – conjunct the star Antares, the heart of the scorpion and exoterically connected to injuries to the eyes, a spirit of adventure, obstinacy, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages.
“Police still don’t know whether his vision problems, which are understood to have begun several years ago, were caused by his psychological condition or whether, as one officer said, he was in fact ‘slowly going blind’.”32
g. Lubitz had an “obsession” with the French Alps and used to fly gliders over the mountainside where he brought down a Germanwings flight. Sagittarius rules the great outdoors and flying a glider over that kind of breath-taking scenery is very inspiring to anyone, but particularly a Sagittarian, given their appreciation of broad landscapes, the big picture.

“I’m planning a heinous act that will be remembered forever”: Ex-lover says he shared chilling
prophecy before Alps crash and woke up from nightmares shouting “We’re going down.”” (Daily Mail, UK)
Lubitz’s Main Problems, Astrologically Considered
1. Venus in Aquarius square Pluto in Scorpio
This aspect is relevant in terms of someone who can be extremely controlling and sexually obsessive, but also very emotionally disconnected. Various news media speak of a recent relationship problem and that Lubitz bought two brand new Audi motor cars, one for his girlfriend, just a few days before the crash.
As there were relationship problems and it has transpired that the girlfriend did refuse her new Audi gift (a huge universal prestige symbol), then this may have pushed Lubitz into a tail-spin, so to speak. A lot of his ego would have been invested in something like this. Just one day before the crash, transiting Venus in materialistic Taurus was exactly squaring natal Venus and opposing natal Pluto, setting off the natal Venus square Pluto pattern.

Appalling work for forensic crews.
“It is understood Miss Goldbach, 26, had grown fearful of her own safety during Lubitz’s rages and had felt suffocated by his increasingly controlling behaviour. One friend said: “He tried to order her what to wear, what men she could speak to, even the length of her skirts. He was a control freak of the highest order.”
Another friend added: “She said he was very kind and attentive, but that he had problems with mood swings. And I think we sensed that she became more fearful over time.””33
Connected with this Venus square Pluto aspect, with Mars in Scorpio in the twelfth house, is the issue of whether Lubitz was having difficulties in coming to terms with being gay:
“One report claimed he was taunted by fellow pilots for previously being a “trolley dolly” airline steward and dubbed ‘Tomato Andy” – a derogatory gay slur – by colleagues … it has been claimed Lubitz’s relationship broke down because he was secretly gay and was suffering torment over hiding his homosexuality.”34
2. Mars in Scorpio in the twelfth house
If the chart is Sagittarius rising, then Mars in Scorpio falls in the twelfth house, having a strong influence on buried rage and tormented feelings. Aries Moon can suffer similarly, also prone to explosive fits of temper.
Perhaps Lubitz’s “fitness fanaticism”, was a way of channeling much of this pent-up Mars energy through physical action. It seems that he had a strong sex drive but whether sexual expression was satisfactory for him is unknown. Mars in Scorpio is the dispositor or ruler of Aries and Scorpio is the sign of the most intense emotional trials and testings:
“Andreas Lubitz was a tormented, erratic man who was a master of hiding his darkest thoughts and would wake up from nightmares screaming “we’re going down”, a former partner said. The 26-year-old stewardess, who is said to have flown with Lubitz for five months, revealed to a German newspaper how the 27-year-old ominously told her last year:
“One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it.” When she heard about the crash of Germanwings Flight 4U9525 on Tuesday, she remembered Lubitz’s menacing prophecy. “I never knew what he meant, but now it makes sense,” she told Bild.”35

This buried rage of Mars in the twelfth house may have also been fed by other pilots teasing Lubitz because of his previous job as a flight steward. In the few days before the flight crash, it was Lubitz’s monthly lunar return in Mars-ruled Aries. Mars and Uranus were prominently conjunct the moon. Mars is prominent natally and by transit in Lubitz’s chart. Transiting Mars in Aries was also making a stimulating quincunx aspect to his natal Mars.
Venus square Pluto, plus Mars in Scorpio in the twelfth house, reflect a dearth of psychological problems,
“He had received long-term psychiatric counselling and may have recently split up with his girlfriend or been in the middle of a “relationship crisis”… Lubitz slipped through the “safety net” and should never have been flying, bosses of the budget airline admitted yesterday … it emerged the 28-year-old fitness fanatic had suffered from depression and “burnout” which had held up his career. But, incredibly, he later passed all his psychological assessments and was considered fit to fly.”36
Another factor triggering natal Mars in Scorpio was the presence of progressed Mercury in Aquarius moving into a close square with Mars. Mercury rules the seventh house of relationships, hence this acute square to Mars would have created some angst on the theme of marriage. One report claimed Lubitz and his girlfriend had been together on and off for seven years, were engaged and planned to marry next year.
Because of this progressed Mercury square, Lubitz’s thought processes over the past year may have become progressively confused and paranoid through the “dragon” of Mars in Scorpio in the twelfth house being awoken – the awakening of the dweller.
3. Moon in Aries

Aries charging rams.
Already touched upon in the previous section, but an extraordinarily critical factor. The Moon is the “shadow” and placed in Aries with Mars as dispositor in Scorpio, makes for a very challenging position. If this degree of the Moon is correct (through this speculative rectification of his horoscope), there was an extraordinary confluence of forces around the Aries Moon recently:
a. An exact transit of Uranus to his Moon, with transiting Pluto squaring the Moon. This personal Uranus-Pluto aspect became a collective issue.
b. His first progressed lunar return (within half a degree) which only occurs every 27 years.
c. His monthly lunar return a few days before the crash.
d. Transiting Mars on its two year cycle conjunct his Moon two weeks previously.
e. The Moon’s position can also represent women – the mother or close female friends, such as a girlfriend. Hence, all of the above aspects most certainly would have created great stress in his relationship. Moon in Aries can be very pushy and dominating, volatile and aggressive, hence his girlfriend had had enough. Outwardly as a couple they appeared calm and polite to everyone who knew them.
4. Sun in Capricorn conjunct Neptune. Black Moon Lilith
This conjunction of Sun and Neptune was another factor that contributed to Lubitz’s idealism (or fanaticism), compounded by his Sagittarius rising idealism. Sun in Capricorn is well-known for suffering from depression and Lubitz had to take leave in 2009 for a “severe depressive episode”. In February to September of that year, transiting Black Moon Lilith was passing over his Capricorn Sun, Neptune, progressed Moon in Capricorn and progressed Sun in Capricorn! Black Moon Lilith,
“… is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with turbulent feelings, jealousy and rage to a point of inner balance and harmony. This leads to Black Moon Lilith’s gift of self-empowerment. Its dark face is revealed in volcanic eruptions of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression.”37

Missiles in the suburbs.
If this intense Black Moon transit was not enough, transiting Pluto passed over his Capricorn Sun-Neptune for three years, from 2010 to the end of 2012!
In his natal chart, Lubitz had Black Moon Lilith in Leo, conjunct the star Dubhe concerning, “… the lower aspect of the will … Self-will … guides humanity upon the involutionary path.”38 Black Moon Lilith is in Leo in the Scorpionic eighth house,
“… reveals intimate details of your life that you would, perhaps, prefer stayed forgotten. This is because the darker aspects of the Black Moon are associated with sexuality, birth, death, debt, lust, greed and other such intimate matters.”39
Transiting Jupiter, the ruler of Lubitz’s proposed ascendant, had just completed its second of three hits on Dubhe/Lubitz’s Black Moon just four weeks previously. (Transiting Black Moon Lilith was not making any significant aspects at the time of the tragedy.)
Sun-Neptune, Identity and Drugs
Lubitz had Sun and Neptune in close conjunction, giving him a somewhat mystical and idealistic outlook. Sun-Neptune people can suffer from identity issues and consequently personal boundary problems. They can also be susceptible to the lower psychism of Neptune and be particularly prone to addiction. Perhaps his fitness orientation or an intuitive sense about his addictive nature was the reason that he did not take his prescribed anti-depressants – or did he? Some of these drugs have an infamous reputation in the USA, “causing psychotic events”:
“… police revealed that evidence found at his home suggested he was suffering from a “serious psychosomatic illness”. Officers reportedly found a variety of drugs used to treat mental illness at his flat in Dusseldorf, appearing to substantiate claims he was severely depressed. … “This is clear from personal notes stored and collected by the pilot.”
“”Severe burnout syndrome” is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion and is often linked to those in jobs with high stress levels. Its symptoms include alienation and negativity towards their work environment and colleagues and it is also known to cause suicidal tendencies and anger issues. Reports emerged that police searching the pilot’s flat had found a “small mountain of pills” and he had apparently been refusing to take his antidepressants medication.”40

Psychosomatic illness.
“Earlier, Lubitz’s former lover Maria, who claimed to have dated the pilot and keen runner for five months However, she claimed there was a difference between his professional and his private ego, with him being ‘soft’ and needing love when the couple were alone but becoming ‘someone else’ when they talked about work.
‘We spoke a lot about work and then he became another person. He became agitated about the circumstances in which he had to work, too little money, anxiety about his contract and too much pressure.’ His personal problems and erratic behaviour became so severe that the flight attendant decided to call the relationship off after fearing his increasingly volatile temper. “During conversations he’d suddenly throw a tantrum and scream at me,” she said. “I was afraid. He even once locked me in the bathroom for a long time.” She added: ‘The torn up sick notes make sense now to me and were a clear sign that he did not want to admit that his big dream of flying as a captain was over.”41
Depression is the opposite side of the coin to anger. The former is a result of repressed feelings whilst the latter expressed feelings. It is quite possible, maybe obvious to some, that Lubitz was bi-polar, swinging between these opposites.
Germanwings Crash Horoscope
The departure chart for Germanwings is set for 10:01 am, originally scheduled for 9:35 am. It is a relatively unremarkable chart, except for one or two factors. Both charts for these times have Gemini rising (transport) and the moon at 27˚ Taurus 29’, “void-of-course” indicating the potential for things to not turn out as planned. The Moon is also conjunct Algol – Medusa’s Head (losing one’s head), a traditional ‘malefic’ influence and placed in the twelfth house of “self-undoing”:
“You will not be able to ignore suffering and horror, or brush it aside … The Algol placement on a chart insists upon a confrontation and assimilation of these harsh aspects of human experience in this lifetime.”42
Likewise, the actual crash chart set for 10:41 am does not have any stand-out features, apart from the Aquarian midheaven (aviation) ruled by Uranus, placed in Aries and still closely square Pluto. When Uranus in the 16th degree of Aries is viewed with Lubitz’s natal and progressed Moon in the same degree, then the synastry can be seen.
Gemini is still the rising sign in the crash chart and occupies the 29th degree, the same degree of the Moon in the 9/11 chart of 2001. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, “The first mockingbird of spring sings from the tree top.” Perhaps the mocking-bird is Lubitz having the last laugh and exacting his revenge from the ‘treetop’, his control of the plane at elevation. And it is the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.
The ruler of Gemini rising is Mercury, placed in Pisces, closely conjunct Chiron the wounded healer, prominently placed in the tenth house. Chiron in Pisces can have issues with identity, as discussed earlier with Lubitz’s Sun-Neptune conjunction. With Chiron in Pisces, there is a great empathy to feel or take on the pain and suffering of others as well as carrying the weight of one’s own personal grief.
Lubitz’s personal angst certainly created widespread pain as a result of his desperate actions. As with many of these kind of tragedies and natural disasters, empathy and compassion has been evoked around the world, through the suffering of many families of the victims. (Pisces is also the sign of Germany’s personality, as Aries is its soul.)
This is obviously not a thorough examination of Lubitz’s chart, there are many other factors that could be commented upon. And of course, the author may be wrong about the rising sign but at least the major factors gleaned from the date of birth (if that is correct!) give us an insight into the life of this troubled soul Andrea Lubitz.

Blessed Soul (Nicholas Roerich)
Life Imitates Art
In a bizarre coincidence, a film depicting a similar crash was released in Britain just after the event. It had already been shown in Germany the previous autumn – had Lubitz seen it? The film is called Wild Tales, an Argentinian black comedy co-produced by Pedro Almodóvar and nominated for the Foreign Language Oscar at this year’s Academy Awards. One of the stories in the film features a mass killer who locks himself in the cockpit of a passenger jet and crashes it in to the ground to murder everyone on board.
What is the Lesson for Humanity?
As stated earlier, it is ironic that the Aries newsletter for 2014 featured the MH370 article, following again in Aries 2015 with another sensational aviation tragedy. What is the message here? Aquarius exoterically rules aviation, computer technology and the sciences. Is it related to our preoccupation with materialism and technology to the extent that affairs of the human heart are being missed or passed-over? That many Pisces “fishes” are slipping through the net of human kindness? Something to reflect upon as Passover and Easter approach at this Aries full festival.
Uranus and Aquarius rule the mental realm and in this Fifth Rootrace, mental illness will be an expanding factor: “As the race proceeds towards a mental polarisation which will be as powerful as the present astral polarisation from which it is emerging, it will be found increasingly necessary to educate the race in —
1. The nature of mental substance.
2. The triple purpose of the mind:
a. As a medium for expressing ideas, through the construction of the needed embodying thought forms.
b. As a controlling factor in the life of the personality through the right use of the creative power of thought.
c. As a reflector of the higher worlds of perceptive and intuitive awareness.”43

Dweller on the Threshold. (Arthur B. Davies.)
Lubitz is an “everyman” of sorts, currently Germany’s “dweller”, symbolising thousands of the disaffected caught up in this massive transition of the ages, the technological revolution and the erosion of core values around right relationships — the absence of empathy. The many young men and women attracted to the warped ideologies of groups like ISIL are another symptom of this malingering malaise. The solution is surely not the band-aid mentality of doling out endless anti-depressant prescriptions without addressing core causes. Education in right relationships must obviously play a key role.
Uranus-Pluto: Not Finished with Us Yet!
The horoscopes for the Aries Equinox and Aries Full Moon both have the close square between Uranus and Pluto prominent. As these charts are blueprints for the coming one year cycle, their effects will be around for at least the coming year, maybe several, if the five-year effects of the same squares in the early 1930’s are any indication. (See last month’s newsletter for a more detailed explanation.)
2015 will be a critical year for “holding steady” and off-setting the effects of others in greater positions of power who may decide to “lock humanity out of the cockpit”, choosing perilous courses of action to the detriment of the greater whole.
The Aries Equinox horoscope has Mercury, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces reflecting empathy and compassion, whilst Sun, Moon, Uranus and Mars are placed in Aries, giving great impetus to put that empathy into action.
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- The object, itself inaccessible to experience, to which a phenomenon is referred for the basis or cause of its sense content [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.93. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, p.33. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.133. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H. P. Blavatsky. p.390. fn. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.296. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.296. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.99. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.483. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.482. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.95. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.232. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.160-2. Paraphrasing by author to suit modern language. [↩]
- The Soul and Its Mechanism, Alice A. Bailey. p.107. [↩]
- Paraphrased from A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.578. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.579. [↩]
- Collected Writings II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.144. [↩]
- Isis Unveiled I, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.160. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky. p.99. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104-5. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.22. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.187. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK – quoting German media. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK – quoting German media. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK. [↩]
- Solar Fire 9.0 Astrology Program. Esoteric Technologies P/L. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Solar Fire 9.0 Astrology Program. Esoteric Technologies P/L. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK – quoting German media. [↩]
- Daily Mail, UK – quoting German media. [↩]
- Diana Rosenberg. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A, Bailey. p.455. [↩]