Cancer 2011: Dalai Lama. USA Kalachakra. Money. Lighthouse.

Artist: Kagaya © 2011.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”
“If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you
and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many.”1
“This sign, Cancer, being concerned primarily with the world of causes, has about its inner meaning
much indefiniteness and an apparently vague subtlety which proves most elusive to the ordinary thinker.
This also is true of all the signs which go to the forming of the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens.”2
Washington, USA and Cancer
Washington Kalachakra for World Peace 2011
The Dalai Lama and Cancer
What is the Opportunity Now and How Can it be Taken?
Cancer-Capricorn: Mother-Father and Orphans
Cancer and the World Money Crisis
Lighted House: Lighthouse
Washington, USA and Cancer
Cancer figures prominently in the USA: Washington is ruled at the soul level by Cancer. New York is a Cancer personality. The 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope is a Cancer Sun.
Washington is the crown chakra of the United States of America, where the political will of the people is anchored and directed. The “soul” of Washington is governed by Cancer3
“… it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back … as the nation’s power shifts … the Cancerian influence will steadily lessen and the country will take its place as an adult among the nations.”4
The reference to “the Cancerian influence will steadily lessen”, refers to the lower exoteric expression of Cancer being “preoccupied with its own house” and some of Cancer’s biological family themes of clannishness and so on. Nevertheless, one could argue that this “preoccupation” has not changed much in the past century!
This Cancerian potency has been needed to integrate the “family” of the United States. As maturity has taken place, the Aquarian soul of the nation have come into stronger expression via Washington – Aquarius relating to the recognition of a greater spiritual family, as opposed to the biological family.
New York’s personality is also ruled by Cancer, the energy that lays behind that great poem inscribed at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty,
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”5
Cancer has played an important role in integrating the “family of nations” that have come from all over Europe to the new land in America.
USA is a Cancer Sun, the horoscope created in 1776 with the historic signing of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, the “city of brotherly love” – midway between Washington and New York. The Cancer Sun is also closely conjunct the star Sirius, a most esoteric influence that guides the nation’s destiny. Hence the preponderance of Cancer energy in the USA and some of its major capitals.
Washington Kalachakra for World Peace 2011
The Washington Kalachakra for 2011 began July 6 (H.H. The Dalai Lama’s birthday) and runs to July 16, culminating upon the full moon solar festival of Cancer. Hence it is most auspicious that this potent ritual is being held in a national and global capital, commencing at the Dalai Lama’s solar return.
The ramifications of what can be achieved at this time are simply ENORMOUS. Washington is the political capital of the most powerful nation on the planet. There are extraordinary possibilities for a major subjective transformative influence upon the hearts of the members of congress – and the many thousands of people involved in US and international politics through this Kalachakra event.
And an even greater prospect is that you do not have to be physically there to contribute! The thousands of attendees “on the ground” will be holding the space for a worldwide meditation of stupendous proportions.
If recent meditation experiments6 in Washington have reduced the crime rate, imagine what a global meditation focused through Washington could achieve?
As noted in many past newsletters, the USA is at a perilous stage in its unfoldment because of selfish materialistic forces that have a broad control of congress, media and money in that nation. As a maturing world leader and during this current cycle, the forces of Humanity’s soul and shadow are focused through the USA.

White House – Lighted House or Prison House?
This battle between the forces of light and darkness (the planetary Angel and Dweller) is reaching a critical phase. The spiritually aware meditators of the planet must rise to the occasion en masse, to offset these forces. The battle is for the hearts and minds of Humanity and the warrior meditator will work with detachment upon the mental plane to do this work most effectively.
Are we up for the job? How effective we can all be as meditators? Have we been too lax and ineffective in using our spiritual skills to transform the planet? The following statement refers to one of the realisations by The Christ 2,000 years ago in Palestine:
“He discovered also that men were not then desperate enough to “take the Kingdom of Heaven by violence”; it is only in desperation and when completely at the end of his tether that the disciple finds his way into that Kingdom and is ready to relinquish the old ways. What is true of the individual must also be true, on a larger scale, of humanity.”7
What is the Opportunity Now and How Can it be Taken?
The Dalai Lama is said carry the force of Avalokiteshvara, who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas; in the parlance of esotericism it is the second ray of love-wisdom, also the soul ray of the USA.
Hence the presence of H.H. Tenzin Gyatso at the Washington Kalachakra blends and lends the energies of the spiritual leader of the East with the soul force of the USA – through the nation’s capital – a powerful partnership!
There are many possibilities latent within this partnership, not least of which is creating better relations between East and West. Particularly with China, its economic relationship with the USA and the currency crisis. China’s ongoing persecution, criticism and attempted control of all things Tibetan is a fascinating scenario given the fact that the Dalai Lama is currently residing in Washington!

Tidings of the Eagle by Nicholas Roerich.
Meditating as an individual and linking up on the inner planes with the Kalachakra event will certainly be a great contribution. But visualising yourself connected to your group, your ashram, your Master – and all the other individuals and groups in the world will be even more empowering. Especially so during the few days approaching the full moon period (Exact at 2.39 am, July 15. Washington).
The massed invocation of these forces of light and love within the New Group of World Servers, will no doubt attract the evocative response of other beings who work in the higher, subtler realms. The energies of the second ray of love-wisdom will work with the forces of the first ray of will or power that always pour through any political capital. One Being in particular who will be responsive is the Avatar of Synthesis:
“The Spirit of Synthesis, working through the great first ray Avatar (the Avatar of Synthesis) is closer to the Earth than ever before, and the clarity which will emerge in the Light of His Presence is already available; the tendency to integration can therefore be more easily fostered and a new synthesis attained …
Before, however, integration and synthesis are possible, this first ray energy must work to destroy all that prevents integration and all that is hindering a needed synthesis. Human beings themselves must also destroy the prejudices, the animosities and the fixed ideas which have prevented synthesis, which have created cleavages and hindered right understanding.”8
First ray co-ruler Pluto is closely related to this process as it transits through Capricorn, destroying and purging, revealing corruption, laying bare political and corporate conspiracies.
Cancer Soul Ruler Neptune
Neptune is the ruler of the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, the ray that has been a long time in incarnation and which still conditions the world very powerfully, such as the sixth ray personality of the USA. Yet Neptune is also closely allied to the second ray of love-wisdom, esoterically regarded as a “second aspect” planet and intimately connected to the Christ:
“In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.
The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: “… the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) unitedly give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world.
Thus does Neptune work.” This is, however, a great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated.”9
Currently transiting Neptune has just entered the sign of its own rulership Pisces for the first time in about 166 years (since 1847). The second ray of love-wisdom is one of the two primary rays that pass through Pisces, hence the combination will be very powerful on the love-wisdom line.
This is a particularly important point because even though we have not astronomically left the Piscean Age10 and are sensing the energies of the Aquarian Age, Humanity in the main has still not passed through the Piscean Age – in consciousness; that is, understanding the message of the Christ avatar around the theme of compassion, love-wisdom, forgiveness, breaking the cycle of blame, revenge etc.11
Of course the downside of the forces of Neptune-Pisces upon the unredeemed form may result in confusion, misguided spiritual idealism and addiction in its many forms. Such are the vagaries of the development of the astral body and its integration within the evolving three-fold personality! This is where the Moon rulership of Cancer also comes into play, evoking lunar maya in all things connected to the physical body.
Yet the potential for the prevailing of love and peace on this planet are strong, as the heart-oriented second ray of love-wisdom offsets the powerful force of the mentally-oriented third ray of creative intelligence.

L: Karmapa Lama. R: His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso.
The Dalai Lama is a Cancer Sun and the issue of Tibetans alienated from their homeland has been a lifelong theme for him. Significantly, the DL’s approved and somewhat controversial successor Karmapa (Ugyen Trinlay Dorji), is also attending the Washington Kalachakra, given unprecedented freedom by the Indian authorities to travel to the event.
Ugyen Trinlay Dorji is also a Cancer Sun with Mars in Cancer conjunct the Dalai Lama’s Sun, whilst his Mercury in Cancer falls close to the degree of the Sun during the 2011 Cancer full moon period. The presence of Mars in this synastry suggests some possible tension between the two. Karmapa Lama’s Moon in Libra falls close to HH’s Mars in Libra, the sign of the Peacemaker. Nevertheless their collaboration at the Kalachakra initiation will be a big boost.
Cancer-Capricorn: Mother-Father and Orphans
Exoterically speaking, the Cancer-Capricorn axis symbolises the mother and the father respectively. Also birth and death, the womb and tomb experience.
The theme of orphans and abandonment are big issues within the psyche of Humanity. Many children are orphaned through economic conditions, war and famine. Yet even Lamas who are taken from their parents at an early age are a kind of orphan; they have been taken from their biological families to work with their spiritual families.
The state of being an orphan takes on many subtle expressions in all of humanity, whether we have parents or not; it is a profound existential dilemma connected to our relationship/s with our biological and/or spiritual families, with God.
There are many orphans in the world. There is enough food in the world to feed everybody yet appalling starvation is plentiful in places such as Somalia currently. As the world monetary crisis worsens, there will be increased reflection by humanity upon what is really valued in life.
The Cancer-Capricorn axis represents the extremes polarities of feast and famine … Cancer nurturing, feeding or over-feeding through emotional addictions; Capricorn starving, or “starving out” through the power or apathy of the mind but also emotional factors. The Buddha himself noted the illusion and maya of both extremes.

L: Buddha. R: Fasting Buddha.
Yet, these extremes seem to be more pronounced lately – severe malnutrition and its polar opposite, morbid obesity. On the one hand the desire nature is out of control in a large percentage of Humanity, with addiction and trying to feed the “hungry heart”; whilst on the other, a cruel indifference to the plight of the victims of war and famine; or at the least, an inept response to crises that may veil other motives. As one article states,
“The connections are tentative, but what aid workers fear is that in trying to win one war, the Americans are prepared to let the humanitarian crisis in Somalia get worse. And in the words of one exasperated aid worker in the Horn of Africa, US policy in Somalia “is to let Somalis starve so that the people kick the Shabaab out”. The USA declared Al Shabaab a terrorist organisation in February 2008, and since then America’s fears about the militants have grown exponentially.”12


Somewhere in the Overfed West.
Cancer and the World Money Crisis
Cancer is connected to money because money is the prana that provides nurturance, shelter and protection – by the mother (in whatever form she takes). The third and seventh rays of Intelligence and Order pour through Cancer, giving Cancer the ability to be manifestors of the Plan. Both rays are intimately connected to money and finance.
The world has been enduring a money crisis for years and recent scandals in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are a reflection of this inner state. (Sex and money are closely related, via the sacral centre of Humanity.)
Hence much suffering by undeveloped countries through lack of financial support, but now more commonly in developed nations. Greece, ruled by Capricorn, polar opposite of Cancer, is currently experiencing a major financial crisis, poised to spread through the rest of Europe. It seems as if nobody in Europe knows what to do about Greece defaulting on its debt – only a matter of when, not if; this will also have a profound effect upon the USA and the rest of the world.
Indeed, it appears that the economy will get a lot worse before it gets better and one can read many expert opinions on this. Not least of which is the US $’s imminent demise according to some analysts. Transiting Pluto opposite Jupiter in Cancer in the US horoscope may have something to do with this, as Jupiter in Cancer represents USA’s largesse and wealth, whilst Pluto could really undermine and destroy all that; it could represent a major over-estimation by the US treasury and a corresponding crash.
The New Group of World Servers: Their Function within the World Scheme
When considering what is going on in the world esoterically, it is always clarifying to bear in mind the various energy centres of which we are all a part and interact – as in the above diagram.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) constitutes the ajna centre of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. The NGWS is a spiritually aware group of inner and outer workers who mediate (consciously or unconsciously) between the Masters who are custodians of the Planetary Plan, and the rest of humanity. You might be a member of this particular group.
As a reflection of the larger world picture, many individuals and groups within the ranks of the NGWS are enduring great hardships and shortage of money; particularly it seems the esoteric workers within the NGWS; they must work in the world yet straddle that divide to the world of causes. They are sometimes criticised unfairly for “not being practical” yet they work against almost insurmountable odds and opposition at times. Unlike most who pursue the ageless wisdom, they do not have a “day job” – that is their day job!
Saturn’s transit through Libra in 2011 is certainly bringing many lessons home for the world in general about the correct and fair use of the energy we call money. Libra is the arm of the cardinal cross that squares Cancer, hence the challenge of supply and demand, resources and money.
Prompting reflections upon the right use of money, the Master presents the following question: ‘What is my personal responsibility in regard to money which passes through my hands? Am I handling it as a disciple of the Masters should handle it?’ What is your attitude to money?
There are some major groups currently in esotericism who are approaching the brink of being unable to provide the services they always have. Everyone involved in various fields of spirituality must learn to recognise how to value what is given to them, what is used and who or what needs financial support. For instance, there are students who are ready for the Teachings and must have them regardless of their financial situation. Financing and sponsorship of spiritual work must be given to these students independently and unconditionally by donors.
DK stated that the coming new spiritual schools should not have money transactions and that the esoteric community should fund it. He also said that the lack of money is the one major obstruction to The Work for the reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. The forces of materialism currently control the money on this planet.
It is stated in the Wisdom that the One who holds the Office of the Christ cannot reappear amongst Humanity once more – as the Avatar of the Aquarian dispensantion – until over 50% of the world’s money is in the hands of the Forces of Light. This is quite a shocking statement!
It is difficult to value the intangible, hence occultism – the science of the intangible, is often not valued with money because it is “not of the material world” and is hidden or incomprehensible; or it is not supported because spiritual things “should not cost”; and of course, one cannot “buy consciousness”.
The Master DK made some comments more than seventy years ago that are still as fresh and relevant for us today:
“It must be realised that money is the energy which can set in motion and make possible the activities of the New Group of World Servers – no matter what their colour, caste or church. Money does not yet lie in their hands. Their need for it is great. Millions are needed to spread the required knowledge of the hierarchical Plan; millions are needed to further the work of men of goodwill; millions are needed to educate the masses in the fact that He for Whom all men wait is on His way back to ordinary visibility.
The billions which are spent at present on luxuries, on expensive and unnecessary objects of desire, the billions (and, my brother, it is billions, as world statistics show) which go towards the purchase of candy, liquor, tobacco, jewellery and expensive furs, the millions which go in the violent search for excitement and for ceaseless nightly pleasure and, finally, the billions which go the way of armed conflict in all nations must be deflected towards those expenditures which will make the plans of the Hierarchy possible, which will aid humanity in its search for the new, spiritual and free way, and which will therefore bring into being the new civilisation.
Billions are required to overcome the materialism which has dominated mankind for untold aeons; billions are also needed to bring about the reconstruction of human affairs and thus purify and beautify our modern world to such an extent that the Christ can appear among men; through the wise expenditure of the financial resources of the world in the many fields of human betterment and uplift, the Christ will be enabled to “see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied.”13
The zodiac sign Cancer can tend to accentuate survival issues, the fear that lies behind many people’s attitude to money. The lunar instincts of survival and fear in the belly, the solar plexus; also the sacral centre with which the Moon is connected; how can these old attitudes be flipped to paradigms that embrace the love, nurturing and abundance of the heart?
(The MONEY QUESTION is such a huge subject that it cannot be done justice in this newsletter. Click here for an inspiring compilation on money by Djwhal Khul.)
And finally one further passage from the pen of the Master where he makes some dire predictions if the world does not change its attitude to money:
“This whole question of money is one of the greatest difficulty at this time and also one of the utmost simplicity. The difficulty is due to the wrong thought which, for generations, has been brought to bear upon the problem, leading to wrong attitudes, even among the most devoted disciples.
The attitude of humanity to money has been coloured by greed, by grasping for the lower self, by jealousy, by material desire and by the heart-breaking need for it which – in its turn – is the result of these wrong attitudes. These wrong attitudes lead to the disastrous economic conditions which we find all around us. They are effects of causes which are initiated by man himself.
In the re-generation of money and in the changing of man’s attitude to it will eventually come world release. If this cannot take place, then some dire condition will arise; money (as we know it) will vanish off the earth and the situation will have to be met in some other way. Let us hope that this will not be needed but that it will be possible to change the thought of humanity where money is concerned so that it will be regarded as a great spiritual asset, as a definite spiritual responsibility and as a means to real world work.”14

Lighthouse of the Soul
Can I hold my mind steady in the light which streams from the Observer?
Can I hold it as the searchlight of the soul?
“This sign can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison?
If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul.

Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion. It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”15
Phillip Lindsay © 2011.
Other Cancer newsletters.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.313. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Click here for weblink to essay, “The Five Planetary Centres”, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.99. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.752. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.220. [↩]
- See “The Beginning of the Age of Aquarius 2117 AD”.By Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- See this past newsletter on Pisces and Forgiveness here. Also, a transcript of a recent conference presentation here. [↩]
- Channel 4 News. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.225-6. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. pp.271-2. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]