Cancer 2014: Mystery of Water. Blood. Crop Circles. Samuel Barber.

“Madonna Oriflamma” by Nicholas Roerich, 1932.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
(Full Moon: July 12, 2014. 12.55 pm. London, UK.)
Cancer the Mother, woman … “… woman should realize that she herself contains all forces, and the moment she shakes off the age-old hypnosis of her seemingly lawful subjugation and mental inferiority and occupies herself with a manifold education, she will create in collaboration with man a new and better world. Cosmos affirms the greatness of woman’s creative principle. Woman is a personification of nature,and it is nature that teaches man, not man nature. Therefore, may all women realize the grandeur of their origin, and may they strive for knowledge.” (Letters of Helena Roerich, 1935-1939, vol. II.) |
The Mystery of Water, Blood and Neptune
God Moved Upon the Face of the Waters
Crop Circles: Patterns of New Consciousness
Samuel Barber: Neptune in Cancer, Pisces Sun
The Mystery of Water, Blood and Neptune
Cancer the Mother is related to the manifestation of all forms, whether it is the birth of souls coming into incarnation and appropriating physical bodies, or soul-inspired ideas precipitating onto the physical plane.
The Moon is the ruler of Cancer, governing the earthly tides and building processes in nature. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and rules Virgo esoterically; like Cancer, both signs, are closely aligned with the feminine principle and Mother Nature.
All three signs govern the northern hemisphere symbolism of spring growth in Taurus, summer maturation in Cancer and the final harvest in Virgo. Cancer is a sign of ripening, of the baby arriving at full term, the waters breaking and birth following. Cancer is symbolically where the “idea of the soul” is fulfilled – its urge to take incarnation or re-embodiment.

Cancer is unique as a water sign, widely known for its great emotional sensitivity. The majority of the planet is water, it constitutes about 60% of the human body and 95% of the blood. The earth’s tides are governed by the gravitational force of our satellite the Moon, whilst the oceans are ruled over by Neptune – the soul ruler of Cancer the Crab. The crab lives between low water mark and high tide, in a salty matrix that contains the building blocks of life. Indeed, salt is a cube, one of the five Platonic solids that are fundamental to sacred geometry.

The Five Platonic Solids
Of course, Cancer is not only concerned with the physical body. Neptune has an extremely important function as the higher octave or soul ruler of Cancer. Neptune represents that most elevated consciousness that a human can attain ~ buddhi; this has a direct reflection upon the astral plane. Neptune rules the blood – the carrier of spiritual inspiration – and the life force that keeps the physical body alive. Hence, Neptune rules the cosmic and earthly oceans, as well as our interior rivers and seas.
Neptune is closely allied with Love-Wisdom and the Christ principle, which Cancer has the highest potential of birthing. Yet, the rays of mind pass through Cancer, the third ray of active intelligence and the seventh ray of ceremonial order or magic. Saturn and Uranus are manifesters and builders, the rulers of these two rays respectively. Hence, Neptune’s elusive, ethereal energy is directed into Cancer the Cup, the container, the womb.
These two rays contribute to Cancer’s organisational power and management of resources. The third and seventh rays are pre-eminently the rays that shape and refine forms on their path of precipitation into the outer world – whether they are human bodies or thoughtforms. Hence Cancer the Mother, births all forms. The seventh ray is particularly important in this process, as it is the incoming ray gaining strength in this cycle, whilst the sixth ray of devotion swings out of incarnation.
The seventh ray is the ray of sacred geometry and is connected with the seventh plane, the physical-etheric. The seventh ray, as it passes through the watery matrix of Cancer, gives geometry to what is manifesting. Hence the well known adage, “God geometrises”.
Here lies a hint as to why the violet colour of the seventh ray corresponds to the violet etheric body, the true blueprint for the physical form.Neptune rules the blood stream and is the carrier of the life principle, plus the combined energies of the etheric body, nervous and endocrine systems.1 As stated earlier, the blood is known to be 95% water.
Combining these facts opens a new realm of exploration for scientists and occultists, determining the passage of ray and astrological forces into the body – how to trace the mechanism whereby originating energies finally reach us, enter the body and circulate to its many parts; this will bring Humanity eventually to a scientific and occult understanding of the rays and astrology, instead of our current mystical perception. The following passage illustrates some of these investigations that are underway:

Mandlebrot Fractal Geometry.
“… the energy and information transmitted to the watery robe comes from light, in particular the light of the sun. Through the medium of water, light builds and sustains the structure of all organisms … Much of the water in the healthy human body is in a liquid crystalline/structured state and surrounds the DNA molecules giving them stability and supporting their electro-magnetic field.
So here we have a literal robe of water surrounding the cells in our bodies, transmitting information to the DNA on how to build the form. In turn, it is known that the information is transmitted and imprinted into the surrounding water by light – so it seems that water is a material building agent after all and the keynote of Cancer, I build a lighted house and therein dwell, applies on this physical level of expression too.”2
This passage is a also a good illustration of “you are what you think” – water, in its various expressions, is impressed constantly by thoughts and feelings, influencing and modifying the physical body. Likewise, the language we use – some of us are “pirates” on Neptune’s ocean, using language inappropriately at times (smirk!). All words direct the building devas who obey blindly their “commander”, building inharmonious or harmonious patterns into the etheric body. (The work of Masaru Emoto was discussed in relation to this in 2013.) When language, affirmations and mantras can shape our waters, then the results can be very powerful:
“Through the practice of self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech, a redemptive geometrizing power obtains unimpeded access to the bloodstream which is ninety per cent water; thus is created “a vessel meet for the Master’s use”.3
Indeed, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”. This house can be the purified and redeemed personality – how’s your basement, a bit of rising damp?; what’s going on in the attic? Do you reside in your sun-drenched living room or cower on some remote, shadowy stairway? (Cancer is one of the most fear-prone signs of the zodiac.)
Or, the “house” can symbolise the causal body of the soul. Each incarnation is like a stone, “fashioned in the quarry” of life experience; the soul extracts these sattvas, these “rough hewn” stones now polished, to build into its’ temple.

“Where women are revered and safeguarded, prosperity reigns and the gods rejoice.” The New Epoch under the rays of Uranus [Aquarius] will bring the renaissance of woman. The Epoch of Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World. (Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 5 April 1938.)
The ongoing redemption of, and by the personality makes the causal body grow and expand,
“… from being a colourless ovoid, holding the Ego like a yolk within the egg-shell [how very Cancerian], to a thing of rare beauty, containing within itself all the colours of the rainbow. This is an occult fact … the work of the Personality … is first to beautify, build and expand the causal body … to withdraw within it the life of the Personality, sucking the good out of the personal life and storing it in the body of the Ego. We might term this the Divine Vampirism, for always evil is but the other side of good …
The specific gravity of the causal body fixes the moment of emancipation and marks the time when the work of beautifying and building is completed, when the Temple of Solomon is erected, and when the weight (occultly understood) of the causal body measures up to the standard looked for by the Hierarchy.
Then [at the final stage of the path], the work of destruction supervenes and liberation approaches. Spring [Taurus] has been experienced, the full verdure of summer [Cancer] has succeeded, now must be felt the disintegrating force of autumn [Scorpio], – only this time it is felt and applied on mental levels and not on the physical. The axe is laid to the root of the tree, but the life essence is garnered into the divine storehouse.”4
God Moved Upon the Face of the Waters
Genesis 1:2 says, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. This passage refers to creation upon the cosmic and earthly levels, concerning spirit and matter, male and female, or Capricorn-Cancer (father-mother). There is an interesting correspondence here to Sirius, that great guiding light for humanity.
The Dynamic Energy of Electric Fire | |||
Cancer | |||
SIRIUS >>> | >>> | Saturn >>> | Souls of Humanity ((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.50.)) |
Capricorn |
As in the diagram, the Cancer-Capricorn axis facilitates the flow of Sirian forces through Saturn, the Lord of Karma – to the “great redeeming Angels, Who are the Sons of Men on their own true plane”. They are also known as, “The Hearts of Fiery Love” who save through love.5
Sirius is also placed in Cancer in the Western zodiac, conjunct the USA Sun. Note also, that the next solar festival in Leo celebrates the importance of Sirius. (See here.)
Crop Circles: Patterns of Emerging Consciousness
It is the crop circle season again in the northern hemisphere, particularly in Britain where most of them appear. These enigmatic patterns intrigue many people, though the general public do not understand or take much notice of them, dumbed-down by the British tabloids who continually foster the “fakery” of crop circles.
Yet, for those who have visited and studied crop circles, all agree that no human hand could have created them. There is never any sign of wheat disturbed around a newly formed circle until people start to walk in to view them. The author has witnessed some circles with many 2″ radiating straight lines through the wheat for long distances, proving that no human could have created these lines, without making obvious disturbances in the surrounding wheat. The precision and intricacy of many patterns would take weeks and months to duplicate; they are known to appear in seconds or minutes, fully formed.
Crop circles convey a non-linear language directly to the heart, inspiring awe and wonder – even if the conscious mind does not fully comprehend them. Individuals have experienced all sorts of phenomena within the circles, from profound healing or nausea, to electronics not working. Often circles appear on ancient magnetised sites where stone circles and other sacred places once existed.

Ackling Dyke, Sixpenny Handley, July 2014.

Ackling Dyke, Sixpenny Handley, July 2 2014. (Author’s photos.)
Crop circles are universal patterns that are at the core of nature, occurring in “nature” or human-created wheat fields – as spirals, fractals, perfect geometrical patterns that contain vast amounts of encoded information. The circles are braided, woven and interlaced with an astoundingly sublime symmetry and complexity. Students of sacred geometry have written long treatises about their meaning – and their astrological significance in many cases.
There are of course many speculations about how the circles were created, but most agree that some sort of “electro-magnetic” force has created them. Electrical measurements taken inside a crop circle are much higher than outside of the circle. Theories range from aliens to the deva kingdom, working under direction from the Great White Brotherhood. Whatever the truth that lies behind the circles, they are not going to disappear too soon:

Left: The “Julia Set” circle appeared in broad daylight next to Stonehenge, with alot of traffic on the road.
There was an eye-witness account. (Here.)
“There was a mist about 2-3 feet off the ground and it was sort of spinning around and on the ground a circular shape was appearing, which seemed to get bigger and bigger, as simultaneously the mist got bigger and bigger and swirled faster.”
“The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they reharden into their new and very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature … High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants’ nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design. This process creates surface charring along the stems.
… With the heat and electro-magnetic frequencies applied, it has been scientifically documented that soil samples taken from within crop circles show changes to its crystalline structure and mineral composition. Expert analysis concludes that such a process requires temperatures of 1500º C and sub-soil pressure typically found in strata thousands of years old.
… Crop circles also show existence of ultrasound –sound above the human hearing range – and such frequencies are known to exist at ancient sites such as stone circles, long barrows, tumuli, dolmens and menhirs. And like all sacred sites, temples and places of worship – such as Gothic cathedrals – the crop circles appear at the intersecting points of the Earth’s magnetic pathways of energy; thus the size and shape of a crop circle is typically determined by the area of these “node” points at the time of their appearance.”6
It is during the time of Cancer that crop circles are on the increase in their annual appearance, the period when many crops are approaching their ripeness, some already harvested. Cancer is a sign of nurturement (“The Mother of the Swirled”), and wheat has been a prime nurturer for humanity, despite the fact that it has been so abused with modern agricultural practices. Along with corn, wheat was reputedly gifted to humanity by the Kabiri, the ancient guides of the human race; it is said by some to have its origin on Venus. (For more information on crop circles, click here.)

Mother of the World (Nicholas Roerich)
Samuel Barber: Neptune in Cancer, Pisces Sun.
This newsletter for Cancer would not be complete without tribute to the composer Samuel Barber (1910-1981), who had the Sun in Pisces trine to Neptune in Cancer. (He also had several placements in Aquarius.) Neptune is the co-ruler of Pisces and the soul ruler of Cancer, hence Barber’s sensitivity to receiving impressions. Many musicians have water signs prominent in their horoscopes, such as Cancer Sun, Percy Grainger.
But Barber’s Adagio for Strings remains one of the great classics, associated with the anguish of the human heart. The piece was inspired by the distressing years of World War II, but is a universal paeon to the plight of humanity – and its inhumanity; even the crustiest of crabs are deeply moved through its sheer beauty and transcendent sound! Cancer is a highly sensitive sign with the Moon as ruler; Moon rules the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray of the artist and musician.
Original broadcast from the Albert Hall in London, September 15 2001. Leonard Slatkin conducts the BBC Orchestra.
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.143. [↩]
- “Robe of the Waters”, Lawrence Newey. Cancer Full Moon 2013 talk. Associated article here. [↩]
- “Robe of the Waters”, Lawrence Newey. Cancer Full Moon 2013 talk. Associated article here. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 31-2. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.46, 50. [↩]
- Text © Freddy Silva. Photos © Colin Andrews, Freddy Silva, Andrew King, Sygnalisis Laboratory, Michael Hesemman, BLT. [↩]