Cancer 2015: History. 2025. Pope Francis. Dark Days USA. Charlston. Movies.

Gaia: Mother Earth.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
(Full Moon: July 2, 2015. 3.19 am. GMT.)
Esoteric Quaternary: Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer
Cancer and the Evolution of the Human Soul
Countdown to 2025: Humanity’s Great Crisis
Cancer, Pope Francis and the Restoration of Mother Earth
Cancer Full Moon and the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction
Cancer USA: Pluto’s Dark Days Leading Toward Light
Charlston, Carolina: Again, the Gun Control Debate
Movies and Neptune

Cancer-Capricorn: Water and rock meet.
Esoteric Quaternary: Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer
Now is the fourth of the annual spiritual festivals celebrated at the Cancer full moon. Each year there is a sequence and progression of consciousness unfolding through the signs, of action in one sign followed by reaction in another sign – and the blending of polar opposites. Aries, Taurus and Gemini are the trinity that sets the note for the year, but Cancer completes a special quaternary, birthing into outer manifestation:
“In Aries the essential substance of manifestation awoke to renewed activity under the impact of divine desire, impelled by the divine Breath, by divine Life or Spirit. In Cancer this living substance assumed a triple differentiated relationship to which we give the names of Life (Aries) of Consciousness (Taurus) and manifested duality (Gemini). These three, blended together, came into outer manifestation in Cancer, thus completing an esoteric quaternary of great importance.
Here the first major fusion, inchoate and unrealised, took place. In Libra [polar opposite of Aries], these reach a point of balance and of a somewhat static equilibrium (later to be disturbed in Scorpio), so that this essential triplicity appears clearly in relation to each other. In Capricorn, the sign of initiation, this basic triplicity begins to return to the earlier state of the “breath of spirit” but, this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organisation, so that form is a perfect expression of the soul and the soul is sensitive and responsive to the pulsations of the One Life, as that Life reveals, through its activity, the perfect will of the Logos.1
Aries-Libra | Substance of manifestation awoke to renewed activity under the impact of divine desire, impelled by the divine Life or Spirit. | In Libra these reach a point of balance and of a somewhat static equilibrium. |
Taurus-Scorpio | Consciousness. | Later to be disturbed in Scorpio. |
Gemini-Sagittarius | Manifested duality. | Synthesised one-pointedness. |
Cancer-Capricorn | This living substance assumed a triple … relationship to which we give the names of Life, Consciousness and manifested duality. | This triplicity begins to return to the earlier state of the “breath of spirit” but, this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organisation, so that form is a perfect expression of the soul. |
Cancer and the Evolution of the Human Soul
Cancer is one of the oldest signs of the zodiac, relating to motherhood, birth and ancient survival instincts – as well as the study of the past – History. The Moon is the exoteric ruler of Cancer, concerning the past, parents, family origins – and ultimately the origin of humanity connected to a previous evolution of the Earth known as the “Moon Chain”. When esoteric students hear the word “history”, they often tune-out because of associations that are made with boring history lessons at school. Dates and incidents of nations – with which they might have no connection or interest, are grudgingly learned as part of the syllabus to pass exams:

Have you met your Waterloo?
“In the teaching of history … each nation glorifies itself at the expense frequently of other nations, in which facts are systematically garbled, in which the pivotal points in history are the various wars down the ages – a history, therefore, of aggression, of the rise of a material and selfish civilisation and one which had the nationalistic and, therefore, separative spirit, which has fostered racial hatred and stimulated national prides
… Geography is largely history in another form but presented in a similar manner – a history of discovery, investigation and seizure, followed frequently by wicked and cruel treatment of the inhabitants of the discovered lands. Greed, ambition, cruelty and pride are the keynotes of our teaching of history and geography.
These wars, aggression and thefts which have distinguished every great nation without exception, are facts that cannot be denied. Surely, however, the lessons of the evils which they wrought … can be pointed out and the ancient causes of present day prejudices and dislikes can be shown and their futility emphasised. Is it not possible to build our theory of history upon the great and good ideas which have conditioned the nations and made them what they are, and emphasize the creativity which has distinguished all of them? Can we not present more effectively the great cultural epochs which – suddenly appearing in some one nation – enriched the entire world and gave to humanity its literature, its art and its vision?”2
All of the above refers to our relatively recent history, but what of the real and ancient history of the planet that extends countless aeons back in time – of which little is known in mainstream education? Our future history, to use a somewhat contradictory term,
“… will some day be based and written upon the record of the initiatory growth of humanity; prior to that, we must have a history which is constructed around the development of humanity under the influences of great and fundamental ideas. That is the next historical presentation … The culmination of a civilisation, with its special note, quality and gifts to posterity, is significant of the reflection of the spiritual intent, and (through its massed populations), of one of the initiations.

Sumerian creation story.
… At present, we use neither of these two words, civilisation and culture, in their rightful sense or with their true meaning. Civilisation is the reflection in the mass of men of some particular cyclic influence, leading to an initiation. Culture is esoterically related to those within any era of civilisation who specifically, precisely and in full waking consciousness, through self-initiated effort, penetrate into those inner realms of thought activity which we call the creative world. These are the realms which are responsible for the outer civilisation.”3
As readers may be aware, The Hidden History of Humanity is one of this author’s major projects – documenting the birth of the human soul and its development through the rootraces over the past twenty-odd million years: From Individualisation to Initiation – “God’s Plan” in layman’s terms, leads to eventual liberation and reunification with the Divine Source, the Source that sent Humanity on its original mission – to transform this “non-sacred planet” into a “sacred planet” – currently about half-finished, according to the esoteric doctrine!
Humanity was anointed with the “spark of mind” or soul – whilst the Sun was precessing astronomically through Cancer in ancient times. The esoteric doctrine states that the Sun was in Leo at the beginning of Individualisation (21,688,345 years ago), finally culminating 5,000 years later in the sign of Gemini.4 This was the period of the true emergence of the Human Kingdom, it became the bridge between the Kingdom of Souls and the Animal Kingdom.

Precession cycle.
Naturally, the Sun makes its astronomical precession cycle backwards through the zodiac, hence the sequence of Leo, Cancer, Gemini. Depending upon the astronomical “obliquity of the ecliptic” (and other factors of eight and ten sign zodiacs), the zodiacal precession cycle at that time would have been between 2,160 and 2,500 years. Hence, dividing three signs into 5,000 years, must assign the majority to the middle sign of the sequence, Cancer.
Cancer was the great “gate” into incarnation for the millions of humans individualising for the first time. The initial “spark” that fanned the flame occurred in fire-sign Leo (manas, mind), whilst the human physical form manifested more completely through Cancer the Mother. When the Sun precessed into Gemini (God-Man), the Individualisation process was completed and, “the door to the animal kingdom was closed”. Cancer is also connected to the development of the watery astral body, ruled over by god of the waters Neptune, also the soul ruler of Cancer:
“… the Moon and Neptune – are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form life and of the emotional-astral body.”5
Through the understanding of esoteric history, the ultimate realisation by Humanity of its true origins in the approaching Aquarian Age will create a massive revolution in consciousness. There will be an understanding of the existence of the human soul (along with its imminent scientific proof) – and the spiritual purpose and plan for this planet.

Ocean Meets Land: The physical and astral realms, overseen by the blue sky of buddhi-mind.
It is a complex subject for students to grasp but quite simple as well. The main obstacle is accepting the esoteric doctrine’s enormous time scales (corroborated in the ancient Vedas), in the face of the modern, dwarfed version of history. Cultural, educational and religious conditioning runs very deep; there must be a willingness by the intelligentsia to consider thinking beyond the nebulous ideas that it currently entertains. If you are new to these concepts, a good place to start is the author’s essay, “Time and History: Re-Establishing Esoteric Chronology in World History.” – and/or, this 18-minute video, The Hidden History of Humanity.

John the Forerunner.
Countdown to 2025: Humanity’s Great Crisis
2025 is only ten years away and there is much that Humanity must do to prepare itself. Why 2025? Because it is the prophesied date of the commencement of the reappearance of the Masters of Wisdom, followed by the one who holds the Office of the Christ or Lord Maitreya, as he is known in the East. 2025 also coincides with several important ray and planetary cycles that will be discussed later.
“… 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results … initiates, world disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity. In the adjustment necessitated by the rapidly advancing alignment, the Members of the Hierarchy are fitting Themselves for the objective work of public expression. This entails far more difficulty than you might imagine or anticipate …”6
Reappearance suggests a disappearance and that has certainly been the case since the days of the great war in ancient Atlantis,
“… the amazing enterprise upon which the Hierarchy is embarked within this cycle: Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focussed itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face, as The Secret Doctrine calls it. For millions of years, as a result of the triumph of evil in those days, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events, occupied with the following work – a work which will eventually be carried on exoterically instead of esoterically.”7
This passage is a good example of esoteric history, illuminating past causes of current karma, events and the enormous cycles of time that have elapsed since then. That war was depicted in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata – and was followed closely by the first great Atlantean flood that decimated much of the world’s population.
World Wars I & II were a cyclic recapitulation of the Atlantean war and today the world finds itself in the third and final phase of that war – currently raging upon the mental plane in the world of ideas and ideologies, threatening to spill over onto the physical plane.
The gradual approach of the Hierarchy to the physical plane and outer appearance is paradoxically a source of planetary turmoil and conflict; Their highly refined vibrations are at odds with the much lower frequencies of the physical plane world. The Forces of Materialism are fighting “tooth and nail” to prevent the Reappearance from occurring, hence Humanity’s dweller struggles to maintain the past. The following factors are all converging at, or around 2025:
- The planned reappearance of the Hierarchy in 2025, decided at the Planetary Conclave of 1425.
- Middle of Pisces-Aquarius cusp – began 1700’s to around 2200. Aquarius ruler Uranus discovered in 1781.
- The overlapping cycles of the withdrawing Sixth Ray of Devotion and the incoming Seventh Ray of Magic and Order.
- The Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict (Art, Music, Beauty) coming slowly into manifestation after 2025.
- Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2024. Its destruction of Capricornian crystallisation will have been completed by then.
- Neptune’s entry into Aries in 2025. Amazing symbology of the Christ as Neptune. Aries the Ram – “lamb of god”.
- Uranus’s entry into Gemini in 2025. The previous cycle was 1941, turning point of WWII that led to victory in 1945.
- The half-way mark of the 49-year cycle of the Decision Initiation taken in 2001. (2001 + 24.5 = 2025)
- Conclave end of first 25 years of every century, by the Lord of the World & Council of Shamballa = 2025.
Cancer, Pope Francis and the Restoration of Mother Earth
The rising sign or ascendant represents the soul purpose in a horoscope, esoterically considered. Pope Francis is a philosophical Sagittarian Sun with Cancer rising – a man of profound spiritual conviction and caring for humanity. It is important for students to not dismiss church leaders outright just because they are “part of the problem” of organised religion, or that some of their policies may not concur with their own “liberal” thinking.
Only the most cynical would fail to see this Pope’s brilliant light. Pope Francis is a courageous champion of humanity who has effected many radical changes since he has taken office. He has also written some excellent assessments of the world situation, the most recent on the environment, climate change and the role of selfish global corporate control. Some of the following passages were gleaned from mainstream news sources such as the New York Times etc.
“As believers, we do not look at the world from without but from within, conscious of the bonds with which the Father has linked us to all beings. Christian spirituality proposes an alternative understanding of the quality of life, and encourages a prophetic and contemplative lifestyle, one capable of deep enjoyment, free of the obsession with consumption … We need to take up an ancient lesson, found in different religious traditions and also in the Bible. It is the conviction that ‘less is more.’”
“Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it … the Bible has no place for a tyrannical anthropocentrism unconcerned for other creatures … our immense technological development has not been accompanied by a development in human responsibility, values and conscience.”
In his 182-page “encyclical” Pope Francis, “… attributes the environmental crisis to wealthier, industrialized countries that extract resources to feed an insatiable desire for consumer goods. He describes relentless exploitation and destruction of the environment and says apathy, the reckless pursuit of profits, excessive faith in technology and political shortsightedness are to blame. The most vulnerable victims, he declares, are the world’s poorest people, who are being dislocated and disregarded.
Christians also, he said, have been seduced by this consumerism, despite the tradition of monasticism and teachings on simplicity by St. Francis and others. He called for a radical transformation of politics, economics and individual lifestyles to confront environmental degradation and climate change, blending a biting critique of consumerism and irresponsible development with a plea for swift and unified global action.”
“Francis has made it clear that he hopes the encyclical will influence energy and economic policy and stir a global movement. He calls on ordinary people to press politicians for change. Catholic bishops and priests around the world are expected to discuss the encyclical in services on Sunday. But Francis is also reaching for a wider audience, asking in the document “to address every person living on this planet.”
“The pope’s stance against environmental destruction and his demand for global action had already thrilled many scientists … “Within the scientific community, there is almost a code of honor that you will never transgress the red line between pure analysis and moral issues,” said Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder and chairman of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. “But we are now in a situation where we have to think about the consequences of our insight for society.”
“Pope Francis chastises those who cite Genesis as evidence that man has “dominion” over the earth, that justifies practices like mountaintop mining or fishing with gill nets. “This is not a correct interpretation of the Bible as understood by the Church,” Francis writes. The Bible teaches human beings to “till and keep” the garden of the world, he says.“ “Tilling” refers to cultivating, plowing or working, while “keeping” means caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving.”
Central to Francis’ theme is the link between poverty and the planet’s fragility. The pope rejects the belief that technology and “current economics” will solve environmental problems, or “that the problems of global hunger and poverty will be resolved simply by market growth:
“A huge indictment I see in this encyclical is that people have lost their sense of ultimate and proper goals of technology and economics,” said Christiana Z. Peppard, an assistant professor of theology, science and ethics at Fordham University in New York. “We are focused on short-term, consumerist patterns.””8 At a recent address in Turin, Pope Francis said, “People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian.”

Pope Francis. Dec. 17, 1936. 9 pm. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Some powerful transits for the Pope
1. Transiting Pluto conjunct Mercury in Capricorn. This has allowed Francis to work like the CEO of a large organisation, reorganising the Vatican finances for instance, with a business-like ruthlessness. Mercury is speech and Pluto is power – he has spoken and written with great power and influence upon the world stage.
2. Progressed Moon conjunct Sun in Sagittarius. Also called the progressed new moon, occurring 2-3 months ago. A 27-year cycle representing new beginnings and his espousal of Sagittarian ethics, principles and philosophy – in the sixth house of service.
3. Transiting Uranus opposite Mars in Libra. This will last right through until the end of 2016 and represents a great dynamism in getting work accomplished, of action and of peacemaking – the Aries-Libra polarity. Mars in Libra is the god of war in the sign of peace and Francis shares this position with his Brother in the East (and Nobel Peace Prize laureate), the Dalai Lama. Transiting Uranus will be in his ninth house for a long time, allowing the expression of radical new ideas for the betterment of humanity.
4. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio trine Pluto in Cancer. Already prominent throughout 2014 and will last to September 2015. A hugely influential transit – fearlessly challenging world leaders in many areas of human activity, dealing with the backlash from his analyses of the global situation. Saturn in Scorpio is tenacious for getting tough – upon oneself and the world at large. Saturn rules his seventh house of relationships, whilst transiting Pluto is in this house, creating perhaps some power struggles and a few rivalries.
5. Transiting Jupiter in Leo trine Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Capricorn A 12-year cycle, very powerful until August 2015 – it will highlight his generosity and perhaps the harmonious reception of his ideas generally. The pre-ponderence of the Love-Wisdom planets Jupiter and the Sun will empower him to express Leonine magnanimity and the Spirit of the Christ.
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Cancer USA: Pluto’s Dark Days Leading Toward Light
Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra
The horoscope for USA’s 1776 Declaration of Independence is being sorely tested by transiting Pluto’s activation of the Sun in Cancer square to Saturn in Libra. The Sun represents the three-fold personality – mental, emotional and physical.
Whilst Pluto is opposite the Sun, any entity will go through a rigorous transformation in one or all of their personality vehicles. Pluto reveals the “underworld” of the psyche, all that is repressed, unredeemed and unacknowledged. Pluto’s work is to break down and destroy these impediments by bringing them from the hidden depths to the surface of conscious awareness.
Pluto transits to the Sun can be quite traumatic, sometimes the most intense transit in any one life, frequently resulting in life-threatening illnesses connected to karma, individual or collective. Currently the USA has several illnesses and psychoses which are being revealed more acutely as Pluto proceeds with his relentless work.
This is the first Pluto opposition to the USA Cancer Sun since 1776 and precedes by a few years, the 248-year cycle of the Pluto return. Hence, Pluto’s influence is helping the USA to get its house in order (“I build a lighted house”) and will last until September 2016, at least. Cancer is also the ruling sign of two of USA’s major cities, New York and Washington. The Tibetan comments,
“… it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble”9
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul.”10
As a Cancer Sun sign, USA as one of the major nations of the Fifth Rootrace, could be diagnosed as having cancer,
“Cancer, in our present cycle, the Aryan [Fifth Rootrace], is definitely a result of the activity of the lower concrete mind and of the stimulation of the etheric body which the mind can bring about. It is a major disease incident to stimulation, as far as the Aryan masses are concerned…”11
The USA has certainly “attracted to its light and warmth” in many fine ways, yet this particular Pluto cycle brings the opportunity to free itself from the dark prison that it has created, not only for itself but the planet as a whole because of its extensive influence politically, economically and culturally. The “bars” of its prison consist of,
- A toxic corporate materialistic culture in every sphere of life. Domination by big agriculture, big pharma etc.
- The domination of U.S. congress by corporate interests and powerful minority political factions, resulting in the death of true democracy.
- Centralisation of money and media into the hands of a few, right-wing biased individuals. 1% versus the 99%.
- Extensive, invasive electronic surveillance in the USA and globally, restricting personal freedoms and privacy.
- Cowboy banks – a law unto themselves, the Wall Street casinos continue business as usual, despite massive fines.
- Inability to resolve the US debt – currently $18 trillion. Dictatorship by the private body of the Federal Reserve.
- Interference and dominating colonialism in global politics.
- Over the top spending on the military. Domination by the military-industrial complex.
- Racial inequality, despite the paradoxical fact that USA was a pioneer in equal rights for African Americans.
- Gun culture madness.
- Ego mania. Paranoia.
- The deception of the American public over 9/11.
- Morbid obesity and diabetes epidemics.
- Inability to create a free or fair health system like European nations.
- Inability to create free university education (like some European nations), leading to lifetime debts for students.
- Inability to resolve the Mexican immigration problem.
- A medicated nation – high numbers of adults and children on harmful prescription medicine.
- Inability to cope with the problem of the displaced and homeless.
- A crumbling and dangerous infrastructure – roads, bridges, dams etc.
- An assembly of buffoons as the next presidential candidates for the 2016 elections – hardly any choice!
These are just a few issues that come to mind, there are probably plenty more that could be added to the list. These problems are of course endemic to the entire world, especially Western nations, partly due to the spread of American “culture”. Because of the USA’s spiritual role as the young leader of nations, with its economic, media and military might, its problems are the world’s problems. Pluto is revealing all of these factors starkly.
Saturn in Libra
USA’s Sun in Cancer is square to Saturn in Libra. The square is a difficult aspect of crystallisation that demands resolution into harmony. Saturn is exalted in Libra and stands for equality, justice and the law, freedom and fairness. Its square to USA’s Cancer Sun needs to be integrated into the USA personality.
The USA is also conditioned by the sixth ray in its personality – devotion and idealism, ruled by Mars and Neptune, the latter the soul ruler of Cancer. It is the immature emotional expression of the USA that is preventing it from resolving some of its thorniest problems such as gun control. (Contrast this with the more mature European nations.)
Saturn, on the other hand, is the ruler of the throat centre, seat of the mental body. When the USA is able to integrate and invoke Saturn in Libra into its personality expression, then a real maturity will emerge in this swaggering adolescent. It is said that only the mental body can bring about control of the unruly emotional body, hence the opportunity for the USA to step-up-to-the-plate and hit a home run during this Pluto cycle.
This mental maturity will allow rational and sane discussion on many issues which currently have not even begun because of USA’s polarisation in kama-manas, desire-mind; but also an evocation of its second ray soul of Love-Wisdom – the lack of compassion and parallel selfishness in many areas of society is one of the main causes behind all its ailments. Symbolically speaking, the USA is approaching its 21st birthday and all the adult privileges that go with that. The age of 21 is esoterically a Saturn cycle of 3 x 7, where the mental body becomes far more integrated into the personality.
The downside of Pluto triggering the USA Sun square Saturn is to hang onto power, secrecy, institutions and the status quo at all costs, creating such resentment in the population that could lead to major civil disobedience, uprisings and even a virtual civil war. The USA has a very tricky way to navigate in the next couple of years.
(For more articles on the USA, see here.)
Charlston, Carolina: Again, the Gun Control Debate
(The author has written several commentaries on this subject, see these links below.)
USA’s Perpetual War. Guns Guns Guns: Aries-Libra
Sandy Hook: Watershed Moment for Water-Bearer USA
USA: Another Day, Another Massacre (Tuscon, AZ)
James Holmes: Aurora Massacre: Leo
Anders Breivik: Virgo-Pisces, Multiculturalism
The statistical inevitability of another gun massacre is a reflection of the deep psychosis within the body of this nation that it still has no consensus how to resolve, politically or culturally. On the latest tragedy President Obama stated,

Gun statistics for just one year (2011) in the USA.
“At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it.” Declaring that he refused to “act as if this is the new normal”, President Barack Obama on Friday called for a national moment of soul-searching over gun violence, in his second statement in as many days on Wednesday’s mass shooting inside a church in Charleston, South Carolina.”12
Yet, as proposed in other missives on this topic, do some Americans subconsciously feel that they “have permission” from media and movies to perform these kind of atrocities? (Bear in mind that the daily murder rate by gun in USA is around 25-30 people, so there is collectively a “massacre” every day.) The young and impressionable Dylann Roof must have felt he had permission to act, based upon the absorption of some of his southern culture and violent movies:
“Among the many violent and racist images in the apparent manifesto of Dylann Roof … a reference to the 2011 ultra-violent Japanese crime drama, Himizu (a New York Times “Critics Pick”). The manifesto uncovered on Saturday morning reads: “To take a saying from my favorite film, “Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society’.”13
Hence, Roof acted upon his distorted interpretation of the world to “use it for the good of society”. Roof (April 3, 1994) has an Aries Sun ruled by Mars, placed in Pisces. A militant sign Aries with its ruler somewhat watered down and powerless in Pisces. (Well, not entirely, as the fanatical sixth ray passes through Pisces, the age of religious war.) Transiting Chiron in Pisces was activating Mars at the time of the attack.
Roof also had transiting Saturn in Scorpio conjunct natal Pluto in late 2014, and near this point again now and for the next couple of months. The utter ruthlessness of Pluto in Scorpio was certainly activated.
Roof has a Moon-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn, making him extremely impressionable to ideas, drug use and even obsessing entities upon the astral plane – as may be the case for other mass shooting perpetrators. One example of this kind might be Martin Bryant who shot 35 people dead at Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996 – he has the Moon in Aries at the same degree as Roof’s Sun. For what it’s worth, the Sabian Symbol for this degree is, “A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.” Bryant is typical of the kind of person who can be easily obsessed or manipulated through mind control and/or drugs. The role of prescription drugs is said to be prominent with many of these offenders, but half the nation is on them too!
Movies and Neptune
I speak mainly to the converted of course, but a good example for media-driven “permission” is in a recent movie called Mud with good old boy Matthew McConaughey – a likable and generally well made movie portraying the rites of passage of two fourteen year-old boys.
One is promised Mud’s revolver if he helps him escape. The movie finishes with a big shoot-out where half a dozen baddies are killed and Mud escapes free – as the vagabond outlaw enshrined in American mythology, representing freedom and personal expression. (Here again, we contemplate the integration of Saturn in Libra (The Law) into the American psyche.)
So obviously the message sent to American youth reinforces all the other gun-propaganda with which they are bombarded. So many actors are depicted constantly “assuming the position”, like Sean Penn in the picture below. As with many actors who take on these hackneyed roles, they walk willingly into several million dollars for their efforts. Their is a chain of responsibility that lies here from actor to producer. A quick flick through fifty TV stations anywhere in the world will find a high percentage of these kind of images.

The actual process of movie-making is an amazing Aquarian endeavour, enlisting the co-operation of hundreds or thousands in group work. But, the profit-driven movie and television industries bear much responsibility in creating a sensationalist, dumbed-down pop-pulp-culture. From actors right up the chain – to directors, writers and producers – these intelligentsia bear the greatest responsibility. Yet they all live in a permissive society that “gives permission” to them based upon the democratic principle of freedom of expression and creativity.
Producers particularly are the ones with an eye on the money and many movies are created purely for financial exploitation. Gun themes (e.g. USA’s obsession with sniper movies) appeal to the lowest common denominator of survival, the base and sacral chakras; they exploit the glamour of power versus human weakness or helplessness. Disempowered individuals and the society as a whole take to guns as a desperate remedy that only compounds the existing problem. Here again we see the fourth ray of harmony through conflict, the power to take life according to one’s personal “law”. Where is the imagination that visions a future of an Aquarian utopia of world co-operation and community – without the predatory violence that passes for entertainment today?

USA: Aquarian Soul.
Ironically, the USA is an Aquarian soul, its purpose is to build future ideals and visions but its movie industry constantly delivers a package of banality, paranoia, propaganda and revenge – essentially a “pornography of violence” and of course it is often associated with sexual titillation – sex and violence being the bottom line at the box office. This creeping banality has been gathering strength as studios seek the bottom line and top directors like Spielberg find it difficult to get a movie off the ground.
Hence, this proliferation of bad movie art finds its lowest common denominator, seeping so deeply into global consciousness that many intelligent people will say “what’s the problem”, it’s only entertainment, it “isn’t real”, ” it’s just a harmless distraction.” Though of course this is untrue, a lot of the population passively absorb this junk-food diet into their astral bodies without discrimination and mass hypnosis, acceptance and obedience is the outcome.
Independent thinking and discrimination is compromised. Everyone is plugged into it to some degree, the trick is recognising it, staying detached and freeing themselves from its seductive siren song.
Movies and all visual mediums are ruled by Neptune, Lord of the astral plane and glamorous illusion. Neptune and Mars are the co-rulers of the sixth ray personality of the USA. Hence, movie “astrality” feeds into the persistent paradigm of guns (Mars) and movies (Neptune/escapism). Neptune is the soul ruler of Cancer and both sign and planet rule mass consciousness, the mass of the world’s population who are astrally polarised. Here again we can see the problem of the USA Cancer personality and its emotional and mental integration. As related earlier, Neptune rules the astral body and Saturn the mental body. For the next two months, transiting Saturn in Scorpio finishes its long term squares to USA’s Moon in Aquarius. The Moon is the shadow/dweller and Saturn plays that role too, hence there may well be further revelations soon of what is wrong but how to shine a light upon it.
Cancer Full Moon and the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction
The full moon period of Cancer promises to be astronomically spectacular, with a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter around 21-22° Leo. It also promises to be spiritually spectacular with the blending of two forces, Venus the goddess of love with Jupiter the planet of love-wisdom, in the sign of Leo the Lion-Heart.
Esoterically, Venus represents the higher mind and it rules the fifth ray of science. Leo is a conduit for the fifth ray force to pour through it, like its polar opposite, Aquarius. The expression of the fifth ray in the Age of Aquarius will be paramount as Humanity perfect the right use of the mind and reclaim ancient technologies that were once gifted to them by the Guides of the race in Atlantean times.
Jupiter in Leo is the benevolent king par excellence, and whilst it can be abusive and tyrannical or glamorously self-centered in its lower expression, the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus supports the appearance of leaders with qualities of love in action, combined with benevolent power. (Pope Francis is a case in point as both these transiting planets trine his Sagittarian Sun.)
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 314 [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.45. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.129. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p64. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.530. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.519. [↩]
- New York Times [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343 [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.238 [↩]
- The Guardian UK [↩]
- Mother Jones. [↩]
good stuff events
Thank you , I very much enjoyed this Full Moon Report and could relate to many of your comments.
Gosh! Very interesting and amazing. Thanks very much for your great efforts, Phillip.
Loved the analysis of USA gun-crime and connection with movies. American Sniper must be a prime example.
The shooting at the Batman opening really brings it all together.
I deeply appreciated your commentary on the Cancer Full Moon. I, born in the US, but living permanently abroad find the adolescent phase of my birth country heartbreaking. You list it well. The challenge for us all is holding the higher note of “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
Brilliant analysis and a fascinating read. Your effort is truly appreciated. Thank you! This is a challenging time for all of us. The reminder of there only being 10 years to 2025 was a kick-in-the-butt to step up and join the boots-on-the-ground and do what we can to help as individuals.
Profound and learned comment on Humankind´s challenge on the XXI century. Sharp understanding on Pope´s analysis on present day problems faced by all human beings irrespectful of nationality, etnia or crede.
Thanks for your cogent and insightful analysis, Phillip. I especially appreciated all that you had to say about the USA and Pope Francis.