Cancer 2010: Glastonbury’s Mystique. Mother of the World. Oil Spill.

Mother of the World.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
Cancer, An Ancient Sign
Glastonbury’s Chalice Well
Mother Earth Under Duress: Oil Spill
Cancer, An Ancient Sign
Cancer is one of the most ancient signs of the zodiac, being prominent when Humanity came to birth as souls during the period known as Individualisaton, 21.5 to 18.5 million years ago. Cancer is the Mother of the human family, connecting us to the sea of consciousness from which that family emerged – and to which it returns, as self-conscious liberated souls.
The seas are ruled over by the god of the waters, Neptune, the soul ruler of Cancer. The sea is the source of all life, the living matrix from which all forms emerge. Hence Cancer is about consciousness as much as the forms that consciousness must appropriate to express.
Consciousness is reflected in the highly refined forces of Cancer’s soul ruler Neptune, whilst the form nature through the personality ruler, the Moon. The hermit crab might be a good example of an organism who inhabits a borrowed shell for its life. And so humans appropriate their shells and discard them when the time comes to move on.
Cancer is about birth and hence the womb, whilst its opposite Capricorn is about death and completion, the tomb: Cancer the door into incarnation and Capricorn the doorway out of incarnation. Due to Cancer’s watery nature, there is a great psychic sensitivity and awareness, yet they can also be plagued by many fears of that which is sensed and unseen but not known.
Glastonbury’s Chalice Well
Britain’s Glastonbury has a rich history that is connected to Jesus and many characters like Joseph of Arimathea who visited this area before and after the Jesus’s crucifixion.
Neptune is one of the names for the One who holds the Office of the Christ in the West – an appropriate appellation for the Avatar who inaugurated the age of Pisces, also ruled by Neptune. Neptune is intimately related to the principle of Love-Wisdom in this solar system, accessed through devotion, idealism and visionary experience.
Recently I celebrated with several hundred people the moment of the Cancer summer solstice at Glastonbury’s Chalice Well; it is a perfect symbol of the divine feminine principle of Cancer, the Great Mother. A meditation was held at the well itself, from where Neptune’s healing waters emanate and circulate through its beautiful garden, within the presence of many powerful devas.
If ever there was an argument for a heart chakra in Britain, Glastonbury would be a strong contender – with its emphasis upon the ageless wisdom teachings and leading edge ideas. The 40th Glastonbury Festival currently taking place has raised many millions of pounds for altruistic causes during its history. Glastonbury is of course closely situated to the crop circle capital of the world, Wiltshire in the south-west of England.
Every year the Mother of the World (or as some call her, the Mother of the Swirled), divines her geometrical blueprints upon the wheat in beautiful and mysterious patterns, inspiring thousands. It is said that the Wiltshire area is like the human ear in acupuncture, which when stimulated, connects through the meridians to heal the whole body. Hence by analogy, the whole planet benefits in this seasonal healing from crop circle ‘acupuncture’ in Wiltshire.
Urchfont, Wiltshire, June 20, 2010. (Pic by author.)
Mother Earth Under Duress: Oil Spill
Some amazing events have unfolded in 2010. Iceland’s volcano erupted just as the Sun had moved into the first degree of fire sign Aries – right on the equinox and when the Moon was in the last degree of Taurus, the other major sign associated with Mother Earth. Whilst Mercury was retrograde in Taurus in the intervening months, it kept erupting and created much chaos for travellers.
During this period also came the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. At first this news was dwarfed by the extraordinary events associated with the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull. Then as time went on and the volcano ceased its activity, there has still been no success at fixing the oil leak, one of the biggest environmental disasters the world has ever seen.
It is interesting to note that whilst lava and ash was thrust from the earth in Iceland, millions of gallons of oil were leaking out of the earth in the Gulf of Mexico. Was there a subjective connection between these two events? The obvious imagery is one of Mother Earth bleeding, being bled dry by Humanity’s insatiable lust for oil and greedy corporations who do not employ responsible safety measures and take shortcuts to maximise profits.
Neptune is the ruler of oil in exoteric astrology and in the event chart of April 20, 2010 the Moon is in Cancer trine to Jupiter (large volumes of resources), whilst Sun is in Taurus (also resources) trine to Pluto, lord of the underworld from whence oil emerges.
In an essay about Pluto in Capricorn, I wrote about the corporate greed that has been rampant in the world, will be exposed during Pluto’s transit. This current oil spill is a watershed moment – exposing not only the company involved, but the whole culture associated with it. This must be a good thing, creating a resolve to not repeat this error but also following so soon after the executives from other fields who have been given a grilling by governments – in the area of finance, insurance and motor corporations. Much more to come yet!
Another point to bear in mind is that in many of these world events in the areas of money and the environment, we still see much working out from the horoscope of the so-called fifth Shamballa Impact in Taurus 2000.1 That horoscope has a stellium of planets in Taurus relating to money and the environment.; they are still being triggered, for instance, Venus in the oil rig explosion chart is conjunct the Sun in the 2000 chart. Venus in Taurus, the sign she rules, represents resources and is square to Neptune, representing oil.
The Grand Cross of this Cancer Full Moon Period
This horoscope is very challenging not only because there are several inharmonious forces, but also because of a major tug-of-war going on between Saturn and Uranus. Both of these planets have been dancing in opposition for a while, creating a pull between that which is known, the past, with that which is new, the future.
Revolutionary Uranus has entered Aries for the first time in 84 years and is also the hierarchical ruler of this sign.2 It bristles with new ideas and innovations, especially through its powerful conjunction to all-expansive Jupiter, which is swinging by on its 12 year cycle, expanding possibilities beyond comprehension.
Yet Saturn in Virgo lingers opposite, restraining and seeking to preserve the past, just as it is about to go back into Libra (July 21), the sign that it rules hierarchically and where it is exalted. The new ‘austerity budget/measures’ currently being discussed in Britain and Europe are classic Saturn in Virgo conservative characteristics.
Criss-crossing this opposition is the natural opposition of Sun and Moon at the full moon, yet they are joined by Pluto in the same degree as the Moon, and Mercury conjunct the Sun. The whole configuration makes for amazing possibilities in individual and universal transformation, yet is dire on many fronts. The point of least resistance for this kind of formation is that the majority of humans cannot meet the challenge of the square, to do the requisite work and overcome obstacles – instead, the lowest common denominator of the grand cross is expressed through force, violence and survival needs.
Such configurations usually linger in the Earth’s etheric for up to two years, allowing for many planetary transit triggers to them during that time. On July 30, 2010 a trigger by Mars will be the major one to consider. Depending upon where you are in the world, if you time the chart correctly for July 30/31, watch the Moon come into the first degree of Aries. Mars is the minute hand of the timing clock, whilst the Moon will be the second hand.
This formation will see Moon, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries opposite Mars and Saturn in Libra, mainly in the first degree of Aries-Libra. The opposition between these five planets all hone in to a T-square on Pluto in Capricorn. In the chart set for New York (a major chakra for Western nations), Capricorn is rising with Pluto right on the Ascendant. This foretells enormous transformation – some students may recall that transiting Pluto was conjunct the ascendant of USA’s horoscope on 9/11.
As this is a very esoteric formation, its effects will last for some time – and will effect deep change successfully, no question about that. Yet other possibilities to emerge from this formation at a more exoteric level could be:
1) That the world moves into a second recession, or the recession it ‘needed to have’ but has been avoiding. ‘Business as usual’ just cannot be conducted the way it has anymore. Everybody knows that the ‘stimulation packages’ are just short term injections for the ailing patients. Libra is esoterically about money and exalted Saturn in its own sign for the first time in 30 years, will reign in these changes – based upon the law, fairness and balance.
2) More revelations of corporate corruption and the Saturn in Libra justice associated with that. A major revelation such as the truth about 9/11 being acknowledged in the mainstream.
3) Ongoing earth changes such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes – perhaps the only factors that may force changes.
4) Escalating violence and the use of force, terrorism – perhaps in major US cities or elsewhere. Especially the Middle East crisis going into hyper-critical mode, the Israel-Iran threat. Worst case scenario, a nuclear stand-off or exchange.
5) Civil unrest, rebellion and revolution (Uranus in Aries), particularly in the United Kingdom – as a result of draconian ‘austerity measures’. In France this week – the home of revolution, two million people took to the streets to stage protests to government policies.
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
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