Cancer 2009: Avatar of Love. Great Mother. Jupiter-Neptune.

The Mother of the World. (Nicholas Roerich 1924.)
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
The Avatar of Love and the Great Mother
Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron Conjunction in Aquarius
The Avatar of Love and the Great Mother
Through the Moon rulership of Cancer there is engaged very specifically the dual principles of Sun-Moon, masculine-feminine; the solar angels who relate to or who are the soul and the lunar angels who constitute the material principle that provides “tabernacles” for souls to live their lives with all other souls.
The materiality of this fourth sign Cancer is connected to the number 4, a sign of manifestation and appearance. Cancer brings into being and birth upon the physical plane that which was initiated in Aries (mental), consolidated upon in Taurus (astral) and distributed in Gemini (etheric).
Cancer is a sign of great sensitivity in the feeling nature, symbolised by the element water. The Crab inhabits that stretch of the seashore between low and high tide – a land and sea creature. These tides are connected with all the rhythms of nature that come from the influence of the Moon, having a profound influence on the planet physically.
The Moon is of course in the opposite sign Capricorn at this full moon festival, the place of her detriment, paradoxically not an easy place for the full expression of the emotional nature, yet esoterically:
“… as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter.”1
“Matter” here means not only the physical form but the substance that composes the emotional and mental bodies, all seen occultly as vehicles that the soul appropriates and inhabits. In other words, the power of the personality starts to give way to the light of the soul. This ascendancy of the power of the soul is of course the evolutionary goal and prerogative of all souls. In this north pole-star oriented world, the zodiac signs are symbolic of the northern seasons and Cancer is the time when the Sun and solar principle are their ascendancy.
Neptune is the god of the waters and happens to be the esoteric ruler of Cancer. Cancer is a sign of the feeling nature and Neptune is co-ruler of the solar plexus, the centre where the feeling nature or astral body is anchored. The Tibetan reminds us:
“… [in] the two rulers of this sign – the Moon and Neptune – you have the symbols of a close relationship between the Mother of all Forms and the God of the Waters … In this esoteric marriage, you have pictured for humanity a major synthesis of form and of desire-sensitivity and, consequently, a true statement of the stage of consciousness which we call Atlantean. There is much of this today and of this stage, mass sensitivity and mass identification with form and with forms is the significant indication and the outstanding characteristic of Cancer and its subjects.”2
The fourth Atlantean rootrace preceded this Fifth Rootrace, yet much of the consciousness on planet Earth still remains Atlantean – paradoxically in non-advanced and advanced cultures. The world is still experiencing its major recapitulation of the Atlantean era in the past century through the world wars, ongoing discovery of ancient technologies and so forth.3 In Cancer’s planetary rulerships,
“… the Moon is substituted for Neptune because it is the form nature which is dominant in the longest stage of human unfoldment, just as esoterically, it is the feeling-sensitive nature which dominates the average man; it is with this stable tendency that the disciple has to wrestle. In the mass mind (of which Cancer is the truest expression), it is fortunate that Neptune is veiled by the Moon and that the form fails to register or step down many of the impacts to which the true man is sensitive. Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts, to handle them constructively or to transmute them and interpret them accurately.”4
It is fortunate that unawakened humanity fails to register the highly refined energies of Neptune, its most common expression in the masses and for awakening humanity, through addiction in its manifold expressions. With Neptune ruling the solar plexus, the seat of the desire nature, when the frequencies of the astral body are not sufficiently developed, then the Neptunian forces are distorted. The Tibetan continues,
“… one of the major difficulties and great problems of the disciple is his extreme sensitivity to impacts from every side and his rapid ability to respond to contacts coming from “all points of the compass, from every angle of the zodiacal wheel and from that which is within as well as from that which is without, from that which lies above, below, and upon every hand,” as the Old Commentary expresses it.
It is also as difficult and hard for the average student of modern times to grasp the mass-consciousness of Cancer as it is for him to grasp the group-awareness or the universal consciousness of Aquarius and to this final development, humanity is hierarchically related by the Moon, veiling Neptune. The average human being is just beginning to grasp the stage of the individual Christ consciousness of Virgo to which he is related by the same planet.”
In other words, Cancer relates to mass consciousness, Virgo to Christ consciousness and Aquarius to universal group consciousness. The Moon is related to all three signs through its exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical rulerships.
Jupiter Neptune Chiron Conjunction in Aquarius
This brings us to a most relevant point today relating to an extremely rare conjunction of three planets in the same degree of Aquarius: Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. This has been occurring for several months in 2009 and will continue on and off for the rest of the year.
For many of those with planets in fixed signs, this conjunction is making quite an impact, especially those with planets in the opposite sign Leo and that early fifties generation with Pluto in Leo. Both Leo and Aquarius have in common the energy of the Fifth Ray of Science pouring through them. Leo is the fifth sign and in many ways the western Fifth Rootrace relates to Leo, in terms of the unfoldment of the mental principle as well as its shadow nature, the beast of pride!
Aquarius is the sign that the world is moving toward and although the Fifth Ray coming through this sign will herald unprecedented scientific discoveries, it will also express the Science of Right Human Relationships and the Esoteric Sciences; there will in fact be a merging of exoteric and esoteric science.
The Science of Right Relationships will be the hallmark of the modern Aquarian Water-Bearer, bringing in greater humanitarian and compassionate values. The harsh separative and unforgiving aspect of the Fifth Ray up until recently expressed will start to fade away. Venus rules the Fifth Ray and the Venusian quality of the Fifth Ray will emerge into greater expression through the expression of beauty in many fields of human endeavour.
Neptune has been called the “universal solvent’ because it dissolves forms, boundaries and egos! It is closely related to the Christ principle and associated with the heart chakra. Jupiter is the ruler of the Second Ray of Love Wisdom, soul ruler of Aquarius and rules the heart chakra – hence the Water-Bearer who “pours forth for thirsty men” is well equipped to do so; he pours forth from his urn (Cancer the container) the Jovian-Neptunian waters of Love-Wisdom and Devotion, that which has the power to dissolve the separative nature of the Fifth Ray as it expresses through Leo-Aquarius.
This is most certainly what has been occurring in 2009, a very noticeable and tangible expression of this dissolution process and a corresponding increase in the expression of love – individually, nationally and universally. Chiron is along for the ride as well, the “wounded healer” lending its theme of group healing to the whole mix; its principle function thus far has been to expose and even exaggerate the weaknesses in group co-operation such as Leonine egoity, revealing starkly the pairs of opposites in need of group resolution.
It is during such a conjunction as this that the great Avatar of Love could well appear. There is no sentimental or overly idealistic notion around this possibility. A very rapid subjective change is occurring in the mass consciousness of Humanity, allowing for the possibility of a major sea-change, to coin a Neptunian term. Compassion, unconditional love and sensitivity may well increase dramatically! Djwhal Khul continues,
“The unveiled Neptune relates Cancer to no other constellation or sign, and this fact is of very great importance, because it indicates the fact that when a man is an initiate, he does not react to ordinary feeling, sentiment or to personality relations as they express themselves in pleasure or pain. All these are surmounted and eventually the watery life of emotional reaction is superseded by the life of true and of inclusive love. Soul control esoterically “obliterates” the Moon and all traces of Neptunian life. The initiate is no longer ruled by the Mother of Forms or by the God of the Waters. When the “waters break and are carried away,” the Mother gives birth to the Son and that individual spiritual entity then stands free.”5
Hence in this full moon period, it is important to note that the esoteric ruler of Cancer is placed in the sign of Aquarius, where it also rules at the highest level. This may well encourage the possibility of a greater awareness of selfish mass consciousness riddled with fear – being able to shift to a more inclusive group consciousness based upon love. The Tibetan finishes,
“These two – the Moon and Neptune – are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body. The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.”6
And so we swim through the cosmos on our long journey back home to the heart (h). Our “aquatic vehicle” is used, appropriated and eventually transcended until there is “no more sea”:
“In the mystery of the sea and the secret of its occult “drying up” or absorption, will be revealed eventually the significance underlying:
a. The sex impulse, macrocosmically and microcosmically interpreted.
b. The cessation of desire.
c. The direction of fire to the throat centre instead of to the generative organs.
d. Pralaya and obscuration.
e. The meaning of the words “There shall be no more sea” found in the Christian Bible.
When meditating upon these thoughts, students will find it well to bear in mind the fact that Neptune is one of the major or synthesising planets, that it is an “absorbing” or “abstracting” planet, and that it is connected with the process whereby eventual perfection is demonstrated. The Son is made perfect, and the cosmic incarnation is brought to a close.
There is again a very close esoteric connection between the fact lying behind the Biblical words “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,” and the ordered lawful activity of the Great Mother [Cancer] as she performs her work of body-building under the impulse of desire.
… the Great Mother will be seen actively engaged, under the influence of desire, in the work of building, nourishing, and producing that warmth and moisture which make manifestation possible. The Mother is the greatest of the devas, and closely linked with the devas of the waters, for moisture of some kind or another is an essential to all life.”7
Phillip Lindsay © 2009.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.170. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.321. [↩]
- See The Hidden History of Humanity I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.321. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.900. [↩]