Capricorn 2015: Sirius. Makara. Sex. Neptune. Christ. USA.

From, First Fruits of Earth Offered to Saturn Christofano Gherardi
(See complete picture later in newsletter.)
“Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 5, 2015. 4.53 am GMT.)
Capricorn, the Path of Purification and Sirius
The Mystery of Makara and Sex
The Capricorn Christ and Neptune
2015: Pluto in Capricorn Activation of Sirius
USA 2015: Capricorn Full Moon Grand Cross
Capricorn, the Path of Purification and Sirius
As a sign that is connected with almost every initiation, Capricorn represents the summit of human achievement, the realisation of ambition, both spiritual and material. Yet, before the Path of Initiation can be trod, other steps which can span many lifetimes, must be taken.
Hence, Capricorn rules the early stages of the Path, where purification must be undergone to render fit the bodies or vehicles of reception. Bear in mind that Initiation is a process in which the entire planet is engaged, consciously or unconsciously. It’s a Sagittarius-Capricorn musical medley, reaching upward to the heavens, aspiring to scale the summit and acquiring the disciplines required for the journey. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is the discipline that eventually makes one a disciple.
Minor and major initiations lead to a deeper awareness of not only our planet’s inner mechanism, but also its place within the solar system, expanding eventually into a view of this solar system – the as yet unawakened heart centre of a Great Cosmic Being. Planet Earth has an unique role as “that sphere of suffering and pain” which, once transformed, raised and healed, will tip the balance in this solar system’s awakening.

This big picture view is very relevant to this discussion, as the reader will see. Esoterically, our solar system is regarded as the progeny of the star Sirius. Our solar system is the “puppy” of Canis Major, the Dog Star – from whence emanates the Greater Law of Karma. It is within this solar system that Saturn, the most well-known Lord of Karma, transmits the greater law, guiding evolution upon our tiny planet, along with three other un-named planetary Lords of Karma:
“The Lords of Karma on our system are under the rule of a greater Lord of Karma on Sirius. We are governed by the Sirian Lord of Karma.”1
Hence, Saturn as both exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn, has an important role in helping humanity align to the greater Plan and Purpose of Creation, as does Capricorn’s polar opposite Cancer:
“Cancer – Capricorn – Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius]. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”2
![]() |
/ | Cancer | \ | ![]() |
Sirius >>> | >>> | >>> Saturn | ||
\ | Capricorn | / |
Note the word “probation” – the aspirant upon the Path of Purification is “on probation”, reflected in earthly laws when an offender is “placed on probation”. Taking this analogy a little further, all of humanity are “offenders” (or “prisoners of the planet”), until they have learned to live under Solar Law, achieved by rejection of the involutionary lunar path and, through initiations into the Greater Mysteries.
Hence, Capricorn imparts its influences of mental discipline and Saturn is the ruler of the throat centre, seat of the mental body,
“In this particular world cycle it is Capricorn which is producing the moment of crisis—a crisis of initiation plus a crisis of destruction (related primarily to the mineral kingdom), paralleled by a crisis of mental perception, precipitated by Mercury. It is this mental perception plus world participation in the “crumbling of the mountain load of karma” which heralds the vision of the new day from the top of the mountain.”3
Just as the thyroid gland (associated with the throat chakra) is considered a “Master Gland” ruling over the body’s metabolism, so the mental body is the “master” of the lesser vehicles of the personality, the astral and etheric-physical bodies. Bear in mind also, that the seat of the soul is upon the higher sub-planes of the mental plane.

L: Thyroid Gland. R: Throat centre or Vishudda Chakra.
(Note the elephant in the throat centre, symbol of wisdom.)
Seven Chakras-Seven Endocrine Glands | ||||||
Crown Pineal |
Ajna Pituitary |
Throat Thyroid |
Heart Thymus |
S. Plexus Pancreas |
Sacral Gonads |
Base Adrenals |
Considering the passage above, “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past …”, is very reminiscent of Capricorn’s keynote, “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.” The aspirant, in setting out upon the Upward Way, imitates upon a lower turn of the evolutionary spiral, what s/he will eventually express on a higher turn of the spiral when, having achieved greater wisdom, light and alignment with spiritual will, denies the bliss of nirvana, turning back to assist the redemption of humanity.
Just as the “Great Sacrifice” (or Sanat Kumara) watches over human evolution from his post at Shamballa “… – until the last weary pilgrim returns home”, so each individual human soul within the body of the Planetary Logos, emulates this sacrifice, opening the final petals of the heart chakra, the “sacrifice petals”.
The seeker who now treads the Lighted Way, turns her back upon the past, that vast stretch of time that comprises most of the slumbering incarnations – before waking up to the reality of the soul. From this period onward, the aspirant starts to work off all the karma associated with those lives of relative ignorance, falling under the aegis of Saturn – who demands full payment for all debts!
“Capricorn connotes density, firm foundations, concretisation, the mountain of karma that holds down the struggling soul or the mountain of initiation which must eventually be climbed and surmounted. It signifies, therefore, the great force of liberation which both drives into experience and brings experience to an end, from the angle of humanity.”4
Further on in this passage, the aspirant finds, “his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.” What does it mean esoterically, “learns to feel”? Perhaps it means to “feel rightly” – with a less selfish motive than characterised all those previous lives.
But its primary meaning must be the main stage of unfoldment for any aspirant to The Mysteries – learning to control the body of feeling or emotion, the astral body – not allowing it to dictate and control one’s life. Right control is brought about through the aforementioned mental discipline, plus the unfolding of a loving heart.
Capricorn’s polar opposite Cancer, reflects this emotional sensitivity and needed control. Capricorn can be emotionally arid whilst Cancer is one of the most emotionally expressive signs. As a water sign ruled esoterically by Neptune, God of the Waters, Cancer affords a softer watery balance to Capricorn’s at times austere, rocky edges and Saturn’s stern gaze. Water wears away the stone!

Cancer-Capricorn synthesis. (Antelope Cave, Grand Canyon.)
Saturn abbreviated, Saturn = S’turn (stone), hence also Saturn’s stern reputation as the “Grim Reaper”, the harvester of cycles, Lord of Death. Solemn, serious (Sirius?) and impersonal are other descriptions of Saturn. “Grim” or “evil” are also terms that are a reminder of medieval astrological terminology – Saturn the “maleficent” – unenlightened descriptions of recalcitrant human reactions to Saturn’s application of the Law!
It is also notable that the star Sirius is placed in Cancer, in the Western “tropical” astrology system. Yet, both Cancer and Capricorn are gateways for direction of Sirian forces bearing the karmic imprint of the greater Law. These are just two signs, other zodiac signs also function as expressions for Sirian force but with different qualifications – Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. (Search
The Mystery of Makara and Sex
This interminable theme has been explored in several other newsletters and books.5 Capricorn hides the Mystery of Makara.6 Makara is depicted within the ancient Hindu symbol for the sacral or sex chakra – hence, the mystery of Makara is connected to the universal mystery of sex, but it is much more than this.

L: Female gonads. C: Sacral Centre with Makara in the Moon. R: Male gonads.
Desire arises in the solar plexus centre and is transmitted to the sacral centre where sexual arousal takes place. The mentally expressive throat centre is the higher correspondence to the sacral centre. In our long evolution, sacral pro-creation becomes throat creation.
In other words, the blind instinct of the animal brain is replaced by higher thought (soul), innovation and conscious direction. The materialisation of ideas results from circulation of forces from the throat to the sacral, back to the throat again.
During one life or spanning an entire lifetime, an individual may be polarised in one or other centre, in this instance, the sacral or throat. This can produce a cycle of sexual abstinence (monk in the monastery), higher creativity, complete indulgence in animal appetites or, material life in general. As with all polar opposites, choosing the middle way is the key.

Sacral centre moon.
Material expression is reflected by the six petals of the sacral centre. The numeral 6 represents the descent of spirit into matter, hence the triple 6 (666) – number of the “beast”, the three-fold personality. Note the crescent Moon in the sacral chakra depictions, symbolic of the form nature that is utilised to generate other forms.
The Moon rules Cancer the Mother, builder of the form nature, whether it is a new body built in the womb or generically Mother Nature. The Moon is in “detriment” in Capricorn because,
“… the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly … In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities.”7
The aeons-old tug of war between the lower instinctual urges and higher thought is the battle of the solar angel with the human personality. It is the resistance of the lunar elementals that compose the lower mental, astral and etheric-physical bodies, against the highly refined frequencies of the soul-ar angel. Hence, Saturn ruling the throat centre-mental body, eventually brings about discipline and control of the lunar nature.

Note the middle vertical arrow moving from the sacral to throat.
The Capricorn Christ and Neptune
The Mystery of Makara is connected to the lunar and solar angelic beings that constitute our lower and higher selves respectively. Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Cancer and “falls” in its opposite sign Capricorn:
“It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs … Neptune falls in Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.”8
Indeed, when the “Christ or soul life comes to full fruition”. From one angle, Makara depicted in the sacral centre is the Christ consciousness inherent in all matter – Makara and the Christ are one and the same. The Christ is an embodiment of Love – as transmitted from the source Sirius, to Varuna (Lord of the Cosmic Astral plane), to Neptune. The Christ is a symbol of the Capricorn initiate who has been “transfigured” and hence he is celebrated by most of Humanity at Christ-mass time,
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate …”9 … “Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator … the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune …”10 … “Capricorn … marks the point of concretion and of crystallisation which results eventually in the death of the form. This we see happening today. In His triumph over death and in His resurrection into life, Christ indicated the deep mystery of Capricorn.”11
2015: Pluto in Capricorn Activation of Sirius
Since late 2013, transiting Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing Sirius in Cancer, creating a potent activation of Sirian force. In the Western tropical zodiac, the star Sirius is placed at 13˚Cancer 27’. Pluto will continue to oppose Sirius for all of 2015, so what does this mean for the world? As Pluto is the destroyer and Sirius holds the blueprint for the Greater Plan, we can expect further destruction of all the impediments to the realisation of the Planetary Plan.
Pluto will continue to purge and purify in three main departments of human endeavour: politics, religion and business-finance; also in the arts and sciences, the environment and sustainability issues. Already we can see many advances in all areas, most notably of late, in the field of religion and the many radical reforms that Pope Francis has initiated within the Catholic Church. The exposure of further corruption and revealing of secrets will continue unabated with transiting Pluto’s advance through Capricorn.
Pope Francis Curia: “… a church hierarchy that had lost its humanity at times, a body consumed by narcissism and excessive activity, where men who are meant to serve God with optimism instead presented a hardened, sterile face to the world. The “terrorism of gossip”, which he said could “kill the reputation of our colleagues and brothers in cold blood”. He denounced the “pathology of power” that afflicts those who seek to enhance themselves above all else, and the “spiritual Alzheimer’s” that has made leaders of the Catholic church forget they are supposed to be joyful.” Pope Francis..the “spiritual Alzheimer’s” that has made leaders of the Catholic church forget they are supposed to be joyful.” |
Pluto rules the base chakra, seat of the kundalini power but also the abode of the Dweller of Humanity, the Dragon in the Deep, the Slumbering Smaug. Pluto also has an unique relationship to Capricorn through other factors:
First, Pluto is the ruler of the first ray of will or power and the first ray is one of the primary rays that pour through Capricorn. Hence, its recent and ongoing passage through Capricorn for the first time in 256 years, is enabling its “constructively destructive” power to continue laying waste to the rigidities of the passing Pisces Age, in preparation for the approaching Age of Aquarius. Pluto is also the soul ruler of Pisces, hence its great potential for destroying the duality of the two Pisces fishes, paving the way for an ultimate unity.
Capricorn itself is a sign of deep crystallisation,
“This concretising faculty of Capricorn … an earth sign … the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then “of the earth, earthy” … Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality … When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma.”12
Second, Pluto is a “mental” planet transiting through the “mental” sign of Capricorn, as discussed earlier: “Capricorn – crisis of destruction … paralleled by a crisis of mental perception”.

Compassion (Nicholas Roerich 1936). [Compassion in the rocky mountains of Capricorn.]
“… Pluto has always been revolving around our sun and producing its effects. It governs … the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”13
It has only been 85 years since Pluto came into human awareness when it was discovered in 1930, between the two world wars. Its effects since then have accelerated and revolutionised human thought, reflected by the incredible inventions and innovations in science and technology.
USA 2015: Capricorn Full Moon Grand Cross
Out of all the Western nations, Pluto’s effect will be decidedly pronounced in the United States of America because its Cancer Sun (1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope), is exactly conjunct Sirius. Therefore, Pluto is opposing USA’s Sun, breaking up resistances to change. (For recent and older commentaries on USA’s horoscope, click here.)
Also in the mix is Uranus in Aries, completing its seventh of seven squares to Pluto on March 17, 2015. The reverberations of these monumentally potent squares are a kind of Seven Stations of the Cross and will resound throughout all of 2015. Uranus has a particular affinity with the transmission of Sirian force,14 hence its square to Sirius-USA Sun will bring its liberating force to bear, to bring about alignment between the microcosm and the macrocosm.
The USA’s Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra has been getting a hard work-out lately, with issues of justice and militarisation of the police to the fore. Pluto’s ongoing activation of both the Sun and Saturn in 2015 will keep applying the pressure, with the opportunity to break the impasse regarding Law & Order, prison systems etc. – so undermined and abused for personal or corporate advantage.
The Capricorn full moon period for January 2015 will create a grand cross in USA’s chart, drawing many tensions together in preparation for the seventh hit of Uranus-Pluto in March.

USA inner wheel, full moon transits in outer wheel.
Note the north node of the Moon sitting on Saturn in Libra opposite the south node in Aries with Uranus. Then a close conjunction of Pluto-Sun in Capricorn opposite the Moon and USA natal Sun in Cancer.
The Pluto-Uranus transit to the USA Sun will also have a bearing on the 2016 elections; all the players for the election campaign will be positioning themselves during 2015. Overall, 2015 promises to be a very challenging year for many individuals, groups and nations.

The entire fresco, “First Fruits of the Earth offered to Saturn”
Cristofano Gherardi (Doceno), 1555-56.
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
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- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.570. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 435-6. [↩]
- For an in-depth analysis, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, by Phillip Lindsay here on Amazon. Check newsletters here and here. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.57. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.567. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. See also, “Liberation of the Nations: The Role of Sirius, Aquarius and Uranus”, in The Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]