Capricorn Aquarius 2006: Capricorn-Aquarius. Israel-Iran. Ahmadinejad. Groups.
“Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
Israel 2006
Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Spiritual Group Leaders, Aquarius and Saturn in Leo
Israel 2006
The recent departure of Ariel Sharon from the political scene could see much conflict unfold in Israel. Upcoming transits and progressions reflect these possibilities on the eve of Israel’s second Saturn return (mentioned in several recent newsletters).
The purpose of the Jewish people can be traced through their first ray soul and third ray personality via planetary rulers, Pluto and Saturn. Although their esoteric chart is technically Virgo rising with a Capricorn Sun, the planetary rulers of the soul and personality rays can be seen working out in the exoteric chart of the Israel nation, an entity that affords partial expression for the Jewish race.
Hence the transits of Pluto relate to soul purpose and the those of Saturn relate to personality integration and expression. When Sharon suffered a stroke recently, transiting Saturn was making its second pass over natal Moon in Leo1 (which rules the heart) and will make its final passage back across the Moon in June 2006.
The Moon relates to the dweller or shadow in any horoscope and in Israel’s case is the national leonine pride based upon its ancient “Lion of Judea” past. The Moon is conjunct Pluto and Saturn on the seventh house cusp giving a very potent control in all its relationships with other neighbouring nations. Note that the soul and personality planetary ray rulers are conjunct in the Israel chart. Sharon’s directed Moon in Leo is at the same degree as Israel’s Pluto, indicating at the end of his leadership if not his imminent physical death.
Hence Saturn as ruler of the third ray and Capricorn personality will be bringing up much of the past, particularly how Israel was founded in 1948, in a war with the Arabs. But it will also be very torrid internally as various factions position themselves in a bid for political power.
The Moon-Pluto conjunction is just as much about Israel’s internal struggles as it is externally with other nations. Moon and Pluto are two signatures of the dweller that lurks in any entity’s “underworld”. Saturn’s transit over these planets (pre-Saturn return), could easily bring out the worst behaviours related to the hydra of national pride and tyrannical use of power.
Another combination of Moon and Pluto is Israel’s progressed Moon in Virgo (7th house) being squared by transiting Pluto for the next few months. By mid-March 2006 (17-18) the progressed Moon will make an exact conjunction with progressed Mars, forming a grand cross with transiting Sun and Pluto on two arms whilst progressed Venus and Uranus occupy the fourth arm opposite Pluto. March 28 is the date for the Israel elections so no doubt the tension of this grand cross in the weeks prior will be keenly felt.
Other indicators of internal strife are the transit of Mars over Israel’s Sun (close to Sharon’s Moon) in Taurus in early February, perhaps this may indicate Sharon’s demise and ensuing conflict or civil unrest that may arise. Bear in mind that this latter state of affairs is almost “normal” in parts of Israel such as Gaza, or where suicide bombers strike; likewise with the nation that is divided over the building of the separating wall or the pull-out from previously occupied settlements.
The full moon during the 2006 Capricorn solar period fell upon Israel’s progressed midheaven, indicating emphasis on the governing of the nation, plus law and order. The Sun-Moon axis in Capricorn-Cancer falls near to the progressed Sun in Cancer (the homeland) and makes a T-square to directed Mars in Libra – in the eighth house. As directed Mars in Libra squares not only the Sun but also Venus in Capricorn, there is much tension around maintaining right relations internally – or to avoid the worst case scenario of collapse into anarchy.
The emphasis on Capricorn at this time certainly puts the spotlight upon the Capricorn personality of the Jewish race as a whole, particularly through Israel’s progressed midheaven. Capricorn is a sign of rulership, as is Israel’s Leo Moon, referring to self-rule in this case, as well as its autonomy and survival amongst Arab states.
Capricorn is the Law represented by Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments emblazoned upon the stone tablets; the living of earthly laws aligned with the Laws of God.
Saturn-Capricorn is also a judgement and weighing-up as to whether the Law has been transgressed, and these kind of issues come up around Saturn on Moon transits or Saturn returns. One case in point would be the widely perceived illegality of Israel’s reclamation of the land in Palestine based upon its ancient tenure in biblical times – as well as oft-criticised manipulations of UN mandates.
All these facts have been well documented in most western historical sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica. The big question is, can the state of Israel survive or will there be some radical event within or without that will see its dissipation?
Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iran is another player that could well take advantage of the current situation, particularly if there arises too much conflict within Israeli politics. The new leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been making statements in recent months about the illegitimacy of Israel, that it should not exist etc, as well as playing the cat and mouse game over nuclear development.
Ahmadinejad (28 Oct, 1956) has his political roots in the revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini which spawned Iran’s current horoscope (Feb 1, 1979. Tehran. 9:33), hence he has an axe to grind based upon the idealism of his revolutionary years. Iran’s Mars and Sun in Aquarius are in very close opposition aspect to Israel’s Moon and Pluto in Leo, making for a very difficult and antagonistic relationship. This will be probably triggered to its full extent when transiting Saturn passes back over these positions in June-July 2006. Transiting Saturn will also be squaring Iran’s Sun and may very well reflect international sanctions or military force that is used because of its lack of co-operation over nuclear weapons development.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad is an highly educated and extremely intelligent fiery Scorpio Sun, with a Leo Moon conjunct Pluto, giving him many attributes of power and potential ruthlessness. In the midday chart (birthtime unknown), his Moon in Leo sits closely on Israel’s troublesome Mars. His natal Pluto squares Saturn in Sagittarius making for a fanatical ideology that could be willing to resort to extreme measures.
Currently Ahmadinejad’s progressed Sun is in late Sagittarius, increasing no doubt his fervent idealism and the narrow tunnel-vision of the sixth ray of Idealism via Sagittarius. His Scorpio personality (Sun) is co-ruled by Pluto and this planet has been following his progressed Sun for the past year or so, making a second hit in mid-July 2006, going stationary-direct in September with a final hit in October.
The combination of these factors suggest that Ahmadinejad will certainly be meeting some major challenges in the way he uses power or has power used against him. In many ways his proud Leo Moon (which he shares with Israel), with its provocativeness toward the international community, is inviting disaster for himself and his country.
It is quite possible that his rising sign is Aquarius, which would have synastry with Iran’s Sun-Mars in Aquarius. To his credit, Ahmadinejad has good ideas for social improvement and regards himself as a man of the people, the son of a blacksmith – displaying the interesting symbolism of Vulcan, ruler of the first ray of will or power.
Another major challenge for Ahmadinejad is the transit of Saturn across Uranus in Leo, which opposes Chiron in Aquarius natally. This coincides with his Chiron return (at 50 years), hence transiting Chiron and Saturn are currently opposing each other across his Uranus-Chiron opposition. Chiron’s return finishes by the end of the year and should create a lot of tension in the pair of opposites which relate to his own unique personal expression and rebelliousness, versus the greater good of the whole, his nation. It will also put pressure upon him to co-operate with the greater international group. Aquarian’s are well noted for their ability to unite a nation. Even Hitler, with whom Ahmadinejad has been compared, had these qualities:
“Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history … It is because of this fact that you have the appearance of the dictators in different countries at this time [written in WWII], and it is because of this fact also that in this present cycle (the ante-chamber of the New Age) you have the pronounced attitude of these dictators – an attitude which is so often ignored but which has real racial value.
It is the attitude which leads to a synthesis of the national life, aims and intentions. A typical instance of this attitude is that of Hitler. No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.”2
Spiritual Group Leaders, Aquarius and Saturn in Leo
Whilst on the subject of power and the Leo-Aquarius axis, several of those who are leaders in the esoteric world community are having significant transits from Saturn over their natal planets. For those born in the early to late 1940″s, Pluto is the main generational planet that is being triggered and of course brings up the theme of the right use of power within their respective groups and world communities. Several of these leaders also have Saturn in Leo, hence are going through their second Saturn return.
Pluto is of course the ruler of the first ray of will-power, being more the “power” part of that equation; it rules (partially) over the “lesser burning ground” of the solar plexus centre where illusory, worldly personal power resides – and the raising of those forces to the higher centres. Pluto burns off the dross for each of us engaged within our divine alchemical process; he is Lord of the Underworld and reveals to us that which is hidden and unredeemed within the various parts of our psyche.
Saturn on the other hand is the Lord of Karma, the “planetary dweller on the threshold” and is also related to control and power. Hence its transit over Pluto can have several effects, a main one being the judicial use of power (Leo, Pluto) for the greater good. Yet the downside of Pluto-Saturn is like a “double dweller”, the completely selfish manipulation and abuse of power through old unconscious habit patterns, or struggling with those that are engaged in these kind of expressions. The other effect is of course the triggering and unfolding of karma and the various karmic linkings shared by these individuals.
Many communities and Aquarian-like groups go through these struggles for power or the sharing of power, but most are of a Piscean nature, that is, still steeped in the values, methods and associated glamours of the old age. DK comments on these groups:
“1. Those, few and far between, who are true Aquarians. These work under real difficulties, for their vision is beyond the grasp of the majority, and they meet often lack of understanding, frequent disappointment in their fellow workers, and much loneliness.
2. Those who are straight Pisceans. These work with much greater facility and find a more rapid response from those around them. Their work is more doctrinal, less inclusive and coloured by the spirit of separation. They include the mass of world workers in all the various departments of human thought and welfare.
3. Those Pisceans who are enough developed to respond to the Aquarian message, but who – as yet – cannot trust themselves to employ the real Aquarian methods of work and message.
For instance, they have in the political field, a sense of internationalism, but they cannot apply it when it comes to the understanding of others. They think they have a universal consciousness, but when it comes to a test, they discriminate and eliminate. They constitute a much smaller group than the true Pisceans and are doing good work and filling a much needed place.
The problem they present however to the Aquarian worker lies in the fact that though they respond to the ideal and regard themselves as of the new age, they are not truly so. They see a bit of the vision and have grasped the theory but cannot express it in action.”3
A particular example of spiritual “Piscean groups” is the “glamour of authority” imposed by some leaders on those less discriminating, where it is claimed by the leader that they have a particular spiritual status (advanced initiation), or have the “ear of the Master”. Many intelligent and well-meaning people get caught up in this paradigm and they retard their own progress as well as that of their students whilst immersed in this illusion.
This theme was touched upon in a recent newsletter and is mentioned again because it seems to be part of a general “house-cleaning” process that is going on in the world group. It seems to be particularly focusing upon the two main divisions of the New Group of World Servers, those who are “aspirants” and those who are “disciples”. Many “aspirants” regard themselves as pledged disciples upon the Path, yet demonstrate much selfish activity; they do not yet qualify as “accepted disciples” in the Master’s ashram; they are the “believers”, not the “knowers” of the latter group.
The world aspirant still has much glamour to overcome, particularly those of personal pride-intellect and astral polarisation, whilst the accepted disciple has worked through many of these impediments. The former group currently have the opportunity to raise their game and let go of these obstacles to their future advancement upon the Way.
Phillip Lindsay © 2006.
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