Scorpio 2012: Discipleship. Saturn in Scorpio. Japan. US Election.
“Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: October 30, 2012. 6.49 am AEDT)
Scorpio and the Path of Discipleship
Scorpio, Fear and the Desire for Power
Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn
Japan, Scorpio and Mount Fuji
USA Election 2012: Obama and Romney
Scorpio and the Path of Discipleship
In the Science of Esoteric Astrology the zodiac signs are, in the deepest sense of their occult meaning, great groups of living beings connected to the higher angelic realms. The most profound mysteries of the zodiac and its influence upon human evolution lies here. These groupings are called “creative hierarchies” – and they have their own path of evolution to tread – in parallel with human evolution. As they evolve so does humanity; as they influence humanity, humanity in response, influences them. This is one of the mysteries connected to duality and the arising of an eventual synthesis in future human evolution.
The process of interaction between these two realms of human and angelic is known as invocation and evocation, carried on mostly unconsciously in the earlier stages of human evolution. However, when the seeker reaches a more conscious awareness of these hitherto hidden realities, the process becomes an intentional, magical science of invocation and evocation.
It is said the Science of Invocation and Evocation will be one of the main esoteric sciences that will be developed in this approaching Aquarian cycle. This will parallel the amazing revolution in the exoteric sciences seen unfolding now, until the two streams are blended over the next two thousand years; the inner intuitional sciences and the outer more mentally oriented sciences – both complimentary to one another. This will heal a large schism that has existed for millenia.
It is through this kind of esoteric knowledge that those upon the Path will be able to participate far more meaningfully in the greater Purpose and Plan that exists in the heart of the Great Life that ensouls this beautiful planet.

Scorpio rules that creative hierarchy we call the “human hierarchy”, also known as “The Initiates” and the “Lords of Sacrifice”. Amongst these twelve Creative Hierarchies that lay behind the meaning of the zodiac signs, is our fourth “Human Hierarchy”, comprised of the “solar angels”, our souls.
These names veil ever deeper mysteries pertaining to the purpose of the human soul; our special dispensation and mission upon planet Earth, known uniquely amongst all the other planets in the solar system as that, “sphere of suffering and pain”. Hence the “Lords of Sacrifice” (our higher selves) have a mighty task of redeeming this planet through achieving their own liberation in this great cycle of the seventh manvantara.

(Artist: William Blake.)
Indeed, Scorpio is a sign of great “suffering and pain” because of its aforementioned unique esoteric pedigree – that compels it to be a sign of testing and initiation for humanity. Why is it painful? Because desire and temporal worldly power must be relinquished in this sign of death and transformation. Paradoxically however, Scorpio can get “stuck” by hanging onto the past, represented by the Moon which finds its “fall” in this sign:
“The Moon is here regarded as functioning in its true nature and, therefore, as expressing symbolically that which is dead. The Moon here stands for the personality and, in the final victory in Scorpio, the personality is entirely vanquished and defeated. Desire is killed, for it is through expressed desire of some kind that personality demonstrates life, quality, appearance. Ponder upon this, for in Scorpio the Moon falls and its influence fades out.”1
Essentially we are “solar angels” and bringing-in this solar force is the part that we play in the greater Purpose and Plan; and we are involved in an eternal struggle between the light of the soul and the darkness of lunar matter – the solar and lunar angels. The previous incarnation of this planet was the “Moon Chain” (of which our Moon is the remnant), whose evolution is said to be the source of our “unique suffering and pain”. (This is discussed more deeply in The Hidden History of Humanity series.2 )
In the ancient Hindu depictions of the chakras, the Moon is depicted ruling the sacral-sexual centre, the generator of new bodies for souls to incarnate. In Esoteric Astrology, Uranus rules this centre and Uranus is exalted in Scorpio, holding out the possibility of eventual triumph through mental control over matter by the world Hercules. Hence the Moon, the mother of the form, veils the energies of Uranus, the planet that helps us to reorient away from form to soul consciousness.

The Sacral Centre: Note the presence of Makara the Crocodile, the mystery of Capricorn, connected to the lunar and solar angels. The six petals represent the number of matter.
Mars is the ruler of Scorpio exoterically and esoterically, hence brings the internal kurukshetra or battle right to the door of initiation for the candidate. As ruler of the solar plexus centre, the seat of the astral body, Mars tests the desire nature in all its facets, particularly in the right use of sex, as symbolised by his glyph that resembles the upright phallus.
Pluto as co-ruler of Scorpio, creates the “burning ground” for the disciple on the path to initiation, this burning ground is created through “fire by friction” of the pairs of opposites – physically, emotionally and mentally. The conflict that arises between that which is sensed and new and that which is old and fixed, can create alot of maya and confusion. Scorpio is the sign of maya on the ordinary wheel of evolution before an individual awakens. Scorpio’s keynote for this stage is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.

Are you ready to lay waste the hordes of maya in yourself?
This is why Scorpio signifies the eighth labour of Hercules who battles the nine-headed hydra, the dragon in the swamp of Lernea, the place of the “fixed and foetid” waters of Scorpio – water being the symbol of the astral body, where major purifications of the desire nature take place. Each hydra head represents various attributes as described in other newsletters – sex, comfort, money – fear, hatred, desire for power – pride, separativeness, cruelty. Potential transformation is symbolised by the lotus that has its roots in the mud and yields its beautiful flower upon the surface – opening to the solar rays.
Scorpio’s rulers are all “non-sacred” planets – Moon, Mars and Pluto; these planets influence our lower form natures – mental, astral, physical – and create an awareness of what is not whole, in conflict or unintegrated, hence these planets are positive factors in the evolution of the aspirant who has awakened to soul life.
In those who have not yet awakened to that life, these planets work at their lowest common denominator of polarisation in the form nature, lust for sex and money, aggression and worldly power; these are all issues for those upon the Path as well, in increasingly subtle forms of testing, depending upon what stage one is at. It is said that no disciple or initiate discovers the real mystery of sex until the Fourth Initiation, the great Renunciation. Esoteric education and history however, increase our understanding of these future goals based upon what we know about our ancient past.
Scorpio, Fear and the Desire for Power
One of the “heads” of the nine-headed dragon is fear; it is generated from the astral body and is a primordial force that drives the majority of humanity; it is the source of some of the most crippling limitations that humanity labours under; it is a grim dread that lurks in the belly, that senses an existential unknown that it is frightening and daunting; it manifests in obsessive thoughts (mind coloured by the emotions: kama-manas) and its most extreme expressions are panic attacks or paranoia.
Its remedy of course is the cultivation of courage – derived from the Leo arm of the fixed cross, of which Scorpio is part. Leo the lion-heart is connected to love-wisdom, the true source of courage. Hence fear in the belly/solar plexus is eventually raised into the fiery courage of the heart centre. This can be achieved through constant visualisation in meditation, affirmations and a refusal to allow the incubus of fear to penetrate one’s life.
Power: Scorpio types have a deep understanding of power, particularly as it exists upon the astral plane. The “desire for power” is another of the nine heads of the dragon – part of that trio that apply to the astral plane specifically. Hence some Scorpio types, particularly Sun, Moon, Mars or Venus in this sign, are skilled at controlling others upon the astral plane – “taking hostage” if you will.
In this instance, the Scorpio type does not understand, or wilfully ignores a sense of boundaries with others, and seeks to “embed” themself in the consciousness of others, thereby subtly controlling without the awareness of the “controller”.

From the Harry Potter movie – Lord Voldemort throwing a hissy fit!
There are “control freaks” in all the zodiac signs in various diverse expressions, but some Scorpio types can be the most insidiously selfish. This applies not only to those “unawakened” souls but most definitely to those who are quite advanced, but still suffer from these ancient Atlantean tendencies which essentially amount to black magic.
It is essentially the misuse of power through the ancient desire for power, working at conscious and unconscious levels. A person who exercises this function in modern “new age” circles can be very charismatic and seductive, yet a predator nonetheless – so aspirants beware! Ask yourself how free are you from these kind of influences?
However, Scorpio is a sign of incredible perseverence and tenacity, and whether you have planets in Scorpio or not, everyone is able to invoke its energies annually when the Sun passes through this sign. The full moon meditations are designed to engender an awareness of each sign and how they can be drawn into consciousness.
Hence, each year Scorpio affords the opportunity to transform our most profound inadequacies and fear into strength and self-mastery. This is why Scorpio is one of the prime signs related to discipleship and initiation:
“Hence the necessary emphasis ever laid upon meditation when the aspirant awakens to spiritual opportunity. The strength which comes through conflict and constant struggle builds up steadily that reserve of strength and power which enables the aspirant to take the final tests of discipleship in Scorpio …”3

On the Heights, Tumo.
(Artist: Nicholas Roerich, 1936.)
Saturn in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn
As energies can be invoked annually when the Sun passes through any sign, so they can be accessed when Saturn passes through on its 28-30 year cycle; Saturn has just entered Scorpio and will be transiting through it until September 2015.
Saturn has been transiting through the sign of its exaltation, Libra, for the past two and a half years. The decisions that were made during that time will now be applied, consolidated and tested during Saturn’s transit through Scorpio. Both Libra and Scorpio are signs related to the “reversal of the wheel”, when a person awakens to the true Self and starts to tread the Way despite the resistances of family, friends or culture who have not reached that point.
Hence Saturn’s transit through this sign can be extremely testing, challenging and downright difficult. Saturn is sometimes called the “dweller” because as the Lord of Karma, he tests humanity continually in their degree of developed solar consciousness; on how much we have stayed immersed in lunar consciousness and how much we have freed ourselves from it.
Saturn’s influence in Scorpio will encourage a letting go, the cultivation of a deeper intimacy and right sexual relation, a greater maturity of emotional expression, personal responsibility, opportunities for handling major crises, triumph over crippling addictions in whatever form they take, the responsible use of power and a deep penetration into the world of the unseen.
Saturn is a mental energy, Scorpio is probably the most intense emotional energy out of the three water signs that include Pisces and Cancer. (A reminder that Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the astral body and that Scorpio rules over the second degree initiation.)
Hence the opportunity that Saturn affords is to bring the unruly astral body under control through mental discipline. Yet because Saturn is a sacred planet that seeks to fuse and blend, Mars as a non-sacred planet has the tendency to revolt and rebel, creating resistance, frustration, friction, unsatiated desires and its own “burning ground”. One has to truly submit oneself to the flames, draw upon the will and make a stand in that fire.

Saturn the Reaper, Lord of Karma, Time and Death.
Saturn in Scorpio may bring up the contents of Pluto’s underworld, sometimes expressing itself in the consciousness as “astral-babble”; this can become obsessive to the point of delirium; Neptune is also currently transiting through Pisces, creating a tendency to exaggerate the sensitivity of the feeling-mystical nature.
Hence with Saturn’s transit through Scorpio, feelings of isolation and loneliness might loom large at times, a sense of how ruthless or cruel life can be, yet they are all grist for the mill. The fogs of illusion that might be clouding vision at this time will eventually be penetrated by the searchlight of the soul. Saturn can be a confronting transit, especially if you have planets in fixed signs that will be activated by Saturn; yet the opportunity is broad for a big leap forward!
Pluto in Capricorn. Strengthening and complimenting Saturn’s transit through Scorpio is Pluto’s transit through Capricorn. The planets are in “mutual reception” – one planet is in the sign that the other planet rules and vice-versa. This is a relatively rare event and creates a very powerful opportunity for maximum expression of the respective planets in both signs.
The last time that both of these planets were together, was in 1983 when Pluto made its first ingress into Scorpio in 250 years. The ingress horoscope is amazing because it coincided with Saturn, Sun, Mercury and the Moon all in Scorpio! Five planets in Scorpio with Saturn and Pluto closely conjunct. In many ways, this horoscope sets the tone for the next 250 year cycle which is appropriate for this Scorpio “human hierarchy” that is moving toward a golden age of enlightenment.
One of the first planetary events that occurred during this period was the recognition of AIDS, arising through the Universal Law’s response to the abuse of sex – primarily in the homosexual community of the time, now spread to the heterosexual community. AIDS is linked to the syphilitic miasm, the most ancient disease on the planet; it started in Lemurian times through the misuse of sex amongst infant humanity.
Scorpio and Capricorn are both signs of initiation, hence their mutual reception for this period until 2015, will provide a “blaze of glory” for the last part of the “square-dance” between transiting Uranus and Pluto. Saturn’s position in Scorpio will greatly accelerate change, will reveal more of the hidden and will bring to justice those who have flouted both the spiritual and earthly laws. Saturn in Scorpio will be relentless and ruthless in bringing out the truth.
As Saturn in Scorpio is connected to money as power, the world economy stands to receive a long-overdue overhaul, through some monetary systems crashing, through more revelations of corruption in high places and a fairer working out of the distribution of resources. Pluto has already been exorcising these demons during its passage through Capricorn, but Saturn now provides the opportunity for the world to be forced into an ultimatum and crisis – that will spur it toward a better way to do business and to work with this prana we call money. Saturn’s passage through Libra – a sign of money – has prepared us for this, and Saturn in Scorpio will apply the decisions made in Libra.
Japan, Scorpio and Mount Fuji
Japan is a Scorpio soul and a Capricorn personality4 , hence this current mutual reception of transiting Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, will have a marked effect upon this ancient nation.
The Scorpio soul energy can be seen in many facets of Japanese culture, in its purer or more distorted forms. The great discipline and perseverence required in Zen Buddhism may well be a reflection of Scorpio the disciple (discipline) for initiation. Getting cracked over the back with a bamboo staff by your meditation teacher (for looking the wrong way!), might also be reflective of that strict discipline and unique fourth ray approach!
The various Mars-ial arts are another obvious expression of the self discipline and tenacity to train the physical body for strength and endurance. The Samurai warrior of Japan is legendary, their very Scorpionic act of Hara Kiri, falling on your sword! The Japanese were not known to spare the sword in World War II and stories of their ruthlessness, torture and cruelty abound; these are very specific expressions of distorted Scorpio energy, but more-so the Mars-ruled sixth ray that is the personality ray of this nation.
Likewise other facets include the kind of sado-masochistic games that are the fodder for Japanese television shows, or the ancient culture and arts of tatooing – being “indelibly stamped” is very Scorpio; its painful, a needle (ruled by Mars) inflicts the pain, but yields the “gain” of physical adornment.

Yet all these examples do no real justice to Japan – an extremely refined culture, even with its gross Capricornian crystallisations and perhaps losing some of its great traditions. Japan is a fourth ray soul and Scorpio brings through the fourth ray (which is also the ray of humanity), hence provides a great conduit for the expression of beauty and art, through harmony and conflict.
It is also important to note that Tokyo is one of the five major planetary inlets whereby spiritual forces are distributed throughout the world at the time of the full moon. Just as the Japanese nation is a sixth ray personality, so Tokyo is a sixth ray soul – a very interesting combination of forces, especially when we consider that the sixth ray is on the way “out of incarnation”, as the seventh ray gains strength in its cycle. Tokyo is also a fourth ray personality but is also said to have the first ray of will-power pouring through it. Another factor of note is that in the future, one of the fourteen planetary esoteric schools will be in Japan.
The Scorpio-Capricorn combination has certainly made Japan a dominant world innovator and manufacturer that it is today. It has been said that,
“Japan was not aggressive until the country learned the trick from the West. Before her doors were forced, her arts and philosophy were in tune with oriental tradition. When she adopted Western technology, she threw overboard her ancient culture.”5
Since the Japanese tsunami of 2011 (see newsletter here), the nation has been thrown into disarray with nuclear plants leaking radiation, manufacturing slowing down, displaced tsunami survivors and so forth. Much of the population are re-evaluating their lives and what they really value. Capricorn is one of the signs that suffers from crystallisation and their Capricorn personality is experiencing a break-up of many old patterns – “assisted” somewhat by natural disasters. This kind of scenario will probably apply to other nations who do not bring changes that are needed. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio, the soul of the nation, may bring more hardship and karmic debts to pay, yet the opportunity for new ideas to arise that will refresh and recharge the nation.
The next tsunami is said to be not a matter of if, but when. Yet there is another problem that is starting to rumble – the imminent eruption of Mount Fuji. The last eruption was December 16, 1707, spreading cinders and ash far and wide; it followed a deadly earthquake in Osaka a few weeks before. However, since the tsunami of 2011,
“Experts have found that the internal pressure of the Mt. Fuji Lava Chamber has increased to 1.6 megapascals. Eruptive pressure for this chamber is 0.1 megapascals, placing Mt. Fuji in an imminent eruptive state. Additional indicators include steam and gas emitting from the crater, hot natural gas and water being in the area, and a recently discovered 21 mile long fault beneath Fuji.”6
Consulting the exoteric horoscope for Japan, we find curiously that it is a Taurus Sun with Mars opposite in Scorpio and Capricorn rising!

Of considerable note is Japan’s Moon in late Gemini, a factor that is prominent in earthquake-prone zones, lying opposite its ascendant in Capricorn.
Very soon transiting Saturn makes its first exact opposition to the Sun in Taurus – December 16, 2012, a few days before the infamous Mayan calendar date and 300 years to the day since the last eruption.

Phoenix rising “from the ashes of its slain self”. (Artist: Kirk Nelson.)
Then transiting Saturn will oppose Japan’s Sun in Taurus – on and off until September 2013. During that same period, transiting Pluto in Capricorn will oppose Japan’s Uranus – both Pluto and Uranus are associated with seismic and volcanic activity. Hence this combination during the next nine-month period is bound to give the nation a major shake-up – physically and perhaps as a result, economically. If this occurs, it will contribute to the instability of the entire world economy that is very inter-dependent with Japan and perhaps be a catalyst for financial transformation that is so badly needed.
During this period also, there is an amazing line-up with that “unstable earthquake factor”, Japan’s Gemini Moon – with solar arc Jupiter, transiting Jupiter and transiting Sun on June 19, 2013.
USA Election 2012: Obama and Romney
This Scorpio full moon period precedes the US election by a week, where a choice will be made between Obama and Romney. The US elections are always in Scorpio so it is a perennial battle, sometimes very bitter and vitriolic in true Scorpio style! An analysis of the charts will not be made here, but it is noteworthy that planets in the fixed cross of both candidates will be triggered by the full moon.
Interesting also, is that Obama’s midheaven (his career, work, dharma), is in late Scorpio, with Romney’s Moon-Jupiter sitting very close to Obama’s midheaven degree. Is Romney one of these charismatic-seductive Scorpios mentioned earlier? Both men have fascinating life histories. And if the Democrats win, will we see a new or different Obama start to implement policies that are closer to his heart, that he may have been too constrained to exercise previously?
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.224. [
- See also A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p. 416. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.342. [
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.vii. [
- Wikipedia. [