Gemini 2012: Venus Eclipse. Mayan Cycles. Patrick White. Tsunamis.

Artist: Johfra.
” I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”
Full Moon – Partial Lunar Eclipse. June 4, 2012. 9.11 pm (AEST).
World Invocation Day

L : Transit of Venus: June 6, 2012. R : Bird flies in with Venus on last eclipse.
“The entire event will be widely visible from the western Pacific, eastern Asia, and eastern Australia. Most of North and Central America, and northern South America will witness the beginning of the transit (on June 5) but the Sun will set before the event ends. Similarly, observers in Europe, western and central Asia, eastern Africa, and western Australia will see the end of the event since the transit will already be in progress at sunrise from those locations.” (Fred Espenak.) |
Transit of Venus in the Gemini Full Moon Period
Venus: Timing for the Piscean Aquarian Cuspal Period
World Crisis and Opportunity
Mayan Cycles, the Kali Yuga and the Great Year
Gemini, the Sign of Right Relationships
Communications Technology: Have We Become Over-Connected?
Patrick White: Nobel Laureate for Literature 1973
Japan, Nuclear Fallout and Future Earthquakes
Transit of Venus in the Gemini Full Moon Period
As Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini, its transit of the Sun (or eclipse) during the Gemini full moon period, is most potent. The transit of Venus occurs on June 6, 2012, two days after the exact time of the Gemini full moon of June 4, hence it is energetically well within the full moon period.
Gemini is the third festival of the spiritual new year that commenced in Aries, the three festivals setting the tone for the rest of the year: What was impulsed in Aries, is consolidated upon in Taurus and becomes disseminated in Gemini.
The energies at the Taurus Wesak festival were reported by many to be very powerful, people felt they had been “hammered” (in true Vulcan style) and were “knocked out” for about a week. If this is anything to go by, then Gemini will continue that trend as it distributes these forces out into the world.
Venus is the factor that brings about harmony for the warring twins of Gemini, reconciling the pairs of opposites – upon the mental plane particularly. Venus has been prominent in the past couple of months with its retrograde transit through Gemini – a bit like Mercury retrograde!
Retrograde periods are always good opportunities to go over themes corresponding to that sign – in this case Gemini: communications and relationships – allowing a release from the previous cycle and engagement in the next one. This is a never-ending spirallic, creative growth process that moves within the greater cosmos.

L: “Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa”, a cuneiform clay tablet of astrological forecasts from the Neo-Assyrian period. R: Crop circle pentagram.
Venus: Timing for the Piscean Aquarian Cuspal Period
The fifth ray of science is the only one that passes through Aquarius and its ruler is Venus. The Venus transit of the Sun on June 5-6, 2012, is important because it is the fourth of a series of five pairs of eclipses – that finish precisely on the astronomical ingress of the Sun into Aquarius in 2117.1
These five pairs of eclipses occur over 494 years in regular pairings. Since the European Renaissance, the Piscean era has been winding down and the Aquarian cycle has been gaining strength. Therefore it is appropriate to note that this transition period, traditionally 500 years for a 2,160 year zodiac cycle, is marked by these five major conjunctions:
1st passage: 1631 & 1639 (End of the cycle of the Sixth Ray of Idealism.)
2nd passage: 1761 & 1769 (Ferment leading up to US independence 1775.)
3rd passage: 1874 & 1882 (Blavatsky publishes Isis Unveiled)
4th passage: 2004 & 2012 (Rapid acceleration of internet.)2
5th passage: 2117 & 2125 (Astronomical ingress into Aquarius 2117.)

Venus Dates. (Courtesy of Nick Anthony Fiorenza.)
The reader will note that the period of 494 years is close to the 500 years, which is a second ray cycle. Of course Venus as the goddess of love is connected to the second ray of love-wisdom; the fifth ray which Venus rules has a special relationship to the second ray. (See newsletter for Taurus.)
As stated in the Taurus newsletter, the recent May 20 eclipse was an important date that some Mayan scholars claim is the “real” date for Mayan predictions in 2012, not December 21; for the beginning of the return of Quetzalcoatl or The Christ. Well it’s all academic in one sense, we are certainly well within this momentous time in history.
As Gemini is known as the Festival of the Christ (Also the Festival of Goodwill, the Festival of Humanity), perhaps this process will really accelerate in earnest now, especially as Gemini is noted for distribution and dissemination. Gemini is connected to the Cosmic Christ and the Gemini pillars are a gateway to the forces of Sirius and the second ray of Love-Wisdom:
“This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance … “Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field of the Seven Fathers [Great Bear] and the other planted in the field of the Seven Mothers [Pleaides]…”3

Cosmic Christ.
(Artist: Alex Grey.)
World Crisis and Opportunity
Now is the time of the “forerunner” – between 2012 and 2025.
2012 is the midpoint year between the fifth Shamballa Impact in the year 2,000,4 whilst the imminent return of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (“The Hierarchy”) – is forecast for 2025. This latter date is also the start of a new cycle of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the major conditioning ray of Humanity.
Deepening crises and conflicts in all areas of human endeavour are connected to Lord Maitreya’s “great approach”, because of the imposition (note that term) of a much higher frequency (Hierarchy) upon a lower frequency (Humanity). Humanity is not aligned to the perfect laws it has been given in many ancient traditions, hence Quetzalcoatl or Maitreya returns to restore the law.
Although there are great creative paradigms emerging for the coming Sixth Rootrace, the fact remains that the karmic force of the Kali Yuga cycle in this Fifth Rootrace weighs heavily upon Humanity. Hindu tradition speaks of the Kalki Avatar or Maitreya coming at the end of the age,
“Whenever there is decay of righteousness … and there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I, Myself come forth … for the destruction of evil-doers for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness. I am born from age to age.”5
Technically the end of the Kali Age has another 427,000 years to go – when the greater Avatar will appear. The first phase of the Kali Yuga which started in

Alpha and Omega.
3,102 BC has just finished and certainly warrants the appearance of the lesser Avatar to “make a few adjustments”.
Mayan Cycles, the Kali Yuga and the Great Year
This Hindu Kali cycle started in 3,102 BC and is just a few years from the Mayan Cycle that started in 3,114 BC. The Mayans divided the zodiac precession cycle of approximately 26,000 years into five cycles of 5,125 years. The Earth is now in the fifth and final cycle, completing one “Great Year” of 26,000 years, with another about to begin. Hence December 21, 2012 is the pivotal date between these two great cycles, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
The new 26,000 year cycle is conditioned by Aquarius, resulting in a rare coincidence with the lesser 2,160 year cycle of Aquarius – said by The Tibetan to be,
“… a most amazing period in the history of humanity … It is a cycle also wherein, for the first time, the three major planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity – are in direct and unimpeded relation, for today the alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in planetary history.”6

The Three Planetary Centres.
Within the 5,125 year cycle are 13 smaller cycles, known as the “13 Baktun Count” – each 394 years duration. The last or 13th of these cycles that runs from 1618 to 2012 AD, is now completing. (Note 1618 is close to 1631, the start of the “cuspal cycle” for Aquarius.)
The Mayans refer to this last cycle as “the triumph of materialism” and forecast that the final baktun would be a time of collective amnesia where Humanity lose their connection to nature – because of arrogance and greed. Indeed the crassness and profanity of “modern” society seems to be increasing daily, where triviality and superficiality are worshipped, where the homogenising and corporate packaging of culture creates blandness, indifference and a passivity that enables mass hypnosis and manipulation. Yet increasingly, resistances to these trends are popping up everywhere, giving us hope and inspiration – they are just not that well advertised!
Culminating these cycles of 394, 5,125 and 26,000 years, are the paired Venus cycles of 2004 and 2012, noted above. This pairing of Venus-Earth conjunctions over a period of 8 years, completes a five-pointed star in the heavens:
“Because the Earth moves 584 Earth days, before the two planets align [Venus and Earth], each alignment occurs about 215.6° further than the previous one (about seven astrological signs apart). As this process continues, five unique Venus-Earth locations are created in the ecliptic. The result is a pentagonal synodic series that takes about eight years and which consists of five synodic cycles (shown below). This near perfect pattern occurs because five cycles occur in an even number of Earth years – almost.”7

The Five Venus-Earth Alignments 2004-2012.
Gemini, the Sign of Right Relationship
In exoteric astrology, air sign Libra is generally regarded as the sign of relationships, and Venus its ruler as the planet of relationships; this is true and particularly for close personal and intimate relations.
However, in esoteric astrology, the two other air signs of Gemini and Aquarius are regarded as “signs of relationships”. Aquarius, because it is in this coming age that the Science of Relationships will be developed. Note that “science” word, in keeping with the theme of Aquarius and Uranus!
Uranus is exoteric ruler of Aquarius but the soul ruler of Libra, encouraging a greater detachment in personal relationships that equips the individual for more impersonal group relationships. (Hmmm, can we be truly impersonal in our group relations? Easier said than done!)
Gemini governs relationships in general, why? Because the foundation of all relationships is communication and Mercury-ruled Gemini is ably equipped. The Gemini twins converse and find common ground, this is the nature of the common or mutable cross that Gemini inhabits. Hence, where Venus rules Libra exoterically, it rules Gemini esoterically.
Writing about 60 years ago, Djwhal Khul made some lengthy comments on the terrible state of human relationships at that time. When reading the following passage, one might ask oneself, how much has changed?
“The phrase “right human relations” is one that is today being much discussed; it is being increasingly realised that it is a major human need, and the only hope of a peaceful and secure future. Wrong human relations have reached such a stage of difficulty that every phase of human life is in a state of chaotic turmoil; every aspect of daily living is involved – family life, communal living, business relations, religious and political contacts, governmental action and the habitual life of all peoples, including the entire field of international relations.

Adam and Eve, the original relationship. (Artist: Antonio Molinari 1701-1704.)
… Nowhere is there peace today or understanding; only a small minority in relation to the Earth’s population is struggling for those conditions which will lead to peaceful and happy relationships.”8
Although a small portion of humanity have certainly bettered their communication and relationship skills, that achievement seems to be dwarfed by the dysfunctional ogre of bad relationships.
Commentators on US politics have noted a distinct lowering of the tone in public discourse; it is currently an ugly issue in Australian politics, where the level of vitriol is unprecedented. If the representatives of the people are prepared to lower their standards, they probably feel that they have been given “permission” to do so, because of the prevailing culture and media that supports it – or, does not condemn it. The Tibetan continues,
“The strength of this fighting minority, struggling for peace and right relations, consists in the fact that the work they are attempting to do is in line with divine intention and purpose. Into this chaos of conflicting, competitive and fighting interests, Christ plans to reappear. I would ask you to contemplate the very real horror of what He has to face, and the necessity for some measure of order to be brought about in the world, for certain basic principles to be enunciated and partially, at least, accepted, before He can usefully work amongst men.
If He were to come immediately, His voice would not be heard, for the noise of men’s quarrelling is too great; if He sought to attract human attention, even through the prophesied sound of the trumpet (Matt. XXIV.31), He would be classed simply as one who advertised himself; if He preached and taught, He would attract primarily those who think naturally in unison with His message, or the gullible and the credulous would flock to Him, as they do to all new teachers – no matter what they teach. …”9
A tall order indeed, the “very real horror” conjures up an image of an ordinary human jumping into a dusty, smelly crowded corral of baying cattle – lots of dirt and muck! Maitreya would be “damned if he did, damned if he didn’t”. Humanity is now too “clever” for its own good. How then would He proceed to get Humanity’s attention?
“When He came before He said (and the words have been sadly misread): “I come not to bring peace but a sword” (Matt. X.34). This will be true especially during the early days of His advent. The sword which He wields is the sword of the Spirit; it is that sword which produces cleavage between a true spirituality and an habitual materialism.
The major effect of His appearance will surely be to demonstrate in every land the effects of a spirit of inclusiveness – an inclusiveness which will be channeled or expressed through Him. All who seek right human relations will be gathered automatically to Him … those who embody the spirit of exclusiveness and separativeness will stand automatically and equally revealed and all men will know them for what they are. The cleaving sword of the spirit will – without wounding – bring revelation and indicate the first needed step towards human regeneration.”10

The sword is ever the symbol of the first ray of Will or Power. It is this energy that The Christ will wield when He returns, perhaps not so much the Love-Wisdom that he demonstrated as the Avatar of the Piscean Age; maybe there is more bitter medicine to prescribe for Humanity?
The Shamballa force is increasingly impacting Humanity, because (as mentioned earlier), “for the first time, the three major planetary centres – Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity – [the planetary head, heart and throat chakras], are in direct and unimpeded relation, for today the alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in planetary history.” DK continues his inspiring commentary,
“… the consequent outpouring potency of the Christ will be so great that the distinction between love and hate, between aggression and freedom, and between greed and sharing will be made lucidly clear to the eyes and minds of all men and, therefore, the distinction between good and evil will be made equally clear.”11
World Invocation Day is at this Gemini Full Moon period on June 4, 2012. It is a great opportunity to raise awareness about how the combined power of thousands of meditators sounding the Great Invocation can create an invocative effect that brings in the regenerating, reforming and restorative forces of the One Law.
Communications Technology: Have We Become Over-Connected?
With time speeding up and instant gratification the norm, we have been forced into a false sense of urgency and immediacy. This is the illusion of “tick tock time” – as comprehended by the concrete mind, as opposed to the timelessness of the inner meditative experience.

Thou shalt text mightily and frequently, and worship only the Apple god!
Thou shalt beget many other followers on Twitter!
I do jest of course, recognising that some of you do read these newsletters on PED’s, do astrological calculations, banking and a whole host of chores that used to be done on the laptop!
However, are social networking sites like Facebook such a good thing? A recent article, “Facebook Threatens to Zuck Up the Human Race”12 says,
“Sherry Turkle, Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tells us there’s a “shift” from an analog world in which our identities are generated from within, to a digital world in which our sense of self is intimately tied to our social media presence.
But this shift to a Facebook world of incessant “friending,” Professor Turkle correctly warns us, is a “seductive fantasy” which is weakening us both as individuals and as a society. The problem, she explains, is that a “capacity for solitude is what nurtures great relationships.” But in today’s always-on social media world, our solitude has been replaced by incessant online updates, which both weaken our sense of self and our ability to create genuine friendships.
I call this shift from the private to the public self “digital narcissism.” Behind the communitarian veil of social media, we have fallen in love with ourselves. But this is a super sad love story. Because the more we self-broadcast, the emptier we become; and the emptier we become, the more we need to self-broadcast.”13
Hence the population at large is becoming slightly ADDled (ADD=attention deficit disorder). There are many people who cannot hold a conversation without checking their messages while you are talking to them – HALLO, do I have your attention??? Are you checking your emails while I am talking to you!! The cheek! Couples sit in cafes opposite one another – texting each other, or someone else …the list goes on and on… is real communication happening here?
Of course all media, social or otherwise, is OK depending upon how its used. The above examples are very much the lower end of Gemini – that incessantly and obsessively connects, but does not really engage very deeply – the superficiality of Gemini at the personality level. The world is yet to move from the blah blah blah of lower Gemini to the utter simplicity of silence – in Sagittarius, its polar opposite.

The busyness business of the world’s lower mind is completely anathema to that which Humanity most needs – stillness, reflection, contemplation – a chance to link with the soul, to paddle your canoe over the still waters…
“It’s time to wake up to the truth about social media. Networks like Facebook have turned us into products in which their only economic value is our personal data. Like any other addiction, we need recognize its destructive reality. Facebook is free because it sells our most intimate data to advertisers.”14
An interesting point to consider is that the internet is like the externalisation of the etheric body of Humanity. Gemini has a close connection to the etheric body – as a medium between the soul and body. The internet revolution has spawned the latest industry – data gathering. For better or worse (as this has major ramifications in how people are manipulated), it is revealing everything about everybody, perhaps a crude reminder of the prediction that in the not too distant future, there will be no secrets because everyone will have psychic vision:
“…the Christ, when He spoke of the time when nothing secret would remain hidden and when all secrets would be shouted aloud from the housetops. The growth of telepathic registration and of the psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience will eventually tend to strip humanity of the privacy in which to sin [sin = to transgress the perfect laws].
… People will sin, commit evil deeds and satisfy inordinate desire, but they will be known to their fellowmen and nothing that they do will be carried out in secret. Some one or some group will be aware of the tendencies in the life of a man, and even of the incidents in which he satisfies some demand of his lower nature, and the fact of this possibility will act as a great deterrent – a far greater deterrent than you can imagine.”15
Hmmm! Of course this is going on already at a much lower level and with entirely selfish motives of power and an unhealthy curiosity, humanity spying on one another in unprecedented numbers, via the internet and all the other electronic devices that you see in those airline catalogues! Everything is tracked not just by government, big business or data collectors, but by individuals; cameras and cams everywhere – without the public’s permission. One may have nothing to hide, yet there are certain rights that we all have.
Patrick White: Nobel Laureate for Literature 1973
This brief sketch is just that, nothing exhaustive to really do the subject justice, but enough to convey the gist of this fascinating soul. Recently Australians celebrated the 100th anniversary of one of the world’s great writers. Patrick White was a Gemini Sun, a good position for a worker in words – especially with the Sun in opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius.
His time of birth is given as 11 am, yielding early Virgo rising, another Mercury-ruled sign that gives the gift of crafting words, the true “wordsmith”. (Note the Vulcan word “smith”.) White was also known as an extremely painstaking and meticulous writer, another Virgoan trait.
However, there might be an argument for late Leo rising: “He loved the theatre, which he first visited at an early age. This love was expressed at home when he performed private rites in the garden and danced for his mother’s friends.”16

Patrick White (28 May 1912 – 1990).
“Patrick White was an Australian author who is widely regarded as one of the most important English-language novelists of the 20th century. From 1935 until his death, he published 12 novels, two short-story collections and eight plays.
White’s fiction employs humour, florid prose, shifting narrative vantage points and a stream of consciousness technique. His writing tackles existential questions as well as myriad human flaws, weaknesses and hypocrisies, and it is full of fresh and original metaphor. In 1973, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the only Australian to have been awarded the prize.”17
White went to Cambridge University and it was there that he had his first romantic affair with another man, something that in the 1930’s could have had disastrous consequences. White said later that he always felt equally man and woman, something that Virgo is noted for – a certain androgyny.
Although Virgo is a “feminine” sign perhaps the androgyny applies more to those in male bodies. This author knows a multiple Virgo male who “walked on the wild side” for ten years as a “she” before changing back again. Virgo the Virgin can also be “asexual” – i.e. lacking sexual interest or involvement; or the celibate nun/priest archetype.
Interesting to note also, that White’s parents tried to steer him away from the arts, so that White worked as a Jackaroo (cowboy) on an Australian property for two years, a very macho occupation and for which he said he was not cut out for.
White had the Moon in Scorpio – opposite his Mercury in Taurus, providing him with an intensity and richness of emotional experience – and his piercing writing style; it was probably also the source of his cruelty, along with some good old Virgo criticism:
“Barrister Roderick Meagher, QC, despised White and described him as a “great shit.” He said White was terribly cruel to other people and as rude as he could possibly be; rude to all sorts of people who did not deserve it.”18
A major source of White’s writing skills came from his Mercury in Taurus in the ninth house, plus a close conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Taurus. These Taurean placements all contributed to a powerful Vulcanian invocation, where he “hammered” out words with a certain relentlessness. (The soul ruler of Taurus is Vulcan.)
Some of White’s books are: The Tree of Man (1955) and Voss (1957) – (earning him a comparison with Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.); Riders in the Chariot (1961), The Solid Mandala (1966), The Vivisector (1970), The Eye of the Storm (1973), A Fringe of Leaves (1976), The Twyborn Affair (1979) – and Flaws in the Glass, his auto-biography. Here are some excerpts of his writings, by no means doing justice to the vast scope of his work:
“I expect we are all jealous of the women in their past, but how much less exciting if the women had not kept the bed warm.” ―The Twyborn Affair.
“If truth is not acceptable, it becomes the imagination of others.” – Voss.
“Because he had nothing to hide, he did perhaps appear to have forfeited a little of his strength. But that is the irony of honesty.” ― The Tree Of Man.
“To understand the stars would spoil their appearance.” – Voss.
“She would have liked to sit upon a rock and listen to words, not of any man, but detached, mysterious, poetic words that she alone would interpret through some sense inherited from sleep.” – Voss.
“Life is full of alternatives but no choice.” – The Aunt’s Story.
“If I have not lost my mind I can sometimes hear it preparing to defect”.
“Human relationships are vast as deserts: they demand all daring, she seemed to suggest. ” – Voss.
“To kiss and to kill are similar words to eyes that focus with difficulty.” – Voss.
“I would like to believe in the myth that we grow wiser with age. In a sense my disbelief is wisdom. Those of a middle generation, if charitable or sentimental, subscribe to the wisdom myth, while the callous see us as dispensable objects, like broken furniture or dead flowers. For the young we scarcely exist unless we are unavoidable members of the same family, farting, slobbering, perpetually mislaying teeth and bifocals.” – Three Uneasy Pieces
“As it is I’m a dated novelist, whom hardly anybody reads, or if they do, most of them don’t understand what I am on about. Certainly I wish I had never written Voss, which is going to be everybody’s albatross.”
“Superficially my war was a comfortable exercise in futility carried out in a grand Scottish hotel amongst the bridge players and swillers of easy-come-by whisky. My chest [asthma] got me out of active service and into guilt, as I wrote two, or is it three of the novels for which I am now acclaimed.” – Three Uneasy Pieces.
“At times his arrogance did resolve itself into simplicity, though it was difficult, especially for strangers, to distinguish these occasions.” – Voss.
“He himself, he realized, had always been most abominably frightened, even at the height of his divine power, a frail god upon a rickety throne, afraid of opening letters, of making decisions, afraid of the instinctive knowledge in the eyes of mules, of the innocent eyes of good men, of the elastic nature of the passions, even of the devotion he had received from some men, and one woman, and dogs.” – Voss.
“They walked on rather aimlessly. He hoped she wouldn’t notice he was touched, because he wouldn’t have known how to explain why. Here lay the great discrepancy between aesthetic truth and sleazy reality.” – The Vivisector.
Japan, Nuclear Fallout and Future Earthquakes
It’s quite extraordinary that the fallout from the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan is barely being reported by mainstream media. No doubt governments do not want to panic people and hide the extent of the problem. In a newsletter after the 2011 tsunami in Japan, the following observation was made:
“In Japan’s exoteric chart for 1952 (Taurus Sun, Capricorn rising), it is notable that the Moon is in the last degrees of Gemini, a sensitive degree with regard to the study of earthquake data worldwide, by this author. Hence transiting Uranus in the last degree of Pisces, just before its entry into Aries, seemed to deliver a last ‘flick of its tail’, jolting the square to Japan’s Gemini Moon. Uranus is also a recognized factor in the astrological study of earthquakes. It is significant that natal Uranus in the exoteric Japanese horoscope was squared by transiting Jupiter at the time of the quake.”
The new moon (Sun-Moon conjunction) on June 20, 2012 falls precisely on this unstable Moon in Gemini in Japan’s horoscope – 28 Gemini 40. Japan has a long history of earthquakes and tsunamis, so it is only a matter of time before the next big one, many experts predicting a large one for Tokyo in the next few years. June 20th may certainly precipitate another major earthquake, or a planetary transit to that degree within six months could also trigger this point.
The ramifications ecologically, with further nuclear pollution problems compounded, are obvious, as are the economic consequences that slowed Japan’s economy last year.
This kind of disruption could also happen at Japan’s “reflex point” – on the opposite side of the Pacific “rim of fire” – somewhere in California, San Francisco deemed as risky as Tokyo. Interestingly, California’s horoscope has Jupiter in the last degree of Virgo, squaring the moon position of Japan and the new moon of June 20. Also, California’s Sun in Virgo is strongly aspected by this Gemini-Sagittarius full moon axis – that has a Mars apex t-square falling smack on California’s Sun. Hence earthquake or not, California is in for more challenging times, its 8 billion debt notwithstanding!
If one or several of these factors unfold, it may certainly accelerate the economic tsunami that is currently working its way through Europe.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- See here. [↩]
- For more on the 2004 passage, see author’s article. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 348-9. [↩]
- The Shamballa Impacts, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Bhagavad Gita, 4th discourse. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.567. [↩]
- Cycles of the Heart: The Venus Passage. Nick Anthony Fiorenza. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.108-109. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.110-111. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. pp.110-111. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.111. [↩]
- Click here. [↩]
- Click here. [↩]
- Click here. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 236-7. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]