Gemini 2013: Mantrams. Silence. Speech. Etheric. Great Invocation.
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.”
(Full Moon: 5.25 am, May 25, 2013. London, UK.)
Gemini: Third of Three Festivals
Gemini: Communications – Lower and Higher
Gemini and Right Speech
Gemini: Breath, Etheric Body and Meditation
Gemini: Third of Three Festivals
As reiterated every year in these newsletters, Gemini is the third of three festivals that set the tone for the new spiritual year that begun in Aries (March 21). It is important to be reminded of this, when we live in a culture that utilises Capricorn (Dec. 31) as the end of the year, throwing a veil of illusion over the spiritual forces with which we seek to synchronise. This is certainly the case when considering the lower expression of Capricorn – work finishing for the year followed by holidays, the materialism of Christmas etc.
To really appreciate the unfolding of consciousness in the yearly astrological cycle, all the energies from Capricorn through to the last sign Pisces need to be experienced sequentially and reflected upon, before the new cycle begins in Aries. This is what it means to be truly “in sync” with the heavens and is ever the challenge of the modern day seeker – inhabiting the world but “not of it”, responding to the inner cycle instead of the distorted outer calendar.
This is connected to the majority of humanity treading the way of the “ordinary wheel”, versus those who have awoken to the higher consciousness and are walking the way of the “reversed wheel”. Humanity is in the process of waking up and reversing the wheel in large numbers – and herein lies hope for the survival of this planet.

Flower of Life.
The new year fiery impulse of Aries that was consolidated and anchored in earthy Taurus, is now distributed in airy Gemini. As Gemini is a sign of relationships and closely connected to the second ray of love-wisdom, it is well suited to rule over Humanity – and Humanity’s relationship to its foremost Guide, known as Lord Maitreya in the East and The Christ in the West.
Gemini is also a sign of communications, words, writing and speech, hence related to the sounding of mantrams, words of power and that which invokes greater light and love upon the planet. Hence World Invocation day is held every year in Gemini and this year it will be on May 24, the most powerful period building up to the exact time of the full moon on May 25. The sounding of the Great Invocation by thousands of individuals and groups around the globe, creates a channel of light and love, leading to the cultivation of right relationships for all.
Gemini: Communications – Lower and Higher
We live in a very Geminian age, bombarded by communications of all kinds, over-loaded with seductive electronic gadgetry. Gemini rules the etheric body, the blueprint for the physical, and the WorldWideWeb represents the externalisation of the planetary etheric body. As a result, a great global synthesis of knowledge and information is occurring, of like-minded individuals and groups connecting with one another, 24/7 forums refining ideas, social action utilising social media etc.
Yet there is also a dark side of endless distractions and an increasing inability of individuals to focus or maintain an attention span; manipulation of the web by technologically empowered “Big Brother”; the loss of privacy, chicanery upon the stock market etc. Gemini’s inherent duality can make it a “tricky customer”!
Gemini’s great primeval urge is to assimilate and disseminate; it does not necessarily do this with any discrimination, that is the work of another point of the mutable cross, Virgo. In esoteric astrology, the entire cross of which a sign is part is always considered, or at least its polar opposite.

The Twin Pillars of Gemini Stretch into Infinity.
This broader view derives from a deeper understanding of the three crosses; it creates a more wholistic perspective of how astrological signs are connected to one another, not separated entities. Just as the planets in the solar system are all magnetically linked, sounding their notes and chords in the cosmic orchestra, so it is with the zodiac signs.
The signs are imbued with the livingness of great groups of angelic lives whose purpose is to guide human evolution and expose them to the principles of what each sign symbolises; it is essentially that which drives the evolution of human consciousness until we all become perfected and liberated from Earth life. This is why esoteric astrology has been called the “science of all sciences”, as it ultimately explains the mysteries and the influences that come to bear upon human evolution.
The association of the planets with the signs holds deeper mysteries, and indicate the three phases of the Path. The planets weave relationships between the signs, for instance, the position of Venus, alter ego to our Earth, can be traced through Aries, Taurus and Gemini: In “detriment” in Aries, “dignity” in Taurus and soul ruler of Gemini – it reveals another subtext of the progression of consciousness through the signs. The sign Gemini is itself a great synthesiser of the many pairs of zodiac polarities – it links as a “triangulator” to paired signs, creating harmony and balance. Venus’s role as soul ruler can be noted here.
Gemini and Right Speech
Mercury the Messenger is the personality ruler of Gemini and governs speech and communication. Speech and language are the clothing for ideas, hence its importance in conveying divine thought without distortion.
There is always an over-lapping of themes from sign to sign. The previous sign of Taurus, the sign of the Buddha, is also associated with speech; one of the precepts of His Noble Eight-Fold Path is “right speech”. Taurus rules the organs of speech – the tongue, mouth and larynx. It is said that,
” The Taurean upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature …”1 (There is also a connection with the throat chakra here, seat of the mental body.)

Taurus-Gemini both concern the mechanism of speech.
Therefore, considering the sequence of unfoldment of the first three signs of the zodiac, Gemini is certainly the great disseminator of The Divine Idea annually re-impulsed in Aries (with modifications no doubt!) and then held in Taurus.
Gemini and Mercury convey much by the spoken and written word, though Mercury-ruled Virgo is the true word-smith for the written word. Mercury and Gemini can be the great “blah, blah, blah”, a lot of mindless garbage that pours forth from the lower mind, inane commentaries on the superficial, irrelevant or frivolous, a repeater of hearsay and gossip. This is where much of the world is at – just turn on the TV, browse a tabloid or peruse social media. Yet even for those of us who consider themselves “on the Path”, the testings of “right speech” come up continually for review, as the Master DK reminds us:
“… the most powerful factor in the control of speech is a loving heart. Wild and fearful talk, hateful gossip, cruel innuendo, suspicion, the ascribing of wrong and wicked motives to persons and peoples, and the divergences of attitude which have separated the many different nations in the world are rampant today and have brought the world to its present distressing situation.
It is so easy to drift into the same habits of speech and thought which we find around us and to discover ourselves participating in attack and the spirit of hate. Guard yourselves strenuously against this and say nothing which could inflame hate and suspicion in connection with any race, any person, any group or any leaders of groups and nations. You will have to guard yourselves with care, so that even in defense of that which you may personally or nationally approve you do not find yourselves full of hate and breaking the law of love – the only law which can truly save the world. Perhaps the key to your success along this line will be the silence of a loving heart.”2
Silence is not an easy quality for Gemini to cultivate, it wants to reflect back like a mirror into the world its brilliant, scintillating impressions. Gemini’s quicksilver quirkiness has an urgent need for immediacy – “I want it yesterday” is the mantram of mass consciousness! The restraint for impulsive Gemini lays in its opposite sign Sagittarius, where all is raised to the higher mind for deeper reflection; or perhaps the Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo, another member of the mutable cross.
The “Chinese whisper” effect of gossip can have very serious effects upon those who might be group leaders:
“From every side and in every group there streams in on the group leader directed criticism, poisonous thoughts, untrue formulated ideas, idle gossip of a destructive kind, the imputation of motives, the unspoken jealousies and hates, the frustrated ambitions … These produce results in the physical bodies of the leader or leaders and often in the emotional bodies. … The more highly evolved the group leader, the greater the pain and suffering.
First ray people who have naturally a “technique of isolation” suffer less than many for they know how to shut off these directed streams of force and how to deflect them and – when they are not deeply spiritual people – they can return them to their originators and thus wreak havoc in their lives. Second ray persons do not and cannot work this way. They are naturally absorbers and magnetically attract all that is in their environment which is directed towards them. That is why Christ paid the penalty of death. He was killed, not only by His enemies, but also by His so-called friends.”3 [Christ “thrice-denied” in the Garden of Gethsemane.]
Gemini: Breath, Etheric Body and Meditation
Gemini rules the lungs and the etheric body, both of which are associated through the lungs’ oxygenation-energisation of the etheric. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the eight means of yoga is control of life force, referring to (paraphrasing),
“… the control, regulation and suppression of the vital airs, the breath and shaktis of the body. It leads to the organization of the etheric body so that the life currents emanating from the soul can be correctly transmitted to the physical body.”4
The etheric body is a medium of transmission between the soul and personality, hence Gemini is known as a sign where the antahkarana (bridge) is built between the ‘brother whose light is fading’ (the mortal personality) – and the “brother whose light is waxing” (the immortal soul). This bridge-building is effected by Mercury the messenger, keeping the two “brothers” in dialogue!
Of course the entire process does not stop here, the heart is also supplied with oxygen by the lungs. The Venus esoteric rulership of Gemini, unites the Twins through the alchemical process of oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. An entire treatise could be written on this magical process and the relationship of the nervous system to the etheric body, the heart, lungs etc.
Gemini also rules the thymus, the endocrine gland associated with the heart chakra. The thymus is associated with the innocence, naivety and the curiosity of a child; how the heart is open before it shuts down in various ways; how adults seek to reclaim that childhood innocence, to see with the eyes of a child, to re-open the heart. These endearing Geminian traits recall those words from Matthew (18:3): “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
Gemini is the archetypal child; it is between the ages of 4 and 7 years that a child anchors and integrates the etheric body with the physical – recapitulating the transition from etheric to physical bodies in ancient Lemuria.

“All through the eyes of a child, All just a moment in time, If I can find that child inside of me, Then I believe that things are changing all around the world, And I’d believe in dreams and magic charms, Oh, all the lost and lonely people all around the world, Would build a bridge that’s closer to the heart …”5
Although associated with the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict via Mercury, the only ray that pours through Gemini is the second ray of Love-Wisdom, hence we can witness the power of Gemini, its connection to the heart and a primary sign of loving human relationships. At its core, Gemini is a disseminator of love-wisdom, that which lies behind its exoteric role as distributor of knowledge and information:
“Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it becomes apparent how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross …
“Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field of the Seven Fathers [Great Bear] and the other planted in the field of the Seven Mothers [Pleiades]…””[6]

Inside the Antahkarana.
Above all, the mortal twin needs to learn stillness and silence, not necessarily by not speaking, but the quietening of the “monkey-mind” in order to maintain its impressionability to the immortal twin, opening to impression via the etheric body.
Here is where busy-bee Gemini can transform its many minor assimilations of “knowledge-pollen” into the nectar of understanding – in the “hive of the heart”; where the many voices and talking tongues resolve into One Sound; where the babble of the mortal brother is subsumed in the silence of the “elder brother”. This is the action of Venus harmonising the Gemini duality, bringing understanding, consideration and compassion. Bees are sacred to Venus – she is the queen bee who rules Earth’s hive!
Meditation is one of the main means whereby the “brothers” come into alignment and maintain their conversation; it is a dual process of an active visualisation process and a passive receptivity; the “younger brother” can choose to consciously invoke the “elder brother” who can in turn evoke a directing response; the positive soul impacts upon the negative personality and the electrical circuit is established and maintained. “Electrical” really means “etheric” here:
“Gemini is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary between soul and body. In the average person, the etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality. When upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force…”6
Therefore, once the conscious world server can bring about a relative degree of alignment with the soul, s/he is automatically in alignment with the greater Planetary Plan; one can be a servant of the Greater Will, both individually and co-operatively as like-souled groups. Hence the occult truism that “the will and the breath are occultly synonymous terms … a clue to the ending of maya.”7
This service of the Greater Will is not some rigid and slavish obeisance to the Law, it leaves much room for humanity’s karmic free-will to apply their creativity in building a better world.
Hence the importance during Gemini to cultivate this personal and group alignment, distributing the Plan for the new year, not necessarily through the spoken or written word, but via the etheric body of the planet; where all souls can tap into this divine guidance through the precipitation of thought, stepped down by the world group – a bridge between the Greater Guides and Humanity.

Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.398. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.82. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.694. [↩]
- Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.182. [↩]
- “All Around the World”, from the very beautiful and haunting Moonchild album by Celtus. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.352. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey.p.245. [↩]