Libra 2012: Shamballa. Egyptian Book of the Dead. Mars in Scorpio.

Weighing of the Heart – from The Last Judgment – Egyptian Book of the Dead.
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon, Sunday, September 30, 2012. 1.18 pm AEST.)
Shamballa, Libra and the Law
Libra and the Book of the Dead: Weighing the Scales
A Paradoxical Cycle: Libra with Mars in Scorpio
Religious Reactionism and Righteousness
Libra & Mars in Scorpio: 10-day Window of Danger for Israel
Jupiter in Gemini to the Rescue!
Libra Full Moon T-Square: Sun-Uranus, Moon and Pluto
Shamballa, Libra and the Law
Esoterically, Libra is concerned with three major themes, the Law, Sex and Money. Correspondences to these themes will build a context and foundation of understanding for the (mysterious to many), theme of Shamballa:
Planetary Centre |
Shamballa |
Hierarchy |
Humanity |
Theme |
Law |
Sex |
Money |
Ray or Aspect |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Quality |
Will |
Love |
Intelligence |
Other Terms |
Spirit |
Relating |
Matter |
Chakra |
Head |
Heart |
Throat |
Three Themes of Libra

Song of Shamballa.
(Artist: Nicholas Roerich.)
Shamballa is the world head centre that transmits spiritual law on Earth. Libra is a sign of the law and justice, hence its association with Shamballa. Taurus and Libra are two festivals of the year that bring through the Shamballa forces; both signs are ruled by Venus, regarded as the higher self to Earth.
As a sacred planet that has achieved its perfection, the Venus influence aids and assists planet Earth – currently a “non-sacred” planet. The Liberation of the human race will eventually transform Earth so that it can take its place alongside the planets who have “achieved” in this solar system.
Taurus is the time of the Wesak Festival when a special triangle of energies connect the Lord of the World – Sanat Kumara, the Buddha and the One who holds the Office of the Christ. Sanat Kumara presides over the Council of Shamballa. Some of the Masters of Wisdom are part of this council. In Shamballa’s capacity as crown chakra of the planet, Sanat Kumara directs the Will and Purpose of Shamballa, which is really the Will and Purpose of the Great Being we call the Planetary Logos – the Great Life that is incarnate in this entire planet – “God”, if you will. With regard to Libra,
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.

L. Equanimity, balance. R. The Three Major Planetary Centres.
(From the Libra painting by the artist, Johfra.)
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads to the kingdom of the soul.”1
The theme of “balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane” is the one primary preoccupation of all earnest Pathwalkers. It is said that Shamballa is a place of purpose that cannot be understood until “The Plan” is followed.
What is that “Plan”? The Ageless Wisdom tell us that it is understanding the evolution of the human soul and its expression in consciousness on this Earth; why Earth is regarded uniquely in our solar system as a place of “great pain and suffering”; that the liberation of Earth has enormous ramifications for the solar system as a whole, rippling outward beyond the solar system to certain stars and constellations, with which Earth has relationships. This is why Earth is of great interest to other cosmic intelligences who are currently “observing” but not interfering at this critical stage of our evolution.
Libra is the sign of relationships and astrology is the “science of relationships” – human, group, national, global, systemic, cosmic and universal. Shamballa directs its Will and Purpose according to the greater laws that emanate from the “Great White Lodge” on Sirius, regarded as the higher self to the solar system, similar to the Venus-Earth relationship.
Hence, Libra is a mighty conduit for those universal Laws to be directed through. When attuning to the Libran forces, especially during the five day period preceding and following the full moon, we make ourselves receptive to that Law, Purpose and fundamental Intention that emanates from Shamballa.
It is no accident that Saturn is exalted in Libra, because Saturn is one of the four Lords of Karma who oversees the working out of the Law – its cause and effect – within the solar system and on Earth. The transgression of these laws are regarded as “sins”, affecting the karmic debits ledger!
It is important to understand that the “Will” of Shamballa is not the personal self-will or lower will, it is the embodied force of the so-called “Will of God” with which we aspire to align – in a way that the Earthly duplicates the universal. As above, so below. Humanity is learning about this and it is probably no coincidence that the majority of television shows centre around the theme of the law and its enforcement, the eternal battle between the transgressors and custodians of the laws.

Blindfolded Lady Justice.
This process is incessant and the testings become more and more subtle as a soul becomes more conscious. Although an individual may be following the outer law, how much a transgressor in the emotional or thought life? For those upon the Path, a strict vigilance is required to “guard the doors of thought and desire”.
Paradoxically Librans can experience great turmoil in their lives because of the activation of the Mars-ruled Aries polar opposite. Librans can be constantly engaged in an inner battle with Mars-Aries, eventually triumphing with Venus-Libra.
When the scales of Libra find their equilibrium from the warring pairs of opposites, when “no oscillation proceeds”, there is the interlude, the sacred space between inbreath and outbreath – the peace, poise and beauty of Libra. In the ancient Scriptures, Shamballa is known as the “place of serene determination and of poised, quiescent will”2 – that can be invoked during the Libra period. Libra carries this poise and quiescence – a certain simplicity of the soul that opens the way into Shamballa”:
“Simplicity and unity are related; simplicity is one-pointedness of outlook, free from glamour and the intricacies of the thoughtform-making mind; simplicity is clarity of purpose and steadfastness in intention and in effort, untrammelled by questioning and devious introspection; simplicity leads to simple loving, asking nothing in return; simplicity leads to silence – not silence as an escape mechanism, but as an “occult retention of speech.””3
Libra and the Book of the Dead: Weighing the Scales

Weighing of the Heart – from The Last Judgment – Egyptian Book of the Dead.
The scales of Libra are at the heart of the above scene. In fact, it is the heart – a symbol of the soul and the expression of the Law of Love – that is being weighed in the scales – against the feather of truth, by the Jackal-headed Anubis.
Anubis is Saturn, exalted in Libra-the-Scales, the Keeper of the Law, the weigher of the scales, the lord of death who presides in the individual’s afterlife over the karmic balancing, the review of the life that has been lived.
Thoth is the Ibis-headed scribe who records the results. Thoth is Mercury or Hermes and represents the function of the “Lipika Lords” who are the recorders in the akashic – of all actions, by all humans, in all lives!
Thoth-Mercury is very similar to Libra in that it functions as a mediator and messenger – between people or planets. Mercury is also consonant with Budh – as in Buddha, or buddhi, the higher intuitive consciousness that is the goal of humanity. (Mercury rules the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the major ray influencing Humanity.) Hence, the ostrich feather upon the scale is Truth is buddhi – it is above and away from the mind, it is Divine Reason.
If the heart is lighter than the feather, the candidate is allowed to pass into the afterlife. This ceremony may also be symbolic of an initiation ritual that occurs during a life. The “afterlife” in this case is the expanded and revelatory consciousness attained through initiation.
Death is somewhat of a minor initiation from life to life. Libra is connected to death, not only through the Reaper-of-Souls Saturn and its exaltation in this sign, but because it is opposite the sign of Aries and beginnings. Libra is about endings, or the consequences of actions initiated in Aries; cause and effect, karma.
The Sun is exalted in Aries, representing the rooster that heralds the dawn; the Sun “sets” in Libra, in the evening – hence the taking of rest and the “Libran interlude”; the pause for reflection between day and night, summarised in the symbolism of the Libran Equinox every year.
During the Weighing of the Heart ceremony, the dead person is asked if they have committed any sin that is written on a long list. These “sins” are the aforementioned “transgressions against the law”. If the heart is heavier than the feather, the subject is devoured by Ammit, the deadly composite chimera of crocodile, lion and hippopotamus. One is returned to the inner planes and the Bardo state, to eventually find one’s way back to the causal body where another incarnation can be taken.
Egypt is the proposed site for an “advanced school” of the mysteries that will be “profoundly occult … in direct communication with the inner grades” – for occidental students upon the first ray of will-power. Egypt has been the repository of the ageless wisdom for aeons, serving as a bridge between the ancient Atlantean wisdom and the Initiates of this Fifth Rootrace. The vast sands of Egypt are permeated with thousands of years of magical practices – both black and white.
The Master Serapis, Chohan of the Fourth Ray, also known as “The Egyptian”, frequents an area around the highly spiritualised frequencies of Luxor in Egypt. The Master Hilarion, based not far away on Crete, is also said to visit Luxor frequently. It is appropriate that this advanced school will be in Egypt because it is on the first ray line and hence finds an easier alignment with the Will of Shamballa and the working out of the Greater Law.

L. One very ethereal impression of Serapis Bey. R. Serapis from history.
A Paradoxical Cycle of Conflict: Libra with Mars in Scorpio
This current cycle (September 2012) exacerbates the pairs of opposites whilst the Sun is in Venus-ruled Libra, promoting peace and right relations – and when Mars is in Scorpio, creating divisiveness and conflict. Venus and Mars are opposing yet complimentary forces. It is a timely reminder as Mars comes around through Scorpio every two years. The Tibetan says:
“In Scorpio, with the same planet ruling his interior life, the war is on and in this case Mars rules not only the physical body but the entire form vehicle, which we call the personality in the three worlds. All aspects of the lower nature are involved in this crisis, for Mars is the esoteric ruler in Scorpio and the tests applied involve the form nature – gross and subtle, integrated and potent.”4
Of course, “gross and subtle, integrated and potent”, means the physical, astral and mental bodies – or the powerfully integrated personality as a whole. Whether one has planets in Scorpio or not, this transit of Mars is relevant for everybody. Most likely Mars will square or oppose one of your natal planets between now and until the end of the first week of October – and, if you have planets in Scorpio or Scorpio rising, it will be activating those points – so be vigilant!

Battle in the Heavens.
(Artist: Nicholas Roerich.)
Mars rules the physical, instinctual appetites and hence its connection with activity and sex – and its other rulership of Aries. For those upon the Path, the main burning ground (to use a Plutonic phrase) is in the desire or emotional field – the desire for sex, for things, for recognition, for people, for love, for spiritual experience, for wholeness – desire is manifold. Mars rules the solar plexus, the centre where the astral body is anchored, and usually the most unruly body of the three-fold personality.
Hence the transit of Mars through Scorpio can be unusually potent, giving rise to intense anger and irritation, a super sex drive, obsessiveness, psychic over-stimulation, a distortion and exaggeration of how things *seem*, an inability to let go, emotional confusion, inner and outer conflict etc.
Scorpio is a sign of death and relinquishment, hence theoretically these traits can be transformed. Mars transiting through Scorpio evokes co-ruler Pluto, revealing “what lies beneath”.
As Mars is also the esoteric ruler of Scorpio, and if the individual responds to the higher frequency of Mars, then a dogged and determined discipline kicks in and becomes a great agent of change. Mars at this level is the true spiritual warrior prepared to do battle with the lower self! Scorpio is a sign ruling over the initiation of the astral body, once complete control is finally demonstrated.
This is an important factor to bear in mind, because the imminent return of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom is greatly stimulating the astral plane – because of the buddhic energy that They transmit – and the point of least resistance for its expression is upon the astral plane. Buddhic frequencies impact upon the astral plane and cause great turmoil.

Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces.
(Artist: David Jacques-Lois.)
This may seem like a paradox – the Masters of Compassion and Wisdom, creating conflict? The reason is simply that higher frequency buddhic energy meets with the coarser substance of the astral plane, creating temporary turmoil before reaching a point of equilibrium, before the next cycle of turmoil etc, and so evolution of consciousness proceeds.
Hence Mars is a great force for those who have “reversed the wheel” and tread the Higher Way. Humanity must redeem and raise itself up in order to “meet” that which constitutes “The Great Approach” – the externalisation of the Masters of Wisdom and the Reappearance of the Christ. This great event has not occurred for untold millennia and will most likely manifest in the next 12 to 30 years. For now we prepare the “time of the forerunner”.
Religious Reactionism and Righteousness
The recent reaction of the Muslim world to a propaganda film made in the USA, is understandable and predictable. The film was quite obviously calculated to elicit a violent reaction, to create division and an exaggerated picture.
The reaction to it somehow managed to surface on the anniversary of 9/11, resulting in the awful murder of a US ambassador and several others in Libya. One wonders just who or what was behind the person who made this movie.
These events occurred whilst Mars was in the middle of its transit through Scorpio. Mars, the ruler of the militant sixth ray, and the Muslim religion (along with Christianity), are conditioned by this ray – at the end of this Piscean-sixth ray era. Scorpio is of course – in its basic unawakened mode – militant and bent upon revenge – the sting in the tail of the Scorpion.
The somewhat tiresome images of upset Muslims burning US flags, storming embassies and venting their anger, is certainly the face of Mars in Scorpio. Many Muslim leaders say that it creates the wrong impression about Islam globally and reinforces the “mad Muslim” stereotype. A street demonstration is a fraction of the general population.
Christianity has just as many fundamentalist attitudes that are at the opposite pole to Islam. (So do the USA and Russia, being sixth ray personalities.) Both of these religions are ruled by Mars, the Prophet Muhammad being a disciple of the Sixth Ray custodian, Master Jesus. We are reminded of this militancy when The Tibetan (DK) speaks some seventy years ago about Pisces and the sixth ray of devotion and idealism:
“In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale. Christ, in Pisces, exemplified the substitution of love for attachment. Christianity exemplifies the death of the personality, with individual and not universal implications; love has been conspicuously lacking and the controlling colour of Christianity has indeed been red.

The Crusades: Christians versus Muslims.
It is not Christ’s expression but the Scorpio-Mars presentation of St. Paul. Mars has ruled Christianity because St. Paul misinterpreted the esoteric significances of the New Testament message and he misinterpreted because the truth – like all truths as they reach humanity – had to pass through the filter of his personality mind and brain; it was then unavoidably given a personal slant and twist and this is responsible for the sorry historical story of Christianity and the dire plight of the nations today – ostensibly Christian nations yet swept by hate, ruled by fear and at the same time by idealism, governed by a fanatical adherence to their national destiny as they interpret it and “out for blood” as the piling up of armaments discloses.
All these are sixth ray characteristics, emphasised by Scorpio and conditioned by Mars which ever rules the path of the individual disciple, and today the world disciple, humanity as a whole, stands at the very portal of the Path. The entire west is at this time under Martian influence …”5
If recent history is not forgotten (so we are not condemned to repeat it), the whole of Europe (distilled now in the USA), has practiced this kind of Martial fanaticism – and still does to some extent. Hence, its criticism of violence in Muslim nations is somewhat hypocritical, though the over-reaction by Islamic fundamentalists is not to be condoned either.
It’s a question of consciousness. The millions of adherents to Islam are young souls who do not have a developed discrimination and adhere to the letter of the law. Hence, heinous crimes committed in the name of upholding Sharia law (now there’s a contradiction), are based upon ignorance and superstition.
Their horrible and bloody acts are “evil” but these people are not “evil” because, esoterically viewed, their consciousness is not unfolded sufficiently to know any better; they are victims of a distorted religious ideology and gross materialism. Far more “evil” is the insidious propaganda in media and movies perpetrated upon them, stirring up the hornets nest deliberately – by those who “know” or should know better; these masses of unthinking people (in all religions) are wind-up toys for these other forces to play with and manipulate at will.
This “hornet’s nest” is actually the world solar plexus centre that needs the pacifying waters of love-wisdom, compassion and understanding to be poured through it; a raising up of the anger, fear, insults, revenge, hate and conflict – to a soothing heart of tolerance and calm.
As budding Buddhas, we cannot meet this emotional energy with emotional energy, it must be counter-acted with a clear detachment that utilises mental concentration and visualisation. We can visualise in our individual and group meditations – and make a subjective difference, rather than reacting to these incidents; this mode of action, carried forth with a firm and persistent will, with the knowledge that Peace Will Prevail on Earth, will more than offset these events. During Libra the Peacemaker, the opportunity is now.
Elsewhere, The Tibetan tells us that this Mars-Scorpio influence is dying out and that the growth of the psychic senses, of clair-voyance and clair-audience will start to replace the very physical qualities of Mars. The problem that still lingers in this cuspal period is that the Mars-ruled sixth ray has been in incarnation for such a long time that, although it is withdrawing, it still has much power.
Libra & Mars in Scorpio: 10-day Window of Danger for Israel
Mars in Scorpio has unleashed powerful forces of hatred and aggression, not only in the Muslim world but also quite shockingly between China and Japan – over a tiny disputed island territory; and no doubt, in the personal lives of many!
Scorpio is a sign that draws out the toxins, with the potential to lead to healing and wholeness. Yet it can also hold onto those poisons because it so easily identifies with conflict – a familiar “comfort zone” (I feel like rubbish, but at least this is what I know!), leading to a contamination of the whole system. To use an old-fashioned expression for Scorpio, things can get “stuck in the craw”. Hence, Scorpio is the exorcist but also the possessing entity that must be exorcised.
The leader of Israel has been chafing at the bit to attack Iran for a long time, and we are drawing close to the date that is regarded by military experts as a “sweet spot” to make an attack – late September to early October – during the full moon period of Libra – whilst transiting Mars is still in Scorpio.
“Military experts have long agreed that the ‘sweet spot’ for an Israeli attack on Iran will be this coming September or October precisely because of the timing of the US presidential election cycle.”6

As this period is now, its worth a look at the horoscopes of Netanyahu and Israel, bearing in mind that only 18% of Israel’s population are in favour of attacking Iran, and the United States is most likely very reluctant to back Israel.
Believe it not, Netanyahu is actually a Libran (Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury) – and Scorpio rising! (See previous newsletter here.) In his horoscope, Scorpio ruler Mars sits in Leo in a tight square to his Scorpio ascendant, hence the powerful urge to assert and force his will – on everyone, not just Iran.
The world witnessed his forcefulness with Obama on live TV, that gave the US president a great distaste for his “ally”. We also saw Netanyahu’s Scorpionic power when he addressed the US congress; he had them eating out of his hand, receiving 29 standing ovations from senators – mindlessly standing up and down like puppets on strings. (See YouTube here.)
As Mars transits through Scorpio, it is moving into a danger zone in both the horoscopes of Netanyahu and Israel, during the “sweet spot” period. The critical dates for Netanyahu are September 24 to October 3. Transiting Mars will square natal Mars and conjoin his Scorpio Ascendant at the same time, triggering the explosiveness of the natal square, the obsessiveness and ruthlessness that drives him. Plus, a 19-year transit of the Moon’s north node swings across his Scorpio ascendant – precisely on September 28, adding a very fated time-of-reckoning theme to this scenario.

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.
(Birthtime rectified by dowsing. See previous newsletter about Netanyahu.)
A possibility for diffusion of this tension lies with the annual transit of Venus coincidentally going over Netanyahu’s Mars in Leo, one day before the full moon. Two possibilities emerge for this Venus-ruled Libran:
1. An abrupt slackening of the aggressive tension through the placating influence of Venus, appealing to the better side of his Libran nature.
2. A strong stimulation of Mars in Leo’s already egotistical energies by the lower expression of Venus in Leo – encouraging the limelight, being the centre of attention and not willing to back down because a lot of pride and paranoia is at stake. (One could also add, “distorted ideology”.) At the full moon on September 30, the square of Venus in Leo to Mars in Scorpio, closely overlays Netanyahu’s Mars square Scorpio rising.
The critical dates for Israel are from September 22 to September 28 when Mars triggers the Chiron in Scorpio-Sun in Taurus opposition. This opposition makes a T-square to Israel’s Mars, also in Leo, two degrees forward of Netanyahu’s.
Transiting Mars will reach its exact square to Israel’s Mars by October 4. Israel’s T-square is the proverbial thorn in its side, responsible for aggression towards its neighbours and other “existential threats” since its inception.

Israel – Natal and Progressed Charts.
Hence, there is an uncanny coincidence of transits in both these horoscopes over a roughly 10-day period, exacerbating their respective unresolved core tensions. Looking at both charts, it seems that the most critical days will be may be September 27-30. It seems to be a knife-edge scenario, Mars and Scorpio bringing issues to the surface, whilst the full moon forces of Libra provide an open gate of opportunity for conflict resolution at the 11th hour.
Mars rules the solar plexus chakra, the seat of expression for the emotional body. The global solar plexus is currently very raw, its waters are turbid, confused and volatile. There is an opportunity for Humanity to harness these forces and draw them upward to the planetary heart centre, creating peace, calm, understanding and tolerance.
World meditators, as individuals and groups, can do much subjective work during this period to help offset these forces of aggression and deliberate manipulation of the masses. One visualisation comes to mind: Pumping out the filthy swamp of world feeling and desire, propelling the water upward to the dynamic turbine of the planetary heart, where it becomes clear and translucent, transformed into Love-Wisdom – generating spiritual power for all.
We all have to play our part, the Masters or aliens from another star system and not going to come and rescue us – they cannot interfere in humanity’s karmic destiny and free will. Nevertheless, that “free will” is based upon understanding the Greater Will as it emanates from that potent “Peace of Shamballa”, the place of “serene determination and of poised, quiescent will.” (As Jung said, “Free will is doing gladly and freely that which one must do.“)

Jupiter with ring, as photographed by Voyager.
Jupiter in Gemini to the Rescue!
The current transit of Jupiter through Gemini for the first time in 12 years is a hugely positive influence that may offset some crises, why?
First, because Jupiter is the great “beneficent”, this ancient name referring to the fact that Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary quality that Humanity is developing. Jupiter is the largest of all planets in the solar system and transmits that largesse and generosity to all who are receptive to its rays.
Second, Jupiter is transiting through Gemini, a sign that has only one ray passing through it, the second ray of love-wisdom. Gemini is also known as the “Cosmic Christ”, hence there is a powerful transmission of these Love-Wisdom forces that have the potential to create understanding, transforming relationships. Gemini is a major sign of relationships through right communication – it is the classic, “walk a mile in my moccasins” position.
Whilst troublesome Mars rules the solar plexus, Jupiter rules the heart, the higher centre that draws energies up from the solar plexus and purifies. One can use the image again of impure water being pumped upward through a water purifier. Hence Jupiter is currently a great off-setting balance in the heavens.
Third, there is another heart association because Gemini is associated with the thymus endocrine gland connected to the heart, hence Jupiter in Gemini has a double-heart influence, most

Yogananda. (The “last smile”.)
appropriate for the Twins of Gemini. There are also other attributes of Jupiter in Gemini to consider:
“When the Jupiter influence becomes strong and powerful in this sign, it indicates the initiate and the rapidly attained “dualism in synthesis” of soul and spirit. Through the activity of Mercury, the man whose Sun is in Gemini is aided to attain the synthesis of soul and form; through the activity of Jupiter, the man whose rising sign is Gemini is enabled to attain the conscious integration of soul and spirit.
… In Gemini, the above is true of Jupiter [in “detriment” in Gemini]. Why this is so, is, esoterically speaking, one of the secrets of initiation. The clue to the mystery lies in the basic, spiritual dualism of Jupiter in contradistinction to the body-soul dualism of Gemini.”7
A synthesis of soul and spirit (in contra-distinction to a synthesis of personality and soul), is a very high stage of spiritual unfoldment, on far distant horizons for most of us; it is a point of attainment reached by a Jesus or a Yogananda.
Nevertheless, Jupiter in Gemini’s synthesis from dualism attribute – in this most dualistic sign of signs, can be drawn upon whilst Jupiter is here until June 2013. The highest expression of Jupiter in Gemini is loving understanding and right relationship.
Jupiter in Gemini is also highly stimulating in relation to exploring the ageless wisdom and the mysteries of initiation, because, (a) the second ray is the scholar, (b) Jupiter is facilitates expansive consciousness, (c) Gemini is that child-like curiosity that enquires into everything – eclecticism incarnate, drawing from disparate areas the many strands connected to the one source.
Libra Full Moon T-Square: Sun-Uranus, Moon and Pluto

Libra Full Moon 2012.
Bear in mind that the rising sign and house positions for this full moon chart are arbitrary – because all charts are different for varying locations. However, the basic sign positions and aspects of the planets remain the same.
If “Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa”, then the tension of the T-Square in this full moon horoscope certainly encourages that potential. The reasons are as follows:
1. Libra is one of the annual opportunities to contact the forces of Shamballa.
2. Pluto is potently placed at the point of the T-square to Moon and Sun-Uranus.
3. Pluto is the co-ruler of the first ray of Will-Power, the fundamental force of Shamballa.
4. Pluto is part of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto “square dance” that will continue through until 2015. At this full moon, both planets synchronise closely with the Sun-Moon opposition – Uranus conjoining the Moon and Pluto squaring the Sun, Moon-Uranus. The Sun-Moon opposition is the “open gate” through which subjective spiritual forces bathe humanity at every full moon festival. (Note that its a solar festival, not lunar – the moon simply reflects the Sun.)
5. What Pluto destroys, Uranus builds anew. Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic. The Shamballa forces have always been destructive in history, from major cataclysms in Lemuria and Atlantis, to the dropping of the atomic bomb in World War II. As Humanity evolves however, it will learn to utilise these Shamballa forces less destructively. Hopefully this will be the case for the influences of this full moon.
6. Libra is a sign of Decision. The configuration of this chart promotes decisive action, its the push that comes to shove. But its the right decision that chooses “the Way that leads between the two great lines of force”.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.28. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.518. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.216. [↩]
- Michael Carmichael, Global Research. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.365-6. [↩]