Libra 2014: War & Peace. Solar Storms. Jupiter in Leo. Mercury Retrograde.
I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.
(Full Moon: October 8, 2014. 11.50 am GMT.)
Libra: War, Peace and the Smoke of Battle
Solar Storms, Jupiter in Leo and the Pointer Stars
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
USA’s Perpetual War. Guns Guns Guns: Aries-Libra
Libra the Law and Judgement
Manipulation of the Law: Social and Spiritual
Libra: War, Peace and the Smoke of Battle
Libra is known as the Peacemaker, the sign that subdues the warring pairs of opposites – individually, in groups and in nations. Libra the Scales weighs the balance between Libra and its opposite sign Aries, ruled by Mars, the god of war. Venus, as ruler of Libra, is the harmonising factor. Venus and Mars were lovers in ancient mythology, pointing to the union of opposites, male and female and the Libran theme of sex.
“… in Libra the whole question [of sex] comes up and will increasingly come up for answering … in Libra the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male and the female principles.”1
War and sex have been inextricably entwined themes for millennia. Oftentimes the undiscriminating use of sex has led to over-population and war. Humanity has been incessantly at war since its inception, with rare periods of harmony and beauty that some civilisations enjoyed in past “golden ages”, or Satya Yugas. In this Kali Yuga cycle that sees the “waning of the law”, death, destruction and increasing daily horrors – conflict and war are ever-present. Humanity finds itself in chaos and conflict, in a Libran dilemma between the zodiacal ages of Pisces and Aquarius, between the cycles of the sixth and seventh rays and, between the Fifth Rootrace and the emerging Sixth Rootrace. Libra rules this period,
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities – that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in – Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”2

Battle in the Heavens – Nicholas Roerich 1912. (A premonition of World War I?)
Really, no need for “real anxiety”? Despite these reassuring words from the Master, it is hard for many not to be anxious during this tumultuous time. It is difficult to grasp to what degree the emerging new paradigm has a firm foothold, and how much it has been obstructed by the old status quo, the warring forces of materialism. War is waged continually and indefinitely it seems, with increasingly questionable motives by Western alliances, and world war scenarios looming large as trillions are spent upgrading navies and airforces. (See also later section, USA’s Perpetual War: Aries-Libra.) It is very hard for many of us to see through the smoke of the battle, as the darkness of the old age threatens to engulf the emerging Aquarian light.
This situation is further fueled by a smoke and mirrors propaganda war that is orchestrated by dominant global media, in turn fed by the lower expression of Neptune transiting through Pisces – obfuscation and confusion. What is unfolding in Ukraine or Iraq may not be what it seems, depending on one’s sources, there are also other agendas afoot.
As has been stated regularly in these missives, Humanity finds itself today at exactly the same point of DECISION (one of Libra’s major themes), as it did in ancient Atlantis. The guiding Masters of that time presented Humanity with a choice between the emerging light of the next cycle – or to continue the way of a deeply selfish and spiritually irresponsible culture. That ultimatum led to the great Atlantean war, epitomised in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata, of which The Bhagavad Gita is its’ golden kernel:
“A study of The Bhagavad Gita and of Arjuna’s problem when he sat down in despair between the two opposing armies will be found most illuminating in connection with Libra. The great battle which is related in that ancient scripture of India really took place in the first instance in mid-Atlantean days and in the sign Libra.
The major conflict of this present [written in WWII], Aryan period [Fifth Rootrace] is being waged upon a higher turn of the spiral and is under the influence of Scorpio. That in the past prepared the world probationary disciple, humanity, for the path of true discipleship. That in the present is preparing the world disciple to take initiation.
During the vast interim between the Atlantean decisive happening and the present time, a great re-orientation upon the wheel of life has taken place; since then, several million men have passed from Scorpio into Libra (symbolically speaking) and there have been “weighed in the balances” and have afterwards refocussed their desire life towards spiritual aspiration and reinforced their determination to move forward and thus have returned into Scorpio upon the reversing wheel. Ponder upon this thought, for this constitutes the real problem for the masses of intelligent men at this time.”3

Arjuna, Nicholas Roerich, 1929.
Note that Libra rules the “reversal of the wheel” where the trend of many lives of material living is reoriented by striving toward the soul. To paraphrase the earlier passage, “Refocusing the desire life in Libra, the disciple reincarnates in the next sign Scorpio – where the tests are applied regarding the earlier decision to reverse the wheel; this is why both Libra and Scorpio are closely related to the theme of sex. Also in reference to the above passage, the Scorpio period of World War II has been now superseded by Libra, as in the aforementioned phrase, “coming into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”
Libra’s pre-disposition to procrastination is embodied in Arjuna’s paralysis in action upon the battlefield, as the two enormous armies were about to clash. Arjuna was caught in “no man’s land” – over which Libra is “master” – that space between the “two great lines of force”. As the zodiac force that presides over interludes, the energy of Libra is present between all cycles.
Arjuna was torn between destroying his relatives, teachers and community leaders – people he loved and respected, or to retire in peace to a kingdom and a few pleasures. He therefore sought advice from his charioteer Krishna, symbol of the soul; Arjuna represents the questing yet bewildered personality. It is here that Krishna gave Arjuna some profound guidance – this is the heart of the Bhagavad Gita, a glimpse of which is found in this short excerpt:
“You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. There was never a time when these monarchs, you or I did not exist, nor shall we ever cease to exist in the future. The soul acquires another body after death. The invisible Spirit is eternal. The visible physical body is transitory. The Spirit pervades this entire universe and is indestructible.
No one can destroy the imperishable Spirit. The physical bodies of the eternal, immutable, and incomprehensible Spirit are perishable. Therefore, fight for your right as your duty, O Arjuna. The Spirit is neither born nor does it die at any time. It does not come into being, or cease to exist. It is unborn, eternal, permanent, and primeval.”
Another profound dialogue from the Gita is in The Mahabharata movie, whose spiritual essence was beautifully rendered by English director, Peter Brook – and an international troupe of classical actors. The following six-minute dialogue is profound and deeply moving:
Today the World Arjuna stands bewildered between the opposing forces, recognising the relationship between soul and personality and wondering where duty lies. This is a regular, recurrent cycle for all aspirants and the battle can rage on different levels, over several lifetimes.
It is the age-old conflict between material domination and spiritual control; the highly developed personality must be subjugated and controlled by the soul. Aries ruler Mars, brings Arjuna into the fight – Krishna himself said he was “never without action”. In one life or another, the battle reaches a crescendo and the disciple must make a final stand by allowing the soul to take control, leading to triumph and ultimately, initiation.

Krishna counsels Arjuna on the battlefield. (from The Mahabharata, directed by Peter Brook.)
Today, the world Arjuna is battling on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral, this time the war is raging upon the mental plane. The Master DK foresaw the aftermath of WWII, a war that was a recapitulation of the Atlantean conflict – that had the effect of destroying materialistic values. Yet since WWII, those forces have become ever more refined and sophisticated – as Humanity bears down on 2025, the start of a new cycle ushering in the reappearance of the Mystery Schools and the Masters of Wisdom. We are advised accordingly – and DK’s words as usual, are as fresh today as the time they were – even more relevant in this critical cycle of the Uranus-Pluto squares:
“Disciples must now organise for a steady united effort. This must take the form of a closer cooperation between all groups and a standing together in a closer relationship, thus strengthening each other’s hands and, where possible, pooling resources. It should result also in a united push forward of all spiritual and occult agencies and the carrying of the truth along all possible lines, down among the masses of men. Just as in Atlantean days, spiritual forces were subordinated to the selfish desires of men, so today, they are being subordinated to the minds and the ambitions of men and the results will be profoundly evil. The world situation today demonstrates this.
For though material benefit and physical prosperity might eventually emerge from certain countries where great experiments are being undertaken, they will only exemplify the triumph of the form and will finally come to naught. [As may be the case today.] Just as every human being struggles through in some one life to personality achievement so it is among the nations. Yet at the heart of every nation lies latent the mystical soul and eventually – after dire struggle and distress – all will be well. Tendencies towards materialism and towards personality achievement must, under the larger plan and the will-to-good, be offset by a counter move of spiritual living and this must be the objective of all working disciples.
Let such working disciples see to it, therefore, that their love for all beings deepens and that the growth of their love comes through their tapping the group love which lies back of all world happenings. My brothers, when will the time come when the world will realise that the love aspect … is focussed through the inner subjective group of workers? That love is now in the stage of anchoring itself physically through the new groups which are in process of forming all over the world. These new groups are centres (or should be) of divine love, magnetic, constructive and pure. See to it, therefore, that your conformity to the requirement is met in the measure of your physical strength, bearing ever in mind that you are equal to more effort and to greater strain than ever before”4
Solar Storms, Jupiter in Leo and the Pointer Stars
There was a large solar storm predicted by NASA scientists to hit Earth on the September 20-21 weekend, with the possibility of creating some spectacularly beautiful auroras, communications disruptions and perhaps a big blast of Love-Wisdom. Well, it may have come – were there major disruptions or spectacular auroras, or was the media being used to distract us from other events? It may have come the following weekend 27-28 (if my erratic GPS is any guide!), but that might have been Mercury about to turn retrograde, more on that later! Nevertheless, when they come, solar storms are significant and have potent effects.

Libra: Life, Beauty and Harmony.
The Sun (or Solar Logos) is the ruler of Leo and, along with Jupiter, they are transmitters of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. This is a “second ray solar system”. Solar storms are extra big bursts of electrical plasma that impact upon the Earth, disrupting communication technologies because they too are electrical.
Likewise, humans are electrical receivers and transmitters, hence solar “electrical disruptions” can be seen as extra large Love-Wisdom emanations. Solar storms during Virgo are always timely, as Virgo is said to be the strongest zodiac sign for the expression of the second ray.
Accentuating these forces was Jupiter’s transit through Leo the Lion-Heart – for the first time in twelve years. Notably also, is Jupiter’s transit over Dubhe (15 Leo 23), the pointer star nearest to the pole star, Polaris. Whatever Jupiter contacts, it usually amplifies the expression of that body:
“The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which – in speaking of humanity – we call self-will.”5
It was during Jupiter’s transit over Dubhe that the USA launched its attack on Iraq in 2003. Now, one Jupiter cycle later in 2014 in Iraq, its “here we go again”. The conjunction of Jupiter and Dubhe was exact around September 28; perhaps Jupiter influenced more than usual, human “self-will” – amplified by the effects of the solar plasma pulsation. As Jupiter goes retrograde in 2015, there will be two more hits on Dubhe: February 24, 2015; May 25, 2015.

L: Solar flares. R: solar winds heading toward Earth. (Copyright 2014 University Wakato, NZ.)
The effects of these Love-Wisdom forces are not necessarily peace, love-dove and Hare Krishna! Indeed, the higher frequencies will always have an impact upon the status quo, creating havoc, disruption and conflict – until they are equilibrated, integrated and balanced. Cracking open the heart of humanity, the biggest challenge!
Raise your words, not your voice.
It is rain that grows flowers,
not thunder.
The opportunity for Rumi’s “rain” may arrive with Jupiter’s transit over the pointer star Merak (19°Leo 05) furthest from the pole star, tapping into, “… a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose.”6
This conjunction will be exact by October 21 and will be felt around the Libra full moon period on October 8. As Jupiter goes retrograde and direct in these latter degrees of Leo, there will be several hits to Merak, exact on January 27, 2015 and June 17, 2015. Bear in mind that these transits are occurring for the first time in about twelve years. The two pointer stars create a trinity when linked to Polaris the pole star, toward which they point, hence their name. (More on Polaris below.) The following table summarises the attributes of these three stars – and the Jupiter transit dates:
Aspect |
Fixed Stars |
Jupiter Transits |
1 – Spirit Cardinal |
Polaris (28 Gemini 46)- “The Star of Direction –governing Shamballa.” – “star of re-orientation.” – “recovering and refacing that which is lost.” – “eventually brings a man back to his originating source.” – “Concentration upon the Pole-Star will give knowledge of the orbits of the planets and the stars.” |
June 20, 2013. |
2 – Soul Fixed |
Merak (19 Leo 05) Pointer furthest from pole star.- “focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose.” – “Leo … peculiarly susceptible to the influence of Merak.” – “sense of right direction and guidance.” – “right direction is registered by disciple upon the Path.” |
October 21, 2014. January 27, 2015. June 17, 2015. |
3 – Body |
Dubhe (15 Leo 23) Pointer nearest the pole star.- “lower aspect of the will … Self-will.” – “guides humanity upon the involutionary path.” – “active influence on life of man on the mutable cross.” |
September 28, 2014. February 24, 2015. May 25, 2015. |
“The two Pointers and the Pole Star are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man – Spirit, soul and body. These three stars are embodiments of the three aspects of divine will.”7 |
The alternation of transiting Jupiter over both these points from September 2014 to June 2015, may see a corresponding global alternation between “self will” and “carrying out God’s purpose”.

The Pointers in Ursa Major (Big Bear) pointing to Polaris, the pole star – in Ursa Minor (Little Bear).
“The divine necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky.”8
Returning to the theme of Polaris and its relation to the pointer stars,
“Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Polaris, the Pole Star (found in the Little Bear) and it is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer [Dubhe] in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.
Esoterically speaking, the Pole Star is regarded as the “star of re-orientation” whereby the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost” is developed. This eventually brings a man back to his originating source. It might, therefore, be correctly inferred that this Pointer [Dubhe] and the energy emanating from it guides humanity upon the involutionary path, and is constantly active in its influence upon the man who is still upon the Mutable Cross.
Then the energy of the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star [Merak] begins to make its presence felt and a sense of right direction or guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path, and such guidance (when followed) leads man nearer to the Hierarchy. It is here that the divine necessity of achieving alignment is portrayed for us in the symbolism of the sky and when it has been achieved then there is a direct inflow of divine energy and man is linked up in a new and creative manner to sources of divine supply. Astrologers will do well (in connection with the horoscopes of disciples and particularly of initiates) to consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star.”9
Humanity invokes the energies of fixed stars in many different ways, mostly unconsciously; those forces find their way into this solar system and are “picked up” by various planets that relay and transmit these energies through the zodiac signs, toward Earth. Vulcan and Pluto, the two rulers of the first ray of Will-Power, transmit emanations from Merak and Dubhe:

Star of the Hero by Nicholas Roerich.
“Vulcan and Pluto are related to the two Pointers and are only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response. Their effect has been planetary in its nature up to date and has not hitherto been at all effective in either the fourth [human] or the second [plant] kingdoms in nature.”10
This is a revealing statement – hence Vulcan, a “sacred” planet, relates to Merak (soul), whilst Pluto (a “non-sacred” but “esoteric” planet), connects to Dubhe (personality). Vulcan also rules nations at a certain stage of embryonic soul expression11, complementing the fact that Vulcan and Pluto are influential at the first initiation:
“At the first initiation, the disciple has to contend with the crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto. The influence of Vulcan reaches to the very depths of his nature, whilst Pluto drags to the surface and destroys all that hinders in these lower regions.”12
All nations, like individuals, are at various phases of the Path, either at the stage of the Path of Aspiration, the Path of Discipleship or the Path of Initiation:
“Austria and Germany are nearing the Path of Discipleship; Brazil is on the Path of Probation and will rapidly move forward; Austria is nearer true discipleship than is Germany…”13
In summary, it appears that the two pointer stars, through Vulcan and Pluto, are starting to, “affect human response … guiding humanity upon the involutionary path”, to the point where, “… guidance is registered by the disciple upon the Path” then, “… recovering and refacing that which is lost” to, “… eventually bringing a wo/man back to their originating source.”
Mercury Retrograde in Libra-Scorpio (Sept. 14 to Nov. 10)

The fascinating phenomena of the Mercury Retrograde time-cycle has much deeper implications than one might otherwise suspect. Mercury is said to be, “… still more occult and mysterious than Venus”.14 Mercury retro is based upon the illusion of Mercury appearing to go backward against the backdrop of the heavens – it seems to move forward, backward then forward again.
Note the word illusion, we are immersed in a world of illusion. In his Gemini guise, Mercury is known as “the trickster” hence his magical sleight of hand awards him rulership over illusion – as distinct from that other planet of illusion, Neptune. Of course Mercury (and Neptune) has a much higher correspondence, that of buddhi/buddha. Illusion is the distortion of buddhi through the veil of the lower mind – the mind that plays tricks upon itself.
During its retrograde period, Mercury reveals how easy it is to be lost in the world of effects or outer appearances, our pre-occupation with linear time, losing connection with the world of causes, the realm of the soul.
Mercury also rules the neck, symbolic of the bridge or antahkarana between the heart and head. Saturn is the Lord of Time and also the Lord of Karma – the law of cause and effect. Saturn rules the throat centre (seat of the mental body), which is located at the back of the neck, hence the close association of Mercury and Saturn. As the Messenger of the Gods (Planets), Mercury is certainly Saturn’s messenger, bringing clarity and light:
“Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods. This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”15

Indeed, Mercury retrograde can bring plenty of conflict (it rules the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict), but also illumination and resolution. Quite often workers’ strikes are negotiated and resolved during a retrograde period, or by the time Mercury goes direct. Hence, Mercury is the arbiter of conflict resolution in all the usual Mercury retro dramas, plus the themes of the sign through which Mercury retrogrades at any given time. Mercury’s domain covers delays and difficulties connected to the Mercury-ruled signs – Gemini and Virgo:
Gemini = communications, speech-dialogue, transport strikes, travel, media, computers, phones, GPS and electronics in general.
Virgo = diligence in details, discrimination, fastidiousness, scheduling, appointments, documents and thoroughness in the completion of tasks.
Mercury retro means going back over old ground that was thought to be left behind, hence the frustration associated with this cycle, as delays and obstacles seem utterly pointless – and sometimes they are! This is part of the problem of being plugged into linear 24-hour time and its associated cycles – what might be termed “deep maya”, or the illusion of time.
Mercury retro may not be perceived as an opportunity at the time, but by it revisiting the zodiac sign again, Mercury provides the opportunity to tweak, reframe and refine. Instead of banging one’s head against the proverbial brick wall, the art of the Tao is required – to step back from the situation and move with the flow – “don’t push the river”. Taoism is a very Libran philosophy, touched upon in a previous newsletter. Here follow a few quotes from the Tao Te Ching on yielding:
Empty to be filled.
Bend to be straight.
Wear down to be renewed.
Yielding, like ice about to melt.
The soft and weak overcome the hard and strong.
The softest in the world surpasses the hardest in the world.
Because the Sage does not resist, none in the world resists him.

Lao Tse by Nicholas Roerich.
Mercury retrograde highlights where careless assumptions have been made, giving the opportunity to reflect upon and repair; it reveals lack of alignment with soul purpose and enjoins patience. Patience is not an attribute of Gemini, more so of methodical Virgo – or particularly its opposite, accepting Pisces. (Note these are all signs of the mutable cross.) In the esoteric sense, patience is an attribute of the soul or of love, because the soul knows no time, it is timeless. There are three basic phases of Mercury retrograde that reflect the intricacies and opportunities available:
Pre-Shadow Phase |
Retrograde Period |
Post-Shadow Phase |
Yet these three phases are divided into five more phases, making a total of eight, as shown in the table below. The four phases from the Mercury retrograde station to the Mercury direct station are always the most intense, in terms of addressing the core issues. Hence, October 4 to 25 covers this period: phases 3 to 6 below. Even in the post-shadow phase Mercury can still “feel” retrograde, possibly because the issue at stake has not been addressed:
Mercury Retrograde Period Sept.-Oct. 2014
(Calendar Credit: Roman Oleh Yaworsky)
The table below extends the previous table into phase dates and their themes.
Mercury Retrograde Oct-Nov 2014 |
Effects |
1 – Pre-shadow | 16 Libra 45 D | Sept.14-30. | Decisions and actions taken. Note that Libra is a sign of “decision”, hence this period has even greater significance. |
2 – Pre-Shadow intensified | 1 Scorpio 14 D | Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. |
Decisions and actions taken become more apparent. |
3 – Retrograde station | 2 Scorpio18 S/R | Oct. 4. | The core issues come into greater focus – from retrograde station to direct station. |
4 – Retrograde intensified | 2 Scorpio 18 R | Oct. 5-9. | Core issues – from retrograde station to direct station. |
5 – Retrograde | 1 Scorpio 01 R to 18 Libra 43 R |
Oct. 9-22. | Core issues – from retrograde station to direct station. |
6 – Direct station | 16 Libra 45 S/D | Oct. 22-26. | Core issues – from retrograde station to direct station. |
7 – Post-Shadow intensified | 16 Libra 46 S | Oct. 26-29. | Results of decisions and actions taken in pre-shadow phase, begin to appear. |
8 – Post-shadow | 17 Libra 48 D to 2 Scorpio18 D |
Oct 29 to Nov.10. |
Still might feel like retrograde! Results of decisions and actions taken in pre-shadow phase, become more apparent. |
To these dates could be added many other transits, two notable ones within the Mercury retro time-frame:
Mercury Casimi conjunction Sun. |
23 Libra 24 R | Oct. 16. | Peak period when Mercury makes exact conjunction with Sun. Old thought-forms and patterns destroyed in the fiery conflagration of the Sun. |
Jupiter conjunct Merak | 19 Leo 04 | Oct. 21 | “a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God’s purpose.” |
Therefore, with Mercury going retrograde, primarily through Libra, the emphasis during this period will be upon setting relationships right – between individuals, groups and nations. It will be a period that affords the opportunity to seek justice and reparation, apologies and forgiveness, a fair hearing, peace talks or reconciliation. As Libra’s three main themes are esoterically the Law, Sex and Money, all of these issues will be prominent.
Mercury is a planet of mediation in a sign of mediation, Libra the diplomat and peacemaker. Hence, Mercury’s transit may have a beneficial effect in areas like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Individuals or nations that have planets between 16°Libra 00 and 2°Scorpio 00 – or planets in hard aspect to these degrees, will find challenges and opportunities; particularly those who were impacted by the grand Cross of 2014, around 13-14 degrees of cardinal signs.
Money is one of Libra’s main themes and has been commented upon previously in other newsletters (here and here). With Mercury retrograding through Libra, a financial crisis may well be on the cards. From October 21-30, transiting Mercury in Libra squares the US Federal Reserve’s Mars in Cancer and conjoins USA’s progressed Mars in Libra. In other words, the US Fed’s Mars squares the USA’s progressed Mars, an uncomfortable synastry that Mercury will trigger.
USA’s Perpetual War. Guns Guns Guns: Aries-Libra
One entity that will be particularly interesting to observe during Mercury retro is the USA, with its Saturn in Libra and progressed Mars in Libra impacted at the pre-shadow phase, and again at the direct station phase. Decisions taken at the pre-shadow phase will start to reveal consequences at the direct station/post shadow phase.
Hence, the decision by the USA to attack ISIL (not ISIS!), without any consultation with the United Nations and international law, may have ramifications during this latter period. The US president’s ISIL strategy speech was on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, no doubt strategically timed for propaganda purposes – and just several days before the pre-shadow Mercury retro cycle on 9/16.
In considering the Libra-Aries axis in USA’s horoscope, it seems that the warlike Aries polarity expresses more strongly. Whilst it has been involved in international peace-brokering many times, sometimes successfully, the USA seems to be in a state of perpetual war – either directly or by proxy. It is driven by hawkish individuals and groups within and around the US administration, making the awarding of the international peace prize to the US president an anachronism and somewhat dubious to say the least.
It is an interesting observation upon this immature nation (by European standards), and has a direct connection with its domestic, widespread use of guns. (See also the Sandy Hook newsletter on this topic.) Through its national laws and NRA gun lobby propaganda, many Americans still think it is alright to solve their problems, particularly by hand-gun. Gun-toting TV cop shows reinforce and affirm this through media saturation plus violent, mindless video games that children are indoctrinated with from an early age. All these ingredients make up the deadly cocktail that the USA downs daily, hence it appears lost, “driving under the influence” if you will – DUI, and unable to find its way back home.
Statistics remind us that there is a major gun “massacre” every day in the USA, around 25 people per day across the nation are murdered by guns. More than double this figure (over 50) take their lives every day with guns and many others are injured daily through gun accidents.
If a nation is so much at war with itself, hence obviating its alignment with soul purpose, how wise are choices of engaging in perpetual wars with other nations or groups? Is right motive driving these decisions (i.e. soul purpose), or are they being driven by special interest groups with eyes upon profits, power and control?
Nevertheless, the brutality of ISIL may well be the karmic result of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, that was brought about upon the (proven) false premise of WMD’s16 – and the blatant lies of Western leaders following 9/11.
Hence, USA’s Saturn in Libra (square to its Cancer Sun), reflects the problem of right relationships – within the nation and between nations; of solving domestic disputes by murdering a spouse; the troubled teenager who shoots up his school; the individual who takes their life with a gun; the USA almost always choosing the way of aggression, interference and war in foreign relations.
The wrong relationships problem is a symptom of the USA sixth ray personality ruled by Mars, the god of war. Until its personality matures and integrates, these “martial” problems will not go away. (There is an interesting anagram here: Martial to Marital = Aries to Libra.) These factors all highlight the paradox that USA is an Aquarian soul, whose purpose is to promote the emerging, “Science of Right Relationships” in the imminent Aquarian cycle.

Plenty of hardware at home and abroad …
Other Signs of Gun Madness …
– The Pentagon’s militarisation of US schools, supplying guns, grenade launchers and armoured vehicles.
– A nine-year old girl accidentally kills a shooting instructor at a shooting range in the US – with an Uzi!
– 18 US states allow guns to be carried by adults to school.
USA’s international relationships are influenced by the Pentagon, Washington “think tanks”, armaments corporations and the military-industrial complex – all driving various agendas, rendering a President and administration virtual puppets. The problem is compounded by the fact that other nations like Britain and Australia all dance to the same pipers’ tunes. The USA is currently “lightly regarded” by other Western nations; it seems to be basking in old glories, running on old programs that are preventing real creative change within its’ existing, slavish paradigm. Of course the long-term Pluto square Uranus aspect to USA’s Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra, is starting to create deep and powerful shifts. As an old Zen proverb resounds, “Let go or be dragged”.
Libra the Law and Judgement
Whether we like it or not, everyone judges – even when so many insist that they do not judge – it is the result of the weighing of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. We seek to be informed upon any matter and a viewpoint or attitude is formed. Libra is,
“… a sign of balancing, of careful weighing of values, and of achieving the right equilibrium between the pairs of opposites.”17
This “careful weighing of values” is the province of Libra’s ruler Venus – who is also esoterically associated with the mind. Judgement is closely associated with the Law, one of Libra’s three main themes. A society judges to see if a law is infringed and a judge sentences those who are found guilty of infringing the law.
Judging becomes a problem when it becomes judgemental, bringing the ancient aphorism to mind, “Judge not and ye shall not be judged”. Judgementalism is allied to fundamentalism or any “ism”, where crystallisation of thought has occurred; a smugness of knowing or superiority gives an assured verdict on another person’s dharma or karma; ever more so, when tinged with that emotion we name hate, a “virus” that is carried by everyone to some degree, as the obverse of the coin of Love-Wisdom.
Hate contributes to the condemnatory nature of judgementalism, hard and harsh with a dash of the Spanish Inquisition. The latter phenomenon of course, was exercised by a nation conditioned by the Mars-ruled sixth ray of Idealism, within the sixth ray religion, Christianity. Non-Christians, “pagans” or “witches” were judged because they did not conform to a particular set of Laws laid down by “Churchianity”, just as Christians were persecuted by that very Mars-ial entity, the Roman Empire.
Hence, a “just” individual or society, is one that exercises the Venusian influence of the Libra-Aries polarity, over that of Mars – a “non-sacred” planet that rules the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral body. In any entity with a strong Mars and/or the sixth ray, there can be a tendency for judgementalism and hate; it is also closely allied to criticism and separativeness.
Through Venus’ rulership of Libra and the fifth ray of science, the correct weighing of the opposites results in “analysis” or “assessment” – but when the slightest amount of emotion or lower mind enters in (kama-manas), a detached analysis becomes judgemental. This is the fine line that everyone navigates, especially Librans – Libra rules “the narrow razor-edged path”.
Manipulation of the Law: Social and Spiritual
As societies work hard at creating and maintaining laws, those laws are in need of regular upgrading to keep pace with the evolution of consciousness. On the other hand, a large proportion of humanity continually work at ways to get around laws, to cheat and manipulate the law. These people we call criminals, yet some of the greatest detractors hide behind the banner of the legal profession, working in the corporate and government sectors. The effects of their activities are far more corrupting and undermining for society at large, than the petty criminal.
It’s interesting to note that writers of crime fiction in books and television, quite often have Libra prominent in their horoscopes. Crime is the most popular genre because of the preoccupation with evading the Law. The suspense and tension of crime stories comes from the conflict between the law and its transgression or deception – in simple terms, right and wrong. And of course, our Earthly laws have emerged from the spiritual laws that underpin all World Religion or Universal Spirituality.

Crime show writers often have Libra or Sagittarius prominent in their horoscopes.
Sagittarius concerns the law in terms of ethics and principles and it is driven/ruled by Jupiter.
Hence, the detective who goes over the lawful line to achieve an arrest of the criminal; the “bent cop” who hides behind his badge indulging in criminal activity. The deals that are done behind the scenes between lawyers, their clients and prosecutors – a good example of how corrupt the law has become, but a Libran compromise nevertheless.
Likewise, in the esoteric teachings, there are “rules of the road” to follow, such as those found in the book, A Treatise on White Magic.18 For those who seek to tread the higher way, there are new rules to abide by, the old rules that society lives by should be below the threshold of consciousness – automatic, yet often they are not! The new rules are connected to working with energies esoterically, where great responsibility is entailed:
“… the subtle activities of energies which, on the inner side, actuate the outer activities and bring about those events in the world of men which later form history.”19
It has been said many times that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”, no less so with the esoteric teachings, where spiritual knowledge can be twisted, manipulated or ignored – by imperfect personalities to suit their own or group aspirations and ambitions. The result is the fostering of wrong relationships. Hence, the more reason to contemplate and reflect upon these themes in Libra – the sign which also rules over the contemplation stage of meditation.

In Thought by Nicholas Roerich.
Phillip Lindsay © 2014.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238-9. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.20. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.386. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.625. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- “Weapons of mass destruction”. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.227. [↩]
- By The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.215. [↩]