Libra 2010: Blue Moon. Chile Miners. Scandinavia. Nobel Prize. China.
“I choose the Way that leads between two great lines of force.”
Chile Miners Rescue and Pluto’s Resurrection
European Racial Integration & Multi-Culturalism
Scandinavia, China and the Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Master R, Lord of Civilisation
Netanyahu & Israel
The New Group of World Servers
The Chile Miners and Pluto’s Resurrection
Chile has had its share of disaster in 2010, with the massive earthquake on February 27 that killed over 200 people. In Chile’s horoscope1 at that time, transiting Uranus was making a precise conjunction to Pluto in Pisces. Pluto is Lord of the Underworld and traditionally connected to earthly upheavals. Likewise, Uranus rules earthquakes, both statistically and in its suddenness, its revolutionary and regenerative nature; hence the combination of both planets was deadly.
Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Pisces, its action is to sever the ties that bind the two fishes together in the ocean of matter, to create unity from duality. This is particularly notable from the point of view that Pluto is one of the rulers of the first ray of Will or Power, a force for unity through synthesis of opposites.
Pisces is also a sign of unconditional love, compassion and understanding – and the second ray of love-wisdom passes through it. First ray Pluto works with second ray Pisces in bringing hidden love-wisdom to the surface. This is exactly what happened in the recent mine accident in Chile where the miners were eventually bought to the surface. What began locally translated to the universal, touching deeply all who tuned in. Also notable was the rescue capsule dubbed “Phoenix II” – this is one of Pluto’s symbols, the phoenix firebird that resurrects itself from its own ashes.
The symbolism is amazing – 33 miners, a number associated with Christ and the crucifixion of Jesus at the age of 33. The Christ Avatar inaugurated the Age of Pisces, hence in some ways the whole event was akin to the resurrection of the Christ principle for Humanity. Indeed, one miner talked of his battle between “god and the devil”, whilst underground, how god “won” and why it motivated him to change his life. Other poetic descriptions were of miners coming to the surface to be “reborn”.

Down in the pits…
The original cave-in occurred in early August, but the rescue occurred in Libra, the sign of the law and fairness. This cannot have gone unnoticed by every mining company or similar corporate interest, especially following so soon after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the toxic sludge disaster in Hungary.
The incident heavily underlines all recent corporate irresponsibility, as well as the fight for the rights of miners – all “blue collar” workers and unions around the world. The shocking statistics for the deaths of miners in China – around 3,000 every year, are somewhat ignored by the media, too busy gushing at the spectacle of the moment. In fact, while the celebrations were ongoing in Chile, rescue teams in China were trying to reach eleven trapped miners after twenty-six of their co-workers had been killed.
Mention has been made regularly in these newsletters about the problem of capital and labour and its relation to Earth’s two main soul groups – Moon chain and Earth chain:
“… the difference between capital and labour on our planet is one expression of the difference between Moon chain (capital) and Earth chain (labour) souls.2 … The problem of labor and capital has its roots in the subjective distinction between “equipped and unequipped” Egos, between those units of the human family on earth who have passed out of the Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and gloomy corridors.”3
This is a great mystery, yet light upon it can be shed if students give this closer study. The date for the mining rescue on October 13, interestingly saw second ray love-wisdom ruler Jupiter transiting precisely at the same degree on natal Pluto, that Uranus previously conjoined in February. It seems that the two incidents are related to Chile’s subjective unfoldment. Uranus started the process and Jupiter has continued it in a more positive way. But the stimulation of Chile’s natal Pluto continues until around December 22, when Uranus and Jupiter move away from natal Pluto for good.
Libra the Peacemaker: The Nobel Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel.
As a triplicity of the nations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Scandinavia’s soul is Libra, with the personality expression in Cancer. Alfred Nobel (from Sweden), had Venus and Saturn in Libra, coming forth from the Libran soul of Scandinavia, birthing (Cancer) the idea.
Nobel also had the Moon in Gemini and could speak six languages. He had an extraordinary mind as a chemist and engineer. Yet one of the most interesting facets of his horoscope is the Scorpio emphasis: Rising sign, Sun, Mars and Mercury.
Nobel was well known for his development of dynamite and armaments manufacturing which made him very rich. Somewhat of a paradox! Yet it seems that his Saturn and Venus in Libra had most of the say in his will, donating his fortune to the prizes.
As an aside, Norway most likely occupies the upper point of the triangle which corresponds to the first ray of will-power, Denmark the second point and the love-wisdom ray, whilst Sweden the third point and the ray of active-intelligence – this is the three-fold soul of Scandinavia. (Finland has its own rays and rulers, even though it may be considered generically along with Iceland as part of Scandinavia.)
Last year the prize was controversially award to Barack Obama, somewhat of a pre-emption of hope that many held for his influence as president of the USA. This year the prize has gone to Liu Xiaobo for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. The Nobel Committee has,
“…long believed that there is a close connection between human rights and peace. Such rights are a prerequisite for the “fraternity between nations” of which Alfred Nobel wrote in his will.”4

Liu Xiaobo.
China has its soul on the first ray of will-power, so it has the tendency to utilise the Shamballa force in a controlling and dominating fashion. This is compounded by the fact that China has a third ray personality, so the lower expression of Saturn’s rulership tends to come through as austere and stern (s’turn). (It is interesting that the actual etheric location of Shamballa in the Gobi Desert is close to Beijing.) Also, neighbouring India, another emerging economic power-house, has its soul on the first ray.
China is a Taurus soul and a Libran personality – and there is much in her ancient history and rich culture that reflects this. The ultimate symbol of Libran balance and harmony is the Taoist yin-yang symbol, as are the healing modalities of Chinese Medicine.
Taurus is connected to Shamballa, the “centre where the will of god is known” and the Master DK asked the sobering question over seventy years ago, no less relevant today:
“Will this Taurian influence, increased as it is by the incoming Shamballa forces, produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the “fiery heights of self-interest” instead of to the mountain of vision and initiation?”5
Like Venus-ruled Taurus, Venus-ruled Libra is connected to Shamballa:
“Libra occupies a unique place in the Great Wheel, for it is the energy coming from this constellation which controls what we might call (for lack of a more suitable word) the “hub of the wheel.” This is that point in intermediate space where the twelve zodiacal energies meet and cross.6 … Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa.”7

© Jim Thompson (
The Nobel Committee further stated,
“China’s new status must entail increased responsibility. China is in breach of several international agreements to which it is a signatory, as well as of its own provisions concerning political rights. Article 35 of China’s constitution lays down that “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration”. In practice, these freedoms have proved to be distinctly curtailed for China’s citizens.
For over two decades, Liu Xiaobo has been a strong spokesman for the application of fundamental human rights also in China. He took part in the Tiananmen protests in 1989; he was a leading author behind Charter 08, the manifesto of such rights in China which was published on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10th of December 2008.
The following year, Liu was sentenced to eleven years in prison and two years’ deprivation of political rights for “inciting subversion of state power”. Liu has consistently maintained that the sentence violates both China’s own constitution and fundamental human rights. … Through the severe punishment meted out to him, Liu has become the foremost symbol of this wide-ranging struggle for human rights in China.”8
It is people like Liu Xiaobo who will help bring China into its true spiritual expression eventually. His sacrifice, struggle, imprisonment and his wife’s recent house arrest are not unlike Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s in nearby Myanmar (Burma) for the past twenty-odd years.
Liu Xiaobo’s Sun is in the sign of the initiate, Capricorn – trine to Pluto and Jupiter, conferring upon him a broad and powerful vision. His birth time is unknown, hence his rising sign is also unknown – perhaps Libra might be a good contender? He most certainly has a Gemini Moon that has driven him as an intellectual and a disseminator of free thought.
Liu also has Mars and Saturn in Scorpio, very potent forces that make him an indefatigable spiritual warrior! He has spent over three years already in prison and faces another eleven years from his most recent sentence. Perhaps he can take heart from the subjective support offered to him as well as his other co-workers – such as Kyi and Mandela, who have helped to blaze the trail in their respective countries.

Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela in “Invictus”.
European Racial Integration
Trends that have been steadily precipitating throughout Europe and the world recently are racial intolerance and “Islamophobia”. Several nations in Europe are finding that right wing groups are now being “normalised” into the mainstream, most notably the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Austria, Hungary and Denmark; it is a problem for the West in general in varying degrees.
To reflect for a moment on the larger chronological perspective, the scale of this kind of racial integration has never really been tried on the planet before, it is a phenomenon of the past sixty years or so. Hence there will naturally be abuses on both sides.
Immigrants who come to their new country will be abused by a minority of racists who are ignorant and intolerant. Other immigrants will experience the indignation of the local populace who see a minority of them abuse the social security system or who do not, cannot through lack of education, learn the local language, breeding further resentment. There is probably none of us that has not experienced this to some degree, unless you live in bubble somewhere!
Recently French president Sarkozy ordered the forced expulsion of gypsies from France, in complete violation of EU laws and with stringent criticism from Amnesty International – shades of pre-World War II Germany. And more recently, German chancellor Angela Merkel declared that multiculturalism had “utterly failed” in her country. Really, has it?
The danger currently unfolding is that the situation could easily escalate and be blown out of proportion, to suit the needs of politicians, media influence and so forth. Since the first ray force of Shamballa has been increasing in its force directly to humanity in the past one hundred years, the point of least resistance politically has been a lean to the right, toward fascism.
Erudite thinkers today argue that this is already the case and that places like the USA and some nations in Europe are subversively fascist, yet hide behind the mask of “democracy” or “freedom”, where control and diminishing freedoms are the order of the day.
Fascism or dictatorship is a first ray system to which first ray personality Germany and the Nazis fell foul. Democracy is a second ray system, for which second ray souls Britain and USA have been exemplars. Yet the insidious creep of fascist tendencies in these and other nations have been quite evident recently. Perhaps it is something that comes every ten years (a first ray cycle) – around the year 2000, similar observations were made.
One key esoteric reason for the difficulty of Arab-Islam assimilation and integration is most ancient. Of the five subraces of this Fifth Rootrace, the Arab-Semitic is the third. The northern European races are a mixture of the fourth (Latin-Celtic) and fifth (Nordic-Teutonic-Anglo Saxon) subraces:
5.1 Hindu |
5.2 Ancient Egyptian/Mayan |
5.3 Arab-Semitic-Jew |
5.4 Latin-Celtic |
5.5 Nordic-Teutonic-Anglo Saxon |
Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
There is an ancient legend about three disciples who, back in Lemurian times presented themselves as candidates for initiation, but who would not relinquish their worldly treasures before stepping onto the Threshold. It is said that these three disciples are the ancestors of the three major western racial groupings today, which can be generalised as follows:
“1. The Semitic race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all descended from the eldest of the three disciples. [Third subrace 5.3]
2. The Latin peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples. [Fourth subrace 5.4]
3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three disciples.”9 [Fifth subrace 5.5]
Students might observe that of the Teutons, Latins and Semitic groups – they represent respectively the first three “aspects” of will, love and intelligence. Hence the Shamballa first ray force is expressing very strongly the northern European root of the Western races. Hence the point of least resistance (like aforementioned China), is the use of force (will) without mercy (love).
It must be borne in mind that this triangle is related to the West only. The Eastern races have their own triangles that eventually will unite with the West and this is already occuring as the duality of hemispheres mixes and merges.
Regarding the old Lemurian legend, gradually the latter fourth and fifth subraces of the Fifth Rootrace came to believe the old stories from Atlantean times and sided with those who were antagonistic to the Semitic people. Of these Semitic tribes, the Jew is the most prominent and it is interesting to consider Israel currently antagonistic to most of its surrounding Arab nations/fellow tribes; let alone the Semitic people as a whole bearing the antagonism of their other two “brothers” of the Western subraces. The key for Israel and the Jews in general is that they have far more leverage upon the rest of the West to influence their Arab neighbours – this is a fascinating dynamic.
So this ancient story may explain somewhat the antagonism and distrust that is felt toward Semitic people today, a hangover that still lingers in the racial memory. (However it is a much deeper mystery that goes back to our “first solar system”.)10
The bottom-line factor however, is the influence of the outgoing sixth ray of devotion and idealism that has characterised the age of Pisces. This “last gasp” of the sixth ray has brought out all the crystallised ideologies, whether they be Christian, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism – all the “isms”, expressing themselves collectively as the biggest “ism” of all – fundamentalism. (not much “fun” though!)
Most of the Semitic subrace (5.3) has adopted Islam as their main religion, hence a reversion to distorted interpretations of the Koran, extremes of Sharia law, the wearing of the burka, the Taliban and so forth. The problem of the outgoing sixth ray has been compounded by the incoming force of the first ray of will or power, creating ruthlessness and cruelty – Mars and Pluto.
The key to understanding the problem is love, actually. This will offset the separative lower concrete mind tendencies of the fifth rootrace types that are undergoing the massive stimulation from Shamballa forces. But bear in mind that these cycles are temporary, that Rome was not built in a day. The blending of all cultures is the destiny of the sixth rootrace and that is where the world is heading.
Libra and the Master R: The Lord of Civilisation
The Master Racokzi holds the exalted post of the Mahachohan or Lord of Civilisation, creating a triangle of service to humanity with Those known as the Manu and the Christ. As a previous master of the seventh ray ashram, he is the great executive “manifester” of the Plan within the ranks of the Masters, known to them as “The Count”, as in Count St. Germain.

Master Rakozci.
The Mahachohan’s department is related to the third ray of active intelligence which also corresponds to the third planetary centre, Humanity (civilisation). The only ray that streams through Libra is the third ray, hence Master R’s activity is potent at this time:
“Every October and every March, the Master R. gathers together His council of helpers, the Masters and the senior initiates in the Ashrams of the third, the fifth and the seventh rays. Though He is the Head of the third Ray of Aspect and is in control, therefore, of the two Rays of Attribute mentioned above, He does not Himself wield these forces, because He is One of the three Heads of the Hierarchy and His work cannot be confined to the activity of any one ray. He works through the Ashrams of these rays, but He Himself works primarily in cooperation with the Christ and the Manu.”11
March is the festival of Aries at the full moon near Easter, where the initial impulse of the planetary plan manifesting for any year is born. Libra is where that impulse comes to fruition and manifestation, hence Libra’s power in a practical sense, via its esoteric rulership of Uranus, ruler of the seventh ray of ceremonial order or magic (manifesting).
The coming “blue moon” in Libra (two Libra full moon periods), is a time of great opportunity for the Masters and all those who consciously aid the Plan. Also via Libra, Saturn influences strongly through its exaltation here and is now transiting through its own sign for the first time in thirty years.
“Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression. An instance of a person, equipped to do this, can be seen in H. P. Blavatsky [Moon in Libra].”12
Netanyahu and Israel
The Libran keynote, “I see the way that leads between two lines of force”, may well be a mantra that one could adopt for one’s own political persuasions, let alone Libran Netanyahu making decisions about Israel. It is easy to be swayed by emotional and cultural factors – especially when it comes to religion or politics.
The aspirant or disciple upon the Path has to adopt a certain “a-political” stance in his or her view of the world. (I speak for myself as much as anybody else on the challenges associated with maintaining such a stance!) To not polarise with the right or the left, but “seek the middle way” – there is the solution to balancing the pairs of opposites within oneself and subsequently contributing to the “wholeness of the greater good”. The Tibetan tells us:
“I seek to see you free yourselves from the condition where you are swayed by propaganda of a political, national or religious kind, and deciding for yourself where you, as a soul, must stand … I would have you note where your highest ideals will lead you and whether the springs of your life’s decisions and attitudes are truly pure and unadulterated.”13
The New Group of World Servers
If the aspirants and disciples of the world are to truly be members of the New Group of World Servers, then such must be their cultivated attitude:
“The members of the New Group of World Servers belong to no party or religion and yet belong to all parties and religions; they assume no attitude or position either for or against any existing government, religion or social order. They engage in no political activity of any kind, and attack no existing order.
They are neither for nor against a government or a Church, and spend no money, organise no campaign, and send out no literature which could be interpreted as attacking or defending any organisation of a political, religious, social or economic nature. They say nothing and write no word which could feed the fires of hatred, or tend to separate man from man, or nation from nation. Yet these members will be found in every political party and every world religion. They represent an attitude of mind.
The members of the New Group of World Servers are not, however, a band of impractical mystics. They know exactly what they seek to do, and their plans are laid in such a manner that – without upsetting any existing situation – they are discovering and bringing together the men of good will all over the world. …
They will avoid all attack of existing regimes and personalities; they will keep the laws of the land in which they have to live, but they will cultivate the spirit of non-hatred, utilising every opportunity to emphasise the brotherhood of nations, the unity of faith, and our economic interdependence. They will endeavour to speak no word and do no act which can separate and breed dislike.”14
Having said that, and with regard to some of the influences discussed in the last Libra newsletter, Netanyahu and Israel have not responded favourably to the challenges that were before them. Peace talks have stalled, the building of new settlements has continued and Israel issued an ultimatum that all non-Jewish residents of Israel must sign a “loyalty oath”.
Some of the greatest challenges mentioned in the last full moon newsletter regarding the Mars transit to square Mars in Netanyahu’s and Israel’s chart will transpire after this letter goes out during the full moon period. It will be interesting to observe, as the full moon will intensify the energies of the Mars square, and incidentally, the full moon Sun falls very close to Netanyahu’s Sun – as it is his birthday on October 21. His solar return for the next year involves a tough configuration of the Moon in Aries opposite Saturn in Libra – both T-squaring Pluto. But Libra is rising in his solar return chart, so there is hope!
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
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- April 5, 1818. 2 pm. Santiago. (Battle of Maipo.) [↩]
- [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.826. [↩]
- “The Nobel Peace Prize 2010 – Press Release”. 18 Oct 2010 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.374. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.183. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.169. [↩]
- “The Nobel Peace Prize 2010 – Press Release”., 18 Oct. 2010. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.400. The Hidden History of Humanity, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- See “Esoteric History of the Jewish Race: The First Solar System to Israel” in The Destiny of the Races and Nations, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.668-9. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.228. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.643. [↩]