Pisces 2016: Seven Opportunities. Medium-Mediator. Jonah. Eclipse. Bernie Sanders.

Baralacha, Nicholas Roerich.
Pisces Keynote
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
(Pisces Solar Festival: February 22, 2016. 6:20 pm, GMT.)
Seven Opportunities When the Sun is in Pisces
The Three Keynotes of Pisces
Pisces the Medium or Mediator
Jonah and the Whale
Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 9
Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party
Bernie Sanders Transits for Election November 8, 2016.
Webinar – 2025 Initiative: The Current Global Situation 2016: An Astro-Cyclic Overview
Seminar on Cosmic Fire: Sweden March 2016
USR Conference April 5-17, 2016
Visit to the USA and Canada
The Hidden History of Humanity on Facebook
Travel Diary #7
Seven Opportunities When the Sun is in Pisces
As the Sun passes into each sign of the zodiac in its twelve-fold progress through the heavens, a window of opportunity opens that enriches and stimulates a greater awareness of one’s soul purpose. Everyone has their own horoscope as individual and specific as one’s own palm-print, but throughout our lives, via progressions and transits to the natal horoscope, we get to experience all signs of the zodiac, regardless of the Sun sign or Rising sign.
Here lies the great beauty of the science and art of astrology, because the zodiac signs are, like the planets and rays, highly evolved LIVES whose influence is for humans to respond and consequently evolve consciousness. Likewise, as humanity evolves and grows through the zodiac lives, so those lives also evolve and grow. It is a two-way street of invocation and evocation, one of the ancient lost sciences that will re-emerge in the approaching Aquarian cycle.
This is why the subject of the Creative Hierarchies is a most important foundation in the Science of Esoteric Astrology, also known as the Science of All Sciences!
When the Sun goes into Pisces on its annual cycle, several opportunities emerge:
1. Pisces is astrologically the end of the year preceding the start of the new year in Aries, hence a time to reflect upon the past year and to gauge success and failures – personally, in group or globally. It is also an opportunity to make new year resolutions, especially if those resolutions from the more well-known Capricorn new year have not made much traction yet!
2. Pisces is a window to experience a greater emotional and psychic sensitivity; a period where one can reflect upon the degree of emotional maturity.
3. Pisces is a water sign, a symbol of the emotional or astral body, the desire body as it is called in Buddhism. The astral body is the greatest challenge for those treading the Upward Way, though increasingly now the mental sphere too. Hence Pisces generates awareness of how to rule over and control this most unruly of personality vehicles, commonly expressed as anger, fear, hatred, irritation, desire for power and addiction of all kinds.
4. Allied to the previous point is the subject of Glamour – illusion upon the astral plane, the main Kurukshetra or battle ground for Humanity. Pisces may or may not be an opportune time to ask how deeply are you immersed in glamour? If one is immersed in glamour, then how can it be perceived? – Usually by the world reflecting back to you through your friends or acquaintances. Some of them reinforce our illusions, whilst others challenge them. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of degree, one must accept the fact that we are all plugged into this global miasma, gradually freeing ourselves from it over many lives.
Many of those who aspire to the spiritual path, who understand the ABC’s of reincarnation and karma for instance, who feel/know themselves to be souls, harbor all kinds of self-made delusions – from believing that they hail from some distant galaxy, or being an initiate, to thinking that “this is my last incarnation”, that one is in contact with “high beings” on the inner planes and so forth. Critical and discriminating thought is by-passed and feeds the lower ego; it is also the playground of the Dark Forces (their focus is upon the astral plane) ,who seek to imprison and retard human progress.
Hence, Pisces can be a useful period for wake-up calls but equally to become more deeply enmeshed in personal glamours. Much of this concerns the lower expression of Pisces ruler Neptune. Hence the duality of Pisces, the two fishes tethered together in the ocean of matter – one represents the unredeemed personality whilst the other is the soul seeking to express a clear note through that personality. Pisces is ultimately about blending soul and form.

Meditation. (Nicholas Roerich 1923.)
5. Pisces is most conducive for going inward, to explore the subjective worlds, to experience the side of oneself that is the mystic, visionary or devotee. The passive energy of Pisces allows those who are more active/aggressive or overly mentally polarised to “let go and let god”.
It is the receptive feminine qualities of Pisces that allow one to travel inward and to find their focus in the heart. It is also the retiring quality of Pisces that fosters the tendency to be the Hermit, retreating from the clamour of the outer world. Yet Pisces can also be escapist, hence its connection to drugs and alcohol.
6. Pisces is the opportunity to develop deeper qualities of kindness, compassion and caring; it is a great example of the dynamic practice of forgiveness and of the ability to truly listen to another. The Piscean avatar The Christ, was a great exemplar of all these qualities.
7. Pisces creates an awareness of the opportunity to serve one’s fellow humanity, to sacrifice all and everything, to devote oneself utterly to the task at hand.
The Three Keynotes of Pisces
1. Bondage or captivity.
2. Renunciation or detachment.
3. Sacrifice.1
Bondage or captivity The two fishes of personality and soul are bound together for aeons, with the soul as captive of the personality. When the individual has “reversed the wheel”, the personality becomes captive of the soul; the integration and refinement of the personality proceeds apace to accommodate the greater expression of the soul.
Renunciation or detachment A dual renunciation takes place,
“First of all the soul renounces the life and light of the Monad (“the Father’s home”) and descends into the ocean of matter; then reversing itself, the soul renounces the life of form, the personality … The soul detaches itself … from the Monad the One, and functions from its own centre, making its own new and material attachments. Then, upon the reversal of the wheel, it proceeds to detach itself from the personality and re-attach itself in consciousness to the One Who sent it forth. Such is the climaxing story of Pisces.”2
This description is one which points to an advanced stage of evolution and of Pisces’ role as the last sign of the zodiac, the completion of the long journey toward liberation. Pisces holds a glimpse of that future for every human soul, hence Pisces is a dual sign of both bondage and liberation. All the minor renunciations made over many lives lead ultimately to the Great Renunciation.
As souls we sacrifice our high place in order to come down and fulfil the Planetary Purpose – all life is raised up from its prison in matter and freed. This is why it is said that the life of sacrifice and “directed intention to serve” one’s fellow humanity is a “scientific mode of achieving release.”3
Hence Pisces is also one of the four zodiac signs of death, completion and endings. Pluto the Lord of Death is its esoteric ruler and aids in the destroying process that detaches the soul from the body at the hour of death, severing the life thread that ties the two fishes of soul and personality together.

Mystic Mermaid. (Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann.) A mermaid is a medium between land and sea, the conscious and the unconscious, inhabiting mainly the unseen realms, hence a figure of great mystery.
Pisces is an obvious sign of duality but most of the zodiac signs are dual in their expression. Also, each incarnate soul balances the pairs of opposites through the six pairs of zodiac signs. Hence the earthy Virgo polarity of Pisces is most important for stabilising the psychic fluid nature of Pisces. Virgo’s introspective, discriminating and analytical nature “arrests the fluidity of Pisces”.4
The Instinct of Pisces at the very early stages of evolution becomes transformed into the Intellect of Virgo. The developed intellect of Virgo gives rise to greater understanding and hence a deeper development of compassion in Pisces. And so these two inextricably entwined threads compliment one another on ever higher turns of the evolutionary spiral.
Pisces the Medium or Mediator
Mediumship is connected to mass consciousness, like a school of fish. Neptune is the co-ruler of Pisces, Lord of the Oceans and appropriately, the watery astral plane. Mediumship is about impressibility, negativity and receptivity through the astral body that is able to connect to the astral bodies of others.
If the mind has not been adequately awakened in the opposite sign of Virgo (or in a higher correspondence, trained esoterically), then the psychic individual will be “all at sea” in understanding their impressions, or even terrified from experiences upon the astral plane. Most mediums are not spiritually awakened, they work through their lower centres – which is not to say that all of their perceptions are inaccurate or useless, but to many awakened individuals they might be. Of these kind of mediums, The Tibetan tells us,

19th Century Physical Mediumship Demonstration.
“The ordinary low-grade medium is the outstanding example of the worst aspects of Pisces – negativity, impressionability, animal and emotional sensitivity with complete undevelopment of the mental principle. It would be of interest to find out two things scientifically:
1. Whether the majority of the lowest kind of medium (trance mediums in particular) have Pisces dominant in some powerful manner in their charts.
2. Whether those mediums who are becoming more positive and more self-controlled and who are beginning to get a glimpse of the higher correspondences in their work – mediatorship and interpretive activity – have not got Virgo appearing somewhere with real potency and activity.
This might indicate the awakening of the mind, in the first instance, and eventually that there was a shift in the influence controlling them, from the orthodox planetary rulership to that of the more esoteric planets. It might be added that spiritualism and the work of the spiritualistic movement are under the influence of Pisces with Cancer rising, or in some stages with the reverse – Cancer with Pisces rising.”5
Hence, the transformed medium becomes the mediator working on a higher level, mediating between the subtle and material worlds, utilising the heart centre instead of the solar plexus, as well as the throat centre (mental body) and ajna centre.

Jonah and the Whale.
Jonah and the Whale
Pisces is the story of the buried Christ life or soul within the watery matrix – that, over long aeons, is unable to free itself from matter. Eventually after many incarnations that soul life emerges. We are told that the story of Jonah trapped in the belly of a whale is,
“… a parable concerned with the Piscean stage of consciousness and the awakening of the Christ consciousness – with the consequent dispute which that entails. Jonah stands for the hidden imprisoned Christ, alive to the perils of the situation, and the whale of large size stands for the bondage of incarnation and for the personality.”6
There are two levels of interpretation here, one concerning the personality’s bondage; but also in the life of the initiate Jesus when he said, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).
Here Jesus was referring to his imminent crucifixion and resurrection, just as Jonah was “resurrected” from the whale’s mouth. Jesus was a third degree initiate about to take the exalted fourth degree (The Crucifixion, or the Great Renunciation) – the initiation that the liberating forces of Pisces represents.
Hence, the three days in the belly of the whale also relate to the third initiation for Jonah, the same as the blinded three days for the initiate Paul on the road to Damascus. Similarly, William Bloom gives an interpretation,
“There is another interpretation. This is one of initiation. Jonah is everyman and everywoman on the spiritual path. He is avoiding the dangerous places of his own psyche, but in avoiding them he creates the tension and storm of an even greater crisis. He begins to disintegrate psychologically and could drown in the perilous ocean of wild emotions, but instead finds himself in the belly of darkness. What does it mean to be inside the whale? Taken literally, the experience would be awful. It would be a smothering nightmare. Compression. Slow disintegration. No exit. A complete hell state.
But this is a fable of spiritual growth in which Jonah is reborn as God’s appreciated servant. He has in fact spent time in the womb of the greatest creature on our beautiful planet. He has been in the womb of the cosmic parent. The experience was not hell. It was safe, warm, all-enveloping nurture. He was soaking in the classic spiritual experience: a full-body melting into the great ocean of bliss, power and benevolence the sea of cosmic consciousness, Buddha consciousness, Christ consciousness, the Muslim Garden of Delights, Nirvana, Heaven, unconditional love, the Tao.
Jonah was having the deepest of initiatory spiritual experiences. Avoiding his original spiritual calling, he became a man of bad luck. He could sink ships. But in his depression he found himself embraced by the benevolent cosmos and was transformed. As a grown man, as an adult, he was returned to the primal, foetal state of being a child of the universe.”7
Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces, March 9
Of the several eclipses every year, a total solar eclipse is usually the most powerful. Eclipses are historically associated with disaster and dread partly due to the fact that the Moon blocks the Sun’s light for a period of time, giving rise to primordial fears in the animal and human kingdoms.
But they have also been historically proven to mark accelerations of growth in a nation or an individual’s life. The nature of an eclipse can have a profound if not devastating effect, depending upon what it aspects in the horoscope.
Eclipses fix a pattern within the aura or etheric body of the Earth, whose effects can last up to a year or more. Often an eclipse pattern can be triggered by a planetary transit after the eclipse or six months later, when there is an eclipse in the opposite sign.
The eclipse in March is further marked by an extraordinary cluster of planets in Pisces – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune, Chiron and the Moon’s south node. Exactly opposite the Sun-Moon position is Jupiter in Virgo, whilst Saturn in Sagittarius falls at the point of a T-square.
Jupiter rules all three signs: It is the hierarchical ruler of Virgo and exoteric ruler of Pisces and Sagittarius. This pattern could herald the revelation of a truth that has huge ramifications upon this planet – over the next 6-12 months. Saturn the Lord of Karma is in the sign of religion and philosophy, Jupiter in Virgo represents an abundance of the Love-Wisdom force, appropriating Virgo’s discernment and discrimination to the less discriminating Sagittarius and Pisces.

The great wave off Kanagawa (Katsushika Hokusai)
The effects of this eclipse may certainly play out in the field of religion and crystallised fundamentalism that exists in all areas of human thought. The presence of the eclipse line across the Pacific might also have an impact on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and ongoing objections to what many regard as a corporate heist. It’s also relevant to note that the degree of Jupiter (truth) is the same as the position of the Sun on 9/11, hence this pattern may expose something about that 2001 tragedy.
At a very basic level, Virgo is the earth and Pisces is the ocean – there could be a massive earthquake and tsunami with a tight T-square like this in a solar eclipse chart. Note that the eclipse line extends across the Pacific Ocean from near Hawaii through Indonesia, right over the most earthquake and tsunami prone area of the planet, Sumatra – epicentre of the Christmas2004 tsunami. (See my analysis of this event in a past newsletter here.)

Astro-cartography of the March 9 eclipse.
Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party
(See also this profile of Sanders in the Virgo 2015 newsletter )
The horoscope of Bernie Sanders is also activated by the March 9 eclipse, closely squaring his natal Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter has been one of the main planets responsible for Sanders’ rise in popularity, transiting over his Virgo Sun once already and set for two more hits from March to June this year. This latter date is the last Democratic Party primary where the candidate for the US president will be selected.
“712 votes doled out to Democratic National Committee officers, elected officials, and other party luminaries. The superdelegates are free to vote for their preferred nominee, unbound by the will of the voters …”

Democratic Party (inner wheel). Bernie Sanders (outer wheel). Note that Hygeia is at the exact degree of the March 9 eclipse, promising much in-house cleansing (hygiene) for the Democrats.
The issue of Superdelegates threatens to create much conflict in the Democratic Party – whose founding horoscope of 1829 is a Pisces Sun – directly opposite Bernie Sanders’ Virgo Sun! Also, the Democrats’ Pisces Sun is closely square Jupiter in Sagittarius. Both transiting Saturn and Jupiter this year will be making several hits to the Democrats’ horoscope, particularly transiting Saturn conjunct Jupiter, triggering the square to the natal Pisces Sun. For the Democratic Party this process has already begun with Saturn’s transits in the past few months – and will last the entire year up to the November elections.
Hence, Sanders is not just running his own battle for US President, but up against factions within his own party. His opponent Clinton some say, may as well be a Republican given some of her policies – but she far outnumbers Sanders with supporting Superdelegates. If Sanders makes it through the June primary, his chances of being elected in November are extremely good.

Bernie Sanders. (Data rated “A” from Astrodatabank.) With Scorpio rising as Sanders’ soul purpose, here is a tenacious warrior of the people! He is certainly no puppet pushed forward by a slick advertising campaign. Scorpio ruler Mars placed is in combative Aries conjunct his Moon in the same sign.

Bernie Sanders transits and progressions for election day November 8, 2016.
Bernie Sanders Transits for Election November 8, 2016
1. Transiting Uranus conjunct Aries Moon and Mars
a. Arguably Sanders’ most important long term transit. Since June 2015 transiting Uranus (revolution and change) has been making a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction to his Moon in Aries – engaging a high profile with the masses (Moon) – and asserting his credentials as a warrior of the people.
b. In March 2016, transiting Uranus makes its last hit to the Aries Moon and then proceeds to conjoin his Mars in Aries – in May and September, all the way through to March 2017. Uranus has been one of Sanders’ most powerful allies in ascendancy popularity, though he has had many other empowering influences from Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.

c. Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarian soul purpose of the USA and hence there is a potent resonance here for an extraordinary make-over of the USA at such a critical juncture in history. Uranus also represents Sanders resurrecting FDR’s “New Deal”:
“Programs initiated in response to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians refer to as the “3 Rs,” Relief, Recovery, and Reform: relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.”8
d. Noteworthy here is that the eclipse of March 9, 2016 closely aspects FDR’s Uranus in Virgo, ruler of that “great first ray disciple’s”9 Aquarian Sun.
2. Transiting Pluto trine Virgo Sun
a. This transit has been in effect since the beginning of 2015 and will last all 2016. Pluto is the planet of political power and along with Mars, is the co-ruler of Sanders’ Scorpio soul purpose. Hence the harmonious trine aspect to his Sun has enabled his soul purpose to work through his Virgo personality with great success.

Pluto has been transiting through Sanders’ second house of money and values – he has challenged American values and the right use of money throughout his campaign. Pluto is also opposing USA’s Cancer Sun and triggering its Sun square Saturn aspect. (More on that later.)
b. Pluto also makes a T-square with transiting Jupiter in Libra and Sanders’ progressed Mars in Aries, very dynamic.
3. Transiting Jupiter conjunct Virgo Sun
a. Jupiter, ruler of the second ray soul of the USA, has been most prominently conjunct Sanders’ Virgo Sun on and off throughout much of his campaign. Jupiter has effectively put him in the spotlight, transiting through his tenth house of public/career.
b. By the time of the election, Jupiter will have moved into Libra, triggering the USA Saturn square Sun aspect. Transiting Jupiter also opposes Sanders’ progressed Mars in Aries – a very dynamic factor for Sanders’ Mars-ruled Scorpio soul purpose. And, as described in the previous point, this opposition creates a potent T-square to transiting Pluto.
c. As an aside, the March 9 eclipse sees Jupiter making a T-square to Donald Trump’s Sun-Moon in Gemini-Sagittarius, creating the potential for greater exaggerations and foot-in-mouth remarks than were hitherto thought possible! It may well create the beginning of the end for Trump – a crash and burn through his own buffoonery! Hopefully this is occurring already, as Trump is an obvious tool of the Materialistic Forces; it is truly amazing to see how the (controlled) media give him so much attention and feed his many vanities.
4. Transiting Saturn square Virgo Sun
a. Transiting Saturn is in Sagittarius squaring Sanders’ Virgo Sun, which in turn rules his ninth (Sagittarian) house of principles, philosophy, religion etc. This is unique, creating a double emphasis on higher human values for which he has been so consistent. The first hit will be exact on this Pisces full moon then May – and November for the third and final square.
Transiting Saturn square the Sun can be an enormously frustrating aspect, feeling interminably slow or that one is being blocked at every turn. But this acute angle in the hands of a fighter like Sanders can be precisely the point of tension he needs to confront some almost insurmountable obstacles. (At its worst, it could mean that the blockage is so powerful that it prevents him taking the presidency.)

United States of America.
b. Saturn represents the state/status quo and the degree of Saturn’s transit is the same as the USA’s 1776 Sagittarius rising horoscope. Therefore, Sanders’ Virgo Sun is in USA’s ninth house – square to USA’s ascendant; this is Sanders calling out the USA on its morals and principles regarding a fair deal for its populace. But for many people (especially big business) he represents an annoying thorn in the side of the nation.
c. Also at election time, Sagittarius ruler Jupiter happens to be conjunct USA’s Saturn in Libra – which is square to USA’s Cancer Sun. (The author has commented upon this aspect extensively in past newsletters.) Hence, this most troublesome aspect of USA’s will have a strong focus at this time – ambitions of empire, foreign manipulation and domination, becoming a heavy-handed oligarchy, a promoter of prison privatisation industries etc. The current unworkability of congress is a good example of USA’s Sun square Saturn.
d. The other factor that Saturn in Sagittarius provides for Sanders is to stay on track with his campaign, keeping a one-pointed focus. When Saturn in Sagittarius squares a Virgo Sun, there is a talent to really go into the nitty-gritty (Virgo) of big ideas (Sagittarius).
a. It must be borne in mind that Mars is both the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Sanders’ Scorpio ascendant. On the day of the Pisces full moon 2016, transiting Mars is conjunct his ascendant, which will certainly empower soul purpose – perhaps most combatively, but also physically, as Mars transits through his first house right through until September.

Take no prisoners Bernie!
He will need this energy boost as he is not a young man (74), a factor that may go against him when it comes to the vote. In early March, transiting Mars also conjoins his progressed Sun in the last degree of Scorpio, adding further fuel to his fiery quest! “Feel the Bern” is a good pun on this fire theme.
b. During the period of June and July, transiting Mars will be virtually stationary for six weeks, sitting on Sanders’ Ascendant/progressed midheaven. This will be the period immediately following the primaries, and if he is selected, the fight will be really on with the Republican candidate. (Really, do they have one?) This station of Mars could just as much reflect conflict and dissension with the Democratic Party.
c. Sanders’ progressed Mars opposite transiting Jupiter – as mentioned earlier.
d. Transiting Mars on election day is in the last degree of Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation. Achievement, success. If ever a phrase describes “king of the mountain”, this is it – for whoever is victor on that day. Sanders’ Scorpio rising (as opposed to Clinton’s Scorpio Sun) may well have the edge here; he can be clearly seen to have uncompromising principles, as opposed to other candidates that have all sorts of questionable allegiances.
6. Transiting Mercury conjunct Ascendant/Progressed Midheaven
a. The ruler of Sanders’ midheaven (public, career) is Mercury. On election day, transiting Mercury is exactly conjunct his progressed midheaven in Scorpio and also his Scorpio ascendant. Both points oppose his progressed Saturn (authority, power) in Taurus; in turn, these points of the Scorpio-Taurus axis make a T-square to the Moon in Aquarius, almost at the same degree as the Moon in USA’s 1776 horoscope; a huge point of tension, especially considering the USA’s soul is Aquarius.
b. Sanders’ progressed Mercury is in Scorpio harmoniously aspecting his Mercury-ruled Virgo Sun. The transiting Sun on election day is in Scorpio and conjoins progressed Mercury, further strengthening the harmonious aspect to his Virgo Sun. (Bear in mind that his Virgo Sun has had a thoroughly beneficial workout from Jupiter in 2015-2016!)c. Mercury is also the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and has a mass effect, that may influence voters. Mercury in Scorpio is conducive to penetrating thought and deep reflection. (Transiting Mercury happens to be conjunct Hillary Clinton’s natal Mercury on election day.)
7.Progressed Sun in Sagittarius
a. The progressed Sun moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius in early August 2016. Whenever the progressed Sun changes signs, it represents a big shift; he must have been feeling it for the past year – as a Scorpio rising with progressed Sun in Scorpio – and as a “democratic socialist”. Sanders has certainly been the disciple battling the nine-headed hydra.
b. Therefore, the influence of Sagittarius will keep Sanders on track if elected, to maintain and stick by the principles that he espoused during his campaign. Given his track record this will not be a problem for him – his main challenges will be the Republicans and Congress, perhaps even his own dysfunctional Democratic Party with its ongoing conflicts.
c. Sanders’ progressed Sun goes into the same degree as Hillary Clinton’s Jupiter in Sagittarius. This close synastry could result in a working partnership if one of them was elected – one president and the other one vice-president – strange bed fellows! Whatever way USA’s situation is viewed, observers such as Noam Chomsky say that the Democratic Party must take power – if the Republicans were to gain power, America is doomed.
More than at any other time in recent history, the urgency of someone like Sanders becoming president is paramount, to get that nation back on its feet and to stop it being strangled by the selfish forces within. Attaining power is one thing, bringing about the changes will be another. Perhaps the Democrats will nominate Clinton as a safe bet, but to many voters, she will not be much better than a Republican.
Webinar – 2025 Initiative
The Current Global Situation 2016: An Astro-Cyclic Overview.
Through esoteric astrology, the science of cycles and the evolution of the rootraces, Phillip will analyse what is going on in the world today – the great crises Humanity faces, what is being done to solve them and what is holding Humanity back. All this will be examined in the context of increasing Shamballa force as well as 2025, the the date from which the planned reappearance of the Hierarchy will begin.
February 20th, 19:00-20:30 GMT/UTC. 19:00 in London, 20:00 in Geneva, 14.00 in New York .
(Follow this link to register and join the webinar.)
Seminar on Cosmic Fire: Sweden March 2016.
A workshop in the subtle atmosphere of Hillesgården in the south of Sweden, where Phillip Lindsay will give an introduction to “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire”. The study will open a deeper understanding around the universal forces that we all are affected by, and their effect in what we call the phenomenal world. The workshop will be in English and the group thereby international. More …
USR Conference April 5-17, 2016 in Mesa, Arizona.
This year is the thirtieth anniversary of the University of the Seven Rays conference. I will be participating this year and look forward to connecting once again with many of the people who have contributed over the years. Do think about trying to make it to this year’s event!
Visit to the USA and Canada
I will also be available in the USA and Canada to present seminars on Esoteric Astrology and the Hidden History of Humanity. If you are interested in my visiting your area please contact me soon, as my travel schedule is starting to fill up. I will be available from late April to early June approximately – about seven weeks. So far I will be visiting Florida, North and South Carolina, Arizona and California. Then I will return to Europe, starting with Portugal in late June.
The Hidden History of Humanity on Facebook. Phillip Lindsay’s writings and travels on the theme of Esoteric History, proposing a more extensive chronology for the unfoldment of human consciousness. If you wish to see my recent travel pics through Europe, you can “follow” this page.
Travel Diary #7
Travel Diary #7 was just released last week.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.115. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.116. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.116. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.118. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.124-5. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.123. [↩]
- http://www.williambloom.com/writings/jonah-and-the-whale-65.htm [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.578. [↩]
The webinar this afternoon was very space is deeply appreciated. Thank you.