Sagittarius 2012: Don Quixote. Spain. Spielberg. Mayans 2012. NGWS.
“I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.”
Don Quixote: Tilting at Windmills
Spain: Sagittarian Soul
Steven Spielberg – Sagittarian Visionary
Sagittarius, the Galactic Centre and The Mayan Calendar
Festival of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS)
Don Quixote: Tilting at Windmills
Written in the early 1600’s by Spaniard Don Cervantes, Don Quixote is a story about a man whose ideals about knights and chivalry distorts his perception; he sets off upon a quest as a knight-errant in search of adventure, donning a suit of armour, with faithful Sancho as his companion. All that is ordinary takes on grandiose interpretations in the imagination of Don Quixote, so that even windmills become “giants” worthy of attack by his horse and lance; hence the phrase “tilting at windmills”, captivated or trapped by one’s illusions.
All events that unfold are “chivalrous quests” that are compounded by Quixote’s meddling in affairs that do not concern him. Don Quixote is an idealist who dreams of a golden age of humanity where there is no such thing as property and peace prevails on Earth. The story of Don Quixote also has a more serious, philosophical theme about self-deception and illusion.

L: Don Quixote by Honoré Daumier (1868). R: Don Quixote de la Mancha and Sancho Panz by Gustave Doré (1863).
Don Quixote is the archetypal Sagittarian whose high idealism and philosophical disposition drive him forward on his vision-quest. He is tall and lanky like some Sagittarians, contributing to a certain confidence or over-confidence! The sixth ray of devotion and idealism finds its strongest expression through Sagittarius and represents a powerful emotional component for this fire sign. The sixth ray is also the influence behind Quixote interfering in other’s affairs. Bear in mind that this story was written at the height of the Piscean age, when the sixth ray was also in full expression.
Although fire is a symbol of the mind or manas, Sagittarius is the most emotionally enthusiastic or effusive of the fire signs, especially when it comes to ideas. This is where Sagittarians often come unstuck because of their undiscriminating emotional adherence to ideas that result in a narrow tunnel vision.
Religions ruled by the sixth ray – such as Christianity and Islam, are a good example of this tunnel vision that can extend into extreme fanaticism or fundamentalism, fighting for a cause that has replaced the original idea or ideal espoused by that creed.
Hence the emotion-driven attachment to ideas that have not been fully thought through – and a self-righteousness that proclaims “my truth” as the “only way” – hallelujah brothers and sisters! When Sagittarians are thus possessed, there is nothing that one can say to them, because of their know-all attitude, compounded by a lack of discrimination.
Sagittarius represents Humanity’s upward aspiration to know God, to wrestle those ideas and causal principles from the “raincloud of knowable things”, to see the vision of an ideal universal harmony or heaven.
Therefore Sagittarius is a sign that concerns the balancing of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, where contacted ideas are subject to a sifting and refining process, in an effort to penetrate to the heart of the truth. There is a great irony for Sagittarians, who as seekers and upholders of truth, are continually confounded by their own untruth, or their inability to understand or penetrate an idea, a system of thought, a religion or philosophy. Hence the relativity of truth for anyone at any given time in their unfoldment. (See essay, “Sagittarius and the Relativity of Truth”.)
As one of the least discriminating signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius must draw from the Virgo arm of the mutable cross, of which it is a part, in order to filter the avalanche of ideas that crowd into its consciousness. This is the realm of Jupiter, that expansive ruler of Sagittarius – and ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom. The second ray and Sagittarius share much in common on this wisdom theme.
Sagittarius is adept at viewing the wide blue horizon or the greater cosmic picture but not necessarily discriminating at filtering its impressions. It shares this impressionability with its polar opposite sign Gemini, engendering an endearing child-like naivety. Hence Sagittarians can be easily led, followers of cults – or be the initiator of a cult. “Cult” is the dominating “idee fixe” or illusion of a cult’s leading personality and their names are legion. Hence Don Quixote’s problem is illusion – as it is generated upon the mental plane in the realm of ideas:
“Illusion is the power of some mental thoughtform, of some ideal, and some concept – sensed, grasped and interpreted in mental form – to dominate the mental processes of the individual or of the race and consequently to produce the limitation of the individual or group expression …
… A mental illusion might perhaps be described as an idea, embodied in an ideal form, which permits no room or scope for any other form of ideal. It precludes an ability, therefore, to contact ideas. The man is tied to the world of ideals and of idealism. He cannot move away from it. This mental illusion ties and limits and imprisons the man. A good idea may consequently become an illusion with great facility and prove a disastrous conditioning factor in the life of the man who registers it.
An illusion can, therefore, be defined as the consequence of an idea (translated into ideal) being regarded as the entire presentation, as the complete story or solution and as being separated from and visioned independently of all other ideas – both religious in nature or apparently completely unrelated to religion. In this statement lies the story of separation and of man’s inability to relate the various implications of a divine idea with each other.
When visioned and grasped in a narrow and separative manner, there is necessarily a distortion of the truth, and the disciple or aspirant inevitably pledges himself to a partial aspect of reality or of the Plan and not to the truth as far as it can be revealed …
This illusion evokes in the disciple or idealist an emotional reaction which immediately feeds desire and consequently shifts off the mental plane on to the astral; a desire is thus evoked for a partial and inadequate ideal and thus the idea cannot arrive at full expression, because its exponent sees only this partial ideal as the whole truth and cannot, therefore, grasp its social and planetary and its cosmic implications.”1
Each curtain or veil that falls before the questing Sagittarian, propels them forward upon their quest, as its keynote well expresses, “I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.” It also hints at the importance of Sagittarius to “reach its goal” – and to follow-through on the arrow that was fired toward the target.
In this instance we are also reminded of the hierarchical rulership of Sagittarius, Mars the hunter – of “fair game” – in the forest or upon the higher mental plane; yet also the fact that Mars, as ruler of the solar plexus, brings in a distorting component of kama-manas or desire-mind; hence the problem of Mars and its “two-edged sword”.
Sagittarius is the sign of the one-pointed questing disciple, the archer aiming unerringly toward the target, driving “upward and onward”, daring, venturing “where angels fear to tread”; like the spirit of Odysseus the world wanderer, whose path led through many ancient lands and cultures, rich in history and tradition – expanding his consciousness and understanding.
Sagittarius is a sensual and experiential sign, down to earth, an everyman and common man, ruled by the passions and the perennial “party animal”, promiscuous as its ruler, Jupiter – in his Greek guise as Zeus, king of the gods. The story of Odysseus ordering his shipmates to tie him to the mast – so he could hear the sweet song of the sirens, is legend. (It is said that the “song of the sirens” was the influence of Sirius.)

L: The Sirens by Norman Lindsay. R: Ulysses and the Sirens by Herbert Draper.
“We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main centre of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral centre which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life. This is also symbolically true. In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense.
This concerns the relationship between the sacral and the throat centres. These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.”2
Re-orientation from the sacral to the throat centre leads eventually to illumination and the “transfiguration” initiation. A parallel reorientation is also achieved by substituting desire with aspiration – moving from the Mars-dominated solar plexus to the Jupiter-ruled heart. Hence, the intense zealousness of the Sagittarian aspirant and the yearning for transcendental, visionary experience for all mystics upon the Higher Way.

“Twelve-Petalled Lotus” by Francis Donald.
Spain: Sagittarius Soul
Spain is ruled by Sagittarius and the sixth ray at the soul level and both influences distorted in their expression through Spain’s Capricorn personality, resulting in the religious zealotry that characterised the Spanish Inquisition; the persecution and murder of millions of “heretics” – in the name of Christ, through Europe and Spain’s colonies in the Americas.
Yet from the soul of the Spanish nation emerged the story of Don Quixote, “conceived as a comic satire against the chivalric romances … a parable of the “republic of enchanted men”, living in a world of illusions and tilting at windmills.”3
The nations of Europe brought their cultures to the rest of the world from about the 1600’s onward – Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Britain, France etc. The Odysseus-like character of the Spanish soul certainly had a wide influence in opening up the way to North and South America. Christopher Columbus was financed by Spanish royalty, many are the Spanish names throughout the USA, Central and South America – notwithstanding the cruelties of some over-zealous and greedy explorers such as Cortez and Pizarro. Of course, this kind of barbarism occurred with almost every imperialistic power in their respective colonies at that time.
Yet Spain has a destiny like any other national entity, hinted at in the following prophecy:
“As to the fanaticism, the natural cruelty, the fervent idealism, the arrogant pride and the religious and mystical quality of the Spanish character, they are obviously of sixth ray origin and are highly crystallised. The intense individualism of the people can be noted also as a definite part of their seventh ray personality equipment.
Their spiritual motto: “I disperse the clouds,” is indicative of the magical work for which Spain will eventually be responsible and sooner than is perhaps anticipated, thus balancing in that highly intelligent and individualistic country the field of scientific magic and the magical work of the Church of the future. This is a prophecy which lies at present too far ahead to be capable of verification, either in this generation or the next, but it is rooted in national characteristics and the law of probability.”4
Steven Spielberg – Sagittarian Visionary
Steven Spielberg has been named the “greatest film maker of all time” and has had an incredible influence upon the world through his movie-making art. Reflect for a moment on just a few of the films that Spielberg has made:
Duel, The Sugarland Express, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1941, The Blues Brothers, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Poltergeist, ET, the Indiana Jones movies, Gremlins, The Color Purple, Back to the Future, Empire of the Sun, Cape Fear, A Brief History of Time, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Twister, Men in Black, Saving Private Ryan, A Band of Brothers, Amistad, Minority Report, Warhorse, Lincoln.
There are many stories here, many spiels – as befit his name. Sagittarius, with the fourth ray (somewhere in Spielberg’s make-up), is the great story-teller, a spinner of yarns, connoting also the third ray – the weaver, also present in his ray structure. The third ray of active-intelligence and the fourth ray of art or beauty, must be the ideal combination for a film maker, and especially one who can reach and influence the masses as Spielberg has done.
Spielberg’s Sun in Sagittarius opposite Uranus in Gemini reveals his innovative and original approach to “big picture”, broad Sagittarian perspectives. Note how so many of his movies are tales of adventure into unknown realms – Indiana Jones is a modern day Odysseus. His Sun at 26 Sag 27 is also conjunct the “galactic centre” of our Milky Way galaxy, so important in Mayan tradition and December 21, 2012 – described later.
Mars in Capricorn conjunct his Sun gives him much drive, discipline and a very shrewd business sense, whilst Mercury in Sagittarius allows him to despatch the arrows of thought, to await for the returning arrows of intuition.

L: Sag adventurer, Indiana Jones. R: ET: The possibility of life on other worlds.
Mercury trines Saturn in Leo, allowing his ideas to manifest and shine with brilliance. Pluto adjacent to Saturn in Leo in the second house, reflects his prodigious wealth that matches a prodigious output.
Mercury also sextiles his Neptune, esoteric ruler of the chart, allowing him to express his vision and idealism. Neptune rules movies and also Spielberg’s Pisces midheaven, his work and career.
Cancer rising gives Spielberg a great sensitivity plus an eye for what the mass audience enjoys; it also speaks of his sentimentality for which he has been criticised.
His stellium of planets in Scorpio in the fifth house of creativity are the icing on the cake, in terms of his ability to relate the intensity of human emotion and experience. Spielberg has the Moon (ruler of his Cancer ascendant) in Scorpio, plus Chiron, Venus and Jupiter – ruler of his Sagittarian Sun – all in Scorpio. Hence his Scorpio planets are a bridge between his Cancerian soul expression and his Sagittarian personality. The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (known also as a “bridging” ray), is the only ray that passes through Scorpio, creating a powerful conduit for his most likely fourth ray mind and/or personality.
Other notable Scorpio film-makers are Peter Jackson and Stanley Kubrick. Bill Gates has a similar chart with Cancer rising and several Scorpio planets in the fifth house.
Sagittarius, the Galactic Centre and The Mayan Calendar
(See this author’s essays about Shamballa and the Mayan calendar here.)

This exact astronomical date of December 21, 2,012 is one that the general public tend to become fixated upon, creating confusion, fear and futile speculation. It is a perennial problem, and other “significant dates” including the yearly cycle of eclipses, continually attract superstitious and uninformed reactions.
The centre of the Milky Way galaxy is located at 26 Sagittarius – from our somewhat illusory viewpoint here on Earth, using the tropical zodiac. A gigantic black hole is thought to be at the centre of our galaxy, radiating a staggering amount of frequencies.
The galactic alignment of the Mayans is said to occur once in every 26,000 years – a “Great Year” or precessional cycle. We have been on the cusp of this alignment for the past 200 years, but the Mayan date of December 21 is where that alignment will be “exact” – the end of the Mayan “Long Count” calendar. The Sun will rise to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic.
In the greater zodiac, the 26,000 year cycle represents the completion of one zodiac cycle and the beginning of another; a 26,000-year Aquarian cycle that coincides with the beginning of the lesser Aquarian precessional cycle of 2,160 years.
This period coincides with several other cyclic changes: the cusp of the ages of Pisces and Aquarius – and the overlapping cycles of the outgoing 6th ray of devotion-idealism, with the incoming 7th ray of ceremonial magic-order.
The conflict and pain experienced by humanity because of these changes will continue for some centuries, while humanity adjust to the new incoming influences, until the new Aquarian rhythm is more established, synchronising with the influence of the seventh ray.
The galactic alignment is symbolically and actually, a transformative point in time that will encourage humanity to reconnect with its source, its essential essence, moving beyond the limitations and barriers with which it currently finds itself confronted.

L: Mayan Calendar or Sunstone. R: Crop circle associated with Mayan zodiac.
The world will indeed “end” on December 21, 2012 – one cycle passes away and a new one begins. Cataclysms have been occurring for decades and will increase in the next few hundred/few thousand years, as the Earth makes a major reorientation and pole-shift. This process always occurs between the beginning and end of rootraces and civilisations – it is part of the natural cyclic evolution of the Earth that must renew itself periodically.
Mayan elders talk about a “dark cloud” that may envelope the Earth for around three days and some speculate that this refers to the “dark rift cloud” in the centre of the Milky Way. The symbolism is closely akin to the northern hemisphere solstice that occurs during the same period, from December 21-24 – the “greatest darkness” of winter – extraordinarily amplified and aligned with the bigger cosmic picture. The annual winter solstice is a period of initiation where the candidate to the mysteries must “find their way through the dark”. Perhaps Humanity may experience a similar opportunity en masse.
The Mayans regard this period as the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. The intersection of the Sun with the Milky Way and plane of the ecliptic is said to create a cosmic cross, an embodiment of the World Tree, prominent in all traditions. Hence, an outflowing of energy from the galactic centre is expected, that will purify and cleanse the Earth.
The conjunction of the Sun with Pluto in December 2012 signifies the darkness of the underworld experience, transformation and initiation. The Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aries, reflecting the new revolutionary cycle that will begin in consciousness.
The exotic Mayan tradition provides a focus for the increasingly mystically-oriented evolution of humanity who recognise the heart-based values of caring for the earth and compassion toward all beings.
Festival of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Dec. 21-28.
The sign Sagittarius leads the one-pointed Way-Farer to the base of the mountain of initiation in Capricorn. Sagittarius 2012 is the beginning of an unique period that leads into a Capricorn cycle that only occurs every seven years – from the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn on December 21, through to December 28, 2012.
The last festival occurred in 2005 – an explanation of the New Group of World Servers and what the festival means, can be read here.
We have been informed that, “if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant”. Well it so happens that the Capricorn full moon for 2012 will fall on December 28, culminating the week of group meditations and other activities.
The New Group of World Servers work on the inner and outer planes through all groups that have the welfare of humanity at heart. In many ways the NGWS has a more subjective influence on these outer groups, complementing the subjective nature of Sagittarius, that aims its arrows of thought to manifest outwardly in the magical sign of Capricorn.
“This great and spiritual grouping of servers is, on the physical plane, only very loosely linked. On the astral plane the linking is stronger and is based upon love of humanity; on the mental plane the major linking takes place … It will be apparent, therefore, that certain developments must have taken place in the individual before s/he can consciously become a functioning member of the New Group of World Servers, which is the principal group at this time definitely working under the Law of Group Progress.”5
Of course, the dates for this festival coincide with the aforementioned Mayan calendar of December 21, providing some great opportunities for light workers the world over, to disseminate and work with powerful forces that will be pouring through from Capricorn, most likely along the line of the first ray of Will or Power. There will be more forthcoming news in the Capricorn full moon newsletter that will be sent out by December 20.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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