Sagittarius 2023: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius-Capricorn.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius-Capricorn (Nov.25, 2023 to Jan.21, 2024.)
Mercury will be in Sagittarius from Dec.23 to Jan.14 – a lengthy three-week period for philosophical reflection! Sagittarius is a sign of orientation and reorientation, the Archer who “tweaks the compass” on the long journey back to Source, reflecting upon whether arrows recently fired have found their mark or if new targets must be considered.
Sagittarius is a sign where aspirations, ideals, intuitions and new orientations become manifest in the following sign of Capricorn, encoded and anchored. Hence the retrograde period of two months offers an opportunity to re-examine where Sagittarian impulsiveness and idealism may need to be tempered with some Capricorn pragmatism. This two-month period also embraces the Capricorn solstice on Dec.22, the full moon on Dec.27, New Year and the Epiphany of Jan.6.
Mercury goes retrograde four times each year and can be a frustrating time for those who are unprepared for its influence. In Esoteric Astrology, Mercury is known as the “principle of illusion” which in this case refers to the illusion of retrograde. Retrogradation of any planet is based upon our perception from Earth and is actually an optical illusion because the planets never move backwards. Planetary retrograde is therefore based upon appearance only, hence lends itself to illusion and confusion.
Esoteric students know that the outer form is always the mask of maya, hiding the true inner nature and no less so with the phenomenon of retrogradation. Yet despite this, even with awareness of these facts, we can all fall foul of Mercury retrograde because everyone is enmeshed in maya, glamour and illusion – to some degree.
Most typically Mercury retrograde manifests as transport delays, computer crashes, mobile phone glitches, badly timed purchases, mis-communications in writing and speaking etc. The Mercury-ruled signs Gemini and Virgo come into prominence, as their shadow expression plays out in communications and right relationships (Gemini) – or criticism-discrimination, attention to detail, being meticulous, fastidious (Virgo).
Likewise, the Gemini-Virgo polarities: Sagittarius – making assumptions, judgements, generalisations, superficial evaluations. Pisces – imagining things will be alright or work out, when it is only astral plane illusion creating an internal disconnect. On the theme of illusion, The Tibetan mysteriously hints,
“Mercury, the divine Messenger, the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind, has performed his mission and “led humanity into the light” and the Christ-child out of the womb of time and of the flesh into the light of day and of manifestation, then the task of that great centre we call humanity will be accomplished.”1
When Mercury goes retrograde on a regular basis, it provides an opportunity to go inward, to go back over matters that may have been covered more superficially in the past, to question one’s motives, to achieve a greater thoroughness in our projects, plans and relationships. Hence, a retrograde period for any planet, if consciously embraced, can be a period of dynamic growth by working through obstacles, thereby transforming old habits.
Mercury retrograde allows for a greater awareness of the NOW, allowing a personal vigilance to step in and correct old thought or behaviour patterns when they arise. Mercury retrograde provides a window of recalibration and re-evaluation. From the esoteric perspective, Mercury retrograde is an opportune time to cultivate the intuition. Mercury rules the fourth plane of perception known as Buddhi or intuition, the stage of consciousness toward which all of Humanity is heading in its quest for perfection and liberation.
Mercury, known as “thrice greatest Hermes”, rules the lower mind, higher mind and the intuition; its action in any individual horoscope regarding responsiveness to these three levels depends upon the stage of consciousness unfoldment. Mercury retrograde is akin to “no man’s land” (now-here) – a place to gain a perspective of the conflicting pairs of opposites in one’s life. On that theme of conflict, Mercury is the co-ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict – the harmonising part of that equation, whilst the Moon as the unconscious, rules over conflict.
Mercury retrograde periods have a two-week pre and post retrograde “shadow phase”, which for some can feel as strong as Mercury retrograde! The pre-retrograde phase is when the daily motion of Mercury starts to slow down, whilst the post-retrograde phase is when the daily motion is moving toward its normal speed – but both phases take almost two weeks each.
Hence, the Mercury pre-retrograde phase started on Nov.25 when life situations are set up for the retrograde phase that follows 18 days later on Dec.13 – which happens to coincide with the Sagittarius new moon. Then Mercury stays retrograde for 20 days until Jan.2 when it makes a “direct station” (the appearance of having stopped), as it moves from retrograde to direct motion – in Sagittarius. After that, the “post shadow” phase lasts until Jan.21, 2024.
When all of the Mercury retrograde periods are added up for the year (including pre and post), they amount to six months, or half of each year. Therefore, cultivating a greater awareness of this regular Mercurial rhythm in our lives, we will welcome each Mercury retrograde cycle as one of opportunity for refinement and perfection, instead of frustration and chaos!
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.273. [↩]
Good morning! I have Sagittarius rising. Your message is particularly helpful. I hope you are happy and know that you are appreciated. Love you, Jane Webster
This begs a question. One day I was in Walmart for half an hour during a Mercury period and I saw three different carts going by with big screen TV’s in them. I have gotten the impression that the masses don’t seem to be as affected by it as us disciples. Do you have anything to add? As far as mistimed purchases I bought my first car during Mercury Rx. I didn’t know about the joy of Mercury Rx in those days.
Finally any sense of how this might affect the Middle East situation?
The masses are more affected by Mercury retro than anyone as they live more in the world of maya, glamour and illusion.
Regarding Israel-Gaza, Mercury retro could add to a long drawn out affair. Mercury goes over Israel’s natal Jupiter Dec. 24/25, then back again Jan.10/11. Mercury is the mediator and Jupiter is usually “benificent” in its own sign of Sagittarius. Hence, generous concessions could be made but I would not hold my breath! Jupiter in Sag can be quite belligerent and arrogant exoterically speaking and it could be argued that its position in the horoscope reflects the “Greater Israel” plan of the right wing govt. Furthermore, Jupiter is trine to Israel’s problematic Mars in Leo but these dates will definitely be worth watching closely! Hence, the Sagittarius shadow aspects mentioned in this newsletter could play out strongly.
Within the world of retail, an insane number of people actually buy huge TV’s for holidays & special events (such as the Super Bowl) & then return them to the store after the event for a refund. Sick, sad and yet true. Do not be deceived by what you see with your eyes or may think makes sense these days. I have learned to love RX periods of times for the opportunities they present when one is willing to be mindful & flexible. As for the Middle East, I feel that it is key to understanding the big picture. Mercury invites one to revisit and review…it’s a bigger picture than any TV screen will ever present. 💜
Thank you Phillip,, nice and clear for me…With a stellium in Sagitarius in 5th house and Progressed. Mercury stationing Direct on Jan18th – philosophical musings ahead no doubt. I. Have earmarked this time to continue writing an online course exploring the energies inherent in the Moons cycle and how they can be turned to practical usefor the lay person… Thanks for all the sharing of your wisdom. Nicolette
Nicolette, Mercury stations direct on Jan.2, not 18. The phrase you confused was, “Nov.25 when life situations are set up for the retrograde phase that follows 18 days later on Dec.13”. Already Mercury pre-shadow phase is doing its work now!
You are such an amazing writer, I continue to promote you with
delight and assurance of your exquisite knowledge.
I love your work.Andie
A large percentage of folks have mercury retro in natal birth chart. Correspondence certainly, anything to add re that? Definitely imo mercury retrogrades are experienced differently for those like me with a retro mercury natal. TY for your good clear work.
People born with Mercury retro often have it go direct by progression and vice versa, giving many variations. I was born just before Mercury’s pre-shadow phase, have strong planets in Virgo-Gemini, and often joke that I have Mercury permanently retrograde!
One of the most concise, precise and interesting descriptions I’ve yet encountered… YOUR mercury was in top form, here, Phillip!!
Those of us on the Path feel like we are always in a “retrograde” phase. It gets progressively more challenging to stay centred — balancing the psychological and metaphysical work (the inner struggle) with the exigencies of daily living. On top of that, we have to endure the influences of the ebb-and-flow of the ongoing celestial drama. Sigh!
Thank you very much for continuing your service with esoteric astrology, you have a lot to contribute and elucidate!
I have 5 retrograde planets in my natal chart, although Mercury is not one of them, and there is little about retrograde in the Tibetan Master writing’s. Thank you very much