Sagittarius 2010: Consciousness. Sir David Attenborough. Cycles.
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
“Bring me my Bow of burning gold; Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire!”
(William Blake, a Sagittarian)
Sagittarius and Consciousness
Sir David Attenborough
Full Moon Eclipse and the Capricorn Solstice
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
Sagittarius and Consciousness
“…every time the man finds himself under the influence of Sagittarius, it is with the objective of orienting himself to some new and higher objective, with the task of refocussing himself towards a higher goal and with the unfoldment of some basic and directing purpose. These developing purposes may range all the way from purely animal desire, through selfish human ambition, to the struggle of the aspiring disciple or initiate in order to achieve the needed liberation towards which the entire evolutionary process has impelled him.”1

From Individualisation to Initiation.
This process of “orienting to some new and higher objective” occurs not only in a lifetime with Sagittarius as the sun or rising sign but for everyone on a yearly basis. Hence the full mandala of our astrological lives is rounded-out in any life, regardless of the horoscopes that we chose at incarnation.
Sagittarius in 2010 has been extraordinary in terms of the “truth that is out there” becoming manifest and it will culminate in a total lunar eclipse in the last degree of this sign.
Via its personality ruler Jupiter, Sagittarius is a sign associated with expansive consciousness that aspires ever upward toward the ultimate and timeless truths contained within the auric envelope of the Earth, within the “raincloud of knowable things”.
Truth is always a relative factor, yet at no other time in human history have there been forces so hard at work that consciously seek to compromise or distort the truth, compounding the problem of the illusory world we inhabit. This is part of the collective shadow of Humanity in this Fifth Rootrace, where the pairs of opposites are being fought out upon the mental plane. As will be discussed later, the Wikileaks phenomenon has arisen as a polar opposite to the age of misinformation and propaganda.
Sagittarius is a “mental sign” and was a force present very early in human evolution:
“The Sun was in Sagittarius when the first human tendencies struggled to the fore. The stage of animal man was completed and when Sagittarius was dominant … the great event of individualisation took place. But the brain of the then human being failed to register what had happened. In the words of the Old Commentary: “The sons of God shot forth like arrows from the bow. The forms received the impulse and lo! a God was born. The tiny babe knew not the great event.2 … Sagittarius, however, governed the period of the subjective approach.”3
This event occurred upon the “downward arc” of evolution in Lemuria 21.6 million years ago, signalling the beginning of the process of Individualisation that was completed some three million

The White Rabbit – Dweller on the Threshold
(From Monty Python’s Holy Grail).
years later. The “Lords of Flame” who constituted the “approaching Hierarchy” of the time, are appropriately named when the fiery Sagittarius is considered.
Now upon the “upward arc” of evolution, there is a parallel between the major event in that Third Rootrace of Lemuria and this Fifth Rootrace today. We have literally moved from Individualisation to Initiation. In other words, “individualisation” is occurring on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral through the processes of self-perpetuated initiation.
Just as the darkness of “animal man” pre-Individualisation experience was met with the light of the Individualisation experience, so the collective ignorance of this age is being met with the gradual precipitation of a greater light. Despite the intense conflict between Humanity’s higher and lower natures, its shadow is coming into greater conscious co-operation with the soul, wherein the “positive dweller” (ruled by Leo) reorients to become the “negative dweller” (ruled by Sagittarius). In other words, the positive dweller is resistant to the soul, whilst the negative dweller is not:
“The stage wherein the Dweller consciously seeks the cooperation of the soul and, though still in itself essentially constituting a barrier to spiritual progress, is more and more influenced by the soul than by its lower nature.
When the final stage is reached (and many are now reaching it today) the disciple strives with more or less success to steady the Dweller (by learning to “hold the mind steady in the light” and thus controlling the lower nature). In this way the constant fluid changefulness of the Dweller is gradually overcome; its orientation towards reality and away from the Great Illusion is made effective, and the Angel and the Dweller are slowly brought into a close rapport.”4
The human kingdom is expanding into higher levels of consciousness through group initiation, brought about through one-pointed aspiration and ongoing mental development. The power of thought is increasing rapidly, for better and for worse. The misuse of the mind through selfishness is one of Humanity’s greatest threats:
“The bulk of human beings today have no idea of how powerful their thoughts and violent emotions have on the weather patterns and upon other human beings. When humanity is out of equilibrium, then so will be the forces of nature be out of equilibrium, and the reason for this is that man passes down into the lower kingdoms of nature the energy, conditions, and states of mind, and the collective state of emotions that man is at this time going through on a global scale.
Man is the store house of energies that are passed on to the lower kingdoms of the planet, and are very powerful when understood from the occult point of view. Mankind is now coming of age and it is high time that we start building thought forms that are of a high calibre, and must be built by the masses as we all seek to move higher along the evolutionary arc.

Mutable Cross.
We must dissipate all of the most ancient thought forms that have been having a negative effect on humanity today. It is high time that we learn to manipulate mental substance of a higher vibration and learn to rise above our man made limitations, and to be free to explore the mysteries of the divine self that forever dwells within us all.”5
Been in some freaky weather lately? How is the “climate” of your own aura? Besides the contributing axis-shift and other various cycles occurring on Earth, not all can be attributed to those factors. Reflect if you will upon the tornado phenomenon in the USA, that may have its roots in practices of the Atlanteans – the magic of the whirlwind.
Note the above phrase “man is coming of age”, for the individual 21 years, known occultly as the time when the mental body is maturing. Hence, as enjoined, let us build wisely as the new age approaches.
Sagittarius is a most intuitive sign yet one of the least discriminating, as is Gemini, its polar opposite. Both signs need to draw upon the Virgo arm of the mutable cross that they share, to invoke a “sorting of the wheat from the chaff”.
As a sign of “truth”, paradoxically, Sagittarius can be a sign where the truth is compromised through dramatic effect in story-telling. Here we see the forces of Jupiter at work, exuberantly

Byron Bay, Australia.
(Photo by author.)
expanding upon a theme. Perhaps Virgo is “embroidering” too whilst Pisces adds a little fantasy! Then we could consider the fourth ray of Harmony and Beauty, associated with drama and one of the three rays that pass through Sagittarius. Likewise, Gemini polar opposite can be a great deluder in its communication of information.
Sagittarius-Gemini is one of the major pairings of the six pairs of zodiacal opposites seeking synthesis and eventual unity. They are intimately related to human evolution via the Earth, just as important astrologically as the other planets in the solar system:
“The Earth is also the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, the polar opposite of Gemini. These are the only two constellations ruled by the Earth, and this fact is of major significance, creating an unusual situation in the solar system and a unique relation.
The cosmic line of force from Gemini to Sagittarius and the reverse is subjectively and esoterically related to our Earth, thus guaranteeing its soul development, the unfoldment of form as an expression of that soul, and leading our sorrowful humanity upon this woeful planet inevitably to the very gate of initiation in Capricorn.”6
Sorrowful?! What a miserable lot we must seem to other cosmic intelligences who look in on us from time to time. Yet there is also a glorious future!:
“… When the dual forces of the cosmic brothers (Gemini) become the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius) then the fourth becomes the fifth. Humanity, the link, becomes the Hierarchy, the bestower of all good. Then all the Sons of God rejoice.”7
Sagittarius is the horse who “rides”, the “fourth” is the fourth human kingdom and the “fifth” is the fifth kingdom of souls. Sagittarius is the ” rider on the white horse”, the Christ, and the human being who will eventually become that rider. (“Greater things ye shall do.”)
Sagittarius was depicted in ancient Atlantean times as Chiron, the half horse, half man, indicating man still ruled by his animal nature. The image evolved into the rider on the horse, indicating some degree of control over the basic instincts. Finally, the symbol of the bow and arrow is left, indicating one-pointed and focussed thought.
The “hunter on the horse” is now the one who seeks his “prey” in the mind of God, shooting forth the arrow of thought, waiting for the boomerang of intuitive impression and guidance – becoming a conscious co-operator and creator in the greater Plan.

Chiron and Healing.
The rays that pour through Sagittarius are the fourth, the fifth ray of science and the sixth ray of devotion and idealism. The latter is currently in this cycle finding its strongest expression through Sagittarius, accounting for much of the current religious fanaticism and attachment to ideas that underpin those belief systems. The fifth ray is a curious one – related to the lead-up to Individualisation and the “spark of mind”, the fires of Sagittarius.
The third ray is also connected to Sagittarius via its soul ruler the Earth, co-ruler of this ray. We are reminded again of this unique relation:
“The Earth itself is, on a small scale, also an intermediary or a relating planet, because it is found ruling both Gemini and Sagittarius and is potent, therefore, only within the line of this dual relationship, existing between this particular pair of opposites.
In the Earth a great balancing process is going forward between two great streams of cosmic energy, emanating the one from Sagittarius and the other from Gemini. This condition, aided and influenced by Mercury and Venus, produces the somewhat unusual situation in our planet.”8
Sir David Attenborough
In the past forty years David Attenborough’s work has brought us the wonders of planet earth to the living room, from the macrocosm to the microcosm, in so many original and innovative ways. His birth time and hence rising sign, is unknown, but there is a good argument for Sagittarius rising.
His extensive travelling, large vision and one-pointed focus in his particular sphere of work could point to Sagittarius rising or a host of planets in the ninth house, including a possible Aries Moon depending upon birthtime. If the latter, then he would be Leo rising. At any rate, perhaps an “honorary” Sagittarius rising could be conferred upon him at this Sag 2010 full moon period!
If Sagittarius rising is considered, the Earth is the soul ruler. Attenborough’s series “Life on Earth” certainly reflects having achieved his soul purpose – with credits! Titles with the word “earth” in it, stating his large overview of life: Life on Earth, The Living Planet, State of the Planet, The Blue Planet, Planet Earth and Are We Changing Planet Earth?
His chart has a very impressive grand fixed cross in it, from his Taurus Sun (Mother Earth) opposite Saturn in Scorpio, criss-crossed by Jupiter in Aquarius opposite Neptune in Libra – a practical visionary!

Speculative Chart for Sir David Attenborough.
Attenborough is on his Uranus return (84 years) and this Sagittarius full moon eclipse period sees the Sun Moon opposition exactly square Uranus. Perhaps it will bring his extra-ordinary cycle to a close, perhaps there will be many more wonders emerging from his inspired mind.
Two Events: Total Lunar Eclipse and the Capricorn Solstice
This full moon period will fall some 16 hours before the Sun enters Capricorn, sign of the goat and initiation. Hence the forces normally present during the solstice period will be greatly augmented by the power of the full moon.
The solstice is a time when the Sun appears to “stand still” for three days on its journey north or south of the celestial equator, depending upon what hemisphere you inhabit. The symbolism of the northern hemisphere winter solstice is particularly apt for the planet as a whole as it is oriented toward the north pole star.
The following is from Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays: “The symbolism of the winter solstice marks the depths of darkness when the sun is at its weakest point … The spiritual analogy is the quiet contemplation of the fruits of interior labours, the perfected and harvested resources, stored away in the recesses of the heart. This cyclic state of withdrawal allows for profound inner reflection and alignment to prepare for the next phase of the year following at the spring equinox.

The Solstices and Equinoxes.
The greatest darkness before the increasing light is a profound symbol of the human spiritual search, and initiation into the Mysteries of Being. Receiving more illumination is invariably followed by the revelation of more that is still in shadow. Hence the purpose of illumination!9
Parallel to human celebrations at these times are the great festivals of angels or “devas”. The Archangels (Michael, Raphael etc.) assist in the manifestation of spiritual energy upon the Earth. They are in contact with the new impulses generated at solstices and equinoxes, and translate them into patterns and blueprints more accessible to humanity, via the buddhic and mental planes of consciousness.”10

Deva of Ceremonial.11
Hence the thoughtform-directing capacity of Sagittarius is closely linked to not only the magical manifesting abilities of the following sign Capricorn, but this period brings an opportunity to utilise and co-operate with the deva kingdom – who hold and execute the blueprints of the Plan.
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) week is from December 21-28 every seven years. (See following table) The next one occurs in 2012 from December 21-28 coinciding with the somewhat infamous Mayan calendar date of December 21, 2012.12 It is also the full moon on Christmas Day in that year, creating a very powerful period.
“This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”13
So we are not there yet, but 2009-2010 marks the end of a cycle of “Tension-Expansion” prior to the 2010-2011 cycle where there will be an “Emergence-Impact on Public Consciousness”. These cycles are based upon 7 and 9 year cycles.
“The keynote of the first year’s work is consolidation, that of the second year must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year must be the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the emphasising of some one clear note.”14
Consulting the table below (left hand column), one can note that we are moving into the third of three 3-year phases – the “Emergence-Impact on Public Consciousness”; this is prior to the “Emergence-Impact on Public Consciousness” in the 7-year cycle in 2012. (Right hand column.)
Year | Three 3-Year Cycles | Seven Year Cycle | Nine Year Cycle (3×3) |
1996-97 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion |
1997-98 | Tension/Expansion | ||
1998-99 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
1999-00 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion | |
2000-01 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2001-02 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2002-03 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2003-04 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2004-05 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2005-06 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
2006-07 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2007-08 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2008-09 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion | |
2009-10 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2010-11 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2011-12 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2012-13 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2013-14 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
Seven and Nine Year Cycles for the NGWS.15
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.178. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.440. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.155. [↩]
- From a Lucis Trust Goodwill Newsletter. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.356. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.362. [↩]
- “The Capricorn Solstice and the Third Initiation”, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Ibid. [↩]
- From a clairvoyant vision by Geoffrey Hodson described to an artist. Regents of the Seven Spheres, H. K. Challoner. T.P.H.. 1976. P.58. [↩]
- See essays on this subject at The Hidden History of Humanity. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pages 196, 242. [↩]