Taurus 2016: Wesak. Triangles Meditation. The Mother. World Servers.
Taurus (Wesak Festival) Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: April 22, 2016. 6.23 am. GMT.)
The Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
Taurus, Mother of Illumination
Global Transformation by Triangles
The Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Taurus marks the high-water mark of the spiritual year because those Liberated Beings who guide Humanity meet in yearly conclave – gathering to receive the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – transmitting the annually updated Planetary Plan, through various groups of subjective workers – to Humanity.
Wesak is the time when the conscious souls of humanity – the aspirants, disciples and initiates that compose the New Group of World Servers – reach out to connect with those Planetary Guiding Lights – the Chohans of the Seven Rays, the various Masters who preside over the ashrams that are conditioned by the rays.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is the bridging group that lies between Hierarchy and Humanity; The NGWS represents the ajna centre or the “bull’s eye” where all is illumined, through which The Lord of the World “views” Humanity.
Shamballa is the home or “throne” of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the personality of our planetary God – Whose consciousness utilises the entire planet and all its kingdoms as its body of expression. This Being is our relatively “local” God and has many relationships with other “Gods”, within and beyond our solar system. Our Planetary Logos communes with the other planets or Logoi, playing its part in the grand cosmic orchestra.
Hence, our planet receives the impulse of the greater Plan within the solar system, from our Sun, the Solar Logos, who in turn receives its impression from Sirius, the path which most of Humanity will choose after Earth liberation. Note, “logos” means “word” – a Logos transmits a “word” that is a complex mantram containing its evolutionary purpose, sounded out for the duration of its incarnation.
Planetary Centres | ||
Shamballa | Sanat Kumara. “The Seven Spirits before the Throne”. The Council Chamber of Shamballa. | Head centre Directing the “will of god”, the Planetary Plan and Purpose. |
Hierarchy | The seven Chohans of the Rays plus the Masters of Wisdom, their ashrams of initiates and disciples. | Heart centre Watching over and guiding Humanity with infinite love and patience. |
The New Group of World Servers |
All those dedicated souls, creative and awakening, who offer unselfish service to humanity. | Ajna centre The Eye of the Bull. The eye of Sanat Kumara. Illumination. |
Humanity | Civilisation. Advanced thinkers who determine human evolution through creative thought and free will. | Throat centre The collective mind of humanity. |
The sacred words of these various Logoi (or Yogis!) are joined in a continuous stream by the energies of the seven rays, the zodiac signs and the planets, eventually transmitting all those frequencies through the various “agencies” of Shamballa, Hierarchy, the NGWS and Humanity; through the various planes and sub-planes of consciousness; an hierarchical order or graded states of consciousness, hence the term “Hierarchy” to describe the Masters of Wisdom. At all the full moon periods throughout the year, these forces find their way through the five planetary centres – conditioned by ray and astrological forces: London, New York, Darjeeling, Tokyo and Geneva.
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those wo/men of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to … all races, nationalities and religions.”1
The Masters of Wisdom regard Taurus as the most important astrological festival of the year – and, the New Group of World Servers is ruled by Taurus. This assigns great responsibility for the NGWS, this intermediate planetary centre; it is in many respects, like the United Nations, “the hope of humanity”:
“The group, therefore, which “serves as Aquarius indicates” is the Hierarchy; the group which is “speeded upon the upward Way”, is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”2
The goal of the New Group of World Servers is to create a centre of light upon the planet,
“… to uphold a vision for Humanity, to receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls, to hold a vision of the Plan … for “where there is no vision, the people perish” … and, to act as intermediaries between Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power … using these under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.”3
The first three spiritual festivals of the year are very potent and subjective in their effect. The initiating impulse pours through Aries, is consolidated upon in Taurus and distributed in Gemini …
Aries Full Moon Festival of Easter |
Taurus Full Moon Festival of Wesak |
Gemini Full Moon Festival of Goodwill |
Hierarchy Love of God |
Shamballa Will of God |
Humanity Divine Intelligence |
Taurus, Mother of Illumination
The mother is connected to the Moon which is exalted in Taurus, receiving the reflection of the solar rays at the full moon period of Wesak. Hence Taurus is both the Mother of Form, and the Mother of Illumination, the “eye of the Bull” to which Christ made reference when he said, “I am the Light of the world … if thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light.” Hence also, the struggle between spirit and matter is magnified in Taurus.
The Moon’s exaltation in Taurus, embodies in its full moon symbolism, the reflection of the Sun and solar consciousness. When Taurean ruler Venus is considered, “Venus is “the little sun in which the solar orb stores his lights” (H.P. Blavatsky) – is it any wonder Taurus is called the “mother of illumination”? Yet, esoteric ruler Vulcan adds even more light. It is said that “Vulcan and the Sun are one”, such is the close proximity of Vulcan imbued with solar consciousness.
In mythology, Vulcan was married to Venus – the “ugliest” god united with the most beautiful goddess – who had many sexual liaisons with other gods. The solar system is a vast matrix of energy interactions that are encoded in the old myths. Vulcan represents the Will and is archetypally “masculine”, yet he was lame in the myth, symbolising imperfection in using the spiritual will correctly.
Hence, Taurus expresses a profound allegory on the unification of mind and matter, soul and personality, beauty and the beast, spirit into form; it also hints at the superficiality of the form nature that veils the indwelling consciousness.
Vulcan’s hammer creates a shower of sparks or ideas upon his anvil; Venus and the Moon bring those ideas into manifestation. Both earthy Taurus and fifth ray Venus are connected to the descent of divine ideas into manifestation. Vulcan, the divine smithy of Taurus, shapes ideas and knowledge into thoughtforms that will precipitate into the minds of humanity – distributed in the following sign of Gemini.
“Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self. The depths have been reached and there is no more to be done.”4
The polar opposite of Taurus is Scorpio, over which the non-sacred planet Mars rules, as lord of conflict and war. Esoterically speaking, humanity is ruled over by the Scorpio Creative Hierarchy, and this explains a lot about Humanity’s journey of pain and conflict – “unique” within this solar system. In the ageless wisdom teachings encoded within mythology, Mars and Venus are lovers, hinting at their relationship as planets within the solar system, but also as the sex gender forces that Humanity works at balancing and using correctly.
Venus is the light of knowledge and Taurus is the Mother of Illumination, a potent combination. The light of knowledge eventually becomes transformed into the light of illumination and wisdom – Venus becomes Sophia.
Global Transformation by Triangles
The theme of Taurus and its ancient association with the Moon’s exaltation in this sign is profound. Moon-Mother is the Matrix, the web of matter, the web of light. The planetary etheric web of light is currently undergoing rapid transformation from squares to triangles – catalysed by active working human triangles.
The creation of meditating triangles between individuals is deceptively simple and yet devastatingly effective; it is like buying a new amplifier for your stereo system – it will magnify what you already do and increase the efficacy of what each individual and group transmits to the world.
Building a matrix of triangles by the world’s conscious community, has a great potential to bring about enormous transformation on the planet in a relatively short period of time. Triangles work is a service activity that hardly takes any time to do and can be incorporated into one’s existing meditations; it utilises “the power of thought and of prayer to uplift and transform consciousness.”5 (For simple, basic information about triangles, see this link:
As its theme implies, only three people are needed to make it work – you connecting with two other people – linking in thought each day, using the Great Invocation, a world prayer, to visualize energies of light and goodwill circulating through the three focal points of your triangle, and pouring it out through the network of triangles surrounding the planet. Participants imagine the hearts and minds of the human family being irradiated with light and goodwill, strengthening all that is good and true and of beauty in the world.”6 One can energise several or many more triangles, making an agreement with those individuals to be part of your triangle.
The science behind this work is deeply esoteric. The etheric structure of the planet is currently a network of squares, created in a much earlier evolution and now being gradually transformed into triangles through the acceleration of spiritual consciousness on the planet.

One of Buckminster Fuller’s creations.
“In this present system, the result of evolution, as far as the etheric body is concerned, will be the contact established between all three points of each triangle, making a ninefold contact and a ninefold flow of energy; this is consistent with the fact that nine is the number of initiation … The initial triangle was formed by Sanat Kumara [Lord of the World], and we call the three energies which circulate through its medium the three major Rays of Aspect.
The four Rays of Attribute formed their own triangles and yet, in a paradoxical manner, they are responsible for the “squares” through which their energies at this time pass. Thus the work of transforming the inherited etheric body was begun and has proceeded ever since. In the etheric body of the human being you have a repetition of the same process in the triangle of energies created by the relationship between the Monad, the Soul, and the Personality.”7
In the coming Aquarian cycle, the Science of Invocation and Evocation will be learnt by all of Humanity. The triangles of light and goodwill are invocative, consitituting the a.b.c.’s of the Science of Invocation. The triangle work will form,
“… a network of light as a channel of communication between the Hierarchy [Masters of Wisdom] and Humanity, and will form simultaneously a network of goodwill, which is the objective expression of the subjective influence of light. Their [triangles] strength is dependent upon the depth of feeling in the one case, and the strength of the will in the other, with which they are created. I have here given those disciples who are launching this new project which is so close to my heart [Master Djwhal Khul], a new and useful hint. This work must go on.
… The forming of triangles of light and of goodwill concerns the reservoir of energy upon the inner and etheric side of life which will automatically and with full circulatory effect enable the exoteric [outer] work of the men and women of goodwill to make progress. It is not goodwill per se, but the creation of triangles of energy within the etheric body of the planet which are deliberately qualified by goodwill.
“… this creative work, with its intelligent and practical purposes and its ability when rightly functioning to unite the exoteric and the esoteric workers in one spiritual undertaking, originates in reality in Shamballa itself … this activity will form an important part of the new world religion … it will have its own inner group who will work entirely subjectively, building the triangles of light and of goodwill, and then will work objectively, directing the activities of those who are building the organisational aspect of triangles of practical goodwill on Earth with an effective subsidiary activity.”8
Visit to the USA
I am currently in the USA presenting seminars on Esoteric Astrology and the Hidden History of Humanity. I will be in Los Angeles (April 22-May 2) Jacksonville, Florida (May 2-9), Charlotte, NC (May 9-16) and Ojai, CA (Meditation Mount – May 23-30).
The Hidden History of Humanity on Facebook. Phillip Lindsay’s writings and travels on the theme of Esoteric History, proposing a more extensive chronology for the unfoldment of human consciousness. If you wish to see my recent travel pics through Europe, you can “follow” this page.
Phillip Lindsay © 2016.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. 690. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.227. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- https://www.lucistrust.org/triangles [↩]
- https://www.lucistrust.org/triangles [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.163. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations”, Alice A. Bailey. p.275. [↩]