Leo 2006: The Middle East, August 2006. Israel. Jewish Situation.
“I am that, and that am I.”
Three Streams: Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades
Cycles of Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Leo, Uranus in Pisces
Israel, Lebanon and World Peace
Israel’s Karmic Responsibility
Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem
What Can Israel Contribute in Mutual Co-operation?
The End of the Piscean Age
[wpanchor id=”#tre”]Three Streams: Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades
In Esoteric Astrology there is a triangle of conditioning force related to the three major constellations of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades. It is from this collection of constellations that all energies emanate and make their way to this solar system. These include all of the seven ray and zodiac energies plus those of the three constellations themselves. One way to consider these three streams is via the following diagram:
Table I: Three Streams of Force 1
The diagram demonstrates the six stages of precipitation from the greatest starry lives to the earthly aspirant upon the path, from source to target as it were. The reader will note that in column 1 (Will, first ray), Shamballa is listed with Leo and Saturn; whilst in column 2 (Love, second ray) the Hierarchy is listed with Pisces and Uranus. Similarly with column 3 (Intelligence, third ray), Humanity is listed with Capricorn and Mercury. All sets of planets and signs act as conductors of the enormously powerful electrical, vital and subtle forces that literally emanate “from on high”.
Focussing on the first two columns for now, astrological students will note that currently in 2006, Saturn is transiting through Leo whilst Uranus is passing through Pisces. These respective transits must be activating the planetary and human chakras associated with these first two streams.
[wpanchor id=”#cyc”]Cycles of Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Leo
The combination of these two planets in the respective signs does not occur that often. Generally speaking, one cycle is about 86 years followed by another of 411 years, alternating steadily down through the centuries. The spaces in between these dates are 86, 411, 86, 411, 86, 411, 86, 86, 411.
In the most recent dates the short 86-year periods seem to be the most intense and growth accelerating, as for instance 1417 to 1504 that witnessed the European Renaissance. 1919 to 2006 is just passing, spanning the end of WWI to now and most may agree that it has been one of the most extraordinary growth periods ever in human history.
However, a most curious anomaly occurs in this pattern, as there are currently two 86-year cycles in a row. The last time this occurred was from 259 BC to 84 BC. In 2006 we are at the end of one 86-year cycle and the start of another 86-year cycle, hence the intensity of the times, a double-spurt of growth. There may well be a unique opportunity to blend these forces of Love and Will in a way that has not been effected in any other cycle.
Saturn and Uranus: Lords of Karma It is also important to note that both planets are related to Karma, Saturn more commonly known. However, Uranus via its rulership of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, may well take the appellation as one of the Four Lords of Karma in this solar system, The forces of this ray [7th] work out on the seventh or physical plane, the plane whereon major changes in all forms are made and on which the disciple must firmly stand as he takes initiation. This seventh ray sweeps into organised and directed activity the world of forces upon the outer sphere of manifestation, and produces the precipitation of Karma …2
Both planets have seven-year cycles: Saturn 28 years (7 x 4) and Uranus 84 years (7 x 12 or 28 x 3). Saturn represents the “ring pass not” of the solar system whilst Uranus signifies that which goes beyond and pushes through Saturnian boundaries, at least exoterically speaking anyway.
Both planets are related to the manifestation of ideas into form. Saturn is closely related to creation of the geometrical blueprints of thoughtforms, as they exist upon the mental plane and with the process of precipitating or grounding them, especially through its sign Capricorn. Uranus is closely associated with the physical plane yet also with Spirit that seeks to find expression in Matter.
[wpanchor id=”#sat”]Saturn in Leo, Uranus in Pisces
Curiously, Leo is the spiritual festival of the future (even now) where the forces of Sirius (Love-Wisdom) will be consciously invoked, yet The Tibetan tells us that the association of Leo with Sirius is in … the cosmic sense … and apart from our solar system altogether …3
Hence Table I relates to how the “three stream” function within the solar system, not outside it; they are three streams that are part of a mighty cosmic river. Table I shows Pisces, not Leo, on the Sirian Love line. This is most appropriate as the second ray of love-wisdom pours through compassionate Pisces.
Yet Leo in Table I is on the Will line, quite apt, as the first ray force comes through this sign of rulership and control. Leo is unique in that it embodies not only will but also the love of the lion-heart,4 essential for a benevolent king to rule. Alternatively, Pisces embodies Will if we consider Pluto (Ray 1) as soul ruler of this sign.
Nevertheless, Leo-Saturn expresses Will on the first ray line and Pisces-Uranus express Love on the second ray line. Whilst Uranus and Saturn are transiting these respective signs, there exists a kind of esoteric “mutual reception” and an opportunity to explore the relationships between the two lines of force. The two planets are currently in quincunx aspect with one another, from watery Pisces to fiery Leo, a reasonably difficult challenge of blending two different elements. This emphasises the importance of cultivating an ongoing relationship and eventual synthesis between Hierarchy and Shamballa, between disciples and initiates, between the heart and head etc.
[wpanchor id=”#sha”]Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity
These three centres constitute the head, heart and throat centres of the planet.
Shamballa, where the Will of God is known – the head of spiritual government, the Ancient of Days or Sanat Kumara directs planetary Purpose.
Hierarchy, the Masters of Wisdom who are ministers in this government, who watch over and guide human souls with inspiration, compassion and non-interference.
Humanity, who has the karmic free will to creatively determine their destiny; that as the ajna centre distributes spiritual forces through alignment with the Vision, bringing about an increasing integration.
The “Grand Plan” is to have these centres working in concert with one another, the establishing of “right human relations … of correct interplay “.5 The result of this process is the blending of three streams to create a “great Ganges” that is a reflection of the “mighty cosmic river” referred to earlier.
This river flows irresistibly and with great intent, containing an awesome stillness within its depths that is literally the power of peace. Shamballa is said to be this ” place of complete peace … a place of “serene determination and of poised, quiescent will”.6
[wpanchor id=”#jer”]Jerusalem the Place of Peace
“This city has been anything but peaceful (or holy) for the past two thousand years, witnessing the slaughter of tens of thousands, all in the name of religion Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This is the Piscean Jerusalem based upon distorted ideologies and fanatical adherence to a chosen god.
There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach humanity. What they are and where they are I do not intend to say. I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions.
The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion. To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form.
Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere.
Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away. The “Holy Land” is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.”7 (Author’s italics)
Strong words from The Master and no evidence since has demonstrated that the leopard has changed its spots. The Aquarian Jerusalem will not be a physical place in Palestine, but a state of consciousness achieved through human cooperation and group unity. It is the consciousness of the awakened heart that has succeeded in dominating the lower separative mind and has balanced the pairs of opposites upon the astral and mental planes.
This Jerusalem will operate as the planetary heart and as a reflection of the planetary Will that emanates from the head centre and greater “place of peace”, Shamballa; it will also be a reflection of a more advanced mutual cooperation between Humanity and Hierarchy.
[wpanchor id=”#isr”]Israel, Lebanon and World Peace
The distressing events of past weeks (July-August 2006) may be finally bringing the Middle East conflict to a head, with perhaps resolution, perhaps complete annihilation or just protracted skirmishes. Peace is a desirable state for any person of goodwill.
Yet when these flashpoint crises surface, how effective are peace marches, candlelit vigils and email petitions? Isn’t it a bit like “shutting the gate after the horse has bolted”? We always act/learn in retrospect. When Humanity learns to live in the moment then right action will proceed and disastrous consequences will not occur. It is not until we really feel the pain of wrong action that our cries go up for “someone to save us”.
Is there a truly altruistic concern for peace or is it more selfishly motivated in an endeavour to eliminate conflict from our lives? To make us feel good by assuaging some existential guilt; probably a bit of both for most. How much have we been working upon our “inner disarmament” in the relatively peaceful periods between these flashpoints? Peace activists (or “re-activists”) quite often display antagonism and aggression.
Nevertheless, group meditations can be effective, but only if the combined group mind is powerful enough to concentrate thought and then project it. There are some very worthy initiatives that are set up upon these lines.
However, what group or groups are capable of doing this in a co-ordinated and concerted effort? On a more or less regular and permanent basis? How many individuals have the ability to truly concentrate, shutting out the lower mind completely, thereby entering the realm of the higher mind/soul, the place where the most effective meditation and direction of thought can take place?
What individuals or groups would be even bothered, let alone have that ability? Just as questions can be asked about alternative methods to influence world peace, so they can be asked about meditation efforts for world peace because it can be just as ineffective or even dangerous if not practiced correctly.
This brings up the question of personal responsibility for peace within the greater world context, because all our inner and outer conflicts that go unresolved contribute to the expression of conflict somewhere else within the planetary body. The lesser feeds the greater and vice versa in a repeating pattern for which we must discover a circuit breaker. Likewise with the revenge cycle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” in the Middle East.
As some students are aware, the Jewish Race functions as the planetary solar plexus8 wherein much of the desire nature and emotional life of Humanity is processed, a “karmic clearing house” as it has been somewhat shockingly described.9
Hence the conflict in Israel where approximately one third of the Jewish Race live, is not just their problem, it is Humanity’s problem. This adds weight to DK’s assertion that when the Jewish problem is solved, the Human problem will also be solved because the Jews are simply a concentrated microcosm of Humanity, expressing from the greatest to the worst traits of the Human Race.
The Jew is the proverbial Prodigal Son finding his way back to the Father. Peace has relation to the emotional side of life and was the goal in Atlantean days, where peace was a great spiritual issue. But peace and the love of peace can be a deadening soporific … It is usually selfish in purpose, and people long for peace because they want to be happy. Happiness and peace will come when there are right human relations. Peace and war are not a true pair of opposites. Peace and change, peace and movement, are the real ones.
War is but an aspect of change, and has its roots deep in matter. The peace usually desired and discussed concerns material peace, and in every case is related to the personality, whether it is the individual personality or that of humanity as a whole. Therefore I deal not with peace, but am concerned with love, which oft disturbs the equilibrium of matter and material circumstance, and can consequently work against so-called peace.”10
The above passage is not presented to condone current events either way. DK’s comments about love are most illuminating in that it “disturbs the equilibrium of matter”. Similarly, the imminent reappearance of the Masters of Wisdom, culminating with the return of the Christ, paradoxically brings conflict. Matter in all kingdoms is “stirred up” and seeks to equilibrate itself with the higher vibrations pouring into the planet – this is occurring now.
Maintaining inner peace is about not identifying with any of the conflict going on around us or the monotonous diet of pain and violence on the evening news. The calm and cool martial artist does not identify with conflict, having resolved the pairs of opposites in the Libra-Aries (peace-war) equation.
Incidentally, the peace of the Buddha is that of buddhi, relating to that pure intuition that resides beyond the mental realm, the goal of liberation for Humanity.
[wpanchor id=”#isra”]Israel’s Karmic Responsibility
The Leo full moon period of 2006 fell directly on Israel’s Saturn during Israel’s second Saturn return since its inception in 1948. Saturn the Lord of Karma brings tough tests and difficult lessons for the nation; it is perhaps weighing up the scales and determining Israel’s future viability as a nation. This process occurs with all entities, human or national, between the ages of 56 and 63, both seven-year cycles. The Saturn return falls in the middle of this time frame.11
“Karmic responsibility” is a very Saturnian turn of phrase and of course most apt for Capricorn-Saturn ruled Jewish Race. The links between the Jewish Race, Israel and Table I are numerous:
Table I: First Ray Line (Leo and Saturn)
1. The Jewish Race has a first ray soul and a Saturn-ruled third ray/Capricorn personality.
2. Israel has Saturn in Leo. Hence her point of least resistance in being dictatorial, using ruthlessness and force (ray 1, will).
Table I: Third Ray Line (Capricorn and Mercury)
1. Jewish Race personality is third ray/Capricorn. 2. Jewish Race Virgo soul ruled by Mercury.
Mercury and the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict that it rules, play a large part in the destiny of the Jewish Race:12 “This fourth ray is pre-eminently the way of the seeker, the searcher and the sensitive reflector of beauty. The Jewish nation has a close relation to this fourth ray and to the fourth root race, and hence their eminence at this time in the world of art, and hence the magnitude of their endless symbolic wandering and searching.”13
The Jewish Race and Israel have strong connections with the first ray line and the third ray line depicted in Table I. Yet nowhere can be found much to identify it with the middle stream or love-line. This is most interesting given the fact that the Jewish Race collectively represents the solar plexus centre of the planet, the chakra responsible for processing the world desire nature and raising those forces to the heart centre. Perhaps this is because the first and third rays offer some kind of emotional detachment in their role as solar plexus?
It is fascinating in this light to consider the Lebanese horoscope. Two out of the three charts proposed from 1941 to 1944 have Pisces Moons. Pisces, the reader will recall, is the zodiac sign on the middle “love line”. Hence we can see the obvious solution, whether it is the problem of Palestinians in Gaza or the Lebanese: It is Israel’s responsibility to wisely cooperate in an atmosphere of mutual trust (a meeting-marriage of will and love?), as opposed to continual reaction through fear and adopting a heavy-handed approach to its neighbours.
It is Israel’s responsibility to initiate and effect an outcome, given the nature of how it was re-established in Palestine after 5,000 odd years. Is it any wonder that the Arab world is becoming angrier and more resentful toward Israel by the day? Those emotions of anger and resentment are crystallising into a deep-seated hatred for how much of the Arab population? Radical Islamic extremists and terrorists compound the problem and do not necessarily have the interests of Arabs at heart.
Invading Lebanon was a totally futile political exercise that will never weed out Hezbollah; it will only inflict more pain and cause damage that will take billions of dollars and many years to repair; it will create “dyed in the wool” generations of freedom fighters who will nurse hatred in their hearts for Israel and will do anything they can to oppose it.
The solution is relatively easy for Israel and this may seem simplistic and even platitudinous: it only has to adopt the “love thy neighbour” commandment that Moses brought down from the mountain top. Indeed, the injunction of Christ to all of Humanity: “I wrote a new commandment unto thee … love one another.”(2 John 5)
If Israel embraced the “middle stream” of Table I, the “love line”, they will “win over” their neighbours a thousand times. If Israel continues along its current tack, it will simply dig its own grave. It will attract so much enmity from surrounding Arab nations that it may well endure disastrous attacks from several other quarters.
Furthermore, it is Israel’s responsibility to bring about a lasting peace because the Jewish Race (via its expression in Israel), is an “elder brother” to its neighbours – it should know better. This is an esoteric fact and relatively “unprovable” for some; its mystery lies hid in the night of time and it relates to the advanced evolution of the mind as a lower reflection of the Will.14
Whilst staying in Jerusalem and touring the Old City recently, I was struck by the fact that it had been under siege for two thousand years or more; it is soaked with the blood of many battles. Although there was no “siege” whilst I was there, the “siege mentality” was strong: armed checkpoints for suicide bombers everywhere; a palpable tension in the air that manifests in frequent “road rage; pushing in when queuing; distrust between Jew and Arab.
An irony relating to the Holocaust is that for many years Israel has kept the Palestinians in virtual concentration camps in the refugee settlements of Palestine. It was doing a similar thing in southern Lebanon by cutting off essential humanitarian supplies and bombing anything that moves, such was its desperation in not being able to contain Hezbollah in the few days it was supposed to have taken.
The dictatorial and somewhat tyrannical attitude of Israel is its Leo Moon and Saturn in Leo, but it is also the distorted force of the first ray soul energy. Saturn expresses first ray energy.
Many reasons could be stated as to how Hezbollah or Hamas or the Syrians have responsibilities in this conflict, but the bottom line is that Israel is dealing with the consequences of its actions in 1948; of how territory was acquired illegally and by force, plus the huge Arab displacement it caused at the time; the Arab people are fighting for a part of what was theirs in the first place.
[wpanchor id=”#dif”]Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem
The reader is reminded that this essay is not about Jew blaming, but naming causes of this well nigh insoluble problem. It is trying to raise awareness by informing about the concrete facts and give the esoteric overview. It is very difficult to make constructive critiques pointing to where responsibility must be taken, without being accused of anti-Semiticism, “inappropriate peace dialogue” and the like.
Because of centuries of persecution, there is now understandably a racial persecution complex within the psychology of the Jews. The Holocaust happened but it also gets played upon, “milked for all it is worth” at times, something that is brought home if one takes the emotionally confronting tour of the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. There has also been much manipulation, exaggeration and propaganda in the media that has created a very powerful thoughtform – which attempts to crush any negative remarks about Jews as anti-Semitic; even Jewish critics themselves are subject to this.
Some Jews and particularly the Zionists have created a type of emotional blackmail that stifles any comment or criticism. Are we going to walk on eggshells around this subject or be held hostage by those kinds of attitudes?
There are also some students who claim that some of what DK said in the 1940’s about the Jews somehow does not apply now because we have moved on; or that it is unconstructive” or politically incorrect in finding solutions. There is some truth in this but it essentially evades the underlying problems of 1948 and previous to that date. It’s a very fine line, because in order for solutions to occur, responsibility and “ownership” must be taken for the genuine, accurate and fair criticisms that have been levelled.
The following passage sums up some of these criticisms:
“The Jewish problem will not be solved by taking possession of Palestine, by plaint and demand and by financial manipulations. That would be but the prolongation of ancient wrong and material possessiveness. The problem will be solved by the willingness of the Jew to conform to the civilisation, the cultural background and the standards of living of the nation to which, by the fact of birth and education, he is related and with which he should assimilate.
It will come by the relinquishment of pride of race and of the concept of selectivity; it will come by renouncing dogmas and customs which are intrinsically obsolete and which create points of constant irritation to the matrix within which the Jew finds himself; it will come when selfishness in business relations and the pronounced manipulative tendencies of the Hebrew people are exchanged for more selfless and honest forms of activity.”15 (Author’s italics.)
Of course we can see all these traits throughout Humanity, whether Lebanese, American or Chinese. The passage above is corroborated by many Jewish commentators, a sample of which follows:
“The war against the Palestinians is therefore unequivocally a territorial war, a war for the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank and Gaza, people were killed and are getting killed because of our greed for land. From Golda Meir to Ehud Olmert, the lie has held that the war with the Palestinians is an existential one for survival imposed on Israel when it is actually a war for real estate, one dunam after another, that does not belong to us.”16
Zionism is one of the major problems, seeking to maintain the status quo,
“Zionism today stands for aggression and for the use of force, and the keynote is permission to take what you want irrespective of other people or of their inalienable rights. These points of view are against the position of the spiritual leaders of humanity, and therefore the leaders of the Zionist movement and … are against the policies of the spiritual Hierarchy and are contrary to the lasting good of mankind. The menace to world freedom today lies in … the devious and lying machinations of the Zionists …
The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A. [written in the late 1940’s] It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world. It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original “recommendation” of the United Nations into an order.
The rule of force, of aggression and of territorial conquest by force of arms is demonstrated today by the Zionists in Palestine, as well as the demonstration of the power of money to purchase governments. These activities run counter to all the plans of the spiritual Hierarchy and mark a point of triumph of the forces of evil. … the forces of evil dammed back temporarily by the defeat of the evil group which Hitler gathered around him, have again organised their attack on the spiritual development of humanity”.17
It is ironic that Zionism continued to keep the door open to where “evil dwells”, when one recalls that Hitler persecuted the Jews. Zionism is no less powerful today and has a far-reaching influence into the American administration.18 Witness America, barely making a protest about Israel’s heavy-handed incursions into Lebanon. Britain likewise, both nations sitting on their hands, make a re-enactment of their roles after WWII where they failed to address the problem. (Of course there are other agendas afoot now and various reasons for this inaction.):
“Exhaustion from its WWII victory was the most likely reason that Great Britain was unwilling to implement a policy that was not acceptable to both sides and its refusal to share the administration of Palestine during the transitional period. Hence Britain referred the question to the U.N., and set May 15, 1948, as the date for ending its mandate … Of course there was an urgency and a need for security without persecution, that pushed the Jewish immigration, fuelled by the recent Holocaust in Europe.
Although America favoured emigration into Palestine of the Jews, she did not want to receive any more Jews to her shores at the time of the suggested Palestine partition. There was also much anti-Jewish sentiment in USA, as in Britain after WWII, despite large scale sympathy for the Holocaust victims. This seems to be a major factor that could have turned attitudes of other nations into receiving Jewish emigrants, and therefore bypassing the need for a Jewish state”.19
[wpanchor id=”#wha”]What Can Israel Contribute in Mutual Co-operation?
A lot! Israel has a capacity to contribute much to its neighbours in the Middle East. Its Aquarian rising chart relates to the dharma of creating greater community, the “sangha” or “kibbutz”, a model of an ideal world state. The exoteric and esoteric rulers of Aquarius are Uranus and Jupiter, in close opposition to one another in the Israel chart. Currently transiting Pluto, ruler of the first ray (Kali the destroyer), opposes Uranus. The point of least resistance is being acted out as Pluto forces and destroys, whilst Uranus seeks a unique individualistic self-expression that is caught up in its own revolutionary ideology.
The higher possibilities are limitless as this transit over the rising sign rulers is a major opportunity for the soul of the Jewish People in Israel. Group co-operation, unity and loving its neighbours helping to create the New Jerusalem. Yet it seems so far that it has not heeded its soul call and is going the “hard line” way of Saturn in Leo – on the Saturn return. Israel will probably receive some extremely hard lessons that will put the nation through much soul searching. Yet that soul search can only come about once it releases (or has broken down) its illusory sense of self (its “ahamkara”), about being “the chosen people”, relinquishing pride, arrogance and an outdated, dogmatic creed in other words, its dweller or shadow.
Regional Conflict, World Conflict: The Hate and Revenge Cycle
Since the turn of the century great danger has arisen in the cycle of hate, revenge and pain. The hatred of many in the Arab or Muslim world for Israel and western nations escalates by the day. This will necessitate much skill in handling by bodies such as the United Nations and one wonders whether the situation has gone too far already.
For those who do care to keep abreast of the political situation in the world, let there be no mistake, the situation in the Middle East is as dangerous as it ever has been. It may widen into a regional conflict with Syria and Iran, and this could spread into a world conflict that could very well see “humanity go to hell”. Students are aware of DK’s dire warning:
“… that orthodox Judaism, along with all the other faiths [Islam, Christianity], should realise that there is no desire to make them Christian (in the ordinary sense of the term), but that they should all move towards some loving synthesis and eliminate their mutual antagonisms and rivalries is equally urgent, and this statement includes the Christian faiths as well.
That the Vatican cease its political scheming, its exploitation of the masses and its emphasis upon ignorance is as important; that the manifold divisions of the Protestant churches be bridged is imperative. If none of these things happen, humanity is headed towards a religious war which will make the past war [WWII] appear like child’s play; antagonisms and hatreds will embroil entire populations and the politicians of all the nations will take full advantage of the situation to precipitate a war which may well prove the end of humanity.
There are no hatreds so great or so deep as those fostered by religion. This incipient war is contrary to the will-to-good of the Lord of the World and any world plan; it can be averted by goodwill. This is the most important statement in this message, as far as humanity is concerned.”20 (Author’s italics.)
[wpanchor id=”#end”]The End of the Piscean Age
Reflection upon all of the above indicates that Humanity is still well and truly ensconced in the Age of Pisces but feeling strongly the pull of the Aquarian Age, hence the terrific conflicts. Although we are still upon the cusp of Aquarius (whose astronomical beginning is in 2,117 AD),21 the Piscean Age is in its final throes, going through its last gasp. The fullness of expression for the Piscean Age has passed long ago and it is now dealing with its shadow, created over the past 2,000 years.
It was an age characterised by religious belief systems whose ideologies clashed many times in the name of their respective gods. And of course it was an age that was strongly influenced by the sixth ray of devotion or abstract idealism:
“All religious wars or crusades have originated from sixth ray fanaticism. The man on this ray is often of gentle nature, but he can always flame into fury and fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion or reverence, but he will not lift a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies. As a soldier, he hates fighting but often when roused in battle fights like one possessed.”22
Sagittarius is the sign of religion and philosophical systems whilst Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld who brings the unconscious/subconscious to the surface. Hence Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius (until 2008) is revealing the worst aspects of all world religions and redundant, fanatical ideas. It may get a lot worse before it gets better so cultivate your optimism and directed thought!
Phillip Lindsay © 2006.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.428. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.540. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- See essays on Leo in Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays, by this author. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.161. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.754. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.167. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.278. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.534. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [↩]
- See “History of the Jewish Race: From the First Solar System to Israel” in Destiny of the Races and Nations, by Phillip Lindsay. (https://esotericastrologer.org “Varuna’s Bookstore”.) [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.267. [↩]
- “The Real Estate War.” by Gideon Levy, from the (Jewish) Tikkun newsletter/network. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.681. [↩]
- See “Neocons” essay at https://esotericastrologer.org. [↩]
- Paraphrased from Britannica 2003. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.544-5. [↩]
- See essay, “Zodiac and Ray Cycles in Esoteric Astrology” from The Destiny of Races and Nations I, by Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.209. [↩]