Virgo 2012: Virgo-Pisces. Norway’s Anders Breivik. Demeter-Isis.

Isis: The Winged Goddess.
“I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.”
(Virgo Full Moon Festival August 31, 2012. 11.58 pm AEST.)
The Virgo-Pisces Polarity
A Cosmic Perspective of Virgo
Virgo-Pisces, Multiculturalism and Norway’s Anders Breivik
The Mystery of Demeter-Isis and Persephone
The Virgo-Pisces Polarity
Full moon periods are always an opportune moment to explore zodiac polarities because the Sun and Moon are always in opposite signs. In this waning age of Pisces, Virgo has been an important zodiac influence because it is the sign opposite to Pisces, part of the mutable cross. As humanity has struggled to balance this duality over the past 2,160-year cycle, the sign of Virgo has found a powerful expression for better and worse.
For the worse, it has brought in the separative lower critical mind well known as the shadow of Virgo’s discriminating nature. This has exacerbated the already existing problem at this culmination of the Fifth Rootrace (5.5.5), where mental development has reached its apotheosis.

(Artist: Reenchanted Earth Studios)
For the better, Virgo has emphasised the importance of purification, dedication and devotion to the spiritual life, albeit to a puritanical extreme at times – in Christianity and Islam for instance. In its lower frequency, Virgo’s analytical mind is devoid of love and compassion, compared to Pisces’ ability to exercise unconditional love, forgiveness and understanding. Indeed, analytical to the point of psychologically anal is a typical criticism of Virgo, itself noted as the sign of criticism.
Yet the second ray of love-wisdom finds its strongest expression through Virgo in this cycle, and one of the most common manifestations is through the healing arts, nutrition, natural medicine and the caring professions. Nursing, carried out mainly by females, is one of the strongest expressions of the nurturing Virgo-Pisces axis.
Virgo is the divine feminine as symbolised by the goddess Isis (who also stands for the star Sirius), the “mother of all forms”, the “builder of all forms”, connecting the deva or angelic kingdom to the human kingdom.
Virgo nurtures, builds and maintains the form, this “form” of the lower self, not just the etheric-physical, but the emotional and mental bodies that constitute that three-fold form. Hence, the triple glyph of Virgo represent this triple integration, the goddess trinity – Eve, Isis and Mary. Virgo is a sign of integration and integrity – the “intact” and pure Virgin.

Landscape Deva – as described to an artist by clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson.
In exoteric or personality astrology, various signs are given meanings and students learn them by rote, without ever asking from where the meaning derives. Students know that Virgo is most insistent in hygiene (the goddess Hygeia) – cleanliness is next to godliness – and this is esoterically an ideal situation when one understands the nature of the deva kingdom and the elementals that inhabit our living spaces; we know about the critical mind as a by-product of Virgo’s highly intelligent and discriminating nature; we know that Virgo is a thorough scholar and a fastidious artist – but why?
A Cosmic Perspective of Virgo
In order to glimpse a little understanding, some of the larger esoteric perspectives need to be explored, if we truly wish to move beyond the interpretations of personality-based astrology. Esoteric Astrology is the astrology of the soul, of causes before they become effects, the “science of all sciences” – and its application is an art.
To understand what lays behind Virgo, is to grasp the concept that, very simply put, that our present solar system constitutes the second incarnation of three solar systems. In other words, the BEING who utilises this entire solar system as its vehicle of expression, has had a previous incarnation over an enormous period of time (trillions of years), developing the principle of Active-Intelligence. In this solar system it is developing the principle of Love-Wisdom and in the next it will be the principle of divine Will.
Students will note that these three “aspects” correspond to the major three rays that constitute the divine trinity. Bear in mind also, that this BEING, also known as the Solar Logos, is but the progeny of a far greater life that has its source in the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius.
Solar System I |
Solar System II |
Solar System III |
3rd ray – Active-Intelligence |
2nd ray – Love-Wisdom |
1st ray – Will-Power |
Finished |
Half-way through |
Forming in the etheric …. |
The Three Solar Systems
One must bear in mind that all lives in the unfolding universe “above” have a series of incarnations, just as humans do “below” – in their journey to enlightenment and liberation. Nothing is static and fixed, all is in a continual state of flux and creative growth. Virgo embodies that energy of active-intelligence from the first solar system incarnation:
“… Virgo is regarded by the esoteric teachers … to be identified with the third aspect of divinity, with the mother principle and is believed to be the director of the energies, developed and recognised in the first solar system. It is for this reason in this solar system that Virgo is subjected predominantly to the influence of the second, fourth and sixth ray energies through Jupiter (second ray), the Moon and Mercury (fourth ray) and Neptune (sixth ray). The Moon and Mercury together indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind and are, therefore, related to the third Ray of Active Intelligence which controlled the first solar system.”1
In other words, Virgo is imbued and charged with the forces of the “even line” ray energies of Love-Wisdom in this solar system, in order to blend and fuse the energies of the “odd line” energies (1,3,5,7) developed in the first solar system.
The foundation of Intelligence must first be built, in order that Love can be comprehended on ever increasing turns of the evolutionary spiral. (As has often been stated, the awakening of the heart is inextricably linked with the development of the mind.)

This solar system has reached its half-way point of development, as stated in the ancient Vedas, some 155 trillion years into a 311 trillion year incarnation!! (See this author’s writings on The Hidden History of Humanity here or here.) Several planets in this solar system have reached their point of perfection in consciousness (love and mind blended as one), including Earth’s sister planet Venus, but Earth is still in the process of realising that goal through all its kingdoms, primarily the human kingdom in this cycle.
And so Virgo is a most ancient sign, prominently activated at human Individualisation some 21 million years ago, when hitherto animal man became endowed with the spark of mind. Virgo at that time was closely connected to Leo and therein lies the mystery of the Sphinx. (Described here in an earlier Virgo newsletter.)
And so the blending of love and mind proceeds apace. Once the lower expression of Virgo is relatively transcended, then the invoking of love-wisdom becomes a greater priority in the life of the disciple consciously treading the higher way. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and is an example of the scintillating intelligence expressed through Virgo, but also as love-wisdom, because it is on that “even ray line” of the fourth ray, which it rules:
“Mercury, being the Messenger of the Gods and the Agent of Their applied control, is therefore the agent of the third aspect (active intelligence) from one point of view, and of the second aspect (love-wisdom) from another. He is regarded as embodying in himself both these aspects of the mental principle, the expression of the concrete and the abstract mind of God.

Mercury with caduceus.
The lower concrete mind was unfolded in the first solar system and the higher abstract intuitional mind, the pure reason, is unfolding in this system. Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi, mind-wisdom which expresses itself through the human soul; Mercury rules the bridge or the antahkarana. In Virgo, Mercury reaches his full power, for Virgo is intelligence and the hidden Christ is wisdom or pure reason.”2
Hence, whilst Mercury and Virgo confer great intelligence, there is a long journey from the lower mind to the higher mind, toward right discrimination and wisdom:
“Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods. This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”3
Mercury, as the ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, develops discrimination through experiencing conflict – and as a consequence, makes ever better choices; this evolutionary process finds its culmination at the fourth initiation, the initiation of Renunciation and Liberation.
Virgo-Pisces, Multiculturalism and Norway’s Anders Breivik
Yet, Humanity is still very much in the phase of lower-mind Virgo and this factor is quite evident in the horoscope of recently sentenced Anders Behring Breivik, who murdered 77 people on July 22, 2011.

Anders Breivik (Birthtime unknown, a good case for Scorpio rising.)
“Breivik described his far-right militant ideology in a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, which he distributed electronically on the day of the attacks. In it he lays out his worldview, which includes Islamophobia, support of Zionism and opposition to feminism.
It also expresses support for far-right groups such as the English Defence League and paramilitaries such as the Scorpions. It regards Islam and “cultural Marxism” as the enemy, and argues for the violent annihilation of “Eurabia” and multiculturalism, and the deportation of all Muslims from Europe based on the model of the Benes decrees. Breivik wrote that his main motive for the atrocities was to market this manifesto.”4
Breivik’s Aquarian Sun, square its ruler Uranus in Scorpio, is a good example of his rebellious and self-proclaimed revolutionary aims:
“Breivik planned to set up an organisation he called the Conservative Revolutionary Movement which he envisioned consisting of around 50 right-wing activists in Europe, as well as an organization for imprisoned right-wing activists.”5

“Conservative Revolutionary Movement” is an interesting contradiction in terms! Breivik is a victim of his own and others’ distorted ideologies, explored in this author’s essay, The Blending of Races and Cultures: Moving Toward a New Race and Universal Religion. Those ideologies arise directly from two main factors:
1. The lower expression of the Virgo-Pisces axis: Virgoan separativeness and Piscean illusion.
2. The synthesis of hundreds of ethnic groups in practically all Western nations.
In every Western nation there has been intolerance expressed toward new immigrants, no less so in Scandinavia, the home of the fifth Nordic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace:
5.1 Hindu |
5.2 Ancient Egyptian-Mayan |
5.3 Arab-Semitic-Jew-Afghan |
5.4 Latin-Celtic |
5.5 Nordic-Teutonic-Anglo Saxon |
5.6 New subrace now forming, a synthesis of all previous subraces. |
Subraces of the Fifth Rootrace
It is in the northern European nations that the expression of fascism has been the most potent in recent centuries. Nazism is an aspect of fascism and Breivik certainly subscribed to all these ideologies, including right-wing Zionism – that some commentators say has taken over from Nazism. It is interesting to note therefore, that the founding horoscope for Nazism has Virgo prominent:

The Nazi Party.
As a group of cold-blooded fanatics, the Nazis were driven by an ideology of hatred and separativeness, born from a sense of racial superiority. The Sun in Pisces (conjunct Uranus) reflects their distorted and illusory ideology – summarising some of the crystallisations of the Piscean Age in its dying days. (Note that the Sun is in the 6th Virgoan house, reinforcing their the lower expression of Virgo.)
These fascist tendencies of the past century arose from the increasing Shamballa or first ray force,6 whose effects, though meant to hasten human evolution, found their point of least resistance in the short term, expressing as fascism – still the case to a lesser degree today. Fascism was present in all races and nations, all over Europe and the USA, it just happened to emerge in its undiluted form, through Pisces personality Germany – who “took on” and embodied world glamour at that time.7
In the Nazi Party chart, Pisces ruler Neptune is at the point of a T-square to Moon and Mars in Taurus-Scorpio, emphasising those glamours (illusion on the astral plane), as well as an utter fanaticism and ruthlessness to carry out their mission.
Virgo is rising and Saturn is in Virgo, highlighting the separative and exclusive attitudes of the Nazis, as well as a cold mental polarisation that alienated them from the human suffering they caused.
“… the man who, from purely selfish motives and through an intense concentration, focuses his mind and brings about the gratification of his desires and the achievement of his goals. He kills out all emotional reactions and goes a long way towards dissipating glamour. He develops the ability to draw on the light of matter itself (physical matter and mental substance) and thus he generates a false light from which soul light is rigorously excluded.”8
“Racial hygiene”, the extermination of “undesirable” ethnic groups, the precisely organised death-camp “processing” factories all over Europe and other scientific experiments in the prison camps, were all badly motivated expressions of Saturn in Virgo. Today, the unfortunate term, “ethnic cleansing” has similar Virgo connotations.
Interesting to note therefore, that Breivik has the Moon and Saturn in Virgo, close to the same degree as the Nazi Party’s Saturn, hence the resonance that he must have felt with Nazi ideology. One of his proclaimed influences, Middle East commentator and right-wing Zionist Daniel Pipes, has Saturn in Virgo also. The following tri-wheel shows quite a Saturn in Virgo line-up:

Nazi Party, Breivik and Pipes.
Of course this does not mean that everyone with Saturn in Virgo is a Nazi! (Some of my closest friends have Saturn in Virgo, LOL!) One might reflect upon a statement made by American philosopher Ken Wilber, that about 70% of the world’s population is “Nazi” in consciousness – they have not yet made it to a “world-centric” stage of unfoldment.9
Pipes’ Islamophobic thinking, and that of thousands of other individuals and groups, has contributed to a pool of world thought, fraught with resistance to integration and assimilation of Muslim-Arabs. Equally of course, there is a significant number of Arabs and Muslims who think just the same way about their opposites…

This situation has been compounded by many on-and-offline groups who propagandise and selectively edit to further the anti-Islam agenda. Many of these groups hide behind a veneer of academic respectability and are closely networked with one another, penetrating into various government departments and think tanks.
Hence Pipes is an example of a much wider problem that has a sophisticated propaganda apparatus. This is all part of the “war that rages upon the mental plane”:
“There could, however, be no disaster more serious than a too abrupt ending of this clash of the emotional reactions of humanity and of the current ideologies. It is essential that the issues become still clearer in the minds of men, prior to any final choice or decision. This must be remembered, and students would do well to avoid discouragement and train themselves to wait with spiritual optimism for the way of humanity to clear. Too prompt a choice at this time might prove only a makeshift decision and one based on expediency and impatience.”10
It is ironic, as Pipes is the son of Polish Jews and would know a thing or two about discrimination and suffering at the hands of the Nazis. As his bio attests, he has made extensive studies in Arab culture and the Middle East, but has wholly embraced neo-conservatism (Neocons) and right-wing Zionism, the ideology which essentially drives the Neocons, who have dominated US government these past twenty years.
(Note: Right wing Zionism is an extreme political movement and although it proclaims otherwise, is not in the best interests of Jewish people per se.)
The irony is obvious, but even more ironic is that if the word “Semite” is examined in its true light, it includes both Jews and Arabs, who, along with the Afghanis, are branchraces of the same third or Semitic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace. (See earlier table.) Unfortunately, the phrase “anti-Semite” has been hi-jacked to mean “anti-Jew”.
Pipes has been described as an “anti-Arab propagandist who has built a career out of distortions… twisting words, quoting people out of context and stretching the truth to suit his purpose; [Pipes] possesses an “obsessive hatred of all things Muslim”; pursues an intolerant agenda, “confuses scholarship with propaganda”, and “pursues petty vendettas with scant regard for objectivity.”11
This example is only used to demonstrate glamour and illusion; there is no personal political bias here because one recognises that those on the left have their challenges in this area too. There is a moderate “middle way” between these pairs of opposites. Causes behind the problem boil down to excessive emotion and zealotry blocking clear thought – hence the glamour of kama-manas or desire-mind.
We witness with the likes of Pipes, the misuse of Virgo force and the third ray of active intelligence – able to transform black to white and vice versa. This is the human dweller. Similarly, in USA’s horoscope, Neptune in Virgo in the ninth house, reflects the tricky, tangled legal documents that feed the litigation culture in that nation.12
Muslim extremists have much to answer for, but they are not the voice of Islam. Ideologies are ideals that have been created by the emotional interpretation of ideas; they are a plane of consciousness removed from the original idea, hence subject to gross distortions. They are all temporary expressions and will eventually slip by the wayside,
“… as all else has passed in the history of the race and will give place, eventually, to a recognised spiritual relationship, a subjective fellowship, as a defined and expressed brotherhood.”13
And of course, the outgoing sixth ray of devotion and idealism is behind most of the religious agitation that we witness today, whether it is fundamentalist Christianity, Islam or Judaism.
As the Fifth Rootrace has reached its high watermark in mental development, it is becoming more subject to illusion instead of glamour. Glamour works upon the astral plane, but illusion works upon the mental plane. When reading the following, please bear in mind the earlier statements about Mercury:
“Illusion is the power of some mental thoughtform, of some ideal, and some concept—sensed, grasped and interpreted in mental form—to dominate the mental processes of the individual or of the race and consequently to produce the limitation of the individual or group expression. Such ideas and concepts can be of three kinds …
1. They can be inherited ideas, as in the case of those who find it so difficult to adjust themselves to the new vision of world life and of social order, as expressed in the newer ideologies. They are powerfully conditioned by their cast, their tradition and their background.
2. They can be the more modern ideas which are, in the last analysis, the reaction of modern thought to world conditions and situations, and to these many other aspirants are very prone and most naturally so, especially if living in the vortex of force which we call modern Europe. Such modern ideas are construed today into major currents and dominating ideologies, and to these every intelligent person must inevitably react, though they forget that that reaction is based on tradition, or upon national or international predisposition.

The Limitlessness of Ideas…
3. They can be the newer dimly sensed ideas which have in them the power to condition the future and lead the modern generation out of darkness into light. None of you as yet really sense these new ideas, though in moments of high meditation and spiritual achievement, you may vaguely and briefly react to them. That reaction may be real just in so far that it conditions, with definiteness, your service to your fellowmen. You can react correctly and can do so increasingly if you preserve your soul’s integrity and are not overcome by the battle and the fever of your surroundings within your chosen field of service.
A mental illusion might perhaps be described as an idea, embodied in an ideal form, which permits no room or scope for any other form of ideal. It precludes an ability, therefore, to contact ideas. The man is tied to the world of ideals and of idealism. He cannot move away from it. This mental illusion ties and limits and imprisons the man. A good idea may consequently become an illusion with great facility and prove a disastrous conditioning factor in the life of the man who registers it.”14

Pavement Art Illusion.
In 2002, whilst Uranus was transiting Breivik’s Sun (triggering his natal Sun square Uranus), he set up a company that he claims was the start of a nine-year plan to finance the attacks.
In September 2008, Breivik had his Saturn return and not long after in May 2009, whilst transiting Saturn was going back and forth over his north node in Virgo, Breivik founded a farming company so he could have a cover for purchasing fertiliser to make explosives; he also visited Prague during that time to purchase several illegal weapons. (Farming and fertilisers are also the province of Virgo.)
On July 22, 2011, transiting Sun and Venus were in Cancer, reflecting the nationalistic theme of the “homeland” in Breivik’s philosophy. The Sun was approaching his Jupiter in early Leo, the self-aggrandising and confidence to pull off his callous crime. However, the major trigger to the event was transiting Mercury in Leo opposing natal Mercury in Aquarius. Mercury is of course the dispositor or ruler of Saturn in Virgo. Mercury in Aquarius probably determines Breivik’s cold and calculating thinking.
The point here is that the natal expression of Saturn in Virgo (according to Breivik’s application of that force), was activated by the Saturn return and Saturn’s transit over the north node.
None of us are totally exempt from these glamours and illusions. To be a disciple on the path is to resist the temptation to polarise with one ideology or another, to walk the “middle way”, to not succumb to the insidious propaganda that stalks the internet and other literature. To look at the many viewpoints and maintain and independent detached position. (Easier said than done!) There is a significant proportion of students of the wisdom who have fallen prone to propaganda that resists and attacks multi-culturalism – and a few who unashamedly hold quite fascist and separative viewpoints.
Such is the state of affairs today in the world of ideas, as humanity evolves its discriminatory capacities, as it comes to grips with the synthesis and unity that is emerging from the blending of many races and cultures, a truly unprecedented event in world history.
The Mystery of Demeter and Persephone
The Greek Demeter (the Roman Ceres), is the goddess of the grain, or Mother Earth – she is the spirit of Virgo. Virgo nurtures with this grain, physically or as “seed ideas” – aligned with the mental aspect of Virgo. Demeter-Ceres is also regarded as a sponsor of the ancient mystery teachings. (See this newsletter.) This is very much in line with Virgo’s second ray aptitude for scholarliness, as well as its symbol of underground caves, indicating the hidden Mysteries.
Demeter-Ceres is associated with Sirius (…ius), that major star system that is connected to the previous sign Leo, the month of the dog star. Demeter is identical to Isis, widely regarded in the Egyptian tradition as symbolising the brightest star, Sirius A. Her consort, Osiris, is Sirius B, the white dwarf star. It was believed in ancient times that the Nile was the semen of Osiris and the Earth was the body of Isis.
Hence, Osiris “seeds” Isis-Demeter making her the custodian of the cosmic grain; this solar system is the “harvest” of that seed, a progeny of Sirius. Hence, the common depiction of Isis with the Moon’s crescent, connected to all the growth cycles in nature. The Moon is also the soul ruler of Virgo and Isis is an aspect of the Virgo “triple-goddess”; the symbolism of the Nile’s waters correspond to the astral plane – as does oceanic Pisces.
The daughter of Demeter is Persephone, the goddess of vegetation, abducted by Pluto and taken underground for a third of each year to be his wife. Allegorically she is the seed-corn which lays in the ground for part of the year, returning to her mother Demeter as the corn which rises out of the ground.
This myth epitomises the Virgo-Pisces axis and is superficially an allegory for the seasons in the northern hemisphere tradition. Pluto, the Lord of Death, takes Persephone (vegetation) every season. Esoterically Persephone refers to the burial of the body of man and the immortality of the soul.
Pluto is the soul ruler of Pisces and his domain is under the Earth – in Hades – whilst Virgo’s jurisdiction is over the womb-like caves of the Earth. In the myth, Pluto emerges from his lair to kidnap Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. In some traditions, Demeter and Persephone are virtually indistinguishable and are regarded as one and the same.
Nevertheless, the story avers deeply to the inner gestation processes that go on “underground”, in the psyche, the unconscious, the various aspects of the astral and mental life that Pisces-Virgo symbolise respectively. With Pluto as soul ruler of Pisces, “capturing” Virgo’s Persephone, hints at the blending of these two opposite signs.

L: (Sculptor: Gianlorenzo Bernini). R: Pluto and Persephone (Artist: Edmund Dulac).
The ancients made much of Virgo’s symbolism in their rites and ceremonies (long preceding Christianity), as declared in the following poem by Galleus:
“New Light has arisen:
Coming from Heaven, it assumed a mortal form… Virgin, receive God in thy pure bosom. And the Word flew into her womb:Becoming incarnate in Time, and animated by her body, It was found in a mortal image, and a Boy was createdBy a Virgin…”
One interpretation here is the birth of the Earth – the creative “word” or mantra of the planetary Logos seeds the womb. Elsewhere…
“Korè-Persephoneia … you were wived as the Dragon’s spouse,When Zeus, very coiled, his form and countenance changed,A Dragon-Bridegroom, coiled in love-inspiring fold … Glided to dark Korè’s maiden couch … Thus, by the alliance with the Dragon of Æther The womb of Persephonè became alive with fruit Bearing Zagreus, the Horned Child.”15
Here the “dragon” (of wisdom) is Jupiter, the “Dragon of Life”. Anciently, Virgo-Demeter-Ceres is the female aspect of Jupiter, the hierarchical ruler of Virgo and ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom – the “aether” or building blocks that underlie this “second” second-ray solar system.
The Virgin is the productive principle of the all-pervading Spirit that catalyses every atom in the material universe – not unlike Pan or Eros (Fohat). Hence Virgo’s association with the growing of all plants by mother nature, the deva kingdom. “Zagreus” is the circle of the world and the “horned child” is Pan, the spirit of nature.

Persephone. L: (Artist: Christopher Sherman). R: (Artist: Patrushcka).
“Persephone is depicted with two ears of wheat in her hand; so is Mary in the old pictures; so was the Celestial Virgin of the constellation. Albumazar the Arabian indicates the identity of the several myths as follows: “In the first decan of the Virgin rises a maid, called in Arabic Aderenosa, that is, pure immaculate virgin, graceful in person, charming in countenance, modest in habit, with loosened hair, holding in her hands two ears of wheat, sitting upon an embroidered throne, nursing a boy, and rightly feeding him in the place called Hebræa; a boy, I say, named Iessus by certain nations, which signifies Issa, whom they also call Christ in Greek.””16
As the goddess of the harvest, Persephone is depicted with acorns, pomegranates, wheat, corn etc. She is the Virgin Mary who has “immaculately conceived”, like the lost esoteric tradition of “kriyashakti” – that mysterious will power which transforms ideas instantaneously into visible forms … through the potency of Ideation and Will, from invisible, indestructible matter”.17
When the great lives which constitute the zodiac signs are examined, in their “creative hierarchies” or angelic groupings, we find that the second creative hierarchy is Virgo,18 the angelic grouping of “divine builders”, corresponding to “kriyashakti”19 and the “materialising ideal”.

L: Persephone holding an acorn. R: A sphinx.
(Author’s pics, Athens Archeological Museum, Greece.)
Here lay some clues about the mission of Virgo and the “divine hermaphrodite” – which the Leo-Virgo sphinx represents. Before ancient humanity became imbued with consciousness, they were hermaphrodites and “self-producing”. Millions of years in the future, humanity will once again be hermaphrodites and self-producing, but with far more development of consciousness.
Roberto Assagioli, Founder of Psychosynthesis
It is worth noting briefly that this Italian psychologist, who was one of The Tibetan’s most advanced students, was born precisely on a full moon of Pisces – Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo – in the ninth degree of those signs – the same degrees for this Virgo full moon in 2012 – Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces. It is somewhat of a coincidence as Assagioli’s work is emerging into greater prominence in the world and perhaps this full moon period will catalyse interest in his work. Psychosynthesis is a great psychological healing tool, not only for individuals, but for groups, nations and even races!
Assagioli is a great example of how the Virgo-Pisces axis can be better utilised in the hands of an advanced soul. Assagioli had a deep compassion blended with an outstanding intellect.
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.280. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- See The Shamballa Impacts, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- See Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis by Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. pp.209-10. [↩]
- Integral Spirituality, Ken Wilber. p.179. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.610. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- See Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.135. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.129. [↩]
- Galleus. Nonnus: “Dionysiacs.” [↩]
- Isis Unveiled II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.491. [↩]
- Collected Writings XII, H.P. Blavatsky. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.35. [↩]
- Kriyâsakti: “This faculty, creative in its effects, is so, simply because it is the active agent of that attribute on the objective plane. Like the lightning conductor which leads the electric fluid, the faculty of Kriyâsakti conducts the creative Quintessence and gives it direction. Led haphazardly, it can kill; directed by the human intellect, it can create according to a predetermined plan.
Thus was born Alchemy, magnetic Magic, and many other branches of the tree of occult science. When in the course of ages nations developed, which in their egotism and ferocious vanity were convinced of their complete superiority to all others, past or present, when the development of Kriyâsakti became more and more difficult and the divine faculty had almost disappeared from the earth, they forgot little by little the science of their earlier ancestors.” Collected Writings XI, H.P. Blavatsky. p.529. [↩]
Phillip, I found this article a great help as it confirms ideas I have been working out these many years. I had not yet met you in 2012, but I must say it was a remarkable year on the spiritual plane for me. A year of confirmations regarding the etheric field, chakras and the cosmic mother.
As a fifth year student with the Morya Federation, I have been contemplating a synthetic paper on the transition off the solar wheel, and the references you cite will be so useful.
Lately, convinced that Jupiter, ruler of Virgo and my rising sign, had significance in the prior solar system, I’ve been seeking answers about the role of Jupiter in that time. You can see how significant your writing is.
I do wonder if you have compared Anders Breivik with the role of Donald Trump in the U.S. From where I stand, much seems comparable.
Love and light, jo