Virgo 2015: Healing. Hygiea. Hildegarde de Bingen. Cancer. Bernie Sanders.

L: Kwan Yin. R: Mother of Agni Yoga. (Nicholas Roerich.)
Virgo Keynote
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: August 29, 2015. 7.35 pm GMT.)
Virgo and Healing
Virgo and Hygeia
Hildegarde de Bingen: Initiate, Mystic and Healer
The Gift of Cancer
Presidential Hopeful – Bernie Sanders
Virgo and Healing
Virgo is a sign well known for healing upon the physical-etheric level through diet and nutrition, emphasising Virgo’s rulership of the bowels – where food moves from the stomach (ruled by Cancer), to be digested, having its nutrients extracted to sustain the physical form. What is left over is eliminated through the organs of excretion, ruled over by Scorpio. The physical body is ruled from head to toe by all the zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces and likewise, the planets rule various organs and body parts.

This table gives indications although it is not quite accurate esoterically.
The branch of medical astrology is a vast science within itself and has been practiced for as long as astrology has been in existence. Virgo is a triple sign as its glyph indicates, meaning that this “triple goddess” sign (Eve, Isis and Mary) is related to healing and nurturing on all levels of the personality – physical-etheric, emotional and mental.
The Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and is related to the form nature as a whole, the “lunar bodies” of varying frequencies that constitute the three-fold personality. The Moon also “veils” Vulcan and governs “the etheric vehicle from the circulatory angle.”1
Mercury is the orthodox ruler of Virgo, providing its keen mental discrimination and analysis, hence its association with mental healing. Yet, with esoteric ruler the Moon, both “indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind.”2
When the Isis archetype of Virgo is considered, the astral body part of the personality is brought into focus. Isis was the Queen of the Nile, its flooding and success of the crops, hence Virgo the wheat-grain or corn. Water is also a symbol of the astral body, as is Virgo’s polar opposite Pisces.
Virgo’s Rulership Over the Three Aspects of the Personality | ||
Plane | Planet | Comments |
Physical | Moon-Vulcan | Lunar bodies, etheric vehicle. |
Astral | Isis-Pisces | Watery emotional body. |
Mental | Moon-Mercury | Higher and lower mind. |
Virgo and Hygeia
There are several important asteroids associated with Virgo, the most well known being Ceres-Demeter, the goddess of the grain and esoterically, the patron of The Mysteries. Also Chiron the wounded healer, exalted in Virgo.
Lesser known however, is Hygeia (spelt various ways), as her name implies, related to hygiene – again, on all levels of the personality, from physical to mental hygiene. Her symbol is the caduceus or the serpent entwined around a chalice. Hygeia is uncannily and extraordinarily important in tracking general health in the horoscope; this is because the asteroid belt as a whole has a relationship via the planets to the etheric body:

Astrological symbol for Hygeia.
“Figures also must be computed when the effect upon the planets of what are called “asteroids” is known. This is much greater than exoteric science has so far admitted, but the significance of this must eventually be interpreted in terms of energy and on etheric levels.”3
Hygiea was the daughter of Asklepios – the “serpent holder” and Greek god of medicine and healing,
“Illness and disease (especially “dis-ease”) come under Hygeia, and the healing processes required for restoration to wholeness and harmony. This asteroid seems to act as a cleanser and potentizer (to borrow a useful word from homoeopathy), and can activate transformative processes that produce a “new improved” version of some aspect of life. Concepts of purity and purification also seem to be very important with Hygiea, and it can help people to “clean up their acts” on many levels.”4
Hildegarde de Bingen: Initiate, Mystic and Healer
If ever there was a classical Virgo archetype, it is the 11th century German, Hildegarde de Bingen – Sun in Virgo, Gemini rising with moon in Aries. With versatile Gemini rising, Bingen had many facets: Sibyl of the Rhine, abbess, artist, poet, prophet, writer, musician, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, herbalist, astrologer – a veritable polymath, i.e. endowed with an expertise spanning many subject areas, drawing upon complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. The ancient Roman sibyl is, in modern language, a medium. In the imminent Aquarian cycle,
“These mediums … will be trained by the workers upon the seventh ray to speak under inspiration from the Hierarchy, Whose foreknowledge extends far ahead into the future … These mediums will, however, only be used under direction, after careful training and only twice a year at the May and June Full Moon rituals.”5
Bingen’s obvious advancement upon the Path, is reflected in the quality of her extraordinarily evocative transmissions over a period of ten years, in her illustrated book, Scivias – “Know the Ways”. Hildegarde received these visions and transcribed them in a state of clarity unlike any other female mystics of her time. Following is a sample from just one small part of her copious writings – to which she adds explanatory commentaries for the original vision:

God or the soul (yellow “kite”) is present when a child is born; the stages of life.
“I am a person who has neither the strength nor the pride of a lion. I am soft like a fragile rib, but I have been filled with a secret inspiration. I saw a very bright fire which was incomprehensible, inextinguishable, wholly living, and appearing as if it were totally alive. The flame of the fire was an airy color, and it was blazing violently in a gentle wind. This flame was inseparable from the fire, just as the entrails are to a person. And I saw this flame lighten in color and give forth a bolt of lightning.
Behold, the air – round and of great size – suddenly rose up, and the flame sent sparks into the air, thereby leading the air to perfection. The air sparkled and was put in order, just as heaven and earth. After that, this flame sent forth some of its fire to a little clod of muddy earth which was lying on the ground.
This flame made this little clod warm so that a body and blood were brought forth. This flame breathed into this body and blood, and a person was brought forth. With this finished, the bright fire – blazing violently in a gentle wind – brought the whitest of flowers to this person. This flower hung down from the flame just as the dew hangs down from the grass.
The person did not smell the flower with his or her nose, nor taste it with his or her mouth, nor touch it with his or her hands. But this person left and fell into a very dense darkness. And this person was not strong enough to raise up out of this darkness. The darkness increased in size and spread itself out more and more in the air. Then three large stars – all of the same size – moved into the air.
These stars – stars – all of the same brightness – appeared in the darkness together with other stars. Some of the others stars were large and some small, but they were all very bright. Finally, a very large star appeared which radiated light with wonderful clearness. This very large star directed its brightness toward the previously-mentioned flame. On earth, however, a certain brightness appeared as the dawn from this flame even though the previously-mentioned bright fire had not been separated from the flame. In the brightness of this dawn, the greatest of all wills has been raised up.”6
It seems that the foregoing is a description of the processes of incarnation by the soul. Hildegarde says that she first saw “The Shade of the Living Light” at the age of three, and by the age of five she began to understand that she was experiencing visions. She explained that she saw all things in the light of God through the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.
Throughout her life, she continued to have many visions, and in 1141, at the age of 42, Hildegarde received a vision she believed to be an instruction from God, to “write down that which you see and hear.” Still hesitant to record her visions, Hildegarde became physically ill. The illustrations recorded in the book of Scivias were visions that Hildegard experienced, causing her great suffering and tribulations.”7 (See later, the diseases of mystics.)
Clairvoyance from an early age is indicated in her horoscope by an exact Moon in Aries trine to Neptune in Leo. Because the Moon relates to the past and Neptune to the astral body and visions, it indicates that Hildegarde “brought in” this skill from a recent incarnation; it indicates a clarity within the astral body that allowed it to be an accurate recorder of higher impressions. No doubt that Neptune was also the creative energy that inspired her paintings that illustrated her books.
Her Virgo Sun was eminently qualified to “receive instruction from God” and to, “write down that which you see and hear” – as Virgo is the natural writer and wordsmith. This was further facilitated by Virgo ruler Mercury placed in Leo (concentration and creativity), making a close trine to Chiron in Aries.

St. Hildegard of Bingen – gilded altarpiece inside a church in Bingen am Rhein, Germany.
Mercury is also the ruler of her Gemini ascendant (communications) and conjunct Gemini soul ruler Venus in Leo, indicating a prodigious intellect that sought after by her male contemporaries throughout Europe, as much as she sought them out. As a practical earthy sign, Virgo anchored her psychic sensitivity, whilst Saturn in Libra opposite Moon provided the manifesting power for her impressions:
“… the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”8
Virgo is one of the most feminine signs and Hildegarde eventually created a female monastery, moving with about twenty nuns to St. Rupertsberg.
“Once this was accomplished, the Rupertsberg nuns developed unusual and elaborate forms of dress and of worship, devised by Hildegarde for her nuns, inspired by her visions to celebrate the Kingdom of heaven in all its beauty and extravagance.”9 Her outstanding skills are too numerous to mention, suffice, “that by their fruits, ye shall know them” – Hildegarde was undoubtedly an advanced disciple and initiate.
Whilst preparing to write the monthly newsletter, this author received a vague impression to examine Hildegarde’s horoscope on her birthday – August 17. Then, researching her birth data a few days later, thinking, “she must have been a Virgo” – based upon the memory of a radio program about her some years previous. In 1098 AD for August 17, the Sun was just into the first degree of Virgo, although that date would be in Leo today because of the precession of the Earth through the zodiac.
Even more uncannily, the author sought to find out where Hygeia was in this healer’s chart, finding that no ephemeris exists that far back. But the cycle of 5.56 years was obtained for the orbit of Hygeia, hence computing the 917 years between 1098 AD and today, Hygeia was discovered in the same position at her birth as it was on August 17, 2015!
Furthermore, Hygeia is conjunct Venus in Leo in her birth chart – Venus in August 2015, Venus was also conjunct Hygeia! The coincidence is highly significant because Venus is the esoteric ruler of her Gemini rising soul purpose that spanned diverse arts, especially music:
“For Hildegarde, music rises almost to the level of a sacrament, channeling the perfection of divine grace from the heavenly choirs down to us, where we reflect the symphony in the blessed joy of song. She sees an intimate connection between chanting the “Work of God” (Opus Dei) as part of the monastic life according to the Rule of St. Benedict and the eternal yet dynamic “Work of God” of creating, sustaining, and perfecting the world.
She is by far the most famous composer of plainchant, and her 77 liturgical chants and morality play have found a happy place today in the repertoires of both religious congregations and classical and New Age artists alike. More works can be definitely attributed to Hildegarde than any other composer from the Middle Ages. The melodic variety of Hildegarde’s chant, ranging from the highly florid works of her early years to the more restrained chant, reflect her intimate familiarity with chant genres and the compositional practices of late medieval chant. Where Hildegarde’s musical brilliance shines brightest is the sublimity of the liturgical poetry that accompanies it.”10
The Music of Hildegarde de Bingen.
When she was 42 and 7 months old (March 1141), Hildegarde received a vision to “write down that which you see and hear.” She describes the event:
“And it came to pass … that the heavens were opened and a blinding light of exceptional brilliance flowed through my entire brain. And so it kindled my whole heart and breast like a flame, not burning but warming … and suddenly I understood the meaning of expositions of the books”.
Arriving at mid-March 1141 (42 and 7 months), the transits and progressions are instructive and illuminating:

Illumination – Liber Scivias showing Hildegarde receiving a vision and dictating to her scribe.
1. Transiting Sun and Mercury on their annual transit through Aries, triggering her Aries moon, identified earlier with Neptune as being her mystical sensitivity from an early age and that which earned her the appellation of Sibyl of the Rhine. This date in 1041 was the start of ten years of transmissions to Hildegarde, so it was appropriate that it began in Aries, the sign of beginnings. A chart cast for the exact date would influence the entire following ten-year period.
2. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius creating an exact grand trine with her natal Moon in Aries trine Neptune in Leo. This Jupiter transit may have been particularly relevant if Hildegarde’s soul was upon the second ray of Love-Wisdom – ruled by Jupiter. The second ray is the major healing ray. Jupiter was also in its own sign of Sagittarius, stimulating the broad and expansive vision based upon higher spiritual principles.
3. Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mars in Scorpio and progressed Moon in Scorpio – all opposing Uranus in Taurus. Mars in Scorpio is a very powerful emblem of her discipleship. Neptune and Mars rule the solar plexus centre, seat of the astral body – the main medium of transmission for Hildegarde the mystic. Yet she had a highly developed intellect as well (she sought out the finest scientific minds of her day), and Uranus in Taurus opposite transiting Neptune, probably gave her a lot of esoteric understanding, as witnessed in her writings:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul … It prepares the inner [wo] man for the sharp interplay and conflict in the next sign, Gemini. [Hildegarde’s rising sign.]
The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response … to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness – substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”11
This “sharp division between body and soul” may well be reflected in her frail health, suffering many illnesses throughout her life. Virgo often agonises from acute sensitivities in the physical body and of course Karma burns itself off mainly through the physical form we are told.12 Her suffering was described by one of her biographers as “… the testing of clay in the oven and suffering of holiness, one of the signs of a true mystic.” This description is also reminiscent of another mystic poet Kahlil Gibran, who says in one poem,
“And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.”13
There is an esoteric classification for the diseases of mystics, to which Hildegarde de Bingen was prone:
“Diseases which are the difficulties of mysticism. These are the peculiar ills and complaints which attack the disciples and aspirants of the world. These can be traced in every case to the pouring in of energy through centres which are not properly equipped, or adequately developed, to handle the force.”14

Illumination – accompanying the third vision of Part I of Scivias.
Hildegarde the Virgoan healer was also widely sought after as an exorcist and psychotherapist. It is for her dietary and medical writings based upon the four humours that Hildegarde has attracted most popular attention in her native Germany … scientific study of her ideas has shown she is always 100% correct.”15
As a soul-centred healer, Hildegarde was attracted to the sense of life in everything, their “radiance” or “greenness” (how very Virgo!), comparing the soul directly with moisture that gives green freshness to the earth:
“The soul is the green life-force of the flesh. For, indeed, the body grows and progresses on account of the soul, just as the earth becomes fruitful through moisture. And the soul is also the moisture of the body because the soul moistens it so that it does not dry out, just as rain flows down into the earth.”16
Hildegarde wrote many books on herbalism and medicine, yet had no formal training in these areas – as with all her other talents – no doubt developed in previous incarnations. The lifetime of Hildegarde was one of culmination and triumph.
She also used astrological prognostications (lunaria) according to the phase of the moon at the time of conception, e.g. ‘Those conceived on the thirtieth day of the moon, if male will be poor and if noble will always descend to lower things and will not have happiness; they will easily fail in bodily strength and the flesh but will live quite a long while. Females will be poor, and will more willingly live among foreign folk than familiar ones; they will not be very weak in body and will live long enough’.”17
Her book, “Liber Divinorum Operum” (Book of Divine Works) was considered by many to be her most impressive; it is a monumental cosmic scripture depicting the world as a piece of art by God. The human being is seen as a microcosm reflecting in all his physical and mental conditions the laws of the whole macrocosm.18

Hildegarde’s Wheel of Life
The Gift of Cancer
“Cancer always makes its appearance before there is transmutation of the emotional force, for the reason that there are few disciples (and therefore still fewer of the ordinary and majority of people) who have so transmuted emotion. This condition of freedom from emotion is so seldom to be found that – at this stage of the world’s history – it may be said that it does not exist.”19
Most of us have been touched by this disease in one way or another, through family, friends or personal illness. In the ageless wisdom teachings we are told that cancer is one of the three major diseases that affect humanity:
“The predisposition to tuberculosis, syphilis and cancer are the most important where our present humanity is concerned; they are inherited and also can be imparted by contact.”20
The following table summarises these diseases.21
Disease | Race | Body | Kingdom | Organ | Ray |
Syphilitic | Lemurian | Physical | Mineral | Sex organs. Sacral Centre. | 3 |
Cancer | Atlantean | Astral | Vegetable | Solar Plexus | 2 |
Tuberculosis | Aryan | Mental | Animal | Breathing apparatus. Throat centre. | 1 |
To use the language of homeopathy, these three diseases are miasms or “noxious influences”, the taint of which is carried to some degree by the world’s population. For instance, one-third of the world’s population is thought to have been infected with M. Tuberculosis. ((Here.))
“Disease inherent in humanity as a whole. There are certain diseases to which all men are prone; the germs of these diseases are latent in the physical vehicles of the majority of men, only awaiting predisposing conditions in order to manifest. They might be regarded as group diseases.”22
As depicted in the table above, these diseases have a correspondence to the three main rootraces thus far elapsed. Syphilis is a reminder and remainder from Lemurian times when the use of sex was indiscriminate and excessive, whilst Cancer came about as a reaction to syphilis:
“Cancer is a gift to modern man from the Atlantean humanity … the scourge of this disease was the major factor which devastated its’ inhabitants … The roots of this dire evil are deep-seated in the emotional or desire nature, and are grounded in the astral body. Cancer is partially the result of a reaction to the disease connected with the sex life which became so rampant in later Lemurian times and early Atlantean days.
The people of those times, seeing the fearful evils and the extent of the disease which grew up out of the fertile Lemurian life, resulting from the promiscuous sex life on every hand, for the sake of self-preservation, dammed back the natural flow of desire (the flow of life as it expresses itself through the centres of reproduction and procreation), and this in due time produced other evils. Cancer is primarily a disease of inhibition, just as the syphilitic diseases are those of over-expression and overuse of one aspect of the mechanism of man.”23

Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Yet, tuberculosis was also a major disease of Atlantean times because,
“The major sin of the Atlantean people was theft – widespread and general. The seeds of aggression and of personal acquisitiveness … to procure what they coveted and felt they needed, the most highly evolved of that race began to practice magic … carefully planned rituals which were followed by those who sought to enrich themselves and to take what they wanted, no matter what the cost to others … to be in possession of the utmost luxury and of … material goods. They were smothered by desire and plagued by the dream of never dying but of living on and on, acquiring more and more of all that they desired. [Sounds familiar, even in this modern era?]
It is in this situation that we find the origin of tuberculosis. It originated in the organs whereby men breathe and live, and was imposed – as a penalty – by the Great White Lodge; the Masters promulgated a new law for the Atlantean people when Lemurian vice and Atlantean cupidity were at their most ruthless height.
This law can be translated into the following terms: “He who lives only for material goods, who sacrifices all virtue in order to gain that which cannot last, will die in life, will find breath failing him, and yet will refuse to think of death until the summons comes.”24
This is quite an amazing esoteric commentary on the cause of tuberculosis and the natural planetary laws which had to be invoked by the Guides of the Race. This disease of “breath failing” may well extend to other respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Today tuberculosis is virtually eliminated in the Western nations (despite planetary greed and acquisitiveness), but is still high in developing countries like Africa, Asia and parts of South America. Tuberculosis is disappearing and the attention of research scientists is now being given to cures for all the various cancers.
“… we have learnt how to cure tuberculosis … sunshine and good food could cure, or at any rate arrest, the disease … in the field of esoteric correspondence – ust as the light of the soul, pouring into the mind, can be depended upon to solve any problem, so that light of the sun and its prophylactic rays can dispel the dread symptoms of tuberculosis.”25
Based upon the various quotes re diseases and rootraces, the following table is an extension of the earlier table:
Rootrace | Disease | Cause | Cure |
Lemuria | Syphilis | Sexual promiscuity. | Right use of sex, non-promiscuity. Understanding of times, cycles, of periodic reproductive creation. |
Atlantis | Cancer | Inhibition of desire for sex. | Right emotional control. |
Atlantis | Tuberculosis | Theft, desire for acquisition. | Right rhythmic living. Sunshine, good food, hygiene. |
Aryan | Tuberculosis | Theft, desire for acquisition. Contagious, lack of hygiene. | Right rhythmic living. Sunshine, good food, hygiene. |
Aryan | Cancer | Activity of concrete mind and stimulation of the etheric body. | Right emotional control. |

Prostate cancer cells under electron microscope.
Cancer in Modern Times
“The third great planetary disease, cancer, is as yet basically uncontrollable, and the relative simplicity of surgery seems at present the only mode of possible cure.”26
Of course, since this was written in the early part of the twentieth century, there have been many advances in alternative and allopathic medicine; nevertheless, surgery is still high on the list of cancer healing.
“One of the most powerful sources of cancer in various parts of the body (except in the head and face) can esoterically be traced to the congestion of the energy of the solar plexus centre. This congestion has a general and widespread effect. Difficulties arising from the awakening of the heart centre and the solar plexus centre (for the two are closely allied and have a reciprocal action for a long time in the mystical experience), produce also a powerful effect upon the blood stream.
They are connected with the life principle which is ever “carried upon the waves of desire” (as the ancient writings put it) – and this, when prevented from full expression, through lack of development or other causes, leads to cancerous areas in the body wherever there is a weakness in the bodily tissue.”27
Understanding the cause of cancer today is different to the cause in Atlantean times, though is still related:
“Cancer, in our present cycle, the Aryan, is definitely a result of the activity of the lower concrete mind and of the stimulation of the etheric body which the mind can bring about. It is a major disease incident to stimulation, as far as the Aryan masses are concerned, just as heart disease is also a disease of stimulation, affecting very largely the advanced types of humanity who – through interest in business and leadership – often sacrifice their lives and pay the penalty of misused and over-concentrated energy by developing various forms of acute heart trouble.”28
Therefore, the causes of cancer are related to two factors:
1. Inhibition of desire.
2. Activity of the concrete mind.
The combination of the astral level with the lower mental plane is called “kama-manas” or desire-mind – which is the general polarisation of consciousness for humanity today. Hence all forms of cancer will have their origin in one or other of these two causes. The cure for the Atlantean origin lies in right emotional control,
“… as the race develops right emotional control [right transmutation], we shall see the gradual disappearance of the phenomena of cancer. I said right emotional control; inhibition and the suppression of the desire impulses by the force of the will is not right control. It is interesting also to note that though both men and women suffer from the disease of cancer, the general cause is not identical, though the basic cause (reaction from an over-expression of the sex life through the cultivation of the desire nature) remains the same.29
When the three rootraces and three miasms are considered, the three major rays of aspect will find their analogy. Differing ray types of individuals may be more prone to certain kinds of diseases, for instance, seventh ray types to sexual diseases, first ray types to cancer:
“1. The syphilitic diseases are due to the misuse of third ray energy, that of the creative, intelligent energy of substance itself.
2. Tuberculosis is the result of the misuse of the energy of the second ray.
3. Cancer is a mysterious and subtle reaction to the energy of the first ray, the will-to-live, which is one of the aspects of this ray. It works out, therefore, in an over-activity and growth of the body cells whose will-to-live becomes destructive to the organism in which they are to be found.”30
As in all esoteric healing philosophy, the energy centre or chakra nearest the disease usually indicates the cause. A well known case in point (discussed in another newsletter), is Steve Jobs and his cancer of the pancreas – the endocrine gland associated with the solar plexus/astral body. Jobs’ rages and temper tantrums were legendary.

The solar plexus or Manipura chakra. It has ten petals, the number of perfection, achievement of solar plexus control. Note the goat Capricorn, the tenth sign.
“Cancer is a disease most definitely related to the centres, and it will be found that the centre in the area wherein the cancer exists is overactive, with a consequent increase of energy pouring through the related bodily substance.
This energy and the over-stimulation of a centre can be due not only to the activity of the centre and its consequent radiation, but also the suppression imposed by the mind upon any activity of a particular centre. This brings about a damming up of energy, and again we have the creation of too much concentrated energy in any particular area.”31
We are reminded again about the emotional causes of cancer and the organs that surround the solar plexus centre:
“… violent inhibition imposed by an aspirant upon all emotional reactions and feelings. In their effort to control the astral body, these people resort to a process of direct inhibition and suppression. That suppression makes of the solar plexus centre a great reservoir of drastically retained energy.
Transmutation of the emotions into aspiration and love and directed control is not present, and the existence of this vibrant reservoir of power brings about cancer of the stomach, of the liver [Jobs eventually had a liver transplant], and sometimes of the entire area of the abdomen. I simply mention these causes (overactivity of a centre and the retention of energy, unexpressed and inhibited), as fruitful sources of cancer.”32
“All disease is the result of inhibited soul life. This is true of all forms in all kingdoms.”33
It is said that karma works out mainly through the physical body via disease, disabilities, ailments etc.:
“The factor that is of importance is the causes, initiated by a man from life to life; these work out in the appearance of disease, in the emergence of some disastrous consequence in circumstance and in event, and in the general conditioning of some particular incarnation … Karma is not an inevitable, inescapable and dire happening. ”34

Royal Rife with one of his healing machines.
In other words, karma can be offset through various approaches, such as determining the area of consciousness where disease originates, developing opposite qualities to the effective cause, practicing harmlessness and taking the necessary physical steps for healing. The latter includes acceptance of the disease, using allopathic and alternative medicine, calling upon spiritual healers etc.
Again, in Jobs’ case, he refused to have surgery for his pancreatic cancer, which was a rare but treatable type (most pancreatic cancer is not) – and later said he regretted it. Instead, he sought out many alternative treatments for over a year after his cancer diagnosis. Maybe “it was his time” anyway. There are alternative cures for many ailments, from herbs to homeopathy and naturopathy, Royal Rife etc, some of them very effective, even miraculous. Those who live in the world of spirituality tend to not favour allopathic methods such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, but they have their place and their efficacy, albeit a clumsy and crude cure at times.

Saint Pantaleon the Healer. (Nicholas Roerich, 1916.)
Cancer Statistics “There were an estimated 14.1 million cancer cases around the world in 2012, of these 7.4 million cases were in men and 6.7 million in women. This number is expected to increase to 24 million by 2035.”35
It is interesting to note the projected statistics for the future, which takes into account expanding world population, but nevertheless, cancer as a disease of the Fifth Rootrace (Aryan), is rising exponentially.
Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide contributing 13% of the total number of new cases diagnosed in 2012. Lung cancer is almost like a “man-made tuberculosis” brought about mainly through smoking and pollution in the atmosphere. Tuberculosis (TB) may have a connection to lung cancer as its bacteria affects about one third of the world’s population. At the same time, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women worldwide. Is there a link between TB and cancer? How often is lung cancer misdiagnosed as TB?
The two tables below show the top cancers for men and women.36 Excluding lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer in women and men respectively are breast and prostate cancer – both associated with sex and reproduction. The other cancers in the top five relate to the solar plexus (stomach, liver cancer, colo-rectal) and the sacral centre (prostate, cervix uteri, perhaps colo-rectal).
Rank | Cancer in Men | New cases diagnosed in 2012 (1,000s) | Per cent of all cancers (ex. non-melanoma skin cancer) |
1 | Lung | 1,242 | 16.7 |
2 | Prostate | 1,112 | 15.0 |
3 | Colorectum | 746 | 10.0 |
4 | Stomach | 631 | 8.5 |
5 | Liver | 554 | 7.5 |
Rank | Cancer in Women |
New cases diagnosed in 2012 (1,000s) | Per cent of all cancers (ex. non-melanoma skin cancer) |
1 | Breast | 1,677 | 25.2 |
2 | Colorectum | 614 | 9.2 |
3 | Lung | 583 | 8.8 |
4 | Cervix uteri | 528 | 7.9 |
5 | Stomach | 320 | 4.8 |
All dis-ease constitutes a purification and cleansing – very Hygeia-Virgo descriptions! Hence, the solar plexus and sacral centres of humanity are the major areas of purification at this stage of planetary unfoldment – preparatory to moving toward higher consciousness.
Given the sexual revolution of the past sixty years, a phenomenon still in conflict and adjustment, it is not surprising that the sacral centre or “social” diseases are high on the list. Indeed, AIDS can be seen as a modern syphilis, perhaps even a syphilitic variant, a recapitulation from the Lemurian era. One author hypothesises that the AIDS virus is not the primary cause of AIDS but merely an opportunistic virus that takes advantage of a situation already existent in the victim’s body.37 Many diseases stay in the soil and can be reactivated after thousands or millions of years. With regard to sex and the modern day disciple, some readers may have had recent incarnations like the following, with “karmic compensations” in this life:

Sacral centre of Svadhisthana chakra. Six petals, the number of matter, sex, reproduction. Note the sea monster, the mystery of Makara.
“One of the main sources of cancer as related to the sacral centre, and therefore to the sex organs, has been the well-intentioned suppression of the sex life, and of all thought connected with the sex life, by misguided aspirants; they are those who find the teaching – monastic and celibate – of the Middle Ages the line of least resistance. In that period of time, good people taught that sex was evil and wicked, something not to be mentioned, and a potent source of trouble.
Normal reactions, instead of being controlled and transmuted into creative activity, were violently suppressed and all thoughts about the sex life were refused expression. Nevertheless, energy follows the direction of thought, with the result that that particularly magnetic type of energy attracted an increasing number of cells and atoms to itself; therein is found the source of the tumours, growths and cancers so prevalent today.”38
When considering the seven energy centres, the two main repolarisations taking place for evolving humanity are solar plexus to heart and sacral to throat. Hence diseases associated with certain centres will have their reflex action in the opposite centre. For instance, throat cancer may well have a connection to the purification of the sacral centre,
“If, for instance, there is disease or trouble in connection with the organs of generation (as for instance disease of the prostate gland), then the throat centre should receive attention. It is that centre which must eventually be the recipient of the energy of the lower creative aspect or correspondence. This is called “the technique of the withdrawal of the fire”; by its means what you call over-stimulation in certain cases, or inflammation in others, can be stopped.”39

The prostate (literally “one who stands before”) is the “guardian” – whose function is to secrete a slightly alkaline fluid, milky or white in appearance, that in humans usually constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of semen.
This is a very interesting statement, given that prostate cancer (apart from lung cancer), is the leading cancer amongst men today. In this Fifth Rootrace where the mind is being perfected, the throat centre as the seat of the mental body is prominent. Hence, prostate cancer indicates the balancing of the opposites between sacral and throat, the cleansing required in the sacral before the throat centre can be fully utilised.
Esoteric healing is still in its infancy and will mature to greater effectiveness in the Aquarian Age. The main problem concerns the right direction of thought and the purity of intent (and vehicles) of the healer. In the case of cancer,
“In all disease of malignant nature, there is a vital core or a living spot of energy which is absorbing, slowly or quickly, as the case may be, the life force in the man. In the early stages of such a disease as cancer, the vital core is not found until the malignant condition is established so potently that it is exceedingly difficult to do anything helpful.
Yet the cure is only possible in these early developments and then the cure can be effected, but only again if the will of the patient is invoked. Little can be done in cancer cases unless there is the intelligent cooperation of the one to be healed, for the only method is to blend the directed will of the patient and of the healing group together into one functioning unit of force.
When this has been done, then the invoked and concentrated energy will follow thought, under the ancient law, and so stimulate the area surrounding the cancer (that is, the healthy tissue) that the absorption of the weakened, diseased tissue by the stronger tissue can take place. If the energy is directed to the cancer itself, the cancerous condition will be stimulated and the trouble many times increased. The curing of cancer in the early stages falls therefore into two parts: 1. The stimulating of the healthy tissue. 2. The building of new tissue to replace the diseased tissue which is being gradually absorbed and driven out.”40
No one upon the spiritual Path therefore, is immune to any of the diseases that “ordinary unawakened humanity” suffers. Indeed, in order to share in the burden of collective or personal karma and purification, some disciples might elect to take on some of these afflictions. In most cases there would be a pre-requisite personal karmic component. The sharing of disease with the rest of humanity is a fascinating subject:
“One of the causes of cancer, which was not so prevalent in the earlier and more leisured days of the racial life – for then the HERD instinct was not so powerful as it is today – is due to the increased stimulation of the body. This stimulation is caused by our close contact in our daily lives with each other through our massed group existence, particularly in our urban centres.

Infection of cell.
If cells are living organisms (which they are), they respond to group life, to massed cell emanation and radiation. This constant stream of energy pouring from the aggregate of bodily cells in massed humanity may produce in certain types of people an over-stimulation in some part of bodily cell structure. This usually occurs where there is a weakness in the etheric or vital body, which means that cell defenses are impaired and the result is frequently a cancer or a general cancerous condition.
This is the fundamental cause, though modern investigation is occupied with secondary causes and effects of this etheric weakness. It will be obvious to you that when we begin to deal with the vital body and to consider it with greater understanding and knowledge, we shall be able to handle such diseases as cancer far more effectively”.41

Younger days.
Presidential Hopeful – Bernie Sanders
Virgo Sun Bernie Sanders is a presidential candidate for the US Elections in November 2016. He has experienced a strong surge in popularity because of his policies that take on corporate-run government, big business and Wall Street bankers, championing the rights of the ordinary worker. He favours policies similar to those of social democratic parties in Europe, particularly those of the Nordic countries.

At the time of writing the birth time was unknown but indicated Scorpio rising – a good position for a politician!. Now Scorpio rising has been confirmed, with AstroDatabank giving an “A” rating for Sanders’ time of birth.. The chart above has the new time of birth.
Some sources say that almost every major poll shows Sanders challenging or defeating Hillary Clinton and the Republicans.42 His policies are widely at odds with Clinton’s, his closest Democratic competition:

Hillary Clinton has a stellium of planets in Scorpio: Sun, Venus, Chiron, Mercury and south node.
Sanders surge in popularity came with the following transits, some of which follow him into the Nov. 2016 election:
1. Transiting Jupiter in Leo in his ninth house, helping him to eloquently enunciate the principles for which he stands – and shine like a Sun. In the speculative Scorpio rising chart, Jupiter has just culminated on his midheaven in Virgo, bringing him into even greater prominence in the public eye.
2. Jupiter conjunct Sun in Virgo – This will occur three times over the next year, further endowing him with good fortune and positive public exposure.
3. Transiting Pluto trine Sun for all of 2015 through all of 2016, covering the election. This has been Sanders’ main empowerment, especially if he is Scorpio rising, because Pluto rules Scorpio.
4. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Progressed Sun. Since December 2014 and especially strong in the past several months with Saturn sitting stationary on the progressed Sun. The themes of power, rule and the law all very potent.
5. Transiting Uranus conjunct Moon in Aries. From May 2015 to November 2016. Sanders’ Moon-Mars conjunction is his great fighting spirit and undiminished zeal in tackling head-on (Aries the ram!) the problems that his nation faces. Uranus conjunct the Moon reflects that “something different” that Sanders has to offer.
6. Transiting Uranus conjunct Mars in Aries. Linked to the previous transit but a few degrees later, transiting Uranus will activate Sanders’ Mars (ruler of Scorpio ascendant) from May 2016 to March 2017. This transit bears the hallmarks of radical revolution, of a groundswell of popularity due to more and more people catching on to what Sanders is about. During this time Sanders may also find himself in the middle of a lot of conflict generated by the forces that oppose him.
It is also interesting to note that the rise of Sanders is being paralleled in Britain with the rise of Jeremy Corbyn (Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon) in the labour party, standing for very similar political ideals as Sanders.
This is by no means an exhaustive analysis but considering the main transit influences, it is looking very good for Sanders. It’s very early days of course, but his solar return chart for his upcoming Sept. 2015 birthday sees a Cancer Moon on the midheaven, reflecting mass popularity. Venus and Mars are strategically placed upon the stars Dubhe and Merak, whilst Mercury in Libra sits on the USA’s Saturn in Libra – challenging the nation on where it is stuck. On this latter theme, transiting Jupiter will be conjunct USA’s Saturn on election day 2016. These newsletters will be updating the presidential race between now and November 2016.

… open the door to soul …
Phillip Lindsay © 2015.
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.143. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.280. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p. 794 [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Program. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.28. [↩]
- Hozeski, Bruce (1985-11-01). Hildegard von Bingen’s Mystical Visions: Translated from <I>Scivias</I> (Kindle Locations 1461-1465). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. [↩]
- The Prophet. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.49. [↩]
- Here. [↩]
- Here. [↩]
- Here. [↩]
- Here. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.315. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.23. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.49. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.383. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.537. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.383. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.239. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.239. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.93. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.296. [↩]
- [↩]
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- Here. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.239. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.284. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.354. [↩]
- [↩]
Wonderful essays Phillip I so appreciate your depth of discussion.
Superb work, with overtone of obvious channeling inspiration. Grateful.
I have read pretty much every word of todays letter and am energized feeling the truth of what is there. In particular
Grateful and not going back to sleep!
It is always so special to read your incredible insights. Thank you!
I am in awe of the hard work you do to shine a light at the depths you uncover, over and over again, for our sake and evidently for our awakening. I humbly honor you, but very highly.
I deeply appreciate both the scholarly and practical aspects of your knowledge of, not only esoteric astrology, but of astrology in general, as well as knowledge in general. We are very fortunate to have you here at this time. I especially appreciate the art work you include. Liber.
You already know my thoughts Phillip, brilliant as per usual.
I recently did a course that delved into the mystery of Medical Astrology and found it to be so calming, emotionally.
Again as always Phillip, thank you for your insight
Excellent work, dear Phillip. Highly illustrative, deep insights, interesting perspectives. Blessings, Nila
Thank you. A very interesting piece of reading that brought back memories of my Theosophist and Alice Bailey days. Most grateful 🙂
Hi Phillip,
Your newsletter was spot on for me personally. I have just experienced my seventh Saturn transit healing crisis by discovering this summer that I had early stage colon cancer. (The same illness my son Kevin passed from 18 months ago.) I had surgery on July 20th, am doing well with my recovery and have returned to work. At this point they are not recommending any chemo etc., only regular screenings. Of course I am using both traditional and alternative approaches for healing.
Pretty! This has been an extremely wonderful article.
Many thanks for providing this info.