Taurus 2006: New Group of World Servers and the Aquarian Christ.
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
Who or what is the New Group of World Servers?
When did the NGWS come about?
What zodiacal energy conditions this NGWS?
What constitutes the dweller or shadow of the NGWS?
Vices and glamours of Taurus
How Can We Assist the Aquarian Christ?
Why is the NGWS the Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World?
What are the special cycles for the NGWS?
2005: 63 years from 1942, the 7 and 9 year cycles coincide
[wpanchor id=”#ngws”]Who or what is the New Group of World Servers?
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion.
Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants. Its ranks have been opened to all those men of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to the men of all races, nationalities and religions.”1
“Members of the new group of world servers and men and women of goodwill must be sought for in every department of life. They will be found among the adherents of all the current ideologies and in political and scientific circles, among the world educators and philanthropists, among the creative workers, the industrialists, in ordinary homes and in the ranks of labour.”2
“These men and women of goodwill must be found and organized and thus discover their numerical potency – for it is there. They must form a world group, standing for right human relations and educating the public in the nature and power of goodwill.
They will thus create a world public opinion which will be so forceful and so outspoken on the side of human welfare that leaders, statesmen, politicians, businessmen, and churchmen will be forced to listen and comply. Steadily and regularly, the general public must be taught an internationalism and a world unity which is based on simple goodwill and on cooperative interdependence.”3
What are the pre-requisites to be a consciously functioning member NGWS?
1. heart centre awakened – linked up with the heart centres of at least eight others.
2. head centre must be in process of awakening; “hold the mind steady in the light”.
3. creative activity must be found – the person must be active along humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.
Hence there must be some personality integration-alignment and a magnetic-attractive appeal.
When did the NGWS come about?
“…the emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”, under the name of the New Group of World Servers, has been possible since 1925. … These souls, because of their point in evolution, because of their stage in unfoldment and because of their impressibility to the group idea and to the Plan, can come into incarnation and begin, more or less, to work out that Plan and evoke a response to it in the human consciousness.”4
1925 was the date of the Masters conclave, where the inner ashrams moved from the mental to the buddhic plane, a momentous shift. What other dates?
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists) in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity, but the Wesak Festival of 1936 was unique and the Lodge of Masters prepared for it for six months.”5 “The Hierarchy’s … appeal reached millions and culminated in May, 1936, in a planetary effort wherein the Great Invocation was used upon a large scale in most of the countries of the world.6
[wpanchor id=”#zod”]What zodiacal energy conditions this NGWS?
“The group, therefore, which “serves as Aquarius indicates” is the Hierarchy; the group which is “speeded upon the upward Way” is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.” [Hence the importance of the Wesak festival in 1936.]
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world of men and of holding up the vision to the sons of men. Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? …
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of men, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.
5. To toil in Pisces [at the end of this age], illumined by Taurus and responsive in degree to the Aquarian impulse coming from the Hierarchy.
These objectives are not only individual objectives, but the goal for the entire group. All who respond to the life-giving force of Aquarius and to the light-giving force of Taurus can and will work in the New Group of World Servers, even though they have no occult knowledge and have never heard of their co-workers under that name. Forget this not.
Recognition of the successful work of the New Group of World Servers will be accorded by the Hierarchy, and the testimony of the recognition will be the appearing of a symbol in the aura of the group – of the entire group. This will be a symbol projected by the Hierarchy, specifically by the Christ. What that symbol will be it is not for me to say. It is not yet fully earned, and only its dim and uncertain outline can be seen from the level on which the Masters work, and not at all from the level on which the group itself works.
It is “the mark of a Saviour” and it will embody the mark or indication … of a new type of salvation or salvage. Up till now the mark of the Saviour has been the Cross, and the quality of the salvation offered has been freedom from substance or the lure of matter and from its hold – a freedom only to be achieved at a great cost. The future holds within its silence other modes of saving humanity. The cup of sorrow and the agony of the Cross are well-nigh finished.[Age of Pisces] Joy and strength will take their place.”
[wpanchor id=”#sha”]What constitutes the dweller or shadow of the NGWS?
As the NGWS is composed of aspirants and disciples, they are ruled collectively by the axis of Taurus-Scorpio, which from the redemption viewpoint, stand respectively for desire and the death of desire.
In the exoteric world, one of the main areas of expression can be seen in the United Nations, where there has been a slow grinding forward of the UN’s mission through the self-interests of certain nations and a fight for funding. Like the Minotaur’s maze, the UN and all its affiliate bodies may have become unwieldy and are in danger of losing their way. The UN is a Taurus Sun esoterically and a Scorpio Sun exoterically, so the harmonising of these opposites occurs through the triangulation of Gemini and the spirit of dialogue.
These type of schisms have been quite notable in the esoteric community over the past year. There have been quite marked divisions between aspirants and disciples who could be seen as the believers versus the ‘knowers’ of the Plan.
Causes of these rifts have their root in emotional adherence to ideas primarily, compounded by personal pride, separativeness, lack of discrimination and desire for power. These are all reflective of testings for the second degreee initiation which is really where the world group is at collectively. The nine-fold Scorpio labour of Hercules is most instructive in this regard.
There have also been tendencies to polarise with cliques through fear or misplaced loyalties.There have been manifestations of selfish personal agendas influencing major long-established group projects. Elsewhere there have been persistent claims by some individuals of their spiritual status – surely by their fruits we shall know them.
Humanity is struggling to make important choices in this “no man’s land” Libran period between the two ages of Pisces and Aquarius. Likewise the precipitation of energies associated with Shamballa and the gradual externalistation of the Masters of Wisdom and the Christ, is creating a forcing process amongst world disciples.
We are indeed in an unique period between the years of 1965 and 2025 where a certain grace has been karmically conferred upon us from Atlantean times, that will enable many to pass through the door of initiation – those who would not have had the opportunity to do so as individuals at any other cyclic period.
Globally some of the schisms in the esoteric world group have manifested in various arguments that centre around the veracity of some of DK’s unpublished astrological letters. This has been most unfortunate, yet a testing to be sure, and has resulted in the polarising of two points of view that may take some time to resolve. Yet it is all good, as modern technology has allowed us to brainstorm and conference these matters online, bringing about an eventual resolution of the pairs of opposites on the mental plane – as they express themselves through polarising groups of individuals.
Taking Taurus as the generic ruler of the NGWS – of which we are all a part, – let us consider some of the Taurean glamours and vices with which we deal collectively, bearing in mind that there is a light side to this sign as well, in fact, Taurus is the Mother of Illumination:
[wpanchor id=”#vic”]Vices and glamours of Taurus
– Stubborn, lazy, bull-headed, willful, arrogant, prideful, forceful, intransigent and uncooperative.
– “Eye” doctrine as opposed to heart doctrine: Acquisition of ideas and unswerving adherence to them.
– Overly concerned with money, sex, comfort and security.
– Concrete minded orientation to the form life.
–The sign of desire, of powerful astral urges.
– Desire + concrete mind = kama-manas or desire mind.
– Power and control issues: Tyranny or dictatorship in the world of spirituality.
– Desire-mind in Taurus must undergo death in Scorpio. Scorpio is the major sign of testing for the Second Degree.
– where many of the NGWS are headed.
All of us upon the path must be relatively integrated personalities in order to align with the purpose of the soul. Likewise with the integration of the group personality, in order for it to function according to its soul purpose – whether that is the University of the Seven Rays, the United Nations or the NGWS.
Groups go through integration within themselves and this constitutes a major burning ground for all participants. Perhaps now there is approaching a higher turn of the spiral whereby certain groups must attempt to inter-relate and integrate with each other, effecting a larger group integration and representing a higher burning ground. The Master Morya says that one of the keys to the success of such a venture is tolerance:
“Tolerance is one of the conditions of observation. True observation is the basis of cognition. An intolerant man cannot form a just picture of things. He deprives himself of observation and loses perspicacity. What kind of cognition can be born from egoism which rejects reality?
There are many examples of great truths having been subjected to distortion, because of intolerance. It may be said that intolerance is ignorance, but this definition will be too mild. Intolerance is evil; there can be no good intolerance. It invariably contains falsehood, because it conceals the truth. Only those who definitely lack intelligence can light-mindedly fail to consider intolerance as something unworthy.”7
[wpanchor id=”#aqu”]How Can We Assist the Aquarian Christ?
1. Walk the talk. Live the teachings as a practice of the applied theory. So many of us are good at the theory, yet fall woefully short of the practice. How big-hearted can we be, in emulating the Christ through expansive loving-kindness and inclusiveness?
2. Overcoming the “heresy of separativeness” in heart and mind, we must become selfless, harmless, inclusive. Again, all platitudes to some, but something which is constantly violated by many group leaders and leading thinkers within our esoteric community. There seem to be barely any exceptions to this.
These are at least some second ray approaches. If the NGWS allows chaos and ill-will to suffuse their ranks, or lets itself be distracted from the task of service at hand, they fail their given ‘soul brief’ from Hierarchy and forfeit their fellow Humanity.
The key to being an effective member of the NGWS is the transmutation of the lower forces to the higher centres and we are told that this falls into two stages:
“… there are, consequently, two points to be borne in mind as we study the mystic and his difficulties; first of all, the period of awakening and subsequent utilisation of the centres and, secondly, the period of the transference of energy from the solar plexus to the heart, and then from all the four centres up the spine to the throat centre, prior to the focussing of the energy of all the centres in the ajna centre (between the eyebrows). This centre is the controlling one in the personality life and from it goes all personality direction and guidance to the five lower centres which it synthesises.”
As individual disciples work at the awakening of the ajna centre, so collectively the ajna centre of the NGWS awakens and becomes a vehicle for Sanat Kumara.
[wpanchor id=”#ajn”]Why is the NGWS the Ajna Centre of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World?
“The ajna centre of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognisable manner through the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group – between the Hierarchy and Humanity, – is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible. This Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers is organised and is recognised as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy.”8
Are we at that stage yet? Has the NGWS been recognised as a “living organism”? Who are they known by exoterically? The United Nations and human rights groups, the “cultural creatives”, environmental and political groups, ethically sound business groups and corporations, artistic and scientific communities, spiritual groups and evenly loosely organised “organisms”.
Yes, this stage has probably arrived, and yes, those groups are probably receiving energies from Shamballa, a risky proposition for the Hierarchy but nonetheless one which also holds great promise for accelerated evolution. The main risk of course lies in the mis-use of the will and power for individuals within these groups or groups as a whole. For the completely unevolved and selfish groups the distortion of Shamballa forces works out as tyranny and predator-like behaviour.
The ajna centre has two major petals consisting of 48 minor petals each, making 96. Each of those petals could be considered as representing various major groups in the world who are serving the Plan.
As many of the NGWS are at the later stages of the Probationary Path and the early stage of the Path of Discipleship, they/we are still at the point of transferring the lower energies into the solar plexus, preparatory to carrying them to the throat and heart centres above the diaphragm. This takes much aspiration, idealism, personality effort, purification and control.
However, in the latter stages of discipleship the ajna centre becomes more integrated, right up to the third initiation and relates to integrated and perfected personality expression: “The ajna centre is the organ of the integrated personality, the instrument of direction …”9
Has this degree of personality integration been achieved within the world groups, and has it been achieved within esoteric groups that are part of the larger NGWS? Or are we still struggling toward that point because of schisms and doctrinaire, separative belief systems.
There are surely several advanced disciples in these groups perhaps not yet quite enough to sway the balance toward full personality integration, though this will most likely alter very soon in the Aquarian Age – which may witness a massive acceleration of this process.
Once personality integration is achieved, what then? Probably one of the most exciting and empowering developments in human history, where the purpose of God will be directly recognised and implemented. Just as an individual awakens to the soul, so Humanity will awaken to its true self and be far more self-determining than has hitherto been the case. Think this out: Just as the Hierarchy are like the higher self to Humanity, so the NGWS is the bridge or antahkarana which links the two. Students will note of course the relation between the ajna centre and the third eye or bull’s eye, the eye of illumination over which Taurus rules, the sign which rules the NGWS:
“Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul … fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self.”10
Two points emerge here:
1) Vulcan is ruler of the first ray of will-power and is related to Sanat Kumara and the planetary crown chakra.
2) We recall the earlier phrase, “when the New Group of World Servers is organised and is recognised as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy”. This has a direct relation to the above passage, “grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self.”
The point of least resistance in the past has been for this Shamballa energy to be destructive and over-forceful within the personalities of individuals, though now humanity is supposedly becoming increasingly used to this new type of spiritual force where we will see far more the constructive aspects of Vulcan’s hammer, “fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths”.
The Christ closely consults with Sanat Kumara and hence we can see the role of the NGWS as the vehicle of the Christ, implementing the Will of Shamballa. And we may recall Christ anchoring that first tenuous thread of the Shamballa force during those agonised hours in the Garden of Gethsemane.
[wpanchor id=”#cyc”]What are the special cycles for the NGWS?
It is the task of the NGWS to be sensitive to impression of the “Plan” as transmitted from Hierarchy and to be able to implement it within Humanity:
Nine-Year Cycle
“This Plan can only be sensed, visioned and known in truth by the Hierarchy … Suffice it for the rest of those in the Hierarchy – the initiates and disciples in their ordered ranks and various gradings – to cooperate with that immediate aspect of the Plan which they can grasp and which comes down to them through the inspired minds of their Directors at certain stated times, and in certain specific years. Such a year was 1933. Such another will be the year 1942. At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.”11
Seven Year Cycle
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is to our zodiac – what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942. … By means of this augmentation, during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle, groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years.
The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation.
This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.”12
Obviously the NGWS did avail themselves of these forces and helped to reverse the tide of the war which was going very much the way of the axis powers up until 1942. Today there are many more challenges to meet and we have only just emerged from a new seven-year Capricorn festival that started in December 2005.
2005: 63 years from 1942, the 7 and 9 year cycles coincide
We find ourselves at the start of a new seven year period and a new nine year period, just 63 years (7 x 9) on from the WWII conflict. These nine-year cycles are broken down into three 3-year cycles. DK states:
“Have these dates carefully in mind and thus lay your plans for the future. Thus will you be working with the law and along the lines of least resistance. Make each three year cycle conform to the rhythm of creation. In the first year, lay your emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which you have to work.
In the second year, let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form appear and be heard. In the third year, behind the form and expressing itself through the quality, let the livingness and the work of the indwelling life emerge for all to see. Bear this in mind as you consolidate the work.
The keynote of the first year’s work is consolidation, that of the second year must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year must be the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the emphasising of some one clear note. If this cyclic measure is kept thus in mind, no serious mistakes will be made … The New Group of World Servers must work in these three year cycles and the foundation of cyclic attainment must be laid. This cyclic rhythm will release from strain and yet enable the workers in the Group to feel that there is no failure.
It is impossible to do good work where a sense of failure or lack of attainment is found. You are in process of gathering together your forces for another cycle of activity in connection with the New Group of World Servers. Forget not, all creative processes proceed with a cyclic rhythm. The rhythm set by the New Group of World Servers is a three year cycle and to this rhythm you will find yourself conforming.”13
We are now in the first year of the first three year cycle of three 3-year cycles that encompass the next nine years to 2014. Hence 2005-2006 is the year of crisis and consolidation and we lay our emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which we have to work. This of course relates very much to the seventh ray of ceremonial magic. Did any of us as individuals or a group get, quote, “God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, revealed for the next nine year cycle.”?
1996-97 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion |
1997-98 | Tension/Expansion | ||
1998-99 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
1999-00 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion | |
2000-01 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2001-02 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2002-03 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2003-04 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2004-05 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2005-06 | Crisis/Consolidation | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
2006-07 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2007-08 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2008-09 | Crisis/Consolidation | Tension/Expansion | |
2009-10 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2010-11 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | ||
2011-12 | Crisis/Consolidation | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness | |
2012-13 | Tension/Expansion | ||
2013-14 | Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness |
Phillip Lindsay © 2006.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey.p. 204-207. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.178. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.261. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.686. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.474. [↩]
- Brotherhood, Helena Roerich. #409. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.368. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.242. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]