For those unfamiliar with Alice A. Bailey (AAB), she was an amanuensis (a scribe) for the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (D.K.) for a period of thirty years. During that time, DK was incarnate as a high Tibetan Lama in Tibet, and sent AAB written material by post; but their main communication was through mental telepathy. Their collaboration yielded some twenty-four books covering many aspects of the Science of the Seven Rays, Esoteric Astrology, Healing and the Ageless Wisdom cosmology.
This astro-biography has been derived from the dates given in Alice Bailey’s The Unfinished Autobiography; it speculates upon some of the progressions and transits that this soul experienced at the known key points of her life, applying new techniques that have been suggested in her book Esoteric Astrology. An extensive 50-page essay can be found in Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, available here.