Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. II)

Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky
and Helena Roerich

Cleavages between the followers of three traditions:
The Theosophical Society, The Arcane School, The Agni Yoga Society


Alice A. Bailey and The Theosophical Society

1. Alice Bailey and the Theosophical Society
2. (a) Refutation of Nicholas Weeks’ article “Theosophy’s Shadow” – Phillip Lindsay
2. (b) Refutation of Nicholas Weeks’ article “Theosophy’s Shadow” – M. Sufilight
3. (a) ‘Bailey and Theosophy’ by Nils Bronsted
3. (b) Two Amanuenses – Bailey and Blavatsky
3. (c) Alice Bailey’s Personal View of the Theosophical Society
4. Alice A. Bailey – Various Viewpoints (Weblinks)
5. Alice Bailey and Theosophy – Uri Gorbunov
6. Two Remarkable Russian Women: Blavatsky & Roerich – Uri Gorbunov

Alice A. Bailey and Helena Roerich

1. Helena Roerich’s Letters About Alice Bailey
2. Astrological Perspectives
3. Horoscope of Helena Roerich – Transits for her letters
4. The Mystery of Helena Roerich’s Date of Birth
5. Views and Commentary on HR’s Letters – Uri Gorbunov
6. Agni Yoga Forum Horoscope
7. Attack on DK’s Ashram? Initiates can ‘fall’
8. AAB Anti-semite Accusation
9. Laden Lha Reference
10. Letters between Students of Roerich and Bailey
11. Alice Bailey’s Teaching and Agni Yoga – Yuri Gorbunov
12. Comparative Biographies of Roerich and Bailey – Uri Gorbunov
13. On Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich – by James Davis
14. DK and Agni Yoga in Concordance – James Davis
15. Commonalities Between DK’s and M’s Teaching (Agni Yoga)

Helena Roerich’s Horoscope and Her Letters About Alice A. Bailey
(by Phillip Lindsay)


The Mystery of Helena Roerich’s Date of Birth
Helena Roerich’s Horoscope
Helena Roerich’s Letters About Alice A. Bailey
Helena Roerich’s Transits for Her Letters About AAB

The following letters from Helena Roerich about Alice Bailey may leave some wisdom students feeling incredulous. Helena Roerich was Master Morya’s messenger for the Agni Yoga series of books, and maintained an anti Alice Bailey (AAB) attitude, as did many Theosophists of that era.

As a student of theosophy she must have been privy to TS politics of the day and influenced by their attitudes to a certain degree. Or she may have arrived at her conclusions independently, after reading AAB’s books, or being “guided” by what she regarded as a “higher source”. There may have also been some sort of personal rivalry that she felt with Bailey.

Several statements in her unpublished letters discourage students from AAB’s work – but in many cases go well beyond, with plenty of shocking criticisms and dark declarations about Bailey. Those unpublished letters  came to light during a three-week discussion in an online Agni Yoga forum in August-September 2002. Translations in the following letters were made by three different translators – members of the Sangha Forum in 2002. Some of the English is imperfect and a little stilted, yet it is comprehensible. (Currently a Russian-speaking editor is cleaning up some of the original translations.)

A few months after Naggar, the author visited HR’s unmarked stupa in the grounds of a Buddhist monastery in Kalimpong. HR spent the remainder of her life (1955) in this town, at the now restored “Crookety House”. An unsuccessful enquiry were also made at the local council offices about her birth or death record.

How could an amanuensis for the Master become so ‘poisoned’ against Alice Bailey? The answer is not hard to find, as HR’s horoscope reveals a challenging degree of personality integration factors. As an astrologer who seeks to apply much of the Alice Bailey material from her book Esoteric Astrology, the author could be accused of using astrology to back a biased argument against Helena Roerich.

There is no such motive – astrology provides the deepest psychological tools that bring understanding for any individual.  The author has always had great reverence and recognition for the wisdom that HR brought through, and the Agni Yoga teachings in general. One can only use the intuition to recognise or resonate with the timbre and quality of that transmitted work.

During a long 1993 circum-navigation of India, the author made a pilgrimage to Naggar, India where Helena and Nicholas lived, preserved as a shrine to their memory – at the time when the Himachal Pradesh state government was taking over management of the property.

Crookety House, Kalimpong, India.

When taken for a private tour by the custodian of the Roerich house, I saw with my own eyes all of the Alice A. Bailey and HPB books on the shelf of her study, well thumbed, annotated and studied! Perhaps the books were studied carefully to discern the “darkness of Alice Bailey” – or as a serious student? The tone of all the following letters suggests the former!

Hence, the author wishes to make it very clear in this analysis, that only one part of HR’s expression is being examined; it acknowledges her positive points but does not focus upon them because the motive for this study is to understand what caused HR to make these damning criticisms that have created a rift between some followers of these two amanuenses – HR and AAB.

Before considering HR’s letters and going into an analysis of her horoscope, it will be of benefit to include the following recent article from a researcher of Helena Roerich’s birth date and time. It casts the date and time of birth in a new light, that has required the re-writing of this article 17 years later! Astrologers must be always meticulous when it comes to birth data, otherwise the horoscope reading can yield errors in interpretation.

The Mystery of Helena Roerich’s Date of Birth (by Julia Yakub)
“On January 31 (new style – February 12), 1879 in one of the noble aristocratic families of the capital St. Petersburg, in the house on Sergievskaya Street, a girl was born. The newborn was named Elena.” (N. Kovaleva, Helena Roerich, Path to Initiation.)

So we read in many biographical accounts of Helena Roerich, including the one, written by Helena herself. However, a group of dedicated followers, affiliated with Roerich Family Museum-Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, have a different tradition of celebrating this remarkable event.

The reason is in the fact that the founder and patron of the museum-institute, situated on Vasily Island in Academic M.P. Botkin’s old residence, where N.K. Roerich had visited many times, happened to be H. Roerich’s niece – late Liydmila Stepanovna Mitusova. The museum was named museum-institute, because it was not only meant to be an exhibition of the private family belongings, painting, photographs, manuscripts and other cultural treasures, but also a centre of research into Roerich heritage.

Lyudmila Mitusova wrote extensive memoirs. And she was the one, who offered alternative view on the dating of this important event, having been accustomed to celebrating it on a different date due to the most intimate family tradition – from the time she was a child. As Mitusova remembered, the family had always celebrated HR’s birthday on February 13.

Roerich Family Museum-Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“In the museum-institute, it is customary to remember Elena Ivanovna on the same day as it was done in the Mitusov family. “… It is a tradition in our family to celebrate Helena Roerich’s Birthday on February 13th. From an early age, my father celebrated this Day with his cousin [HR]. When Yuri Nikolayevich [Roerich] returned to his homeland, he also celebrated this Day on February 13,” – wrote Lyudmila Stepanovna in her memoirs, Bygone Days and the Fates of the Nearest Ones.”1

The two families were closely connected, and Liydmila grew up, being often visited by Helena and her sons, and an affectionate bond was created between them. Helena’s mother Ekaterina was a godmother to one of Liudmila’s sisters, and upon her passing, Helena took that duty upon herself. She was very involved with Mitusov children, affectionally known to them as aunty La-La. Mitusov family was often visited by Yuri Roerich later in the years as well, who also gave some explanations about the discrepancy of the dates.

George (Yuri) Roerich, son of Helena and Nicholas. A great Buddhist scholar. and Tibetologist

“I can say that Yuri celebrated the birthday of his mother, Elena Ivanovna Roerich, our aunt La-La, on February 13 and always pointed out this day in conversations with me. For example, once in the late 1950s I mentioned in a conversation with Yurik that I didn’t want to “do this and go there” because it would be on the 13th – the “unlucky” day. Yurik said firmly and a little reproachfully: “What are you saying – there are no “unlucky” numbers. And Mama was born on the 13th!”” (from the memoirs of L. Mitusova.)

She continues: “In the letter from Yurik [below] sent to my sister and I in Leningrad [St. Petersburg] on February 17, 1958, he writes about the arrival of Nikolai Konstantinovich’s armchair, “which was safely installed” in his office on the 13th, Mom’s Birthday. And further: “You probably already received my letter and the letter from Raya.”

The letter from Raya, Iraida Mikhailovna Bogdanova, dated February 14, 1958, mentioned by Yurik, has been preserved. It also refers to the 13th as the birthday of Elena Ivanovna: “Now, you will be pleased to hear that the armchair arrived yesterday, February 13th. And Yuri Nikolaevich with Viktor Tikhonovich [Chernovolenko – L.M.] have got it out. The chair was delivered perfectly well in a perfect condition. You, my dears, have really brought great joy to Yuri Nikolaevich and to all of us. The chair came on the memorable Day of Elena Ivanovna [HR]”.

The two letters – from Yuri Roerich on February 17, 1958 (left) and from Iraida Bogdanova (right).

At the same time, there are documents showing that Elena Ivanovna was born on February 12, more precisely, on January 31 according to the old style. She herself wrote about it, for example, in the manuscript “Dreams and Visions” (an authorized typescript in the archives of the International Center of the Roerichs in Moscow), the same date is indicated in the record of her baptism in the metric book of Sergievsky “all artillery” Cathedral (discovered recently in the Central Historical Archive of St. Petersburg by Irina Anikina), Z.G. Fosdik also refers to the same date in the essay “Helena Roerich ”.” (from Bygone Days and the Fates of the Nearest Ones.)2

L.S. Mitusova

Yet another mention of the date 13th is found in the Manchurian Diaries of N. Roerich. His entry on February 12 states: “12th February. Bejing. We just sent the telegram to Naggar for 13th…”, indicating, that the telegram was sent in time for H. Roerich’s birthday. The entry in the diary was made on February 12. On the record, Helena Roerich herself was using both dates alternately on occasion in various travel documentation in Britain, US and Russia (some found in ship logs of arrivals).

So, how can we explain such discrepancy in regard of the date of birth of Helena Roerich? Some propose, that perhaps a mistake was made at the time, when Russia changed their timekeeping from Julian to Gregorian calendar in 1918. But such explanation does not fully satisfy. Roerichs were educated and well-travelled people with ties in Europe, and they must have been very familiar with both calendar systems well before the final change took place.

At the time of the change, there was a Nautical office information available for conversion, and the dates of birth of others, including N. Roerich, Svetoslav and Yuri, as well as H.P. Blavatsky’s date of birth, were converted correctly and without mistakes. An unusual and intriguing explanation can be found in the article by Roman Usov, quoting another story, told by L.Mitusova:

E.V. Shaposhnikova – mother of Helena Roerich.

“Yuri Nikolaevich told us that his grandmother, Ekaterina Vasilyevna, being extremely superstitious, when she gave birth to Elena Ivanovna on February 13, decided to hide this fact and put down her daughter’s date of birth as of February 12.”3

“L.S. Mitusova told Pavel Fedorovich Belikov [official biographer of the Roerich family] about this fact after his book about N.K. Roerich was published. It was from him that this important and annoying mistake went to the masses. He regretted it, but there was nothing he could do. In St. Petersburg, it is customary to celebrate February 13th as the date of birth of Helena Roerich.”4

However, the controversy still remains, and many astrologers in Russia and abroad accept February 12th as the official date. We may never know the truth about it. But we do know, that Helena Roerich herself was interested in her own horoscope, and in the letter to Rikhard Ruzitis in Riga (August 19, 1937), congratulating him on the birth of his daughter Ilse, she also revealed something about her own time of birth:

“… How wonderful that your second girl was born on January 24, so she is already influenced by the  sign of Aquarius, the sign of the New Age. Let this future warrior of the Mother of the World from her earliest years carry the signs of the New Era. My sign is also Aquarius with the rising Aries. It is remarkable that this sign has its Rulers of Uranus and Saturn, the two most opposite Forces. Who do you think is the Lord of Uranus? The earth signs of your eldest girl can be assembled for a special mission, because the true individuality can be fiery, while a person’s horoscope shows earth signs, and vice versa … ” (Helena Roerich. Letters. V (1937) p.216-217)

Excerpt from the book Helena Roerich Letters. volume V (1937) p. 216-217. (Russian).

This article contains information, based on memories of the people with close ties to Helena Roerich and their family stories. And it relays that, which cannot be verified. However, it is an interesting alternative view that can be useful to esoteric community and particularly of interest to astrologers, who might want to take into account the possibility of existence of this alternative date as the actual true date of birth of Helena Roerich.

Essay and Research by Julia Yakub,
December 2019.
(contact: Russian/English –

Helena Roerich. New updated horoscope, giving the correct date and approximate time of birth. Aries rising has been stated by HR, so the chart is erected for a time given on Astrodatabank – as “Rectified from approx. time” – but who did the rectification is unknown. (Please inform the author if there is any more information about this.) The main change for Feb.12 to Feb.13: The Moon in Scorpio moves from around 3 degrees to 17 degrees.

Helena Roerich’s Horoscope (by Phillip Lindsay)
This brief analysis does not do justice to the soul that was Helena Roerich. Ideally, an astrological biography should be written for all messengers like HR, to illustrate the psychic sensitivity that led them to being chosen for the role, as well as their completely human, and hence imperfect personalities!

It is known from the article above that HR was Aries rising (“My sign is also Aquarius with the rising Aries”), a promoter of new pioneering teachings. Aries is a sign of leadership and new ideas that are precipitating into human consciousness. It is an often impulsive sign ruled by Mars, ruler of the solar plexus chakra, seat of the astral body. HR’s Mars was placed in the best possible place, exalted in Capricorn, conjunct the midheaven (career) and the most elevated planet in the horoscope, giving it great power.

Of course, every planetary energy has a higher and lower expression. In this case, the higher is striving toward the mountain top of initiation in Capricorn, someone who was a formidable figure in her culture. Mars in this position can create a struggle between the lower material inclinations and the higher spiritual aspirations. Negatively, it can be prideful and condescending, seeking social status and prestige; this may have been a factor for Roerich, who had grown up with the cultural conditioning of a Russian aristocrat.

Mars is square to Saturn in Aries, an aspect that can create a tough, unyielding or unforgiving nature. Mars and Saturn are also in mutual reception, that is – Mars tenants the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn, whilst Saturn is placed in Aries ruled by Mars. Mutual reception planets strengthen one another and take on some of each other’s attributes.

Mars is the ruler of HR’s moon in Scorpio, hence this square aspect represents a large cross for her to bear in that lifetime. Saturn is the mind and its square to Mars is the challenge to control the emotional body with the mind. Much frustration can come from such an aspect. With Saturn square to Mars (especially in Capricorn on the midheaven), the person can be extremely competitive, but it also brings courage and stamina.

“Once this aspect’s tendency to explode is mastered, it can be extremely transformational and purifying. The person is able to tame wild behaviour, because of its very authoritarian energy. Mars square Saturn has the power of a steam roller … once active will flatten all opposition to a pulp … once aroused Mars/Saturn can fly into the most terrific rages. It’s as if all the expressed hurts, angers and irritations get saved up … Sometimes they will deliberately target a weaker individual or group, guaranteed to never hit back.

Helena with Nicholas and sons.

It is very easy for Mars/Saturn to pick on a scapegoat to whom they can dump all their hangups onto … Saturn delays retaliation, so it is often the case that it will be a very tiny straw that finally breaks the camel’s back. Mars is also sex and passion, so Saturn here can suppress that too. The result is often very steamy, like the workings of a pressure cooker. Push Mars down with any force and of course it is going to be explosive the moment it releases itself. The natives will either super-sex-charged or celibate.”5

To what degree this passage describes a scapegoating attitude of HR to Alice Bailey, is unknown, but there may certainly be some of the authoritarian force present, fueled by the anger of self-righteousness. In the following letters, HR’s continual use of the phrase, “ardent ones” to describe AAB and her group, is completely mystifying.

The Russian word is YARY, meaning “Full of rage, rabies. “The ardent enemy wants to lime you.” Pushkin. Expressing rage, permeated with rage.” Here is Mars square Saturn, Sun square Pluto, Scorpio moon – “to the max”! All of it of course a complete and fanciful projection by HR upon AAB. Mars also rules the sixth ray, which may have been in HR’s ray structure, at a personality and/or astral level.

The esoteric ruler of HR’s Aries soul purpose is Mercury the Messenger, placed in Aquarius, the new era that is emerging for the next 2,000 years. Mercury in Aquarius is very intuitive, and it squares Neptune, the planet of psychic sensitivity – and also the co-ruler of the solar plexus. The square aspect between these two planets, lies at the heart of HR’s imperfections – allowing fear or paranoia to cloud thinking, perhaps to even fall prey to mediumism.

HR railed against mediumism (see later in the letters) but it seems that she projected this fear upon others like AAB, C.W. Leadbeater, Foster Bailey etc. (AAB also had a Mercury-Neptune aspect, but it was a sextile, a far more harmonious flow of forces than the square.)

HR’s Sun in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter (soul ruler of Aquarius), is one of the most powerful placements in the horoscope. Both these planets square Pluto, planet of power and transformation, and dispositor of her Scorpio Moon. Sun square Pluto people have major lessons to learn around the right use of power and control, particularly if on the first ray line, like HR a ray 1 soul. Positively, this Sun square Pluto aspect would have given her a potency in helping to break down and help destroy aspects of crystallised personality represented by the sun sign – continuous self-transformation.

From the Decter book.

HR’s moon was in Scorpio, as her portrait in the Decter book suggests. (Sun, Moon and Rising Sign all contribute to a person’s physical appearance.) This is an important consideration as the Scorpio moon closely opposes Scorpio ruler – Pluto in Taurus. This Moon-Pluto opposition T-squares her Sun-Jupiter in Aquarius, creating personality integration challenges – with power or the lower will (Pluto) – the first ray energy of which her first ray Chohan Master Morya was an exponent. So, both Sun and Moon are both aspected to Pluto, discovered during her lifetime in 1930, at the age of 51.

The combination of Sun square Pluto with a Scorpio Moon gives a double ‘signature’ on these themes, that can verge on paranoia at times. The Master has to take into account all these personality foibles when considering using any messenger – as would have DK with AAB. Greatest talents have their Achilles heel, no less so with this aspect. Scorpio Moon can have  problems with power, spite, revenge, jealousy, possessiveness and hatred; the scorpion with a sting in its tail, some of the most negative emotions, even and perhaps more so in ‘spiritually advanced’ people.

The Moon is the most unconscious part of an horoscope – with potential to create the most conflict with others. The moon is the co-ruler of the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict, the only ray to pass through Scorpio and most likely a ray in HR’s ray structure. The Scorpio moon widely squares 4th ray ruler Mercury in Aquarius, compounding Mercury’s existing square to Neptune.

Jealousy may have been one of the motivations for speaking about AAB the way she did. Combine that with the square to Jupiter in Aquarius – blowing matters out of proportion, using exaggerated speech destructively.

AAB’s Mercury was her messenger signature, placed in Cancer in the twelfth house, sextile to Neptune in Taurus – it was her greatest talent as an amanuensis. Helena Roerich had Mercury in Aquarius square to Neptune in Taurus, the square a factor of not so harmonious energies flowing, hence the tendencies for inaccuracy and distortion. It has been noted by various students of the Agni Yoga books, where the personality of HR creeps in, especially when she discusses “traitors”, “dakness” or “betrayal” – the Scorpio tone is unmistakable!

HR and AAB came into incarnation within about eighteen months of each other. Each was sent forth from the 1st and 2nd ray ashrams respectively – they are sisters from the One Greater Ashram.6

Note that most of the letters discussed here do not appear in the series of HR’s letter books.

Helena Roerich’s Letters About Alice A. Bailey
The following 2-3 pages contain most of the damning letters by HR on AAB – in chronological sequence. Following that, is the next section which analyses some of the dated letters according to the transits and progressions in HR’s horoscope.

All dates are given in Russian system, i.e.: (day, month, year). Some words or phrases have been bolded or underlined by the author, with one or two of my comments in square brackets [ ] – inside of a quote by HR.

03.03.23: “Then H.I. recounted what M. said about book by Ms. Bailey [“Initiation Human and Solar”], which H.I. recently bought, because she [AAB] spoke about the Masters – that one Master was allegedly educated in the University in England, and the other one had the best knowledge about all planets.

H.I. was indignant at this [statement] and M. told them that “nobody is guaranteed to know about White Brotherhood, I verily tell you, it is rather Shafran [S.M. Shafran, a mother of Z.G. Fosdik, who had clairvoyant ability] will be able to see than Bailey”. (Z.G.Fosdik, My Teachers. Meetings with Roerichs, 3.3.23, p. 168.)

25.11.29:Alice Bailey visited today N.K. [Nicholas Roerich]. She spoke about cooperation and that all great men should meet in our House.” (Z.G. Fosdik, My Teachers. Meetings with Roerichs, 25.11.29, p. 537.)

23.08.1934: (Letter 1 Transits) The following letter was published in Letters of Helena Roerich II – but without the included fragment:

“Many naive people presume that the dark forces only work through evil, debauch and crimes. How deluded they are. Only brute powers and powers of lesser degrees work like that. Much more dangerous are the ones that come under the mask of the Light of the Teaching. You already know such example. There is a very large Society in America, and its head receives the doctrine from a teacher who does not reveal his name, calling himself “the Tibetan Brother“. We know who hides under this pseudonym.

Messenger (Nicholas Roerich) Was this a depiction of Helena?

His power is great. And the purpose of this teacher, who impersonates a Teacher of the White Brotherhood, is to attract to himself as many as possible of the good and useful people who could otherwise render effective help to the Great Plan of the Masters, the plan of planetary salvation. And these unfortunate, possessing not the true recognition of the fires of the heart, fly like moths into the black fire which turns them to ashes. [a good example of HR’s Scorpio moon.]

Ignorance, lack of inner sense pushes them into the embraces of the darkness and deprives them for a long time, if not forever, of the beneficial influence and magnetic attraction of the Beams of the Great Stronghold of Light.

Armageddon is terrible, you see the forces of darkness struggling for their existence – their despair makes them so united and persistent in achieving their goal. Prince of the World has a lot of talented, conscious and unconscious allies, and it is naive to think, that they do not know how to act subtly. They are very refined and inventive and act upon their victims’ consciousness.

But they all lack the warmth of the heart. I have books of this Tibetan Teacher, they are dry to the extreme. [Author’s note: This comment is typical of astrally polarised “new-agers” – its a real surprise to see HR write that. Any deep student of DK will attest to several moving passages is His work.]

One book is called “White Magic”. I was told, that the best pages are borrowed from the teachings of the White Brotherhood. It is interesting to note that to increase their own prestige and to attract supporters of our books, the head of this Society recommends them to their members and introduced classes to study the books of Agni Yoga. Thus light is being bound with the darkness on earth.” (The Letters of Helena Roerich. 1932-1955. p. 54. Novosibirsk, “Viko” & “Algim”, 1993. Written 23.08.1934.) (To astrological transit analysis.)

The following is a selection of extracts from published letters – written by H.I. Roerich and Z.G. Fosdik, about Alice Bailey and her Arcane School.

Lucis Trust – Arcane School

17.02.1934: “In America, there is a Theosophical Arcane School, which is now very prosperous, and it has special classes devoted to the study of books of the Agni Yoga series. In general, in both Americas, the books of Agni Yoga are widely read, and groups have formed in many cities and states around the study of these books.

The second English edition of “Agni Yoga” is already nearly coming to an end, just as the English edition of the first volume of Leaves of Morya’s Garden has been depleted. There are many soul-seekers now, but they do not join the Theosophists, intolerance, prevailing there, repels everyone.” (Letters to America, v.1, 17.2.34.)

07.01.37: “Why do Russian Theosophists need to walk in blinkers and know nothing about the true history of theosophical movement and its emissaries? Why, mentioning in passing about Alice Bailey, they are silent about the much older and more significant center in California, led by the Great Teacher Hilarion? Why don’t they mention anywhere the wonderful Temple Teachings book published by this center?” (Letters to Baltic states, 07.01.37.)

“Now, just to throw more cogs into the wheels of certitude, I’d like to quote from another letter today, this time from Helena Roerich to Sina Fosdick and Katherine Campbell, dated October 8, 1938. Apparently, the subject of selling Agni: Yoga books to Alice Bailey for her students was an ongoing discussion, and here, not too distant from the one by Nicholas Roerich, is this one. Because the letter was written to disciples, the questions raised by the other letter — of a possible desire to simply be civil, or of a need to take a benign public position — are not applicable.” (Helena Roerich Letter to Sina Fosdick and Katherine Campbell.)

08.10.38: (Letter 2 Transits) “Now, regarding Alice Bailey. I think Zina should meet with her (written in Russian with a “why not?” tone). I know that the ardent ones had a strong dislike toward her [Zina], and criticized her, but at the same time feared her very much.

When I was in New York, I met her in person twice, and I cannot say I really liked her. But in our life, we have to encounter many and various people, otherwise how could we learn to recognize people’s true nature, to develop tolerance and the ability to cooperate whenever there is an opportunity to promote something that serves good? Close, common work is one thing, and cooperation to a certain degree is another.

This is why I do not see any reason not to sell the books of the Teaching to Alice Bailey. Why not ask her if she could get some advance orders for the planned publication of “AUM”? If yes, you could ask Frances for the last time to prepare the remainder of the pages, as soon as possible. The paragraphs she has lost could be taken from Gartner’s translation — I have already mailed it to you. Of course, Frances should be given a deadline. If she refuses, then we shall have to use Gartner’s translation for publication.

I have his last version with corrections, and one English lady here has looked it over. Next week I will mail it to you.  Of course, it would be good to have this publication made as inexpensively as possible. You have “AUM” in Russian as an example. The blue color with silver should be retained. But if silver turns out to be too expensive, then black should be used instead. You should inform AB about the betrayers, but maintain dignity when you talk with her. Otherwise the apostates will run to her, and considering their rage, they can cause a lot of harm.” (ibid. 08.10.1938.) (To astrological transit analysis.)

16.09.51: “Do not have any relationship with Bailey’s school, they are revealed as hidden enemies. Don’t sell them Community. Tell them it is not for sale. Illumination can be sold without any special discrimination.” (Letters to America, v.3, 16.09.51.)

Foster Bailey

07.12.1951: “I have not heard about Ussakovskaya [an AY student] from our co-workers … She can receive help on condition of her withdrawal from the Arcane School. She needs to be warned how much darkness is gathering around the light. And first of all, she needs to be warned against the spouse [Foster Bailey] of the founder [Alice Bailey].

He is definitely a deceiver and a dishonest man. The ardent ones use our books – hence the allusions to the One Source. But I proclaim – in the Name which is Sacred to me, that neither DK, mentioned by them, nor anyone of the Great Brotherhood had ever or has now any connection with the Arcane School. The founder was a definite medium. But no Teaching can be unveiled by mediums. The purest among them can produce little books but not the whole series of volumes of the Teaching!” (“Letters to America” III vol. p. 274-275. 7.12.1951.)

01.01.52: “Also don’t worry about Arcane School. Such tumours existed and exist in all centuries and in all Teachings. What is the origin of so many various schisms? They are unavoidable and often help to emphasize the true pearls more clearly. Nature is beautiful in variety of its appearance. Only in variety we cognize the corresponding values and meanings of each manifestation of life. Don’t be afraid of any patterns of life.” (Letters to America, v.3, 01.01.52.)

A young Helena Roerich (unconfirmed)

15.02.52: “Treat Renz calmly, but with great care. It’s hard to deal with an unbalanced person! Delaying answers, you give time for new circumstances to arrive. But to emphasize that cooperation between members of different groups is absolutely necessary and no one will be interested in maintaining relationship with fighting groups. Branstedter is, apparently, a more positive type. You can tell him that no one has right to forbid him to print several aphorisms, taken from the book of the Teachings. But of course, on the condition to provide references from which series of books they were taken. We should not have any “auspices” of Arcane School or any other.

One should not mislead people about the Source of the books of Teaching. Also tell him that neither my work, nor my well-being, nor the circumstances of my life allow me to spend energy on excessive correspondence. I am completely occupied with the work of completing my Fiery Experience and the work associated with it – say it as it is. But in your correspondence, mention less about the concept of the Cosmic. Tell these co-workers that I salute them on the path of the Teaching and wish them best success. Sincerity and constant indelible striving for the Highest Ideal, in their Chosen Appearance, of course, will bring them well-deserved and best Answer.” (Letters to America, v.3, 15.02.52.)

: “Of course, my darlings, do not give any rights and copyright to people, associated with the Arcane School. Tell Branstedter and Rentz in no uncertain terms that we were never connected with the Arcane School or its founder and we can not cooperate with them. But there is no need to explain to them the reason for our forbearance, the less explanations the better. Every word from you – is like a red cloth for a furious bull! The Great Lord definitely does not allow us to cooperate with A. Bailey’s followers. How many of these attempts to stain and blot the pure foundations of the Teaching!!” (27-Mar-52, “Letters to America”, vol.3.)

Madonna Protectoris (Nicholas Roerich, 1933.)

10.05.52: “Concerning Branshtedter and Rentz – let them lie on a bed they made [to solve problems they have created]. Tell them in no uncertain terms that you cannot intervene with their feuds and cannot give them rights on publication of new books as long as the ardent ones are in a state of strife and the legal process continues. Also they have to firmly grasp our strict condition – not to confederate with any other Societies and Teachings.

The Teaching of Living Ethics or, as Rentz names it now, Teaching of Life cannot be associated with any other teaching or teacher. Branshtedter must understand that we had not and have nothing in common with the Arcane School representatives. They use our Teaching, but we strictly affirm that Teaching of Living Ethics was given by the certain Great Lord M., and it cannot proceed under the flag of Arcane School, nor even stand on the same level with it.

Ardently, do not give any rights for publications of new books. It is necessary to stop Rentz insanity and intrigues of Bailey with  Branshtedter. They want to take possession of the whole publication. We cannot allow the Teaching of Living Ethics to become a subject of conflicts and legal process. The Teaching cannot be possessed by persons who don’t understand difference between Great Lord M. and Mrs. Bailey’s Tibetan teacher.

It must be stopped or the ardent ones will come to madness. The fierce time of Teaching distribution in Europe hasn’t come yet, and big changes are awaiting Western Countries. The small quantity of books of the Teaching, which is already available there is quite enough for the serious seeking souls.” (Letters to America, v.3 10.05.52)

11.07.1952: (Letter 3 Transits) “My darlings, I answer to your letters from 27 and 28 June. “It should be answered strongly and categorically,” – it was Told. Write, my dear ones, to these seditioners, that you informed H[elena] I[vanovna] about apparently impossible situation among competing co-workers, which is absolutely inadmissible around the Teaching of Light, and convey to them the Decision of the Great Lord.

“Express My just Instruction to Rentz and Branshtedter. A cooperation between Arcane School and Agni-Yoga Society is absolutely impossible. And the appearance of dispute and conflict between the co-workers is absolutely inadmissible for Us. And Our entrusted mother of Agni-Yoga must not be overburdened with such intolerable phenomena. Make stop the translation of My Books.

The co-workers of the Stronghold of Light may not recount sacrifices made and complain about suffering damages and loss. Ardently move away from the work for My Teaching which do not require wide distribution. Sacred Teaching will remain sacred with fewer disciples and We obviously do not plan to display Our Teaching at the crossing paths, not only the dark ones, but also those doomed to failure…” “Write this way,” – was I Told.

My dear ones, write how upset you were, receiving such harsh Decision. But indeed, they broke all borders of tolerance and the ardent ones [AAB workers] have only themselves to blame. “Vehemently show firm Will to small wreckers. We gave the test but no one passed it, the ardent ones only pursued their gain. We do not need such followers.” “Such burdening of the heart of the Mother of the World is unacceptable.

I need the mother of Agni Yoga to be strong for the Cosmic building, for the planetary salvation. I need her cosmic strength to curb the infernal fire, I need it for the Cosmic Cooperation on the entire Fiery Path.” Certainly, translate  for them the “Direction and Decision” only. That, about the Mother of Agni-Yoga and Cosmic Cooperation, are not for them. I hope they will go away.

For your information. The Great Lord considers the compilation works of Alice Bailey very harmful. The ardent one [AAB] was definitely a member of the dark forces. It is not difficult, with some knowledge, to compile such books when you live in cities where hundreds of thousands of occult works lie on the shelves of vast libraries. Teacher of Alice Bailey does not belong to the Stronghold of Light. The Great Lord refuses him.”

Her pages of White Magic are intertwined with the most particular black magic. And such intermixing is vehemently harmful and gives rise to great confusion and perversion in unsteady minds. So, dear, you will have to withstand the onslaught of dark forces, do not be afraid! The Shield of Light is raised above you when you are fighting for the Protection of the Teaching.” (11-Jul-52, “Letters to America”, vol.4.) (To astrological transit analysis.)

11.07.1952: “Thus my dear, you will have to stand an onslaught of dark forces, don’t be afraid! A Shield of Light is raised above you when you fight for the Protection of the Teaching.” (Letters to America, v.4, 11.July 1952.) “The Teacher Djwhal Khul has nothing in common with Tibetan impostors of Madame A. Bailey” (E.I. Roerich Letters to E.P. Inghe, 04.03.55.)

10.10.1954: (Letter 4 Transits) “The Solar Hierarch dwells on the highest sphere of our world and ardently rarely sends his Image, and only to the closest students and co-workers. The Solar Hierarch does not display cooperation with anyone now, except for cooperation manifested in the holy and sacred Cosmic Law. But the Great Hierarch can send Messages and Instructions through the mediation via his above-ground employees and students.

Djwhal Khul (DK) or The Tibetan.

Many beautiful little books were manifested by such subtle receivers, or mediators, but not mediums. And the messages were, of course, from the Stronghold of Light. The hallmark of such Messages is their simplicity, purity and succinctness. But many pages are also produced by supporters of Darkness, as, for example, in the books of Alice Bailey.

In life, Black Magic is inevitably intertwined with White, and it is not easy to draw a line. Only a knowledgeable and experienced student of the White Lodge can perceive forgery and distortion. Thus, many beautiful pages by the Lords of the Light are interspersed in the works of the supporters of Darkness.

Advice to you, my darling, do not read the books of Alice Bailey. At the end of her life, she revealed herself as the follower of Lucifer. At first, she did not hesitate to appear as a student of some Sikkim layman, a certain Laden La, who was in the service of the local government. We knew him. She called him her teacher and even tried to associate him with the great Likenesses of the White Brotherhood.

But definitely, with all my strength and responsibility, I affirm that not One Brother from the Stronghold of Light has ever collaborated with Mrs. Alice Bailey. In her Yoga classes, she used the Living Ethics books. Much of what she received has been taken from these books, using the anonymity of the Teaching. Our co-workers in America, including Zinaida Grigorievna, are well acquainted with the personality and activities of this dark person.

The Master Morya, Chohan of the First Ray of Will or Power and HR’s Master.

Her activities became very harmful when she began to present the predictions of her Tibetan teacher, promising an unprecedented heyday, but not war, and when instead of the promised heyday the war came, her authority was vehemently undermined. In addition, her health began to give way, and repeated blood transfusions, of course, did not contribute to spiritual ascent, and she left. The ardent possessed a well-developed intellect and considerable erudition, but without any signs of spirituality.” (10-Oct-54, a letters to E.P.Inge.) (To astrological transit analysis.)

“So, dear, before you begin to be interested in the existing extensive literature on occultism and magic, it is necessary to establish oneself on the main provisions of the Teaching. Instead of the works of Alice Bailey, it is better to get acquainted with the first little books and “Esoteric Christianity” by A. Besant and, of course, with the works of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna. I do not know of another such brilliant mind and talented promoter of the Teachings of the East, as Vivekananda. He stated clearly and simply the great Truths.

Get established in the study of the Teachings of the East. I was told to write to you – to follow the Teachings of the East, but to avoid their western commentators. Fiercely manifest yourself in a better understanding of the Doctrine of Living Ethics and understand what the New World, the New Proclamation is revealed in and what needs to be developed first of all in yourself. You will passionately understand the difference between the Teaching of Living Ethics and the new teachings that have been revealed by various rustlers – and with a considerable financial success.” (Letter to H.P. Inge, 10.10.54.)

HR with Morya behind. There are several idealised and devotional artworks depicting HR like this.

Helena Roerich’s Transits for Her Letters About AAB
Dates in astrology, for those who are unfamiliar, show the various planets in transit or progression, triggering the natal pattern harmoniously or with difficulty, thereby challenging the soul to work out its karma. The dates of HR’s letters are revealing because the transits and progressions occurring in her chart at those times, were triggering some of its most unredeemed features.

The letters are in three groupings, and as far as the author is aware, these are all or most of the letters that involve references to Alice Bailey. Bear in mind that the letters’ later dates were just a few years before her death in 1955 – September 16, 1951 to July 11, 1952, and several up to 1954 are the main ones. Could it be that HR had become embittered in her latter years, in her early 70’s? That her resolution of Scorpio moon issues had still not been brought about, or in fact, the breaking of the adamantine Mars square Saturn aspect?

Nevertheless, four of these letters have been chosen in the following analyses, to demonstrate the astrological activation of HR’s horoscope on those dates, when the letters were written. The Scorpio moon activation comes up consistently in all four examples, demonstrating the author’s original explanation of HR’s shadow; and proving also that she actually wrote these letters, this is beyond doubt.

1. “Viko” & “Algim”. (23.08.1934) (See letter in previous text.)
A full moon period – a couple of days from full. It was 68 years to the day, at the Leo full moon August 23, 2002, that the unpublished letters of Helena Roerich were made public.

– Moon in Aquarius conjunct Mercury, activating the square to Neptune in Taurus.
– Moon square Moon in Scorpio – opposing AAB’s ascendant and Mars.
– Transiting Saturn conjunct Sun in Aquarius – activating square to Pluto.

There is more than enough evidence shown here that the liabilities in HR’s chart were triggered and expressed by her on that day, something that has poisoned for generations. Undiscriminating students of these letters have compounded the problem.

Helena Roerich – progressions and transits. (“Viko” & “Algim”, 23.08.1934.)

It is one thing to have the Agni Yoga teachings, relatively pure from their source, and yet another to mix it up with personal letters. One is universal and the other is personal – and therefore far more ‘tainted’. Where HR said in several instances that Morya told her so, perhaps sails very close to the wind in terms of using the Master’s name to back up undiscriminating personal remarks. It is something that was abused by certain leading members of the Theosophical Society and many other ‘spiritual’ groups since then. The temptation to do so, particularly if the individual has power issues, would be very tempting, and even something chosen unconsciously.

Zina Fosdick

2. Letter to Zina Fosdick and Katherine Campbell. (08.10.1938) (See letter in previous text.)
[Editor’s note: The commentary below says October 8, but the month is dated in roman numerals as XI (11) for November. Either month, transiting Pluto was squaring HR’s troublesome Scorpio Moon.]

– Transiting Uranus opposite Moon in Scorpio.
– Transiting Venus in Scorpio square Sun in Aquarius.
– Transiting Jupiter conjunct Jupiter/Sun – setting off square to Pluto.

Letter to Zina Fosdick and Katherine Campbell. (08.10.1938)

3. “Letters to America”. (11.07.1952) (See letter previous text.)
This was a letter that culminated a series that started on September 16, 1951. During that period there was a major transit of Pluto opposing HR’s Jupiter (and Sun). This date is used, as it is one of the most vitriolic letters and has several other major significators in the chart working themselves out.

– Transiting Mercury square the Moon in Scorpio.
– Transiting Jupiter in Taurus is closely opposing the Scorpio moon.
– Transiting Mars in Scorpio opposite Neptune in Taurus, T-squaring Mercury in Aquarius.
– Transiting Pluto in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius, a transit that had been in orb since September 16, 1951.

Helena Roerich – progressions and transits. July 11, 1952: “Letters to America”, vol.4.

4. Letters to E.P. Inghe. (10.10.54) (See letter previous text.)
From the last transit discussed in 1952, Pluto by this time had been exactly opposing HR’s Sun, now still in orb but starting to move away from the exact oppostion. It would have been one of the most trying transits of her life.

– Solar arc Uranus in Scorpio exactly conjunct Scorpio moon.
– Transiting Mercury in Scorpio approaching HR’s Scorpio moon – 6 degrees applying.
– Transiting Mercury was also squaring the troublesome natal Mercury.
– Transiting Saturn in Scorpio approaching natal moon in Scorpio, and opposed to HR’s progressed Sun in Taurus.

Helena Roerich – progressions and transits. Letters to E.P. Inghe, 10.10.54.

It is the author’s re-stated contention that Helena was human, and it is human to err. Although this analysis may seem to focus on the negative aspects, the motivation for so doing was originally prompted by the disclosure of her unpublished letters. For this author and many other students, although this is a somewhat distressing distraction, the Agni Yoga teachings which HR brought through, stand. As with many disciples and even very advanced ones like Krishnamurti , their frailties and vanities show their humanity. 7

Here ends the specific astrological analyses of HR’s letters. The following three sections are discussions of a more general nature pertaining to the Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich.
Please feel free to make comments at the bottom of the page.

Comments About Alice Bailey by Uri Gorbunov
Extract from his book: An Esotericist’s Journey in America

“In 1994, the Siberian paper The Banner of Peace, headed by chief-editor Genadii Gorchakov, instead of peace declared war upon many teachings, and among them the teachings of the Tibetan. Attacks were launched against Alice Bailey by those who had no fluency in reading English, and also, who had not seen with their own eyes one of her books in the original. For many they sounded very convincing, because in the personal letters of Helena Roerich it is actually possible to find several very unflattering references within them. Sectarian attitudes by one group of esotericists in their relationship with others, have been observed throughout all historical ages. Our own is no exception.

This particular matter requires consideration in more details. Doubts have arisen that in the letters published in the third volume of letters, the compilers may have added the above-mentioned unflattering references. Who was there to check the manuscripts? Who would be searching? And now the matter has happened. Doubts emerge. This may be called a negative reaction. But consideration must be given to the psychology of the narrow-minded Russian, who believes in the printed word.

As is said in the Russian proverb, “What is written with the quill, does not cut down with an axe”. Who would find advantage in introducing doubt into the minds of the many beginner esotericists who are now in significant numbers throughout the Russian expanses? Clearly, those who would make a lot of profit through cheap authority, fame, money and finally through publication of books of the Roerichs, and of writers from the Roerich associations. Those who have never been occultists and do not know anything of classical esotericism.

Those who do not understand that all esoteric teachings, if they are authentic, correlate one with another, because they all originate from a single source – from Hierarchy. Furthermore, many know that Alice Bailey and the Tibetan knew of the transference of Agni Yoga to humanity. They wrote in A Treatise on White Magic (pp. 428-9) in this way:

“World unity, brotherhood in its true sense, the growth of telepathic interplay, the elimination of the non-essentials which serve to separate the thoughts of men and bring about separateness on the physical plane, and the laying of a true emphasis upon the fundamentals of the Ageless Wisdom, the manifestation of a true understanding, the bringing about of at-one-ment with the soul, the recognition of those who belong to the group of world Saviours – this is the immediate work to be done and this must engross your attention.

“This and this alone warrants the expenditure of all that any of you have to give – love and life, time and money. This and this alone justifies your existence and calls forth from all of you who respond to the vision that utter self-sacrifice which is so rare and so far-reaching in its effects. The casting of all that one has at the feet of the Lord of Life in order that the work of world salvage may go forward, the elimination out of one’s life of all that can possibly hinder, the giving of all that one has until it hurts to give, the ruling of one’s life on the basis of surrender, asking oneself all the time: What can I relinquish in order that I may help more adequately? – that and more than that lies ahead of all of you who hear the call and respond to the need and opportunity.

Let me tell you this – this group now in process of forming, will in time develop its own “yoga” and school of training which will gradually supersede that of the raja yoga and bhakti yoga schools. The method of training will only be given to those who have trained the mind and learnt to control the emotions. Hence the key to what is now going on. The mode of training will be no easy short cut to the goal. Only the intelligent can attain it and only coordinated personalities will be eligible to the teaching. The keynote of the new yoga will be synthesis; its objective will be conscious development of the intuitive faculty. This development will fall into two categories: first, the development of the intuition and of true spiritual perception, and secondly, the trained utilisation of the mind as an interpreting agent.

In the book Agni Yoga, some of the teaching to be given has filtered through but only from the angle of the will aspect. No book has as yet made its appearance which gives in any form whatsoever the “yoga of synthesis”. We have had “bhakti yoga” or union through devotion. Raja Yoga is now receiving emphasis, which is union through the mind. It sounds like a redundancy to speak of union through synthesis, but it is not so. It is union through identification with the whole – not union through realisation or through vision. Mark well this distinction, for it holds the secret of the next step for the personalities of the race.

The Bhagavad Gita gives us primarily the key to the yoga of devotion. Patanjali teaches us the yoga of the mind. In the Gospel story we have the portrayal of realisation, but the key or the secret of identification is still withheld. It lies in the custody of a few in this integrating group of mystics and knowers and will be wrought out into manifestation in the furnace of their individual experience and thus given to the world. But the time is not yet. The group must grow in strength and knowledge and in intuitive perception.”8

It is impossible to believe that Helena Roerich, who had written the 15 volumes on Brotherhood and the rules for the Living Ethics, might have written impolite words against any esoteric teaching. Besides that, she was simply human, and as such may well have had mistaken opinions which she has stated, not in the books of the Masters, but in personal letters which, more often than not, are not written for publication. It is important to bear in mind all those today who would make the Roerichs out as saints, whereas they themselves, as members of this great and exceedingly modest family, would always unwarily speak out against such notions, knowing the weakness in the human condition. “Other followers of Agni Yoga declared Helena Roerich an icon. They call people to love her and pray to her. The popularity of the Agni Yoga teaching is steadily growing in Russia.” (Gorbunov)

Attack on DK’s Ashram?
Did the letters of HR constitute an ‘attack’ on DK’s ashram? The following passage is from Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.331:

“This “sharing” process does not involve what is usually understood as the “sharing of trouble.” Personality difficulties and personality problems are not permitted entrance into an Ashram; only evolutionary limitations and lack of perfection (limitations in soul expression, indicating the grade or stage of discipleship) are recognized. If, however, disciples act or react in a way that brings attack upon the Ashram, that is naturally recognized, but these issues are fortunately very rare; they may become more common as the spiritual inspiration to which humanity is now subjected and reacting brings far greater numbers of disciples into relation with the Hierarchy.

In the case where a disciple has opened a door of attack upon an Ashram – and this has happened, as you know, in the case of my Ashram [DK]– the work of the united disciples is to “seal the door” against the menacing evil, to withdraw themselves from the usual confidence shown to an erring disciple, but to stand at the same time in steadfast love beside him until such time as he has learned the error of his ways and has himself taken the needed steps to arrest the evil which he was responsible in starting.” It must be remembered that none of this is a personality or an individual attack upon an Ashram.

The relatively feeble efforts of a person are unavailing and make no real impact upon the conscious life of the Ashram. The evil released must emanate from a group, though it is released through the agency of an individual disciple. That is a totally different matter. A disciple may do this through misuse of the lower mind and its rationalizing capacity, which can make black to appear white and prove that good intention is responsible for evil-distributed energy; or the disciple can let in evil under the influence of glamor, provided again that it is group evil. In these ways, the disciple simply turns the key, and group evil enters.

For instance, the harm done to the Ashram of the Master Morya by H.P.B. in his earlier incarnation as Cagliostro, (Cagliostro, by W.R.H. Trowbridge) – is only now fading out, and its repercussions affected the whole Hierarchy. The harm attempted on my Ashram has been more easily offset, and the source of hate which it represented failed in its attempt because of its general ill repute. It has been offset by love and understanding which is not so easily the case in a first ray attack.”9

“I ask you also to sever your connection with all groups which are seeking to destroy and to attack, no matter how sincere their motive. Range yourself on the side of the workers for constructive ends, who are fighting no other groups or organizations and who have eliminated the word “anti” out of their vocabulary. Stand on the side of those who are silently and steadily building for the new order – an order which is founded on love, which builds under the impulse of brotherhood, and which possesses a realization of a brotherhood which is based on the knowledge that we are each and all, no matter what our race, the children of the One Father, and who have come to the realization that the old ways of working must go and the newer methods must be given a chance.”10

“…Initiates may, and do, fall…”
“That all initiates measure not up to this standard may be ascribed to several things, but the note they sound should be on the side of righteousness; the recognition of their own shortcomings which they will evidence will be sincere and public, and their struggle to conform to the highest standard will be known, even though perfection may not be achieved. Initiates may, and do, fall, and thereby incur the working of the law in punishment. They may, and do, by this fall injure the group, and thereby incur the karma of readjustment, having to expiate the injury through later prolonged service, wherein the group members themselves, even though unconsciously, apply the law; their progress will be seriously hindered, much time being lost in which they must work out the karma with the injured units. The very fact that a man is an initiate, and therefore the medium for force of a greatly increased kind, makes his lapses from the straight path to have more powerful effects than is the case with a less advanced man; his retribution and punishment will be equally greater.

Inevitably he must pay the price before he is allowed to proceed further upon the Way. As for the group he injures, what should their attitude be? A recognition of the gravity of the error, a wise acceptance of the facts in the case, a refraining from unbrotherly criticism, and a pouring out of love upon the sinning brother:—all this, coupled with such action as will make clear to the onlooking general public that such sins and infringements of the law are not condoned. To this must be added an attitude of mind within the group concerned which will lead them (whilst taking firm action) to help the mistaken brother to see his error, to work out the retributive karma, and then to reinstate him in their regard and respect when due amends have been made.”11

Agni Yoga Forum: Astrology Chart
The discussion for most of this page originated on the Agni Yoga forum, an Yahoo group formed on April 19, 1999. A midday chart for New York comes up with Leo rising. Personality ruler of Leo is the Sun, in the last degree of Aries in the ninth house, which indicates pioneering or trail-blazing enquiries into metaphysical thought. Jupiter is also in this house and is of course ‘accidentally dignified’. Mercury, soul ruler of Aries, is also in Aries and in the ninth, indicating the potential of exercising the intuitional or buddhic faculties over the lower mind.

Moon is in Gemini, how perfect for a ‘chat’ group! (sometimes too much chat) – and is trine Uranus, the Hierophant and ruler of occultism.The most difficult part of the chart is an exact T-square: An opposition between Saturn in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio, T-squaring Neptune in Aquarius.

From one angle it speaks of the battle between attachment (Taurus) to knowledge (Saturn) and intensely emotional (Scorpio) adherence to that knowledge, resisting and fighting (sometimes acrimoniously) all who challenge that reality structure. It also reflects the penetrating depth of the enquiry (Scorpio) and the treasury of wisdom (Taurus, the Mother of Illumination) which an Aquarian group of souls such as this possesses.

This opposition T-squares, or focuses upon Neptune in Aquarius. Aquarius represents the group process of unfolding consciousness through interaction of the sum of its parts. Neptune at a personality level can represent the group glamours and maya generated by the negative aspect of unredeemed Saturn and Mars. Particularly with the difficult square between Mars and Neptune, which both happen to rule the solar plexus in esoteric astrology. The solar plexus is of course that realm where lower mind and emotions meet. It can make for subterfuge, scheming, hidden agendas, paranoia, self-delusion etc.

However, Neptune is intimately related to Love-Wisdom and its expression from the heart, after the smoke and fire of the burning ground of the solar plexus has been raised to the ‘fiery chalice’. It is said that Neptune is a term synonymous with Lord Maitreya, Lord of Compassion and Wisdom. Neptune is also soul ruler of this Leo rising chart – Leo rules the heart.

Therefore, for this chart/group/entity to reach its full potential, these heart qualities must supervene over all else. Neptune in Aquarius, for some deeper students of astrology, also has an intimate relation at an hierarchical level, and deals with monadic consciousness. The potential is limitless.

Revealing also is looking at the progressions and transits for this entity now (August 2002). Progressed Moon is at five degrees of Leo (say no more!) and has transiting Jupiter at the same degree, both filling in the ‘missing leg’ of the T-square just mentioned. (This all exactly squares Roerich’s Moon!) In other words creating a ‘grand cross’ in this horoscope of very challenging proportions, akin to breaking down crystallisations of thinking, mental pride and all the other vanities of a developing, integrating and synthesising entity.

Interesting will be when Pluto starts to oppose the Gemini Moon at the end of this year [2002] and for all of next year – now there’s some major transformations about ideas. Moon is always where the most unredeemed aspect of any entity lies, so looking at the negative aspects of Gemini Moon will reveal that: lower mind, mentally reactive, does not carefully consider first, superficial, knows a little bit about alot of things, talks too much, knows too much, doesn’t listen, short attention span, over-impressionable, deceitful, duplicitous, dishonest, ‘devious diplomacy and subtlety’ etc. If Pluto transits can be felt up to five degrees approaching, then the Gemini ‘dweller’ is coming out now.

The intensity of relationships is also borne out by the close opposition of Venus and Pluto. Pluto in Sagittarius is about the destruction of old ideas, and Venus as soul ruler of Gemini (and placed there) has the potential to harmonise the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. This she does by creating new templates, as Gemini has a close relation to the etheric plane and all that eventually manifests onto the physical. Hence groups such as this in cyberspace have a huge potential for world transformation, consciously or unconsciously, in refining, through right dialogue (Gemini), the very structures of the planetary mental body.

Agni Yoga Forum

New Group of World Servers
We all have our ideas and slants on the teachings, much of it imperfect, what better way to refine that than through dialogue or debate? Not the type of debate based on ego and winning, but listening and learning. If we rigorously adhere to our cherished concepts, cultural, racial or theosophical conditioning – without a willingness to listen, or explore, then what hope?

What would be the collective shadow of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), or ‘cultural creatives’, as another recent term has coined it? As that world group is ruled collectively by the axis of Taurus/Scorpio, there is much to be learnt from the energies of these two signs around desire and the death of desire. Something the Buddha (A Taurean) taught much about.

Exoterically, Taurus is one of the most intransigent signs in terms of adherence to ideas that its acquisitive nature absorbs. This is because there is a strong emphasis on the concrete mind and an orientation to form life. Taurus is also the sign of desire, of powerful astral urges that can manifest as many things, particularly sex. Put desire and concrete mind together and you have kama-manas (desire mind), where the World Aspirant (Humanity) is mainly focussed. This is a particularly, astrally messy area, and surfaces in acrimonious debates (not dialogues) with the negative emotions of hate, separativeness, desire for power etc., as individuals adhere to their precious constructs of ‘reality’, or conspiracy theories.

The higher octave of Taurus is as the Mother of Illumination, but this can only be truly accessed when desire mind has undergone its death in the opposite sign Scorpio. Scorpio is the major sign of testing for the Second Degree initiation which many of the world group (NGWS) are headed for. With Pluto the Lord of Death ruling this sign, it requires a death and subsequent transformation to take place, a releasing of the ahamkara (illusion of self), and a demonstration of complete control of the astral realm, with its associated maya and illusion.

Hercules has to defeat the Lernean Hydra in the stinking swamp (of kama-manas), kneel in humility, and raise the nine-headed hydra above his head into the clear light of reason (buddhi). The teachings of HPB, HR and AAB are considered by many to be the three pillars (strength, wisdom and beauty), foundational to the Aquarian cycle we are entering.

“Tolerance is one of the conditions of observation. True observation is the basis of cognition. An intolerant man cannot form a just picture of things. He deprives himself of observation and loses perspicacity. What kind of cognition can be born from egoism which rejects reality? There are many examples of great truths having been subjected to distortion, because of intolerance. It may be said that intolerance is ignorance, but this definition will be too mild. Intolerance is evil; there can be no good intolerance. It invariably contains falsehood, because it conceals the truth. Only those who definitely lack intelligence can light-mindedly fail to consider intolerance as something unworthy.”12

Part III of IV

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  2. The letters are kept in the archive of the Roerich Family Museum-Institute in St. Petersburg. []
  3. It is entirely possible that Helena’s mother was familiar with Gregorian calendar at that time, and would have been using it as many other aristocrats did, who spent a considerable amount of their time in Europe. []
  4. []
  5. []
  6. See Soul Cycles of  the Seven Rays I which includes an astro-biography of AAB: Also an a new updated essay about AAB’s rising sign Leo. []
  7. See The Initiations of Krishnamurti: An Astrological Biography. Phillip Lindsay. []
  8. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey, pp.428-9. []
  9. Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.331. []
  10. Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.188. []
  11. Initiation Human and Solar, Alice Bailey. pp.83-4. []
  12. Brotherhood, Helena Roerich. #409. []

6 Responses to Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky and Helena Roerich (Pt. II)

  1. Julia says:

    The way Helena Roerich talks about Alice Bailey is very expressive – of her own emotions, I would say, that she projected! I am reading your analysis. Yes, definitely 6th ray. It is very much in all the letters, and even in the books – in comparison to AAB’s more balanced tone, more intellectual with the 2nd ray flavour.

    But it is ingenious, really. HR appeals to devotional types, who simply cannot process the AAB style and the amount of information she conveys. I can see how the masters would not want for the two lines of work to mix together. They really work better separately for different kinds of people. This can explain HR’s constant references to M. Morya (who she calls devotionally “The Great Lord”) that she should not collaborate with AAB. Although, I do not think he meant that they should be adversaries either…

    And I cannot but notice how Alice Bailey never retaliated in a hateful way and in fact was always promoting Roerich books, recommending them to her students. This is to her big credit.

  2. Phillip Lindsay says:

    I agree that HR appeals to devotional types, especially in Russia, a nation with a sixth ray personality. But not only them – the buddhic/intuitive nature of Agni Yoga appeals to many “intellectual” students of AAB and fleshes out DK’s ageless wisdom rather well.

  3. Paulo Eduardo Lemos Tonhasolo says:

    Congratulations on the brilliant analysis as always, Phillip, but I confess it still sounds strange to me, a third-degree initiate who has gone through transfiguration, not recognizing wisdom and teaching in a series of books like Bailey’s and still referring to her as a black lodge worker.
    Greetings from Brazil =D

  4. Phillip Lindsay says:

    Paulo, well we do not really know where HR was on the initiation path. Some have awarded her the 4th degree and I do not think that is true, maybe Nicholas was. Her behaviour toward AAB might indicate around the 2nd degree. Its fairly certain that Krishnamurti was around the 4th degree and he certainly had his human frailties, as I outline in my book about him. My article does not seek to detract from HR, simply explain the astro-psychology of why she made those remarks. Even though I am at pains to explain this in my article, there are still negative reactions from some.

  5. Paulo Eduardo Lemos Tonhasolo says:

    Thank You for the answer dear Phillip, i read that about her degree, thank you for the informations! I understood the purpose of your article, and i am very thankful for the rich HR contribuition!!! I was just surprised

  6. Carlos Urtasun says:

    First – Big thanks to your presentation/analysis. Always a joy to read your balanced way of thought.

    I have started to read the Mahatma letters (Sinnet) and besides being a bit surprised about all the drama, I noticed how the Masters were aware of many of the personal dramas between one another. What strikes me odd here regarding HR, is – did M “say”(or write/transmit) anything to put her on track, or make her stop her attacks on his fellow master Dk. I assume it would have to be because: “chela” make mess – “chela” clean up… However, one or two hints to her (HR) wouldn’t have hurt 🙂
    Thanks again .

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