An Aquarian Renaissance: A Glimpse into the Future

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2 Responses to An Aquarian Renaissance: A Glimpse into the Future

  1. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Good Morning Phillip, what a WESAK surprise…! I am full of gratitude and thank you sooo much. Absolutely outstanding!


  2. david says:

    Excellent work!

    The promises of Aquarius can be read in the symbol of the fixed cross, the 4 gospels, where “the water bearer” is the only one who no longer has an animal shape …

    A friend from Portugal told me that in the age of Aquarius (and sixth sub-race) the Latin race would be very important because of the affinity that four has with six …, this made me think about the importance it has for the USA the massive arrival of Hispanics to the country; or how important it is that the poorer and more sensitive (intuitive?) cultures of the South mix with the richer and more mental (constructive or inclusive?) cultures of the North.

    And for this, what better than the universality of Aquarius, the Fifth Ray, the light, through the Second Ray in Jupiter, the expansion, and everything under the umbrella (the magical order) of the Seventh Ray, Uranus, the ruler of the sacral chakra, the power that governs the creation of the forms, the Father, the place of fusion between Angels and Humans.

    One thing is certain, for the Kingdom of God to manifest on earth the hearts of human beings have to relate, know, understand, share, embrace.

    A friend

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