Conversations on Covid: Michael Robbins & Phillip Lindsay 2021-22.

Conversations on the Covid Crisis & American Politics


Michael D. Robbins and Phillip Lindsay 2021-22.

Edited with commentary by Phillip Lindsay

The University of the Seven Rays’ (Michael Robbins and others) objection
to Phillip Lindsay’s newsletters – about US politics and later Covid-19.

The purpose of posting these letters publicly – is to demonstrate how belief can over-ride knowing, how even esoteric (or “spiritual”) students can be duped by mainstream media – and how one group leader’s views can affect a large group of people, amplifying group glamours that were part of the mass hypnosis upon Humanity, 2020-2022.

Now, having given some time to reflect over the past few years, out of respect for Michael’s passing in Feb. 2022 – and the grieving process for close family and friends, it has been decided to release these private letters to the greater esoteric/spiritual community.

Not in a spirit of ill-will or criticism, but as a cautionary tale and an urgent call for others to do the necessary work of being properly informed. The release of these letters followed the Virgo 2023 newsletter, Social Engineering: Has the “Spiritual Community”Been Asleep?and the many comments elicited from it. (A similar newsletter was written in 2021 – at the height of the “pandemic”: Propaganda and the Esoteric Community: The Global Hypnosis in 2021.
Phillip Lindsay: Sept. 23, 2023. (Libra Equinox)

The Correspondence Between Michael and Phillip (2021-22)
(Note, other additional comments made at the time of editing these letters in Sept.2023, are shown in square brackets [ ].)

Feb.3, 2021: Michael [MDR] to Phillip,

Dear Phillip,
All this contention has the potential to create considerable division in the esoteric community. There is a huge glamour re conspiracy theories, with Republicans en mass jumping down that particular rabbit hole (with the uncaring and cynical exploiting their leap). Covid-19 with many subsequent mutations is deadly, no matter how the whole matter is counter-theorized.

And Trump is a psychotic with the arrested psychological development of an eight-year-old. The utter narcissist that it takes to counter democracy. The Battle for Democracy is certainly being fought out in the US and each side is filled with righteous indignation. Not a pretty picture. but I would rather Joe Biden any day–as a human being, as character does count among us imperfect humans–all of us imperfect.

In brotherhood, Michael

Feb.3, 2021: Phillip Response to Michael

PL: Good to hear from you brother! I take it that people have been complaining to you because they perceive me as “causing division” through some views in my newsletter that run counter to the esoteric community narrative?

You and all the rest should know me better than that – I always strive to strike a balanced view – and I do a hell of a lot more research through the entire spectrum than most; then my intuition weighs it all in the balance.

For you to dismiss as “conspiracy theory” misses the point that there are some Republicans and Libertarians who are quite erudite thinkers. But if you do not watch their interviews or read their articles, you would not know.

There is also a huge glamour in the esoteric community, the glamour of dismissing critical and independent thinking as conspiracy theories! Dismissing “out of hand”, just like “ordinary humanity” does.

I am familiar with the writings and sometimes hysterical claims of some of our group brothers who have blindly sided with the left, not realizing that they have fallen into lockstep with a never-before-seen bias – by practically all media that is in the service of the Democrats.

Have you actually read my latest few newsletters or are you just going on what others have told you – or indeed, are you going along with the major thrust of mainstream media?

I am aware of Trump’s faults, I have pointed them out in much detail in the many pieces that I have written about him in my newsletters these past few years. Has everyone forgotten that? Have they forgotten that also I “took a position” firmly behind leftists Corbyn and Sanders in the past six years too? I lost a lot of Republican-voting subscribers over that, but I felt it the right thing to do.

[Note – Sept.2023: Since achieving a far more apolitical perspective in the past few years, I no longer hold some of the views expressed about Trump. I also believe that Jan.6 was not an insurrection, a lie perpetuated upon the American public via media and goverment. Today we are seeing illegal attempts to indict Trump in one law suit after another. My position on a good candidate for US President is RFK Jr., a real democrat whose own party will no doubt try to sabotage him, as they did with Sanders. But he has his failings too, there are no perfect candidates!]

The main thrust of my arguments [from 2020 to 2022], is that whatever Covid’s alleged potency, it is quite an obvious exaggeration that has Big Pharma, Tech and Media propagandizing for the likes of WHO, WEF and CDC etc. I used to be a “lefty” but the “progressiveness” of the left hardly exists anymore, it has become a travesty of its former self – globally.

Most of my critics have not bothered to explore this. All that I have been at pains in 2020 to elucidate – they have dismissed the evidence out of hand – because they are too closeted in narrow thinking and orthodoxy – it is utterly pathetic to witness.

Even other AAB-based groups jumped on the WEF bandwagon – showing no discrimination whatsoever and subjecting themselves and employees to mask and vaccine mandates. (This sentence has been amended to exclude Lucis Trust, who I am informed – was wrongly attributed. June 14, 2024.) The esoteric community are remarkably uninformed, conservative and politically naïve they are also driven by and caught up in a sixth ray fanaticism and perhaps you [MDR], may not have been immune to it – influenced by the likes of some of your co-workers.

Since Sanders – the best candidate for 2016, had his election stolen from him by his own party (!), I have tried to cultivate a far more apolitical stance. Biden [much has been suppressed by the media about Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine] is no less “evil” than Trump, and meditating groups who scapegoat Trump as “the evil one” – are dangerous and esoterically misguided; it runs counter to many of DK’s instructions:

“The New Group of World Servers seeks to help in the restoration of World balance and peace through the activity-coordinated, definite, and applied—of this emerging group of people, who can constitute a third group or “middle party” (to borrow a phrase from the field of politics) between those who are fighting for, and those who are fighting against, any group, religious organisation, political affiliation or form of government.”1

I am not pro Trump by any measure, but I have given him credit for standing up to bullying by China, withdrawing from WHO. Trump was also led astray by “experts” such as the now (2023) thoroughly discredited Fauci and Deborah Birch. As you well know, no one side of politics is the owner of the truth.

I hope Biden succeeds in bringing the nation together, but he has a tough task and transits these next months. He has already gone along with the whole vaccine push which was one of his and Harris’s pre-election promises.

[Note 2023: The current administration condones, promotes and finances the US/NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. So far, an estimated 400,000 Ukraine soldiers dead. But esoteric students steadfastly refuse to look at the causes (ironically this is what esotericism is about!), of the Russia-Ukraine situation; a truly appalling blindness and ignorance in the esoteric/spiritual communities.]

That is the real and present danger, the entire planet is running toward a cliff like the proverbial herd of lemmings – driven along by fear and panic – and it appears that the NGWS has gone to sleep at the wheel. When you look beyond Biden’s superficial appearances, he is not that great – looking at his many mistakes in the past 45 years – he is human and fallible as Trump. Bland and ineffective are words that come to mind.

But let’s hope he shines and makes his mark, now is his opportunity. [2024: I am giving him way more credit here than he deserves! He has dementia and is a puppet of other forces in the Whitehouse.] He may give the nation a thin veneer of respectability but nothing much will change – business as usual with Wall St, beholden to the corporations [like the appropriately named Blackrock].

Anyway, it’s not about these individuals, Trump, Biden etc. – it’s about the deep corruption on both sides of politics – all the people that support these leaders – that needs to be addressed. I fear that there will be many dark days ahead for the USA, I hope it can hold on through this storm of maya unleashed by the Black Lodge.

This is what the Uranus transit squaring Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius is all about – the world urgently needs radical change – and we may well see some major events in this next week or two. (See newsletter re the stellium in Aquarius Feb.11, 2021.)

So I could rant on of course, but the way I see it, Humanity has been duped, this is the biggest crisis since WWII – we are seeing fascism again in different forms, through Tech-Media-Money oligarchies. This is the real “door where evil dwells” and must be forced shut.

It appears that along with the rest of Humanity, most of the crusty old esotericists [LOL] have fallen for the same hypnosis because they live in their own little bubbles – out of touch with what is happening and only gleaning their news from CNN, BBC programming.

And if they have been doing that for most of their lives, then their conditioning would never question otherwise – propaganda has become so refined in the last 100 years, and propaganda is pure glamour.

With the exception of a few other co-workers whom I deeply respect and who concur with my views, I am part of a minority [about 20%]. That certainly does not make us “wrong”, historically its usually the other way around – critical, philosophical thinkers are a minority among the majority of humanity who are still polarised in Atlantean consciousness.

My Libran nature does not set out to make people uncomfortable, but I have a profound sense of duty to enunciate the truth as I see it from my extensive analyses and good intuition. If that makes me persona non grata, then so be it!

with love and great respect,

10 months later in Dec. 2021, Michael brought the subject up again with an invitation for debate:

Phillip declined this invitation, seeing it as an exercise in futility, and somewhat of an ambush: Consensus opinion by several people wanting to prove their “rightness” – against one other person. Fair and balanced? Receptive listening? I think not!

Dec.14, 2021: Michael to Phillip
Dear Phillip,
I would say that you and I have to have a talk over Skype or Skype phone, probably. Please send me a phone number which I can use on Skype Phone.

I want to clarify whether you have established an anti-glamour group which essentially is in deliberate conflict with the Glamor Group Work I am promoting. I want to know if you believe in the value of Donald Trump and his power-hungry and, in my view, cowardly Republicans against which type DK inveighed.

I want to know if you have not examined the liabilities of Mercury in Scorpio just as you did for Mme. Roerich, though this time, as that position applies to you. I want to know why you impugn the research efforts of thousands upon thousands to medical research workers.

Frankly, I want to know whether you have gone off the deep end and are so sure of yourself that you do not even consider the possibility. I want to know the state of your mental balance, frankly. [!]

The type of information you are promoting could be responsible for the loss of life, as in the case of the Reigle’s son. I did not find your letter to them at all helpful to them. It offered them, to me, meaningless justifications and unsatisfying promises about the future, at the same time assuring them that no vaccine could have helped their son. Vaccines save lines. If you don’t believe it, go where Covid-19 is being breathed forth, IF you dare.

I also know that you are now working in collaboration with Lyn [Hebenstreit – See his letter to Michael Robbins here]. If Covid-19 is a hoax, there is a good way to find out, but I do not think you would be so foolish as to make the attempt.

There will always be the selfish people–DK singled out this dangerous type and deplored their activities. They are with us again, yes, more sophisticated than ever. But the medical industry is NOT filled with people of ill will. DK complimented them as perhaps the most selfless group, probably in Esoteric Healing. Again I can find supportive quotations, or at least one really good one.

World government is really the way of the Aquarian future, as much as people tremble at the prospect of giving up personality prerogatives for a better, wider future for all. I can find the DK quotes.

Yes, there are medical dangers for a few, and, yet, salvation from the predations of this dread disease –which does indeed exist–for the many. Wherever the selfish are found they will be rooted out and One Worldism will prevail–of that I have no doubt–though many will long for safety in cramped personality enclaves and long for the return of America’s MOST SELFISH president. The unparalleled narcissist. Those who foolishly do thus long, are far from true esoteric psychology thinking.

That’s my position. So if you will honor my request for a straight conversion, we can settle some of the matters which I have brought forward to you and which cause me no end of disbelief in your judgment.

Your friend as always, Michael
And yes, you can share this with Lyn as I know you will.

Dec.14, 2021: Phillip (PL) Response to Michael (MDR)
Phillip’s responses are interleaved between Michael’s comments.)

MDR: Dear Phillip,
I would say that you and I have to have a talk over Skype or Skype phone, probably. Please send me a phone number which I can use on Skype Phone. I want to clarify whether you have established an anti-glamour group which essentially is in deliberate conflict with the Glamor Group Work I am promoting.

PL: I have been involved with group glamour meditations for several years. The group I am currently working with is the resurrected Methuselah Project that ran from 2007-2014. We spontaneously decided to come back together, to address urgent world need – about eight months ago. We then decided to work with DK’s world glamour meditation to be more effective.

Your statement about our work being in “deliberate conflict” with your glamour work is ridiculous and smacks somewhat of ego and paranoia – a glamour in itself brother! No one has exclusive rights to do this work, or do you think you have some special blessing from the Master to do so? I know of several other groups using the same meditation, do you want to accuse them too?

MDR: I want to know if you believe in the value of Donald Trump and his power-hungry and, in my view, cowardly Republicans against which type DK inveighed.

PL: This is a superficial accusation which others have levelled at me just because I adopted a more apolitical approach to the Capitol’s so-called “siege”. A real siege would have been an armed and bloody insurrection.

And also because of my stance on Coronavirus. You appear to have fallen into the trap that those who choose to adopt a different attitude about the Plannedemic are somehow politically to the right. [Such a naïve and superficial assumption!]

If I have learnt one thing in the past couple of years, I have reached an apolitical attitude for the first time, leaning on the left most of my life. You and many others seem to conveniently overlook the fact that I championed Sanders and Corbyn for several years in my newsletters, before I realised how their own people sabotaged their re-election, and how utterly corrupt the left is – as is the right, mostly doing the bidding of corporate lackeys.

I also spent several years running down Trump for his many obvious flaws. He is not someone I support but he has done several good things like standing up to China and criticising the undue power of the media – credit where due.

You think Biden and Harris are a better choice? None of them are, the USA is on its knees right now and its Dweller is in full expression on both the left and right of politics. Unfortunately the power of the media and Silicon Valley is held by the left and they are dictating censorship, not allowing discussion or debate about this staged global situation – because they are fully in on it!

MDR: I want to know if you have not examined the liabilities of Mercury in Scorpio just as you did for Mme. Roerich, though this time, as that position applies to you.

PL: It was actually HR’s moon in Scorpio, but of course I have – all planets, signs and rays have their shadow expression. Mercury in Scorpio has always been my main intuitive writing tool, helping with penetrating insights to delve behind the outer seeming of things, as I have done with the mountain of material [on Covid], that I have sifted through in the past two years.

I doubt you or hardly anyone else in the esoteric community has done that kind of due diligence to examine all sides of the story. As I said to David Reigle, about whom you have unfairly criticised me, if academics like him or you took as much time to do that kind of research as you have done in your brilliant esoteric work – you might have a different perspective.

But you have not done the work, you have lazily accepted what comes down the brainwash tube on CNN, or listened to some of your co-workers who claim to be medical experts – the glamour of medical authority. Dear brother, your comments indicate how utterly out of touch you are with the current state of the world because of your one-pointed focus on the ageless wisdom for the past 60 years.

You have not kept up and for good reason – in not distracting yourself from your dharma. But the downside is that you now find yourself utterly befuddled in this global crisis – because you have not informed yourself adequately, or have rejected many ideas such as cabals and cartels that DK actually discusses.

There is another kind of esotericism which I woke up to in 2006, after 22 years of AAB study, realising after a lot of research, that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. So if you are rolling your eyes at this point, then it reveals how long a way you have to go in drawing a conclusion about that particular truth.

And now we are in a similar position, of the next big lie to Humanity, but on a global scale. I do not deny the fact that Covid kills people [the annual flu stats are around half a billion], I simply say that it is most certainly a bioweapon deliberately unleashed upon Humanity for an ultimate endgame that is becoming increasingly obvious.

MDR: I want to know why you impugn the research efforts of thousands upon thousands to medical research workers.

PL: I have impugned those researchers because many of them are in Big Pharma’s pocket, as many studies detail. But I have also supported the views of a far greater majority of medical experts – cited copiously in my newsletters for the past two years – if you have actually bothered to read them! (Coronavirus parts 1-23 here) These experts have been totally marginalised and censored by the media – so again, you have to go looking for their views outside MSM.

The “medical experts” who are dictating public policy are a smaller group of powerful, moneyed, pharmaceutical interests working through WHO and WEF. The web of connections and proofs is staggering, should you choose to not dismiss these facts out of hand and do your research.

[Today there is an avalanche of evidence emerging from medical experts all over the world proving the sham of Coronavirus, – such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory – their names are legion!]

MDR: Frankly, I want to know whether you have gone off the deep end and are so sure of yourself that you do not even consider the possibility. I want to know the state of your mental balance, frankly.

PL: LOL! I have ruthlessly questioned myself every step of the way and have acted according to my conscience. If you are trying to bait me by calling my mental balance into question, I am not biting. [Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the perplexed or desperate.] I call Mercury in Scorpio the “deep sea diver” and so yes, I have “gone off the deep end” – probing the depths for meaning and truth. (Mercury in Scorpio: Deep Sea Diver 2019)

And yes, I do not deny that this planetary position can be sharp at times [even suspicious or paranoid], but I am not going to spare the sword in my dialogue with you; it is needed to cut through the thick layers of illusion and bullshit that you have accumulated thus far in your stables. If only you could see that brother, many of your co-workers in the field are somewhat incredulous that you hold these uninformed views.

Of course it goes both ways and I am sure you and your acolytes feel the same way – “Phillip, Lyn and Vic have all lost the plot, we are deeply glamoured and serving the dark forces” – these are such superficial and untrue criticisms/projections.

I have chosen to take a position on this global situation because I believe it is an assault by the BL upon humanity, very similar to the 1930’s – as I have been at pains to explain. So I must go with my conscience, my heart and intuition on this – as well as a TON of Virgo research, sorting the wheat from the chaff.

And here we have the unique schisms in spiritual communities and humanity as a whole. The glamour of division has succeeded in driving a wedge between us all. I know that in our meditations we all include our group brothers regardless of their position, because to not do so would considerably weaken Hierarchy and the NGWS. How do we stay engaged with such polarised views?

The type of information you are promoting could be responsible for the loss of life, as in the case of the Reigle’s son. I did not find your letter to them at all helpful to them. It offered them, to me, meaningless justifications and unsatisfying promises about the future, at the same time assuring them that no vaccine could have helped their son. Vaccines save lines. If you don’t believe it, go where Covid-19 is being breathed forth, IF you dare.

PL: Here you have had an emotional reaction/outrage to what I said, based again, upon your limited knowledge about vaccines. There is also a not so pleasant emotional blackmail angle here, insinuating that I am somehow responsible for someone’s death. I am not going to bother quoting chapter and verse about vaccine studies, it is as complex and voluminous as A Treatise on Cosmic Fire!

Lyn is better informed than me and can point you to many studies, but would you listen or bother to follow up? I doubt it. Lyn reached out to you with a heartfelt letter a few weeks ago, that you did not have the courtesy to respond – just the usual “thanks for your letter, I will check it out”. Most disingenuous Michael, I have had similar or no responses from you. Why should I take you seriously if you cannot communicate?

As a constant traveler, I have been in touch with thousands of people “where covid is breathed forth” including some people who had it. I trust my natural immunity over a cocktail of harmful poisons that no longer work; this is stated openly now, double vax does not stop you from getting Covid. And I will not be dictated to by governments or big pharma to take it. [Since this writing I have caught Covid three times, but so has the majority of the vaccinated!]

All the “experts” are saying this now. So how is that working out for you – so many people must be feeling like duped idiots, even as they fall for the next lie of moronic Omicron, propagandised to the public at large.

If you respect ANYTHING that Lyn and I have contributed to the ageless wisdom and global service in the past several decades, then you might take some pause for thought that we actually know what we are talking about. Careful, pragmatic, discerning, meticulous – words that could be applied to both of us.

But if you do not recognise our contribution, then do you somehow regard yourself as an unassailable authority trying to control “rebels” in your own community? You might be an authority in some of your work but not out here on the free range.

MDR: I also know that you are now working in collaboration with Lyn. If Covid-19 is a hoax, there is a good way to find out, but I do not think you would be so foolish as to make the attempt.

PL: We have already thoroughly proved for ourselves that it has been a larger agenda hoaxed upon Humanity with a real disease that kills people. Again, I point you to my copious writings on the subject. I know however, one can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink. You have to arrive at that point yourself, which you appear to still stubbornly refuse to do.

Recalcitrance, willful ignorance or cognitive dissonance. It points to the fact that you and many others have already made up their minds about this situation and that nothing anyone can say will move you from that position. Belief not knowledge. Crystallisation.

That is why I refused your initial debate offer and even had some qualms about responding in this long letter. I am sure you will share it with all your group, perhaps to affirm my “derangement”, and likewise I might consider publishing it for general edification and transparency. Though for now this is private.

[In 2023, since the Virgo newsletter, as a relevant follow-up, the decision has been made to make these letters public, “warts and all”, but more widely since June 12, 2024.]

MDR: There will always be the selfish people–DK singled out this dangerous type and deplored their activities. They are with us again, yes, more sophisticated than ever. But the medical industry is NOT filled with people of ill will. DK complimented them as perhaps the most selfless group, probably in Esoteric Healing. Again I can find supportive quotations, or at least one really good one.

PL: You need to read RFK Jr’s latest book on Fauci – no wonder it is a best seller, full of truth bombs. That medical group may have been “most selfless” a century ago when DK wrote the book, but since then many have been co-opted, compromised and corrupted by Big Medicine, Pharma etc. – the entirely unbalanced allopathic approach to healing – that denies and demonises any “alternative” or complimentary approach.

MDR: World government is really the way of the Aquarian future, as much as people tremble at the prospect of giving up personality prerogatives for a better, wider future for all. I can find the DK quotes.

PL: I am in complete agreement with this, which includes one world politics, religion, currency etc. – but RIGHTLY MOTIVATED. What we are seeing at the moment is a hijack of that ideal by the Materialistic Forces. Hierarchy are against totalitarianism and this is occurring now globally.

If you do not watch the videos of vast demonstrations, people being abused in the streets by police for simply protesting, challenging the narrative, being arrested in their homes, elderly violently thrown to the ground etc. etc. – then you would not know, because most of it is not shown on CNN, except to focus on where there may have been a bit of violence.

You [MDR] have to wake up to this FACT, it is not paranoid speculation, it is unfolding right before our eyes – while glamour Neptune is passing through Pisces. Similar to the gullible Pisces personality of Germany WWII.

MDR: Yes, there are medical dangers for a few, and, yet, salvation from the predations of this dread disease –which does indeed exist–for the many. Wherever the selfish are found they will be rooted out and One Worldism will prevail–of that I have no doubt–though many will long for safety in cramped personality enclaves and long for the return of America’s MOST SELFISH president. The unparalleled narcissist. Those who foolishly do thus long, are far from true esoteric psychology thinking.

PL: Again you bring in the Trump boogeyman, the American dweller that so many project and scapegoat upon, while not looking at their own baggage.

MDR: That’s my position. So if you will honor my request for a straight conversion, we can settle some of the matters which I have brought forward to you and which cause me no end of disbelief in your judgment.

Your friend as always, Michael

PL: At this point, a conversation is not on my horizon, unfortunately. That will only happen if you get better informed and I doubt that will happen. You are adamant in your position.

Myself, Lyn and Vic have deeply studied what you have chosen not to, so a skype conversation is going to go nowhere. I am not going to lock horns with your concrete mind – my intuition has revealed truths that I stand by.

True dialogue is about listening, receiving, reflecting, digesting and putting oneself in the vulnerable position to the possibility of changing a viewpoint. Doing that requires some relinquishment of long-held views and the development of some humility.

Your brother always,

Dec.19 2021: Michael to Phillip

Dear Phillip,
I have your latest Newsletter, always well written. I also see you do not intend to answer me with my concerns about where you are leading people [Phillip did, at length – but MDR must have missed it], even if it would mean their death should they stand by your misleading, in my view, distrust of vaccines and God knows what all.

As I stated, you found out why Mme. Roerich was paranoid about AAB and nurtured an image of a lurking Black Lodge Member with whom AAB was estimated to be conferring. A completely erroneous take. But you have not applied the same interpretation to yourself who has, I believe, the same Scorpio position of Mercury.

Though I wish you no harm I cannot think you would be fool enough to venture into closed spaces where Covid-19 is being liberally breathed upon others. Nor do I think Lyn would do so. Faced with such a choice, you would be wise to refrain.

Unfortunately, the Reigle’s son, no matter to whom he had been listening, was not so wise and simply died–in Michigan, was it? Do you know for a fact that it was not you he was listening too, or do you have proof that it was not?

All this problem is about not giving the disease to others.  The disease does exist. It is whistling past the grave-yard at midnight to pretend it does not.

I don’t think you want to get rid of the vaccine for measles, for mumps, for whooping cough, for smallpox, for polio, for flu of various kinds. I believe the same will come to pass through the medical researchers with regard to the vaccines for Covid.

Yes, there will be some very few, serious reactions, but with Omega we apparently have a mutation which spreads, was it 70 times faster than Delta? Do you honestly believe that all this is simply lies made to kill people for the sake of a eugenic fantasy and make a few very very rich? That to me, is a crazy position, and, I repeat, the root, in my estimation is fear.

I don’t like being so direct with you, as I have long respected your research and the light you have given to others. But here I think you are dangerously off the mark and if people take you seriously on this point, they may well die when otherwise they might not have died.

Sacrifice is an interesting dynamic. Eighth house and twelfth even the fourth. Give up something lesser for oneself for the sake of something better for others–scary dynamic at first. I guess, if I were you, I would really be cautious until your own psychological dynamics are validated. Our real freedom comes with the welfare of the Whole–not in taking a quixotic stand for personal independence regardless of the potential deleterious effect upon others.

Always with admiration for what you have done in general for the field of esotericism, even if, this time, I think you have the wrong end of the stick and are beating people with the other end to allay your own fears. If what I say is true, no doubt you will be indignant. If so, it would be a sign. I doubt that you will be so indignant that you fearlessly step into and dwell for a significant time within a Covid-19 infested closed space.

In Brotherhood as Always, Michael

Dec.19, 2021: Phillip Response to Michael

Michael, Brother this is quite a projection and you are off on a couple of points entirely, for the simple matter that you do not really know me. I reject your comparison to HR utterly, and many of my co-workers would disagree with you.

The bottom line with your letter is that you have not absorbed or really understood the nature of it, instead you take a somewhat ad hominem approach by questioning my integrity, usually the refuge of those who do not have a counter argument. And then you try and do a bit of guilt tripping on the death of David’s son – again!

I am not going to address the rest of your letter as it will just be restating what has already been stated. Omicron is a lightweight virus and if you have fallen for that one too, I do not know what to say to you. I leave it to Lyn perhaps to give you his perspective. By the way, I do not do indignation, mainly sadness at this situation.

Mine is a matter of fact discourse, but it’s not really a dialogue, because I do not think you are listening. You are engaging in personal attack and appear to have a complete resistance to consideration of all the other factors I mentioned in my letter to you, and over the past two years in my writings.

Have you written any deeply reflective philosophical essays about why you take the position you have? I have not seen anything from you or anyone else [in the USR] in the past two years. Do you even have an argument at all, or are you just content to take sniping potshots from the side-lines, reacting emotionally to me?

I have two years of thoroughly researched, reasoned arguments from the exoteric data to the esoteric, using astrology and the rays. Nary a peep from anyone else. I think that once anyone sits down to try and reason out an argument, they will find themselves on very shaky ground and would not pursue it, unless they were a fanatical, unreasoning propagandist.

I will take full responsibility for the position I hold, which is a minority position. It takes courage to make a stand that people like Lyn and myself have adopted – you have no idea how much that has puts us in the firing line of projected nastiness.

In fact, one of Lyn’s initiatives is called “Courageous Conversations”. Fear makes people cave in to the mainstream narrative and take the jabs, without a full investigation of the facts, and for motives of expediency or “consideration” for others.

We have both acted upon our well-researched and carefully weighed evidence, acting on conscience and intuition. We fight for everyone on this issue, especially our group brothers who have made decisions contrary to ours. Thousands of professionals, if not millions around the world, hold similar views to us – but you appear to dismiss them out of hand or not even bother to investigate.

We know that a majority position that you have opted for, is not necessarily right. The majority of Nazi Germany was convinced of their rightness because of the mass Piscean brainwashing of the time.

As Neptune passes through Pisces now and whilst USA’s progressed sun is in this sign, the same mass glamour/hypnotism is occurring. It appears Michael, that you and the USR have been swept into that glamour and are most convinced of your rightness on the matter. I am not the only person with this view in our community.

It appears  that never the twain shall meet on this issue which is very unfortunate. I doubt if any further dialogue is going to be of any use – I grieve for the schism in our group but am always aware of the unbreakable soul bonds. All that I do, write and communicate is to warn of these impending dangers – not based upon paranoia or conspiracy, but FACTS – as many sleepwalk through this crisis.

Likewise – in brotherhood,

Dec.20 2021: Phillip’s Added Response to Michael

Just briefly, you make points and questions to which I have already responded in my first long letter to you. I have already answered where I stand on Covid and Trump – please re-read the letter. You seem to have forgotten it or just parsed over it. Yes I know Scorpio and paranoia and I have experienced it of course – but I reject your proposition comparing me to HR.

CDC is desperately corrupted – you will find that if you do your homework – Lyn knows a lot about this. JB was part of that establishment so he still sticks up for it, even though it is something entirely different now.

Yes of course, multiple sources in the mainstream are basically telling everyone that the first two jabs have caused multiple side effects and fatalities, and are useless against Omicron – see Lyn’s letter today.

You are right in your theory about SK [Sanat Kumara] and dread disease, but what has happened here is that misguided people are trying to play god – they are attempting to usurp the will of SK – there has been an attempted hijack of the Planetary Plan, all driven by the BL [Black Lodge] as we hurtle toward 2025.

Hierarchy are allowing it to unfold, to test all levels of humanity for initiation, and the discernment of disciples. I never said that you are misleading people but in your position, any of your followers will take as gospel anything you do or say.

And I have never been distrustful or suspicious at heart, in fact my own naivety about people has given me some tough lessons. Again, a lot of your comments indicate that you do not really know me, or have a superficial knowledge.

I give people the benefit of the doubt for way longer than I need to – whether its personal friends in our community or people like Gates, who I have written about several times in 15 years. I no longer give him the benefit of the doubt because he has utterly revealed himself in many ways.

You keep making statements that I distrust thousands of medical workers, to which I have already responded. Unless you go back and study with care my letters to you, instead of sending haphazard shots across my bow, repeating questions which I have already addressed, truly study the links that both Lyn and I have provided, then this conversation is at an end. The ball is in your court Michael, don’t be a laggard to yourself, you might even have a road to Damascus moment!

I wish you and Tuija a beautiful Christmas,

Dec.20, 2021: Michael Response to Phillip

Dear Phillip,
Your long letter re ad hominem attributions deserves an answer which I cannot thoroughly give it right now. Obviously, neither one of us wants to be caught unsuspectingly in a web of projection. You have made attributions re the USR, maybe not using my name, nor have I used yours when speaking directly to you. I guess I shall have to go point for point in your letter, letting you know where I take exception.

I want to make sure I understand you–whether you believe Covid-19 to be a hoax, whether you believe the supremely selfish, malevolent narcissist who was the former president to be good for the United States and the world. I have a number of points to take up with you, though you show no tendency to attempt to answer them [!]. And yet, to me, they are important points.

By the way, as maybe you suspect, I am one of those disciples against whom negative forces are “warring militantly” so you are not alone in finding terror, as you did in [redacted] home–I do not criticize you for that encounter. You tuned in on something terrifying, whatever its source may have been. [Remarks about another person redacted for their privacy.]

Thank you for correcting the Moon in Scorpio vs Mercury in Scorpio distinction between you and HR. I did not remember correctly and I am interested in accuracy. But, generically, we do see what Scorpio can do regarding paranoia.

Everyone knows that. If you distrust the conventional medical community (CDC for instance and the likes of our Brother Jose) and implicitly trust your sources, then you and I will quickly exhaust anything we might have to talk about. [Note: It was Michael’s trust in this person as a co-worker – and his “authority” as a former CDC associate and medical doctor, that solidified his views on the Covid crisis.]

Obviously, I also want to know, for clarification, whether you consider the Covid-19 vaccines useless or even worse. I do not wish to attribute to you a position in which you may not believe, but from what I have gathered so far, you at least seem to find such vaccines not only useless but dangerous. Upon that point, regardless of who espouses it, I will necessarily take vigorous exception.

Thousands of medical researchers, highly trained, (and in my view, inclined towards humanitarianism) are either, all of them, attempting to deceive the public to make Bill Gates and his ilk filthy rich, or they are sincerely trying to combat what I consider a dread disease–indicated by the Tibetan as under the possible initiative of Sanat Kumara [!], and streaming throughout native American prophecy, for which I have increasing respect. You have heard perhaps of the White Brother (giving humanity time to solve its own problems) and the Red Brother (grown impatient and with the power to kill?).

[See this recent damning video about Bill Gates: The Real Bill.]

As regards the depth or putable non-existence of my philosophical tendencies, I think you should hesitate before impugning them. They are deeply ontological (somewhat along the line of Heidigger and Sartre) and you just aren’t interested in my in-depth philosophical research, largely derived from climbing the Mountain of Vision for myself.

On topic, we shall see what Omicron brings, what Delta continues to do, how flu may confound the whole mess, and how many may die through indiscriminate, ultimately impractical assimilation of conspiratorial thinking. In my present condition, I could be gone tomorrow or maybe not, or fall victim to the Covid which is increasingly rampant throughout Europe.

[Indeed, Michael passed soon after, more on this later.]

Finland [MDR’s residence] is low, but Covid intensification is growing everywhere–unless, of course, you believe that no one really dies from Covid and the whole thing is money-making, eugenically based fabrication by the subtle controllers of human thought and action.

That might be a hard position to defend when we have learned about SK’s contemplated pandemic intervention, which, at the time contemplated, turned out, for that time, not to be necessary. But humanity has not learned and, yes, the power-hungry and loveless from every quarter are on the attack, spurred on by the nefarious forces.

Well, looks like I wrote a longer letter in partial response–longer than I intended. I will say, that you, if you think no one really dies of Covid and that the whole thing is really a hoax or close to hoax, you could prove it by going into the thick of things.

[These “proofs” were achieved in 2 years of writings, which Michael ignored.]

But you will not dignify my suggestion with even the slightest response, even though such foolhardy action would test the sincerity of your beliefs–IF you believe in the hoax scenario. Of course, as your long-term friend, I would not advise it, nor for Lyn.

Fundamentally, I believe we are both ‘on the same side’ when it comes to respecting the Ageless Wisdom and spreading it, and, of course, I include Lyn. I have never thought that you have been doing anything but good in your efforts to do so. But for some strange reason, I think based on that aspect of character which is based on TRUST, we now stand opposed to each other–with you deeply convinced that I am misleading and endangering people.

And while I do not doubt reports of the medical mischief for which modern medicine in general has been responsible (as Lyn reports), I seem to be a more trusting person than you–you would deem me ignorant and naive.

I do not call you ignorant and naive–but I do think you distrust those thousands of medical researchers and lab workers who are on the front line attempting to stop a dread disease in its tracks. You seem to think they are just doing a job, useless after all, in the employ of the elite, eugenicist manipulators.

I do not see us changing our positions until something incontrovertibly decisive comes along–something undeniable in the eyes of all thinking people. If the vaccinated ones start dropping like flies, or if hospitals become terminally overwhelmed – due to the inconsiderate freedom of speech arguments of the unvaccinated, then there will be incontrovertible FACTS on the ground, and the whole debate will move on in a more decisive direction.

Well then, a long letter from me in but partial response to yours below, received by me last night. I have appended your letter to this one, for the sake of completeness. Bottom line for me, humanity has screwed around far too much and SK is tired of it! The Red Brother is having his day.


Phillip The email above was the last communication I had from Michael. We both had the mutual opinion that it was pointless to communicate. Four weeks later – toward the end of January 2022, I heard on the grapevine that Michael was going to a hospital in Finland to take his third Covid shot. I immediately intuited that he would die from the shot (attacking predisposing ailments), within three weeks – and he did, passing on the full moon of Aquarius on Feb.16, 2022. (A sad, but very well timed exit!)

Now in Sept.2023 [and June 2024], there is an avalanche of evidence coming out about how many people have died after the 3rd shot, how many young people have died of heart attacks on the sports field, vaccine injuries in the millions. And yet so many people still cannot connect the dots or refuse to do so – such deep cognitive dissonance.

I wonder if Michael’s family and friends are in denial about why Michael passed – arguably before his time? Similarly, other figures in the esoteric community, such as astrologer Alan Oken who promoted vaccination – believed to have passed soon after he took the 2nd shot.

After nearly four years since this planned assault on Humanity started, we have all had a bit more time to reflect on what has happened, having a chance to see more lies, contradictions and tall stories defending vaccines in the media.

Surely in this light, the esoteric community might have changed its mind, climbed down from high perches of self-righteousness or pride. But it appears not, the majority still hold the same views as Michael three years ago. The glamour of authority, even in esoteric groups can remain for a long while.

In his position as group leader at the top of the pyramid, Michael’s perspective and those close to him, crystallised his position for the organisations of Morya College and the University of the Seven Rays. That left a tarnish upon his legacy, upon Michael’s amazing output for over 50 years, – that brought thousands of people together through several decades of conferences. I and many others will forever be grateful for his service, friendship and generosity.

I have no other motive to reveal these letters than to shine some light into the shadows of our spiritual group life; to understand propaganda and mass mind control; to exercise critical thinking and discriminate – to sort the wheat from the chaff. So I would implore and enjoin others in the community to reflect upon what has been written here, to suspend your existing judgements and seriously entertain other perspectives – rather than choosing the route of “esoteric studies escapism”.

As a final note, several months ago on a powerful new moon period, I had contact with Michael over three nights in the subjective worlds. The conversations were friendly and not related to any of what has been related above, more about the continuation of the Teachings and their dissemination in the world.

Michael is very active on the inner planes – his usual indefatigable self, preparing for a new incarnation no doubt, participating in the final push to externalise the ashrams, ahead of the Reappearance of the Christ.

Phillip Lindsay (Sept. 23, 2023.)

Comments from current and past participants in the USR/Morya College initiatives and conferences – can be found at the bottom of the page in the comments section of the Virgo 2023 newsletter.

See also Lyn Hebenstreit’s letters:
Letter to Michael D. Robbins
Please Don’t Inject My Grandkids with a Covid-19 “Vaccine”.
Covid-19 Investigations (Duane Carpenter)
Phillip’s Obituary for Michael.

Dialogue versus Debate

Dialogue is collaborative: two or more sides work together toward common understanding.
o Debate is oppositional: two sides oppose each other and attempt to prove each other wrong.

 In dialogue, finding common ground is the goal.
o In debate, winning is the goal.

 In dialogue, one listens to the other side(s) in order to understand, find meaning and find agreement.
o In debate, one listens to the other side in order to find flaws and to counter its arguments.

Dialogue enlarges and possibly changes a participants point of view.
o Debate affirms a participant’s own point of view.

Dialogue reveals assumptions for re-evaluation.
o Debate defends assumptions as truth.

Dialogue causes introspection on ones own position.
o Debate causes critique of the other position.

Dialogue opens the possibility of reaching a better solution than any of the original solutions.
o Debate defends one’s own positions as the best solution and excludes other solutions.

Dialogue creates an open-minded attitude: an openness to being wrong and an openness to change.
o Debate creates a close-minded attitude, a determination to be right.

 In dialogue, one submits ones best thinking, knowing that other people’s reflections will help improve it rather than destroy it.
o In debate, one submits one’s best thinking and defends it against challenge to show that it is right.

Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one’s beliefs.
o Debate calls for investing wholeheartedly in one’s beliefs.

 In dialogue, one searches for basic agreements.
o In debate, one searches for glaring differences.

 In dialogue one searches for strengths in the other positions.
o In debate one searches for flaws and weaknesses in the other position.

Dialogue involves a real concern for the other person and seeks to not alienate or offend.
o Debate involves a countering of the other position without focusing on feelings or relationship and often belittles or deprecates the other person.

Dialogue assumes that many people have pieces of the answer and that together they can put them into a workable solution.
o Debate assumes that there is a right answer and that someone has it.

Dialogue remains open-ended.
o Debate implies a conclusion.

(Adapted from a paper prepared by Shelley Berman, which was based on discussions of the Dialogue Group of the Boston Chapter of Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR).)

  1. Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.676. []

31 Responses to Conversations on Covid: Michael Robbins & Phillip Lindsay 2021-22.

  1. Janet Thomas says:

    Thank you. It was heartening to read your article ‘Propaganda and the Esoteric Community: The Global Hypnosis in 2021’. Facts don’t seem to matter. The Esoteric community still does not seem to have done its homework. (I listened to some of the recent USRSRI conference and was shocked to note that there is a trance like, or cult-like adherence to the BL inversion of Reality, and an apparent succumbing to siren-like language lures used by the WEF and WHO in the bid for a NWO through One Health and the new IHRs and the Pandemic Accord). It is as though the BL is using knowledge of the 2025 Conclave (in conjunction with weaponization of energy and control over global institutions) to plan an all out assault on humanity, block (by all methods possible) the evolution human consciousness and prevent progress towards soul conscious / creative souverignity and eventual externalization of the hierarchy.
    A few books.
    1. This one is a family friendly exposé of the rise of glamour over the last century. “One Idea to Rule Them All:Reverse Engineering American Prooafanda” by Michelle Stiles

    There’s two are scholarly compositions of the evidence (to be of service in the battle.)
    2. Free PDF download, first volume, David A Hughes: Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for
    *5 min short on Rumble:
    *And others including this one: Covid-19, media and control a critical anlysis- David Hughes- Eddie Hobbs [1:03:31] May 13, 2024

    3. Second volume, David A Hughs: “Wall Street, the Nazis and the Crimes of the Deep State,” on Amazon. It includes
    47 pages of references plus a topic index at the back. Each chapter has an introductory overview and a conclusion. The final two chapters are Where It Leads and Resistance.

    After beginning involvement in the ’80s with MM and then after ’90 with AM and then with the SRI I have been absent far too long so am happy now to connect with your website and reread (plan to) some of the Blue Books material. Memory fails but I did have an astrology reading ….either you or Duane C ..,at ? Ghost Ranch or ? San Diego….that long ago!

  2. Gloria von Ganski says:

    Certainly taking responsibility for ones beliefs or knowings voicing to the world being a given, yet a crucial point that in my view needs to be highlighted is, that independent of which view a person actually finally chooses to act upon is solely their choice, and which the individual need take responsibility for and not blame others for. There may be many reasons to that choice and often unconscious unrevealed personal ones are the driving ones and therefore the tendency to blame others. The realisation of personal accountability despite anybody said this or that liberates one from victimhood and brings to the forefront the importance of research discrimination and deep inner reflection.

    Gratitude for your extensive work Phillip

  3. Susila Devi Balakrishnan says:

    Thank you Phillip Lindsay for sharing. As a “quiet” esoteric student, a burning question I had during the covid era was what was the esoteric stand in all this. Having had an esoteric teacher (who has passed), I was given an insight into world issues of that time, namely the 9/11 bombings and about Osama b Laden. My fellow Arcane school students interpreted “esoterically” in their student contributions about who was the good vs bad ones. They were way off mark. So much for esotericism working for “us vs them”. So I’ve watched from the sidelines mostly. World happenings are a convoluted mess, in a sense. It is not easy to say what is really happening beneath world happenings. Even with intricate research and calculations. As an esotericist, I would be neutral even when I take a stand. Every esotericist has to think for themselves. And not become “concretised” in forms. So, one should not worry that one’s stand, as a leader of worth, would influence others. All forms shatter. I, for one, was/am anti-vaccine for how it was ruthlessly enforced. The ways of the Hierarchy are not clear-cut (and definitely not aligned to popular human thought) but work from within ALL. There is white and there is black working within their own justifications and no matter how much we pontificate, we can only make an educated guess. So, I can see how trying to stay true to the straight and narrow, the divine plan, esotericists can work themselves into a corner where there is only one way out – concretisation followed by a shattering- all forms ultimately shattering.
    I admire both your and Michael Robbin’s work and thank you for publishing these letters – bringing it into the Light.
    Hommi Bhabha, a cultural theorist, talks of a 3rd Space. Seeing the extremely polarised views on the covid issue, and taking a stand of anti-vaccination myself, these letters help me shift into this 3rd Space of another level of understanding.
    So I thank you for your sharing. With the deepest respect for the both of you, and the Work you have done through the years, sincerely,

    (ps I have done 2 readings with you)

    1. Thankyou Susan, your thoughts are a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation on this subject!

  4. Judith Forman says:

    Thank you for having the courage to share these letters Phillip. What strength and love. I am also one of the in vaccinated or should I say one of the people who chose not to take the Covid vaccine, which is more correct if media would use this tone. This release reinforces my commitment to do the work, stay open. Always return to who I truly am and know that love allows all in for healing.

  5. Kay says:

    Thank you Phillip for your posting these letters. I had suffered greatly from rejection of close friends and also the esoteric community here in Aussie because of my unvacced status. So alone and unvoiced. Until this week when voiced my pain of being ostracised as a potential lepper. I felt that Chiron was evoking me to speak about my journey of wounding pain.
    However being a student of the Wisdom teachings have forged my way into greater light with healing and hope for great global future of peace.

    I have keen interest on geopolitical climate of nations. I am wondering if others are noting the rise of interest in the new Brics initiative. Encouraging and
    Giving nations who respect the soverignty of other nations and interested in doing free trade and side stepping the US dollars There is so much possibilities in this and needs further research to get the global picture. My mention is just the tip of the iceberg but so much more is evolving in this.

    This gave me hope when I felt that all was lost that others were working towards global peace.

    Good courage to you Phil. I agree we have been in the greatest global hoax ever and the battle is on against the tyranny of evil.

  6. Risa says:

    Dear Phillip,

    I want to express my most sincere gratitude and share the depth of feeling I carry in your releasing of this discourse. It speaks directly to the experience of many at global and personal levels, and the reality of the challenges we face. I have had my own variations of these conversations – not even in the sphere of the COVID problem necessarily, but in that manner of having to deal with the collective mask that moves through people, destroying clarity along with true relatedness.

    I am always brought to the most poignant example of Mr. Smith in the Matrix series – who can weave in and out like a shadowy mercurial/trickster figure of any person hooked up to the system. “The very people we are trying to save are apart of that system, and they will fight to protect it.” – Morpheus

    It also brings me back to the place I always end up when considering these challenges – the individuation problem, and in such a way, a problem with the feminine, of psyche, of wholeness and earthly intuition. The need for the psychological work to be done to really come to a head with the reality of the astral complexes which possess us and, due to their remaining within the unconscious, so often are plugged into the collective narrative; the mother/father complex projected onto government, for instance, or shadow complexes and inferiorities paired with the consequent will-to-power within ones group hierarchy etc…

    It is quite clear in the way Michael writes that he is relying on ad hominems, projections and collective noise paired with a rather haughty arrogance that is often required to lift up views that do not truly belong to an authentic individual perspective (think dunning-kruger effect here!) to ‘solidify’ – as much as can be done upon sandy foundations – his argument against you…

    But, too – and what brings me to the strongest feeling in myself – the personal betrayal in the complete disregard for you as an individual. I am not aware of the nature of your relationship prior to this, so perhaps this latter point is less relevant, and speaks more to my own individual experience – nonetheless…

    Reading the correspondence activates a deep Grief within myself. Whether it is my own personal experience alone, or tapping into the collective pain of this very personal experience – either way, grief and pain at the loss of relatedness, in the case of the personal relationship, that must necessarily take place to hold up this kind of indignant and violent separation against a person – and with whom there is indeed personal relationship…

    I would hope that, if it were me holding these views, that being presented with your view point would bring me to an internal psychological conflict which would require an uncomfortable inward process to reconcile, in knowing who You Are, and upholding the desire to understand how you could have come to such conclusions.

    The glamour I notice in the esoteric circles I have witnessed is one of a very typical 7th ray shadow – I won’t bother delving into it here – but so often returning to the continued problem of persons using accumulated esoteric knowledge to glamour themselves and buffer against the inner motives and complexes of the unconscious.

    Thank you again for sharing this.

  7. Kylie says:

    Thanks for sharing that Phillip Lindsay, I found it quite hard to read, it highlighted the painful rejection of those with a different opinion to the mainstream and the loss of a longstanding friendship. It also took me back to my own situation then, which is still difficult to navigate now. My own small spiritual community largely didn’t question any of the narrative, which was bewildering and isolating. And later there were sudden deaths and other illnesses. Your stance was a great support, particularly when things in Victoria became increasingly disturbing. You were one of the few notable people willing to publicly speak out. I found that every time someone spoke out it made others braver. Thank you for all you have done.

    1. I remember the appalling videos of what happened in Victoria under WEF stooge, state premier Dan Andrews. Women being knocked to the ground, a pregnant woman accosted in her apartment, another woman put in a strangle hold on the street, the police shooting rubber bullets at a crowd demonstrating in Melbourne. The hard and merciless stance of Andrews was repeated in many other state premiers around Australia, it was almost as if they were possessed by some entities, and perhaps they were! We cannot forget this madness which occurred all around the world, these people need to be brought to account.

  8. Tina says:

    Sad to read the arguments,
    but this time is also in the name of ”divide and conquer”
    one of the goals in the dark agenda too.

    I followed you both and realized something happened.
    Appreciate both of your efforts

  9. Lynne says:

    Phillip, I am so impressed by your impeccable discourse and your ability to stand your ground. I most loved the fact that you were able to connect on the inner planes where Michael sees the situation from a different perspective, as well as from your heart.

  10. Frédéric Dupré says:

    Micheal was wise. He tried to open a dialogue with you but you didn’t listen, but essentially repeated your opinions (not based on facts).

    This correspondance is certainly an accurate image of the state of ideological divide take let darkness invade our space.
    Sorry to see that you are still holding on your “position” instead of making the effort to listen and see.

    Light, Love and Power

    1. It was completely the reverse of what you say Frederic – but hey I am not going to argue with you!

      1. Wendy Wright says:

        It is amazing that Frederick read the correspondence between you & Michael and still was blind to the fact that you were the one who had the facts and not Michael. What saddened me was Michael chose not to read the information you provided about the truth regarding Covid, the dangers of a fast tract vaccine. Even with all the information of the dangers of these poisonous vaccines the media are still urging people to get the next booster.
        Thank you for sharing the correspondence between you & Michael. Sadly Michael like so many have died as a result of these vaccines.

        1. Yes it was noted Wendy! and I guess there are others like Frederic who suffer the same cognitive dissonance – despite the overwhelming evidence presented to them.

  11. robin davis says:

    You are right on target Phillip.
    So great to see.

  12. Carlos Urtasun says:

    They way the plandemic hit in early 2020 – a wave of hyped up emotional and physical FEAR, made it impossible for me not to see something was not right. I now know I was not alone in experienced this, and Phillips newsletter, and facebook page, was one of the few early on – and being of “the esoteric community” it felt like a safe harbor, where things made sense. I’m not part of any community, esoteric or otherwise – at least in the exoteric world, so I had no idea it was divided – but all else was, so why not. Michael will always be remembered by the amazing contributions as an esoteric teacher.

    Having P. newsletters throughout those years have been extremely valuable. Hard to put into words the gratitude I feel. Though having also mercury in scorpio myself, it might just be the paranoia talking… 😉

    1. carlos Urtasun says:

      I would like to add an observation I made after reading MR’s words and especially the tone he had. Like a special scent. And certainly not one I have seen from him in the videos I have watched. I have come to appreciate his work and the energy he has put into it. Like a person you really like, even though you have never met them in person.

      Over the last three, four years, this tone has been seen too often in the public discourse, always against the “anti-vaxxers” and of those who question the whole crazy thing. People who you might think of as humanitarian, well-educated, etc, could come out and say the strangest things. I remember this journalist and author, well respected etc, who said that those who refused to take the drug should not be given any medical care at all (should they fall ill for any reason). I can see the same energy during the witch hunts in the 1600s or so. As if a deep fear had taken control and made people express it in a way that they could not otherwise, and against their normal “humanity” if you like.

      It is this similarity in expression between “high” and “low” (if you know what I mean) that I find very puzzling. To read MR’s words and find this “tone” of blaming others for causing death – so, so common in the early years of the C-word – was not expected, but not surprising.

      I have thought long and hard about why some were open to it and some (most) were not. It’s certainly not the level of glamour – I’ve got plenty of it, like the rest of us. Is it Rayolical? Astrological? It certainly can’t be how “high up the ladder” you are (I’m proof of that – I haven’t got my ladder yet).
      I don’t think it’s one thing. But a soup of factors. I think, for me, what somehow insulated me from the mass hysteria, was my negative and almost violent reaction to the strong fear that the media and governments initially spewed, and continued to spew (still do, but on other issues as well), that made me want to look up WHY? WHY are they doing this, why?

      WHY are they doing this, why so one pointed.

      I think there must be some common denominators, some attitudes of mind, of life, that have kept some out of the mass hysteria, and most in. Education, esoteric status, etc, seems to not have been important. Enough ramblings.

      1. Carlos, People at all levels of spiritual unfoldment were caught up in the mass glamour, fear and propaganda that was foisted on humanity. Some may have had pre-disposing 6th ray for instance, that is far more emotional than other rays. Others may have had astrological indicators, such as the water signs. I noted that many people in the spiritual community who fell for the attack has strong water signs, particularly the more impressionable ones, Pisces and Cancer. The conservatism and need to follow orders of the Cancer-Capricorn axis was strong in individuals and nations alike.

  13. Bob Jordan says:

    My time today is limited but let me add one thing to the discussion for now. Recently the US 9 Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that MRNA shots are not true vaccines because they don’t stop transmission. Consider the legal ramifications of this ruling.

  14. Agni Raja says:

    Dear brother, I would like to thank you for sharing these newsletters. What a great joy, that at last a disciple like you has come out so bravely and told truths. For at least the last three years now, I am in front of a great crisis, seeing that our (spiritual brothers???) – are not serving the light!!!, having such an attitude so immersed in a huge delusion, unable to connect the dots and see the bigger picture, the picture that so elaborately the black lodge literally under our noses executes humanity with its plan in all crucial areas…
    Long story!!! I finally understand that the best way to cloud people’s minds is to hide a lie between truths!!!
    And my crisis continues since I tend to consider Elena Roerich was right, for what she had said…
    It seems inconceivable to me that one cannot see the obvious and hide behind mental mazes that not only lead nowhere, but they actually hinder the Divine Plan and stand in the way of its realization.
    Even the way most if not all of the esoteric groups took a stand on such a serious information reminded me of a type of “spiritual” political correctness.
    I am deeply sad, angry, and wondering even more about this phenomenon…
    I wish the truth will set us free and shine forth asap, because we are running out of time…

  15. Brie Wilkinson says:

    Dear Bob Jordan, The ninth court of appeals did not even rule on the matter. The appeals court sent it back to the district court who had dismissed it. I read the decision which is long and tedious, so this is an easier read.

    Facts do matter, and this is how misinformation is spread.

    Dear Phillip, I read the letters. I did not know of Micheal’s position, so I appreciated reading them. My first response was, these are two old friends who clearly have an impasse of the mind on this matter. Regardless, the love and respect you both have for one another is clear to me. And many of us do have our own opposing views. But let me say this, where I personally feel you crossed the line is saying that Michael died from the vaccine. “I immediately intuited that he would die from the shot (attacking predisposing ailments), within three weeks – and he did.” You do not know that Phillip. And after reading the passion Michael had believing the vaccine saved lives, I see this as a disregard to use his death to prove your own bias.

    That’s all I’m going to say. We all have the right to our opinion, but not to our own facts, as mentioned to Bob above. I have no doubt he read that somewhere and believed it to be true, but did not read the actual decision. You scold many in the esoteric community for not doing their own diligence, but I don’t see a correction on this. So I did my own diligence.
    Love to you Brother.

    1. carlos Urtasun says:

      Thank you for pointing (ninth court) that out. appreciated.

  16. Gretchen Potter says:

    Dear Phillip, the covid has had a major effect on society, a lot of people now suffer with COVID PTSD, their limbic filters shut down withe root cause being terror and fear of dying, I also experienced conflicts from my parental family, so I stepped back and did a particular Tibetan chant for family conflicts, it takes a little while but it does the work

    1. Thanks Gretchen, fear was the major weapon used. There are also several protocols that various doctors like McCullough have prescribed to offset the side-effects for those who took the shots. What they call “long covid” is no such thing in my view, its long term vax side-effects, or an immune system so compromised that its easy to keep getting flu.

  17. Melanie DISDIER says:

    Good morning
    Thank you, for this sharing … I do not have all your knowledge, but I immediately knew, in the depths of myself, during the announcement of the covid, and the general excitement, that something did not go, like a dissonance and very quickly I clearly saw humanity taken under hypnosis and fear, even if I never doubted my own “judgment and discernment”, that is a pleasure (sadly Elsewhere) to read your testimony, because here in France in my esoteric group, I was confronted with the same thing as you … So I closed my mouth and continued to work with kindness … I believe that we We have all been tested … a kind of exam! Fraternally … Mélanie

    Merci, pour ce partage…Je n’ai pas toute vos connaissances, mais j’ai immédiatement su, au plus profond de moi-même , lors de l’annonce du Covid, et de l’émoi général, que quelque chose n’allait pas, comme une dissonance et très vite j’ai vu clairement l’humanité prise sous hypnose et la peur, même si je n’ai jamais douté de mon propre “jugement et discernement”, cela fait plaisir (tristement d’ailleurs) de lire votre témoignage, car ici en France dans mon groupe ésotérique, j’ai été confronté à la même chose que vous…Alors j’ai fermé ma bouche et continué de travailler avec bienveillance… Je crois en effet que nous avons tous été testé…une sorte d’examen! Fraternellement …Mélanie

  18. Euisun Park says:

    I read this just before the time of Cancer Full Moon, when it was not public yet. This was like a bomb thrown at me as I started a course in Morya Federation last year and although I do not know MDR in person, I knew that he was the founder and pillar of the organization.
    As a former scientist and scientific business manager involved in new drug discovery (including vaccines) working in pharmaceutical industry, I knew that you have all the facts right about COVID and admire your work on discovering the truth behind it albeit not being an expert on the field.

    At first, I was shocked at how someone who has studied the science of the soul for so long can be so judgmental towards others, blinded by the media and only see what is outwardly seen and judge others based on that. I felt that MDR was not at all aligned with the guidance of his soul, at least when he was conversing with you. I also felt the strong conflict, bitterness and harmfulness on both sides. Compassion was scarce overall. (I admit that I can only see this because I was not involved and I myself would not had been in such poise as you were in similar situation.)

    Later on, I came to think MDR as the representative of the majority of the masses who are blind to the truth of COVID. And those people who seem to be ignorant to truth are also sons of God and should be embraced as ones who are also on the path of their own realization. Those who know the truth should not be conceited but should embrace the ignorant with love and compassion (like the Sun taking the man’s cloth off, not wind) not criticism and hate. They are our past to embrace in order to move on to the future, just as we ourselves should not blame our past.

    I consider that the COVID pandemic had propelled the consciousness growth of humanity in a profound way. COVID or the vaccine to it, can be real in its impact either negative or positive, depending on the person. The effect of the virus/vax could be due to the person’s belief system, karma or for whatever reason, but eventually it is a lesson for that person to learn through it. I consider the conversation between you and MDR to be one of many lessons that COVID has been imparting to humanity. This particular one should be for MDR, you, MF and the esoteric community. I kind of feel as if MDR and you have played your part in a play of the Souls to impress the esoteric society of a very important lesson. And as I have seen the presentation by Dwane Carpenter on COVID, I am relieved that Morya Federation as a living organism, is wise enough to transcend this conflict, which could have been devastating, into something higher in frequency.

    Throughout my life, I have been exposed to numerous truths which was not accepted by the masses. This pattern have been part of the cause of my conflict-driven life and now as someone who is aware of the Soul, I know that these conflicts have been the major driving force of my spiritual growth. And just as I have grown closer to my Soul by learning from conflicts, I see the growth of esoteric community including Morya Federation from your sharing.

    I am deeply grateful for the posting of this and for allowing us to this invaluable lesson, which will profoundly impact our spiritual growth, the impact we may not even be fully aware of even at this moment.

    1. Thankyou for your most valuable contribution Euisun, a very powerful testimony from someone who knows the industry well and is also a student of the Ageless Wisdom!

  19. james orchard says:

    Hi Philip,
    I am not going to comment on your Covid conversations with Michael.
    However I would like to show the Esoteric origin of epidemics according to H.P. Blavatsky for those who haven’t studied her work…..
    Regards James

    “The Astral Light gives out nothing but what it has received; that it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral and physical) upon which the Astral Light is fed, are all converted into their subtlest essence, and radiated back intensified, thus becoming epidemics–moral, psychic and physical” …Theosophical Glossary

    1. Thanks James, you might be interested in Duane Carpenter’s Covid Investigations where he details in depth the comments of HPB and others regarding this theme:

  20. Dear Phillip,
    Thanks for sharing Euisun’s insights and letter.
    There is nothing more powerful than an insider to this COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine scam finally seeing the light, and having firsthand knowledge of what took place behind the scenes and was hidden from the average person. I have had personal friends who worked in the pharmaceutical industry as far back as the 1980s and eventually, they all came to the understanding of this inherently dark industry and its inherent corruption. Every human crisis, despite its debilitating effects, pushes humanity through pain and suffering to a new level of sensitivity and awareness. As difficult as it is to understand at this stage of evolution, good can emerge out of evil. Has not this unholy situation with the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry pushed humanity’s awareness out into the light of day and is slowly making a better-informed group of people? We are in the midst of a great historical and spiritual revolution that is affecting all areas of life and for all of the disappointment and criticism that may have come our way it has surely been a privilege to be at the cutting edge of this situation. Initiation is not only the entry into spiritual light but requires a paralleling recognition of how that light is being obscured by the forces of inertia.
    Only a fool would court disaster and crises for its own sake, but the advanced spiritual disciple understands time is on his or her side, and they will bend every apparent disaster to their wiser and deeper understanding.

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