Light on the Forces of Darkness

It has become increasing clear that, once again, humanity is under global assault by the Forces of Darkness.  Their weapons of fear, hate, lies, propaganda, censorship, coercion (overt and covert) and intimidation threaten us daily.  In just two years, the Four Freedoms of Franklin D Roosevelt – freedom of speech, freedom to worship in one’s own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear – have gone from the promise of a bright future to the realm of wishful thinking.

On the other hand, this blitz has called forth the hero in many groups and individuals – doctors, educators, journalists, scientists, attorneys and everyday people from all walks of life and every corner of the globe.  It’s through this group that the forces of light, wielding truth, love, transparency, sharing and dialogue can reach humanity and tip the balance toward world peace, human unity and individual sovereignty.

Welcome to planet Earth!

With a few rare exceptions, like Phillip Lindsay of and Daniel Liszt of, the contribution of the Ageless Wisdom teachings to understanding the momentous events of today has been largely ignored.  The purpose of this short overview of certain aspects of these teachings is to shed light on the organized forces of darkness responsible for the periodic assaults on humanity going back centuries and continuing today with the Covid-19 agenda of totalitarian medical tyranny and, more recently, the frantic drumbeat of another senseless war – and the threat of global nuclear annihilation.

While the current focus will be on the Forces of Darkness, I hope to follow this in the future with an overview of the Forces of Light opposing this darkness, as elucidated in the Wisdom teachings.  Some may discard these teachings as so much “hog wash”, but, hopefully, others may find something of great value in coming to grips with the global assault on humanity we are witness to today.

The Ageless Wisdom Teachings
A lifetime of study, meditation and practical application of the Wisdom barely scratches the surface of these eternal truths, so this brief summary of but one aspect of the teachings is only an invitation to deeper study for those so inclined.  Genuine Wisdom teachings never demand belief nor blind acceptance and invite the student to discard anything not in accord with their own experience or critical thinking.  That is the spirit in which these few concepts are offered.

What is the source of the Ageless Wisdom teachings you may ask? It’s not some secret collection of dusty dogma passed down from generation to generation since the days of Noah and before, but a living body of Divine Truth that finds fresh expression in civilization after civilization in a format appropriate to the cultural milieu of the time and place of its appearance.

In times lost to history, it was common knowledge and taught openly to all.  But with knowledge comes power, and because of misuse, it went underground and was available only to those who could prove they were unlikely to misuse that knowledge – the initiates of their times.  Thus were born the mystery traditions of ancient India, Persia, Egypt, Israel and esoteric Christianity as embodied in Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism and certain elements of Freemasonry – to mention just a few.

According to esoteric lore, around the year 1775, it was decided by the custodians of the Wisdom, known by many names such as the Society of Organized and Illumined Minds in Tibet, the Church of Christ in the West and to students of the Wisdom as the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, that Humanity had progressed far enough in the evolution of consciousness and the unfoldment of the principle of love that some basics of the Ageless Wisdom, hidden since before the dawn of recorded history, could again be taught publicly.

Decades later, a Russian noblewoman by the name of H. P. Blavatsky was given the daunting task of introducing some of these hitherto hidden spiritual concepts to the scientifically materialistic and religiously superstitious culture of the late nineteenth century.  She and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, one of just three members on the panel that investigated the assassination of President Lincoln, founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 to demonstrate the essential unity of all life; to study ancient and modern science, philosophy and religion; to explore the hidden, innate potentials of the human being and to form a nucleus of universal brotherhood.  Chapters of the society are still active in many countries of the world.

Fresh revelations were accorded subsequently by specially trained “communicating stations” for the spiritual Hierarchy (also known as the Masters of the Wisdom) including Alice A Bailey in English from 1919 to 1949, Henry T. Laurency in Swedish from 1930 to 1971 and Lucille Cedercrans again in English from 1948 to 1984.   These teachings are claimed to be either verbatim from the Masters, as in the case Bailey, or the verbal formulation by the recipient of abstract thoughtforms projected by the Masters, as in the case of Cedercrans and, presumably, Laurency.

Additional information has been provided by a small group of advanced disciples who received special training from members of the spiritual Hierarchy in the unfoldment of innate human potentials that allowed the direct, objective perception of the higher dimensional dynamics that give rise to the world perceived by our five senses.

The most prolific of this group includes Charles Leadbeater (1854 – 1934), an Anglican priest; Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), a social reformer who, along with Mahatma Ghandi, championed Indian independence; and Rudolph Steiner (1861 – 1925), a German intellectual who founded Biodynamic Gardening and the Waldorf Schools.  While providing much inspiration and food for thought, some inaccuracies in these teachings have been noted as their exponents, while advanced, were far from the level of a Master of the Wisdom.

Cosmic Roots of the Current Crisis
According to the Wisdom, humanity has entered the stage in its cosmic growth and development where the realization and application of the principles of love, unity and goodwill are demanded and constitute the emerging focus of human aspiration.  In earlier cycles, the equally divine principles of intelligence and individuality played that role.  And herein lies the deep root of the present problem.

These earlier principles were, as expressed by Master DK through his amanuensis, Alice Bailey, “entirely related to matter and substance, and were at that time and in that period (so remote that the number of years of distance can be stated only in super-astronomical figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the time.  Certain units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of “fixed and selfish material purpose” and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them.

You have here a hint as to the nature of evil and a clue to a part (though only a part) of the mystery to be noted in the statement that evil and good are reverse aspects of the same one reality, and evil is that good which we should have left behind, passing on to greater and more inclusive good.”  (Bailey, The Rays and Initiations, pg. 350.)

The remote past referred to by Master DK is actually prior to the formation of our current solar system.  Indeed, our solar system is known to science as a “second generation” system because of the post-iron heavy elements present that can only be formed in the fiery supernova “death” of a “first generation” star or in the cataclysmic collision of collapsed, neutron stars.

As he further explains, you must, “bear in mind that this solar system is the second, and that in the first solar system the emphasis was laid upon intelligent materiality; the goal of the highest initiate was to attain complete control over matter, to unfold the mind principle and to evidence a definite materialism.  In these so distant aeons that marked attainment, whereas in this solar system it marks defeat for humanity.  This system, including all the planets along with our Earth, has a different goal, and the second divine aspect, that of love, has to be manifested, and manifested through the medium of matter impregnated with the qualities developed in system one.  What was perfection at that time is not so now.”  (Bailey, Esoteric Healing, pg. 305.)

Earth – the “Dark Star”
To understand the events of today, it’s helpful to know how our planet, Earth, fits into the larger solar scheme.  In short, our planet is a sphere of redemption – the place where matter and consciousness out of harmony with the whole are collected, rejuvenated and elevated to their divine potential.  We might compare Earth to the liver in the human body where toxic substances are filtered from the blood, detoxified and, where possible, transformed into elements useful to the body.

This vital role on a planetary level allows the rest of the solar system to be about its divine business without undue interference.  It’s a tough job, but apparently someone’s got to do it – and, under the Law of Compensation, the rewards of success are great.  Understanding somewhat the challenge at hand and knowing (at some level) we may well have volunteered for this task is reassuring (at least to me) that we’re on the right track – regardless of appearances at times.

Master R, Lucille Cedercran’s principle contact within the spiritual Hierarchy, explains that our Earth “provides the training ground for those lives who are out of harmony with the cosmic order. Those who are willful and deliberate, take an oppositional path; those who are laggards in any particular evolution, and those who through serious misinterpretation are responsible for major failures find their way to this planet. These make up our humanity. We are each and every one of us here to reconstruct our own inner natures into a harmonious relationship with and within the One Life.” (Cedercrans, Creative Thinking, pg. 493.)

“This planet”, he goes on to say, “is (not symbolically, but literally) the focus within the cosmos of what you might call both the evolution of… the focus of Light and the focus of Darkness, and as that evolution proceeds, it is the focus of the battle between them. In other words, this planet might be very adequately and correctly described as having been created for this purpose, and this is the service it renders the cosmos. The crisis in human affairs today is that crisis which results when the path itself, the path of evolution insofar as human evolution is concerned, reaches its fork.  (Cedercrans, Applied Wisdom, pg. 1129-1130.)

The Forces of Darkness
To deal with the forces of darkness threatening humanity today, it might be useful to understand somewhat their history, nature and methods – let alone knowledge of their very existence.

As Master R explains, “this may be difficult to understand, but it is particularly important that all of those disciples working within this particular planetary ring-pass-not grasp the fact that there is within this planetary life and affairs, an opposition—a negative opposition, intelligently directed—whose purpose is to thwart, hinder, delay, and destroy the efforts being made by the central directing life of this planet. This negative polarity, then, insofar as this planet is concerned, is not aligned with the Divine Will which is behind the incarnation of the planetary life.

From that central focal point of opposition, there issues an organized life and affairs which we have referred to as the Black Lodge, who are in command of what we have called the Dark Forces. Their efforts are as focused, as purposeful, and as determined, as are those of the White Lodge. They have within their ranks a larger number of disciples from the degree of Mastery to that of a probationer.

Because they are not concerned with ethics in the same way as is the disciple in the White Lodge, they have more power at their command. And because the evolutionary growth and development of humanity at this time and place is more available, it places humanity in a more susceptible, let us say, relationship to them. They are more effective in certain ways, in certain respects, in their efforts with and within the body of humanity.”  (Cedercrans, Applied Wisdom, pg. 370-371.)

While Master DK also acknowledges the apparent advantage the dark forces have on the physical plane, he points also to their ultimate defeat.

“The Black Lodge is far more advanced in externalization than is the White Lodge, because materialism and matter are, for it, the line of least resistance. The Black Lodge is therefore far more firmly anchored upon the physical plane than is the Hierarchy. It requires a much greater effort for the White Lodge to “clothe itself in matter and work and walk on material levels” than for the Black Lodge.

Owing, however, to the spiritual growth of mankind and to the steady, even if slow, orientation of mankind to the spiritual Hierarchy, the time has come when the Hierarchy can materialize and meet the enemy of good upon an even footing; the Hierarchy need not be further handicapped by working in substance whilst the Forces of Evil work both in substance and in matter. Once the reappearance of the Christ and of the Hierarchy is an accomplished fact, these Forces of Evil face sure defeat.”  (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, pg. 688-689.)

Side note: the Christ, here referred to, is the World Teacher, the head of the Hierarchy.  At present, the holder of this position is the Christ of the New Testament.  Previous World Teachers include Vyasa, Hermes and Gautama Buddha.  The current World Teacher, who’s coming has been prophesied for centuries, is also known to Buddhists as Maitreya Buddha, to Hindus as the Kalki Avatar, to Jews as the Messiah and to Muslims as the Imam Madhi.

The more things change…
The old saying, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”, applies very well to the Wisdom in regard to the modus operandi of the forces of organized darkness.  Even though written just after the end of World War II, the following words apply equally well today.

“The power of these evil forces is enormous, for they recognize no restrictions or ordinary decent, human limitations; they work through violence, coercion, cruelty, hate, terror and lies; they aim to subjugate the human consciousness through the complete control of men’s minds, through the withholding of good and the promulgation of evil.”  (Bailey, Esoteric Healing, pg. 425.)

They have “cornered and exploited the world’s resources and the staples required for civilized living; they have been able to do this because they have owned and controlled the world’s wealth through their interlocking directorates and have retained it in their own hands. They have made possible the vast differences existing between the very rich and the very poor; they love money and the power which money gives; they have stood behind governments and politicians; they have controlled the electorate; they have made possible the narrow nationalistic aims of selfish politics; they have financed the world businesses and controlled oil, coal, power, light and transportation; they control publicly or sub-rosa the world’s banking accounts.

The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of businessmen, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain. They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns. Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.

In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic system—are to be found. The ramifications of their businesses and their financial grasp upon humanity were, prior to the war, active in every land and though they went underground during the war, they still exist. They form an international group, closely interrelated, working in complete unity of idea and intention and knowing and understanding each other. These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking.

Today, in spite of the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces today; they control politics; they buy prominent men in every nation; they insure silence through threat, cash and fear; they amass wealth and buy a spurious popularity through philanthropic enterprise; their families live soft and easy lives and seldom know the meaning of God-ordained work; they surround themselves with beauty, luxury and possessions and shut their eyes to the poverty, stark unhappiness, lack of warmth and decent clothing, the starvation and the ugliness of the lives of the millions by whom they are surrounded; they contribute to charities and church agencies as a salve to their consciences or to avoid income taxes; they provide work for countless thousands but see to it that these thousands receive so small a wage that real comfort, leisure, culture and travel are impossible.  (Bailey, The Problems of Humanity, pg. 71-72.)

Another key point comes from Master R, although something along this line has been intuited by many for centuries.

“Look at the out-picturing via world finance of the economic forces of the world at this time. As yet, that finance (if I may use this term since it is a part of the total economy) is under the control of the Dark Lodge. Make no mistake about this. World finances, and all that that term implies, are as yet under the control of the Dark Forces. The equivalent of the Mahachohan in the Black Lodge controls world finances. This is the first concept to grasp and to understand.”  (Cedercrans, Applied Wisdom, pg. 580.)

Side note: the Mahachohan is an office within Hierarchy, which in English is called the Lord of Civilization.  At present, this post is held by Master R himself.  According to the Wisdom, Master R is known to history in his previous incarnations as Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon (Shakespeare?), Prince Rakoczi of Transylvania (hence Master R) and the Count of St. Germain.

Dark Forces and Psychopathy
One of the main challenges to understanding the current assault on humanity is the innate inability of the average person to understand the mind of the psychopath, the prevalence of psychopathy in the general population (1% to 4% depending on the researcher) and the extent to which psychopaths have permeated high levels of business and government.

The characteristics of the “dark brothers” as described by the Masters of the Wisdom correspond almost exactly with what we know today to be the nature of psychopaths.  First, let’s consider the words of Master DK, written over a century ago:

“The dark brother recognizes no unity with his species, only seeing in them people to be exploited for the furtherance of his own ends.  This then, on a small scale, is the mark of those who are being used by them wittingly or unwittingly.  They respect no person, they regard all men as fair prey, they use everyone to get their own way enforced, and by fair means or foul they seek to break down all opposition and for the personal self, acquire that which they desire.

The dark brother considers not what suffering he may cause; he cares not what agony of mind he brings upon an opponent; he persists in his intention and desists not from the hurt of any man, woman or child, provided that in the process his own ends are furthered.  Expect absolutely no mercy from those opposing the Brotherhood of Light.”  Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, pg. 134-135

Now consider the words of Robert Hare, one of the world’s leading authorities on psychopathy and originator of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist used by correctional institutions throughout the world:

“Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often, they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused…

Psychopaths view people as little more than objects to be used for their own gratification. The weak and the vulnerable—whom they mock, rather than pity—are favorite targets.

Psychopaths display a general lack of empathy. They are indifferent to the rights and suffering of family members and strangers alike. If they do maintain ties with their spouses or children it is only because they see their family members as possessions, much like their stereos or automobiles.  (Robert Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.)

Hare prefers the term “psychopath” to “sociopath” although the terms are often used interchangeably.  Some people prefer “sociopath” to avoid confusion with psychosis.  Psychopaths are not mentally ill.  They are often very bright, charismatic and ambitious.  Other people use the term “sociopath” feeling that psychopathy is caused by social forces and childhood experiences, while Hare attributes psychopathy to “psychological, biological, and genetic factors”.  The Wisdom agrees more closely with Hare’s conception, although the reasons for that go beyond the scope of this cursory overview.

A Brief History of Evil
Evil has its grades, and humanity isn’t equipped to deal with all grades.  As mentioned earlier, the origin of evil on our planet precedes the present solar system, but a different level of evil, “cosmic evil”, made its appearance relatively recently.

As Master DK explains, “the problem of evil is too difficult a one for the average man to grasp.  The problem of the Hierarchy (if I may put it both accurately and yet symbolically) is to liberate the good, free the beautiful, release the true and ‘immure in prison under seal’ that which is not good, that which breeds ugliness and hate, and that which distorts the truth and lies about the future.  I have chosen all these words with care; their meaning is obvious, but there are significances far too deep and dangerous for you to grasp.

It has been humanity—cumulatively and over millions of years—which has released evil into the world.  Thoughts of hate, deeds of cruelty, lying words, sadistic action, selfish intentions and the foulest kind of ambitious selfishness have created a pathway to the ‘door where evil dwells’.  Evil is in reality of two kinds:  There is that innate tendency to selfishness and to separation which is inherent in the substance of our planet; of it all forms are made and our planetary Logos inherited it from the residue left over from a previous solar system.

That is something unavoidable and something that provides mankind with a needed opportunity and one which men are well equipped to handle and control.  There is that in them which can transmute and change it, and it is this that basically constitutes the Science of Redemption.

But humanity has not chosen to exert itself in this redemptive activity, and for thousands of years has been controlled by that which is material; it has thus constructed the ‘broad and easy way’ which leads to the place where another kind of evil dwells—an evil which is not indigenous to our planet, an evil with which it was never intended that men should deal.

For untold eons, the Hierarchy has stood like a shield, guarding humanity.  But with the coming of a greatly increased mental development, with the repudiation of the Hierarchy by the bulk of humanity, and by the prostitution of religion to material ends and narrow theological and mental tenets, the Hierarchy has been forced (much against its will) to withdraw some measure of its protecting power (though not all of it, fortunately for mankind).  The way to the door where evil dwells was unimpeded, and humanity opened wide the door.

The entrance for what might be regarded as cosmic evil was first opened in the decadent days of the Roman Empire (which was one reason why the Christ chose to manifest in those days), was opened wider under the corrupt regime of the Kings of France and, in our own day [1940s], has been opened still wider by evil men in every land.

Remember that the evil to which I refer here is not necessarily the foul and vile things about which people speak with bated breath.  These are largely curable and the processes of incarnation eventually purify them.  The true nature of cosmic evil finds its major expression in wrong thinking, false values and the supreme evil of materialistic selfishness and the sense of isolated separativeness.  These (to speak again in symbols) are the weights which keep the door of evil open and which precipitated upon the world the horrors of war, with all its attendant disasters.

The realization of what was happening [in the WWII era] did more temporarily to unify the world and heal the cleavages among nations than any other thing.  The nations of the world allied themselves with the Forces of Light to a very large extent, and little by little, cosmic evil was forced back and the door which ‘conceals the place of endless death and hides the countenances of the Lords of wicked pride and hateful lust’ was partially closed, but not entirely shut; its final closing and sealing is not yet accomplished.

… There is enough for humanity to do in transmuting planetary evil without undertaking to battle with that which the Masters Themselves can only keep at bay, but cannot conquer.  The handling of this type of evil and its dissipation, and therefore the release of our planet from its danger, is the destined task of Those Who work and live in ‘the center where the Will of God is known,’ at Shamballa; it is not the task of the Hierarchy or of humanity.  Remember this, but remember also that what man has loosed he can aid to imprison; this he can do by fostering right human relations, by spreading the news of the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy, and by preparing for the reappearance of the Christ.  Forget not also, the Christ is a Member of the Great Council at Shamballa and brings the highest spiritual energy with Him.  Humanity can also cease treading the path to the ‘door where evil dwells’ and can remove itself and seek the Path which leads to light and to the Door of Initiation.  (Bailey, The Rays and Initiations, pg. 752-755.)

Side note: Shamballa is known in the Old Tetament as Salem, dwelling place of Melchizedek, King of Salem – “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.”  Hebrews 7:3. In the New Testament, it is referred to as the “Father’s House”. In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, Shamballa is the “Center where the Will of God is known” and dwelling place of Sanat Kumara, the “Lord of the World”.

Last, but not least – love your enemies
“The point I seek to make is that the Hierarchy is inflexibly against any demonstration of the principle of non- freedom, no matter what form it takes, but is ever on the side of humanity. The spirit of evil which animated German actions evoked every possible opposition from the Forces of Light and from their source, the Hierarchy. Today [written around 1948] this totalitarian evil is expressing itself through … all groups which seek to fetter and imprison the spirit of man; but the people under the sway of this evil influence and the scheming of these evil groups are never regarded in any light different to that of the rest of mankind.

They are looked upon as glamoured, or as weak and ignorant (which they undoubtedly are), but they are never separated off in the thinking and planning of the Hierarchy from the rest of mankind. The evil must not be permitted or allowed to triumph, but the unhappy and glamoured exponents of this evil are loved, along with the rest of mankind. This is a point which is hard for the illogical thinker to understand, but it expresses most truly the attitude of the Christ and of all who serve His cause.”

This same point had been made in 1920 by Master DK following World War I.

“The Dark Brothers are—remember this always—brothers, erring and misguided yet still sons of the one Father though straying far, very far, into the land of distances.  The way back for them will be long, but the mercy of evolution inevitably forces them back along the path of return in cycles far ahead.”  (Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, pg. 134.)

I’ll let the Christ have the final word:  “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”  (Matthew 5:44.)

Lyn Hebenstreit

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