Michael David Robbins (1943-2022): An Astrological Obituary

Author’s note: This obituary was written spontaneously on the Aquarius full moon festival, the date that Michael Robbins passed: Feb.16, 2022. (CST 14.17. 18.17 GMT. LMT 20.17 Helsinki.)

It was a very sad moment with the passing of Michael D. Robbins, beloved friend, co-worker and teacher of thousands. Yet the joy of the lighted way now opens up – as he sets his course back to the ashram – in preparation for the next stage of world service.

Michael had the Sun in Aries, and was true to that sign’s daring expression – a trailblazer, pioneer, leader and explorer in consciousness. He was the impulse behind the founding of the University of the Seven Rays in 1987 – that has offered conferences for the past 35 consecutive years, blending practitioners from a variety of spiritual disciplines, with the foundational teachings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, through Alice A. Bailey.

That dissemination and formal teaching of the ageless wisdom has since been effected through the establishment of Morya Federation, an international Esoteric School composed of members from more than 25 countries.

Michael’s rising sign/soul purpose was Cancer, the sign of the mother, nurturer and protector. He was the father of three children (Heidi, Brennon and Matthew), but was also the “mother of many”, a “protector” of The Teachings, a caring nurturer to many students. Michael sounded the ram’s horn and fostered the gathering together of a greater spiritual family. Here is where the ruler of Cancer is so prominent – his Moon placed in Aquarius, the sign of community and often prominent in the horoscopes of group leaders.

If one word could sum up Michael Robbins, it would be generosity – so beautifully expressed by Jupiter – exalted in Cancer, conjunct his Cancer ascendant. Standard interpretations of this position are, “You have a strong urge to look after your loved ones. [Great devotion and loyalty to his own family.] You may feel as though the world is your family.” Michael gave credit where due, giving himself tirelessly – often to the point of exhaustion and illness – yet, he never withheld pouring from the water pot he carried upon his shoulders.

Jupiter is also significant as ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, Michael’s proposed soul ray. A co-worker has said: “Michael thought he came in with a ray 6 soul, personality 4 – and was moving towards a ray 2 soul with a 6 personality (mind – 3, astral – 6, physical – 3.)”. Neptune is the soul ruler of Cancer, ruler of the sixth ray, the principle of buddhi or intuition – that sits opposite super intuitive and rapid Mercury in Aries.

Michael was born into a Jewish family in Oak Park, Chicago (USA’s solar plexus centre), the third ray personality of the Jewish people is very strong. Michael assigned himself and other close co-workers as third ray monads, whilst he also had the mental and physical bodies upon the third ray of Active-Intelligence.

His extensive output of books, writings and commentaries all flow from this prolific third ray, ruled by Saturn, “the lord of memory” –for which Michael had a prodigious, encyclopaedic recall. Saturn in Gemini links the disparate threads and with the aid of the third ray, weaves them into a deeper synthesis, a greater whole – a tapestry of the gods!

Michael attained a philosophy major at the University of Michigan and trained for operatic music – which led to being an opera director (also singing) for many years – there is his fourth ray personality, the ray of art, beauty and music. This period was also the time that he met his first wife Rita, mother to their three children.

In the early 1980’s Michael worked in the offices of Lucis Trust in New York City. He was a musician, composer, master of ceremonies, and a creator/conductor of ritual. Michael’s PHD programs started in 1991 and persisted in many countries for decades afterward.

Sydney 1994 with members of Sydney Goodwill and ESCEF.

After helping to organise the first USR conference in Sydney, Australia 1992 – I first met Michael. That event still stands out in many people’s memories as one of the “biggest and best” conferences ever – with over 300 participants, bringing together students from Australia and New Zealand, USA and Europe.

On Michael’s next conference visit to Australia (1994), when picking him up at the airport), we plunged into such a deep esoteric conversation, that I became lost driving in my own city of Sydney, to which we jokingly referred to in later years as, “Lost on the road to Avalon”. There are many anecdotes everyone has about hanging out with Michael and we will all cherish those memories – and his great humour.

Michael’s second wife Tuija, has been his constant companion and collaborator for the USR conferences and their many teaching activities. Tuija has been a tower of strength and dynamic partner for Michael, particularly in the recent weeks of Feb.2022 at their home in Finland.

Helsinki, 2006.

When Michael fell ill a few weeks ago with pneumonia and other complications, transiting Saturn (karmic reaper of cycles) was exactly conjunct his Aquarius moon (the form). It certainly appeared then, that Michael’s soul was preparing to depart. Also at the same time, transiting Chiron was conjunct his Aries sun – the source of vitality, whilst transiting Venus and Mars in Capricorn were squaring the sun.

Noting that by the time of the Aquarius full moon on Feb.16, transiting Saturn would be moving into conjunction with the ruler of his Aries sun – an 8th house Mars in Aquarius – it appeared that Michael’s soul was setting up a grand and graceful exit! Which occurred on the Aquarius full moon, soon after the beautiful meditation conducted by Tuija on a live Zoom meeting, followed by the magnificent music of Michael’s Aquarius Oratorio.

It was an exquisite and perfectly timed moment by Michael’s soul to make his transition – and a profound experience for the hundreds who had been participating in his online vigil on preceding days – a parting gift. Tuija said: “His passing was beautiful, very beautiful. His face was calm, reflecting the peaceful departure.”

Transiting moon in Leo was closely conjunct the star Regulus and the Sun was in Aquarius – its solar placement in Michael’s next incarnation, aiding in the fulfillment of his ongoing task as Aquarius the World Server. The ruler of his Aquarian moon, Uranus – was exactly conjunct natal Venus in Taurus – ruler of the 4th house of biological family and the 11th Aquarian house of spiritual community. One other prominent fact, is that Michael’s progressed sun in Gemini had just passed over Alice A. Bailey’s natal sun exactly one year earlier.

These are just a few incomplete astrological notes and observations – there will no doubt be many other things to examine in Michael’s horoscope – by his astrological friends and co-workers in years to come. (There also might be some errors or omissions in this quick biographical sketch, so please mention in the comments below.)

Michael Robbins has left his mark (or speaking esoterically, “made his mark”), leaving a towering legacy to students, recalling the Master’s statement for which Michael was fond of quoting, “Occultism must win the day!” Farewell Michael, bon voyage, happy trails – we will miss you!

“The eternally lovely secret of Death … entrance into life.” (DK)

Phillip Lindsay
(Feb.16, 2022.)

11 Responses to Michael David Robbins (1943-2022): An Astrological Obituary

  1. Paie says:

    What a beautiful tribute 🙏
    Thank you Phillip
    I have his volume 1&2 of Tapestry of the Gods, & will revisit them

  2. Joseph Dewey says:

    Thanks for the writeup. I’m sure Michael appreciates it. I’m curious as to why he settled in Finland and how long he has lived there.

    1. Joseph, his wife Tuija is Finnish.

  3. Lyn says:

    Thankyou Phillip – a beautiful tribute to a great teacher and friend.

  4. Uriana Campbell says:

    Truely beautiful and remarkable man , thank you for this amazing write up of Michael 🙏💖.
    I have adored Michael since the day I met him at the opening of the planetary heart conference in Christchurch NZ . He was the father I secretly wish I had years before I met him, and
    I had puzzles to unfold and questions, many that he had.
    Both my parents are Aquarians. My father an enigma because nana said he was born between the 3rd and 5th of Feb..he celebrated whatever fell on the Weeknd, until he graced himself the first 2 weeks of feb. My father passed away last year, 25th Feb ..the past 3 years were death and decay for him and my many travels north and south islands took a toll.
    Michaels work,voice and his every Being ,his
    full moon mediations held me to threads of lifes left of nothing until something better grew out and in &out of fire it seems.
    I will always remain dedicated to the work he has provided us to the blue books , to his schools with DK , I will ponder grow onwards and upward .
    Thank you Michael 🕉️


  5. Antonella says:

    Gratitude Phillip for this memory of our dearest Brother.
    Honoured to share our loving Journey from immortality to immortality.

  6. Mechel Gallaway says:

    Michael left me speechless numerous times with his incredible mental ability, his mind was an file cabinet of wisdom. His devotion and sacrifice was off the charts. I do believe he accomplished his much desired transition to a second ray soul with his teaching of D.K.’s body of work. He has left an amazing body of work on the qualities of the rays and his understanding of how they are intertwined was masterful. The way in which he spoke when teaching gave deeper meaning and a clearer understanding to all those who were graced with his presence of being. He touched thousands of individuals at a level of consciousness beyond full comprehension the energy of which vibrates throughout the cosmos for all eternity as it was timeless, penetrating the etheric realms with bursts of light love and power. Yet he was so humble and receptive to any critique reflecting on the feedback finding often deeper and more profound meaning. I will always think of Michael as a brother of Wisdom 🤍

  7. david says:

    Oooh Phillip what nice words…, they can only be the words of a friend!

    They have made me feel closer to Michael Robbins, a feeling closely linked to Cancer …, his path of the Soul.

    I am Spanish-speaking and it is difficult for me to understand English, if you do not study it as a child, then when you are older it is more difficult to learn it.

    But I have seen parts of Michael’s videos and if I may, I always perceived a 1st Ray in him. I remember very well his powerful voice, a voice touched by the Angel.

    Astrologically the voice, the speech, belongs to 2th house, it is a resource that comes from 1th house, esoterically, the Soul.

    And the meanings of the second house, the house of resources, are ruled by Taurus /Venus, and Michael has Venus in Taurus! …, in the 11th house, the friends, the group.

    In Michael’s horoscope, the 2th house is ruled by Leo and his Sun is exalted in Aries! …, in the 10th house, the place where the Light is seen, to later speak It in the 11th house, the 2nd house of the 10th.

    And also the voice of Michael or his 2td house receives a “look”, an aspect, from his powerful Moon-Mars conjunction in Aquarius! …, in the 8th house, the place where the secrets are known, the occult. An occultism understood from “the water carrier”.

    And from this perspective the Moon is veiling the meanings of Uranus, (exoteric ruler of Aquarius/Moon, esoteric ruler of Libra/Neptune, and hierarchical ruler of Aries/Sun), in Gemini, the light bearer of the 2nd ray.

    Michael expressed his 2nd Ray to his “friends” through a beautiful voice in Taurus/Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini.

    A few months ago I met a friend, who is an advanced student of esotericism, reading on a bench in a street in Barcelona.
    I sat next to her and asked her:
    – what are you reading?
    – some very interesting reflections about the Rays by Michael Robins, do you know him?
    – yes, I told her, and we began to read together.

    Thank you Michael

  8. Erik Hansen says:

    Thank you Phillip for the warm and gracious words describing a fellow soul traveller.

    I met Michael at the first Seven Rays Conference in New York in 1987. When the conference ended Michael and Tuija opened their home to us so we could spend extra time in New York. This allowed us to visit the Nicholas Roerich Museum and experience the Dag Hammarskjold Meditation Room at the United Nations. We share the same personality rays and had intriguing discussions regarding our soul ray. They also generously treated us to my first and only swordfish dinner.

    He was a prolific exemplar of the ageless wisdom teachings presenting these lofty concepts in understandable terms for us mortals.

    His Tapestry of the Gods is a cornerstone in any esotericist collection. ..Thank you Michael

  9. In regards to Michael Robbin’s recent passing

    Dear Michael,

    I recall our first deep meditation in Winchendon MA in 1986 at our Aquarian World Servers community center where all the veils dropped and – we were one.

    I recall our meeting at your house in NJ where we outlined the plans for an advanced esoteric school and – we were one.

    I recall us walking amongst the fragrant orange groves in Rancho Santa Fe outlining the curriculum for the University of the Seven Rays’ first Ph.D. program. – We were one.

    I learned from you many key insights and pertinent information, but most importantly, I learned from you, the Triumph of the Will, the necessity to stand firm irrespective of the consequences, and steady in the light of a greater group Purpose and a larger Spiritual Plan.

    You also imparted to me the recognition that one should never fly so high spiritually that you could not hear the cries of the little ones all around you, nor feel the pain of all the prisoners of the planet. To quote the great H.P. Blavatsky who you often recited verbatim.

    “Can there be bliss, when all those around us suffer, and can thou’st be saved, while hearing the whole world cry?”

    I recall our spiritual programs at the Boston Theosophical Society in 1991 and our long jogs along the Charles River as we wound our way along its fertile green banks, all lined with cherry and apple trees exploding in the spring with their richly colored blossoms. – We were one.

    We were a different kind of radical and revolutionary, and we would change the world with the power of new and creative thought, radical ideas that had been heresy for thousands of years.

    The warring brothers had finally come home and turned their swords into plowshares and began tilling the earth for a new crop, and a new bounty, that could only fully flower in a future time. As I close this hymn to Michael, and the beauty of life, I do not weep, nor do I feel sorrow, but rejoice that one more brother, one more Arhart, has crossed over to the other side of the great divide. One more disciple has liberated themselves from the trammels of matter.
    In closing, I can clearly hear Michael speaking as if he were standing before me right now, and what are his instructions:


    1. thanks for your beautiful homage to Michael, Duane!

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