Aquarius 2017: Revolution. Inauguration Day: USA’s Destiny. Water of Life.
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon February 11, 2017. 0.32 am. GMT.)
The Aquarian Revolution Has Begun
Inauguration Day Horoscope: USA’s Aquarian Destiny
The Aquarius-Leo Polarity: Trump, USA and the Fourth Ray
USA’s Confusing Neptune Transit
Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst
The USA is certainly the highlight of this Aquarian newsletter, not only because it is an Aquarian soul, but because of the extraordinary events which have unfolded recently and will no doubt further take place over the next four years. Hence, there is no avoiding discussing the USA – which can be tiresome and painful at times but very instructive for all of us in the new era of greater global awareness.
This is a period of planetary chaos and uncertainty about the future, with so many dark clouds gathering around the horizon. It is a time to remain centered and emotionally calm, to avoid polarising with extremes and rise above the maya of duality. It is imperative to disallow insidious fear any foothold, to build mental clarity, and to be the detached observer. It is also an opportunity to cultivate loving relationships and to affirm the inter-connectedness of all our fellow servers and co-workers; to build upon the inner planes and to take action in the outer world.
This window of time between now and 2025 will be regarded by history as the pivotal point between the passing Piscean age and the emerging Aquarian dispensation. Pluto as the soul ruler of Pisces is swinging his wrecking ball relentlessly against all that does not serve the future, destroying the past and creating a space for regeneration – led by the new shoots of grass roots groups.
Uranus as ruler of Aquarius is creating reform and revolution from its current transmitting position in trail-blazing Aries. There is much cause for joy and optimism for this new world that is emerging and it must be held in the mind’s eye as an undistracted destination that humanity is sailing unerringly toward.
The Aquarian Revolution Has Begun
In the first degrees of the Sun passing into Aquarius and whilst the moon was appropriately traversing Scorpio, it was heartening to see the massive turnout by (mainly) women in major cities around the world – protesting sexism, misogyny, racism, xenophobia and political populism.
The demonstrations involved millions around the planet and were deliberately planned to coincide with the US Presidential Inauguration; it was a potent counter-balance and exhilarating note to sound for the new year and the new presidential office: The people placed the new president on notice. Revolution is in the air and Uranus as Aquarian ruler is broadcasting some sizzling electrical frequencies from the pioneering sign of Aries.
In the Agni Yoga writings by Helena Roerich, she makes the following statements about woman’s role in the approaching Aquarian cycle:
“The approaching great epoch is closely connected with the ascendancy of woman. As in the best days of humanity, the future epoch will again offer woman her rightful place alongside her eternal fellow traveler and co-worker, man. You must remember that the grandeur of the Cosmos is built by the dual Origin. Is it possible, therefore, to belittle one Element of It?

Devassari Abuntu with Birds (Nicholas Roerich, 1906.)
… Let us without delay raise the great Banner of the New Era – the Era of the Mother of the World. Let every woman enlarge the boundaries of her hearth to encompass the hearths of the whole world. These countless fires will strengthen and embellish her own hearth.
Let us lay into the foundation of Woman’s Unity the striving toward true knowledge, that which knows no human demarcations and limitations. But we may be asked how the true knowledge is to be reached. We shall reply, “This knowledge exists in your spirit, in your heart. Be able to awaken it!
… The proverb “great mother, great son” has a cosmic, scientific foundation. As sons mostly take after their mothers, and daughters after fathers, great is cosmic justice! By humiliating woman, man humiliates himself! This explains today the paucity of man’s genius.”1
What occurred on the weekend of January 20-22, 2017 was an extraordinary awakening and celebration of love-wisdom, spear-headed by women – the planetary Pallas-Athena. It was a great Aquarian group effort of organisation and co-operation that sought to offset the negative effects of the new political team coming into power. The demonstrations also sought to challenge Trump’s overt sexism and misogyny (“By humiliating woman, man humiliates himself!”) – most appropriately while the moon was in Scorpio on that weekend.

Pallas Athena, Warrior Goddess!
Both Scorpio and Libra are associated with sex, especially Libra, in the context of right relationships. Jupiter was in Libra too, exactly opposite Uranus. (See Inauguration horoscope in next section.) Uranus and Jupiter are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Aquarius, hence their presence opposite one another brought through some amazingly powerful forces. Noteworthy on the theme of the right use of sex, Uranus rules the sacral-sexual chakra and is also the soul ruler of Libra. Jupiter rules the heart centre and whilst transiting through Libra encourages heart-centered relations.
It has been pointed out in other newsletters that Leo rising Trump expresses some of the lower unifying aspects of Aquarius, as Hitler had done last century for the German people:
“This activity [unification, fusion, blending] is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect. It is also of the nature of Leo, for the people who can produce these results have necessarily to be intensely self-aware. This is the major characteristic of the Leo person.”2
Trump has not achieved anywhere near the level that Hitler did, but there are disturbing correlations linked to the repeating Pluto Uranus squares today that were present in the 1930’s. He did create a populist unity with half the US population by appealing to lowest common denominator fears and prejudices. And now he is in power and has rulership over the other half who did not vote for him! Reviewing the wavy lines glyph of Aquarius, one perspective is the following higher and lower streams of Aquarius:
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Mass women’s demonstrations are on the higher Jupiter line. Heart is the point of least resistance for women and Aquarian soul ruler Jupiter rules the heart centre. |
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The new US cabinet is on the lower Uranian line. Uranus is an expression of the will, the point of least resistance generically for men. Uranus rules the sacral chakra. |
Both groups and ideologies are working for what they feel is right for their nation – which has never been more divided and at odds with itself. The “warring twins” of USA’s Gemini personality are earnestly at loggerheads. Trump’s sun in Gemini sits on USA’s Mars in Gemini (1776 horoscope), activating this problematic part of the USA horoscope.
Mars is the ruler of the USA’s sixth ray personality (devotion, idealism), hence his divisive actions might inspire mass revolt (within and without the Republican Party) that may eventually lead to a deeper integration and unification of USA’s personality. Yet the USA, in her dark night of the soul, will first have to weather much chaos and conflict.
The USA’s “immature” personality has been discussed in depth in a recent newsletter and Trump’s immaturity certainly parallels his nation, hence his role as the “dweller fella”. Admittedly, Trump may do some good, amid other appalling policies, but the world will have to wait and see how he and his cabinet perform in the next few years. Trump has a Plutonic destroying role (however clumsily), and which is not tempered by compassion or patience, qualities of a true statesman.
The mass demonstrations of the Presidential Inauguration weekend highlighted the need to, “keep building larger grassroots movements against militarism, racism, anti-immigrant scapegoating and neoliberal capitalism’s assault upon workers’ living standards and the environment … Real social change comes from the bottom, the mobilized grassroots, and not from the centers of institutional power, the professional politicians or the capitalist elites.”3
As the shadow of the USA, Trump is the bitter medicine that the USA has been forced to swallow. Greater pro-active involvement in US politics would never have happened under a Clinton, or perhaps even a Sanders administration; there would have been hardly any demonstrations; a trusting, soporific wait-and-see approach may have prevailed, politically correct mantras may have been chanted, whilst policies not in the public interest were pursued. Trump’s cabinet may well attempt similar, but there are far more people ready and waiting and motivated to hold the government to account.
Trump has brought all the national and international issues into focus because of his erratic Gemini personality that has eschewed political correctness, telling it like he sees it, with his shoot-from-the-hip Sagittarius moon. His lower Leo obnoxiousness and personal selfishness has played off against the polarity of the nation’s Aquarian soul, spawning many groups that will resist his government’s policies.

The Mother of the World (Nicholas Roerich)
The huge women’s demonstration on the Inauguration long weekend and the high quality of its expression, seems to be the biggest development since the Occupy movement; it is a natural grass roots evolution picking up from the Occupy movement – that had started with a bang but became stifled to a whimper.
What was witnessed on that January weekend was USA’s Aquarian soul in action, with soul ruler Jupiter in Libra as the Love-Wisdom pouring forth from the urn of the Water Bearer – peacefully and joyously.
On that Libran theme (with its soul ruler Uranus), this period may mark the beginning of a new sexual revolution that empowers women and educates the masses in right relations. Women also have a closer relationship to Gaia and Mother Earth – many environmental issues are already hot topics in the face of the government’s utterly ignorant climate change denial, resource exploitation, oil pipelines, fracking etc.
Inauguration Day Horoscope: USA’s Aquarian Destiny
Presidential Inauguration Day is always held on January 20, just as the sun on its yearly cycle creeps into the first degree of Aquarius. It is a most appropriate date because the USA is an Aquarian soul. Its destiny is to be a world leader, working closely with another Aquarian soul, Russia – in the emerging Aquarian cycle of the next 2,160 years.
The previous sign Capricorn represents the state and the status quo. Uranus as ruler of Aquarius is the reformer and revolutionary that destroys and “refurbishes” that which has become crystallised in Capricorn. Hence, each four-year presidential term that begins in Aquarius carries the potential to not only bring reforms to the previous four years, but to invoke the potentialities of the nation’s Aquarian soul: Universal brotherhood, community, co-operation, unification, peace and goodwill.
Presidential Inauguration 2017.
Every four years, the Inauguration Day horoscope has a different combination of planets gathered with the Sun in Aquarius. The Aquarian sun always dominates the midheaven as the ceremony begins at noon; hence it is always Taurus rising – the Mother of Illumination and a sign grounded in practicality and resourcefulness. There are several notable positions in the 2017 horoscope that will determine events over the next four years:
1. Moon in Scorpio – highlighting sexism, misogyny and misappropriated power. The moon is approaching the seventh house of relationships and is the dweller-shadow of the horoscope. Scorpio is a sign of great testings, trials and initiation.
2. Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries, as discussed above, the two rulers of USA’s Aquarian soul.
3. A large stellium of planets and asteroids in Pisces – sign of love-wisdom, sensitivity, empathy and forgiveness. All these planets are placed in the Aquarian 11th house, concerning community, co-operation and group work. The moon in Scorpio harmoniously aspects Neptune and Pallas-Athena in Pisces, highlighting great ideals and vision, particularly of the world Pallas-Athena – the warrior goddess presiding over the mass demonstrations of Inauguration Day weekend.

A good representation of Venus in Pisces: Aphrodite-Anyadomene. (Pompeii)
Venus is also placed here, exalted in Pisces, whose work is to “reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread”. In other words, Pluto, soul ruler of Pisces (and co-ruler of Scorpio), “cuts the thread which binds the two opposing lives together”, destroying duality, whilst Venus creates unity and wholeness.
This is the true task of the goddess of beauty, to create beaunity, teaching us to “love and truly reason”.4 It is quite extraordinary in this Inauguration horoscope, that Pluto makes an exact (harmonious) sextile aspect to Venus, ensuring its dynamic destroying role. Likewise, Chiron the wounded healer is in Pisces, sitting between masculine Mars and feminine Venus:

Chiron in Pisces: Ichthyo Centaur Gandhara. (Albert Museum.)
“When Chiron is in Pisces … forms disintegrate, the past is dissolved and our separateness is relinquished so that a new and more inclusive cycle of life can begin, hopefully accompanied by the wisdom of the previous cycle.” (Melanie Reinhart.)
In the Inauguration horoscope, the Venus-Chiron conjunction in Pisces makes a close T-square to Trump’s Gemini sun and Sagittarius moon, as well as USA’s troublesome Gemini Mars, reflecting the point of tension that the USA will work from in the next four years. Love-Wisdom to offset belligerence and bluster. Bear in mind also, that Venus is the soul ruler of Gemini, recalling the Venus exaltation in Pisces:
“The Twins in Gemini are symbols of the same basic duality, but the experience of the many changing incarnations has done its work, and the Band (uniting the two fishes) is in process of dissolution.”5
The Aquarius-Leo Polarity: Trump, USA and the Fourth Ray
Earlier, the “lower Aquarian” energies were discussed in relation to Trump’s “fusing and blending”, how populist leaders can tap into that. Polarities are very important to understand in Esoteric Astrology because it is through them that every individual balances the opposites within. The zodiac can be seen as six pairs of signs with one or other of these pairings more pronounced in an individual’s horoscope.
Trump’s Leonine nature, especially his Mars in Leo, invokes the Aquarian polarity which is the soul force of the USA. As with all signs and planets, there is a lower and higher expression, depending upon any entity’s unfoldment and the quality of their “receiving apparatus” – the degrees of refinement of the lower personality vehicles – mental, emotional and physical.
Even though Aquarius is a “fixed sign” an Aquarian can be generically on the “mutable cross” of evolution – that is, not yet awakened to the realisation of soul. Hence,
“The low grade and undeveloped Aquarian upon the Mutable Cross manifests through a superficial self-awareness. This matures in Leo and becomes a deep-seated self-consciousness and a profound interest in self and its need and wishes.

The Statue of Liberty – a great symbol of USA’s Aquarian soul – a woman, corresponding to the fact that USA is regarded esoterically as a “feminine” nation.
As the interplay goes on between Leo and Aquarius (for they are polar opposites), there comes a deepening of all qualities and the superficialities disappear until – upon the reversed wheel [that of the soul] – the intensive self-consciousness of Leo expands into the group awareness of Aquarius.
The individual becomes the universal. Man, alone and separative, becomes mankind in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality; he is no longer just a human being, individually self-centred and separative, but becomes humanity itself, losing his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retaining his spiritual Identity. From self-service, he proceeds to world service.”6
Trump has (debatably) evolved to a very powerful point of personality integration but has displayed many signs that he has not yet “reversed the wheel” and mounted the fixed cross of the soul. He still inhabits the mutable cross stage of experience but is perhaps capable of creating a “reversal” in this life. Unfortunately, the mutable cross stage applies to some of those that Trump has attracted around him, people who lack soul vision – obvious by the appalling ideas that they espouse.

Hindu depiction of the 10 petal solar plexus chakra. Note the goat, symbol of the 10th sign Capricorn – the journey up the mountain of initiation to achieve perfection (10) and full control of kama-manas or desire-mind, as it works through the solar plexus or manipura chakra.
For now Trump lives the life of a powerful personality centred in his solar plexus chakra which is ruled by Mars and which is so prominent in his horoscope, in Leo, conjunct his Leo ascendant. There is a connection between this fifth chakra, counting the seven centres from above down – and this fifth sign Leo.
When the lion is focused in the solar plexus he will only be the “king of the beasts” rampaging destructively in his “jungle”. The solar plexus is the main chakra where energies are drawn up and transmuted in the crucible of the heart centre. If and when Trump can do this, then he will become a noble lion-heart who has blended love and will. Until then, he will continue to express bellicosity because he lives in the belly.
“The solar plexus is the most separative of all the centres … because it stands at the midway point, between the throat and the heart centres – above the diaphragm – and the sacral and basic centres – below the diaphragm. This is a consideration of major importance.”7
Trump’s Mars also closely opposes USA’s Moon in Aquarius, further accentuating his appeal to the masses and evoking the dark dweller side of the nation. Amazingly, his solar arc progressed moon just passed over the position of USA’s Aquarian moon in the 2016 election, indicating the role he was about to play.
Moon and Mars can create “fearful conflict”, hence Trump’s polarising role can be seen, emphasising dualities, invoking the counterforce of the people – so that eventually Harmony will be wrought from the fires of Conflict.

Vulcan the Smithy.
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict is soon coming back into incarnation in 2025 and is prominent in the ray structure of the United States. Note the word “wrought” used above, a term related to Vulcan the Smithy working at his forge, mentioned in the following commentary on the fourth ray’s influence upon the USA:
“Ray 4 Harmony through Conflict, via the Moon, veiling in this case the planet Vulcan. Vulcan here “forges on his anvil, through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together.”
… Ray 4 expresses itself here through Mercury the Messenger, and emphasises the harmony aspect in contradistinction to the conflict angle which the Moon and Vulcan together have precipitated. It is the Moon-Vulcan relation which produces the political conflict which always rages in the States.”8
Note the presence of Mercury again, the ruler of USA’s Gemini personality. More on Mercury in the next section.
USA’s Confusing Neptune Transit
In the Scorpio 2016 newsletter, there was an exploration of maya and propaganda and USA’s horoscope:
“Complicating the previous transits has been the passage of Neptune through its own sign of Pisces. As God of the Waters, Neptune rules the feeling nature – in the watery sign of Pisces. Hence world psychic sensitivity has been heightened, and like Saturn in Sagittarius squaring transiting Neptune, has been encouraging a higher vision and purpose for humanity.
But the downside of Neptune’s influence on the undeveloped or unredeemed astral bodies of humanity has created much glamour, illusion and confusion; it reached a point during the election cycle with so many competing propagandas and “fake news”, that the general populace hardly knew what was real anymore.

Finding our way through the fog.
This tendency is particularly marked in USA’s horoscope (arguably the “propaganda capital” of the world), where transiting Neptune has been conjunct USA’s progressed sun in Pisces – and will be all the way through to 2020 – for this Republican presidency. Hence the nation will be hard-pressed to develop discrimination, embodied by Pisces polar-opposite Virgo. The choices made through right discrimination have never been so difficult or critical as the 2016 election.
The progressed Sun’s position represents a phase of personality unfoldment that utilises other signs of the zodiac to round out its development. Pisces is a sign of great sensitivity and compassion, but its lower expression can result in being lost in the astral realm, addictions of all kinds and being easily duped. Similarly with Neptune, so when Neptune and Pisces come together every 164 years, the stimulation can have twice the impact, higher and lower. Neptune is also the ruler of USA’s sixth ray personality, stimulating inherent glamours of fanaticism and mass delusion.”9
In his recent article, “American Psychosis”, Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges highlights perfectly the description of transiting Neptune conjunct the USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces:
“Reality is under assault. Verbal confusion reigns. Truth and illusion have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We feel trapped in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other lies. The rational is countered with the irrational. Cognitive dissonance prevails. We endure a disquieting shame and even guilt.
Tens of millions of Americans, especially women, undocumented workers, Muslims and African-Americans, suffer the acute anxiety of being pursued by a predator. All this is by design. Demagogues always infect the governed with their own psychosis.”10
Very true, “always infect the governed with their own psychosis” – a situation referred to in the introduction to this newsletter: “It is imperative to disallow insidious fear any foothold, to build mental clarity”. This is in the nature of a mass Neptunian astral infection, to which many people are susceptible because of their astral polarisation.

Hermes (Circle of Pierre Narcisse Guerin.)
Mercury Retrograde
Adding to the confusion of lower Neptune has been the presence of Mercury retrograde throughout December, finishing its “post shadow” phase on January 27, 2017. This probably contributed enormously to the chaotic first week of the new administration, especially the ban on Muslims entering the country with no inter-department consultation, leaving Saudi Arabia and Egypt conspicuously omitted.
If, as the MSM narrative runs, it was Saudi terrorists who allegedly brought down the Twin Towers, why would their exception be made? A glaring contradiction, given that the ban on Muslims was about protecting USA from terrorism! Of course there are many reasons why, including oil and Trump allegedly registering several companies in Saudi Arabia recently.
Mercury is the ruler of the USA’s Gemini personality, so this nation will always be strongly affected by retrograde periods. The next one coming up will begin its pre-shadow phase on March 26 and end its post-shadow phase on May 21 – nearly eight weeks. The retrograde phase per se, will be for the last three weeks of April.
Gemini is particularly adept at devious manipulation, hence it is particularly important at this juncture of history to keep oneself free of the astral debris associated with news, “big data” and propaganda. The world is entering into a new era and various parties are manipulating the lower expression of Neptune in Pisces (squaring Gemini), of deceit and subterfuge. More than ever there is a need to soberly reflect upon what one reads instead of immediately reacting to it, to try and read between the lines and above all, to cultivate the intuition.

(Artist: Timothy Lantz.)
Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.
This beautiful keynote for Aquarius is most instructive and has various correlations with passages in the Christian Bible:
“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)
Aquarius is an air sign related to the mental function and also the intuition or buddhi. Yet it has watery associations with its symbol of wavy lines (also interpreted electrically) and the Water-Bearer who pours forth from the urn for those who thirst. Aquarius also has an unusual emotional empathy that is a lower reflection of the soul ruler Jupiter.
“Water being the symbol of substance and of material expression plus emotional motivation, Aquarius is consequently dual in its activity.”11
This “thirst” is for the Way of the Heart, the second ray of Love-Wisdom that is distributed by Jupiter as ruler of the second ray and soul ruler of Aquarius. The “waters” are the reservoir of accumulated love and wisdom which a world server has built up over many lifetimes, ready to pour forth on demand.

Aquarius by Johfra.
Once any individual has contacted those waters and “drunk” thereof, they will never “thirst” because these waters are from the soul and the soul is eternal. The trick for all of those who tread the Path, is after contacting the “waters”, to keep them flowing so that they will eventually “become a well of water springing up to eternal life”.
Hence Aquarius is most instructive of the Christ life, of the lifetimes required to contact the “waters” and to be their distributor. This is why Aquarius is regarded as the sign of the World Server.
“The fact that Christ was the Teacher of the new period into which the Sun was entering, the period of Pisces, is forgotten, but is clearly evidenced in the fish symbology which runs consistently through all four Gospels; the symbol of the Fish is the astrological symbol for the sign Pisces, and has been for untold ages.
But Christ also looked ahead to the work He would have to do in the Aquarian Age, in the next sign into which the sun would enter. Prior to His “disappearance,” He referred to the symbol of the Aquarian Age and to the task He would then perform. With His twelve disciples, He enacted a dramatic episode which epitomises the work which He would later undertake when the two thousand years of the Piscean era would have passed away.
He told His disciples to go into the city and that there they would meet a man, carrying a pitcher of water, that they should follow him to the upper room and there make ready the communion feast in which He and they would share. (Luke XXII.10.) This they did and the Last Supper took place. The ancient symbol for the sign Aquarius (into which our Sun is now entering) is that of the Water-carrier, the man with a pitcher of water.
This passing of the Sun into the sign Aquarius is an astronomical fact … not an astrological prognostication. The great spiritual achievement and evolutionary event of that age will be the communion and human relationships established among all peoples, enabling men everywhere to sit down together in the Presence of the Christ and share the bread and wine (symbols of nourishment).

The Last Supper. (Leonardo Da Vinci.)
Preparations for that shared feast (symbolically speaking) are on their way, and those preparations are being made by the masses of men themselves, as they fight and struggle and legislate for the economic sustenance of their nations, and as the theme of food occupies the attention of legislators everywhere. This sharing, beginning on the physical plane, will prove equally true of all human relations and this will be the great gift of the Aquarian Age to humanity.”12
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
- Woman, Helena Roerich, 1955 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.130. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.130. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- [↩]
-…/american_psychosis_20170129 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.138. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.80. [↩]
Phillip, a masterful analysis. Thank you for your wisdom and compassion.
Echo the previous comment. A truly illuminating interpretation of the extraordinary energies at play. Thanks for your enlightened service.
I concur with above comment. Masterful.
All these protesting women hailing Islam, the most misogynicist religion in the world – utter stupidity.
Trump at his worst can not be as misogynic as these people, which are used to humiliate and harass women every day in their miserable life. We women here experience this dramatic change for the worse since 2 millions of islamic “refugees” have flooded Europe.
Aquarian revolution will come, when Pluto changes sign from Capricorn to Aquarius in a few years. This will be accompanied by Uranus ingress into Taurus – economy, sex and view of the body image. And it will not be peaceful.
I think your comments are a simplistic generalisation. I don’t think the protestors were “hailing” Islam, there were multiple issues they were protesting, one of which was simply the freedom to practice one’s own religion. Support for Islamic women like this will gradually transform these centuries old attitudes, its not going to happen overnight. Acting locally in one’s European community is going to contribute to that transformation rather than simply criticising.
Gross generalisation of any group or ideal is why the separation humanity feel inside themselves exists. Every fractual contains the whole. I can’t fathom how this change may possibly occur, with the arrival of the Aquarian Age, hopefully with it some restored faith for the future, rather than myself for one,
“wishing I was 2000 years younger so I could excuse myself from humankind”
(Paul Dempsey)
Tell this to hundreds of sexually harassed women since September 2015. They surely will share your point of view.
January 2016 alone:
Green party so called feminists excusing such crimes as “cultural misunderstanding” and judges letting the perpetrators run scot free. I am an old school woman#s lib feminist and EX-green party member and I say: SHAME on these islamophilic “protesters”, because they DON’T help women oppressed by atavistic belief systems or old fashioned machismo ala Trump. Quite contrary – as we can see here in Germany: Protesting women harrassed and spit on by their muslim refugee co-protesters, whose case they were advocating – how stupid can you be? And hysterical women protesting – oh, so emotional – no reason, good old tired cliche for old misogynists.
And this new year’s eve:
Midnight mass guarded with submachine guns: – freedom of religious rights ?
And let’s not forget: A christmas market truck attack in Berlin.
All this is gross generalisation … yeah, from a distance certainly.
“Chaos is the precondition to creativity…Even what has been created needs to be returned to chaos from time to time so that it can be regenerated in more vital form.”
Parker J. Palmer
Hi Phillip,
This was a very insightful newsletter at this crucial time.
An associate of yours (Debra Hollinrake) a friend of mine,
sent me your link.
I’m looking forward to future newsletters.
Blessings, Vincent
Informative & inspirational as per usual, thank you kind sir!
Thank you Phillip for your insight and wisdom. It will be interesting to see where time takes us.