Aquarius 2011: Selfish Service. Nikos Kazantzakis. Egypt Revolution.
“Water of Life Am I, Poured Forth for Thirsty Men”
Aquarius and Selfish Service
Nikos Kazantzakis: Aquarian, Writer and Mystic
Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator
Aquarius and Selfish Service
One reads about Aquarius the Water-Bearer in relation to “world service”, but what does that actually mean? This perspective about the “Aquarian server” includes everybody, regardless of what Sun or rising sign you are. We experience all the signs cyclically through the regular transits of all the planets through this zodiac sign. We respond as individuals, groups and nations to the forces of Aquarius on a much larger scale, as this 2,160 year cycle encroaches.
Hence we are all “Aquarian” in the varying degrees of our interpretation of its vibrational influences upon us. The Master Djwhal Khul tells us that there are very few true Aquarians in the ranks of the spiritually polarised:
“Those, few and far between, who are true Aquarians. These work under real difficulties, for their vision is beyond the grasp of the majority, and they meet often lack of understanding, frequent disappointment in their fellow workers, and much loneliness.”1
Most of us (and this may be difficult for some to accept), who aspire to the Aquarian ideal, fall into the group that DK calls:
“Those Pisceans who are enough developed to respond to the Aquarian message, but who – as yet – cannot trust themselves to employ the real Aquarian methods of work and message.
For instance, they have in the political field, a sense of internationalism, but they cannot apply it when it comes to the understanding of others. They think they have a universal consciousness, but when it comes to a test, they discriminate and eliminate. They constitute a much smaller group than the true Pisceans and are doing good work and filling a much needed place.
The problem they present however to the Aquarian worker lies in the fact that though they respond to the ideal and regard themselves as of the new age, they are not truly so. They see a bit of the vision and have grasped the theory but cannot express it in action.”2
To “pour forth for those that thirst” is the key for Aquarius and it connotes the theme of a generous heart. Why? Because Aquarius is ruled by Jupiter, sacred ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom. Jupiter and the Sun ruler over the heart centre.
The waters that pour forth from the water-bearer’s urn (Aqua-rius) are the sum total of manifested love thus far unfolded in any individual. Is the urn full, does it “runneth over”, or is there only a trickle that pours out, given grudgingly or as a token gesture? Or is it polluted with toxins of unredeemed aspects of the emotional-mental stasis – jealousy, criticism, hate, fear etc?
Does the Aquarian server do “selfish service”, that is, have the appearance of serving, but really serve the lower ego? Of course, plenty do! Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius and in its lower expression, makes all the right noises, claims certain aspirations and philosophies, cultivates a certain image.
But the whole motivation can often come from a selfish ideal or spiritual ambition, of being somebody noteworthy, a person of consequence – that places them in a position of authority, power and control – themes that even an advanced soul may have great difficulty relinquishing on its journey over many lives. A “clever Dweller” might argue otherwise and justify, yet others may see through the façade:
a big town where he gets lost
looking for real deals3
“On the wheel as it “rolls onward into illusion,” the wheel of the personality, the superficiality and the airy nature of the undeveloped Aquarian deepens gradually into the concrete and rocky material nature of the Capricornian. The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found. Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.”4
Whether it is the “average” person or “aspirant/disciple”, these traits still seem to apply. Of course, genuine aspiration and intention, not too muddied by personal ambition, is another matter altogether. Aspiration aspires as it has not reached embodiment and being. In both the above examples, the aspirant struggles forward through the needed experience, toward that faint glimmer of what true service actually embodies.
“… emphasising the glamour aspect as it affects the disciple and the problem which he faces, what do we find? The disciple has freed himself somewhat from the imposed control of an orthodox teaching and from the rule of a teacher. He stands (as far as he can tell) free from such control. Knowing however his essential weakness and the lure of the personality, he is on guard against himself, and against the ancient rules of control and learns steadily to stand on his own feet, to come to his own decisions, to distinguish truth for himself. He learns to choose his way.
But, like all persons who have not taken some of the higher initiations, he can (in due time) become enamoured of his freedom, and automatically then swing into the glamour of his ideal of freedom, – an ideal which he has created. He becomes the prisoner of freedom. He rejects all rule except that which he calls the “rule of his own soul,” forgetting that his contact with his soul is still intermittent.
He demands the right to stand alone. He revels in his new found freedom. He forgets that, having given up the authority of a teaching and of a teacher, he has to learn to accept the authority of the soul and of the group of souls with which he is affiliated through his karma, his ray type, his choice, and the inevitability of the effects of the at-one-ment.
Having relinquished the guidance of another person upon the Path, and having his eyes partially opened, he now seeks to tread that Path to the goal, forgetting however that he treads the Path in unison with others, and that there are certain “Rules of the Road” which he must master, and which he must master in unison with others.
He has exchanged the individual law for the group law, but does not yet know that group law as it should be known. He marches on as best he can alone, glorying in the freedom from authority which he has succeeded in achieving. He promises himself that he will brook no authority or guidance.”5
the great pretender
shows all his shiny facets
I am not dazzled6
There are many aspirants who struggle along the path of lives between the first and second degree initiations where all of the above issues feature prominently. In the area of spirituality today there exist a few with powerfully developed personalities and integrated ajna centres, who embrace the path of “selfish service”, putting themselves at the centre of their dramatic universe. Consistent observations of these kinds of people are characterized by the following:
1. A deeply narcissistic nature. (Narcissus falls in love with the reflection of himself in a pool, falls in and drowns.) This is a problem for the Fifth Rootrace as a whole.
2. Self-preoccupation, self absorption and smugness – the three cousins of Narcissus.

Metamorphosis of Narcissus. (Salvador Dali.)
3. Spiritual ambition that gives rise to claim-making – to bolster the ego’s power and attempt to short-circuit the climb up the mountain.
4. Utilising for their own ends The Teachings and then undermining those very sources from which they draw – claiming them as outdated when in fact they are “ageless”.
5. Trivializing and undermining the efforts of co-workers and more earnest servers.
6. Showing contempt for others perceived as “competitors” on their spiritual “turf”.
7. Psychic “meddling” or attack on their true peers. Continuous, devious manipulation by the third ray types.
8. Playing the “deluder of souls” by preying upon the undeveloped discrimination and naivety of new students to the Teachings.
9. Disguising as a “crazy wisdom” clown or being a rebel within the spiritual family in order to draw attention to oneself.
11. Irresponsible behaviour and manipulation in the area of sexuality.
Many of these traits relate to the “undeveloped Aquarian” or lower Leo polarity. A reminder that the discussion here is related to the generic consideration of what constitutes an “Aquarian”. Yet a good example of a “Piscean guru” teacher to whom some of these points refer, can be found in the (late) “spiritual leader”, Da Free John, whose chart is below.
To be sure, much of his work was very useful for aspirants and mention of him here is in no way meant to be an attack or criticism upon him, it is simply a detached analysis. A Wikipedia profile about him is here, but there are many less flattering websites that can be found, set up by the “casualties” of this teacher who was no doubt quite advanced; there are many extraordinary, harrowing and shocking stories. His life would make a fascinating study by some earnest student of esoteric astrology.

Adi Da, Da Free John, Da Love Ananda etc.
There are other horoscopes that the author could present, based upon personal experience of teachers who have fallen foul of the law. But who has not to some degree? Let him cast the first stone etc. – all pre-requisite experience to eventual perfection! The horoscopes are all different, though there is a notable consistency with the zodiac signs and rays along the line of will or power. The above example however, although astrologically strong on the first ray, is rayologically very strong upon the second ray.
“That all initiates measure not up to this standard may be ascribed to several things, but the note they sound should be on the side of righteousness; the recognition of their own shortcomings which they will evidence will be sincere and public, and their struggle to conform to the highest standard will be known, even though perfection may not be achieved.
Initiates may, and do, fall, and thereby incur the working of the law in punishment. They may, and do, by this fall injure the group, and thereby incur the karma of readjustment, having to expiate the injury through later prolonged service, wherein the group members themselves, even though unconsciously, apply the law; their progress will be seriously hindered, much time being lost in which they must work out the karma with the injured units.”7
So there is no blame,
“As for the group he injures, what should their attitude be? A recognition of the gravity of the error, a wise acceptance of the facts in the case, a refraining from unbrotherly criticism, and a pouring out of love upon the sinning brother: – all this, coupled with such action as will make clear to the onlooking general public that such sins and infringements of the law are not condoned. To this must be added an attitude of mind within the group concerned which will lead them (whilst taking firm action) to help the mistaken brother to see his error, to work out the retributive karma, and then to reinstate him in their regard and respect when due amends have been made.”8
Nikos Kazantzakis: Aquarian, Writer and Mystic
“Beauty is merciless. You do not look at it, it looks at you and does not forgive.” (NK)
February 18, 1882 is the birth date of the one who some say was “arguably the most important Greek writer and philosopher of the 20th century” (Wiki). This full moon period of Aquarius 2011 falls on NK’s birthday, so it is a joy to be able to briefly celebrate his life and gifts to humanity.

“The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness.” (NK.)
Kazantzaki’s treasures include Zorba the Greek, The Last Temptation, The Odyssey, Report to Greco and much, much more. NK’s birth time is unknown and there are good arguments for several rising signs, most notably the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, given his prodigious output of writing and extensive travel. In the frontispiece of his autobiography, Report to Greco, he makes the following Sagittarian statements:
“Three kinds of souls, three prayers:
1. I am a bow in your hands Lord, draw me lest I rot.
2. Do not overdraw me Lord, I shall break.
3. Overdraw me Lord, and who cares if I break.”9
Happily for this author, having visited NK’s birthplace of Crete for some months recently, I was afforded some unique insights into the Greek culture – as well as his rich inner life.

“My entire soul is a cry, and all my work is a commentary on that cry.” (NK.)
Nikos Kazantzakis was born right on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces and certainly exhibited traits of both those signs, yet he had Mercury and Mars also placed in Aquarius. He was a world server (Aquarius) and world saviour (Pisces) with a burning urge to salvage and save.
His Aquarian Sun made a close square to Pluto in Taurus and this gave him a very Scorpionic personality, probing, relentless, willful, undaunted and intense. He says,
“The man who writes has an oppressive and unhappy fate. This is because the nature of his work obliges him to use words; that is, to convert his inner surge into immobility. Every word is an adamantine shell which encloses a great explosive force. To discover its meaning you must let it burst inside you like a bomb and in this way liberate the soul which it imprisons.”10
Some very esoteric descriptions here! NK was a mystic and more, possessing an unfathomable well of wisdom that drew all his readers. I remember reading The Odyssey several times in my twenties, since discovering in later adult life that these were tales from ancient Atlantean times, early in the history of the Fifth Rootrace. Like Homer before him, NK tapped into the racial memory of the race, similar also to Tolkien in his Atlantean tale of Lord of the Rings.
This mystical awareness can be seen in one of the most powerful traits in his chart: The Moon in Cancer, deeply sensitive and moody, with a sextile aspect to Neptune, the visionary and mystic.
NK probably “channelled” a lot of his material and he admits as much in one place. (Unfortunately, I cannot find the quote!) His birth place on Crete is said to be the abode of the Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray.11 One of this Master’s tasks is to stimulate the psychics of the world and H is said to influence novelists and those who write fiction. Hence, it is quite possible that NK may have came under some of H’s influence; but he probably belonged to a different ashram on the second ray line, perhaps that of the sixth ray.
NK probably had a fourth ray mind or personality, though he may have been one of those rare fourth ray souls in incarnation. The sixth ray of devotion was very marked in him. One day he decided to run away from his home town in Heraklion, Crete:
“One day while reading the legend of Saint Joan of the Hut, I jumped to my feet and made a decision. “I shall go to Mount Athos and become a saint”. I reached the harbor where I approached a caique, the one which was ready to weigh anchor first. A sun roasted seaman was leaning over the iron bitt and struggling to undo the cable. Trembling with emotion, I went up to him.
“Can you take me with you Captain?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Mount Athos”.
“Where? Mount Athos? To do what?”
“Become a saint.”
The skipper shook with laughter. Clapping his hands as if shooing away a hen, he shouted, “Home, home!”
I ran away home in disgrace and crawled under the sofa, and never breathed a word to anyone. My misery lasted for years, perhaps even to this day. I was born after all, on Friday the 18th of February, the day of souls, a very holy day indeed… the old midwife clutched me in her hands and seemed to see some mystic signs in me…”.12
NK is often hilarious, I frequently found myself cracking up at some of his experiences. His young imagination (that he possessed until his death), was so rich and soared into varicolored stratospheres:
“All things were magically re-kneaded in my yeasty childhood mind, they were brought beyond the reasonable and very close to madness. But this madness is the grain of salt which keeps good sense from rotting. I lived, spoke, and moved in a fairy tale which I myself created at every moment, carving out paths in it to allow me to pass. I never saw the same thing twice, because I gave it a new face each time and made it unrecognizable. Thus the world’s virginity renewed itself at every moment.
… Distant seas unfolded in my childish imagination, boats cast off furtively, monasteries glittered amid rocky crags, lions carried water to the ascetics. My mind brimmed with date trees and camels, strumpets fought to enter the church, fiery chariots rose into the sky, the deserts warbled with women’s clogs and laughter, the Tempter came like a kindly Santa Claus and brought gifts of food, gold and females to the eremites.”13
Later in his youth when touring mainland Greece, the following sublime descriptions just tumble out onto the page and choke you with their sheer beauty:
“I used to get up at dawn. The morning star would be dripping onto the earth, a light mist hovering over Hymettus. A cool breeze icicled my face. Larks ascended songfully into the air and vanished in the light. One Sunday in springtime I remember seeing two or three blossoming cherry trees in a red, recently ploughed field. Happiness filled my heart. At that very moment the sun rose, gleaming as on the first day that it emerged from God’s hands; the Saronic gulf beamed; Aegina in the distance, filled with roses in the morning light. Two crows, their wings vibrating like bow strings, flew by on my right – a good omen.
On one side, white-maned waves like Homeric horses, long sweeping refreshing verses of Homer; on the other, Athena’s oil and light-filled olive, and Apollo’s laurel, and Dionysus’s wonder-working grape, all wine and song. And the dry, frugal earth, its stones tinted rose red by the sun, the mountains flapping bluishly in mid-air, streaming in the light, peacefully and restfully sunning themselves, all naked, like athletes.”14
As an Aquarian water-bearer, Kazantzakis left a lasting legacy of Homeric proportions, that will continue enriching the world for many centuries, as profoundly as the works of the best writers and poets of bygone eras. NK thirsted for life and for God, yet he continually poured forth that which was filling him up.
“Everything in this world has a hidden meaning.” (NK.)
Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator
Recent events in Egypt were precipitated late last year in Tunisia where demonstrators took to the streets to protest about high unemployment, food inflation, corruption, a lack of freedom of speech and poor living conditions. Now the fight for the same issues is sweeping across the whole Arab world.
Apart from the major crises in Tunisia and Egypt culminating in revolutionary Aquarius, the cause for much of the upheaval can be found through two major factors. One is Pluto’s long term transit through Capricorn, destroying much of the past, and the other is Uranus’ imminent entry into Aries.
Capricorn is a sign that rules some nations’ personalities, indicating age, crystallisation and materialism. Egypt is very similar to Capricornian India. Although DK does not give the astrological rulership of Egypt, he tells us that the Egyptian city of Port Said is ruled by Capricorn:
“Port Said, ruled by this sign, is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world – a meeting place for the evil of three continents.”15
Those continents would be Africa, Asia Minor and Europe. Aquarius the revolutionary seeks to overturn or renovate the following sign of Capricorn the status quo. Aquarian ruler Uranus was squaring the Gemini Sun in the Egyptian exoteric horoscope16 for most of 2010. Aquarius soul ruler Jupiter was also squaring Egypt’s Sun with transiting Uranus.
Just one week after the exact third and final “hit” of the Uranus square, the January 25 revolution begun. The Sun was in the first few degrees of Aquarius at this time, triggering the Leo-Aquarius full moon chart of the previous July 2010. Mars in the Egyptian horoscope was also set off strongly by the grand cross lunar eclipse of June 2010.
Now in the latter days of Aquarius, many Arab countries have been emboldened, making their grievances heard to equally repressive governments. It’s probably a long way to go for many, but it is a start. It’s also a very dangerous period that could have various outcomes. Some of the unrest may also be related to a revolt against the fundamentalism aspect of Islam, which has many clerics worried.
It is said in various media that outgoing Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, took a long time to leave office because he wanted to remove his $70 billion fortune from the country. Mubarak is a Taurus Sun, the sign of dictators such as Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Taurus is also very acquisitive around money. His Moon is in Scorpio and he is rumoured to be Leo rising from some astrologer’s rectifications,17 hence a formidable combination of not wanting to relinquish power.

Hosni Mubarak. (Birth time unknown.)
But of course the whole system in Egypt and other countries has to change. Mubarak and other presidents of Egypt have all come from the military. The military dictatorship has always run Egypt so it is that deeply entrenched culture which must also be transformed.
Related to the revolution in the Arab world is a new essay by this author, The Blending of Races and Cultures: Moving Toward a New Race and Universal Religion – available here. It may also be serialised and sent out between newsletters in two or three parts. The essay discusses the following:
Perceptions of Current World Events
Reaction to Planetary “Islamisation”
Jews and Arabs: The Semitic Subrace
The Greater Cycles of the Races and the Yugas
The Lesser Cycles of Pisces and the Sixth Ray
The New Group of World Servers
The Three Main Groups of Humanity
The New World Religion
Serving the Greater Whole Through Right Relationships
Phillip Lindsay © 2011.
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- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.632. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.632. [↩]
- Haiku by the author. Click here for more. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.46-7. [↩]
- Haiku by the author. Click here for more. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar. Alice A. Bailey. p.83. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar. Alice A. Bailey. p.83. [↩]
- Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis. (Faber 1965.) [↩]
- Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis. (Faber 1965.) [↩]
- Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis. (Faber 1965.) [↩]
- Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis. (Faber 1965.) [↩]
- Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis. (Faber 1965.) [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. P.170. [↩]
- June 18, 1953. 11.30 pm Cairo. [↩]
- [↩]