Aries 2010: Equinox. Revolución! Money. Hamlet’s Dilemma.
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
Aries: Ruled by Uranus, Mercury and Mars
Uranus and Money
Revolution and Change
Hamlet’s Dilemma
[wpanchor id=”#ari”]Aries: Ruled by Uranus, Mercury and Mars
And so the New Year begins when the Sun enters Aries on March 20th or 21st depending upon where you live, followed by the full moon solar festival in Aries around March 31.
The Aries equinox “ingress” chart determines the course of events for this year (Aries 2010 to Pisces 2011). There is a conjunction of the Sun with Uranus, planet of revolution and perestroika. All ingress charts will have this configuration for the next few years, as Uranus moves into Aries on its 84 year cycle in 2010.
Hence radical change and revolution will be in the air, yet Saturn’s dance opposite Uranus this year may rein the rebel in somewhat; but Pluto creates a powerhouse T-square with these two planets that is sure to create such tension that something must give – shift will happen! This is further borne out in the horoscope at the full moon where Pluto retains its position at the point of T-square, this time to the Sun and Moon in Aries-Libra.
Saturn’s 28 year cycle into Libra, the sign of its exaltation, promises justice, fairness and right legislation. Saturn as Lord of Karma will be busy these next few years bringing those to account who have transgressed The Law. Pluto will expose and strip away the veils of secrecy and illusion.
Aries represents the initial impulse of all life and action. In esoteric astrology, Uranus is the highest or “hierarchical ruler” of Aries, representing the source of the divine impulse that emanates from the “raincloud of knowable things’; i.e. the higher mental plane, realm of all the geometrical forms that underlie ideas. Hence Uranus is the fiery thunderbolt that crashes through those clouds, splitting the sky and spiking into the earth – literally “earthing”, bringing the noumenal into to the phenomenal world.
It is an appropriate symbol as Uranus is also the ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, with the capacity to bring Spirit into Matter, Heaven on Earth; the divine Merlin twirls his baton and the cosmic sparks fly.
The first ray of will or power pours through Aries, as does the seventh ray, both reflecting this journey from spirit (1st) to matter (7th). A new seventh ray cycle started in 1945 and will last 2500 years, paralleling the imminent 2,160 year Aquarian cycle. Uranus also rules Aquarius, dispensing the forces of the Water-Bearer to all who thirst; hence Uranus, Aquarius and the seventh ray are all intimately related.
Both Uranus and Aquarius represent overcoming the deeply entrenched forces of the status quo, expressing itself in the planetary body as “stagnant chi”, to use Chinese herb-speak. Uranus can certainly provide plenty of electro-acupuncture!
The three rulers of Aries that relate to spirit, soul and the physical plane are Uranus, Mercury and Mars respectively. Mercury as esoteric ruler of Aries carries Uranus’s quivering spark and hands the electrical baton to Mars – who carries out the task upon the earthly plane.
The keynote for Aries is, “I come forth from the plane of mind and I rule.” So often unevolved Aries is swayed by the impulsive emotional nature of Mars (who rules the solar plexus chakra), and rushes in where angels fear to tread, frequently making a mess of things. Hercules accomplishes as much in the first of the twelve zodiac labours (Aries), where he loses control of the wild horses (the undisciplined mind) and his friend Abderis is killed.
Aries is impulsive and headstrong because it receives the first impulse and feels compelled to act upon it immediately. Hence Aries tends to repeat mistakes – in its impatience there is no time to learn the consequences of actions; this learning symbolically emerges in the opposite sign Libra, ruled by Saturn the Lord of Karma and of Time (hence far more patient), demonstrating the results of actions.
Thus Mercury as esoteric ruler of Aries relates closely to the emerging idea as it precipitates from the higher buddhic realms onto the mental plane. This is the nucleus or seed of the idea emerging; Aries is the seed-sower, archetypally the farmer who sows his seeds at the beginning of spring – whether it is a new idea, a crop or human being created from the sperm that Mars so willingly supplies.
Aries is an intensely masculine sign and the old fashioned term for farmer, “husbandman”, is perfect for one who tends to mother earth, their “marriage” symbolised by Libra, polar opposite to Aries.
Hence now is the yearly opportunity in Aries – to seize the day; where the New Year’s resolution takes shape and starts to permeate the immediate environment. The decks were cleared in Pisces, right? You did take a blowtorch to the old habits and not just a match? Oh well, there is always next year or even the next life …
Now is the Aries opportunity to capture an idea emerging from the higher Self – that will provide guidance throughout the annual quest, in sync with the full moon festivals where we link with one another, communing in the One Work.
The next sign Taurus (Wesak) will see this idea come into more solidified form, whilst following Gemini starts to broadcast that which was sown in Aries. Cancer is symbolically where the birth finally takes place. Virgo is where the harvest occurs and Libra is where we see the consequences, reap our harvest with the scythe of Saturn, hence his association with Libra again. Aries is the first of three spiritual festivals that sets the tone for the year so make sure you sow some bountiful seeds!
(See an essay about the three spiritual festivals combined with another essay on Aries, Uranus and Revolution (2005) here.
[wpanchor id=”#ura”]Uranus and Money
It is interesting to note that Uranus rules the sacral centre which is related to those life basics – money and sex. The last time Uranus entered Aries was in 1927, just on the cusp of the Great Depression and Pluto’s imminent discovery in 1930. We are witnessing today the tail-end of the effects generated in the Uranus ingress chart of 1927, starting in depression and ending in “deep recession”. Uranus is also esoteric ruler of Aries polar opposite Libra, and the three major themes of that sign are the Law, Money and Sex.
However, in line with Uranus’s radical reputation, it seems that it is associated with boom as well as bust. The previous cycle to 1927 saw the Aries ingress in 1844 just on the eve of the gold rushes in California and Australia, 1848 and 1850. Reflect for a moment on the exaltation of the Sun in Aries, the blazing golden Sun.
[wpanchor id=”#rev”]Revolution and Change
As the Spanish title of this newsletter suggests, one may note the freedom fighter [wpanchor id=”#che”], had Uranus in Aries (June 6, 1928), ruling his Aquarian rising sign; there a few movies currently commemorating his life.
Uranus and Aquarius’s themes are REVOLUTION1 and there is plenty we might find revolting at the moment! Just as the peasants were revolting (!) in the French Revolution, the world could be heading for a similar period. Back then Pluto was transiting through Aquarius and the aristocracy knew no tomorrow, submerged in their luxurious lifestyles and alienated from their fellow citizens:
“in 1789 … was one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe; additionally, the masses of most other European powers had less freedom and a higher chance of arbitrary punishment. … Louis XVI … as well as the nobility had become clearly unpopular.
The Ancient Régime in France was brought down partly by its own rigidity in the face of a changing world and partly by the ambitions of a rising bourgeoisie, allied with aggrieved peasants, wage-earners and various individuals of all classes influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. As the revolution proceeded and power devolved from the monarchy to legislative bodies, the conflicting interests of these initially allied groups would become the source of conflict and bloodshed.”2
Sound familiar today? Uranus was discovered in the few short years between the American and French Revolutions. The custodian of the seventh ray was Master Rackozi (Master R), a.k.a. Count St. Germain. “The Count” (as he is known to the other Masters), worked closely behind the scenes in Europe during that time. One of his previous incarnations was Francis Bacon, whose philosophies and achievements were remarkably similar to those of Benjamin Franklin, one of the prime architects of the American Revolution and deeply influential in France as well.3
Will the situation today reach a similar point to the 18th century where the populace will be compelled to stand up and say “we are not going to take it any more”? Or will it be lulled into an even deeper hypnosis? If ever there was a planet to awaken us from our slumberous state, it is Uranus; it is known as the “great awakener” and if ever there was a time for this planet to come into its true power, it is during Aries these next seven years.
It is also note-worthy that a minor sub-cycle of the Uranus-ruled seventh ray started in 1860, heralding the many metaphysical groups and spiritualism of the late 1800’s. Of course the big event then was another revolution, the American Civil War (1861-65), with its major player Abraham Lincoln, a “triple” Aquarian and Uranian liberator of slavery.
Now that the world is in a major cycle of the seventh ray, with Uranus poised in such a potent position, what kinds of “slavery” do Humanity have to liberate themselves from – besides the obvious like “people smuggling” that still festers even in these modern times?
Plenty! The slavery of fear primarily, related to the following: Western colonial imperialism; lying, corrupt government and corporations who dictate to them; failures of election promises to manifest; devious manipulation by secret cartels in the world banking system; imminent economic collapse, crippling debt, greedy big business; agri-business and mono-culture; irresponsible bio-science and pharmaceutical companies; the military-industrial complex; unnecessary wars based upon economic scheming; pollution in its multifarious expressions; monopolised, biased, indoctrinating and completely distorted media propaganda; climate manipulation, covert agencies, Nazism in its many guises, the tentacles of Zionist domination; even some of your pet hates – droves of mesmerized cell phone zombies and texting junkies, personal electronic device addicts!
Are we going to be zealous warriors of Mars and take a side, forcing the issue, emphasise the polarity, add more angst? Democrat-Republican, black-white etc. Are we going to get steamed up and have no way to vent our impotent rage?
If we are cut out to be another Che Guevara, then that is the path to follow. If our work is focused in the subjective worlds then perhaps we can remain informed, yet (as hinted at in the Pisces newsletter), maintain a “divine indifference” and neutrality that refuses to buy into the pairs of opposites; Aries’ martial warrior-ship becomes Libra’s Venusian peace-maker.
It is said that the pairs of opposites within are resolved by balancing the zodiacal polarities in the horoscope and the dual sign of Gemini the Twins is closely related to this. However, Libra is involved as well:
“Libra: I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”4
Recently a wise Libran friend of mine said:
“… to be able to walk in between two attracting poles without been attracted to one side or to another, it is not easy – it is easier to take sides. For walking the middle path, there is a need to generate a stronger force that will be the result of the blending of the two opposing forces – unified and catalysed by a higher force. This will never be possible if one stays on one side or another.”
As mentioned earlier, Mars rules the solar plexus where the emotional body is anchored, so this balancing of the pairs of opposites takes place upon the astral plane:
“It is the attainment of this balance … [it] takes place when integration has occurred, and the [wo]man is focussed upon the mental plane. [S]He can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep his [her] balance upon it.”5
In the above-mentioned parlous state of the world, we are witnessing the bloated excesses of the Piscean age and the old paradigm crumbling away, whilst the new Aquarian dispensation slowly but surely emerges; better that we concentrate on building the future – and as Jesus once remarked, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead.” Regarding the future, he goes on to say: “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”6
Here we find more imagery of the Aries husbandman – with a keen eye on the future, blazing the trail with his plow – sowing new crops. As the old world falls away, it is worth remembering what group we may be associated with and the part it has to play in the new world:
“The slow and careful formation of the New Group of World Servers is indicative of the crisis. They are overseeing or ushering in the New Age, and are present at the birth pangs of the new civilisation, and the coming into manifestation of a new race, a new culture and a new world outlook. The work is necessarily slow and those of you who are immersed in the problems and the pains, find it hard to view the future with assurance or to interpret the present with clarity.
… It is in the recognition of what is happening to mankind as a whole and behind the scenes, that the thinkers of the world and the New Group of World Servers can best serve … The thinkers and servers must learn to concentrate upon the awakening consciousness and not upon the superficial movements.”7
Let us ponder upon another amazing and sobering passage from the Master Djwhal Khul with regard to the causes of world problems, written last century but just as pertinent today:
“The world situation today is not caused by the ambitions of any one person or race, or by the materialism, aggression and pride of any particular nation. It is not basically the result of the wrong economic conditions existing in the world at this time. It is caused entirely by the widespread hatred in the world – hatred of people and of races, hatred of individuals and of those in power, or of influence, and hatred of ideas and of religious beliefs.
Fundamentally, it is caused by the separative attitudes of all peoples and races who, down the centuries and also today, have hated each other and loved themselves. It is caused by people in every country, who have sought to cast the blame for conditions on everyone except themselves, and who have diligently sought for scapegoats whereby they may feel personal immunity for their share in the wrong thinking, the wrong speaking and the wrong doing.
This fact should be grasped and faced by all aspirants and disciples … They are not immune from the prevalent failings and many of them have sought to apportion the blame for world conditions and to criticise those who are seeking, in their own way and fashion, to deal with the situation. Clear thinking, a clear appraisal of causes and a loving outgoing to all, should distinguish all disciples at this time.
Where this attitude does not exist, there is ever the danger of absorption into the vortex of hatred and separativeness and the divorcing of the person by this (even if only temporarily) from the vortex of love. This spells danger and glamour. The very fact that disciples are all so pronouncedly individual, intensifies their reactions, good and bad. I stand almost bewildered … at the little advance in loving thinking that some disciples have shown.
… world aspirants. They, instead of working actively to bring about the accomplishment of the ends indicated by the Plan (which are of a spiritual nature and unifying in their effect, breeding not hatred and separativeness, but world understanding and fusion), spend their time in speculation, in criticism of the various world leaders and in fearful foreboding – none of which is in the least helpful and, in the last analysis, is definitely harmful. This harmfulness is due to a powerfully directed thoughtform, constructed by men and women of a certain aptitude in spiritual advancement.
The responsibility of thought is little grasped as yet by those who are numbered among the world aspirants; yet their thought-making activity is now either definitely constructive or potentially destructive.”8
[wpanchor id=”#ham”]Hamlet’s Dilemma
Choices and decisions about the roles we have to play – in the subjective or objective worlds – are very much the province of Aries-Libra and has been discussed before9 when equating this axis with Hamlet’s dilemma:
“To be or not to be – that is the question: [Aries]
Whether is nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, [Libra]
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles [Aries] And, by opposing, end them.” [Aries]
“Being” is certainly the province of Aries, “esse”, “essence”; the emergence of the first light of day at sunrise, the exalted Sun of possibility and probability. Of course Libra (the setting Sun) is well known for not speaking up because it wants to keep the peace and stay engaged, finding its identity through another – hence it “endures slings and arrows”.
Aries and Mars’ brute force “takes arms against a sea of trouble” – Mars is trouble! And by “opposing”, Mars-Aries is the warrior who takes a side and fights the good fight – whatever that might be. As a “non-sacred” planet, Mars reveals what is at war and unresolved internally, where blind desire rules and the “plane of mind” has not been fully reached.
We return again to the revolution – where is that going to take place? Internally or externally – or both? Obviously it has to be the former, then the latter, but how is the external revolution going to be expressed? As a zealous new cause to fight? Or a demonstration of unity consciousness that has a potent radiating effect upon one’s whole environment? Interesting to note that a good example of the forgoing is one great Nobel Peace Prize laureate, His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV – who has Mars in Libra! Now there’s a recipe for inner disarmament!
Phillip Lindsay © 2010.
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- See also the newsletter for Aries in 2005 where similar themes were expressed with Uranus and Aries. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- See “Liberation of the Nations: The Role of Sirius, Aquarius and Uranus.” In The Destiny of the Races and Nations by Phillip Lindsay. See essays by this author on Obama and the US elections: here and here. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.443. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- Luke 9:59-62. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.45. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.63-6. [↩]
- See “The United Nations and Libra” – here. [↩]