Cancer 2012: Homeless USA. Pluto-Uranus. Japan. Assange.
Lighted igloo at dusk.
“I Build a Lighted House and Therein Dwell”
(Full Moon July 4, 2012. 4.52 am AEST.)
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison?”
Essence of Cancer
Cancer and the Cardinal Cross
Global Economic Crisis: Homelessness and Poverty
The Uranus-Pluto Square-Dance on the Cusp of the Ages
Born on the 4th of July: United States of America
Japan’s Uranus-Pluto Time Bomb at Fukushima
Israel Attack on Iran
Julian Assange’s Pluto square Uranus Crisis
Essence of Cancer
“The whole story of astrology is, in reality, one of magnetic and magical interplay for the production or externalisation of the inner reality; it is the story of the response of form – vast, as in a solar system, microcosmic, as in a human being …”1
Cancer is the fourth solar festival of the spiritual year and completes a “divine quaternary” or foundation for the yearly cycle. Even though Cancer is primarily connected to the “inner world of causes”, it is a sign that births the blended qualities of the previous three zodiac signs – into outer manifestation. These signs represent the triplicity of life (Aries), consciousness (Taurus) and manifested duality or appearance (Gemini). By the time Cancer appears, all four elements are synthesised – fire, earth, air and water.
As a water sign, Cancer is the symbol for the “breaking of the waters” – that closely precedes birth: The birth of a child or the birth of a thoughtform; in the latter’s case, the “waters of desire” must become powerful enough to cause precipitation of the idea and its subsequent manifestation by the thinker.

Birth of Venus. (Artist: Howard Schatz.)
The subjective nature of Cancer has a certain “indefiniteness and an apparently vague subtlety which proves most elusive to the ordinary thinker”.2 This is due to the influence of Cancer’s soul ruler Neptune, God of the Waters and principle of soul consciousness. Many Neptunian types carry this kind of “vague subtlety”.
Cancer is the magnetic and magical light that draws the soul into incarnation, into the matter of the physical plane that darkly obscures the light. Note the word “magical”, as the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic is one of the rays that pass through Cancer. Likewise with its polar opposite, Capricorn the manifester and magician – and the “gate out of incarnation”.
The seventh physical plane is where the form life exists, the body, yet this plane is esoterically regarded as illusion – because it “darkly obscures the light” – it is the lesser light awaiting the catalyst of soul light.

L: Incarnation (Artist: J.V. Harvey). R: Empty Tomb (Jerusalem).
In esoteric astrology, a zodiac sign is always considered in relation to its polar opposite because it reveals how to balance the pairs of opposites physically, emotionally and mentally, eventually transcending duality.
Hence Cancer-Capricorn represents the journey from womb to tomb – birth in Cancer, death in Capricorn. Esoterically, coming into incarnation from the realm of the soul is “death”, whilst leaving incarnation back to the realm of the soul, is regarded as “life”.
Cancer is the soft and yielding feminine or mother, Capricorn the hard and unyielding masculine or father; the “soft” is connected to the ray of love-wisdom line of expression, whilst the “hard” is connected to the ray line of the will. Cancer = matter, Capricorn = spirit. Spirit must have a form to express itself through. A true clue to the Cancer-Capricorn relationship is said to lie in the adage, “matter is spirit at its lowest point and spirit is matter at its highest”.

Cancer is the mother, the womb, the one who births, that creates the mental, emotional and physical bodies that will allow a soul to function as a personality on the physical plane. The Moon and Neptune are the rulers of Cancer, representing the physical and astral bodies respectively. The tangible lunar form and the more intangible “watery body” ruled appropriately by the “God of the Waters”, Neptune:
“… in the two rulers of this sign, the Moon and Neptune – you have the symbols of a close relationship between the Mother of all Forms and the God of the Waters … In this esoteric marriage, you have pictured for humanity a major synthesis of form and of desire-sensitivity and, consequently, a true statement of the stage of consciousness which we call Atlantean.”3
Just as Saturn ruled over Lemuria and Uranus rules over our current rootrace, Neptune ruled over Atlantis, no doubt presiding over the great inundation that eventually swallowed it. Multitudes of humanity today are still Atlantean in their consciousness – as witnessed in the tabloid magazines and other media, where the emphasis is upon mass identification with form, beauty, glamour, material satiation, flaunting of wealth, luxury and power etc.
As the Aquarian cycle of 2,160 years gains greater strength, its influence is connected to group consciousness, almost the polar opposite of Cancer, which is generically unthinking mass consciousness, or “mob” mentality.
Cancer is the beginning of spiritual group consciousness in that it deals with one’s immediate biological family (not necessarily spiritual family). Hence a progression can be traced through the signs, Cancer Mass consciousness. Leo Individualised consciousness. Virgo Christ or soul consciousness. Aquarius Group consciousness.
As Aquarius gains influence, the Leo polarity becomes further activated; millions are emerging from Cancerian mass consciousness, learning to think with “newly individualised” minds; this is creating a world where there are many perspectives and opinions, where ideas are digested and refined through mass media conferencing and global online forums. This will further accelerate the expansion of consciousness and understanding, eventually leading for many to the first initiation (ruled by Leo), where the recognition of soul takes place within the heart. Still on the Moon-Neptune theme,
“…in orthodox astrology, the Moon is substituted for Neptune because it is the form nature which is dominant in the longest stage of human unfoldment, just as esoterically, it is the feeling-sensitive nature which dominates the average man; it is with this stable tendency that the disciple has to wrestle. In the mass mind (of which Cancer is the truest expression), it is fortunate that Neptune is veiled by the Moon and that the form fails to register or step down many of the impacts to which the true man is sensitive. Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts, to handle them constructively or to transmute them and interpret them accurately.

The Path of Light (Nuwala Eliya, Sri Lanka 1993. Author’s pic.)
Upon the Path of Discipleship and along the line of esoteric development, one of the major difficulties and great problems of the disciple is his extreme sensitivity to impacts from every side and his rapid ability to respond to contacts coming from “all points of the compass, from every angle of the zodiacal wheel and from that which is within as well as from that which is without, from that which lies above, below, and upon every hand,” as the Old Commentary expresses it.
It is also as difficult and hard for the average student of modern times to grasp the mass-consciousness of Cancer as it is for him to grasp the group-awareness or the universal consciousness of Aquarius and to this final development, humanity is hierarchically related by the Moon, veiling Neptune. The average human being is just beginning to grasp the stage of the individual Christ consciousness of Virgo to which he is related by the same planet.”4
What is meant by this phrase, “Average humanity is not yet fully equipped to bear the full range of these impacts.”? The answer concerns a factor that is often stressed in esoteric astrology, that each individual can only respond to a planet, sign or ray – according to their developed vehicles of response.

Vehicle of response, looks like a spiritual emergency!
One example is Neptune, with its highly refined and spiritualising forces – but in their lower expression, impacting upon mass humanity, leading to various addictions. This is why Neptune has such a “negative” interpretation in exoteric astrology and its practitioners generally do not give much thought as to the why of the matter.
Cancer is a water sign, indicating the feeling or astral nature. This astral body is “anchored” at the solar plexus chakra ruled by Neptune and Mars.
Of course, the entire theme of Neptune is related to LOVE and trying to connect, unite and attain the “mystical marriage” with an elusive but sensed divinity that underlies the fabric of this entire solar system. Hence addiction’s connection to fear, both manifestations of the desire nature, which when transmuted, reveal themselves as courage and divine union within the heart. The following sign Leo, with its Neptune rulership also, represents somewhat this stage and as referred to earlier, the awakening of the soul and the first initiation.
Neptune is connected closely to the heart centre but does not rule it per se, that is the role of Jupiter and the Sun; it is closely allied to what is known as the “higher light” of the solar plexus, a “departure point” in the transference and transmutation of forces from the solar plexus to the heart centre,
“… eventually the watery life of emotional reaction is superseded by the life of true and of inclusive love. Soul control esoterically “obliterates” the Moon and all traces of Neptunian life.”5
Cancer and the Cardinal Cross
Esoteric astrology considers polar opposites but also the entire cross that a sign is upon. Cancer is upon the cardinal cross, comprised of Cancer-Capricorn and Aries-Libra. This cross reveals a more complete picture of ray energies pouring through each sign to the Cancerian subject and also the planetary forces associated with each sign – the personality and soul rulers. Hence Cancer is influenced by the following seven planets:
Sign | Exoteric Ruler | Esoteric Ruler |
Aries | Mars | Mercury |
Cancer | Moon | Neptune |
Libra | Venus | Uranus |
Capricorn | Saturn | Saturn |
“The Cancerian subject becomes responsive to the uses of conflict (Mars), to the functioning of the light of intuition (Mercury) and to the cosmic pull of Uranus, plus the intellect of Venus and the presentation of opportunity (Saturn). These, however, play subjectively upon the dweller in the form and are not consciously registered as potencies by the individual for many aeons of time and not until the life of the form and the reaction to sensitive emotion-feeling has played an active and an educational part in the awakening of the mind.
Once that awakening of desire and its transmutation into the higher aspiration has taken place, then the Virgo influence comes in and the responsive soul – developed by the five indirect influences of the Cardinal Cross – begins its active conscious participation in the drama of life.
Thus the direct and the indirect influences of the seven planets play their varied parts in man’s unfoldment, and students would find it of interest and of value to relate the effects of these seven planetary forces to the unfolding seven principles of man.”6
Note this phrase, “the soul … begins its active conscious participation in the drama of life”, as opposed to the experience of mass consciousness in Cancer where the individual is simply tossed around on Neptune’s stormy sea, pushed this way, pulled that.
It is said that the secret of the cardinal cross is “life” or the spiritual will, the fixed cross is about the development and expression of love, whilst the mutable cross is related to the developing intelligence. The bulk of humanity are still on the common or mutable cross – of blind experience and repetitive mistakes, whilst those who have exhausted those many lives and awoken, embarked upon a more conscious journey – have “mounted” the fixed cross, eventually to “crucify” or raise up their lower natures.

Christ on the Stormy Sea of Galilee. (Artist: Rembrandt.)
Note, just because you might have the cardinal cross prominent in your chart, does not mean that you are “on” that cross – likewise with any other sign. The three crosses in this sense are interpreted generically.
Mutable Cross Mass, blind experience. Development of lower centres. Personality focus.
Fixed Cross Soul “Reverses the Wheel”. First three initiations. Awakening of higher centres.
Cardinal Cross Final initiations leading to liberation. Arhat, Master of Wisdom.
The first three initiations are taken on the fixed cross, whilst the remaining two initiations that bring a human to perfection, are taken on the cardinal cross. Yet the will (and love), is developed over many lives, hence the importance of the cardinal cross in the chart an individual who is on the Path and developing the will.
Yet Cancer does not express rays one (will-power) or two (love-wisdom), although these are major underlying life principles. Rays 3 and 7 pass through Cancer, whilst rays 4, 5 & 6 are associated with the rulers of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, making five ray influences altogether, just as there are seven planetary influences discussed earlier:
“Only five rays play through this constellation which even at a relatively high point of development and upon the returning wheel preserves ever the mass relationship for the benefit of the incarnating individual and in order to guarantee the ultimate salvation of substance itself. Human beings, without initiated vision, are apt to interpret all the signs and their effects in terms of individual man, whereas the purpose of their coordinated influence is both planetary, solar and cosmic …
… the influences pouring from the constellations, via their intermediaries, the planets, will produce very diverse changes and significant happenings to which man will consciously or unconsciously respond according to his point of development. The response of the individual Cancer subject to the incoming influences and to his environment will be different to those of the disciple or initiate and these again will differ in every sign, thus rounding out human development.”7

From “The Rays Made Visual” by Helen S. Burmeister.
Note this last statement, we are all at various stages of unfoldment, so what is true for a Cancerian at the mutable cross level of experience, will not be the same for a Cancerian at the fixed cross level, nor, more rarely will it be the same for a Cancerian who is on that final cross of incarnational experience, the cardinal cross.
Global Economic Crisis: Homelessness and Poverty
Cancer is Mother Earth, the home, the nurturer, the provider and protector. Currently almost half of the world’s population does not have this nurturance or protection. The following is a list of familiar facts (give or take, depending on who you consult), that are familiar for most:
- Almost one third of the world’s population (2 of 7 billion) live in absolute poverty. Nearly this amount have no access to clean drinking water.
- Almost half of the world’s population (3 billion) struggle to survive on US$2/day.
- To satisfy the world’s sanitation and food requirements would cost US$13 billion, what Europe and the USA spend on perfume each year.
- The assets of the world’s three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the least developed countries on the planet.
- The top 400 billionaires now enjoy a combined net worth equal to the poorest 2.5 billion people on the planet.

L: Affluent Dubai. R: Effluent Dubai.
- The United States, the largest economy in the world, with less than 5% of the world’s population, consumes nearly 1/4th of all fossil fuels, more than 1/3rd of all paper, while creating 50% of the world’s solid waste.
- 20 percent of people living in high-income countries consume 86% of all the world’s goods and services. The poorest 20%, by contrast, consume just 1.3 percent.
- The world’s 225 richest individuals have a combined wealth of over US$1 trillion, equal to the annual income of the poorest 50% of the entire population of the planet.
- The world’s seven richest men could wipe out poverty. Their combined wealth is more than enough to provide the basic needs of the poorest quarter of the world’s population.
Of course solutions are not simply about throwing money at problems, but it sure helps. What has happened to bring humanity to this deplorable, desperate and dangerous situation? A world where,
- The gap between rich and poor has become an abyss.
- There is no restraint in the exploitation of finite resources.
- Little change upon the immediate horizon in selfish corporate manipulation.
- Little change in the practices of money managers in most nations.
- Continual manipulation and extortion in global money markets.
- Financial institutions or corporations who are caught out simply pay millions or billions in fines – and go back to business as usual.
- There are plenty of innovative ideas to deal with the global financial situation but no courage or will to
implement them. - A fragile planet where pollution, environmental degradation and bio-diversity issues are not being dealt with quickly enough.
- Where there is little that can be trusted in mainstream media, owned and controlled by forces that do not have the wishes of the majority at heart.
- Where major world governments conduct wars or proxy wars for ulterior objectives and hence routinely lie to the people.

Caracas, Venezuela.
These points are but a few that come to mind. Whilst the answers to all these issues are complex and inter-related, one common factor is that a prevailing attitude of selfishness, greed and apathy tends to negate or over-ride the many great achievements and innovations that are part of the emerging new paradigm. Many groups and individuals are doing amazing work, but much of it goes unreported because it is not “sensational” reportage. There is a new paradigm emerging that will gradually supplant the old one, we just cannot see it that clearly yet.
The Uranus-Pluto Square-Dance on the Cusp of the Ages
Yet the good news is that the world is now at the precipice and will be forced to deal with these issues; if it is not ready, then Pluto and Uranus will make sure it is! The “square dance” (yee hah, hang on to your hats folks!), of transiting Pluto and Uranus will be in effect until around March 2015, promising a rollicking ride. When we reflect upon this period in the future, it may well be seen as the major harbinger of change.
Uranus rules the next 2,160-year Aquarian cycle and Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Pisces, an era the world is now leaving behind. Cusps of the ages always have great turbulence and conflict surrounding them, as the influences of the future forces supercede the grasp of the past. Pluto is the destroyer, well suited to its role in breaking down all the accretions of the previous Piscean cycle.
Hence this transiting Uranus-Pluto square is another major sign post in the cuspal period of the ages, occurring in the much-touted Mayan cycle of 2012; the latter’s theme is very similar to the Uranus-Pluto influence unfolding.
Like many combinations of planetary conjunctions, they all have their cycles. If the cycle of Uranus-Pluto is traced around the circle of the zodiac, the following most recent times are revealed:
Uranus-Pluto | Some Manifestations of the Cycle |
1755-8 square | Unrest and problems between the new colonies and Britain that led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, birth of the USA. |
1793 opposition | Era of French Revolution, first Republic of France. |
1850 conjunction | Lead up to American Civil War. Abolition of slavery. Abraham Lincoln privately writes about the danger of corporations.8 |
1932 square | Great Depression. Discovery of Pluto. Rise of Hitler, fascism in Europe, led to WW II. Nationalism. Stalin, Mao rise to power. |
1966 conjunction | Cultural, political, scientific revolutions – mysticism, music, eastern philosophies, alternative healing, environmental awareness. Racism largely eradicated. |
2012 square | Economic crisis. Who controls power in politics, media, religion, education, internationally. Ripe for revolution. Cusp of the ages. |
2047 opposition | ? |
In 2011-12, at the first square of Uranus and Pluto since their 1966 conjunction, humanity is going through a review of how well it has integrated the experiences of the past 46 years. The world is reaping the benefits of that period, as well as paying the price for some abuses.
Interesting to note that at the recent birth of the Occupy Movement during the first close square of Uranus-Pluto in September 2011, the world witnessed public demonstrations that have not been seen since the 1960’s.
The key crises at the heart of this transit are about Pluto’s power – economic, political, government, food and farming, education and nuclear. Pluto in Capricorn is dragging all these issues to the surface. As stated in an essay in 2008, some issues of Pluto in Capricorn are:
Worst | Best |
The rise of dictators, lust for power. | Powerful leaders empower their people. |
Fight for resources like oil and manipulation of governments by secretive cartels. | Breaking old patterns around addiction to one form of energy, exposure of corruption. |
Destruction of material values leading to stock market crashes around the world, recession, economic depression. | Fairer redistribution of resources after a ‘level playing field’ has been created. A new world monetary system established. |
Abuse of power by nations or races on the 1st ray or Capricorn line. | Political will that empowers the populace, creating new liberating laws. |
Inversion of the Shamballa force (Agharti) used by the forces of darkness. | Greater awareness of the force of Shamballa directing the ‘will of God’ upon the planet. |
War through nuclear fission technology. | Peace through nuclear fusion technology. |
![pluto Rapto de Perséfone[6].jpg](
“Rapture of Persephone” (Pluto abducting Persephone). (Artist: Christoph Schwartz 1545-92.)
Born on the 4th of July: United States of America
The USA has a critical leadership role in the world today, despite the fact that many of its worst features that affect the Western world, have emanated from this still-maturing nation.
Although the USA is an Aquarian soul with a Gemini personality, Cancer features strongly in its make-up. Washington, the place of government and crown chakra for the USA, is a Cancer soul. (See Aries newsletter 2011 for commentary on Washington and here in relation to USA’s main chakras.)
New York, the throat chakra of the USA, is also conditioned by Cancer and the esoteric motto for the USA is, “I light the Way.” The Statue of Liberty in New York has inscribed upon it the famous poem, “The New Colossus” written by Emma Lazarus, herself born in the last degree of Cancer. The poem immortalises the theme of lighting the way, as well as Cancer, the universal mother tending to her children:
“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset hates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Here is a connection to old Atlantis, as the Greek Colossus was named after the Atlantean giants, with whom the ancients came in contact, the “Colossi”. It is said that America was dubbed by Francis Bacon, “The New Atlantis”. A large portion of the North American continent is in fact a remainder of the old Atlantean lands.
“A mighty woman with a torch”, the “mother of Exiles”, the “imprisoned lightning” – inspired and evocative words. But how much is the USA living up to these ideals today and fulfilling its dharma?

Observers from all grades of the spectrum believe that the USA has deteriorated beyond the point of no return – almost a failed republic. Its constitution and laws have been severely undermined by individuals, corporations and congress itself – many high profile thinkers in the USA have commented about this. (Al Gore’s book, “An Assault on Reason” is one good example.)
The USA’s economy is melting down, its political system is deeply corrupted, it is beholden to other interests that direct congress – and is up to its neck in overseas wars, directly or by proxy. Are USA’s “tired, poor, huddled masses and wretched refuse”, no longer relevant or been consigned as “low priority”?
“While the Dow Jones average has doubled in the past two years and the income of the wealthiest Americans has increased by 250 percent since 2006, a growing number of Americans have been descending into poverty, hunger and homelessness. There’s something terribly wrong with this picture, when in purportedly the wealthiest nation in the world we have the highest poverty rates of all the industrialized nations. Just look at these shameful statistics:
• 50 million Americans (one out of every six, and one fourth of all children) are now living in poverty, without adequate nutrition, and lacking any form of health insurance.
• 15 percent of American families are considered “food insecure,” meaning they are not always able to put an adequate meal on the table, parents often going hungry to provide food for their children. Typically, poverty has resulted from a combination of abysmally low wages and a lack of decent housing at a cost people being paid those low wages can afford.

… the events of the past few years have created a whole new category of impoverished – people who were once members of the middle class, earning good incomes, making their mortgage payments, putting money aside for their children’s education and for their own retirement, and generally leading the good life that we all associate with working hard for the American Dream. The severe recession of 2008, with its jarring losses of jobs, has put an abrupt end to the dreams of many millions of people. With their jobs went their health insurance…
Unable to continue their mortgage payments, people are confronted with foreclosure, eviction, and in many cases, homelessness.
… The numbers of the homeless are hard to come up with, but could be approaching one million, more than half of whom are likely to be families with children. It is estimated that since 2008 the numbers of homeless families and children have increased by 23 percent and 39 percent respectively, and there may now be as many as 170,000 homeless families in the U.S.”9
Indeed, yours truly was startled at the degree of homelessness when first visiting San Francisco ten years ago, the highest in the USA – in one of its wealthiest cities. The shock was driven home by the fact that I had been insulated in a very affluent neighbourhood for a week before deciding to spend a few days in the city.
More recently the shock returned when travelling by local bus several times in Santa Barbara and around Ventura in California, the amount of homeless and mentally ill living rough on the streets. You see it everywhere in the USA, especially if you take public transport, those who drive a car miss most of it and do not pay it much attention anyway. Bus stations (and their surrounds) all over the nation, is where one will see some of the saddest sights of the homeless and desperate. Yet of course, it is the same all over the world in varying degrees.

USA’s Cancer Sun Square Saturn: Activation Imminent!
Esoterically, the USA is a Gemini personality, so there are dualities and contradictions that abound within its complex psyche. On the one hand there is a great generosity possessed by this nation, reflected by the Cancer Sun conjunct Jupiter (exalted) and Venus in Cancer. On the other hand, this generosity is challenged by a close square of Saturn in Libra (law) to the Cancer Sun.
This can create a hard line ruthlessness, hence it’s certainly a challenge to uphold its own laws, to maintain justice and fairness – and this has contributed largely to USA’s manipulation and recent demise; what it abuses internally, affects internationally because the 1776 horoscope can be regarded as a milestone for human rights generally, just as the horoscope for France reflects the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.
USA and the Cancer Full Moon Period 2012
But all this is about to change as the transiting Uranus-Pluto circus comes to town! Preceding this major visitation by Uranus-Pluto, will be the full moon period of July 4, 2012. The full moon this year occurs on the USA’s birthday, hence it will not only stimulate the USA’s Cancerian Sun and those nurturing qualities of the mother, but it will set off the Sun square Saturn aspect.
Uranus and Pluto are lurking around in this full moon picture and part of a T-square formation with the Sun-Moon opposition, but have not come fully into their orb of influence and strength – like they will in 2014. Nevertheless, the themes mentioned earlier related to the right use of the law and USA getting its own house in order, will be stimulated powerfully. Sirius is closely conjunct the USA’s Sun, no doubt carefully chosen by some of its metaphysically inclined founders. Sirius concerns the plan and purpose of this entire solar system and the Cancer-Capricorn axis is one of its “gateways”:
“Cancer – Capricorn – Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High [Sirian Lodge] in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”
Will this stimulation allow the USA as a nation to “tread the Path of Purification and Probation” and move on to the Path of Discipleship? Note that in the Cancer-Capricorn triangle above, that Saturn is prominent. Likewise in USA’s chart, Sun square Saturn is a point of tension that has the capacity to force an invocation of these higher forces. Saturn as the custodian of the law, transmits the greater Sirian law.
Given the fact that Sirius represents the greater law of the solar system, its evocation at this Cancer full moon festival may set energies in motion that will bring about a better alignment for the USA with the Greater Plan – of which it was originally meant to be an exponent and custodian for Humanity. There are many needed adjustments for the USA to get back on track for its chosen mission and to eradicate the selfish forces that currently hold the nation hostage. Pluto will most certainly lead that purge! (Some of the outcomes for USA in the short term were shared in the Aquarius 2012 newsletter.)
Interesting to note that Vladimir Putin’s Libran Sun is exactly on USA’s natal Saturn, putting him in a role where he tends to be demonised, yet calling on USA to exercise international law rightly. He will not play the international game that USA, Europe and NATO want Russia to play. When a planet in a square aspect to the Sun is unintegrated, it is easy to project that “unowned” aspect of the personality onto others.
The Nitty Gritty of USA’s Pluto-Uranus Transit
The USA’s Cancer Sun will be opposed by Pluto all of 2014, yet it will be felt quite strongly on its approach in 2013. Uranus will square USA’s Cancer Sun from April 2014 to February 2015. This period will be the most critical phase of the Uranus-Pluto transit as both planets are closely in orb of aspecting the Cancer Sun. April 22-3, 2014 will be especially important, kick-starting this ten-month window of opportunity, as there will be an exact grand cross formed over USA’s Sun – by Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars, all four of whom inhabit the 14th degree of their respective signs upon the cardinal cross.
Sabian Symbols for 14 degrees of the Cardinal Cross10
The following symbols are self-explanatory and may invoke intuitional insights.
Aries (Uranus) A SERPENT COILING NEAR A MAN AND A WOMAN. Identification in bipolar relationship with the impersonal rhythm of natural energy.
Cancer (Sun) A VERY OLD MAN FACING A VAST DARK SPACE TO THE NORTHEAST. Fulfillment in transcending and changeless wisdom.
Libra (Saturn) IN THE HEAT OF THE NOON HOUR A MAN TAKES A SIESTA. The need for recuperation within the social pattern of everyday activity.
Capricorn (Pluto) AN ANCIENT BAS-RELIEF CARVED IN GRANITE REMAINS A WITNESS TO A LONG-FORGOTTEN CULTURE. The will to unearth … what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials.
Japan’s Uranus-Pluto Time Bomb at Fukishima11
Only more recently has the mainstream media (ABC Australia in this case) been reporting what is going on in Fukushima:
“… another earthquake hitting Fukushima could spark a disaster worse than Chernobyl; a pool brimming with hundreds of tonnes of spent nuclear fuel rods perched 30 metres above the ground in a shattered building next to a damaged reactor. Much has been made of the meltdowns in reactors one, two and three at Fukushima, less of the precarious state of the fuel storage pool in reactor four.

Reactor #4.
Japanese and US nuclear experts have told the ABC that another large earthquake which caused the damaged pool to drain, could spark a catastrophic nuclear fire. That would likely release 10 times more radioactive caesium than was emitted during the Chernobyl disaster.
“If there’s a crack in the pool and the water drains out the fuel rods will be exposed” Hiroaki Koide tells me. “It will then be impossible to cool the fuel. So if an accident happens, 10 times more caesium than has already been released by the Fukushima meltdowns will go into the atmosphere. Depending on which way the wind is blowing, Tokyo could become uninhabitable” he says.”12
Uranus-Pluto rule uranium and plutonium respectively. Japan’s horoscope reveals that natal Uranus in Cancer is coming in the line of fire from approaching Uranus-Pluto. It will be aspected by the full moon of July 4 as well.
Japan’s progressed Sun is also in Cancer and transiting Pluto has been opposing it before and since the tsunami of March 2011. For the next few months both Pluto and Uranus will be aspecting Japan’s progressed Sun in Cancer. It’s a difficult transit which will challenge Japan to come up with some innovative solutions for their nuclear power stations nationwide and their economy. But the most critical dates will be the Uranus-Pluto aspects to Japan’s natal Uranus, 2013-14. In late January 2013, transiting Pluto lines up to make an exact opposition to
Japan’s natal Uranus all the way through to the end of 2013, whilst transiting Uranus will square Uranus from April 2013 to March 2014. Hence, the most potent period, whilst both planets are in orb, will be the window from April to December 2013. This occurs one year before the USA’s most critical Uranus-Pluto aspects. Hence, if the highly likely scenario of another earthquake occurs (most experts say when, not if), and creates damage to industry like March 2011, this could break the back of the Japanese economy, having a flow-on effect to the USA and the rest of the world.
And if further nuclear meltdowns were created from such an event, then one can only hope and pray. Its somewhat puzzling that with all of Japan’s brilliant technology and ingenuity, they have not dealt with the problem of reactor #4 yet. Japan is a Capricorn nation and like all other Capricorn nations, will not be exempt from Pluto’s purge. (The degree to which this occurs remains to be seen.
Israel Attack on Iran
Israel has been threatening to attack Iran for some time now and a recent report from Haaretz newspaper in Israel, June 23 reads:
“Israel and the U.S. are pushing forward with preparations to jointly strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, the U.S. blog Business Insider reported on Saturday.
“U.S. defense contracts, an Iranian F-16 acquisition, and Israel’s new military preparations suggest that all sides are getting ready for whatever may come,” the report says.
According to the blog, the U.S navy has recently signed a $338 million contract with defense contractor Raytheon to “provide the Navy with 361 Tomahawk cruise missiles in their most recent configuration. According to the website, the U.S. is either renewing its stock of missiles or planning ahead.
“On May 9,” the report added, “the U.S. House of Representatives passed the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012, which seeks to “reaffirm the commitment to Israel’s security as a Jewish state; provide Israel with the military capabilities to defend itself by itself against any threats … [and] expand military and civilian cooperation.”

A senior Israeli official recently told Reuters that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to attack Iran before the U.S. elections in November.13
Defence contracts? Oh what alot of money they are going to make! One is reminded of Krishna’s angry response to one of the characters in The Mahabharata, “Then you shall have your glorious war!” Such an act would be foolhardy in the extreme, but nothing looks like thwarting Israel’s intention at this stage.
Israel’s solar return (May 14, 2012) for the next one year period from May 2012-13, has many indicators that it will attack, based upon an over-confidence factor. There is a major conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun on the midheaven, closely square a Leo ascendant – the latter being close to Israel’s natal Mars, a troublesome factor that has it continually at war with its neighbours.
Even though Sun and Jupiter are the rulers of the love-wisdom ray, in an exoteric horoscope for a young nation, it expresses generally as belligerence and egotism.
There is a grand trine between Mercury, Mars and Pluto in earth signs, that could create good communications, but it seems to be more a kind of “forceful persuasion” that a military strike affords. The Moon is in Pisces and this “soft” factor might offset these tendencies, but as it is opposed to Mars in Virgo, most likely not, the volatility factor somewhat heightened, as well as devious sleight-of-hand tactics, using propaganda. Venus in Gemini is trine Saturn in Libra, probably the saving grace of the chart for right relations and communications.
Yet Uranus ruling the seventh house of relationships square to Pluto, does not hold much promise – will and power will want to “win the day”. A co-worker concurs: “The Aries decanate of Leo rising brings the power of Mars, in its own house of personal identity, in its full power of self-assertion, risk and impulsiveness.
Mars in Virgo, ruling the 9th house of vision, religion and truth, shows narrowness and an inability to see the forest for the trees which they, with great belief and confidence, present to others and to the world …

The full 7th house of open enemies contains the triple conjunction of the Moon, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, with the Moon in Cancer decanate of Pisces linking these energies to the Cancer ruled 12th house of karma and hidden enemies. This indicates that they are ready to face their old karmic unfinished business and correct/adjust their old wound (Chiron), if not through by “forceful persuasion”, as you say, then by war and aggression.
The possibility of war and unexpected accidents and casualties is seen very strongly by the Mars quincunx to Uranus in Aries, in the 8th house of death; in the Pluto square to Uranus (revolution/war/transformation) and both being in aspect to the strong Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn decanate of Taurus in the 10th house – (seeing themselves as confident and powerful conquerors supported by other government/s with the possibility of involvement of finance and resources of others.); in the triangle of Mars-Saturn-Moon, indicating their desire to end an old unresolved conflict; the axis of the Mars-Moon opposition from Virgo to Pisces is the axis of manifestation/birth and of abstraction/death and of correction, sacrifice and ongoing resolution where things have to be resolved completely because Pisces, as the last sign is the sign of karmic reaping.”14
Of course other factors contribute to the situation, not least in Netanyahu’s horoscope. According to military experts, the “sweet spot” for attack will be in September or October, the time that Netanyahu has transiting Saturn make its third and final pass over his Libran Sun, giving him a “road to Damascus” opportunity to make peace.

Ahmadinejad and Netanyahu at the United Nations.
Netanyahu has four planets in Libra, the sign of peace, including Mercury (thinking, communications) at 9 Libra 34, hence Pluto will be squaring and Uranus will be opposing this planet for the next two years. There is certainly an opportunity for Netanyahu to transform his views entirely during such a period.
Yet the power planets Pluto and Uranus in inharmonious aspect to Mercury, usually default to the point of least resistance, the cultural conditioning and survival instincts of the base and sacral chakras which these two planets rule respectively. Iran has its Sun at 11 Aries 06, so it to will be joining the Uranus-Pluto square-dance over the next couple of years.
Julian Assange’s Pluto square Uranus Crisis15
Julian Assange’s Cancer Sun is the same degree and minute (10 Cancer 38) as Japan’s Uranus. Hence the critical dates for Japan will be identical for Assange’s Uranus-Pluto aspects.

Julian Assange.
In contrast to USA’s rather conservative Cancer Sun square Saturn, Assange has his Cancer Sun square revolutionary Uranus; that’s why he irritates the USA so much, apart from the fact that he has exposed truths that USA would rather have kept hidden. Currently Assange is holed-up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London applying for extradition, in a bid to avoid extradition to Sweden which could easily slingshot him to the USA. If he succeeds, then he may have to carry the Cancer shell on his back to South America. If not, will he become a political scapegoat? Assange’s supporters paint him as a whistle-blowing hero but his critics denounce him as a traitorous anarchist.

Mother of the World. (Nicholas Roerich 1924.)
Phillip Lindsay © 2012.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.336. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.321. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.322. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.322. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.324. [
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.331. [
- “We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.” [
- [
- From Dane Rudhyar’s “Sabian Symbols”. [
- See also newsletter on Japan’s Tsunami, here. [
- Click here. [
- Click here. [
- Elena Dramchini, astrologer. [
- For more about Assange, see the newsletters here and here. [