Cancer 2013: Watery Matrix. Turkey. Crisis USA. Problem of Theft.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C.
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
Cancer: The Primordial Watery Matrix
Turkey Unrest: Cancer Soul Awakening
National Crisis: Cancer Influences in the USA
The Problem of Theft in the Psyche of Humanity
No Secrets in the Coming Age of Telepathy
Cancer: The Primordial Watery Matrix

Blood of the Mother, Water of Life
I lie prone
upon the surface
of the sparkling stream
light as an insect,
carrying me swift-flowing
winding me head-first
through the lighted forest
undulating and eddying
with exuberant flourishes
and dashing jumps
under the joyous eye of the sun,
flashing through the branches
on this fluid meanderer
gleaming clean, awash
with fresh vitality.
Here the Mother
celebrates and sings
with a hearty laughter
birthing the joy of life
coursing through her veins
in nature’s eternal
celebration …1

Cancer ocean goddess!
(Scientist, Natalia Avseenko, swims with beluga whales in the Arctic.2 )
Cancer is one of the oldest signs of the zodiac, prominent in ancient Lemuria when humanity came into existence at a time when there were only eight zodiac signs influencing that primitive evolution. Cancer is the Mother of the human family, connecting all to the ocean of consciousness from which we have emerged – and, to paraphrase the ancient verses of the Gayatri – to where we return, as self-conscious liberated souls.
The oceans are ruled over by the god of the waters, Neptune, the soul ruler of Cancer. Here Cancer shares with another water sign Pisces, the common rulership of Neptune. Mother Earth is composed of earth and water, land and sea – a sea that covers 70% of the Earth’s surface. The seas are the teeming salty matrix from which all life-forms have emerged.
Cancer concerns consciousness, as much as the physical form that consciousness seeks to appropriate. This consciousness is reflected in the highly refined forces of Cancer’s soul ruler Neptune, whilst the form nature is represented by the Moon, the personality ruler. In this regard, the month of Cancer is always a good opportunity to deal with diet and health issues, to recognise the intricacies of the body, nutrition and good health. On the other hand, Neptune is connected to the underlying force of this entire solar system, the substance of the second ray of love-wisdom.
Cancer is about birth and hence the womb – moisture and dampness that assists growth, whilst its opposite Capricorn is dry and dusty, representing achievement, completion and death, the tomb. Cancer, the door into incarnation and Capricorn the door out of incarnation; from womb to tomb, and in the process we weave our bright colours upon the soul’s loom.
The hermit crab is an organism that inhabits a borrowed shell for its life; humans also appropriate their shells and discard them when it’s time to shift to another incarnation. We are all hermit crabs living out our existences between the low and high tide markers of the cosmos!
Due to the sensitivity of Cancer, it can be quite reclusive, hence the crab retreats into its shell or scuttles under the nearest rock – primordial survival instincts! This psychic sensitivity whose shadow is fear – of what is sensed and unseen – but not known. Hence Cancer is more subject to the illusion of fear more than most zodiac signs.
Watery Cancer is connected to the development and integration of the astral body. Most of humanity are still “astrally polarised”, are not fully mentally developed. Hence, they are ruled by Cancer in its role of ruling “mass consciousness” – also ruled by the Moon and Neptune.
Yet from another perspective, the rays of mind pass through Cancer, the third ray of active intelligence and the seventh ray of ceremonial order or magic. Saturn and Uranus are manifesters and builders, the rulers of these two rays respectively. These rays contribute to Cancerian organisational power and managing all kinds of resources. The third and seventh rays are pre-eminently the rays that shape and refine forms on their path to precipitation into the outer world – whether they are human bodies or thoughtforms. Hence Cancer the Mother births all forms.

Geometry of the salt cube, the four-square foundation of life,
related to all geometrical forms, connected to the four-petalled base chakra.
Yet the third ray is the ray of light and when pondering the Cancer injunction, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”, one interpretation pertains to the building of the soul’s causal body through the extraction of the sattvas of lighted life experience, the aromas that arise from the awakening lotus.
Hence the great matrix/mother is not only the ocean of creation, but on a higher turn of the spiral, the matrix of mind, the cosmic ocean that births the Will – represented by polar opposite Capricorn, the father; their progeny are the five kingdoms of nature: mineral, vegetable, animal, human and the kingdom of souls.
The previous sign to Cancer is Gemini, the third of the three most important solar festivals for the year. As Gemini is about dissemination of the Will that was impulsed in Aries, quite often the period of Gemini is one of civil unrest. A good example is the uprising in China that led to Tiananmen Square in 1989, where the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus were all in Gemini.
And so the world has been witnessing alot of public discontent recently, during Gemini – the warring brothers – the state versus the people. A blending between these two polarities is seeking expression. Turkey has a Gemini Moon, the demonstrations in Brazil started over the high price of public transport (Gemini), as Mars transited over Brazil’s Moon-Jupiter in Gemini.
Yet like Turkey, these kind of triggers bring up a lot of deeper social issues. They are the tip of the iceberg, the straws that break the proverbial camel’s back, inspiring the people to reclaim their eroded rights.
Recent demonstrations all over Turkey show that the people are resisting domination by big business and heavy-handed tactics by government. Turkey is a Cancer soul with a Scorpio personality.3 Although Cancer can seem quite passive, it is one of the most resistant of the zodiac signs. Cancer Sun, Julian Assange is a good example – holed up in his ‘shell’ of the Ecuador embassy in London.
Currently there is a grand trine in water signs with transiting Sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This influence will bring about a great sensitivity and awareness, especially while the Sun transits its annual passage through the month of Cancer.
The exoteric horoscope for Turkey reflects remarkably accurately the esoteric truth – Cancer rising with a Scorpio Sun.4 Hence the current water grand trine has rendered this nation particularly sensitive.
Transiting Saturn on its 30-year cycle, is currently sitting on Turkey’s Scorpio Sun (personality), calling it to account, to take responsibility for the right direction of governing the nation. Saturn in Scorpio also reflects the unnecessarily ruthless and brutal responses by authorities, as over-compensation for their fear of losing control.
Scorpio ruler Pluto, is natally positioned on Turkey’s Cancer ascendant (soul purpose), in turn triggered by the Uranus-Pluto roadshow for the next two years. Hence much transformation and change will be swirling around this region of Asia Minor for the next few years.
As a trans-continental country sharing borders with eight other nations, Turkey is in an unique situation to influence the entire Middle East and Europe. Just like the Arab spring, instantaneous media has created an awareness and solidarity, where the cry for human liberty begets boldness and further demands for liberty.
Likewise, there have been whistle-blowers begetting other whistle-blowers. The power of one courageous action has a ripple effect, empowering others to release their fears and make a stand.5
In this age of imminent revolution, no one can afford to be too Cancer-cautious about what they are going to post on social media or elsewhere; otherwise the system has succeeded in creating oppression through fear. This is a time of making a firm stand, of peaceful civil disobedience in the streets, adding one’s voice to the many, signing online petitions.
Visiting the Avaaz website (Avaaz: The World in Action) and watching the list of signatures growing every second, is an awesome and empowering experience.
As if to invoke the soul of the founder of their nation, one man stood facing a portrait of Ataturk for eight hours, joined by others in silent protest. Kemal Ataturk was a disciple upon the first ray of will or power, a ray being brought increasingly into global prominence, by Pluto especially:
“I would point out that Ataturk, the Turkish dictator, within certain personality limitations of relatively negligible moment, made good use of first ray energy, and only the testimony of future historical records will indicate fully how wisely, sanely and disinterestedly he used this type of force for the attainment of first ray objectives.
It might be apposite here to point out that such first ray exponents of force are often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan.”6
May the will of the first ray be invoked wisely and constructively, so that a greater expression of democracy and freedom can expand. Other western nations have been relatively complacent; as Noam Chomsky remarked, “They do not even know that they don’t know”, living under the spell of consumerism with mass media directing their lives. Should they choose to access information outside of this paradigm, there lies the opportunity to be rightly informed and subsequently make better choices.
National Crisis: Cancer Influence in the USA
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ― Benjamin Franklin.
The USA is an Aquarian soul with a Gemini personality, esoterically considered. Yet the influence of Cancer is strong and pervasive in the 1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope, New York and Washington.7 The 1776 USA horoscope is one for all the world because of its enunciated universal principles,
1. All Men are Created equal.
2. The Creator grants the people rights.
3. Governments are instituted to protect these rights.
4. Governments get their powers from the people.
5. If governments begin to usurp these rights, the people have the right to rebel and throw off such tyrannical governments.
It is also a relevant horoscope for the world because of the USA’s far-ranging global influence – for better or worse. There is now a great crisis unfolding in the USA relating to this list of principles that will continue from 2013 until 2015 – as the Pluto-Uranus square-dance triggers the USA Sun in Cancer. One of the main principles involved is the theme of power; as in Turkey the power of the people or by government, or the correct sharing by both as a democracy.
The planet of power is Pluto, co-ruler of the first ray of Will or Power; it is now moving into an opposition to the Cancer Sun for the first time in USA’s history, just a few years before USA’s first ever Pluto return in 2022, a 250 year cycle. In the USA horoscope there are four planets in Cancer, including the Sun – Pluto has been opposing them all in recent years.
Currently Pluto opposes the Sun-Jupiter midpoint in Cancer, as a build-up to the exact Pluto-Sun opposition for the entire duration of 2014 and 2015. Pluto’s power is regarded by many astrologers to have a wide orb, so the USA is well and truly “in the zone” for this transit.
Many recent events have confirmed Pluto’s purging power, such as the NSA revelations of worldwide spying, dubious corporate business practices and outrageous tax evasion, have all emerged into the light. The US government’s power is also being seriously scrutinised because it has technically breeched the constitution, thereby further undermining it, and taken many liberties without permission from the people.
The last time this kind of event occurred was in the early 1970’s when the Pentagon Papers were revealed and the scandal of Watergate emerged; electronic eavesdropping then, on a much greater scale now. The progressed Sun in the USA horoscope at that time was triggering the Pluto-Mercury opposition in the 1776 horoscope. The following passage is about USA’s Mercury-Pluto opposition:
“Mercury … is placed in Cancer, retrograde, where it can be most elusive, diffuse and cunning. With the opposition to Pluto, there can be subversive communication, as well as devious manipulation. As Pluto rules the twelfth house of secrets, this opposition can refer to secret government agencies such as the CIA and NSA. It also refers to mass conditioning and propaganda through the media or these agencies.

Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower. Daniel Ellsberg said, “Snowden had acted with the same sort of courage
and patriotism as a soldier in battle.” (See Snowden’s brief chart analysis here.)
… Mercury opposite Pluto can be very persuasive and at its extreme, bring much force and pressure on others to conform.
One of the worst traits of Pluto in the second house is the enormous financial institutions and corporations that have selfishly cornered much of the nation’s wealth, with the Cancerian tendency to hoard and hold onto. This intense materialisation inherent in the Capricorn-Cancer axis is a major challenge for this nation to transcend … ”8
Now that the 250-year Pluto return cycle approaches (exact by 2022), triggering the Mercury-Pluto opposition, then all of these themes will be coming up for review.
It’s interesting to note that if a “reverse transit” of Pluto is considered, that is, before 1776, transiting Pluto was opposite the future USA Sun for the decade before – 1766 to 1776. The issue then was secession from mother Britain and the heavy taxes it imposed on the colonies. The Declaration of Independence is a declaration of secession.
The main factor to consider now in 2013 however, is that the USA Cancer Sun represents the personality – and its three-fold expression – mental, emotional and physical. Whenever Pluto opposes or squares the Sun, the entire personality must undergo a drastic transformation, particularly in the case of Cancer, as it tends to hang onto the past, making the transition painful.
This kind of transit in individuals can lead to serious illness and even death (itself a transition and healing transformation), as each of the personality vehicles experiences Pluto’s destructive and renovating influences. Pluto’s rulership over the realms of the underworld – esoterically the unregenerated aspects of the astral plane – can create a hellish experience as the Dweller is faced. The USA is facing its Dweller on the Threshold, whilst its soul or Angel of the Presence seeks to precipitate its full power.
The brutally exposing nature of Pluto will continue to reveal all those who have abused power – politicians, spy agencies, corporations and individuals from all walks of life. This process has only just begun and the next two years will most likely bring on a host of sensational revelations; yet it is a time of potential healing and people-empowerment. What Pluto destroys, Uranus will revolutionise and rebuild.
Yet there are many, many dangers. These same kind of influences were present in the 1930’s, just after Pluto’s discovery, when the Nazi Party was coming into full power in Europe. There was a Pluto-Uranus square at that time – Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Cancer, triggering the aforementioned Mercury-Pluto opposition in the USA’s 1776 chart.
Fascist ideologies are still present in all Western nations today and under the Pluto-Uranus influence, some governments are expressing these oppressive methods. Those influences of Pluto-Uranus were also reflected in the Great Depression (1930 – 1940) and today a similar fate looms upon the horizon.
The 1776 horoscope is set for the location of Washington, DC – the centre of power and government. Washington is the crown chakra of the USA, ideally directing the will of the people. It is esoterically ruled by Cancer at the soul level,9 hence the pervasiveness of the Cancer force throughout the nation:
“The capital city, Washington, is ruled by Cancer … and it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab … and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back …”10
The sublime Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. is indeed ‘a lighted house to therein dwell’. It represents the soul of the nation and the universal principles enshrined within it by those great hearts and minds involved in crafting the Declaration of Independence. Yet even Jefferson, a primary assembler of those words, was acutely aware of human folly:
“Experience has shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
Likewise New York city is also ruled by Cancer, the nurturing mother, hence the injunction upon the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor etc.” – still an ideal to which the USA aspires.
The Problem of Theft in the Psyche of Humanity
The major factor that currently enslaves the USA (and the entire planet), is the abuse and misuse of money, creating untold misery, poverty, war and starvation. Financial “evolution” over the past 100 years has seen increasingly sophisticated ways of duping our fellow humanity for purely selfish gain; outright theft and trickery if you will – by oil companies, banks, corporations of many kinds, airlines, telcos, utilities, governments, mining companies, individuals etc.

This condition is so deeply entrenched as a global culture that most people haven’t the slightest awareness of their complicity in this insidious game; of how it runs counter to the universal laws of sharing resources. The many who do know simply have no conscience or consciousness, like soul-less vampires. The roots of the problem lay back in the days of Atlantis, of which the USA is a large remnant:
“… the major sin of the Atlantean people was theft – widespread and general. The seeds of aggression and of personal acquisitiveness began to show themselves, culminating in the great war … To procure what they coveted and felt they needed, the most highly evolved of that race began to practice magic. [Think Wall St. “wizardry” today.] … neither can I indicate to you the particular methods used to acquire what was desired, the Words of Power employed and the carefully planned rituals which were followed by those who sought to enrich themselves and to take what they wanted, no matter what the cost to others …
That same evil is again upon the warpath and is being fought by the people of goodwill, under the direction of the Great White Lodge. Heights of luxury were reached in Atlantis of which we, with all our boasted civilisation, know nothing and have never achieved …
Life became tainted by the miasma of unadulterated selfishness and the very springs of life itself became polluted. Men only lived and breathed in order to be in possession of the utmost luxury and of a very plethora of things and of material goods. They were smothered by desire and plagued by the dream of never dying but of living on and on, acquiring more and more of all that they desired.”11
Today there is a growing realisation that these ancient attitudes are practiced through modern day cabals, inter-locked organisations and corporations that feed and prey upon sleeping humanity. The next two years could well be a turning point that will see people-power subvert the power of these entities or, a much longer enslavement will ensue due to complacency, apathy and ignorance of the current situation.
Unfortunately the latter will be the case unless the people of the United States rise up and take action on a much larger scale than has hitherto been expressed – think Occupy x 1000! Abraham Lincoln’s prophetic words from the 1860’s still ring down the centuries:
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country … corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”12
No Secrets in the Coming Age of Telepathy
The misuse of information by governments and corporations, without the permission of the people, is a gross invasion of human rights. Granted, it might be a tricky balancing act pursuing crime-fighting, versus pre-emptive investigation of law-abiding citizens and profiling innocent people, running the risk of distorting anyone’s life events into another agenda. Most of us have nothing to hide but resent unlawful intrusions.
All these impositions upon human freedom are part of the end of the Age of Pisces, itself a sign of ‘bondage and imprisonment’. As the Fourth of July approaches, we bear in mind that Cancer is also connected to the theme of imprisonment. Think of the following passage in relation to the Pluto-Uranus forces influencing Cancer in Washington, NYC and the USA as a whole:

“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul.
Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion. It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.”

The revealing of secrets by government agencies and technology companies – through unlawful imposition, represent the shadow side of the emerging Aquarian cycle; similar to selfish corporate activities that are the dark side of future Aquarian community and co-operation. The two make comfortable bed-fellows.
The internet, this worldwide etheric web, is the forerunner of telepathy – meaning, “communication between people at a distance”. The etheric body is the medium for transmission for thought. The Tibetan comments,
“… nothing secret would remain hidden and when all secrets would be shouted aloud from the housetops. The growth of telepathic registration and of the psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience will eventually tend to strip humanity of the privacy in which to sin. The powers whereby the Masters and the higher initiates can ascertain the psychic state and physical condition of humanity, its quality and consciousness, are already beginning to show themselves in advanced humanity.
People will sin, commit evil deeds and satisfy inordinate desire, but they will be known to their fellowmen and nothing that they do will be carried out in secret. Some one or some group will be aware of the tendencies in the life of a man, and even of the incidents in which he satisfies some demand of his lower nature, and the fact of this possibility will act as a great deterrent – a far greater deterrent than you can imagine.
Man is indeed his brother’s keeper, and the keeping will take the form of knowledge and of “boycott and sanctions” – as it is called today in reference to the penalising of nations. I would have you ponder on these two modes of treating wrong doing. They will be practically automatically applied as a matter of good taste, right feeling and helpful intention by individuals and groups to other individuals and groups, and in this way crime and the tendency to evil doing will gradually be stamped out.”13
Phillip Lindsay © 2013.
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“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.
(Borobodur Temple, Indonesia with Buddhist Monks.)
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- Phillip Lindsay, © 2013. [↩]
- The Daily Mail, click here. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [↩]
- See Phillip Lindsay’s Facebook profile of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.16. [↩]
- See here and here. [↩]
- “Liberation of the Nations: The Role of Sirius, Aquarius and Uranus” – from Destiny of the Races and Nations, Phillip Lindsay. Published 2005. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.89. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.231-2. [↩]
- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia: The Spoken and Written Words of A. Lincoln Arranged for Ready Reference, Archer H. Shaw (NY, NY: Macmillan, 1950) [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.236-7. [↩]